The use of water in steam engines. Steam engine with your own hands. A small digression into the history of steam-powered cars

I will skip the inspection of the museum exhibition and go straight to the engine room. Those who are interested can find the full version of the post in my LiveJournal. The machine room is located in this building:

29. Going inside, I was breathless with delight - inside the hall was the most beautiful steam engine I have ever seen. It was a real temple of steampunk - a sacred place for all adherents of the aesthetics of the steam age. I was amazed by what I saw and realized that it was not in vain that I drove into this town and visited this museum.

30. In addition to the huge steam engine, which is the main museum object, various samples of smaller steam engines were also presented here, and the history of steam technology was told on numerous information stands. In this picture you see a fully functioning 12 hp steam engine.

31. Hand for scale. The machine was created in 1920.

32. A 1940 compressor is exhibited next to the main museum specimen.

33. This compressor was used in the past in the railway workshops of the Werdau station.

34. Well, now let's take a closer look at the central exhibit of the museum exposition - a 600-horsepower steam engine manufactured in 1899, to which the second half of this post will be devoted.

35. The steam engine is a symbol of the industrial revolution that took place in Europe in the late 18th and early 19th century. Although the first models of steam engines were created by various inventors at the beginning of the 18th century, they were all unsuitable for industrial use, as they had a number of drawbacks. The mass use of steam engines in industry became possible only after the Scottish inventor James Watt improved the mechanism of the steam engine, making it easy to operate, safe and five times more powerful than the models that existed before.

36. James Watt patented his invention in 1775 and as early as the 1880s, his steam engines began to infiltrate factories, becoming the catalyst for the industrial revolution. This happened primarily because James Watt managed to create a mechanism for converting the translational motion of a steam engine into rotational. All steam engines that existed before could only produce translational movements and be used only as pumps. And Watt's invention could already rotate the wheel of a mill or drive factory machines.

37. In 1800, the firm of Watt and his companion Bolton produced 496 steam engines, of which only 164 were used as pumps. And already in 1810 in England there were 5 thousand steam engines, and this number tripled in the next 15 years. In 1790, the first steam boat carrying up to thirty passengers began to run between Philadelphia and Burlington in the United States, and in 1804 Richard Trevintik built the first operating steam locomotive. The era of steam engines began, which lasted the entire nineteenth century, and on railway and the first half of the twentieth.

38. This was a brief historical background, now back to the main object of the museum exhibition. The steam engine you see in the pictures was manufactured by Zwikauer Maschinenfabrik AG in 1899 and installed in the engine room of the "C.F.Schmelzer und Sohn" spinning mill. The steam engine was intended to drive spinning machines and was used in this role until 1941.

39. Chic nameplate. At that time, industrial machinery was made with great attention to aesthetic appearance and style, not only functionality was important, but also beauty, which is reflected in every detail of this machine. At the beginning of the twentieth century, simply no one would have bought ugly equipment.

40. The spinning mill "C.F.Schmelzer und Sohn" was founded in 1820 on the site of the present museum. Already in 1841, the first steam engine with a power of 8 hp was installed at the factory. for driving spinning machines, which in 1899 was replaced by a new, more powerful and modern one.

41. The factory existed until 1941, then production was stopped due to the outbreak of war. For all forty-two years, the machine was used for its intended purpose, as a drive for spinning machines, and after the end of the war in 1945-1951, it served as a backup source of electricity, after which it was finally written off from the balance of the enterprise.

42. Like many of her brothers, the car would have been cut, if not for one factor. This machine was the first steam engine in Germany, which received steam through pipes from a boiler house located in the distance. In addition, she had an axle adjustment system from PROELL. Thanks to these factors, the car received the status of a historical monument in 1959 and became a museum. Unfortunately, all the factory buildings and the boiler building were demolished in 1992. This machine room is the only thing left of the former spinning mill.

43. Magical aesthetics of the steam age!

44. Nameplate on the body of the axle adjustment system from PROELL. The system regulated the cut-off - the amount of steam that is let into the cylinder. More cut-off - more efficiency, but less power.

