The principle of operation of the absorber in the car, why is it needed. Canister solenoid valve - where is it used? What happens if the absorber does not work

After cars appeared that meet the Euro-3 environmental safety standard, auto designers were puzzled by the creation of a device capable of retaining hydrocarbon vapors in order to exclude their emissions into the atmosphere. Therefore, in the fuel system of most cars, and domestic cars, including VAZ, were no exception, a part appeared - an adsorber. What is it? I propose to consider this detail from all possible angles using an example domestic car VAZ 2114.

1 Adsorber - what is it?

If we make a literal translation of the word adsorber with of English language, then in the end we will get two meanings similar in meaning - "absorb", "amortize". What is the need for it anyway? Adsorption is a process in which gases are absorbed by both solids and liquids. In this case, the main element that absorbs spent fuel vapors is activated carbon. It is with them that they fill part of the free space of the adsorber.

The composition of this part includes several structural elements:

  • Adsorber
  • Purge valve
  • Adsorber tubes and purge valve
  • gravity valve
  • Front steam pipe
  • vapor separator
  • Fuel drain pipe
  • Several hoses

2 The principle of operation of the adsorber in the VAZ 2114

The adsorber works as follows. The fuel vapors formed in the fuel tank rise up and gradually accumulate at the neck of the tank, from where they have a direct path to the separator, in which the process of condensation of these vapors takes place. Vapors that have turned into a liquid are drained back into the fuel tank. However, not all vapors have time to become liquid again. Part of the vapor that remains in the form of a gas enters the adsorber, where it is absorbed with the help of an adsorbent - activated carbon.

It is worth noting that the entire process described above proceeds exclusively with the engine turned off. Otherwise, the system will have to open . In this case, gasoline vapors that have formed in the fuel tank and have not had time to transform into a liquid will be blown out through the engine intake pipe. VAZ 2114 and be burned.

This principle of operation implies the presence of several advantages at once:

  1. Prevention of atmospheric pollution by harmful fumes
  2. The car absorbs less fuel while driving (although the level of economy does not even reach 1 percent, but at the same time the fact is a stubborn thing - without burning gasoline vapors, the engine would need more fuel).

3 Signs by which you can determine that the adsorber is faulty

Even such a detail as an absorber can become clogged and become unusable. The causes of a malfunction can be different (mechanical damage, natural wear of the absorbing element). The main symptom of a malfunction of the adsorber is the presence of excess pressure in the fuel tank. The reason for this is the accumulation of an excessive amount of fuel vapors, which can neither turn into a liquid state nor be removed through the adsorber. It is quite simple to make sure that there is excess pressure of fuel vapor in the fuel tank - you just need to unscrew the cap fuel tank and listen for a hiss when opening the lid. If there is a hiss, then it's time to change the adsorber, since it accumulates in the fuel tank excess amount harmful fumes.

There is another way to determine the malfunction in cars VAZ. After warming up the engine above a temperature of 60 ° C, a significant drop in engine speed at idle begins. In addition, your car may suddenly stall while driving for no specific reason.

If something similar happened with your car, then we advise you to check the health of the adsorber. This can be done as follows - disconnect the hose going to the manifold from the valve and plug it for two to three days. If the symptoms that bother you have not disappeared, and your favorite VAZ is still “playing” with speed as it pleases, then most likely there is only one verdict - adsorber blockage.

Undoubtedly, the car, as it drove, will continue to travel more than one kilometer even with a faulty adsorber, but at the same time idling it will float like a sinusoid. However, we note that an adsorber malfunction that has not been eliminated in time, or at least excess fuel vapors not released from the fuel tank in time, threatens to “shoot” the fuel tank cap from the neck, or maybe you just won’t be able to open it. Therefore, it is easier to replace a defective part than to constantly be afraid of an unauthorized "shot", since no one can predict where a flying fuel tank cap will fall.

4 Canister replacement

Replacement of this part in VAZ 2114 can be carried out at the nearest station to you Maintenance, but you can do it yourself. Since you will spend no more than 20 minutes on everything about everything, you can also replace the adsorber yourself.

