Warning signs in production. Safety signs, warning notices, signal painting used in production Groups of basic safety signs: warning, prohibiting, prescriptive and others

Safety signs are intended to warn people about immediate or possible danger, to prohibit, order or permit certain actions, as well as to provide information about the location of objects and means, the use of which eliminates or reduces the impact of dangerous and (or) harmful factors.

Safety signs can be basic, additional, combined or group.

Basic safety signs contain an unambiguous semantic expression of safety requirements. Basic signs are used independently or as part of combined and group safety signs.

Additional safety signs contain an explanatory inscription and are used in combination with the main signs.

Combined and group safety signs consist of basic and additional signs and are carriers of comprehensive safety requirements.

Types and versions of safety signs

Depending on the type of materials used, safety signs can be non-luminous, retroreflective or photoluminescent.

Non-luminous safety signs are made of non-luminous materials; they are visually perceived due to the scattering of natural or artificial light falling on them.

Retroreflective safety signs are made of retroreflective materials (or with the simultaneous use of retroreflective and non-luminous materials); they are visually perceived as luminous when their surface is illuminated by a beam (ray) of light directed from the observer, and non-luminous when their surface is illuminated with light not directed from the observer ( for example in general lighting).

Photoluminescent safety signs are made from photoluminescent materials (or with the simultaneous use of photoluminescent and non-luminous materials); they are visually perceived as luminous in the dark after the cessation of natural or artificial light and non-luminous in diffuse lighting.

To increase the effectiveness of visual perception of safety signs in particularly difficult conditions of use (for example, in mines, tunnels, airports, etc.), they can be manufactured using a combination of photoluminescent and retroreflective materials.

By design, safety signs can be flat or three-dimensional.

Flat safety signs may have external lighting (illumination) of the surface with electric lamps.

Three-dimensional safety signs (colorographic images on the sides of a polyhedron) can have external or internal electric illumination of the surface.

Safety signs with external or internal lighting are connected to an emergency power supply. Fire safety signs intended for evacuation purposes and evacuation signs must be made with external / internal lighting (backlight) from an emergency power source or using photoluminescent materials.

Basic safety signs

Prohibition signs


Prohibition of dangerous behavior or activity

Warning signs



Warning of possible danger, requirement of caution, attention

Mandatory signs



Prescription of mandatory actions to avoid danger

Fire safety signs

Square and rectangle


Designation and indication of locations of fire protection equipment and their elements

Evacuation signs

Square and rectangle


Indication of the direction of movement during evacuation

Medical signs


Designation of first aid points

Directional signs

Square and rectangle


Indicating places, allowing actions

Electrical safety signs

Square and rectangle

Red and blue


Warns about possible dangers and precautions during work

Rules for the use of safety signs

Safety signs should be placed (installed) within the line of sight of the people for whom they are intended. Safety signs must be located in such a way that they are clearly visible, do not distract attention or create inconvenience when people are performing their professional or other activities, do not block passage or travel, or interfere with the movement of goods.

Safety signs placed on the gates and (above) the entrance(s) of the premises(s) mean that the coverage area of ​​these signs extends to the entire territory and the area behind the gates and doors.

The placement of safety signs on gates and doors should be done in such a way that the visual perception of the sign does not depend on the position of the gate or door (open, closed). Evacuation safety signs E 22 “Exit” and E 23 “Emergency Exit” should be placed only above the doors leading to the exit.

Safety signs installed at the entrance (entrance) to an object (site) mean that their effect extends to the object (site) as a whole. If it is necessary to limit the coverage area of ​​a safety sign, the corresponding instruction should be given in an explanatory inscription on an additional sign.

Safety signs made from non-luminous materials should be used in conditions of good and sufficient lighting.

Safety signs with external or internal lighting should be used in conditions where there is no or insufficient lighting.

Reflective safety signs should be placed (installed) in places where there is no lighting or there is a low level of background lighting (less than 20 lux): when carrying out work using individual light sources, lamps (for example in tunnels, mines, etc.), and also to ensure safety when carrying out work on roads, highways, airports, etc.