45. Instruments.

46. ​​By its design, this machine is a multiple expansion steam engine (or as they are also called a compound machine). In machines of this type, the steam expands sequentially in several cylinders of increasing volume, passing from cylinder to cylinder, which makes it possible to significantly increase the efficiency of the engine. This machine has three cylinders: in the center of the frame there is a high pressure cylinder - it was into it that fresh steam from the boiler room was supplied, then after the expansion cycle, the steam was transferred to the medium pressure cylinder, which is located to the right of the high pressure cylinder.

47. Having completed the work, the steam from the medium pressure cylinder moved to the low pressure cylinder, which you see in this picture, after which, having completed the last expansion, it was released outside through a separate pipe. Thus, the most complete use of steam energy was achieved.

48. The stationary power of this installation was 400-450 hp, maximum 600 hp.

49. The wrench for car repair and maintenance is impressive in size. Under it are the ropes, with the help of which the rotational movements were transmitted from the flywheel of the machine to the transmission connected to the spinning machines.

50. Flawless Belle Époque aesthetics in every screw.

51. In this picture, you can see in detail the device of the machine. The steam expanding in the cylinder transferred energy to the piston, which in turn carried out translational motion, transferring it to the crank-slider mechanism, in which it was transformed into rotational and transmitted to the flywheel and further to the transmission.

52. In the past, an electric current generator was also connected to the steam engine, which is also preserved in excellent original condition.

53. In the past, the generator was located at this place.

54. A mechanism for transmitting torque from the flywheel to the generator.

55. Now, in place of the generator, an electric motor has been installed, with the help of which a steam engine is set in motion for the amusement of the public for several days a year. Every year the museum hosts "Steam Days" - an event that brings together fans and modelers of steam engines. These days the steam engine is also set in motion.

56. Original generator direct current is now on the sidelines. In the past, it was used to generate electricity for factory lighting.

57. Produced by "Elektrotechnische & Maschinenfabrik Ernst Walther" in Werdau in 1899, according to the information plate, but the year 1901 is on the original nameplate.

58. Since I was the only visitor to the museum that day, no one prevented me from enjoying the aesthetics of this place one-on-one with a car. In addition, the absence of people contributed to getting good photos.

59. Now a few words about the transmission. As you can see in this picture, the surface of the flywheel has 12 rope grooves, with the help of which the rotary motion of the flywheel was transmitted further to the transmission elements.

60. A transmission, consisting of wheels of various diameters connected by shafts, distributed the rotational movement to several floors of a factory building, on which spinning machines were located, powered by energy transmitted by a transmission from a steam engine.

61. Flywheel with grooves for ropes close-up.

62. The transmission elements are clearly visible here, with the help of which the torque was transmitted to a shaft passing underground and transmitting rotational motion to the factory building adjacent to the machine room, in which the machines were located.

63. Unfortunately, the factory building was not preserved and behind the door that led to the neighboring building, now there is only emptiness.

64. Separately, it is worth noting the electrical control panel, which in itself is a work of art.

65. Marble board in a beautiful wooden frame with rows of levers and fuses located on it, a luxurious lantern, stylish appliances - Belle Époque in all its glory.

66. The two huge fuses located between the lantern and the instruments are impressive.

67. Fuses, levers, regulators - all equipment is aesthetically pleasing. It can be seen that when creating this shield about appearance taken care of not least.

68. Under each lever and fuse is a "button" with the inscription that this lever turns on / off.

69. The splendor of the technology of the period of the "beautiful era".

70. At the end of the story, let's return to the car and enjoy the delightful harmony and aesthetics of its details.

71. Control valves for individual machine components.

72. Drip oilers designed to lubricate moving parts and assemblies of the machine.

73. This device is called a grease fitting. From the moving part of the machine, worms are set in motion, moving the oiler piston, and it pumps oil to the rubbing surfaces. After the piston reaches dead center, it is lifted back by turning the handle and the cycle repeats.

74. How beautiful! Pure delight!

75. Machine cylinders with intake valve columns.

76. More oil cans.

77. A classic steampunk aesthetic.

78. The camshaft of the machine, which regulates the supply of steam to the cylinders.



81. All this is very very beautiful! I received a huge charge of inspiration and joyful emotions while visiting this machine room.

82. If fate suddenly brings you to the Zwickau region, be sure to visit this museum, you will not regret it. Museum website and coordinates: 50°43"58"N 12°22"25"E

I came across an interesting article on the Internet.

