Check the car before purchasing using the VIN code. How to find out the state registration numbers of a car by its VIN code. Individuals must meet the requirements

In everyday life, there are various situations related to determining the technical characteristics of a vehicle. For many citizens who use them, the question may arise of how to find out the VIN code of a car by the state number assigned by the traffic police. Every interested person can find it out without complications, for which they must contact the above-mentioned authority.

General provisions

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Vehicles are mainly used to transport people and transport goods of varying weights.

Each of them has its own history, distinctive features and features unique to this transport.

One of its significant characteristics is the “VIN code” assigned to it individually.

What is it

The expression “VIN code” means unique number, which consists of 17 characters. Its structure is based on international standards - ISO 3779-1983, ISO 3780.

Information about it fits into technical passport transport and a certificate confirming registration with the traffic police.

Among the main parameters technical means movements include:

In accordance with the regulations in force in the country, the VIN code is entered into the traffic police information database along with the state license plate.

It allows you to identify a vehicle because it contains information about the vehicle manufacturer and its main technical characteristics.

These include:

  • country of production;
  • manufacturer;
  • year of manufacture;
  • equipment

The above information is encoded in the first 7 digits. As for the remaining numbers, they indicate the serial number of the vehicle.

According to the requirements international standard The identification number is affixed in certain places of the vehicle.

These include:

  1. One-piece components of the body, chassis.
  2. A specially made plate - nameplate.

The VIN code is written using Latin characters and Arabic numerals:


Information about it allows you to track the history of the vehicle, which includes:

  • information about its owners;
  • participation in a traffic accident;
  • stay in ;
  • being wanted because of .

Who does it apply to?

The legislator imposes certain requirements on both individuals and legal entities, regardless of the purpose of using a land vehicle.

They are required to follow the rules of safe driving on roads.

Individuals must meet the requirements:

  • possession of Russian citizenship;
  • reaching adulthood;
  • gaining legal capacity;
  • availability of registration at the place of permanent residence.

As for legal entities, they must be registered with government bodies - the Unified Register of Legal Entities, which confirms its organizational and legal form and the Federal Tax Service as a tax resident of the Russian state.

The vehicle must be registered with the relevant traffic police department.

The legislator established the deadline for registering a vehicle within 10 calendar days after the emergence of ownership rights to it.

This responsibility is assigned by government regulations. This year they have not undergone significant changes, so it is not removed from the driver.

Where to contact

An interested person can send an official request to the traffic police to obtain the information he is interested in.

The authority submits it based on compelling reasons justifying the request. If they are missing, then you can use other options.

The RSA organization has created a unified information database, which contains all information about vehicles used in the country and their owners.

The official website of the traffic police contains information regarding:

One of the most popular sites, used by almost all car owners, is the Internet portal “Autocad”.

Here you can get detailed information about vehicle, its characteristics and distinctive attributes, its owner.

One of the clear advantages of the site is the provision of the required information, including the VIN code for the state license plate.

In addition to on a paid basis This kind of information is provided by official online services, but it is not always reliable.

The possibility of contacting third parties who have come into contact with the vehicle in one way or another cannot be ruled out.

For example, to a service station, where it was technically inspected or repaired to eliminate malfunctions.

How to find out VIN by state number

In some cases, knowledge of the vehicle’s VIN code is necessary for its owner, for which you need to use a state license plate.

It consists of alphabetic and digital designations by which the basic parameters of transport are established.

The owner is deprived of the opportunity to operate it legally if there are no license plates on it.


As a rule, the manufacturer indicates in the technical documentation of the vehicle the location for affixing the VIN code.

The methods of its marking and location are determined by the preferences of the manufacturer.

In most cases it is applied in the following places:

Indicators Description
Down windshield on dashboard- upper left part The VIN code is visible from the outside of the vehicle
At the bottom of the frame near the driver's seat The unique number can be viewed by opening the driver's door
Under the driver's seat to see the VIN code, move the driver's seat back and bend the edge of the floor mat
Under the hood of a vehicle a nameplate with a VIN code stamped on it is screwed onto it using special rivets or screws

Registration of a vehicle with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate can be carried out by visiting the relevant department in person or online on its official website.

The legislator has created a specialized website on the Internet - the portal of State and municipal services, where applications for registration of vehicles are also accepted.

Its acquirer must:

The legislator allows the procedure to be carried out through intermediary firms. They carry out commercial activities, so they charge a fairly high price for their services.

Why you need to know

Each owner of a vehicle or the person purchasing it needs to acquire knowledge about its technical characteristics and distinctive attributes.

Information about the VIN code may be required in certain situations.

These include:

Indicators Description
Participation of a vehicle in a traffic accident as a perpetrator or witness
Leaving space where the traffic accident happened
Committing an offense by the driver of a vehicle regardless of its severity for bringing to civil liability
Verifying the authenticity of information about the person who sells the vehicle during the purchase and sale transaction
Conducting a search for spare parts required for the vehicle which significantly reduces the time of not only its owner, but also the seller
Eliminating the possibility of buying useless parts such as engine, transmission
Verifying the authenticity of documents for the vehicle, including insurance

Step by step instructions

The ability to obtain information about the VIN code directly depends on strict compliance with the regulations established by the traffic police.

Sequence of actions of the interested party:

  1. Visit the nearest traffic police department.
  2. Submitting a request for information of interest indicating a reasoned basis.

The information provided by the traffic police is reliable because it is based on the fact of passing the last technical inspection.

To receive information online you need:

  • register on the selected site;
  • gain access to your personal account;
  • fill out an application form for the provision of information;
  • send a request to the service system.

