Approximate program for special signals. Penalty for using special signals. Law and special signals for cars

Control vehicles ACC, ASF, which are equipped with special light and sound signals, require drivers to have the appropriate permit. This requirement is contained in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 15, 2007. No. 876 “On the training and admission of drivers to drive vehicles equipped with devices for supplying special light and sound signals", namely:
   "2. Establish that from January 1, 2011, drivers who have been trained in the manner established by the Regulations specified in paragraph 1 of this resolution are allowed to drive vehicles equipped with devices for giving special light and sound signals.”
According to the “Regulations on the training and admission of drivers to drive vehicles equipped with devices for giving special light and sound signals” (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 15, 2007 No. 876):
   "2. State security bodies providing transport services to persons who are provided with state protection, legal entities providing transport services to persons in respect of whom state protection measures have been taken, government agencies, the list of which is approved by Presidential Decree Russian Federation dated May 19, 2012 N 635 "On streamlining the use of devices for giving special light and sound signals installed on vehicles", as well as the operation of fire department, police, ambulance vehicles medical care, emergency services, military automobile inspection, military police of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, used to carry out urgent actions to protect the life and health of citizens (hereinafter referred to as vehicle owners), provide professional selection and training of drivers to drive vehicles.
   3. Driver training is carried out by educational institutions, educational departments of organizations, having the appropriate license, as well as federal executive authorities, which, by decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, are entrusted with the training of drivers, in the direction of vehicle owners.
    4. Driver training is carried out in accordance with curricula and programs developed on the basis of standard training programs for drivers of vehicles of the relevant categories.
    5. Model training programs for drivers of vehicles of various categories are approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in agreement with the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation and the federal governing body of the State Safety Inspectorate traffic Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
   7. For drivers who have completed training and confirmed their qualifications at the final certification, a certificate of completion of driver training for driving vehicles is issued, the form of which is approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in agreement with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
   10. Drivers permitted to drive vehicles, are undergoing training provided for by these Regulations, within the time limits established by the owners of vehicles, but at least once every 5 years.”

    An approximate training program for drivers of category "B" vehicles equipped with devices for giving special light and sound signals was approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of August 18, 2010 N 866.
    In accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 19, 2012 N 635 “On streamlining the use of devices for giving special light and sound signals installed on vehicles”:
   "3. …. devices for supplying special light and sound signals in the presence of special color schemes on the outer surface of vehicles vehicles are equipped fire department, police, ambulance, emergency services, military automobile inspection, military police of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, used to carry out urgent actions to protect the life and health of citizens;
    4. Prohibit:
    A) securing vehicles, on which devices are installed for supplying special light and sound signals in the presence of special colorographic schemes on the outer surface of these vehicles, for officials government bodies, whose duties do not imply the implementation of urgent actions to protect the life and health of citizens;
    b) misuse of vehicles on which devices are installed for sending special light and sound signals in the presence of special color graphics on the outer surface of these vehicles.”

The form of the certificate of completion of training of drivers to drive vehicles equipped with devices for giving special light and sound signals is established by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 15, 2010 N 1028 “On approval of the form of the certificate of completion of training of drivers to drive vehicles equipped with devices for supplying special light and sound signals.”

Driving a regular car is not an easy task. But drivers who own a vehicle with special signals need to have even more knowledge and experience. According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, the training and retraining of drivers of this level must be carried out by licensed institutions. NOU Automotive Lyceum "Kalita" provides training on special signals in accordance with the legally established law.

Over many years of work, instructors have passed on their knowledge and experience to more than a dozen drivers. Classes are developed in accordance with laws and approved plans. The program was developed by the best instructors. It is accessible and understandable to everyone.

Sign up for a trial lesson

Required knowledge

Training on special signals for drivers is carried out according to a special program, which is based on training classes for drivers of categories , . It is necessary for those who drive vehicles of the following services:

  • fire organization;
  • police;
  • ambulance.

When traveling in vehicles with built-in special signals, it is not enough to simply turn them on. Drivers must drive without causing harm to other road users.

Training on special signals for drivers consists of studying:

  • safe driving skills in all weather conditions;
  • regulatory legal acts on traffic on the road;
  • car devices;
  • features of the use of communication means and special devices.

Theoretical knowledge is supported by practice. The Kalita Automotive Lyceum has its own racing tracks at its disposal, where the final consolidation of theoretical knowledge takes place. Upon completion of classes, students are issued a certificate valid for 5 years.

School advantages

You can sign up for courses at one of several training centers. Over the years of successful work, branches were opened in Korolev, Balashikha and other cities. Therefore, you can choose the closest center. The benefits of a driving school also include:

  • classrooms equipped with modern simulators and educational materials;
  • experienced teachers who are the face of the school;
  • proven and varied technology.

Training is carried out according to carefully developed programs. Although the courses are paid, the cost is not calculated in numbers with many zeros. It is lower than that of competitors. The price of the classes is worth the knowledge you will gain. To register for training, you must have a driver's license and at least one year of driving experience.