So let's get started. First you need to dismantle the part to be replaced. First, we release the adsorber from the existing fasteners, then disconnect the hose that supplies fuel vapor to the throttle, and only after that the wires and block. The next step is to disconnect the purge valve and fuel outlet hose from the separator. And finally, we unscrew and remove the bracket (it won't take much time, since it is fastened with only three bolts).

After the successful dismantling of the spent adsorber, we proceed to install the purchased part. The longest piece of rubber hose available is attached to a tube through which fuel vapor is supplied to the purge channel. We attach a smaller part of the hose to the intake tube from the separator. Now, using the bracket, we install the adsorber in its rightful place. Next, the vapor supply hose is connected to the purge channel. The purge channel, in turn, is mounted on the engine cover. It is also necessary to connect the block with wires. A rubber tube is installed between the adsorber and the purge channel. Important: the tube must be resistant to gasoline and engine oil. The adsorber has been installed. Everything was done quickly, efficiently and without the involvement of third-party specialists.

5 Diagnosis of the adsorber purge valve on its own

If it is necessary to replace only the adsorber valve, then it makes no sense to go to the nearest service station. It will take you no more than 5 minutes of your time, provided you have a Phillips screwdriver. You can find such a valve in almost any store. car parts where spare parts for VAZ are sold. It costs, by the way, it is inexpensive - no more than 700 rubles. Together with the valve, it is recommended to replace the adsorber sensor, since it controls the valve directly. However, it is worth changing it, provided that the sensor emits extraneous noise crackle-like. Moreover, sometimes difficulties arise at the moment when it is necessary to purchase an adsorber sensor, since it is not sold everywhere.

First you need to diagnose the adsorber valve to the question of serviceability. To do this, we need a multimeter and a pair of wires. Before checking, it is necessary to release the retainer and remove the wiring harness block from the purge valve. Then we connect the "minus" of the multimeter to the "mass". We turn on the ignition, we measure the voltage at terminal "A" of the wire block. The multimeter reading should not be less than 12 volts. If the multimeter display shows less than 12 volts or there is no voltage at all, then you most likely have a dead battery or a faulty computer.

Using a Phillips screwdriver, loosen the clamp that secures the tube to the valve. We remove the hose from the nozzle. Using a screwdriver, remove the valve from the adsorber. Next, it is necessary to apply a voltage of 12 volts from the battery to the terminals ("+" - terminal "A", "-" - terminal "B"). After applying voltage, the valve should open with a characteristic click. If this does not happen, then the valve must be replaced.

6 Replacing the adsorber purge valve in the VAZ 2114

So, let's start replacing the adsorber valve in the VAZ 2114. To begin with, we de-energize the car by removing the negative terminal from battery. Then the plug is disconnected from the CPA. To get to the valve, we need to loosen the clamp of the inlet pipe a little, then remove it from the mass air flow sensor and take it aside. Next, slightly bend the valve mount to make unhindered dismantling. It is necessary to take the mount to the side at a distance not exceeding 1 centimeter.

After all the operations done, pull the valve up the grooves. On this, the dismantling of the adsorber valve is not yet completed. It remains to disconnect the inlet fitting. The whole problem is that one of them disconnects very simply, but with the second, as a rule, difficulties arise. The snag is that the inlet fitting is fixed by a special latch. To dismantle it, you need to pry off the plastic antennae, and for this you need to drown the latch (in this case, the fitting should be raised slightly up). Dismantling is completed, installation is carried out in the reverse order.

7 Conclusion

So, let's sum up a little. We managed to find out why an adsorber is needed at all in the VAZ 2114 and how it can be replaced without resorting to the help of specialists. This detail is very important for vehicles that meet Euro 3 environmental standards. If the adsorber is removed from the VAZ 2114 car, then the level of environmental friendliness of your car will drop to "Euro 2" or "Euro 1".

According to the European environmental standard "Euro-3", the emission of hydrocarbon vapors into the atmosphere, which occur during the evaporation of gasoline, is prohibited. With this in mind, scientists have come up with a device that allows you to capture and neutralize the above pairs.

