Psychology of a man with a small child. With a short man. How to make the space around you safe and comfortable

Being short can be due to a variety of factors: perhaps you are still growing, or you have a medical condition that impairs your growth, or you are simply shorter and smaller than most of your peers. Whatever the reason, unfortunately, short stature sometimes causes shame and problems, and sometimes causes bullying from other people. However, all this can be avoided. There may be nothing abnormal about being short. In some situations this can even be an advantage. To come to terms with your height, learn to take advantage of it and respond appropriately to negativity from others.


How to deal with negativity from other people

    Realize that your height is not the problem. People who worry about their own appearance or height often criticize or bully others, creating height problems that don't really exist.

    Learn to respond correctly to those who bully you because of your height. If you don't like comments about your height, speak up instead of accepting criticism silently.

    Reach out to others for help. Ask someone you trust for help if you are unable to stand up for yourself with those who bully you or say or act disrespectfully because of your size. If someone physically harms or threatens you, tell the police as soon as possible.

    Move with confidence. To avoid negative comments, you should behave in a way that makes people feel confident about you. Keep your head down and don't be afraid to take up space in the room whether you're walking, standing or sitting.

    How to change body size

    1. Follow your doctor's recommendations. If you are worried that you are unable to grow or gain weight, or if you have a medical condition that prevents you from growing or gaining weight, consult your doctor. Follow your doctor's recommendations regarding treatment, supplements, and lifestyle choices.

      Eat a balanced diet. Eat healthy, fresh foods regularly and according to your diet.

      Exercise to build up muscle mass. Work out in gym or at home. Sports will help you strengthen your muscles and health, and build muscle mass in a healthy way.

      Choose suitable clothing. Wear clothes that fit well and have long, straight lines. Such styles will visually add height to you and highlight your physique.

    How to take advantage of being short

      Start doing gymnastics or wrestling. Find out if you can join your school or city team. There are many sports where short people have an advantage.

      • Try wrestling, boxing, martial arts, dancing, gymnastics, weightlifting, horse racing, or any other sport where being short is better.
      • Short people typically excel in these sports due to a lower center of gravity and/or greater agility and speed.
    1. Take advantage of the fact that you fit into small spaces. Occupy small spaces for entertaining or when necessary.

      • If you are short, you may find it easier to move around in crowds. Additionally, other people may let you pass ahead at a concert or other event if you are unable to see because of tall people.
      • Borrow small places and sit comfortably on airplanes, cars and other vehicles, where there is usually little personal space.
      • Play hide and seek and other games where it will be easier for you to hide compared to other players.
    2. Stand out from the crowd. See your height as what sets you apart from other people. As you get older or as you become more embedded in a certain industry or group, you will begin to appreciate it more.

      Save money on baby clothes and take advantage of special discounts. Short people may continue to benefit from child-friendly accommodations into adulthood.

      • Buy clothes in children's departments. It will fit better and cost less.
      • Ask about discounts for children and teens at museums, cinemas and other event venues. Your appearance can get you a discount even if you are not the right age.
    3. Know the health benefits of being short. Research has found that being short has certain health benefits.

    How to make the space around you safe and comfortable

    1. Analyze the ergonomics of your workstations. Many tables and chairs are designed to fit the average person's height, and the ones you use may not be the right size for you.

      • Choose a chair or armchair that suits you. Ideally, you should be able to lower the chair so that your feet are flat on the floor. Pay attention to the depth of the chair. Your back should rest against the backrest and your knees should extend beyond the seat. Adjust the armrests and lumbar bolsters to suit your height.
      • Adjust the height of your desk chair so that it suits your height.
      • Make sure your feet are flat on the floor when you sit. If they do not reach the floor or if you need to raise your chair higher to make it comfortable to work at the table, place a stand or any other object (a stack of paper, a box, an unnecessary book) under your feet.
      • Adjust the height of the table or other work surface. If height is not adjustable, as is the case with kitchen surfaces, either work at a lower table (such as a dining table) or stand or sit higher. You can use the platform for aerobics. It is stable and height adjustable.
      • Adjust the height of your monitor or screen. Your eyes should be at the same height as the top edge of the screen, or at least the top quarter. Many modern monitors are height adjustable. If yours is not adjustable, mount the monitor on a wall or on a special stand.
      • Use a keyboard stand if necessary. This will lower the keyboard and position it at an angle that won't strain your wrists.
      • Try using a smaller mouse and keyboard if you have small hands. Consider portable and travel devices.