"American inventor Robert Green has developed a completely new technology that generates kinetic energy by converting residual energy (as well as other fuels). Green's steam engines are piston-strengthened and designed for a wide range of practical purposes."
Like this, nothing more, nothing less: absolutely new technology. Well, naturally began to look, trying to penetrate. Everywhere it's written one of the most unique advantages of this engine is the ability to generate power from the residual energy of the engines. More precisely, the residual exhaust energy of the engine can be converted to energy going to the pumps and cooling systems of the unit. Well, so what of this, as I understand it, use exhaust gases to bring water to a boil and then convert steam into motion. How necessary and low-cost it is, because ... even though this engine, as they say, is specially designed from a minimum number of parts, it still costs a lot and is there any point in fencing a garden, all the more fundamentally new in this invention I don’t see . And a lot of mechanisms for converting reciprocating motion into rotational motion have already been invented. On the author's website, a two-cylinder model is for sale, in principle, not expensive
only 46 dollars.
On the author's website there is a video using solar energy, there is also a photo where someone on a boat uses this engine.
But in both cases it is clearly not residual heat. In short, I doubt the reliability of such an engine: "The ball bearings are at the same time hollow channels through which steam is supplied to the cylinders." What is your opinion, dear users of the site?
Articles in Russian

Opportunities in the use of steam energy were known at the beginning of our era. This is confirmed by a device called Heron's aeolipil, created by the ancient Greek mechanic Heron of Alexandria. An ancient invention can be attributed to a steam turbine, the ball of which rotated due to the power of jets of water vapor.

It became possible to adapt steam for the operation of engines in the 17th century. They did not use such an invention for long, but it made a significant contribution to the development of mankind. In addition, the history of the invention of steam engines is very fascinating.


The steam engine is made up of heat engine external combustion, which from the energy of water vapor creates a mechanical movement of the piston, and that, in turn, rotates the shaft. The power of a steam engine is usually measured in watts.

Invention history

The history of the invention of steam engines is connected with the knowledge of ancient Greek civilization. For a long time, no one used the works of this era. In the 16th century, an attempt was made to create a steam turbine. The Turkish physicist and engineer Takiyuddin ash-Shami worked on this in Egypt.

Interest in this problem reappeared in the 17th century. In 1629, Giovanni Branca proposed his own version of the steam turbine. However, the inventions were losing a lot of energy. Further developments required appropriate economic conditions, which will appear later.

The first person to invent the steam engine is Denis Papin. The invention was a cylinder with a piston rising due to steam and falling as a result of its thickening. The devices of Savery and Newcomen (1705) had the same principle of operation. The equipment was used to pump water out of workings in the extraction of minerals.

Watt managed to finally improve the device in 1769.

Inventions by Denis Papin

Denis Papin was a medical doctor by training. Born in France, he moved to England in 1675. He is known for many of his inventions. One of them is a pressure cooker, which was called "Papenov's cauldron".

He managed to reveal the relationship between two phenomena, namely the boiling point of a liquid (water) and the pressure that appears. Thanks to this, he created a sealed boiler, inside which the pressure was increased, due to which the water boiled later than usual and the temperature of the processing of the products placed in it increased. Thus, the speed of cooking increased.

In 1674, a medical inventor created a powder engine. His work consisted in the fact that when the gunpowder ignited, a piston moved in the cylinder. A slight vacuum was formed in the cylinder, and atmospheric pressure returned the piston to its place. The resulting gaseous elements exited through the valve, and the remaining ones were cooled.

By 1698, Papin managed to create a unit based on the same principle, working not on gunpowder, but on water. Thus, the first steam engine was created. Despite the significant progress that the idea could lead to, it did not bring significant benefits to its inventor. This was due to the fact that earlier another mechanic, Savery, had already patented a steam pump, and by that time they had not yet come up with another application for such units.

Denis Papin died in London in 1714. Despite the fact that the first steam engine was invented by him, he left this world in need and loneliness.

Inventions of Thomas Newcomen

More successful in terms of dividends was the Englishman Newcomen. When Papin created his machine, Thomas was 35 years old. He carefully studied the work of Savery and Papin and was able to understand the shortcomings of both designs. From them he took all the best ideas.