Video: how to find out your VIN number

Important aspects

The term "land vehicle" means technical device, which is intended for transporting people and transporting goods.

They are classified by the type of engine or by the method of movement on the surface of the earth.

Citizens have the right to drive a vehicle from the moment they receive a driver's license.

They must meet the requirements of the regulations Federal Law. During the operation of the vehicle, drivers must strictly adhere to the rules of safe driving.

If a driver creates an emergency situation on the road and then disappears, then sanctions will be applied to him.

List of basic documents allowing you to drive a vehicle legally:

Indicators Description
Documents that the driver must have a driver's license presented to the traffic police upon its first request. It allows you to establish the legality of the right of management. In addition, the driver should have with him a certificate of state registration of the vehicle, which contains information about its technical characteristics, including the VIN code and the MTPL policy.
Vehicle passport issued by the manufacturer it is subject to transfer to the owner. If the vehicle is resold, the document is transferred to its purchaser. It is required for registration actions
When operating a rented vehicle, the driver must have with him a document indicating that he is in
on the transfer of a vehicle to a third party, formalized by a notary

The purchaser of a vehicle is given the right to register the vehicle he purchased in any department of the traffic police, regardless of its location.

His state registration plate is transferred to the new owner, so he can use it.

You can change it if you wish state number no sign, as provided by the legislator.

Registration is an official procedure performed by the traffic police. As a result of its implementation, the vehicle is assigned to a specific person.

It can be either an individual or a legal entity that uses it in the performance of production tasks.

The decision of the traffic police on registration is made on the basis of an application received from the car owner.

Before making a final decision on its satisfaction, the inspectorate checks the documents that are submitted along with the application.

The fact that the procedure has been carried out is certified by a document - a vehicle certificate.

It contains information concerning both the owner and the vehicle. It indicates the personal data of the new owner and his date of birth.

As for vehicles, it is indicated:

  • year of manufacture;
  • weight, type, brand, model;
  • engine power;
  • state license plate;
  • chassis and body number
  • category – “A”, “B”, “C” and “D”.

In addition, the STS indicates the code of the traffic police department that issued it and the date of issue. If desired new owner the vehicle may receive different license plates.

Information about the inspection is entered into the information database of the above-mentioned body. The fact that data has been entered can be verified by going to its official website.

When registering a new vehicle with the traffic police, you must submit, in addition to standard documents, temporary license plates issued as transit ones.

As a rule, they are presented at the car dealership when completing the transaction.

There you can also take out MTPL insurance or renew your existing policy.

What is regulated

Almost every vehicle is equipped with a unique seventeen-digit code. How to find out this car VIN code? Today you can find this number on almost all vehicles. And if there is a need to check the car before purchasing, you can find out the VIN by the state number.

What is a VIN code

What is this number and why does it consist of seventeen numbers and Latin letters? This combination of symbols contains precise information about the car, and each group of symbols has its own exact meaning. The number is absolutely unique and does not appear twice even on identical machines. Using it, you can check whether your car was involved in accidents, whether encumbrances were imposed on it, .

Once you know where the code is, you can check it in a special system, for example. Owners of used cars, rather than new ones, need to be especially vigilant.

Where to look for the VIN code

How to find out the VIN code of your car and where to look for it? Firstly, you can look at it in documents such as:

  • PTS car;
  • insurance policy;
  • registration certificate for transport.

The VIN numbers in official documents and on the car itself must match.

In addition, this number must be located on the car itself. The code can be located not in one specific place, but in several at once. You can find the VIN in the following places:

  • under the hood, usually right on the body;
  • in the trunk, often under the carpet;
  • in the cabin, near the steering control;
  • under the trim on the floor, near the driver's seat;
  • on the windshield;
  • under the wing.

You should start your search under the windshield, since it is most often applied to this area of ​​the body. You need to look from the driver's seat. No less popular among manufacturers is the location of the combination on the dashboard.

If there is no code in these parts of the car, you need to look under the hood. Here the searches are more extensive. Sometimes it can be located on the engine, and sometimes on special plate on the body partition that separates the interior. An equally common case is the presence of a VIN number on the threshold or even on the door on the driver’s side.

It will be more difficult to search on used cars. On those brands that are no longer produced, it can be found in completely different places. One such unexpected location is the steering wheel or even the radiator.

If the search is unsuccessful, then you need to study the instructions for your unit, of course, if it has been preserved, or other documents on the vehicle.

Remember that this VIN code is recorded not in one place, but in several at once, so it’s worth looking through the entire car. Its main difference is that the number is written in hard-to-reach places. They are inconvenient to read, which significantly complicates access to the VIN, which means that it is much more difficult for fraudsters to interrupt it.

Find out VIN by state number

You have found an advertisement for the sale of the car of your dreams, but the buyer does not want to tell everyone who writes the VIN. Of course, you can come to inspect the vehicle and request it right on the spot, and then check all the necessary data. However, the car may be located in another region altogether, and in this case, coming in person just to look at it is too expensive.

For most car enthusiasts, this 17-digit character set seems incomprehensible, even mysterious. However, you can find out almost everything about a car using the VIN code, because the VIN code contains almost all the information about it. This is a passport or a kind of DNA of any vehicle.

What is a VIN code? What is it for?

This standardization system was adopted in the second half of the 20th century. It is regulated by the ISO 3779-1983 standard. The abbreviation VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) stands for unique identification number.

Before its adoption, a car could be identified by body and engine numbers. The scammers interrupted and cut them down, trying to “confuse their tracks” and prevent traffic police officers from tracking the history of the car and identifying its real owner.