How would you expand on the concept of the Napoleon complex? Despite the serious faces of supporters of the theory of its existence, the true definition in the dictionary would look like this: “A fashionable phrase used by amateur psychologists to explain the desire of short people to achieve career heights and self-improvement, as well as a tendency to aggression, tyranny and power.” For many, the Napoleon complex is an explanation for all the problems and at the same time all the achievements of low people. But does the Napoleon complex really exist?

In the minds of the majority, an unjustified image of an evil dwarf is stuck, ready to bite the legs of tall people, humiliate women and destroy nations just because they are taller than him. At the same time, Lenin (164 cm), Stalin (162 cm), Tamerlane (145 cm) are mentioned - really short men who left not the best mark on history. But what can you say about the reasons for despotism in the character of Osama Bin Laden (194 cm) or Saddam Hussein (188 cm)? Why did the preacher of peace and love, Mahatma Gandhi, who was only 164 centimeters tall, not become a tyrant, but take a completely opposite path? Let's remember the great actors who brought so much goodness and laughter into the world - Charlie Chaplin (165 cm), Jammel Debbouze (165 cm), Louis de Funes (164 cm). What kind of tyrants are they? Something doesn't add up...

Are short men aggressive?

No and no again. An experiment was conducted at the University of Central Lancashire to identify aggression in short men. During the experiment, participants were divided into pairs, given chopsticks in their hands and asked to “fence” with them, supposedly to determine dexterity and reaction. In reality, one of the partners was asked to specifically hit the fingers of the second participant during the fight.
A more aggressive reaction was noted in tall men, while short ones reacted more restrained.

From this it follows that the “Napoleon complex” not only does not exist, but also discriminates against little people, accusing them of increased aggression, despotism and the desire for self-affirmation at the expense of others, which they actually do not possess.

Was Napoleon low?

The joke is that even the name of the complex is untenable. Napoleon was not short. Some sources indicate the very tiny height of the great commander - 151 centimeters. But if you carefully read the literature, you will find that the numbers are different everywhere, and that with the growth of the emperor there was a lot of confusion. When His Majesty died, his height was measured and recorded: 5 feet 2 inches. They just forgot to point out that feet and inches are French, and they are shorter than English ones. So for some time they converted French feet to English standards, until they realized that since the emperor lived in France, they measured him accordingly. When the error was corrected, it turned out that Napoleon's height was 5 feet and 6.5 English inches, that is, 169 centimeters. During the reign of Napoleon, that is, in the early 1800s, the average height of a man was 164 centimeters. It turns out that Bonaparte was even taller than many Frenchmen.
Researchers believe that the myth about the short stature of the commander appeared due to the fact that in the paintings he is depicted surrounded by grenadiers of the imperial guard, which included hefty young men no less than 178 centimeters tall. For that time they were real big guys.
Therefore, when talking about psychological complexes associated with short stature, it is better to call them something else. And leave the long-suffering Napoleon alone.

Napoleon complex in women...

...this is fiction clean water. For most representatives of the fair sex, short stature is more a reason for pride, and not a reason for grief. If we talk about women’s complexes, it is better to remember Peter the Great, who was more than two meters tall. And all because the ideal woman most of history of mankind assumed miniatureness, grace, fragility.

Mentioning the Napoleon complex in women, experts begin to list famous show business stars such as Shakira (150 cm), Natalya Andreevna from Comedy Woman (152 cm) or Alla Pugacheva (162 cm). It turns out that they achieved everything only because they were not tall enough? Okay, then where did the desire for fame come from among the other, higher famous personalities? What and to whom did Uma Thurman (184 cm), Nicole Kidman (180 cm) and Sigourney Weaver (183 cm) want to prove? Perhaps we should not associate such qualities as growth and determination, growth and ambition, height and beauty...

But problems in the careers of short women do exist. Little ladies are often taken lightly, not perceived as equals - especially by men, who look down on them, literally and figuratively. Little women have to prove again and again that they are no worse than their tall fellow tribesmen. But here we are not talking about the fact that a woman achieved success thanks to her miniature stature, but rather the opposite.
It’s the same story with representatives of the stronger sex. For every outstanding short man, there are five equally outstanding tall ones. People become successful not because they are short or tall, but because they dream, go towards their goals and achieve their goals!

Small stature complex

The Napoleon complex in psychology is called differently - the short stature complex. It is not expressed at all in the way that was imposed on us by half-educated psychologists, and is not the cause of a dictatorial character or a desire to achieve fame.