This "saving" device was the so-called adsorber, or as some call it - "absorber" (from the word absorbent - capable of absorbing, in part, this name can also be considered correct), it is installed in the car's fuel system in order to eliminate harmful vapors that occur as a result of the evaporation of gasoline.

Today, we will try to answer the most popular questions related to the adsorber, so that you find out what it is, what it is for and how the adsorber works. fuel system. As an example, we take the VAZ 2110.

As an absorbent that absorbs hydrocarbon vapors, coal is used, which is used to fill the adsorber tank. Where do couples come from? Vapors, as mentioned above, emit gasoline due to heating of the fuel and constant shaking during movement, the vapors rise up, then, through the hole in the tank neck, they enter the separator. In the separator, the vapors condense and flow back into the tank, and part of the gases that did not have time to change from a gaseous state to a liquid state or, simply speaking, become condensate, enters through the steam pipeline into the gravity valve and directly into the adsorber, which it neutralizes with activated carbon. This process occurs at a time when the motor is not running.

If the engine is running, the control system, by opening the solenoid valve, purges the canister, after which harmful vapors, together with air, are emitted into the intake pipe, where they are burned.

The benefits of such a system are twofold, since, first of all, there is no pollution of the atmosphere with harmful fumes, in addition, fuel is saved, since gasoline does not evaporate, but returns through the separator to the tank.

What does the adsorber VAZ 2110 consist of?

  • Steam pipes and hoses;
  • Pipe for draining gasoline;
  • Purge valve;
  • Separator;
  • gravity valve;
  • Adsorber (activated carbon).

In device modern car there are many different parts, the existence of which the average car enthusiast does not even know. The adsorber, the adsorber valve, whose malfunctions can significantly undermine the operation of the machine, is an example of this.


This spare part was not always a part of the machine. We owe its appearance to modern requirements for the environmental performance of cars, or to be more precise, the adsorber Lada Granta acquired thanks to Euro-3.

(Euro-3 is an environmental standard that was introduced in 1999, but its requirements Russian manufacturers could only answer in 2008.)

The adsorber, for which Grant became one of the first "shelters" in the domestic auto industry market, is a spare part directly tied to the catalyst. It allows gasoline vapors to accumulate to prevent them from entering the exhaust manifold.

Such actions allow you to save the catalyst and prevent its premature wear, since the conjugation of a cold catalyst with gasoline vapor is unacceptable. As soon as the engine warms up to the required temperature, the canister purge sensor is activated. The adsorber valve drives the vapors back into the gas tank.

Additional features

Of course, initially, created to create an environmentally friendly operation of the engine, the Lada Granta adsorber, the price of which is insignificant, was underestimated. Manufacturers tried all sorts of tricks to circumvent this newfangled trend, but the law obliged all car manufacturers that did not obey this innovation to pay heavy fines.

Although AvtoVAZ has never been a big exporter, however, he was forced to take measures to install an adsorber, since he has a small, but still a sales market. Today, an adsorber is installed on the Lada Granta without fail, since world studies have revealed the following capabilities of this component:

– reduced consumption of gasoline

A similar result is achieved, since the adsorber valve allows the gases to be driven back into the gas tank, from where they enter the engine, which, when warm, is able to process them. If this device is not available, or the adsorber valve itself does not work, Grant loses fuel, which significantly increases consumption.

– normalization of the exhaust system

Thanks to filtration, the possibility of premature wear of the system and its components disappears.

Valve - as the most important component of the device

Speaking about how the adsorber valve works, it is necessary to imagine the device itself. It is, roughly speaking, a jar of coal, which is equipped with a valve that allows you to condense and direct the vapor. The canister purge valve is controlled by the ECU, which gives a signal to open / close it.

Important!!! The canister solenoid valve can create some trouble for the driver. In the cold season, when starting a cold engine, a certain clicking sound can be heard. This sound is normal, as the “cold” valve may not work correctly.

In order not to confuse this sound with possible breakdowns, it is necessary to apply progasovka. If there are no changes, you can safely write off the clicks on the absorber.

Features of the valve

Grant inherited the adsorber purge valve from Kalina. Thus, the Kalina adsorber purge valve and the Lada Grant adsorber purge valve are completely identical. This allows us to assert that the signs of a malfunction of the adsorber for both machines are identical.