Already by 1712, in collaboration with the glass and plumbing master John Calley, he created his first model. Thus continued the history of the invention of steam engines.

Briefly, you can explain the created model as follows:

  • The design combined a vertical cylinder and a piston, like Papin's.
  • The creation of steam took place in a separate boiler, which worked on the principle of the Savery machine.
  • The tightness in the steam cylinder was achieved due to the skin, which was covered with a piston.

The Newcomen unit raised water from the mines with the help of atmospheric pressure. The machine was distinguished by its solid dimensions and required a large amount of coal to operate. Despite these shortcomings, Newcomen's model was used in mines for half a century. It even allowed the reopening of mines that had been abandoned due to groundwater flooding.

In 1722, Newcomen's brainchild proved its effectiveness by pumping water out of a ship in Kronstadt in just two weeks. The windmill system could do it in a year.

Due to the fact that the machine was based on early versions, the English mechanic was unable to obtain a patent for it. Designers tried to apply the invention for movement vehicle, but unsuccessfully. The history of the invention of steam engines did not stop there.

Watt's invention

The first to invent equipment of compact size, but powerful enough, James Watt. The steam engine was the first of its kind. A mechanic from the University of Glasgow in 1763 began to repair the Newcomen steam engine. As a result of the repair, he understood how to reduce fuel consumption. To do this, it was necessary to keep the cylinder in a constantly heated state. However, Watt's steam engine could not be ready until the problem of steam condensation was solved.

The solution came when a mechanic was walking past the laundries and noticed puffs of steam coming out from under the lids of the boilers. He realized that steam is a gas and needs to travel in a reduced pressure cylinder.

Achieving tightness inside steam cylinder with the help of a hemp rope soaked in oil, Watt was able to forego atmospheric pressure. This was a big step forward.

In 1769, a mechanic received a patent, which stated that the temperature of the engine in a steam engine would always be equal to the temperature of the steam. However, the affairs of the hapless inventor did not go as well as expected. He was forced to pawn the patent for debt.

In 1772 he met Matthew Bolton, who was a wealthy industrialist. He bought and returned Watt his patents. The inventor returned to work, supported by Bolton. In 1773, Watt's steam engine was tested and showed that it consumes coal much less than its counterparts. A year later, the production of his cars began in England.

In 1781, the inventor managed to patent his next creation - a steam engine for driving industrial machines. Over time, all these technologies will make it possible to move trains and steamboats with the help of steam. It will completely change a person's life.

One of the people who changed the lives of many was James Watt, whose steam engine accelerated technological progress.

Polzunov's invention

The design of the first steam engine, which could power a variety of working mechanisms, was created in 1763. It was developed by the Russian mechanic I. Polzunov, who worked at the mining plants of Altai.

The head of the factories was acquainted with the project and received the go-ahead for the creation of the device from St. Petersburg. The Polzunov steam engine was recognized, and the work on its creation was entrusted to the author of the project. The latter wanted to first assemble a miniature model in order to identify and eliminate possible flaws that are not visible on paper. However, he was ordered to start building a large, powerful machine.

Polzunov was provided with assistants, of whom two were inclined towards mechanics, and two were supposed to perform auxiliary work. It took one year and nine months to build the steam engine. When Polzunov's steam engine was almost ready, he fell ill with consumption. The creator died a few days before the first tests.

All actions in the machine took place automatically, it could work continuously. This was proved in 1766, when Polzunov's students conducted the last tests. A month later, the equipment was put into operation.

The car not only paid back the money spent, but also gave a profit to its owners. By autumn, the boiler began to leak, and work stopped. The unit could be repaired, but this did not interest the factory authorities. The car was abandoned, and a decade later it was dismantled as unnecessary.

Operating principle

A steam boiler is required for the operation of the entire system. The resulting steam expands and presses on the piston, resulting in the movement of mechanical parts.

The principle of operation is best studied using the illustration below.

If you do not paint the details, then the work of the steam engine is to convert the energy of steam into the mechanical movement of the piston.


The efficiency of a steam engine is determined by the ratio of useful mechanical work in relation to the amount of heat expended, which is contained in the fuel. The energy that is released into the environment as heat is not taken into account.