Initially, the VIN code consisted of 7 digits and was printed on the chassis. Now it contains 17 characters (numbers and Latin letters). It contains a large amount of information. By looking at the VIN code you can find out almost everything about the car:

  • identify the manufacturer and the real owner;
  • get acquainted with the history of operation;
  • find out technical specifications;
  • specify the year of manufacture, mileage of the car, participation in an accident;
  • familiarize yourself with the package.

Deciphering a car's VIN code is in demand when purchasing a used vehicle, because unscrupulous sellers can hide the true state of affairs from the buyer and provide false data. But even if you buy new car mobile at the car dealership, by deciphering the car’s VIN code for free through online services, you can check its year of manufacture, model, and select the type motor oil, read other necessary information.

How to find out the VIN code?

There is no clearly fixed, standard location for the identification code. The manufacturer places it at its discretion. It is applied to integral parts of the body and chassis. This could be a small metal plate on the front door pillar, under the hood, in luggage compartment, inside the dashboard. It can be applied under the windshield, on the inside of one of the wings of the car, and so on.

In order to find out the VIN code, just look at the documentation included with the car:

  • registration certificate;
  • registration certificate;
  • insurance policy.

If you are purchasing a used vehicle, make sure that the 17-digit dial on the vehicle documents matches the one on the vehicle itself.

For almost any car manufactured after 1980, you can check the VIN code for free on specialized websites. But a car enthusiast can do the same work independently; it is enough to know the rules for decoding information encrypted in a 17-character alphanumeric set.

The VIN code consists of three blocks.

  1. WMI - Manufacturer Identifier

These are the first three characters, which encrypt the geographical area (region - Asia, Europe, etc.), country of origin, company. The tables below provide a breakdown of WMI: definition of country and manufacturer.

Decoding the country in the VIN code

Some manufacturers have more than one WMI, but more than one manufacturer cannot be encrypted under the same character set. If a company for some reason has curtailed production and no longer produces cars, then after 30 years the identifier can be transferred to another company.

  1. VDS - vehicle characteristics

This block contains 6 characters. They allow you to find out the vehicle’s equipment by VIN code, vehicle model, body type, main technical characteristics, and other options:

  • 4 symbol – body;
  • 5 character – engine;
  • 6th symbol – model;
  • 7, 8 characters – information at the request of the manufacturer.

Positions not used by the manufacturer are filled with zeros. The ninth character is a checksum to verify the authenticity of the vehicle's VIN code. To do this, the letters included in the block are replaced in a certain way by numbers, and the calculation is performed using a special mathematical formula. The value of a control character can be represented as a number (0 to 9) or a letter (X) value.

  1. VIS – distinctive features

The last eight characters indicate the features of this vehicle:

  • 10th position – the year in which production of this model began, the value can be presented as a letter (from A - 1980, to Y - 200) or a number (from 1 - 2001, to 9 - 2009), with 2010 symbols are repeated;
    Note: if the model was put into production at the end of the year (September - December), then the manufacturer can indicate the following year in the VIN code.
  • 11th position – information about the plant where the car was assembled;
  • Positions 12-17 – the serial number of the vehicle, assigned to it during internal factory registration.

In order for the decoding you performed to be as accurate and complete as possible, after determining the country of the car manufacturer (using WMI), go to the manufacturer’s website and find out what information is encrypted in characters 4 – 11. This must be done, since many companies do not strictly follow provisions of the standard.

How to check a car's VIN code?

In order to be 100% sure that the car you are buying is not wanted or under bail, first of all check the authenticity of the existing identifier. Checking the vehicle's VIN code can be done visually. To do this, you need to carefully examine the symbols embossed on the parts of the vehicle, paying attention to the same height, depth, and width of their application. Then you need to compare their values ​​with those indicated in the PTS.

You can find out if your car has been stolen on the Internet. You can easily find many different resources and information databases containing information about stolen cars. Here you can unlock your car and search by VIN code for free. In fact, you can even check the car’s equipment using the VIN code for free.

There are many services on the Internet that offer car VIN decoding services, online both for a fee and for free:

  • check-machine.rf;
  • check-automobile.rus;

Most often, to find out the history of a car by VIN code, specification of equipment, engine model, car color and other parameters, it is enough to enter a 17-digit character set in a special field and run the check. Some resources require additional settings (brand, year of manufacture). Please note that the information available on the Internet may not be entirely reliable, therefore, to obtain more accurate information, it is recommended to check the VIN code on several sites.

1. Website

Since 2014, the function of free VIN code checking has been available on the official website of the traffic police. It is available to all citizens of our country in any region. With it you can:

  • identify information about the search for a car;
  • check fines;
  • find out about the restrictions imposed on registration actions with TS.

To receive the service, just click on the “Car Check” button on the main page of the site.

On the next page, enter the car’s VIN code in the appropriate fields and click “Run scan”.

“Anti-robot” will ask you to enter security characters, after which it will display the results of the scan. If you do not have a VIN code, you can use the body or chassis number to identify the vehicle.

The service allows you to check a car’s VIN code, license plate number, collecting data from various information databases and other sources: traffic police, banks, courts, customs, courts, and so on.

To launch the function, you need to enter your VIN code or state number on the main page of the site and click on the “Check” button.

This service provides only a short report free of charge. After making a payment (RUB 267), you will have access to more data:

  • engine number, body number;
  • wheel formula;
  • data on PTS and vehicle owners;
  • mileage;
  • participation in road accidents and so on.

Working with other services is similar to those presented above.

Enter the VIN code in the appropriate field and click on the “Check” button

For more detailed information, click “Decrypt”.

Enter the VIN and click on the “Check VIN” button.

Only basic information will be provided to you free of charge.