Photoluminescent safety signs should be used where emergency shutdown of light sources is possible, as well as as elements of photoluminescent evacuation systems to ensure the independent exit of people from hazardous areas in the event of an accident, fire or other emergency situations.

To excite the photoluminescent glow of safety signs, it is necessary to have artificial or natural lighting in the room where they are installed. The illumination of the surface of photoluminescent safety signs by light sources must be at least 25 lux.

Safety signs may be secured at their locations using screws, rivets, glue or other methods and fasteners that ensure their secure retention during mechanical cleaning of premises and equipment, as well as their protection from possible theft.

To avoid possible damage to the surface of retroreflective signs in places of mounting fasteners (delamination, curling of the film, etc.), the heads of rotating fasteners (screws, bolts, nuts, etc.) should be separated from the front retroreflective surface of the sign with nylon washers.

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the requirements of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, enterprises must use various SAFETY SIGNS.

These signs are intended to protect the health and life of people. We produce various signs, signs in the form of plates, posters and other necessary media for enterprises in accordance with GOST R-12. 4.026-2001.

These are fire safety, evacuation, medical and sanitary signs, prohibitory and auxiliary signs. Mandatory, warning and directional signs.

Also we we make posters prohibiting and warning. Maybe sign making, posters, stands, information boards and other information carriers from a wide range of custom-made materials with the necessary information.

Self-adhesive PVC film or PVC plastic is used as the base material in production. Signs are made on material resistant to external influences ( temperature regime from -40 to +70 degrees C).

We also produce posters and signs in accordance with the relevant GOST, glowing in the dark both in reflected light, and light-accumulating using photoluminescent materials. Photoluminescent materials are used for the production of evacuation diagrams and plans, and their production is regulated by GOST 12.2.143-2009.

Photoluminescent plans evacuation systems allow you to see text and graphic information in the dark and in high smoke conditions. Any evacuation plan contains graphic images and inscriptions, symbols and safety signs. The requirements for these components are regulated by GOST R 12.4.026-2001. Their production is carried out at licensed production in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1225 of December 30, 2011.

We are ready to supply the above products at your request in the required quantity to all regions of Russia.

And you must also remember what size signs should be made for a specific location, because from a distance of, for example, 5 meters, you can see a sign with a diameter of 150 mm. But from a distance of 20 meters, the inscription on this sign will no longer be visible and it must be made with a diameter of 500 mm.


Purpose: fire safety signs serve the function of indicating the direction of movement during evacuation.

Examples of signs:

Fire extinguisher

Fire hydrant

Fire hydrant

Fireman sign


Purpose: evacuation signs serve the function of indicating the direction of movement during evacuation.

Examples of signs:

Exit here (left side)

Exit here (right side)

Exit sign

Direction to the emergency exit left down


Purpose: prohibitory safety signs perform the function of informing about the prohibition of dangerous behavior or action.

Examples of signs:


Examples of signs:

First aid kit medical care

Means of removal (evacuation) of the affected

Reception point for hygiene procedures (showers)

Eye treatment station


Examples of signs:

Transformer disabled

Don't turn it on! The cable is damaged

Safety Compliance Officer

Fire Safety Officer


Purpose: Mandatory safety signs are intended to prescribe mandatory actions to avoid danger.

Examples of signs:

Work with safety glasses

Work in a safety helmet (helmet)

Work in protective headphones (helmet)

Work in respiratory protection equipment


Purpose: safety warning signs are intended to serve as a visual warning, warning of possible danger.

Examples of signs:

Fire hazardous. Flammable substances


Dangerous. Toxic substances

Safety sign- a colorographic image of a certain geometric shape using signal and contrasting colors, graphic symbols and (or) explanatory inscriptions.

Safety signs may be basic, additional, combined and group. Basic safety signs are divided into groups.

Warning signs

Warning signs, as well as prohibition signs, should be used to attract the attention of people at industrial, public facilities and other places to danger, a dangerous situation, warnings in order to avoid danger, messages about a possible outcome in case of neglect of the danger, instructions or requirements certain actions, as well as to communicate the necessary information.

