Radio circuits for the car enthusiast. Electronic homemade products for radio amateurs and novice electricians Interesting DIY circuits for cars

Mini car wooden lift


This device may not be out of place among a car enthusiast’s equipment, Fig. 1. Thanks to their extreme simplicity, they can be made in literally 15 - 20 minutes. A one and a half meter board 50 mm thick, a few square bars and nails - that’s all necessary materials for the manufacture of two “express lifts”, which simultaneously serve as wheel stops.

Of course, the pattern can be repeated using metal corners.

and. "M/K" 02-1988,

and. "Ezermeshter", Hungary

Garage switch

The light in the garage is usually turned on by an ordinary mechanical switch. But this method has three significant drawbacks:

The voltage is supplied sharply to the lamp, therefore, in winter at subzero temperatures the lamp often bursts.

To turn on the light, you need to open the entrance gate and fumble with your hand somewhere in the area where the electrical panel is located, which is unsafe, especially in high humidity.

When leaving, you can easily forget to turn off the lights.


Figure 2 shows a simple tested circuit

automatic switch, which automatically turns on the light when the entrance gate is opened, while ensuring smooth ignition of the lamp, and automatically turns off the light when the gate is closed. The circuit is based on the well-known KR1182PM1 microcircuit, a phase power regulator up to 150 W.

The control element is a reed switch S 1. The figure shows how it is installed in the gate opening. When the gate is closed, the magnet is very close to the reed switch, and the reed switch contacts are closed. The lamp is turned off. When the gate is opened, the magnet is removed from the reed switch. Its contacts open and capacitor C1 begins to charge. The lamp lights up smoothly and, after about two seconds, is already burning at full intensity.

Thus, the lamp is on all the time while the gate is open (or slightly open). This solution, of course, is not suitable for a bathroom, but note that when you are in the garage, you always keep the gate open. It doesn't even have any kind of internal lock or handle. Moreover, many garage doors are made in such a way that to completely close the gate you need to apply some force to it. This is done so that you do not accidentally get poisoned by exhaust fumes.

The adjustment consists only of establishing the relative position of the reed switch and the permanent magnet. The reed switch is placed in the cut of the block. Then, it, together with the places where the wires are soldered, needs to be insulated by pouring epoxy resin.

Klimov N.I.

Probe - car mechanic indicator

By checking the car's wiring and looking for faults in its electrical equipment, the driver often has at his disposal control lamp or electronic tester. However, this may not be enough to check, for example, the presence of high voltage on the spark plugs, etc. And having only a test lamp, it is impossible to determine the health of the capacitor or the integrity of the signal line.

In order for the listed work to be carried out on the road, you need to stock up on relatively simple and wide possibilities with a probe assembled according to the diagram in Fig. 3.


The probe is convenient because when working with it, you do not need any connecting conductors to connect to the circuits being tested - their role is played by... the hands of a car mechanic.

An amplifier is made using three transistors of different structures DC, loaded on LED H.L. 1. In the initial state, the transistors are closed, the LED is off. But it’s worth applying to the XP1 probe and the E2 sensor constant voltage(plus it should be on the probe) 5.5V or more, as through resistors R 1 - R 2 and the emitter junction of the transistor VT 1 current will flow. The LED will light up. It is easy to calculate that the probe “triggers” at an input current of less than a microamp. That is why a connecting conductor, for example, between the E2 sensor and the car body is not needed - just touch the sensor with one hand and grab any metal part attached to the body with the other, so that you can use a probe to check the voltage at different points of the wiring.

If you need to check the integrity of a conductor or section of a circuit, connect the probe and sensor E1 to them. Now through the circuit under study and resistors R 1, R 3 current will flow from the power source G.B. 1. The LED will light up again.

Now about working with the probe. Hold it in your right (or left) hand. Controlling the voltage, touch the E2 sensor with the finger of your right hand, the “ground” of the car with your left hand, and the required points of the electrical equipment with the probe. When checking the integrity of the chain, touch the E1 sensor with your finger, touch the probe with one end of the chain, and touch the other with your left hand. To eliminate errors in the indication due to the high sensitivity of the probe, check the status of the LED when touching the circuit under test only with the probe probe.