To obtain detailed data you will need to pay a small fee. In this case, you will learn the most complete information about the vehicle and its operating history.

In any case, the verification is very convenient. It takes very little time, and the data available about the car is displayed directly on the monitor screen.

The VIN code of a vehicle is a kind of “identifying” number that accompanies the car throughout its life and carries information about its personal, unique history. By VIN code you can find out almost any vehicle from the date of production to the present time.

VIN code is an individual number for each car for the entire period of its operation

Sometimes situations arise when it becomes necessary to find the license plate number of a car if there is suspicion of a criminal past or forgery of documents. Today, searching for such information is a real task if you have a VIN on hand. In this article we will tell you how to find out the state. car number by VIN code.

Options for finding out car license plates by VIN code

There are several ways to find out the license plate number of a car by VIN code. All basic information is contained in the machine code. To determine the data, you can contact the traffic police department directly and check the information of interest. However, one must understand that no one will provide such information to a simple passer-by without significant reasons. To do this, you need to have friends in the department.

There are much simpler verification options. To do this, you only need access to the Internet, the VIN number of the vehicle and the ability to use the Internet. Today, most government agencies are opening up to prevent fraud by unscrupulous vehicle sellers.

You can check your car through the official website of the traffic police. To do this, you need to enter a 17-character code into a special window and press the “Run scan” button everywhere. The service will provide absolutely all data about the car, whether it was stolen, criminal incidents, including its registration plates.

You can check the car on the official website of the traffic police

Another popular site for Russian car owners is Autocode. Using the VIN code, here you can get the most detailed report about the vehicle, its owners, mileage, insurance, check for accidents and debts, and find license plates.

You can also use private websites that obtain data from the official databases of the traffic police and insurance companies to obtain vehicle registration plates. The most popular of them are adaperio, carlife, The latter service can provide not only official materials about the car and its owner, but also data from social networks, photos, and phone numbers.

Let's sum it up

As you can see, determining the history of a vehicle, having its VIN in hand, is absolutely not difficult today. The services provided provide the entire history, from the date of production of the machine to the moment the request is made. Every citizen can track the chronology if he knows the VIN. The data obtained can change your perception of the vehicle for the worse or convince you.

Checking the car according to the state. The number was unavailable for a long time, but now the situation in Russia has changed.

Why might it be needed? First of all, such a service will be useful for those who want to buy a used car and want to know its “history”, that is, data on previous operating conditions, the absence of possible restrictions and other similar features.

The convenience lies in the fact that in some cases you can check the car you are interested in using its state registration number remotely.

For example, you can “punch” in advance a car that is being sold through an ad on AVITO, where the state license is visible in the photo. vehicle number.

This mechanism does not always work, since many sellers hide license plates of cars in advertisements, however, in some cases, such a check allows you to learn more about the vehicle you are interested in.

Checking information about a used car specified in an advertisement for its sale

Online car check according to the state. number today is possible on several resources that differ in the size of the databases and the amount of information provided.

As an example, we took an advertisement for the sale of a car on the popular classifieds website AVITO. The main search criterion was the presence of an uncovered registration plate on the vehicle.

A random advertisement was selected on AVITO for the sale of a car Nissan Almera 2013, used as a taxi.

The advertisement contained the following information about the vehicle:

As an experiment, the goal was set: knowing his state. number, find out detailed information about this vehicle.

Of course, the greatest interest among all motorists is the free car inspection service offered by the official website of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. We decided to look at what the official resource offers and compare it with an alternative service in order to understand which one will be most useful for a potential car buyer.

Checking the car according to the state. car number and VIN code for free on the traffic police website

The official website of the traffic police disappointed us in this regard at the initial stage of our acquaintance.

Going to the “Services” section, we selected the “Vehicle check” option and immediately realized that we could obtain information about the vehicle by knowing only its state registration. number, it won’t work: the service works exclusively using the VIN number of the vehicle.

Accordingly, we will not be able to find out information about the car being sold unless, of course, the owner of the car provides its VIN (or the VIN code is indicated in the ad itself).

Of course, the vast majority of sellers do not provide such information remotely, and therefore you will have to meet with the car owner and check the vehicle on the spot using a tablet computer or laptop with Internet access.

Video - how to find out the VIN number for free when checking a car according to the state license. number:

As an option, call someone you know and send the VIN code and ask them to take the appropriate verification steps. The scheme, of course, is far from the most convenient, but this fact, in theory, should be compensated by the widest database available on the site.

Video - how to easily find out your VIN by state registration. car number (method No. 2):

Since we were unable to find the VIN of the car we were checking from the advertisement, we nevertheless decided to test the service using the example of a car whose VIN code was known to us.

Let's start with the interface. In general, it consists of a large window for entering the VIN number and sections for which the check will be carried out.

After entering the code, you will need to separately click on the link for each section, each time entering the security identification code (in common parlance, captcha). Immediately after entering it, the information of interest should appear. Must...

Alas, our experiment ended in failure - there was no data about the car being tested in the database, although the car was taken from 2012, that is, information about it should have been present. It’s hard to say how the “stupidity of the system” can be explained. But the site did not provide any errors about the search or other information, simply indicating that the data was not found.

In practice, this means that we were unable to obtain real information about the car using the service and knowing the VIN. To be fair, it must be said that previously the traffic police service did provide information.

Faced with a similar difficulty, we decided to analyze what third-party services offered and chose the website

Checking the car according to the state. online number

Unlike the traffic police website, the service offers to check a car by VIN code or state license. vehicle number of your choice. Despite the absence of separate instructions, these numbers can be entered separately, that is, the absence of VIN or state license. numbers should not in any way affect the result of receiving data (we are not talking about detailed information, but about the very possibility of working with one number).