Colorographic imageMeaning

shape - triangle;

signal color – yellow;

semantic meaning is a warning about possible danger. Caution. Attention.

Meaning: fire hazard. Flammable substances.

Used to draw attention to areas with flammable substances. On entrance doors, cabinet doors, containers, etc.

Meaning: explosive.

Used to draw attention to explosive substances, as well as to rooms and areas. On entrance doors, room walls, cabinet doors, etc.

Meaning: dangerous.

Used in places where toxic substances are stored, released, produced and used.

Meaning: dangerous. Caustic and corrosive substances.

Used in places where caustic and corrosive substances are stored, isolated, produced and used.

Meaning: dangerous. Radioactive substances or ionizing radiation.

Used on room doors, cabinet doors and other places where radioactive substances are located and used or where there is ionizing radiation.

Meaning: dangerous. The load may fall.

Used near hazardous areas where lifting and transport equipment is located, construction sites, areas, workshops, workshops, etc.

Semantic meaning: attention. Forklift

Used in rooms and areas where loading and unloading operations are carried out.

Meaning: danger of electric shock.

It is used on power transmission line supports, electrical equipment and devices, doors of power panels, on electrical panels and cabinets, as well as on fences of live parts of equipment, mechanisms, devices.

Semantic meaning: attention. Danger (other hazards).

Used to draw attention to other hazards not covered by this standard. The sign is used in conjunction with additional sign safety and with an explanatory inscription.

Meaning: dangerous. Laser radiation.

Used on room doors, equipment, devices and other places where there is laser radiation.

Meaning: fire hazard. Oxidant.

Used on room doors and cabinet doors to attract attention to the presence of an oxidizing agent.

Semantic meaning: attention. Electromagnetic field.

Used on room doors, equipment, devices and other places where electromagnetic fields operate.

Semantic meaning: attention. Magnetic field.

Used on room doors, equipment, devices and other places where magnetic fields operate.

Meaning: carefully. A subtle obstacle.

Used in places where there are subtle obstacles that could cause a tripping hazard.

Meaning: carefully. Possibility of falling from height.

Used before entering dangerous areas and in places where a fall from a height is possible.

Meaning: carefully. Biological hazard (Infectious substances).

Used in places where biological substances harmful to health are stored, produced or used.

Meaning: carefully. Cold.

Used on the doors of refrigerators and freezers, compressor units and other refrigeration devices.

Meaning: carefully. Allergic (irritating) substances harmful to health.

Used in places where allergic (irritant) substances are stored, produced or used.

Meaning: gas cylinder.

Used in gas cylinders, warehouses and areas for storing and using compressed or liquefied gases. Balloon color: black or white

Meaning: carefully. Rechargeable batteries.

It is used in premises and areas where batteries are manufactured, stored and used.

Meaning: carefully. Cutting shafts.

Used on work sites and equipment that have unprotected cutting shafts, such as woodworking, road or agricultural equipment.

Semantic meaning: attention. Pinching hazard.

Used on turnstile doors and barriers.

Meaning: carefully. Possible capsize.

It is used on roads, ramps, warehouses, and areas where in-plant transport may overturn.

Semantic meaning: attention. Automatic switching on(launch) equipment.

Used at workplaces, equipment or individual units of equipment with automatic activation.

Meaning: carefully. Hot surface.

Used in workplaces and equipment with heated surfaces.

Meaning: carefully. Possible hand injury.

Used on equipment, equipment components, covers and doors where hand injury may occur.

Meaning: carefully. Slippery.

Used in areas and areas where there are slippery areas.

Meaning: carefully. Possible tightening between rotating elements.

Used in workplaces and equipment that have rotating elements, such as roller mills.

Meaning: carefully. Narrowing of the passage (passage).

It is used in areas, areas, workshops and warehouses where there are narrow passages (passage) or protruding structures that impede passage (passage).