The efficiency of a steam engine is measured as a percentage. The practical efficiency will be 1-8%. In the presence of a condenser and expansion of the flow path, the indicator can increase up to 25%.


The main advantage of steam equipment is that the boiler can use any heat source, both coal and uranium, as fuel. This significantly distinguishes it from the internal combustion engine. Depending on the type of the latter, a certain type of fuel is required.

The history of the invention of steam engines showed advantages that are still noticeable today, since nuclear energy can be used for the steam counterpart. By itself, a nuclear reactor cannot convert its energy into mechanical work, but it is capable of generating a large amount of heat. It is then used to generate steam, which will set the car in motion. Solar energy can be used in the same way.

Steam-powered locomotives perform well at high altitude. The efficiency of their work does not suffer from the low atmospheric pressure in the mountains. Steam locomotives are still used in the mountains of Latin America.

In Austria and Switzerland, new versions of steam locomotives running on dry steam are used. They show high efficiency thanks to many improvements. They are not demanding in maintenance and consume light oil fractions as fuel. In terms of economic indicators, they are comparable to modern electric locomotives. At the same time, steam locomotives are much lighter than their diesel and electric counterparts. This is a great advantage in mountainous terrain.


The disadvantages include, first of all, low efficiency. To this should be added the bulkiness of the design and low-speed. This became especially noticeable after the advent of the internal combustion engine.


Who invented the steam engine is already known. It remains to be seen where they were used. Until the middle of the twentieth century, steam engines were used in industry. They were also used for railway and steam transport.

Factories that operated steam engines:

  • sugar;
  • match;
  • paper mills;
  • textile;
  • food enterprises (in some cases).

Steam turbines are also included in this equipment. Electricity generators still work with their help. About 80% of the world's electricity is generated using steam turbines.

At the time they were created different kinds steam powered vehicles. Some did not take root due to unresolved problems, while others continue to work today.

Steam powered transport:

  • automobile;
  • tractor;
  • excavator;
  • airplane;
  • locomotive;
  • vessel;
  • tractor.

Such is the history of the invention of steam engines. Briefly consider the successful example of the Serpolle racing car, created in 1902. It set a world speed record, which amounted to 120 km per hour on land. That is why steam cars were competitive in relation to electric and gasoline counterparts.

So, in the USA in 1900, most of all steam engines were produced. They met on the roads until the thirties of the twentieth century.

Most of these vehicles became unpopular after the advent of the internal combustion engine, whose efficiency is much higher. Such machines were more economical, while light and fast.

Steampunk as a trend of the era of steam engines

Speaking of steam engines, I would like to mention the popular direction - steampunk. The term is made up of two English words- "steam" and "protest". Steampunk is a type of science fiction that takes place in the second half of the 19th century in Victorian England. This period in history is often referred to as the Age of Steam.

All works have one distinguishing feature- they tell about the life of the second half of the 19th century, the style of narration at the same time resembles the novel by H. G. Wells "The Time Machine". The plots describe urban landscapes, public buildings, technology. A special place is given to airships, old cars, bizarre inventions. All metal parts were fastened with rivets, since welding had not yet been used.

The term "steampunk" originated in 1987. Its popularity is associated with the appearance of the novel "The Difference Engine". It was written in 1990 by William Gibson and Bruce Sterling.

At the beginning of the 21st century, several famous films were released in this direction:

  • "Time Machine";
  • "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen";
  • "Van Helsing".

The forerunners of steampunk include the works of Jules Verne and Grigory Adamov. Interest in this direction from time to time manifests itself in all spheres of life - from cinema to everyday clothes.

A steam engine is a heat engine in which the potential energy of expanding steam is converted into mechanical energy given to the consumer.

We will get acquainted with the principle of operation of the machine using the simplified diagram of Fig. one.

Inside cylinder 2 is a piston 10 which can move back and forth under steam pressure; the cylinder has four channels that can be opened and closed. Two upper steam channels1 and3 are connected by a pipeline to the steam boiler, and through them fresh steam can enter the cylinder. Through the two lower capals 9 and 11, the pair, which has already completed the work, is released from the cylinder.