We decided to check how accurate the “pedigree” of the car is (which we chose as an example - see the ad on AVITO above) and see what a car check on the website can offer us.

Having entered the numbers of the registration plate (VIN, of course, was not known to us), we moved on to the next point, which provides information about two technical inspections

and there was an offer to purchase a paid full report. Its cost was, according to the site, 199 rubles.

After which you are asked to indicate an email address to which an extended report on the state vehicle inspection will be sent. number

It must be said that paid services on the Internet often cause well-deserved concerns among citizens due to the fact that there are a large number of fraudulent sites offering payment with mobile phone, entering a number and then withdrawing funds, sending SMS messages and other things.

In this case, everything turned out to be much simpler - two payment methods are available - through the Yandex Money service and using a bank card.

However, the presence of a card does not change much - payment is made in any case to a Yandex wallet using the standard capabilities of the service from the famous Russian search engine. It is worth noting that no fees are charged for using the service - the payment invoice was exactly 199 rubles, as was initially indicated.

After making the payment, a message was sent to the previously specified email address (the report is sent to it), informing about the order number and the password to access your personal account, where you can also check its status.

The waiting time for a report is stated to be up to 24 hours, which, however, can hardly be considered convenient in the case of an urgent check of a car, for example, at a car market. However, if you want to check the car using the databases from the ad, then such terms for receiving the report are quite acceptable. In our case, the report arrived five hours later and pleasantly pleased with its volume ().

The first thing that caught my eye was information about the car’s VIN, the number of owners, the participation of the vehicle in an accident and the presence of restrictions.

Interestingly, there is also data on the mileage of the vehicle. It’s difficult to say where such data gets into the service’s database, but the fact is a fact.

Even a quick analysis shows that the report data differs significantly from those indicated in the advertisement for the sale of the car.

The difference is also noticeable in the number of owners (four instead of one, taking into account the fact that three owners are legal entities), and in concealing the fact of a traffic accident, as well as in “twisted” (relative to that indicated in the report) mileage.

As already mentioned, it is not entirely clear on what basis the database provides data on car mileage. Most likely, the information is indicated for vehicles undergoing diagnostics and maintenance at official dealer, where mileage indicators are recorded.

In practice, this means that the information in the database will be relevant until the moment the car was serviced at the dealership. Considering that many car enthusiasts “go away” from warranty service or stop visiting official services after the warranty expires, real mileage car may be even higher.

In the case of the ad we are analyzing, this means that the mileage has been skewed quite significantly, and in reality the car has “knocked on”, quite possibly, even more.

From all this, only one fact follows - buying this car is extremely undesirable. Moreover, in order to draw such a conclusion, we did not even need to leave the office, which is undoubtedly very valuable.

Video - why are they hiding the government? numbers in advertisements for the sale of used cars and what you can find out from them:

In practice, many car owners hide their state license. numbers on photographs of the car used in conjunction with the advertisement for its sale. For this reason, there can be only one recommendation - a personal inspection followed by checking the vehicle using various databases.


Having analyzed two sources of obtaining information about the car according to the state. number or VIN code, we have come to the conclusion that such a measure is effective.

The site turned out to be much more efficient in this regard and made it possible to obtain comprehensive information about the car, even if only its state license was known. number (there was no information about VIN in the ad).

Some of the resource's disadvantages include only its relative slowness, which does not allow using the resource to check a car directly during a vehicle inspection using a tablet or smartphone.

However, the opportunity to find out the “history” of a particular car immediately when viewing an advertisement for sale is truly unique and effective, and the fee for using such a service looks very affordable, taking into account the completeness of the information received.

We can conclude that it is possible only on the website of the traffic police or other government agencies. For additional information on alternative online services you will have to pay.

Where online about the fine by resolution number.

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Video - why do they hide the state license plates of cars in advertisements for the sale of used cars:

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    As it turns out, you need to punch in the VIN on the traffic police website with a tambourine. A friend rented a car, checked on the website - everything was clear. I came to my region to register - they say there is a ban on registration actions. How so? But, you need to fill in all possible variants of the number: replace the space with an underscore, dot, dash, etc. That is, in the system your number may be entered completely differently than in the PTS. Therefore, by scoring exactly as in the PTS or registration certificate, you risk simply not being recognized by the system. She says - everything is OK. In general, if there is a possibility of some variations despite the external similarity, try all the options.


    Somehow they talk very flatly in the video about why numbers are closed in advertisements! Of course, in the parking lot, here they are - take pictures, write them down. Only the names of the owners and phone numbers are missing. And here is a freebie for scammers - the car number, telephone number and owner’s name. At least pretend to be a bailiff, even pretend to be a traffic cop who bought a car. Cunning people are cunning. Therefore, there is a point in hiding the number. If you are really interested in the car, come, have a look, and get all the numbers on the spot. A real buyer will do this. But a fraudster can’t ride around and shine, this is not how he makes his money. So, the numbers in the photo are not always hidden in order to hide the truth. But also as a precaution against scammers.


    When buying a car, I checked the VIN myself through the traffic police. Everything is clean, but the car is frankly beat up.


    Of course, you need to get through it, but often many people pay the traffic police to clear such information.


    There are free services that allow you to get a lot of information about a car by its number. I myself tried to request a report about my old foreign car and about my friends’ cars, we learned a lot of interesting things, especially regarding participation in an accident))


    The VIN has never been included in the advertisement and never will be, and without the code you won’t be able to get complete information on a used car.