The text was prepared based on materials from the State Standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 12.4.026-2001 “System of occupational safety standards. Signal colors, safety signs and signal markings. Purpose and rules of use. General technical requirements and characteristics. Test methods" (put into effect by Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated September 19, 2001 No. 387-st), with amendments and additions dated July 23, 2009, by life safety methodologists: Antonov N.V., Bychkov V.A., Gerasimova S.I., Trukhov P.V.

SAFETY SIGNS are visual means of collective protection of workers (along with signal markings and signal colors). Designed to warn a person about possible danger, prohibition or prescription of certain actions, as well as information about the location of objects, the use of which is associated with the elimination or reduction of the consequences of exposure to dangerous and (or) harmful production factors. The fundamental regulatory document establishing the requirements for road signs is GOST 12.4.026–2001 SSBT “Signal colors, safety signs and signal markings. purpose and rules of application. general technical requirements and characteristics. Test methods". Z. b. are divided into basic, additional, combined and group. o n o w n e Z. b. contain an unambiguous semantic expression of safety requirements. they are used, as a rule, independently or as part of combined and group exercises; are divided into the following groups: ; ; ; ; ; ; .

Group Form Color Meaning
Prohibition signs Circle Red Prohibition of dangerous behavior or activity
Warning signs Triangle Yellow Warning of possible danger. Requirement of caution and attention
Mandatory signs Circle Blue Prescription of mandatory actions to avoid danger
Fire safety signs Square and rectangle Red Designation and indication of the location of funds fire protection protection, their elements
Evacuation signs Square and rectangle Green Indication of the direction of movement during evacuation
Medical and sanitary signs Square Green Designation of first aid points
Directional signs Square and rectangle Blue Indicating places, allowing actions

Additional Z. b. contain an explanatory inscription and are used in combination with the main letters. Usually additional Z. b. – rectangular, white (or the color of the main sign that it complements).

Combined and group Z. b. consist of main and additional characters. They are carriers of complex safety requirements. An explanatory inscription can be part of combined and group notices. in a single rectangular block.

Combined signs to indicate the direction of movement must consist of a main sign and a sign in the form of a directional arrow (an explanatory inscription is possible).

By types of materials used Z. b. are divided into non-luminous, retroreflective and photoluminescent.

Non-luminous Z. b. used in normal (natural solar or artificial electric) lighting. Only part of the light flux coming from the light source and scattered by the surface of the sign is perceived. In conditions of insufficient lighting, color perception of non-luminous stars. worsens, and completely disappears in the dark. Increased injuries occur when working in the dark, as well as in underground communications without lighting or with low level illumination In these cases, retroreflective and photoluminescent lenses should be used.

Retroreflective Z. b. have microlenses on their surface, for example, microscopic glass balls Ø 50–100 microns, which, when a light flux hits them, almost completely return it back to the light source. If the luminous flux comes from the side of the observer, then retroreflective Z. b. are perceived as brighter than the objects around them. Retroreflective Z. b. allow you to identify objects during repair, emergency, rescue, road, construction and other special work, as well as when working in mines, tunnels, inspection wells and other underground communications. Reduce collisions with vehicles when carrying out road and other work in the dark.

Photoluminescent Z. b. used in the dark during an emergency shutdown of working lighting. The sign material contains phosphor pigments that are capable of independently emitting a yellow-green glow for a long time (8 hours or more), which allows you to visually perceive the necessary information. Modern photoluminescent materials do not contain radioactive additives or phosphorus. Under normal lighting, photoluminescent Z. b. are perceived as ordinary non-luminous.

To increase the efficiency of visual perception Z. b. in particularly difficult conditions of use (for example, in mines, tunnels, etc.) it is possible to carry them out with the simultaneous use of retroreflective and photoluminescent materials.

According to the design of the Z. b. can be flat or voluminous.

Flat Z. b. may have external (illuminated) surfaces with electric lamps.

Volumetric z. b. (colorographic images on the sides of the polyhedron) can have external or internal electrical surfaces.

Z. b. with external or internal lighting are connected to an emergency power supply. , intended for evacuation purposes and must be made with external / internal lighting (backlight) from an emergency power supply or using photoluminescent materials.

Z. b. made of metal, plastic, silicate or organic glass, self-adhesive polymer film, self-adhesive paper, cardboard and other materials.