To check the capacitor, the fingers of the right hand are still held on the E1 sensor, the probe touches one terminal of the capacitor, and the other with the left hand. A short flash of the LED at the moment of connection will indicate that the capacitor is working properly.

To check for the presence of high voltage on the spark plugs, the probe is brought close to high voltage wires. The flickering of the LED will indicate voltage discharges in the combustion chamber.

Before each measurement, you need to check the functionality of the probe by “shoring” the probe and the E1 sensor with your hands. If the LED does not light up, you should check the power source or the quality of contact of the battery terminals with the device circuits. Don't forget to recharge your batteries periodically.

Ponomarev V.


Alarm - Fasten your seat belts!

Nowadays, driving with unfastened seat belts can lead to not only serious injuries in the event of an accident, but also financial losses when encountering a traffic policeman. And yet, most drivers are accustomed to driving without wearing a seatbelt, and it is very difficult to break habits - you can simply run into a fine due to forgetfulness.


Figure 4 shows the diagram and design of a simple signaling device that gives an intermittent beep, if you turned on the ignition but did not fasten your seat belt.

Installed on belt buckle homemade sensor, made from two rings from spiral plates inserted into pre-drilled holes in the lock body. When you insert the metal tongue of the belt into the buckle, these springs are closed through it. Well, then everything is clear from the diagram.

When the ignition is turned on, the voltage from the lock output is supplied to the power circuit of the microcircuit D 1. Stabilizer R4-VD1 protects the circuit from voltage surges.

If the ignition is turned on and the seat belt is not fastened, the multivibrators operate and an intermittent high-pitched sound is heard from the piezoelectric tweeter B1.

If the belt is fastened, the multivibrators will be blocked and there will be no sound.

Kasimov V.

A device for listening to the noise of car mechanisms

Car enthusiasts know how difficult it can be to find a source extraneous noise in the car. There are many such sources: engine, transmission, exhaust system, wheels, body elements, air flows flowing around the car while driving.


The simple device described in Fig. 5 can help in identifying and analyzing the sources of noise, creaks and knocks of various types, which sometimes occur only at a certain speed and various loads. The device allows you to diagnose the condition of bearings, valves, injectors, brake pads and many other mechanisms and components.

Signal from noise sensor BQ 1 goes to the input of the bass amplifier D.A. 1. Variable resistor R 1 allows you to adjust the sensitivity of the device when listening to noise of varying intensity. The output signal goes to the headphones. Gain - up to 26 dB. Quiescent current consumption - no more than 9 mA.

The design and dimensions of the sensor are largely arbitrary. It consists of three parts - a base, a sensitive piezoelectric element and a flat magnet, which allows you to easily install the sensor on the machine component under test and also easily remove it.

The base is made of metal - steel, copper, brass or aluminum alloy. A piezoelectric sound emitter from a musical postcard was used as a sensitive element of the vibration sensor. The sensing element can be soldered to the base or glued with epoxy resin. After soldering the flexible shielded cable (its length is not critical), the element should be protected from moisture with a sealant. The shape of the base must ensure protection of the sensitive element from accidental impacts.

On the side of the base opposite to the element, a small flat magnet is glued (or rigidly attached in any way). It must be quite strong in order to securely hold the sensor even on the car's suspension parts when driving on uneven roads. The author used a magnet from a faulty computer hard drive.

The device is powered by a galvanic battery “Krona” or similar imported one. A battery pack will also work. The sensitive element in the sensor can be any piezoelectric sound emitter, for example ZP-19, ZP-3.

Any telephone with a resistance of about 8 ohms is suitable for working with the device. You can use stereo phones with a resistance of 2x18 Ohms for players by connecting them in parallel on the X2 connector. If the sound volume in phones is not enough, it can be increased by connecting an oxide capacitor to pins 1 and 8 (plus to pin 1) with a capacity of 10 μF for a voltage of 10V.

The finished board is placed in a suitable box with a battery compartment and space for installing a sensitivity control, power switch and connectors. Power switch S.A. 1 can be combined with a variable resistor R 1.


The assembled device does not require adjustment. The view of the device is shown in Fig. 6.

The device is very interesting to use. It allows you to hear sounds that are usually not perceptible by ear - the rustling of bearings, the chirping of injectors, and even the dripping of oil from the walls of the engine.

