Five effective techniques for clearing negativity. Cleansing the subconscious from negativity How to cleanse the subconscious from negative programs

In the 21st century, the ideas of managing your subconscious are becoming increasingly developed. These are no longer just ideas, but entire scientific research, directions, schools, and practical methods. Today you will not surprise anyone with the idea that all a person’s problems are connected with his thinking, with the hidden work of the subconscious. Unconstructive programs of the subconscious mind disrupt the harmonious flow of vital energy, which is spent on fighting one’s own fears and conflicts.

Throughout our lives, we absorb parental attitudes, society's rules, other people's opinions, and manipulative advertising. Much of this information does not correspond to our inner desires. But lack of experience, especially in childhood, the importance of our teachers/relatives, or simply uncriticality forces us to take these attitudes on faith. And then for the rest of our lives we struggle with the contradictory programs of our subconscious:

  • I want to get married - there are no good men in the world;
  • I want to be rich - you can’t earn a lot of money honestly;
  • I want to feel free - I must be a good (correct) girl/woman;
  • I want to be successful, but I don’t have the ability...

Each of us has a countless number of such attitudes. They are the ones who determine what we have in today's life. And the more information there is, the less critically we treat it, the more contradictions “get stuck” in the subconscious.
And, as you know, it is the subconscious that gives us the energy and strength to accomplish our plans.

And when a woman is looking for a husband in every possible way, her subconscious does everything so that she remains alone, protecting her from bad men. Or he allows her to find the bad ones (after all, there are no good ones) by following the prescribed program.

And when a person makes every effort to become rich and successful and nothing works out for him - this subconscious mind carries out the program - if you don’t steal, you won’t get rich. And it produces enough energy only for minimal living. Why spend more if you can’t honestly get rich anyway!

When a woman burdens herself with work, household responsibilities, excessive care for children and her husband, falling down and not allowing herself rest, favorite activities and simply joy from life - this subconscious forces her to be good for others, forgetting about herself...

The young man believes in the absence of his abilities to succeed and does not take action, or his actions do not bring results - after all, the subconscious clearly fulfills the prescribed task of hiding all abilities.

Programs recorded in our subconscious have greater power and therefore are stronger than our conscious plans, desires and goals. This is why intentions to start a new life, change behavior or become more successful, healthier, more optimistic dissolve over and over again without bringing real results. While “faulty” negative attitudes live in our subconscious, they are the ones that turn out to be stronger than conscious ideas, plans and goals.

The way out is to bring these hidden attitudes/programs out of the subconscious for your own viewing, to realize, understand where they came from and “rewrite” them to be more suitable for today’s life.

There are many ways to cleanse the subconscious of the “garbage” of unnecessary attitudes. But, in my opinion, new technologies of energy psychotechnics work more effectively with this. With the help of techniques in this direction, you can easily and quickly see the contradictions in your own thinking, free yourself from old programs and build new ones into your subconscious that will help in the direction of life that is important to you.

These techniques are available for independent use. You will master the basic steps in half an hour. By regularly practicing and gaining experience, you will improve all areas of your life - health, relationships with loved ones, career, wealth, self-acceptance. Get rid of negative character traits. You will acquire new qualities that you do not yet have. Go beyond your current capabilities.

You can work with your subconscious either independently or with the support of a leader. In this case, there is no influence from the presenter, only help and tips for steps. In 2-4 hours it is possible to solve a rather complex problem. Particularly deep problems require more time, but this pays off in improved mental and physical well-being, organization of affairs, improved mood and achievements in life. You will notice how your life improves qualitatively with each new activity.

The result amazes not only those who work with their subconscious, but also those around them, because amazing real changes occur.

A lonely woman gives up the idea that all men are bad, sincerely begins to believe in the possibility of meeting a good man and “miracle” meets her one and only, creates a happy family.

An unsuccessful employee in a short time organizes his resources, experience and skills and turns into an honest and successful businessman with a solid turnover of financial resources.

The tired housewife of a large family is freed from the need to please everyone, begins to live for herself, and feels a surge of strength and joy in life. At the same time, her family only welcomes these changes and family relationships are improving.

There are many such successful examples, but wouldn’t it be better to free your subconscious from negative programs, clear your way from restrictions and inhibitions and move on to realizing your most bold desires and goals using energy psychotechnics for this.

Clearing the subconscious of negativity

This article touches on the topic of cleaning the subconscious from unnecessary dirt.

Our unconscious processes are 96% of all our thoughts and actions, the remaining 4% we are aware of and control.

Although it seems to us that we are partially or completely in control, this is not so - we live “in a waking dream.”

