Pre-amplifier filter for subwoofer.  Pre-amplifier for subwoofer. Power stabilization and communication unit

The presented homemade amplifier operates in the 2+1 standard (stereo + subwoofer). It is made on the basis of a popular (and most importantly cheap) microcircuit, which gives an output power of about 30 W per channel with a 4 Ohm AC load resistance and +/-22V power supply. The circuit is suitable for working with any standard audio signal source: mp3 player, smartphone or computer, as it is equipped with a preamplifier with tone controls. The signal to the subwoofer is generated through a low-frequency active filter second order. Signal components above 200 Hz are cut off, after which the signal is sent to a low-frequency power amplifier. The circuit can be powered with a voltage of no more than +/-25 V.

2.1 audio system amplifier circuit

The input signal is fed to the InP connector - the right channel, and the left channel to InL, passing through a filter high frequencies, consisting of C1 (1uF) and R1 (100k). The values ​​of these elements ensure that the cutoff frequency of this filter is around 1.5 Hz, which effectively cuts out the DC component and very low frequencies. Next, the signal goes to the op-amp amplifier U3A (NE5532), and elements R6 (10k) and R11 (4.7 k) provide signal amplification at a level of about 1.5 (1+4.7 k/10k). Capacitor C6 prevents excitation, while C2 (1uF) decouples preamp U3A from the op amp U4A (NE5532) frequency control system.

Tone block operation

Frequency adjustment is built in a classical way, elements that make changes to the signal characteristics are in a negative loop feedback U4A chips. Resistance X1 contains capacitors C17 (4.7 nF), C20 (33nF) and resistor R7 (10k), “half” of potentiometers P1A (100k), P2A (100k) and elements R8 (10k) and R13 (3.3 k ). Resistance X2 consists of capacitors C18 (4.7nF), C21 (33nF), resistor R9 (10k), "half" of potentiometers P1A, P2A and elements R8 and R13. The following figure may help you understand:

When any of the sliders of potentiometers P1A or P2A are moved from their middle position, this will lead to a change in the values ​​of X1 and X2, and, consequently, the gain value becomes different from -1 and begins to depend on frequency. Please note that the values ​​of X1 and X2 always depend on frequency, so it is fixed only in the case of X1=X2.

Potentiometer P1A is responsible for adjustment low frequencies. For high signal frequencies, capacitors C20 and C21 are conductors, so adjusting with a potentiometer has no effect at these frequencies. Potentiometer P2A allows you to adjust the treble, and thanks to capacitors C17 and C18, it does not affect the bass adjustment. For low frequencies, capacitors C17 and C18 represent an open circuit due to which the potentiometer is disconnected from the circuit and its influence on regulation becomes negligible.

The signal from the output of the tone block goes through R12 (4.7 k) to the potentiometer for adjusting the volume P3A (100k) and then to the op amp U5A (NE5532). Elements R14 (15k) and R15 (33k) set the gain to around -2 (-33k/15k). From output U5A, the signal through filter R17 (100P), C3 (1uF) and R4 (100k) enters the input of the UMZCH power amplifier.

The cutoff frequency of the filter for the subwoofer can be calculated using programs or by changing the values ​​of the elements experimentally.

The second channel of the preamplifier works similarly, the passive elements in it that appear are additionally designated by the letter “a”, and the potentiometers and operational amplifiers are marked “B”.

An additional module is a adder and an active low-pass filter made using an operational amplifier U6 (NE5532). The signal isolated in this part of the chain is used after appropriate amplification to drive the subwoofer. The signal from both preamplifier outputs goes through C22-C23 (220nF) and R2-R3 (100k) to the input of U6A. Potentiometer P4 (220k) allows you to adjust the gain in relation to the main volume control P3. P4, R2 and R3 together with U6A form an amplifier with adjustable gain in the range of 0-2.2. The second operational amplifier (U6B) is an active low-pass filter. The values ​​of the elements are selected so that the system operates as a second-order Butterworth filter with a cutoff frequency around 200 Hz. The signal from the filter output through circuit C24 (220nF), R5 (100k) goes to the input of the power amplifier.

ULF power supply

The entire amplifier is powered by a bipolar voltage within 17-25 V. The supply voltage for the operational amplifiers is formed using stabilizers U1 (78L15/L12), U2 (79L15/L12) and filtered using capacitors C4-C5 (100uF) and C7-C8 ( 47uF). In addition, the power supply to each of the four op-amps is smoothed using capacitors C9-C16 (100nF).