Nefedov V.


"Leak" in the injector

IN injection cars The mixture formation is controlled by the processor using information from various sensors, in particular from the engine temperature sensor. In some cases, due to a defect in the firmware or its inconsistency with the climate zone, the engine may not start at low temperatures in winter, or may overheat when high temperature in summer.

In order not to change the firmware, you can add another control to the car, somewhat similar in action to the choke handle of an old carburetor engine.

The engine temperature sensor is usually a semiconductor thermistor. The diagram is shown in Figure 7.


First you need to measure the resistance of the sensor at room temperature. R 1 must be equal to the measured one, and R 2 is 10-15 times more. You need to connect the variable resistor so that it the coaxial switch turned off at maximum resistance(and not the minimum, as in volume control circuits).

Night alarm

In many cities there are “streets of broken lamps”, and the courtyards can be very dark at night. It is so dark that a car parked at the entrance may go unnoticed not only by another driver, but also by a pedestrian. The consequences can be very unpleasant. Well, just at least leave the headlights on at night! But this is not a solution, since the current consumption side lights high and the battery is catastrophically discharged.

Therefore, you can equip your car with parking night warning lights made from super-bright LEDs. Moreover, such an alarm turns on automatically, immediately after turning off the engine. The LEDs consume very little current (no more than an alarm in standby mode), and the battery is not in danger of being discharged, even when the car is parked for a week.


The diagram is shown in Fig. 8. Three conventional super-bright LEDs and one super-bright flashing LED are connected in series, plus a current-limiting resistor. The circuit is activated through the oil pressure sensor. When the engine is running, the oil pressure in it is high and the sensor contacts are turned off. When the engine is turned off, the oil pressure drops and the sensor contacts close, and this LED circuit turns on through them.

In total, you need to make two such chains, for the front and rear of the car. The circuits are connected in parallel.

It is most convenient to place LEDs in the headlights, but on the edge, as a backlight, because the front main headlights get quite hot and can melt the LED housings. At the rear, it is most convenient to place it in the places where the reverse signal is placed. There are a total of two LEDs in each headlight.

Super-bright LEDs are clearly visible at night and very well indicate the dimensions of the car, even slightly illuminating the area around it.

Tikhonov M.A.

Antison device

Most accidents that occur at night and early in the morning are caused by drivers falling asleep at the wheel. The device shown in Fig. 9 is usually called Antison.


These devices are shaped like a hearing aid that is attached behind the driver's right ear. When the driver falls asleep, his head usually leans forward, the contacts of the position sensor close, and a sound signal sounds. The position sensor does not respond when the head is tilted to the side or back.

The main requirement for such devices is as follows:

A minimum of parts, which can ensure high reliability of the device;

The power supply must last at least one year and provide the circuit with a minimum voltage.

Such a device must consist of the following components:

Position sensor;

Sound generator;


The position sensor can have various designs, for example, a mercury sensor, using a swing ball, or a spring sensor.

To ensure that the sensor does not have false alarms due to random vibration, it is better to use a metal cylinder from a roller bearing. Such a sensor is more likely to eliminate false alarms, since in order to close the cylinder contacts it is necessary to overcome friction resistance. The sensor body can be made from the body of a ballpoint pen, placing contact plates made of tin inside it (Fig. 10).


The reliability of such a sensor is higher than with a ball, since it provides linear contact with the bottom plate and flat contact with the vertical plate.

The most suitable circuit for an audible alarm should contain a minimum of parts.

Circuit parameters R 1 - C 1 provide an oscillator frequency of about 1 kHz. An electromagnetic telephone can be used as an emitter.

Diode bridge VD 1- VD 4 allows you not to think about the polarity of the connected power source. A lithium cell can be used as a power source CR 2025 13V . The circuit consumes a current of less than 5 mA, and then only during sounding, so such a source can ensure the operation of the circuits for a year, providing sufficient volume of the sound signal. The sensor is indicated in the diagram as a switch SA 1.

VA - electromagnetic capsule type TON or TM2M from headphones, or similar.

Diodes VD 1- VD 4 types of KD522 can be replaced with almost any low-power diodes for general use.