96% of the subconscious mind works automatically; we don’t have to think about how to walk, pronounce letters, react to words, what facial expression to take, and so on.

All information is embedded in our subconscious throughout our lives: this is what our parents told us to do; these are their actions and actions, gestures, facial expressions of other people around us who have become examples for us to follow; these are the films and cartoons that we watched - this is everything that we managed to see, hear and feel throughout our entire lives.

Agree, if you were surrounded by other people throughout your life, you would be completely different, similar to them.

A person is made up of small copies of other people he has met during his life. Something is taken from one, something from another, and usually this is an unconscious process.

Now, for a second, imagine how many good things there were in your life, and how many bad things there were. All this now lies in our subconscious, working both for us and against us.

But what to do with all the garbage accumulated since our birth? You need to get rid of garbage by clearing the subconscious of negativity.

For example, why keep anger and resentment towards another person? Even if it’s an old offense and you don’t think about it, but you haven’t forgiven the person, this negative feeling lies in your subconscious and is nuclear waste working against you.

Every negative thought, whether conscious or unconscious, is the key to other negative thoughts that really destroy you and make you unhappy. Why keep this garbage in yourself, which will attract the same thoughts, because like attracts like.

By getting rid of these negative emotions that are inside you, you will immediately feel relief, and the energy that was spent on feeding these thoughts will be freed, and you will have additional strength.

The universe gives us all a certain amount of energy, but without realizing it, we spend it on negative thoughts and information, unnecessary conversations and other similar things, and then we feel tired and overwhelmed.

When you completely get rid of all this garbage from your life, all the energy will be released and will be at your disposal, giving you a feeling of joy and happiness.

How to get rid of an old (or not so old) resentment or feeling of anger? Just mentally forgive the person who hurt you. You can use prayer - it really helps to forgive. You can use your own words, or using a template:

“Lord, please give me the strength to forgive people who have offended me. You, Lord, said: “Love your enemies; bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who use you and persecute you.” Give me the strength to forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing. Help me to sincerely reconcile with them in my soul. Let me find the joy of forgiveness.".

At the same time, you need to think about the person you want to forgive. If you are confused by turning to God, you can replace this word with another - the Universe, and if this suits you better, say:

“Dear Universe, please give me the strength to forgive all the anger and resentment that (person’s name) caused me. Grant the power of forgiveness. Restore in me universal harmony and love for everything around me, cleanse me of emotional garbage. Thank you for the power of forgiveness."

If you feel that you yourself can forgive and let go of the offense, act.

Or you can ask your deity for help. The main thing is to do it with all your heart, sincerely.

This way you cleanse yourself of absolutely unnecessary garbage that took away your energy. Now life will become much more pleasant, there will be more joy and positivity. In the future, avoid anger and irritation, and if you quarrel, immediately go to make peace without giving your energy to negative emotions. The longer you wait, the more energy you will lose.

Those people who constantly irritate you on purpose are energy vampires; they feed on your negative emotions. There is protection from such people, the methods of which I will tell you about in other articles on this blog.

Of course, clearing the subconscious of negativity does not end with forgiving other people and getting rid of the accompanying negativity; there is still a lot of other garbage that we must let go of.

By getting rid of all unnecessary junk, we will release occupied energy, which will give us joy and make us happy, and we can direct it to achieve useful and desired goals.

Grievances. Forgiveness. Guilt.

I once paid tribute to a universal hobby - I forgave myself, other people, and conducted forgiveness meditations (described in Sviyash’s books). I loved the feeling of warmth flowing from my heart chakra at the end of my meditation.

But now I look at it differently.

How do you cope with mental pain, grievances, swallow them, chew them for a long time, or forgive everyone at once?

Forgiving is great for the one who forgives, but how will a person understand that he has been forgiven - if he himself does not feel guilty towards the one he offended? Those. yes - and there is an element of manipulation in forgiveness.

What is manipulation?

If we forgive ourselves, we admit that we were to blame.

If we forgive another person, then we make him guilty.

It is easy to manipulate a person who constantly feels guilty.

What does it mean to be guilty? This is attracting punishment to yourself.

When we feel guilty, we attract punishment.

Punishment will definitely appear in your life, or in the lives of those people whom you make guilty of your misfortunes and sorrows!

When punishment comes, instead of looking for the source of this punishment in ourselves, in our feelings of guilt, we begin to explain it either by damage, or by the evil eye, or by the machinations of other people.

As a result, we find ourselves in a vicious circle, from which it is very difficult to get out. It is especially difficult when the consciousness is asleep.

It sleeps when we shift our responsibility for our lives to other people, fate or God.