    I used a paid site to search both by number and wine. As a result, they refused the purchase. 200 rubles saved my nerves and money


    I think that there is some kind of special access to the traffic police website for employees, because my friends from the traffic police, for a small fee, very effectively undertake to check cars by VIN.


    On the one hand, I would not want information about me, my car, its state and identification numbers to appear on the Internet. Having a photo from the state. number, simply through the same social networks you can find out the details of the owner and his place of residence and everything, right down to his mistresses. On the other hand, when buying a car, a person really risks a lot of money, and it would be quite logical for the traffic police not only to register the car, but also to first help the new owner protect himself from risks. Ways and means for this could be found, but who in our state and when took care of the ordinary citizen?


    But this is very convenient; now it’s not a problem to get information about any car. The main thing is to have the Internet and the VIN code of the vehicle being tested at hand. The difficulty is that in advertisements, as a rule, the VIN is not disclosed, so before piercing the car you need to contact or meet with the owner. And this is not always convenient. You won’t be able to get information on the official website of the traffic police by license plate number, but by VIN code maybe there will be a result. But on the website (information is paid), sometimes you have to wait a day, but the result is worth it. And you will already know almost everything about the car.


    If you buy a used car, then it’s better to do it in showrooms, where you can at least protect yourself a little.


    It’s high time to get used to the fact that all free services are imperfect. If you want to get a quality service, be prepared to pay.

    Alexander P.

    Of course, it is interesting to know the history of a car, but not many ordinary people will be able to correctly interpret these facts and draw the right conclusions. I see the only advantage in this whole idea - to find out various types of encumbrances, either bank or other credit. Ultimately, we are not buying history, but specific hardware that is in one condition or another. What is much more important here is not the number of owners and the number of accidents, but the presence of a good car mechanic who will give overall rating car, on the basis of which we can decide whether to buy or not to buy. This probably has a right to life.

  • Tanya

    Wow, we are just about to change the car. It’s expensive to buy a new one, so we’ll look for a used one and this check will help us. It’s a pity that it’s not always possible to check by state number (judging by your experiment). But the VIN code is also good, as long as the information on the traffic police website or others is updated and reliable.


    In general, such a check is also quite tedious and it is not a fact that the information found is true. For me, it’s better to take out a loan and buy a new car. I understand that it’s not cheap, but 90+ percent will be able to pull it off. This is how I take my third car, even though I work at a school, and everyone has heard about the meager salaries there. Well, if the situation doesn’t look like a loan and you have to rely only on a used one, then, without paying attention to the information presented, pick up your feet, take a good specialist with you, and go see it “live.” I've lived a lot and have seen cars after two accidents in much more better condition than never hit. Everything is learned by comparison.


    Once I needed to find the escaped culprit of an accident involving my car parked in the parking lot using the license plate of his car, and I got the information through a friend who has friends in the traffic police. But when buying a car, I prefer to be guided by my own eyes and hands.


    Somehow I decided to check the fines by state number and it turned out that I had as many as 3 protocols. Not far from work there was a tripod and recorded how I was in a hurry. It’s good that at least I managed to pay 2 fines with discounts.


    My wife and I, literally in December last year, saw a Renault Logan car put up for sale on AVITO, low mileage was announced, garage storage, one owner. We were excited to buy it. From the photographs the car looked like it came from a showroom. The first thing they did was ask their relative to drive to the specified address and see the car in person. He looked at it, liked it, and said it was literally new. We still asked him to discreetly write down the state number. This helped us a lot; the information on the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate website also turned out to be good. We didn’t know anything about the alternative site, so we asked a former traffic police employee we knew, he did his own thing and it turned out that it was the third owner, and the car was used as a taxi for about three years. They didn't buy.


    I believe that it is necessary to break through, but often almost everyone pays the traffic police to clear such information.


    Of course, it’s better to spend 200 rubles now than to later find out from the traffic police about the real facts about the car. I know that there is a site where they check information for free, my good friend does this because he is a repurchaser, but I can’t say which one, unfortunately, I didn’t find out from him.


    Of course we all want to buy a clean, unencumbered car. Therefore, you need to do this yourself across all databases. To do this, we need to know the VIN code of the car, although the license plate number may be enough. It is best to search through the databases: traffic police, FSSP, FCS, register of pledges, banks, taxi register, insurance companies OSAGO, VIN decoding. Any of us can do this on our own and for free.
    There are many services that do all this automatically. All of them have connections with official databases and it is easier to find out the history of a car there. This is how they analyze Internet data - these are forums and ad sites, social networks, the information on them is much more complete and reliable than on the traffic police website.
    When buying a car for myself, I used some of them: - here you can find out everything about the car you are interested in by VIN code or car number: how many owners there were, see photos of the car, there were accidents and how many, the presence of restrictions, customs clearance, check for theft, see if it was sold and who declared themselves the owner on the Internet ;
    I also liked the Autocode website - although it’s paid, about 500 rubles, it’s worth it. In addition to all the checks performed, there you can find out whether the car was registered as a taxi (if, of course, the owner underwent a technical inspection).
    If the car is legally clean and you are satisfied with its price, then I would advise you to have it examined by a car forensics specialist and have it diagnosed at a car service center to check for the wrong mileage and painted body.