The diagram shows the moment when channels 1 and 9 are open, channels 3 and11 closed. Therefore, fresh steam from the boiler through the channel1 enters the left cavity of the cylinder and, with its pressure, moves the piston to the right; at this time, the exhaust steam is removed from the right cavity of the cylinder through channel 9. With the extreme right position of the piston, the channels1 and9 are closed, and 3 for the inlet of fresh steam and 11 for the exhaust of exhaust steam are open, as a result of which the piston will move to the left. At the extreme left position of the piston, channels open1 and 9 and channels 3 and 11 are closed and the process is repeated. Thus, a rectilinear reciprocating motion of the piston is created.

To convert this movement into rotational, the so-called crank mechanism. It consists of a piston rod - 4, connected at one end to the piston, and at the other, pivotally, by means of a slider (crosshead) 5, sliding between the guide parallels, with a connecting rod 6, which transmits movement to the main shaft 7 through its knee or crank 8.

The amount of torque on the main shaft is not constant. Indeed, the strengthR , directed along the stem (Fig. 2), can be decomposed into two components:To directed along the connecting rod, andN , perpendicular to the plane of the guide parallels. The force N has no effect on the movement, but only presses the slider against the guide parallels. ForceTo is transmitted along the connecting rod and acts on the crank. Here it can again be decomposed into two components: the forceZ , directed along the radius of the crank and pressing the shaft against the bearings, and the forceT perpendicular to the crank and causing the shaft to rotate. The magnitude of the force T will be determined from the consideration of the triangle AKZ. Since the angle ZAK = ? + ?, then

T = K sin (? + ?).

But from the OCD triangle the strength

K= P/ cos ?

That's why

T= psin( ? + ?) / cos ? ,

During the operation of the machine for one revolution of the shaft, the angles? and? and strengthR are continuously changing, and therefore the magnitude of the torsional (tangential) forceT also variable. To create a uniform rotation of the main shaft during one revolution, a heavy flywheel is mounted on it, due to the inertia of which a constant angular speed of rotation of the shaft is maintained. In those moments when the powerT increases, it cannot immediately increase the speed of rotation of the shaft until the flywheel accelerates, which does not happen instantly, since the flywheel has a large mass. At those moments when the work produced by the twisting forceT , the work of the resistance forces created by the consumer becomes less, the flywheel, again, due to its inertia, cannot immediately reduce its speed and, giving up the energy received during its acceleration, helps the piston overcome the load.

At the extreme positions of the piston angles? +? = 0, so sin (? + ?) = 0 and, therefore, T = 0. Since there is no rotational force in these positions, if the machine were without a flywheel, sleep would have to stop. These extreme positions of the piston are called dead positions or dead points. The crank also passes through them due to the inertia of the flywheel.

In dead positions, the piston is not brought into contact with the cylinder covers, a so-called harmful space remains between the piston and the cover. The volume of harmful space also includes the volume of steam channels from the steam distribution organs to the cylinder.

StrokeS called the path traveled by the piston when moving from one extreme position to another. If the distance from the center of the main shaft to the center of the crank pin - the radius of the crank - is denoted by R, then S = 2R.

Cylinder displacement V h called the volume described by the piston.

Typically, steam engines are double (double-sided) action (see Fig. 1). Sometimes single-acting machines are used, in which steam exerts pressure on the piston only from the side of the cover; the other side of the cylinder in such machines remains open.

Depending on the pressure with which the steam leaves the cylinder, the machines are divided into exhaust, if the steam escapes into the atmosphere, condensing, if the steam enters the condenser (a refrigerator where reduced pressure is maintained), and heat extraction, in which the steam exhausted in the machine is used for any purpose (heating, drying, etc.)

On April 12, 1933, William Besler took off from the Oakland Municipal Airfield in California in a steam-powered aircraft.
The newspapers wrote:

“The takeoff was normal in every respect, except for the absence of noise. In fact, when the plane had already left the ground, it seemed to the observers that it had not yet gained sufficient speed. On the full power the noise was no more noticeable than with a gliding aircraft. Only the whistling of air could be heard. When working at full steam, the propeller produced only a slight noise. It was possible to distinguish through the noise of the propeller the sound of the flame...