The KT315 transistor can be replaced with the KT3102 transistor. The KT361 transistor can be replaced with the KT3107 transistor.

A selection of original and interesting circuit solutions and improvements for various types car.

Automatic car charger- The circuit turns on the battery for charging when its voltage drops to a certain level and turns it off when it reaches the maximum.
Charger for a car using an integrated circuit LM7815- The basis of the scheme is integrated circuit LM7815 with protection system and analog indicator circuits. A voltmeter and an ammeter added to the circuit as indicators provide monitoring of current and voltage while the battery is charging.
Automatic voltage polarity switch for charger - designed for charging twelve-volt car batteries. Its main feature is that it allows connecting a battery in any polarity.
Automatic charger for automotive lead-acid batteries
Charger for powerful car batteries- based on the IR2153 chip, this is a self-clocked half-bridge driver, which is often used in industrial ballasts for fluorescent lamps

Engine overheat sensor. In order not to wait for the moment when the water in the radiator turns into steam, you can use the design on the DS1821 thermostat
Ice sensor As soon as the air temperature drops to 4 degrees Celsius, the LED mounted on the dashboard of the car will begin to blink; with a further decrease in temperature, the LED blinks with more high frequency. And if the temperature drops to - 1 degree or lower, the LED will light continuously until - 6 degrees, and then the device automatically turns off.
Seat belt sensor If you drive without wearing seat belts, you can get injured in an accident or face a fine. The radio amateur has special developments in his arsenal that signal to the driver that the seat belt is not fastened
Radiator water level indicator. A device that signals a decrease in water level, which will inevitably lead to overheating of the motor.
Voltage indicator in the vehicle's on-board network Most cars do not have a device from which the driver can judge the voltage of the on-board network. The voltage of the vehicle's on-board network varies widely, depending on the operating mode of the power supply system.
Scheme of pre-sleep driver status indicator As is known, up to 25-30% of transport accidents are caused by drivers falling asleep at the wheel. To assess the psychophysiological state of the driver during driving vehicle Telemetric systems have been developed to monitor the blinking frequency of his eyelids, register biopotential, galvanic skin response, and motor activity. All of the above methods have not found wide application in practice due to their complexity, high cost, and the need to fix various sensors on the driver’s skin

Amateur radio selection on the topic of lighting in the car interior, as well as homemade designs from the backlight rear number Before replacing the light bulbs in the instrument panel: LED turn signal, automatic anti-glare flashlight, Low beam diagrams, designs and accessories for headlights, Stop Signal, its purpose and modifications, Delay diagram for turning on and off the light in the car interior, Running lights scheme automatic control on a microcontroller, etc.

Making a neutral sensor. Many car enthusiasts know that a car alarm with auto start for a car with manual transmission It’s quite difficult to set the gears, and switching the alarm to “automatic” mode can get an unpleasant result. But, to solve these problems, you can make the autostart operation safer by installing a neutral sensor from the reed switch. Let us remind you that for an autostart with a manual transmission, the logical neutral position of the car, arming the car alarm and locking the doors can only be done with the engine running and the handbrake raised. If these conditions are not met, then autostart is not possible.
Anti-theft device simulator simulates engine malfunctions of your car
Remote anti-theft device using infrared rays. Schemes of remote security devices for cars using IR rays, which use information coding, are considered.
Recommendations for installing car alarms What can be done to prevent car theft? Of course, install an anti-theft system. There are currently many different types signaling devices. Many companies and installation stations can offer the car owner a number of ways to protect the car from theft. Good alarm does not guarantee complete safety. A competent, and sometimes non-standard, alarm installation is also required. A qualified installer knows the most common methods used by hijackers and uses this knowledge during installation
Simple starter blocking circuit consists of just one resistor and optocoupler.
Simple bicycle diagram anti-theft system This design for a bicycle will work if you change its position or if you touch it. The alarm sound lasts 30 seconds, and after a few seconds it repeats, and so on until the bicycle anti-theft device is turned off.
Wireless car alarm- blocks the car engine using any mobile phone or smartphone

Articles about making tools and devices for servicing and repairing cars and their main components with your own hands: Car battery maintenance; diagrams of stroboscopes-tachometers; Car paint thickness gauge; Homemade regrower for cutting tread and other original designs.