    Sometimes it is necessary to find out certain information about a car and its owner for various reasons. The first and most common is buying a used car. The second car had an accident and, as they say, disappeared in an unknown direction, but witnesses remembered its license plate number. There may be other reasons as well. Any person, first of all, turns to the traffic police on this issue, because only there can one find comprehensive information about any registered vehicle. Such information is difficult, but it is possible to obtain from employees of this organization. Currently, the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate has organized a website on the Internet, where such information should be freely available according to the license plate number and VIN code, but the information content of such resources is carried out by specific people; it is difficult to achieve the desired content of the site with the required information. Specific information about cars is, as a rule, located in different departments and divisions of the traffic police; people work there who often do not understand the seriousness of this work, or people are not interested, since this kind of information preparation takes a lot of time and does not affect them wages. Time will pass and all this will be overcome, but at present a lot of alternative sites are appearing on the Internet, the organizers of which are finding a way to obtain the necessary information. The information is primarily taken from the documents of the car owner at the time he places an ad for sale, where I don’t know yet, but I believe that if the ad contains information that the car has been checked, then it is so. With joint efforts, I think, order will be restored in this necessary matter.


    I’ll tell you about my personal experience of searching for a used car. We inspected 8 cars of different brands with no more than 3 years of operation, I note that all the cars were “clean” according to the traffic police database and the bailiffs. As a result, 5 cars were damaged, which can be seen even with the naked eye, 2 cars with duplicate title (perhaps they are hiding that the car is in collateral). As a result, out of 8, only 1 car did not raise any particular doubts about the veracity of the information described in the ad.


    In general, such resources offer fairly reliable information. But, do not forget that databases are collected “manually”, and errors also sometimes occur due to the notorious human factor. This information must be used as primary information, and the final decision must be made on the spot after a professional inspection. Actually, that’s what happened to me. I always dreamed of a Honda, but there were very few offers for this brand. I chose three options on AVITO, after checking on Autobot I immediately rejected the first one - they deceived me with the number of owners. The second one is very tempting, but doubts creep in about the mileage: after 4 years of operation, they set only 15 thousand km. The seller was like a nightingale that he took care of the car like the apple of his eye. In general, she really ran the tag, though because she stood in the garage for two years after a serious accident. How information about the accident did not get into the databases is unclear. And only in the third case did everything come together: both in the announcement and in reality. In general, according to personal experience I strongly recommend that before inspecting the selected car, you check it on the suggested resources. It is possible that you will save both time and nerves. But it’s better not on the traffic police website - it didn’t seem very reliable to me (I just checked the second car on it).


    I've only bought a used car once in my entire life. This was a long time ago in the late eighties of the last century. I did not buy the car from a private person in one of the institutions in my city. Then everything was simpler, I wrote down the car number in my notebook, went to the traffic police to see the head of the traffic police. I asked him a question: I want to buy a car, here is its number, will it be possible to do this, is everything in order with its registration. The head of the traffic police asked to call in three days; he needed time to figure it out. Three days later he suggested what needs to be done to buy a car, what papers to prepare, where to make an appraisal, and within a week I was driving this car. Now everything is more complicated. My wife and I decided to buy a Renault Logan car based on an ad posted on AVITO. We looked at the photographs for a long time; in them the car looked as if it were in a showroom. Apart from the phone number, no VIN code is indicated, and the state number is obscured. I went to the address, made an agreement with the owner over the phone, inspected the car - it was good. I quietly wrote down the car number, and then decided to contact a familiar traffic cop the old fashioned way. He called through his channels and said don’t take it, this car’s reputation is ruined, it’s already the fourth owner and for the last three years it has been working in a taxi. So far the old method has turned out to be more correct for me. I bought the car at a showroom.


    Who finds their fines by state number? Be careful, because they send illegal fines, even from Magadan, although I’m in Moscow)


    It’s so good that now there are such sites for checking a car before buying. Recently I helped my brother choose a car, and if they hadn’t checked it by VIN code and license plate number, we would have driven it 10 times in vain. Cars were chosen not only in their own region, but also in neighboring ones. Thanks to such services, we saved time and money.


    Our family had a negative experience buying a used car. We bought it from a good friend, who later turned out not to be the same. We are still hanging out with the car, Opel. but it falls apart in parts; more has already been spent on repairs than the purchase of the car itself. Therefore, it is better to think carefully than to buy a used car, even if from acquaintances/friends.


    I was selling my Matiz car, I posted an ad on the AVITO website. I have my own house, in the yard there is a garage in which the car was stored, so I decided not to hide the information on the website about the car for buyers. The advertisement also included the state number and VIN code. This helped me a lot, buyers were found quickly, they came and looked on the spot. Of the five buyers, three were clearly resellers, this was understandable because they were putting pressure on price reductions that were not childish. I looked at their actions calmly, since I knew my car well, and the arguments they gave about its poor condition were unconvincing to me. In the end, there were clear people who quickly wanted to buy a car, and they already tried to buy different models cars, but the amount of money they had only allowed them to buy a Matiz. They shook hands, the deal was fair and worthy. Therefore, I would like to say that in the used car market there are always two sides, the buyer and the seller, and, as a rule, both sides fuss and dodge, some to sell, as they say, a dubious car, and others to buy good car for free. Guys, we should live more honestly, it would be easier for everyone. But also Government agencies registration should change its position, provide the necessary information for carrying out purchase and sale transactions, and also review sites selling information about cars, helping people understand how truthful it is.


    After reading the comments here, I was once again convinced of the correctness of the prevailing opinion - firstly, different situations happen, some are lucky, some are not so lucky, for some such resources help with their choice, for others serious problems happen and, in -secondly, purchasing used vehicles is a much greater risk than purchasing from a dealership from scratch. I’ll be honest, I’ve never bought a used one, but like any average Russian, I don’t have the opportunity to purchase new car no credit. Therefore, sometimes I study websites with advertisements and check the cars I like according to the state license. number on resources that provide this opportunity. It even happens that I go out to see it “live” if there are offers from my city. And in all cases, I repeat IN ALL, the information provided by online sources, be it the official website of the traffic police or Autobot, corresponded to reality. Unlike sellers' advertisements. No, of course, they don’t always distort the real picture, but it happens. Moreover, sometimes very strongly. I have a good understanding of cars, I studied for several years body work, I know many secrets of pre-sale preparation and damaged car I can easily determine. So, keeping silent about road accidents and replacing “rot” are the most common “jambs” of sellers. If you decide to buy a used one, then take an experienced body specialist with you. It will be very useful, in my opinion.