When the plane was landing and crossed the field boundary, the propeller stopped and started up slowly in reverse side by reversing and then slightly opening the throttle. Even with a very slow reverse rotation of the screw, the descent became noticeably steeper. Immediately after touching the ground, the pilot gave full reverse, which, together with the brakes, quickly stopped the car. The short run was especially noticeable in this case, since during the test there was a calm weather, and usually the landing run reached several hundred feet.

At the beginning of the 20th century, records of the height reached by aircraft were set almost annually:

The stratosphere promised considerable benefits for flight: less air resistance, constancy of winds, absence of clouds, stealth, inaccessibility to air defense. But how to fly up to a height of, for example, 20 kilometers?

[Gasoline] engine power drops faster than air density.

At an altitude of 7000 m, the engine power decreases by almost three times. In order to improve the high-altitude qualities of aircraft, at the end of the imperialist war, attempts were made to use pressurization, in the period 1924-1929. superchargers are even more introduced into production. However, it is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain the power of an internal combustion engine at altitudes above 10 km.

In an effort to raise the "height limit", the designers of all countries are increasingly turning their eyes to the steam engine, which has a number of advantages as a high-altitude engine. Some countries, like Germany, for example, were pushed to this path by strategic considerations, namely, the need to achieve independence from imported oil in the event of a major war.

In recent years, numerous attempts have been made to install a steam engine in aircraft. The rapid growth of the aviation industry on the eve of the crisis and the monopoly prices for its products made it possible not to hurry with the implementation of experimental work and accumulated inventions. These attempts, which took on a special scope during the economic crisis of 1929-1933. and the depression that followed, is not an accidental phenomenon for capitalism. In the press, especially in America and France, reproaches were often thrown large concerns that they have agreements to artificially delay the implementation of new inventions.

Two directions have emerged. One is represented in America by Besler, who installed a conventional piston engine on an airplane, while the other is due to the use of a turbine as aircraft engine and is associated mainly with the work of German designers.

The Besler brothers took Doble's piston steam engine for a car as a basis and installed it on a Travel-Air biplane. [a description of their demonstration flight is given at the beginning of the post].
Video of that flight:

The machine is equipped with a reversing mechanism, with which you can easily and quickly change the direction of rotation of the machine shaft, not only in flight, but also during landing. In addition to the propeller, the engine drives a fan through the coupling, which blows air into the burner. At the start, they use a small electric motor.

The machine developed a power of 90 hp, but under the conditions of a well-known forcing of the boiler, its power can be increased to 135 hp. with.
Steam pressure in the boiler 125 at. The steam temperature was maintained at about 400-430°. In order to automate the operation of the boiler as much as possible, a normalizer or device was used, with the help of which water was injected under a known pressure into the superheater as soon as the steam temperature exceeded 400 °. The boiler was equipped with a feed pump and a steam drive, as well as primary and secondary feed water heaters heated by exhaust steam.

The aircraft was equipped with two capacitors. A more powerful one was converted from the radiator of the OX-5 engine and mounted on top of the fuselage. The less powerful one is made from the condenser of Doble's steam car and is located under the fuselage. The capacity of the condensers, it was stated in the press, was not enough to run the steam engine at full throttle without venting to the atmosphere, "and corresponded approximately to 90% of cruising power." Experiments showed that with a consumption of 152 liters of fuel, it was necessary to have 38 liters of water.

The total weight of the steam plant of the aircraft was 4.5 kg per 1 liter. with. Compared to the OX-5 engine that powered this aircraft, this gave an extra weight of 300 pounds (136 kg). There is no doubt that the weight of the entire installation could be significantly reduced by lightening the engine parts and capacitors.
The fuel was gas oil. The press claimed that "no more than 5 minutes elapsed between turning on the ignition and starting at full speed."

Another direction in the development of a steam power plant for aviation is associated with the use of a steam turbine as an engine.
In 1932-1934. information about the original steam turbine for an aircraft designed in Germany at the Klinganberg electric plant penetrated into the foreign press. The chief engineer of this plant, Hütner, was called its author.
The steam generator and turbine, together with the condenser, were here combined into one rotating unit having a common housing. Hütner notes: "The engine represents a power plant, the distinctive characteristic feature of which is that the rotating steam generator forms one constructive and operational unit with the counter-rotating turbine and condenser."
The main part of the turbine is a rotating boiler formed from a number of V-shaped tubes, with one elbow of these tubes connected to the feed water header, the other to the steam collector. The boiler is shown in Fig. 143.