What can we do to stop this chain of misfortunes or sorrows that fall on us like a snowball?

Stop blaming yourself! Stop apologizing!

From - blame – the word itself asks to be taken out of a state of guilt (from guilt).

However, if you suddenly caused some kind of pain to a person - for example, you stepped on his foot - it is quite acceptable to apologize once. That's all!



There is a method of clearing your consciousness. The first time I read about him was in Alnashev’s book. I tried it a couple of times and forgot about it. We were recently reminded at a seminar of the first stage of the Cossack Savior.

Called baptism or pysanka.

You take a sheet of paper. At the top you write the current date. You highlight it (like an arch). Clap your hands or snap your fingers (i.e., bring your own attention to the moment) - ask yourself: How old am I? How many breaths?

Don’t hesitate, say the numbers – those that come to mind. Write down these numbers. Those. a similar situation or situation that affected my life and led to this scenario had already happened at, say, 17 years old and the situation lasted for 5 breaths (our life is measured in breaths).

When the words run out (or there were none at all) - I simply write them out, draw my state - in other words - scribbles - little ones, I draw to a state of sufficiency.

Then, at the bottom, I cross out what happened (like an inverted arch), and I WRITE THE DATE AGAIN AT THE BELOW.

Then this piece of paper must be burned.

If something distracts you from this activity, never leave a piece of paper unfinished - you need to draw a line, and only then be distracted by other issues.

There are several other ways to work with your consciousness, I liked them even more.

Book by Dmitry Leushkin "How to stop overloading your brain and start living».

It contains instructions for the subconscious, which you need to read once - there is absolutely no need to learn it by heart, and then work with your circumstances, dissatisfaction, feelings of guilt, finally.

The instructions say that the subconscious eliminates all the roots of the problem, and when it eliminates it, it gives us a sign by yawning.

It is worked out in a similar way to the pysanka method, all aspects of the problem are written out, repeated the required number of times with a keyword (you will come up with the keyword yourself and insert it into the text when reading the instructions) until you yawn. This is a sign from your awareness that it has finished working through an aspect of the problem.

You can also repeat it mentally, using the time to work through it when you are traveling in public transport, or standing in a queue, or simply in your free time.

For example, while going to work, I suddenly remembered one offensive remark from my mother-in-law (she has been dead for more than 20 years - and suddenly I remembered - which means this is still preventing me from living). I mentally began to compose an answer to her, then I realized - why am I doing this! I need to work through this remark, the answer I just came up with, etc.

No sooner said than done. I worked through it - and now this memory does not evoke any emotions in me.

There is another book - “Feasibility study manual (E.F.T.). Emotional Release Technique».

Briefly: the cause of all negative emotions is a disturbance in the energy system, if there is a traumatic memory, it caused a failure in the human energy system, this failure leads to various consequences. If this failure is eliminated, the negative emotions caused by the traumatic memory will also be eliminated. And since all negative emotions have the same cause, they can all be eliminated in the same way.

The imbalance is eliminated by tapping on the main acupuncture points of the energy meridians and saying the phrase:

Even though I have ___________

Even though my head hurts , I deeply and completely accept myself.

Although I have a fear of heights , I deeply and completely accept myself.

Even though I I'm angry with my boss, I deeply and completely accept myself.

Although I smoke , I deeply and completely accept myself.


There are not so many points, you can remember them.

There is another method. It came together for me on its own.

When you remember an unpleasant event, pay attention to how you perceive it - from the inside, are you completely in the same state as you are talking about - do you experience a burning resentment or, conversely, a feeling of guilt?

Try to look at the situation from the outside, observe the picture and the characters, including yourself - as if from the outside.

And then reduce the image. Everything is the same, but the sizes are much smaller, then reduce it further. Watch as if you were watching a movie or cartoon.

Having done this several times, after a while you will be pleasantly surprised that even if you remember your insult or misfortune, it is no longer colored by a strong negative emotion, but is remembered like a paragraph from a history textbook: yes, there was such a case in my biography, was, but floated away.

Happy reading and good luck on your journey of working with your consciousness!

It's not as difficult as you think.

Everything is much simpler than you think.

The main thing is to create the intention to change yourself, and then the world around you will also change.

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The real story of Dmitry, who did not get the desired result from working with the subconscious. I have a friend Dmitry. His fate was not sweet - his wife left him, his children turned away. At first he suffered, tried to forget everything, but he couldn’t - new problems arose.

Dima turned to the technique of positive psychology - it helped, but the results did not last long. Working with the subconscious, he resolved situations without returning to them. His successes pleased him, but new trials of fate began to bore him. Everything irritated him; it seemed that everyone was trying to make Dima feel bad.