Training centers

The use of special signals on a car in our country is allowed only for special types of transport. After all, special signals were created to notify road users and car drivers about the need to give way and provide advantages when passing.

For all citizens and legal entities using civil transport, self installation special light and sound devices and the use of vehicles equipped with special signals without police permission entail administrative liability (Articles 12.4., 12.5. Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses). We will talk about the use of special signals on vehicles in this article.

Law and special signals for cars

In the Russian Federation, it is prohibited to drive a car on which, without the appropriate permission, a device for sending special light or sound signals is installed, as well as to install and use such devices. Punishment is a fine, control of the vehicle and confiscation of such a device. You can study in detail the responsibility for violating the regime of using special signals by referring to Art. 12.4., 12.5. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

In addition, it is prohibited to install simply lighting devices, the color of the lights and the operating mode of which do not comply with the requirements of the Basic Regulations for the admission of vehicles to operation (Resolution of the Council of Ministers-Government of the Russian Federation dated October 23, 1993 No. 1090). For example, illumination of the rear license plate of a car is allowed only in white.

Paragraph 11 of the above Basic Provisions stipulates that the operation of vehicles equipped without the appropriate permit identification mark « Federal service protection of the Russian Federation", flashing beacons and (or) special sound signals, with special color schemes, inscriptions and designations, etc. applied to the outer surfaces, are prohibited.

The instructions for obtaining permission to use special signals, both light and sound, were approved by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs dated March 31, 2014 No. 194. The fact that permission to install such equipment was issued is confirmed by a special mark in the vehicle registration certificate (SR). Therefore, a traffic police inspector, when stopping a driver in a car with special signals, will very quickly establish the fact of their illegal installation and (or) use. In such cases, if the procedure for bringing to administrative responsibility is violated, you can submit (to a higher official). Better yet, go straight to court. But the prospect of a positive decision for the driver depends on many factors and circumstances.

Who has the right to use special signals on a car?

The list of government bodies that have the right to use special signals is quite extensive. This includes the General Prosecutor's Office, the FSB, the police, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Emergency Situations (firefighters), ambulance etc. As a rule, these are those bodies and organizations whose powers include the implementation of urgent actions to protect the life and health of citizens. At the same time, according to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the use of such signals outside of working hours and outside of actual necessity is prohibited, only if there are grounds - to protect the life and health of citizens.

It does not require permission to install such a special signal as a white-lunar beacon and a special sound signal. It is used only on federal postal vehicles (on the side surface there must be a white diagonal stripe on a blue background), and vehicles transporting cash proceeds and (or) valuable cargo and having special color schemes applied to the outer surfaces in accordance with the Russian state standard Federation.

Such special signals on cars, such as yellow or orange beacons, are installed and used on vehicles performing work on the construction, repair or maintenance of roads, tow trucks, vehicles transporting large cargo, explosive, flammable, radioactive and toxic substances of a high degree of danger. This special signal is also used in vehicles accompanying vehicles transporting large, heavy and dangerous goods, and organized groups cyclists during training activities on highways general use. You do not need to obtain permission to install such a special signal.

Special signals on the car: give way

Traffic rules establish that gaining advantage on the road is possible by using a blue flashing light and a special sound signal. Traffic police, FSO, FSB, VAI cars can, in addition to the specified special signals, turn on a red beacon. Cars accompanied by vehicles with special color schemes and with special signals turned on: blue and red flashing lights and a special sound signal also have the right to priority. Accompanied vehicles must move with low beam headlights on.

Drivers of other cars must give way to such vehicles; overtaking them is prohibited. When approaching cars with special signals on, the driver must reduce speed (to stop if necessary).

An illuminated yellow or orange beacon does not provide an advantage in traffic and serves to warn other road users of danger. And the moon-white beacon, which is used by postal vehicles and cash-in-transit vehicles, can only be turned on during attacks on such vehicles. It does not provide an advantage in traffic; a special signal for such a car only serves to attract the attention of police officers and other persons.

According to Art. 12.17. The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, violation of the rules on giving priority to a car with a special signal on is fraught with a fine or deprivation of the vehicle.

Only specially authorized bodies can install and use special signals on a car, because road safety is a priority for all its participants.

Ambulances, Ministry of Emergency Situations, police cars with flashing lights and sirens are going to help someone, which means they need to be let through. Not all drivers of other cars do this. Some people simply don’t know how to yield without causing an emergency. And this can lead to conflict on the road and punishment. Read the article about how cars with special signals have the right to move, and what will happen if you don’t miss such a vehicle or overtake it.

Read in this article

Which special vehicles should be allowed through?

Special vehicles may belong to a private entity that is not related to the provision of emergency assistance or special tasks. For example, cleaning vehicles or cash-in-transit vehicles drive with light signals. But their “flashing lights” are orange or white, respectively. They do not provide any advantages in traffic; drivers of these vehicles must follow almost all rules.

But cars with special red or blue signals have priority over other vehicles. It is given by paragraph 3.2 of the traffic rules:

When a vehicle approaches with the lights on flashing beacon blue color and a special sound signal, drivers are required to give way to ensure unhindered passage of the specified vehicle.