The tubes are located radially around the axis and rotate at a speed of 3000-5000 rpm. The water entering the tubes rushes under the action of centrifugal force into the left branches of the V-shaped tubes, the right knee of which acts as a steam generator. The left elbow of the tubes has fins heated by the flame from the injectors. Water, passing by these ribs, turns into steam, and under the action of centrifugal forces arising from the rotation of the boiler, an increase in steam pressure occurs. The pressure is adjusted automatically. The difference in density in both branches of the tubes (steam and water) gives a variable level difference, which is a function of the centrifugal force, and hence the speed of rotation. A diagram of such a unit is shown in Fig. 144.

The design feature of the boiler is the arrangement of the tubes, in which, during rotation, a vacuum is created in the combustion chamber, and thus the boiler acts as if it were a suction fan. Thus, according to Hütner, "the rotation of the boiler is simultaneously determined by its power, and the movement of hot gases, and the movement of cooling water."

Starting the turbine in motion requires only 30 seconds. Hütner expected to achieve a boiler efficiency of 88% and a turbine efficiency of 80%. The turbine and boiler need starting motors to start.

In 1934, a report flashed in the press about the development of a project for a large aircraft in Germany, equipped with a turbine with a rotating boiler. Two years later, the French press claimed that in conditions of great secrecy, a special aircraft was built by the military department in Germany. Steam was designed for him power point Hütner systems with a capacity of 2500 liters. with. The length of the aircraft is 22 m, the wingspan is 32 m, the flight weight (approximate) is 14 tons, the absolute ceiling of the aircraft is 14,000 m, the flight speed at an altitude of 10,000 m is 420 km / h, the ascent to a height of 10 km is 30 minutes.
It is very possible that these press reports are greatly exaggerated, but it is certain that the German designers are working on this problem, and the coming war may bring unexpected surprises here.

What is the advantage of a turbine over an internal combustion engine?
1. The absence of reciprocating motion at high rotational speeds makes it possible to make the turbine quite compact and smaller than modern powerful aircraft engines.
2. An important advantage is also the relative noiselessness of operation steam engine, which is important both from a military point of view and in terms of the possibility of lightening the aircraft due to soundproofing equipment on passenger aircraft.
3. The steam turbine, unlike internal combustion engines, which are almost never overloaded, can be overloaded for a short period up to 100% at a constant speed. This advantage of the turbine makes it possible to reduce the length of the takeoff run of the aircraft and facilitate its rise into the air.
4. The simplicity of design and the absence of a large number of moving and triggered parts are also an important advantage of the turbine, making it more reliable and durable compared to internal combustion engines.
5. The absence of a magneto on the steam plant, the operation of which can be influenced by radio waves, is also essential.
6. The ability to use heavy fuel (oil, fuel oil), in addition to economic advantages, determines the greater safety of the steam engine in terms of fire. It also creates the possibility of heating the aircraft.
7. The main advantage of a steam engine is to maintain its rated power with the rise to a height.

One of the objections to the steam engine comes mainly from aerodynamicists and comes down to the size and cooling capabilities of the condenser. Indeed, the steam condenser has a surface 5-6 times larger than the water radiator of an internal combustion engine.
That is why, in an effort to reduce the drag of such a capacitor, the designers came to place the capacitor directly on the surface of the wings in the form of a continuous row of tubes that follow exactly the contour and profile of the wing. In addition to imparting significant rigidity, this will also reduce the risk of aircraft icing.

There are, of course, a number of other technical difficulties in operating a turbine in an aircraft.
- Nozzle behavior at high altitudes is unknown.
- To change the fast load of the turbine, which is one of the conditions for the operation of an aircraft engine, it is necessary to have either a supply of water or a steam collector.
- Known difficulties are also presented by the development of a good automatic device for turbine adjustment.
- The gyroscopic effect of a rapidly rotating turbine on an aircraft is also unclear.

Nevertheless, the successes achieved give reason to hope that in the near future the steam power plant will find its place in the modern air fleet, especially on commercial transport aircraft, as well as on large airships. The hardest part in this area has already been done, and practical engineers will be able to achieve ultimate success.

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