I felt sorry for him. And then I advised him to turn to deprogramming techniques. They are aimed at removing blocks from the subconscious. Dima wanted to know how to get rid of negative attitudes in his subconscious. He worked on himself for a long time, thoroughly studying the techniques. The result was amazing - the subconscious was healed from negative programs. To become happy, he had to work hard on himself.

Do you want the same result? Do you want to know how to get rid of blocks in the subconscious? Then carefully study the techniques for working with it. Then you will know. How to remove blocks from the subconscious and prevent new ones from appearing.

It is not difficult to remove negative attitudes. A person must know how to clear his subconscious of negativity and how to remove blocks from the subconscious (fear, resentment...).

The psyche consists of two parts - conscious and unconscious (subconscious). A person copes with the first without problems, but does not pay attention to the second. And in vain! Practice shows that the capabilities of the subconscious part of the psyche are much higher than those that people are used to dealing with on a conscious level.

A person uses no more than 10% of the brain's resources, the rest does not remain idle - it is used by the subconscious. Most people shrug it off, saying, “So what? It doesn’t matter to me because I don’t feel the subconscious.” It is not only possible to work with him, but also necessary.

With the inability to manage one’s own psyche or with careless handling, a person directs his resources in the wrong direction and becomes immersed in problems. Human actions, ideas and experiences come from the mind. It is as if a person is driven by an invisible force, forcing him to act and think in one way or another. There is only one explanation - attitudes are embedded in the psyche.

A person himself lays them down, putting fear and anxiety first, suppressing strong emotions. The influence of parents, friends and relatives, who from an early age impose ideas and norms of behavior, cannot be ruled out. How to remove negative attitudes from the subconscious?

Deprogramming the subconscious is a technique aimed at solving personal problems. When a person has a problem, he faces it and tries to get rid of it.

Working with the subconscious – developing attitudes that will improve life. Cleansing the subconscious begins with laying down new directives and redirecting subconscious resources in the right direction. It is necessary to analyze your own internal state, realize your goals and aspirations.

When the subconscious is cleansed, the causes of the problem are found. There are many psychological systems that help eliminate them - the problem is not masked, but completely disappears. A person forgets unpleasant moments of the past - rape, loss of a loved one, depression.

The main advantage is getting rid of a psychological problem. Among others are:

  • achieving the intended goal;
  • condition correction;
  • removing negativity;
  • identifying new techniques for working with the psyche.

By removing bad moments from the psyche, a person’s health will improve.

Despite the considerable number of positive aspects, there are also negative ones. Deprogramming must be handled with care. Its use leads to mental disorders, depression, indifference, and aggression. But they can be eliminated without much effort.

Deprogramming Techniques

Removing negativity from the subconscious is not a difficult job. The purpose of the techniques is not to replace stereotypes, but to solve existing problems. The following methods are distinguished:

  • insff;
  • turbo gopher;
  • aspective;
  • PEAT.

How to cleanse the subconscious using techniques?


The first technique is EFT - energy therapy.

It works like this:

  1. The problem is identified. Anything can happen here - “my husband is cheating on me,” “I hate my boss,” and so on.
  2. She is being assessed. A 10-point scale is used, in which 0 means no problem, 10 means it manifests itself in life to the fullest. An assessment is necessary to further monitor whether the problem has disappeared.
  3. Motivation is formulated. A person accepts a problem and removes obstacles to resolve it. The phrase is repeated three times: “Despite (name of the problem), I love and accept myself, my own body and soul, and (name of the problem).” The index and middle fingers tap a point located on the edge of the palm - “karate”.
  4. Tapping. Focusing on the problem, tapping is done with the previously mentioned fingers (5-7 times):
  • EB – beginning of the eyebrow;
  • SE – side of the eye;
  • UE – bottom of the eye;
  • UN – under the nose;
  • Ch – on the chin;
  • CB – bone;
  • UA – axillary cavity;
  • Th – thumb;
  • IF – index finger;
  • MF – middle finger;
  • LF – little finger.

The dotted circle passes completely.

  1. Adjustment. After completing the circle, 2 outcomes are possible - the person is in a positive mood or simply calm, the negative emotion has not passed.

If the problem persists, the steps are repeated.


The next program for removing negativity from the subconscious is bsff.

Problematic situations and fears are determined by the human mind. The aspect has been studied by specialists and scientists. BSFF technique is deep work with the unconscious “I”, created by psychiatrist L. Nims.

The goal of the program is to establish a connection with the mind, study the principle of functioning and learn how to remove resentment from the subconscious. Once the connection is established, work begins. The more purposeful a person is, the faster the subconscious will be cleansed of negativity.