The short stature complex begins to manifest itself in childhood - when a boy is last on the line, when his classmates who have managed to stretch out tease him, when he realizes that he cannot fight back against someone the same age because he is bigger and stronger. The most interesting thing is that this complex takes root very deeply and makes itself felt even after the guy grows up, surpassing his peers. Yes, a man who is 185 centimeters tall may well suffer from a short stature complex. Sometimes this problem can manifest itself in quite ordinary boys of average height who feel that they are not tall enough.

What does the short stature complex lead to?

It provokes depression, reluctance to communicate with people, a feeling of powerlessness and despair. People with such an attitude find it difficult to adapt in life; they feel that they are not capable of anything, that they do not have a brilliant future.
The sad thing is that the short stature complex is in most cases instilled in others. The coach says - where should you go in for sports, you’re undersized? The girl arrogantly turns away in response to an invitation to go to the cinema. School bullies can easily catch a guy behind a garage and beat him up simply because he is short. And how many poisonous witticisms do little people hear in their direction?

Each of them decides for himself which path to take - someone becomes a victim of the complex and remains a loser for the rest of his life. Many become embittered, become aggressive, and try to suppress high-ranking people with the help of other resources - money and connections. But there are many who overcome the complex of short stature, treat their size with humor and do not lose heart in the face of difficulties that they will have to fight for the rest of their lives. Little people will have to prove every day that they are smart, hardworking and responsible enough for their position. They will have to prove this much more often than tall colleagues with the same exact personal qualities.
And this is the paradox. In most cases, it is not people with a short stature complex who achieve success, but people who have overcome it.

How to deal with the short stature complex?

I think society needs to fight it first of all. If those around them had not ridiculed them, said that it was impossible to achieve anything with such height, and had not considered short people defective since childhood, they would hardly have suffered from this complex. Most of them worry not because of the very fact of their short stature, but because of the attitude of others.

If each of us learns to restrain unflattering comments towards short men, teaches children to treat everyone with respect, regardless of physical characteristics, and to put personal qualities first, not beauty or height, we will get rid of not only the so-called “Napoleon complex” , and from many others.

Those for whom nature has not measured enough height can only be advised not to pay attention to fools. After all, a person’s value lies not in growth, but in spiritual content - kindness, hard work, responsibility and many other qualities, the presence of which depends only on him.

Napoleon Bonaparte went down in history not only as a great French emperor with a strong will to win and enormous ambitions. He would be quite surprised if he learned that today a cake, a pastry and one of the human complexes inherent in people with short stature and miniature shapes are named after him. What is this unusual psychological problem? Let's figure it out.

Napoleon complex in psychology

Why did it happen that it was Napoleon who was related to the inferiority complex? Yes, because with a height of only 1 m 51 cm, he was able to achieve enormous success and be remembered as a person with inexhaustible energy, self-confidence and determination. Today, psychology views the Napoleon complex as the desire of short people to achieve fame, success and wealth.

The first person to mention this inferiority complex in his writings was psychologist Alfred Adler. He used the term "Napoleon Complex" when describing the behavior of short men who exhibit increased activity in various areas of human activity. Let's consider this manifests itself in people of different sexes.

Napoleonic complex in men

Another name that this phenomenon has is “short man syndrome” or “short man complex.” The meaning of these terms is the same - people of short stature have complexes because of their appearance, feel inferior and, realizing that nothing can be achieved with external data, they try to develop ambitions and the desire for success. Small men become aggressive starting in adolescence. Most often, anger towards others is a consequence of discrimination from peers or due to a woman’s refusal. Unlike tall men, “short men” are almost always sure that others look at them with disdain, and this fact exposes them to anger. There are also known facts that short men are much more jealous.

The Napoleon complex puts moral pressure on the psyche of men and this affects their relationships with others, especially with women. By the way, as for women, the situation here is exactly the opposite. Short men like tall women, and they reciprocate their feelings. As psychologists say, the reason here is that women value in men not so much their appearance as their strength, determination, intelligence and charm. In addition, short men mature sexually faster, their blood contains more hormones, which makes them much sexier than their tall peers. In addition, small men get sick less often and live longer.

Napoleon complex in women

Despite the fact that “small man syndrome” is considered to be a purely male ailment, women suffer no less from their diminutiveness. They categorically protest against the desire of men to protect them from all sorts of problems and surround them with care. What is this connected with?