We bring to the attention of radio amateurs a circuit of an electronic ground switch that does not have mechanical contacts and is therefore more reliable and durable. Besides, this device Can also be used as an anti-theft.

Car diagrams. Parktronic on a digital chip

Parktronic is a special auxiliary device that provides additional convenience, especially for a novice car enthusiast, when parking by calculating the distance to the obstacles closest to the car and signaling the approach to them with sound and visual signs. All parking sensors work like a radar, that is, they emit ultrasonic waves using special ultrasonic sensors and analyze the sound signal reflected from obstacles

It's the 21st century, and car speedometers in most cars are still analog, processing signals coming from a conventional speed sensor. Let's correct this misunderstanding, Nav to help, a simple speedometer circuit on a microcontroller for making it yourself

Of course, this is not a professional device, but its modest capabilities will allow you to identify the degree of alcohol concentration for the driver’s self-control in order to prevent trouble on the road.

I think every car enthusiast will not refuse to have an additional service connector in the car, adapted for USB or miniUSB. Such adapters will help out in many situations, for example, powering PC peripherals, charging mobile phones or smartphones, event video recorders, and anything that is powered by the USB bus.

Motion sensors (MS) can be used not only for their intended purpose to turn on lights or as an element of a security alarm, but also in cars. For example, it will scare away a cat that decided to bask under the soot of your car, thereby saving its life, and saving you from the work of cleaning your engine from the remains of the poor animal. After all, infrared DD will react to any moving biological object that has a “thermal” background.

There are many components in a car that are quite difficult to control when they are switched on and in good working order, but an audible alarm is ideal for these purposes; in addition, it can be used while driving in reverse informs surrounding pedestrians and other drivers about the vehicle moving backwards, which is especially important for large trucks

I suggest for your consideration that you familiarize yourself with a simple diagram of a car window closer. It performs the role of lifting the windows at the moment when the car is placed on burglar alarm. The operation of the window lift device is stopped as a result of an increase in the flowing current in the load at the moment the windows are fully raised.

Automotive electric fuel pump device, principle of operation and repair. As an example, let's consider the design and principle of operation of the submersible electric fuel pump series 0580254 from BOSCH, which is used in all modifications of the K-Jefronic fuel injection system.

Car alarm It is designed to simulate a car horn, and is made using composite transistors and thyristors

Many people have portable receivers and tape recorders with a 9-volt Krona battery. On the road, they can be conveniently powered from a car battery without using up the resource of expensive batteries. It is impossible to connect such radio equipment directly to the battery, since its voltage can vary from 10 to 15 V. In addition, when the engine is running, impulse noise appears in the vehicle’s on-board network

A selection of simple diagrams for car enthusiasts : Sound alarm anti-sleep, ice alarms, Crankcase gas cleaning unit, Device for quickly starting the engine in any frost, Compressometer, Anti-radar, Aerodynamic nozzle for exhaust pipe and other designs

The collection of electrical circuits for cars is a very large selection.

The microcontroller circuits discussed below output to a two-bit digital indicator with a common reading from the fuel sensor of 40l. The structures are powered from the vehicle's on-board network. The native car sensor in the tank.

Probably all drivers have at least once forgotten to turn off the direction indicators after performing a maneuver? Standard clicks from the front panel are not always clearly audible, especially if there is music playing in the cabin, so I suggest adding a simple turn signal signal circuit to your car with your own hands.

The cigarette lighter is one of the few car features that has retained its original design for more than 70 years. As a result of this, both rare cars and the most modern models the same design is used. Of course, in the old days this device was used only for one function, although now in the modern “information world” it performs different functions, for example a connector for charging various digital gadgets or even starting a car.

Amateur radio circuits turn signal indicators are designed to work only with LEDs in your car's brake lights; if you are still using regular bulbs, you can easily replicate the design of the turn signal. Simple development" Brake lights" - homemade relay time will turn off the latter if they are on for more than 40-60 seconds, and turn signal relay upgrade 495.3747 will allow the introduction of LEDs instead of incandescent lamps into the standard equipment of VAZ or GAZ.