Operation of the UMZCH unit

The power amplifier is built on the basis of the popular U7 chip (TDA2050). This is probably the most common audio amplifier operating in class AB. With a total harmonic distortion of 0.5%, it allows you to achieve a power of about 30 W. Capacitor C8 (1uF) cuts off the DC component of the signal and at the same time represents a high-pass filter at the input. R20 (22k) determines the resistance at the input of the power amplifier.

The feedback circuit is resistors R21 (680R) and R22 (22k), changing their ratio leads to a change in gain, and a decrease in R22 or an increase in R21 causes a decrease in gain. In the datasheet of the TDA2050 chip, the manufacturer recommends that it be more than 24 dB. Capacitor C29 (22uF) cuts off the DC component at the amplifier input. Resistor R19 (2.2 Ohm) and capacitor C32 (470nF) prevent the amplifier from self-excitation. UMZCH power supply filter capacitors C26-C27 (2200uF) and C30-C31 (100nF). The other two channels work similarly.


The circuit is soldered onto a common printed circuit board. First of all, you need to solder all the jumpers. Then you can start soldering the resistors. All of them are 0.25 W. Next, attach the sockets for the operational amplifiers. At the very end, place voltage stabilizers on the board, electrolytic capacitors and potentiometers. When installing potentiometers, care should be taken that they are in line - for aesthetic reasons. Metal housings of potentiometers must be connected to ground using wires. This causes shielding of the variable housings, reducing interference and hum AC when touching the potentiometer knobs.

All three TDA2050 can be placed on a common heatsink, which will have the potential of the negative power bus. To avoid this, use insulating washers. You must be careful not to short-circuit the radiator metal case amplifier mass.

It is better to power the amplifier circuit from a transformer with a power of about 100 W and a voltage of 2x16 V, a rectifier and two capacitors that filter the alternating voltage.

Launching and setting up the scheme

When starting up for the first time, do not insert operational amplifiers into the sockets and after turning on the power, check that each socket has the correct supply voltages. Then you can stick them in place. The volume potentiometer should be turned to minimum (all the way to the left), and a signal from an mp3 player or computer should be supplied to the input. The amplifier works well with both speakers (acoustic system speakers) with a resistance of 4 and 8 ohms.

TDA2050, TDA2030 or TDA2040 microcircuits operate as output power amplifiers, providing output power of 14, 20 or 30 watts per channel, respectively. Not all amplifier chips have to be the same. You can install those that are weaker as ULF stereo, and the more powerful amplifier leave for the subwoofer.

Voltage stabilizers U1 and U2 provide symmetrical bipolar voltage at a level of +/-15 V. You can successfully use stabilizers for a voltage of 12 V or even 9 V. This will not cause changes in the operation of the preamplifier. This procedure will be necessary if we want to power the amplifier with less voltage than +/- 18 V. The 7815 and 7915 stabilizers may not want to work properly with a low voltage drop. Download PCB files


The thing that we will now talk about, as is clear from the title of the article, is homemade amplifier for a subwoofer, popularly called “Sub”. The device has an active low-pass filter built on operational amplifiers and a combiner that provides signal input from the stereo output.

Since the signal for the circuit is taken from the outputs on speaker systems, there is no need to interfere with a running amplifier. Receiving the signal from the speakers has another advantage, namely, it allows you to maintain a constant volume ratio of the subwoofer to the stereo system.

Naturally, the subwoofer channel gain can be adjusted using a potentiometer. After filtering out high frequencies and highlighting low frequencies (20-150 Hz), beep amplified using the TDA2030 or TDA2040, TDA2050 chip. This allows you to customize the bass output to your liking. Any woofer with more than 50 watts of power per subwoofer will work successfully in this project.

Filter circuit with UMZCH subwoofer

Schematic diagram of low-pass filter and UMZF subwoofer

Description of the operation of the amplifier circuit

The stereo signal is fed to the In connector via C1 (100nF) and R1 (2.2M) on the first channel and C2 (100nF) and R2 (2.2M) on the other channel. It is then fed to the input of op-amp U1A (TL074). Potentiometer P1 (220k), operating in the feedback circuit of amplifier U1A, adjusts the gain of the entire system. Next, the signal is fed to a second-order filter with elements U1B (TL074), R3 (68k), R4 (150k), C3 (22nF) and C4 (4.7 nF), which works as a Butterworth filter. Through circuit C5 (220nF), R5 (100k), the signal is supplied to repeater U1C, and then through C6 (10uF) to the input of amplifier U2 (TDA2030).