    The site is certainly convenient, and 200 rubles is not a great price. But as has already been said, it is not a fact that this is true information. Although I haven’t checked my car, I just know for sure that it’s damaged, but there’s not a word about it in the documents


    I’ve never visited Autobot at all, I’ve never even heard of it. Of course, I visited the official website of the traffic police more than once, I didn’t check the car, but I found other information, paid fines, and, in general, I’m happy with the relevance, it only crashes quite often. I agree that earlier, a year and a half ago, there were problems, and it was difficult to search, and the information was incomplete, but now the resource is being brought to fruition, it seems. Now, Avito. Considering that the site directly “lives” only from advertisements, ratings depend on the completeness and quality of information - naturally, this best option to start online verification. No one will give you a 100% guarantee, and it’s impossible, and I’ll recommend another resource that I’m familiar with. This is autocode. The method is simple - first we look at the photo on Avito, then we go to the autocode and in 5 - 10 minutes we get a bunch of information on the entered state code. number. The most important thing that a potential buyer is interested in is the actual mileage and year of manufacture, whether the car was involved in an accident, or whether it was stolen. From personal experience, I will say that the information on the autocode corresponds to the real one by 90 - 95 percent. In general, I would advise checking the equipment chosen on Avito on several resources, and on the official website of the traffic police first and foremost.


    Well, I don’t know if this is necessary? As a seller, I am against such services and I am not pleased if strangers delve into the history of my things. The buyer will probably be interested, but you need to understand that any buyer will sooner or later become a seller.


    We sold a car last year Hyundai Solaris, which was involved in an accident under a dump truck. The buyer used the services of a car selection company. The employees were aware of the license plate verification system and took advantage of it. On the traffic police website, all information about the accident was indicated by registration number. This didn’t work to our advantage; we had to give up on the price of the car, but this service really helps in not buying a pig in a poke.

    Victor Kolovrat

    Classic trading relationships: the seller wants to sell at a higher price, and the buyer wants to buy at a lower price. Naturally, sellers prefer to remain silent about the problems of the cars they sell. And the buyer needs to collect as much information as possible about the vehicle he likes (mileage, approximate condition, information about getting into accidents, etc.) and it’s good if the seller is somewhere nearby - he came, looked, and found out everything. What if in another city? Of course, in such cases you need to use ample opportunities Internet, collect information from special sites, but do not forget that the network is the same trading platform, in which the information may not always correspond to reality 100%. I am sure that each of us, car owners, knows about the presence of the official website of the traffic police and has visited it. Me too. The attitude towards the site is ambiguous: not always full information there is, often very outdated, the reliability of the data is clearly not one hundred percent, but, nevertheless, most corresponds to reality. On an Autobot, the quality of information and “truthfulness” are higher. In general, I will evaluate the work of these resources positively; you can safely use them as primary sources of information and wish everyone successful transactions!


    I recently had an incident when I was driving on an asphalt road. The road was secondary, from one village to another. On such roads, sometimes there are places with closed, sharp turns. Unfortunately for me, I came across exactly this one, and the left and right sides of the road were completely covered with trees, so it was impossible to see if there was a car around the bend. Despite the fact that I started the turn very slowly, because of the bushes on high speed A truck, ZIL-131, drove straight into me. Wrinkled left wing, the wheel could not rotate very much. I ran up to the cab of the truck that hit me, and there was a drunk driver. When he realized that he had done something bad, he suddenly started the car and drove away without knowing each other. It’s good that I wasn’t confused, read and remembered his state number, and immediately wrote it down. I searched for the driver on the traffic police website, the make of the car was known to me, the administrative region of registration was also known, the state number was recorded. It was not immediately possible to find it, but, nevertheless, I found that the car belonged to the Rassvet closed joint-stock company. I already found the driver’s name when I arrived at this agricultural enterprise. Since the car was an enterprise, I did not disassemble it personally with the driver, I went to the head of the farm. He did not argue, having previously dealt with the driver, he decided to compensate for the damage caused. I was lucky, the traffic police website helped.


    I would like to add the auto ru website to the sources. I recently watched the video and really liked it. There, a person bought an expensive foreign car, supposedly without accidents and with low mileage, and on there is such a feature - you can find out the history of advertisements for a given car by VIN code. This guy looked at the story, it turns out this car sold a month ago in poor condition and with twice the mileage. Naturally, the seller immediately disappeared. There would be more such resources. It’s also a pity that there is no resource for tracking cars for “doubles”. This is very relevant now.


    It really works. We bought a Solaris for my brother last year. So many proposals were eliminated at the very beginning, having a photo of the license plate. If the owner hides the number and does not tell the car's VIN number, this immediately raises red flags. Sometimes the ad said it was not damaged or painted, but after checking it turned out that the car had 2 accidents. Moreover, there is information about when the accident occurred and what part of the car was hit.


    Well, now it has become much easier. Google Play, as well as the Apple Store, has a bunch of applications that allow you to track everything that happened to the car.
    I won’t write the names, but I always choose the one with the highest rating. The fee is completely insignificant and spending a conventional 100 rubles to check the car is better than paying a million and then regretting it.

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