The proposed first option for upgrading the car windshield wiper relay has higher operational reliability and can provide dynamic engine braking. No modifications to the standard electrical equipment circuit are required. Enough simple options Windshield wiper relay upgrades will allow you to avoid the distraction of turning your wipers on and off. In addition, many older cars have a simple windshield wiper motor speed control - two positions "fast and slow" - no major modification is simply necessary. Install a humidity sensor and water drops falling on it will automatically trigger the circuit.

A car monitor with rear view cameras is a very important element in your car, because in modern urban realities you need to be a parking master to find a place to park the car. An example of installing a monitor in a car visor is clearly shown, which makes the image optimally positioned for the driver’s eyes.

Nowadays, the issue of accounting and saving energy resources, including fuel for vehicles, is more pressing than ever. Of the wide variety of devices that take into account fuel consumption, the most widely used are devices with a sensor recording element in the form of an impeller. Sensors with a different measurement principle, although they have sufficient accuracy, are difficult to manufacture and have disadvantages. Practice has shown that sensors with an impeller, made with the necessary and sufficient accuracy, can operate for years without requiring maintenance, with a registration error below the tolerance for this type of device

The ignition system is a set of various automotive instruments and devices that generate an electric spark to ignite the air-fuel mixture in the engine cylinders internal combustion when turning the ignition key. On this page you can find various schemes connecting the ignition of VAZ cars. As well as homemade amateur radio versions of the electronic ignition circuit

It has the following advantages: the spark power is increased, the breaker contacts do not burn; no resistor is needed in the ignition coil circuit; when the ignition is on, but the engine is not started, the circuit smoothly without a spark turns off

In the Soviet automobile industry, the RS57 type turn signal interrupter was electromagnetic principle action and was used to provide flashing signal lights, making the turn signal more visible and noticeable to other road users. The turn signal switch is connected in series to the turn signal circuit. As part of the article, we will consider options for replacing this electromagnetic device, to its electronic analogues.

Probably every car enthusiast forgot in the warm season to close the windows in the car, so that this does not happen again, I suggest putting together a circuit designed to automatically close all the windows in the car when the alarm is set. Let's consider several possible options for implementing the design from simple circuits from a relay to an automatic window lift control on a microcontroller.

Every driver of a truck or bus with an on-board voltage of 24 volts has encountered the problem of connecting a 12 volt consumer. This article provides a solution to this problem.

In all modern cars When the engine temperature reaches a critical point, the radiator cooling fan is activated. But there are a lot of negative effects of a sudden start, which over time affects the electrics of the vehicle. This article describes a diagram of the relay replacement option smooth start cooling fan.

Carburetor economizer device

Carburetors were installed on cars for many years until they gradually made way for various fuel injection systems. But the automobile age Russian cars long, and still have to deal with vehicles that still have a carburetor. Well, how is he known? normal operation is provided by several devices, the main one being a fuel economizer. This is exactly what we will talk about, and also consider the diagram of the forced economizer system idle speed for VAZ cars

A car starter is a device that allows the engine to start after a turn under any weather conditions. Almost all starters are, at their core, conventional short-term electric motors, but high power. The starting cycle of a typical device consists of three attempts with a 30 second interval between them. Since the car has a single source of electricity (the battery), the engineers chose a DC electric motor for the starters.

Every car owner who was driving budget car knows how long to wait for heat to come from the engine when it warms up winter time year, especially if you live in the northern part of the largest country in the world. It takes about 30 minutes to reach a comfortable temperature, and this happens every morning. Best idea The solution to this problem, in my opinion, is to heat the car interior with a fan heater. An old toaster and a faulty computer power supply helped bring the idea to life.

In winter, many Russian drivers begin to experience a time when driving a car requires a preheated engine. A car antifreeze heating circuit helps solve this problem. The first one discussed is quite simple to repeat.

A heated steering wheel, along with heated seats, mirrors, and windows, is not a luxury these days, but an indicator of the level that a person lives in a civilized country. All of the above parameters in a personal car are very convenient, and help the driver to concentrate only on driving the vehicle, and not on his frozen fingers.

This design is designed to generate a sound signal when moving trucks and buses back, while in automatic mode A sound signal begins to generate, warning of danger.