Capacitor C6 ensures separation of the DC component of the preamplifier signal from the power amplifier. Resistors R7 (100k), R8 (100k) and R9 (100k) serve to polarize the amplifier input, and capacitor C7 (22uF) filters the offset voltage. Elements R10 (4.7 k), R11 (150 k) and C8 (2.2 uF) operate in a negative feedback loop and have the task of forming the spectral characteristics of the amplifier. Resistor R12 (1R) together with capacitor C9 (100nF) form the output characteristic. Capacitor C10 (2200uF) prevents the passage DC through the speaker and, together with the speaker's resistance, determines the lower cutoff frequency of the entire amplifier.

Protection diodes D1 (1N4007) and D2 (1N4007) prevent voltage surges that may occur in the speaker coil. The supply voltage, in the range of 18-30 V, is supplied to the Zas connector, capacitor C11 (1000 - 4700uF) is the main filter capacitor (do not skimp on its capacity). Regulator U3 (78L15) together with capacitors C12 (100nF), C15 (100uF) and C16 (100nF) provides a 15 V supply voltage to the U1 chip. Elements R13 (10k), R14 (10k) and capacitors C13 (100uF), C14 (100nF) form a voltage divider for operational amplifiers, forming half of the supply voltage.

Subwoofer assembly

The entire system is soldered to . Installation should begin by soldering two jumpers. The installation order of the remaining elements is any. At the very end, capacitor C11 should be soldered in because it must be installed lying down (the legs need to be bent accordingly).

Printed circuit board for the device

The input signal must be connected to the In connector using twisted wires (twisted pair). The U2 chip must be equipped with a large radiator.

The circuit should be powered from a transformer through a rectifier diode bridge, the filter capacitor is already on the board. The transformer should have a secondary voltage in the range of 16 - 20 V, but after rectification it should not exceed 30 V. A subwoofer with good parameters should be connected to the output - a lot depends on the head.

Subwoofer amplifier for TL074 and TDA7294.

This amplifier circuit for a subwoofer using TL074 chips, on which the filter is assembled, and TDA7294 in the final stage, was found on one of the Turkish sites, at least that’s how Google translator determined the language of the article. At a load of 8 Ohms with a supply voltage of ±35 Volts, the amplifier will produce 70 Watts of power. See the image below for the main parameters of the TDA7294:

Schematic diagram of an amplifier for a subwoofer:

Board source, PCB format:

Source board, location of elements:

Using the above pictures, we drew a printed circuit board in the Sprint Layout program, LAY6 board format looks like this:

Photo view of the LAY6 amplifier board format:

The board is designed to be made from one-sided foil-coated fiberglass. Size 98 x 56 mm.

Below is a snapshot printed circuit board subwoofer amplifier assembly:

You can download the amplifier circuit for the subwoofer on TL074 + TDA7294 using a direct link from our website, which will appear in the center of the same page after clicking on any line of the advertising block below except for the line “Paid advertising”. File size – 0.9 Mb.

To connect a subwoofer to a signal source, one ULF is not enough. We also need a block that will process the signal before it is amplified by ULF. If the signal source does not contain a separate low-frequency line output to the subwoofer LFE (Low Frequency Effect), then you first need to isolate the subwoofer signal using a adder.

The signal must then be amplified to the desired level.

Next, you need to cut the signal from below using Subsonic - a device designed to cut off infra-low frequencies below 20 Hz, which are especially harmful to the speaker, especially since nothing can be heard there, but the amplitude of the diffuser at these frequencies is maximum and there is a high risk of hitting the speaker coil and leaving the speaker out of order.

After this, the signal should be cut from above 125-150Hz using a low-pass filter. To coordinate the subwoofer with the rest of the speakers, you will need the last node - the phase control.

Below is a diagram of a pre-amplifier for a subwoofer, it is made on 4 op-amps: on the 1st op-amp a pre-amplifier is assembled to amplify the input signal, on the 2nd op-amp there is a 2nd order subsonic with a cutoff frequency of 17 Hz, on the 3rd op-amp there is a low-pass filter with a cutoff frequency of 150 Hz and on the 4th op amp – phase shifter.

The device does not require adjustment. The gain can be adjusted by resistances R5 and R4:

Power is supplied from integrated positive and negative voltage stabilizers 7815 and 7915. If you have a stabilized source bipolar power supply at 15V, then they can be excluded together with capacitors C10, C11, C14, C15.

Capacitances C11, C13, C15, C17, C18, C19 are power supply filters; in the circuit they have a minimum capacitance of 0.1 µF, but if possible they can be increased to 0.22-0.47 µF. C18, C19 are op-amp power supply filters and should be located in close proximity to the microcircuit (if you use your own board layout).