If we take into account the Kalina adsorber purge solenoid valve, malfunctions and their symptoms can be completely shifted to a malfunction of the adsorber of her younger brother.

How to understand the malfunction of the absorber

Speaking of the adsorber valve, the symptoms of a malfunction will be sufficiently standardized, which makes it possible to obtain a sufficiently detailed description. So, the signs of a malfunction of the adsorber valve:

- Constant smell of gasoline in the cabin.

This fact is caused by incorrect circulation of gases, which can have a certain amount of leakage. Due to the proximity of the system to air filter, smells freely penetrate the interior.

- Valve knock.

The signs of a malfunction of the canister purge valve on the grant include this sound, familiar to all Grant owners.

(to eliminate it, you can tighten the nut, or you can purchase a new one, since the Lada Granta adsorber valve, the price of which is low, is available for purchase)

– Increased fuel consumption.

An inactive adsorber ventilation valve is not able to control the correct path of gases, which does not allow them to be processed in the form of combustion.

– The amount of harmful substances released through the system is increasing.

Speaking about how the adsorber purge valve works and why, do not forget that improving the environmental performance of a car is a paramount task that can be violated if the adsorber purge solenoid valve does not function correctly.

- Sounds like a hiss.

Strong hissing in the adsorber hose, the cause of which is the accumulation of gases, is not uncommon. Since modern requirements for cars do not allow gas emissions during parking, a certain accumulation is permissible.

– Characteristic sounds coming from the gas tank.

Speaking about the adsorber Lada Grant, for which malfunctions are always characteristic extraneous sounds coming from the gas tank, it must be said that they are the most typical sign of a breakdown. In this case, the adsorber sensor may not give any indicators of a malfunction, therefore, it must also be replaced.

Thus, the signs of a malfunction of the Lada Grant adsorber purge valve are quite simple to identify. In addition, they are detected during simple refueling of the car, which without fail requires opening the gas tank cap.

How to repair a malfunction

Speaking about the repair of the adsorber, the malfunction should be clearly established. For example, if we are talking about a grant adsorber purge valve, the malfunctions of which can be indexed by the lack of high-quality gas removal, a new VAZ adsorber purge valve can become a solution to the problem.

The repair of the adsorber valve itself comes down to the use of a Phillips screwdriver and its application. The procedure for influencing the Lada Granta adsorber sensor:

1) We remove the terminals so that there are no disastrous consequences.

2) Apply physical force and gently remove the valve.

3) We compare the new valve and the old one, because anything happens in life. Buying an adsorber valve, of course, is a simple thing, but there are mistakes of sellers / storekeepers who may mistakenly sell an unnecessary spare part.

4) We insert a new valve, assemble this system, return the terminals to their place and enjoy life. Grant's adsorber purge valve, the price of which is almost equally low throughout the Grant's territory, is also a reason for a little, but still joy.

It is impossible in the course of the story about the adsorber not to mention the fact that a huge number of Lada Grant owners prefer to eliminate this device. There are two reasons for doing so:

– lack of desire to repair

- lack of faith in the possible benefits for the environment from the installation of this device within your car

Price policy

Speaking about the Grant adsorber purge valve, which today is possible to buy in all large and not very places where spare parts for the Russian auto industry are sold, it is impossible not to note its pleasant price. Grant's adsorber valve, the price of which is equivalent to the probability of its failure, provides self-replacement and is the simplest mechanism.

Thus, maintaining the environmental standards of the Lada Grant is truly man-made. The adsorber has become a detail that, in addition to caring for the environment, can significantly reduce fuel consumption and improve the work of exhaust gases.

Often, a malfunction of this device causes failures to appear on idling, weak motor thrust. In addition, the sounds of operation of the device will not be heard when the motor is running. Also, when unscrewing the gas tank cap, carefully watch if a hiss appears, this indicates the presence of a vacuum, and therefore a malfunction of the ventilation system.

What is the result

Thus, even a small element of a car can seriously disrupt the operation of the entire power plant generally. Therefore, monitor the condition of your car and do not neglect the timely according to the requirements of the manufacturer.

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