According to psychologists, women with a Napoleon complex try to make up for the missing centimeters with their increased ambitions. This manifests itself in the desire to lead others, to gain a sense of self-worth and the desire for leadership. In practice, it is clear that short women still achieve career success, but in the process of moving up the career ladder they often become cruel and aggressive. There is a lot of evidence in history of the existence of the Napoleon complex in women. Among the famous petite ladies are Queen Victoria of England (152 cm), the famous singer Edith Piaf (147 cm), Russian pop diva Alla Pugacheva (162 cm) and, who has done the almost impossible, one of the most sought-after models in the world, Eva Longoria ( 155 cm)!

Learning to live without complexes

There are many examples in history that prove the presence of a Napoleon complex in men and women. Just look at such names as Alexander the Great (150 cm), Lenin (164 cm), Hitler (165 cm), Stalin (162 cm), Mussolini (160 cm). However, representatives of short stature themselves have a very hard time in life. Starting with fear, self-doubt and ending with anger at the world around us. Undoubtedly, this complex shapes character and attitude towards life. However, there are ways out of any situation. If you yourself are a petite person and suffer because of your height, try to correct this situation with the help of simple tips:

  1. Don't dwell on the shortcomings of your appearance. Perhaps, for those around them, on the contrary, they are advantages.
  2. Wear clothes with vertical stripes. It will make you look taller.
  3. Wear only thin belts.
  4. Watch your weight. Extra pounds will make you bigger.
  5. Sit and walk with a straight back. Try not to slouch.
  6. Wear a low heel or platform.

If your miniature does not suit you, remember the most important thing - learn to love yourself the way nature created you. Height is your dignity and you shouldn’t try to change it. People around you love you in any form. Learn to accept yourself and love your reflection in the mirror.

Women often think that if they had lips like Angelina Jolie, breasts like Anna Semenovich and legs like Claudia Schiffer, then everything in their lives would be different. Men are sure that having extra centimeters reproductive organ or the absence of glasses would promote success among women.

Psychological complexes can develop from one careless word or constant ridicule from parents, teachers or friends. You can hardly expect that a girl whose mother constantly told her that her daughter was clumsy and fat would turn into a confident girl. Boys also have a hard time... What are these complexes that are most often found in women and men?

Women's complexes

1. I'm fat!

Very few women say that they need to gain a couple of kilograms, but the majority firmly believe that they urgently need to lose at least 10 pounds! This faith is strong, even if there is a gym, separate meals, lack bad habits and a slight build. In a fit of weight-loss enthusiasm, ladies begin to lean on buckwheat without salt, eat tons of ginger and pineapples, smear themselves with fat-burning creams and perform other magical rituals in order to look no worse than a friend or colleague, asking the question: “I’m fat, right?” Even if you lose weight, dissatisfaction with yourself will not go away, and therefore it is worth working with self-esteem. First, stop comparing yourself to others and think about your strengths. Why not cultivate them?

2. Cinderella complex

For some young ladies, it was formed by their mother, who in childhood told fairy tales about a prince who would definitely appear someday and take him to a magical land. True, fairy tales never talk about more active options for searching for such a prince. To a large extent, the formation of the complex is facilitated by prolonged viewing of soap operas, Hollywood films and reading glossy magazines. In adolescence, these fantasies are quite acceptable, but their presence at 30 years of age and above is a serious reason to think about it. Nobody says that you should connect your life with an alcoholic or a “free artist,” but it’s really worth looking at things. You can continue to sit by the window and sigh that this is not the same thing. But if you ask yourself the question: “What did I do to find my man?”, then you can achieve much greater results.

3. Guilt complex

In women it is cultivated by others much more often than in men. A woman in general is a receptive and emotional being, which is actively used by her parents, husbands, children, friends and just acquaintances. The mother will call such a lady and demand that she immediately bring her an important thing, and if she refuses to fulfill this or that request, accusations will follow that her daughter is useless, not like her neighbor Marya Petrovna. A woman with a guilt complex will sincerely worry that she earns more than her husband, and in order to somehow compensate for this terrible shortcoming, she will allow him not to work and will work around the house with a vengeance. It is very convenient for others to make loved ones feel guilty. You should learn to assert personal boundaries and say “no.” Love yourself, be able to see and appreciate your own desires, fulfill them, driving away this guilt complex.