Z. b. should be placed (installed) in the people for whom they are intended, and so that they do not distract the attention of workers, do not block the passage (passage), and do not interfere with the movement of goods.

These signs are intended for visual perception of information to ensure safety in various areas of human activity.

Interpretation of the concept in question

A safety sign is a color image of an appropriate geometric shape, which serves as a warning to people about immediate (possible) danger. It prohibits, prescribes or permits specific actions, and also acts as a carrier of information about the location of objects, means, the use of which excludes and reduces the influence of dangerous, harmful factors.

Types of signs considered

There are four of them:

  1. Basic. They carry an unambiguous semantic expression of a set of security requirements. These signs are used independently or as part of group or combined signs.
  2. Additional. They contain an explanatory inscription, and they are always used together with the main ones.
  3. Group. They contain 2 or more main signs in one rectangular block along with explanatory inscriptions. These signs are intended to set out a number of complex requirements and measures regarding safety.
  4. Combined. They are rectangular in shape and contain both a main sign and an additional one along with an explanatory inscription.

Basic occupational safety signs

They are as follows:

  • prohibiting (graphic image on a white background with a red border);
  • fire safety (graphic image on a red background with a white border);
  • evacuation, medical, sanitary purposes (graphic image in white on a green background);
  • warning (black graphic on yellow background with black border);
  • prescriptive (graphic image in white on a blue background with a white border);
  • index (graphic image in white on a blue background with a white border).

Signal colors and safety signs

For convenience, the information is presented in table form.

Signal color

Contrasting color

Semantic meaning

Scope of application


Allowing specific actions

Instruction for the purpose of avoiding danger

Requiring a set of mandatory actions to ensure safety

Rescue, help

Designation of first aid kits, cabinets, evacuation routes, first aid equipment

Safe conditions, security

Message about the normal state of the technical process and equipment

Perceived danger

Warning of possible danger

Identification of a possible hazardous situation

Fire protection equipment, fire equipment

Determination and designation of locations of special fire equipment, elements, fire protection equipment

Emergency, dangerous situation

Certificate of emergency condition of the technical process and equipment

Imminent danger

Identification of specific hazard

Prohibition of dangerous actions or behavior

The main criterion for choosing the size of the sign

It is distance. It must be such that an observer can discern the safety sign. The value of this criterion, as well as the height of the sign (the font of the explanatory inscription) are intertwined with each other through a certain ratio, depending on the degree of illumination of the sign surface.

Average sizes of all main signs under normal lighting

They are presented taking into account the required viewing distance of 20 meters. For convenience, the information is grouped into a table.

Observation distance, m

Average sizes of all main safety signs


Prohibiting, prescriptive

Signposts, medical, sanitary, evacuation, fire safety



Side length B, mm

Diameter D, mm

Side length A, mm

Side length B, mm

Side length A, mm

Material for making safety signs

According to Gosstandart, they can be non-luminous, photoluminescent, or retroreflective.

  • Non-luminous The safety sign is used in normal natural (artificial) lighting. Signs of this kind become perceptible to the human eye even in diffused light. In case of insufficient lighting, they are not used, since at dusk these signs are difficult to distinguish.
  • Retroreflective The safety sign is usually used in very low light conditions. But at the same time, there must be some kind of light source nearby, through which the retroreflection effect will be formed. In the case when the source and the observer are on the same straight line, the sign glows brighter, but all surrounding objects appear dim.
  • Photoluminescent Safety signs (GOST) are intended for darkened rooms, as well as for use in emergency light outage situations. They are made using a phosphor pigment that absorbs light and can independently emit it in the dark for 8 hours.

It is worth noting that under normal lighting, retroreflective and photoluminescent signs appear as normal non-luminous signs. The disclosure of their features occurs only under certain conditions. According to GOST 12.1.007-76, photoluminescent materials belong to the 3rd and 4th hazard classes, since they do not contain radioactive elements and do not harm the health of workers.

Signal signs

They are in the form of shields, columns of various shapes, colors, containing symbols, inscriptions, are used in specific places.