The main advantage of the second battery is that the accumulated energy is consumed through an additional battery, and the first one is in reserve, that is, you don’t have to worry about starting the car after a picnic far from civilization. Many foreign cars already have a second battery under the hood. Their only drawback is the parallel connection of 2 batteries

This amateur radio design is suitable for charging most smartphones and tablets from 5 volts, even when the ignition is turned off. Or it will allow you to power the DVR for 40 minutes, while the car is waiting for its owner in the parking lot. The basis of the circuit is the AVR Tiny13 microcontroller, the firmware is attached to it.

If you have a low-frequency speaker lying around somewhere, then it wouldn’t be a bad idea to assemble a simple subwoofer amplifier for it using a tda7377

Car radio from a module from aliexpress

Do-it-yourself lithium battery 12 Volt

Many people use the popular lead acid battery 12 V 7.2 Ah. This battery can be found in many devices, from children's electric vehicles to UPSs, or systems to maintain the voltage of critical devices in the event of a power failure. Why is he so popular? Price is its main advantage and, probably, the only one.

connecting a voltmeter with aliexpress

A voltmeter with REM came to me by mail from China. First of all, I checked its operation at home using computer unit nutrition. And by the way, I’ll tell you something else. some people wrote to me that REM does not work on them, and that the voltmeter works constantly, even when the power supply is turned off. At first I thought so too.

Do-it-yourself booster for starting a car

As winter approaches, a common problem for drivers is that the battery may not always start the car, it is either seized, and the battery itself does not work very well in cold weather.

A good solution would also be to create DIY booster.

If in simple language, this is the same external battery (power bank) as for a phone, only this time for our car.

Charging for a car battery from modules with Ali

With the onset of the cold season, car enthusiasts increasingly have to deal with how to charge a car battery.

In this article, we won’t need much, because we’ll collect DIY charger made from modules from the well-known site - Aliexpress.

How to connect a consumer with a 12V supply voltage to a 24V network

how to connect a consumer with a 12V supply voltage to a 24V network

(voltage converter 24v-12v)

It is known that in some cars, on-board network is not 12 Volts, which is most common, but 24 Volt.

And here some difficulties arise, but how to connect the same radar detector or video recorder or another consumer operating on 12 Volts.

To do this, it would be good to assemble a converter for a car that will convert our 24 Volts to 12 Volts. And you can install a cigarette lighter on these 12 Volts, and then turn on our consumers there.

Subwoofer box filler

What filler to choose for the subwoofer housing.

When creating a subwoofer with your own hands, you should also consider what filler to choose for the box, and also take into account such rules as:

1) The material of the box should be as solid as possible. (knock on 8K plywood and then on 20K plywood and you will understand what I mean)

2) The box must be as strong as possible. (joints and connections must be stronger than the material itself)

If you think that homemade crafts are for kids and bored housewives, we will quickly dispel your misconceptions. This section is entirely devoted to making homemade products from car parts and rubber tires. Almost anything can be made from a tire. From garden shoes to a full-fledged children's playground with swings, fairy-tale characters and elements for relaxation. Finally, ever-busy dads will have the opportunity to show their creative talents and create something useful and beautiful in their own personal plot or backyard.

Car tires tend to deteriorate, especially considering the quality of our roads and sudden temperature changes. Instead of sending an old tire to a landfill, it can be slightly transformed and donated new life on the playground, in the garden or vegetable garden.

We have collected a huge number of examples of how to do car homemade products using tires for various household and aesthetic purposes. Perhaps one of the most popular ways to use a used tire is to arrange children's playgrounds. The simplest option is to bury a row of tires halfway and paint their upper part in bright colors. The architectural element created in this way will be used by children as a device for walking and running with obstacles, and also instead of “furniture”, because you can lay out sand products on the surface of the tire or even sit on your own, relaxing on a quiet summer evening.

You can aesthetically diversify the exterior of the site by using tires to create fairy-tale dragons, funny bears that will greet your guests at the entrance to the yard, crocodiles and other animals lurking in the garden. For flower lovers, a car tire can replace a full-fledged flowerpot, and plants planted in it will give the yard a well-groomed look.

You can please children by creating a comfortable swing from the best preserved tires. You can leave the shape of the tire in its original form, and, spending a little more time and effort, create an unusual swing in the shape of horses.