Identifying the cause of a stressful situation is what the bsff technique is aimed at. To determine it, one’s own environment is analyzed, the work is designated; after determining the goal, the movement continues. The next step is to identify biases. Showing sincerity, describe fears, anxiety, irritants - “I’m lazy,” “I’m afraid,” “I’m annoyed...”.

After this, a key word is selected - a setting is given to the mind. “Broom”, “eraser” are suitable - with such associations a person “sweeps the garbage” out of his head. At the end, give an instruction to the psyche: “When I discover a problem and say the key word, you will eliminate it.”

Removing negative programs from the subconscious using the bsff technique is suitable for those whose emotions are blocked. As a result of the technique, resistance to stress increases, negative reactions disappear. Cleansing the subconscious in this way is an effective method of getting rid of negative emotions.

Turbo gopher

How to cleanse the subconscious of negative attitudes using the psychological turbo-gopher method?

The program is suitable for anyone who wants to change their life for the better and find peace of mind. Designed for independent work. The source of problems is the person himself, this should be understood and understood.

The technique contains protocols for the subconscious (paid and free). After reading the book, a person should understand whether he is a coward who is not ready to take responsibility for his own life, or a practitioner who wants to achieve changes in life.


Aspectics – liberation of the subconscious from negative attitudes; a program that allows you to isolate a negative state into a separate subject - fear, resentment, nervousness.

For example - “I have a grudge against Alexander for insulting me.” Closing your eyes and relaxing, you need to plunge headlong into the situation and reproduce the details.

Say mentally “I know that you do not wish me harm. Thank you". Find out for yourself what goal you want to achieve. Once you receive your answer, write it down so you don’t forget. There is no need to be afraid to reproduce the situation in your imagination. This is the first path to success.


The latest technique is PEAT. How to get rid of negative attitudes in your subconscious using this system?

Points on the body are involved - the chest, first orbital (at the top of the eye), second and third orbital (outer corner of the eye). Putting their fingers on the chest point, they pronounce the phrase - “Even though I am ... (problem), I love myself and accept my body and person.”

PEAT is carried out every day. The result will not be long in coming - a person will find peace of mind and balance.


Cleansing the subconscious from the negativity of the past and present will happen if a person tries and wants it. If you understand how to remove blocks from the subconscious on your own, go ahead. Don't be afraid, working with the subconscious and removing blockages is easy. Stop sitting on the couch and suffering, you need to solve the problem! You know how to cleanse your subconscious. You must remove negative attitudes from your subconscious!

The subconscious is a part of thinking that, like an archive, stores all information and memories, people and all the events that happen to a person in life. At the same time, we may not consciously remember any incident or fact, but this does not mean that it is not preserved in memory. It was preserved precisely at the subconscious level.

Cleansing the subconscious is necessary, since our lives are filled not only with positive events. Many people prefer to carry the negativity that accumulates over the years as a heavy burden. This is where all stress, depression, low self-esteem and self-doubt originate.

How to cleanse the subconscious?

You can cleanse the subconscious using meditation, visualization, affirmations or special Interaur technologies that directly affect the subconscious. Be prepared for the fact that self-study based on visualization and meditation with affirmations will take much more time.

The practice of cleansing the subconscious should be carried out in sessions. To do this you need to find a quiet place. This doesn't have to be your apartment. You can do this in the fresh air, in nature. You can conduct independent practices or listen to Interaur audio files while sitting or lying down, whichever is more comfortable for you. Follow all instructions carefully, monitor your breathing and follow recommendations. Try to relax as much as possible and achieve a meditative state.

Using headphones will enhance your overall efficiency. You will not be distracted by extraneous noises and will concentrate completely. Try to make sure that no one disturbs you during this time. It is better to carry out practices to cleanse the subconscious in the early hours, immediately after waking up or before going to bed, when your state between sleep and wakefulness is borderline.

By practicing cleansing your subconscious of negativity, various fragments of life that you have not remembered for a long time will pop up in your memory. Don't be surprised or scared by this. All negative memories that appear in your head must be gradually abandoned or replaced with positive attitudes on which Interaura technologies are based.

If you are focused on the result, it will not keep you waiting. With the help of practices and technologies for cleansing the subconscious, you will get rid of negative memories and emotions, make room for new, necessary and useful information. This will certainly improve the quality of your life and allow you to achieve what you want.

Interaura technologies for working with the subconscious are available on the website

Key words: Cleansing the subconscious, ways and methods of cleansing the subconscious, cleansing the subconscious, affirmations, meditation, visualization, practices for cleansing the subconscious, technologies for cleansing the subconscious

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