The following are distinguished: signal signs:

  • Permanent: boards “Conductor”, “Station Boundary”, “Start (end) of a dangerous place”, limit columns, sign “C”, meaning blowing a whistle, “Start (end) of pushing”, etc.
  • In electrified areas(blue square boards with an upward facing angle, containing conventional safety signs): “Turn off the current” - it is installed with neutral inserts near the sections of the contact network. The driver, when passing them, is obliged to turn off the current. A permanent sign is placed behind the neutral sign - “Turn on the current on the electric train (electric locomotive).”
  • For snow blower: “Raise the knife and close the wings”, it is installed for the winter period of time in front of obstacles encountered along the way that do not allow the passage of the snowplow. Behind them there is a sign “Lower blade and open wings”, which allows the snowblower to operate.

Both signal signs and safety signs contain information that allows you to warn a person from danger.

Considered signs in the field of labor protection

Subtype of prohibitory signs - signs to safety rules on labor protection. They mark dangerous devices and places; they indicate the impossibility of using mechanisms and premises without special protection and equipment. These signs act as a kind of safety reminder for employees. In case of their absence, a serious fine will immediately follow.

Conventional safety signs - important element design, responsible not for profitability, but for human life. In this regard, their installation is required by law for an enterprise, store, hairdresser, or shopping center.


Cans of paint and varnish materials are often labeled. safety indicators serve to facilitate the buyer’s search for products that are safe for health; they indicate a minimal level of harm to the natural environment.

The following criteria exist for assigning these marks:

  1. The level of product safety for both health and environment based on the content of volatile carbons (aromatic), organic compounds, functional additives.
  2. The absence of a number of substances in products, for example, containing cadmium, mercury, lead, arsenic, methyl ethers, diethylene glycol, and other hazardous substances.
  3. Safety depends on the concentration of hazardous waste and quantity during production.

Environmental safety marks, along with water-dispersion coatings, are also assigned to products that contain organic solvents.

Today, more than 30 such signs are known, it is worth considering some in more detail:

  1. "Blue Angel" It has been used since 1978 in Germany. This sign is the most famous in the world. If a product is labeled with it, it follows that it meets strict environmental criteria. It is assigned only to the most harmless materials.
  2. "Northern Swan". It acts as an environmental label. This mark is also one of the most famous in the world. “Northern Swan” was introduced by the CMSS in 1989. Today, countries such as Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Iceland participate in the certification field for the right to own this mark. This marking indicates compliance with strict environmental standards of the manufacturing process and operation.
  3. "Ecoflower"- an ecological symbol of Europe. This is a criterion for environmentally friendly materials for EU countries.
  4. "Leaf of Life". This system(ecological) was introduced by the St. Petersburg Ecological Union (non-profit partnership) in 2001. This eco-label is recognized by the international community, it complies with the principles of such a standard as ISO 14024, as well as the world practice of voluntary certification in the field of ecology. In 2007, the above union was accepted into GEN (Global Ecolabel Network).
  5. 5. Symbol of VOC concentration in paintwork materials. On at the moment There is no single symbol, but most firms use the one developed by B&Q. Depending on the VOC content, the coating is assigned 1 of the following 5 labels:

    Minimum (up to 0.29%);
    - low (0.30 - 7.99%);
    - average (8 - 24.99%);
    - high (25 - 50%);
    - very high (over 50%).

  6. "Green sign". It acts as an eco-label in the USA. This symbol also complies with the principles of ISO 14024. It means minimal harmful effects on human health and the environment.

Traffic rules for children

To ensure children's safety, each child must be taught traffic rules and behavior on the street. This can help game uniform presentation of knowledge. Today, there is a large number of auxiliary materials on this topic: children's cartoons, books with funny pictures, board games, nursery rhymes.

Safety signs for children are easier to remember when they are in pictures or described in rhymes. This is a good help for quickly mastering traffic rules. As a result, parents will be calm about the safety of their children.


This article examined signal colors, signal signs and safety signs, and also presented the average sizes of the latter, described the material of their manufacture, and much more.

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