Whatever you choose to create a car craft, your children will in any case be delighted to see a homemade car craft in the yard. Inventive children will be able to play new games, and will definitely be proud of their folder, showing off your creation to their friends. And the mixture of happiness and pride for you in the eyes of a child is perhaps the only thing for which you can step on the throat of a long-awaited day off in the company of a sofa, TV and beer.

Various homemade products for cars have always been of interest to motorists. All of them are designed to improve performance, appearance or comfort. passenger car. For example, you can make a subwoofer, a convenient organizer, eyelashes for headlights, license plate protection, etc. with your own hands. We will tell you about some useful homemade products, which are available to everyone.

Every motorist strives to make his car unique. This can be done with the help of unique overlays on the headlights, which are called cilia and add some zest to the appearance of any car.

To make your own eyelashes you will need the following:

  • construction hair dryer;
  • thick paper or cardboard;
  • primer and paint;
  • sandpaper;
  • hacksaw;
  • scotch;
  • plexiglass.

First you need to decide what shape of eyelashes you want to get. The choice depends on your preferences and imagination. Draw a template on paper or cardboard and cut it out. You can use it to cut a piece of plexiglass in the future.

Attach the created template to the headlight of your car and give it a finished look by carefully fitting all the edges. When everything is ready, attach the template to the plexiglass and trace it with some sharp object. The part should be cut out along the resulting contour.

In order not to damage the headlights and protect them from scattering, it is better to cover their surface with tape. Use a hairdryer to heat the workpiece, and when it begins to bend, you can apply it to the headlight.

After this, the surface must be treated with sandpaper, moistening it with water. When everything is dry, prime the part and then paint it in any suitable color. Everything is very easy, and the result can exceed all your expectations.

If on rims your car has scratches or chips that damage appearance products, you can take the wheels to a specialized workshop for painting. If you don’t want to spend money on this, you can try to restore the damaged areas yourself.

To work you will need:

  1. Scratched discs.
  2. Epoxy glue of any color, since a layer of paint will be applied on top. However, if the paste is too bright, it may show through the paintwork, so before applying paint it is better to prime everything thoroughly with a primer.
  3. Sandpaper number 300-400 and 600.
  4. Adhesive tape.
  5. Spray paint and varnish.

First, using coarse sandpaper, you need to clean the places of chips and scratches to such an extent that you could not feel any bumps with your hand. We recommend covering the rubber with adhesive tape and covering it with newspapers to prevent paint from getting on it.

Mix both components of epoxy glue in a one to one ratio. Apply the mixture to the cleaned scratches so that the mixture completely fills them, and a thin layer forms on top.

Dry everything thoroughly. This takes a lot of time, and to speed up the process you can use heat by placing a fan heater or a simple incandescent light bulb near the disks.

When the glue has dried, sand it with fine sandpaper, preparing the surface for painting. Everything should be smooth to the touch and look - this is important.

Using a spray can, painting the rims is not difficult at all. You need to thoroughly shake the can and start spraying the paint from a distance of 20-30 cm. The paint should be applied in layers. Avoid too obvious transitions by applying two or three layers. Each of them needs to be dried, waiting for half an hour. To protect fresh paint from dust, it is better to carry out painting work in a pre-humidified room.

After the paint has dried, apply two coats of varnish. Between layers you need to wait half an hour, and the top layer should dry longer.

When everything is thoroughly dry, you need to moisten the finest sanding paper (1000-2000 grit) with water and carefully smooth the varnished area. To achieve factory shine, the surface can be polished.

The theft of registration plates today has become one of the illegal ways for criminals to earn money. It takes thieves no more than 10 seconds to steal license plates from a car. In order not to fall into the trap of scammers, you need to take care of protection registration number. There are several methods, each of which can be implemented independently at home.

Protect your number with tape

This method of protecting your license plate from theft may seem funny to you, but it is quite effective. The back surface of the registration number should be degreased and double-sided tape should be attached to it. This simple and inexpensive way to protect your plate creates an additional barrier for a thief to keep your license plate.

Secrets for car number

Instead of simple screws that secure the license plate, lockers are installed. The caps are designed in such a way that the locks can only be unscrewed with a special key, sold along with the fasteners. The kit costs about 500 rubles, and installation does not take much time.

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