4. Teacher complex

It occurs not only among teachers, educators, lecturers or social workers. For its formation, a strict mother is enough, constantly teaching life what is good and what is bad. Therefore, a woman with such a history has been an extremely fierce fighter since adolescence for the correctness instilled from the cradle, a kind of blue stocking. And woe to those who do not possess this very correctness, because they will simply be doomed to short five-hour lectures about the reasonable, the good and the eternal. The other half of such a teacher will have an especially difficult time: at best, they will treat him like a clinical idiot, and at worst, they will reprimand him for every word he says and every action he does. If you notice this in yourself, then first of all try to see ordinary people, and not students waiting for instructions. You can arrange a fasting day for yourself by giving up your usual behavior. People around you will be surprised, and you might like it.

Male complexes

1. Napoleon complex

One of the most common complexes. It’s somewhat similar to the female “I’m fat” complex. Since time immemorial, there has been a common stereotype that women prefer tall men. Therefore, many short people look with envy at their tall fellow tribesmen and pass taller women a kilometer away. Although there are exceptions when short men like tall women - the same Tom Cruise. Although they write everywhere that the Hollywood star’s height is 170 cm, this is not true. He wears special shoes with high platforms and heels. And his height ranges from 165-168 cm. By the way, historians also cannot decide on the height of Napoleon, whose name this complex is named.

When you get tired of being envious and sad, men with the notorious 149-169 cm go to the gym or work hard to buy big things, for example, an SUV or a spacious apartment. If concerns about short stature persist, then it is worth considering whether the constant stories about how unlucky you were to be born tall are a desire to evoke compassion or an excuse for your own laziness.

2. “Maybe he’s small”

Sexual revolution of the 20th century. made life very difficult strong half humanity, making us think that there is a certain absolute value of male dignity, but deviation from it is the collapse of all life. In especially difficult cases, a complete refusal of sex follows, or each intimacy resembles walking through a minefield, which leads to an increase in worries. In other cases, a man goes to great lengths, collecting partners in an effort to prove that he is wow. In general, the complex is quite common and very sticky; it can arise from a word tactlessly dropped by someone other than herself. smart girl, and all subsequent ladies together will have to deal with the consequences. In order to please men, it is worth saying that everything depends on their skill, dexterity and desire to learn to give pleasure to their partner and, of course, the partner herself. There is simply no “gold standard”.

3. "She's not for me"

One of the most incomprehensible male complexes is the fear of beautiful and even simply attractive women. There is a type of man who prefers less showy people: for some reason it seems to them that a woman of modest merit will remain faithful, and generally does not pose a particular threat to his male ego. This is based on internal self-doubt. It is she who causes the appearance of rather inarticulate and sometimes very far from the standard of beauty ladies next to tall, handsome and intelligent men. Meanwhile, beauties, bewildered and offended, may not commit the most best choice in their lives in favor of less attractive, but confident men. Practice shows that there is no man who, deep down, does not consider himself handsome, smart, and generally darling! Therefore, beautiful ladies, feel free to flatter them and do not be afraid to overdo it. Maybe then their self-doubt will go away.

4. Daddy complex

Men with such a complex choose girls much younger than themselves, quiet and gentle, as wives. In a favorable case, he will groom and cherish his baby, proudly walk with her arm in arm, so that men of his age will die of envy. Such individuals simply need to surround their loved ones with care, pamper them and be touched by their stupidity. In all other cases, a man builds relationships with partners much younger than himself, so that he has the opportunity to emphasize his superiority, experience, intelligence and tyrannize his other half to the fullest, because he knows better what is right, because she has practically no chance to object. He will do everything to reduce her communication with her friends to zero and will call every half hour to find out exactly where she is. Such a man understands perfectly well that a woman of his age, as a rule, has wisdom, and therefore quickly recognizes his tactics and tendency to tyranny.

Hello, comrades! Vadim Dmitriev is with you. I constantly see how people are overcome by severe inner sadness associated with their body parameters. In particular, short stature complexes and depression on this basis are very common. There is nothing good about this, so let's look at how you can make your life easier.

First, I suggest you take a short test to determine your likelihood of developing depression due to height. Below are questions that will help determine the level of anxiety, social importance and the like. Think and answer them.

  1. Have you ever avoided social interaction, because you imagined at that moment that people would laugh at you because of your height?
  2. Do you tell yourself that you can't do things because you're short?
  3. Have you often been ridiculed by tall people and resented them for it?
  4. Do you feel like you will never achieve true success in life because you are short?
  5. Do you avoid public relationships with tall people?
  6. Are you avoiding leadership positions because of your height?
  7. Do you avoid doing any sports just because you are a short person?
  8. Have you broken up with your boyfriend/girlfriend because you thought it wasn't really worth it because you were too short for him/her?

If you answered “yes” to two or more questions, you may be at risk for growth-related depression now or in the future.