If the device is located at a distance of up to 70mm from the power supply, then capacitors C10 and C14 can be eliminated by using the power supply filter as them.

For stable operation of banks 7815 and 7915, the minimum capacitance of C14 and C15 is 10 µF. For stable operation of the op-amp, the minimum capacitance of C12 and C16 is 47 µF.

The circuit uses the following variable resistors: P1 - double group A (linear), and P2 and P3 - group B (inverse logarithmic). The resistance of the signal level regulator P3 depends on the input resistance of the subsequent stage, in our case the power amplifier. The resistance of the regulator P3 must satisfy the condition:

Rout. signal source< R регулятора < R входн. усилителя

In practice, the input impedance of amplifiers lies in the range of 22k-200k, in most cases the input impedance of amplifiers is 100k.

Device circuit board:

The PCB layout in Spilnt-Layout format can be downloaded from here.

To assemble a subwoofer amplifier with your own hands correctly, you need to stock up on free time and patience. High costs no funds required. First of all, you need to purchase a power amplifier made on integrated circuit. Next, we will look at how to assemble a subwoofer amplifier with your own hands based on the TDA1562Q chip.

Below is circuit diagram amplifier

This circuit, in addition to the power amplifier, has a preamplifier made on a dual operational amplifier chip, which also plays the role of a frequency filter.

When powered by car battery The maximum output power of the amplifier will be about 50 W, which is quite enough to “drive” an average subwoofer.

Required equipment and components

So, in addition to the above microcircuit, we will need:

  • operational amplifier TL 072 (can be replaced with TL 062, TL 082 or 4558 microcircuits);
  • resistors with a power of 0.25-0.5 W;
  • electrolytic capacitors (new!);
  • non-polar capacitors - film;
  • insulated wires;
  • thermal paste;
  • radiator with a dispersion area of ​​at least 600 cm²;
  • single-sided PCB sheet.

Of course, we can’t do without a soldering iron, solder and some skill in handling all this.


Main amplifier board

The amplifier circuit board diagram is shown below.

A printed circuit board can be made by etching a PCB with a copper substrate with a ferric chloride solution. It is easier to transfer the pattern of the contact tracks onto the board from a glossy sheet of paper on which this pattern is printed using a laser printer. The nuances of this method can easily be found on the Internet on relevant electrical engineering sites.

We solder the parts carefully, removing excess flux. This is especially true for microcircuits. The op-amp chip can be installed via the eight-pin panel.

Remember: overheating semiconductor elements, can lead to their failure!

Inductors L1 and L2 in the output filter of the amplifier are made of enameled copper wire with a diameter of 1 mm, by winding onto a cylindrical core with a diameter of 5 mm. The number of coil turns is 20.

The amplifier chip is installed on the heat sink. It must have an area of ​​more than 600 cm². The role of a radiator can be performed by a car chassis.

After installing all the elements, connect the wires.

Power stabilization and communication unit

In the above scheme we used the most simple diagram The amplifier is powered through a battery, however, for more stable operation of the amplifier, you can connect it through a stabilizer. This device you can assemble it yourself (a circuit for every taste can be found very easily on the Internet), but the easiest way is to use a ready-made stabilization unit from an old amplifier or buy a new one.

In addition, the stabilization unit allows you to save car battery power.

Discharge is prevented by a relay with a separate REM terminal, operating under a voltage of 12 V. The terminal is installed at the output of the car radio, thanks to which the subwoofer begins to work together with the music device.

To control the operation of the amplifier, you can install an LED in the power supply circuit of the device.

Final assembly of the device

After mounting the board, we complete the final assembly of the amplifier and place it in the housing. The body can be made independently from ordinary plywood using a jigsaw. A diagram of the required dimensions is drawn on plywood, cut out with a jigsaw and secured with sealant.

You can also purchase the case in a store or use an aluminum box, which will simultaneously act as a radiator.

When placing all parts in the housing, you need to ensure free air circulation in it for better cooling details.

The amplifier housing must be securely fastened in the car.

Before installation, it is important to make sure that the power polarity is correct, otherwise the device will immediately burn out.

We figured out how to make an amplifier for a subwoofer, all that remains is to check its performance. This can be done at home, but in no case should you neglect safety rules, otherwise you may get an electric shock or damage the device. Testing is carried out as follows: the amplifier is powered through a battery and a speaker with a resistance of 20 ohms is connected. A load is applied to the amplifier and the power is checked.

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