When approaching a vehicle that has special color schemes applied to the outer surfaces, with blue and red flashing lights turned on and a special sound signal, drivers are required to give way to ensure unimpeded passage of the specified vehicle, as well as the vehicle accompanied by it...

To do this, several conditions must be met:

  • special vehicle is used in at the moment for emergency business needs;
  • the driver is confident that other vehicles see him and give way;
  • the safety of other road users will not suffer because of it.

For a car with special signals, the traffic regulations are also slightly different regarding those that must be followed. In accordance with subclause 3.1, this transport:

  • can drive through red and yellow traffic lights;
  • do not stop before the stop line;
  • do not allow pedestrians to pass;
  • ignore the requirements of paragraphs 8-18 of the traffic rules, as well as Appendices 1 and 2.

Drivers of cars with flashing lights and sirens have no right to ignore traffic controller signals.

Expert opinion

Nadezhda Smirnova

Automotive Law Expert

Blue and red-blue beacons are installed on ambulances, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the police, including the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, the Federal Security Service, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, and the National Guard. Cars of high-ranking officials also fall into the privileged category. They are protected persons, so these “flashing lights” can be classified as FSO.

How to properly let a car pass

Often, drivers of ordinary cars go to extremes and either completely ignore the need to yield, or clear the way in such a way that they create a threat to themselves and others. If you have to let a car with a special signal pass, the driver should follow the following rules:

The very requirement to provide an advantage in accordance with clause 1.2 of the Traffic Regulations means that:

...a road user must not start, resume or continue driving, or perform any maneuver, if this may force other road users who have priority over him to change direction ... or speed.

At the same time, the rules for allowing cars with special signals to pass do not require that the driver of a regular car give way at the risk of his own life. You also can’t put other people at risk for this. And if, while allowing the police to pass, a motorist, for example, hits a pedestrian or crashes into a neighboring car, he will have to answer for the accident. It will not be possible to justify ourselves by saying that everything was done for the sake of unhindered passage of law enforcement officers.

Nevertheless, drivers should remember that giving way to a car with a special signal means allowing someone to get help faster.

Is overtaking allowed in traffic regulations?

Few people would dare to bypass an emergency vehicle driving with its flashing lights and siren turned on and drive into the oncoming lane. But if there are those interested, they should read the third paragraph of subclause 3.2 of the traffic rules. In accordance with it, overtaking a car with a special signal is unacceptable. It is also prohibited to perform the maneuver in relation to the accompanying vehicles. The requirement applies to cars with blue and red lights.

The rules do not directly say anything about the prohibition of ahead, that is, bypassing special vehicles in the lane of the same direction. But with this maneuver, the driver of a regular car can create an obstacle to the movement of an emergency vehicle. Therefore, advance should also not be carried out, remembering the need to give way.

Fine for not allowing a car with special signals to pass

Refusal to give way to emergency vehicles is punishable under Part 1 of Article 12.17 of the Administrative Code. If this does not entail serious consequences, the violator can get off with a warning. In other cases, you will need to pay 500 rubles. This is the fine for not allowing a car with a special signal to pass. This part of the article is used when only a siren and a “flashing light” indicate that a vehicle belongs to emergency services.

This is possible, for example, if police officers are rushing in a regular mode of transport due to an urgent official need.

When talking about a car with a color scheme and light and sound accompaniment used, Part 2 of the same article applies. A driver who does not yield to him faces a fine of 500 rubles, but the court may require him to surrender his license for 1-3 months. Indeed, in this case, unlike the previous one, it is quite obvious that an emergency vehicle is driving.

Watch this video on how to let cars with special signals pass:

Where do you get permits to drive a car?

Emergency vehicle drivers must have more than high level preparation than all other motorists. The requirement is contained in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 876 of December 15, 2007. They are trained in driving schools that have the appropriate license. In this case, the candidate must have a special medical certificate, and work experience in transport of this category must be at least 1 year.

Every 5 years or more often, drivers of emergency vehicles with special signals undergo retraining.

The same legal document lists organizations that should have such transport. Their management selects drivers to work on it and sends them for training. But permits to drive cars with special signals are issued in educational institutions where they undergo training. Or rather, there they receive the appropriate certificates. In addition to driving schools, this problem is solved by the institutions specified in paragraph 8 of the Resolution:

Educational institutions, educational divisions

organizations and federal executive authorities indicated

in paragraph 3 of these Regulations, organize the production and issuance

certificates specified in paragraph 7 of these Regulations.

That is, in addition to driving schools, the authorities responsible for transport services are responsible for issuing permits:

  • police, including military;
  • fire protection;
  • emergency medical services;
  • National Guard;
  • Investigative Committee.

Cars with special signals sometimes behave arrogantly and use these attributes unjustifiably. But drivers of ordinary cars should not risk pretending that they do not see emergency vehicles. Better to skip it. Moreover, legislators regularly plan to increase fines for refusal to yield.

Useful video

Watch this video about when and which special vehicles should be allowed through:

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