How to perceive your growth?

There is a great saying: “You can see the glass half empty or half full.” Likewise, you can evaluate your growth in different ways - optimistically or pessimistically. But the fact is that you are truly an exceptional person. No matter your height, you have talents that others don't have. Finding a use for them, developing and sharing them - this, in my opinion, is one of the meanings of our lives, which makes every person happy.

Have you ever thought about what additional features do tall people have it? Yes, they can well be successful politicians and highly paid actors, but who is stopping people of short or average height from doing the same? Do you dream of becoming a professional basketball player? Great, because you have every chance to do it and your growth won't stop you. Read on and you will understand that short basketball players have already proven that they can play on equal terms with the rest. There are so many politicians and actors among people of short and average height that there is nothing to discuss here.

Short people are great for a variety of jobs. They can choose from most existing professions. Even tall guys and girls can work as models. In fact, miniature models are in great demand. You just need to find the right people. This is also true for people who are overweight. You may be overweight, but you can easily get an order for a photo shoot to advertise some kind of diet or weight loss exercise machine.

A person suffering from a short stature complex takes an ineffective approach to his problems. If you continue to tear yourself apart from the inside, thinking about your imperfection, then it can end very badly. Just for fun, search Google for information about the causes of suicide. It says that the number one reason for parting with life is precisely the inability to work with internal problems. An effective approach is to look for new ways in a difficult situation, look at things differently, analyze and understand what you need to keep in your life and what not.

If you realize that you are pushing yourself because of your height, then that’s good. First of all, you need to stop spinning negative thoughts in your head, as this is ineffective for a quality life. Do it now.

You have probably met people in your life who experienced some unpleasant situation back in school or college and even after many years continue to remember it with horror. Imagine that a person is 60 or 70 years old and continues to remember this. Do you understand how much this complicates and limits the activities of such people throughout their lives? Unpleasant situations from childhood lay the foundation for most stereotypes and complexes. You can rest assured that the shortness complex, if you have one, was already placed in your head back then. Without understanding this, throughout your life you will unconsciously seek confirmation of it, not seeing the beauty of life.

As cliché as it may sound, try to think positively! Be flexible, learn to change your thinking in a direction that benefits you, and be attentive to all your thoughts. Effective thinking is such an important part of our lives that it should be taught to everyone, without exception, from birth, but usually no one does this. It doesn't matter what is right or wrong, what matters is what works. Negative thoughts regarding growth are ineffective, they prevent you from achieving your goals and being a happy person, which means that they need to be controlled and gradually removed. After this, it will be possible not only to avoid psychological problems in the future, but also to find ways out of difficult situations that have already occurred.

In addition, we are constantly told that tall men are a guarantee of success and attractiveness. Long legs and tall stature in a modern girl are considered the standard of beauty, thanks to catwalk models with a height of over 180. These ideals have been downloaded into each of us through the media over the years. This was done mainly to create false problems in our heads and then sell us solutions. Unfortunately, some people are so brainwashed by various standards that they don't even think about who sets these standards and why.

Life among those above you can seem like agony when your head is full of false values ​​and goals. In reality, neither the size of the body nor the size of its individual parts is the cause of problems. The reason is that a person listens to the wrong people and misuses what nature has given him. We can achieve happiness, self-realization and self-respect always if we know our worth. You should start by accepting yourself with all your imperfections and always filtering information garbage that does not bring practical benefit.

With all this, I am not saying that the desire to be taller is something abnormal, as some doctors claim. On the contrary, I consider it a worthy goal in terms of physical development. But it is very unwise to live just to become taller or to be slimmer, more pumped up, and so on. There are also other equally important areas in life in which you can and should reveal yourself to the maximum.

Don't create an imbalance in your development. Is it difficult to grow your body? Then work on it, but don't forget to strive upward in other areas of your life, such as finances, career, relationships and so on. Start looking further. What is it that you really want to do in life that you are better at than others? Find out your global purpose in life, then place it at the center of your consciousness and miracles will begin to happen. If you find yourself and live in accordance with your credo, all complexes will fade into the background. That same Napoleon found himself and became a great commander. True, he chopped up half of Europe, but he forced himself to be respected... Maybe not a very good example to follow, however, I think you understand what I’m getting at =).

That, in general, is all for today. Complex of short stature and depressive state Because of this, you need to remove it from your life. Eliminate any thoughts about the imperfections of your body and move on to more important, meaningful things. Good luck!

Best regards, Vadim Dmitriev

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