Proper nutrition during menopause: weekly menu for weight loss. How to properly follow a diet during menopause: healthy and unhealthy foods Breakfasts can consist of a choice of

The period of menopause, also known as menopause, is a transitional period for women. This is the transition from youth to gradual decline and a time of worry about hormonal changes and, oddly enough, about body weight. Yes, yes, don’t be surprised, since many ladies who are prone to obesity gain even more weight during menopause. How to lose weight during menopause for a woman over 50 whose weight has changed and improve her overall well-being, read on.

Why do people get better during menopause?

The main signs of menopause are primarily felt by the reproductive system. The functions of the ovaries are suppressed, ovulation occurs less and less often, and menstruation becomes a rare occurrence. If a woman keeps a calendar and notices no periods for a year, she falls into the category of menopause.

Of course, life continues without menstruation, but significant hormonal fluctuations occur in the body. LH and FSH levels increase, and estrogens and progestins decrease. These changes affect the body in different ways, so weight gain during menopause can be called normal.

Why does the body beginwants to accumulate fat right now? The fact is that a sufficient amount of estrogen is responsible not only for regular menstruation, but also for the healthy condition of the skin and mucous membranes. Hormones actively participate in metabolic processes and influence the absorption of incoming food by cells. useful substances. In low volumes, estrogens disrupt these important processes, so a woman gains weight without consuming high-calorie foods.

When asked why people get better during menopause, experts give a different answer. Fats, or lipids, have the ability to produce estrogens. When the ovulatory activity of the reproductive system fades, the body tries to adjust the normal ratio of substances and stores fat “just in case.” As a result, several months of hormonal changes spoil the figure of a once thin woman.

Other causes of excess weight gain during menopause:

  • Bad habits.
  • The habit of “seizing” problems.
  • Psycho-emotional outbursts.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Uncontrolled treatment, especially with hormonal drugs.

What to do with excess weight

Often women do not know what to do with excess weight and how to lose weight during menopause, while asking for advice from young people who are losing weight through diets. And some ladies accept their new position and do not pay attention to the loss of an attractive figure. Both are wrong. In the first case, the diet of young women is simply not suitable for women undergoing menopause, because... The aging body does not tolerate strict diets well. In the second case, overweight ladies run the risk of unlucky injury, since fat deposits create a load on the osteoarticular apparatus.

The damage of excess lipids is felt by the brain and cardiovascular system. On fragile vessels, fat is deposited with cholesterol, which worsens the overall health of mature women. They note hot flashes, shortness of breath, and rapid heart rate. With a moderate amount of fat in the body, such problems do not occur.

Prevention of fat storage

How not to gain extra pounds during menopause, and what you can and cannot do to achieve this is an interesting question. Even if a woman was slim before the age of 50, it will be difficult for her to maintain her figure amid the changes taking place.

A slow metabolism contributes to the deposition of fat around the waist, so you should behave differently during menopause:

  1. Moderate your appetite. If up to 25 years of age the body requires 2000 kilocalories to maintain optimal weight, then after 50 years of age their number must be reduced.
  2. Redistribute the diet. The amount of food consumed for breakfast should significantly exceed the portion for dinner.
  3. Replenish energy reserves through proteins, fiber, vitamins. Switch to vegetable and polyunsaturated fats.
  4. Avoid fasting days with poor nutrition.
  5. Drink 2 liters per day clean water.
  6. Start breakfast with a glass of water. The liquid will fill your stomach a little and prevent you from overeating.

Diet for weight loss during menopause

You want to eat something delicious at any age. During menopause, food should be perceived as a source of energy and, if possible, give up sweets, alcohol, ice cream, sweet soda, chocolate, and jam. Dishes should be prepared without lard or butter.

What foods are considered healthy for menopausal women and safe for gaining extra pounds? As an answer to this question, nutritionists provide the following list:

  • Vegetables.
  • Legumes.
  • Lean meat and fish.
  • Coarse bread.
  • Low-fat cheese, cottage cheese.
  • Durum wheat pasta.

Sample menu for the day

Breakfast options:

  • Corn flakes in milk.
  • A slice of low-fat cheese and 2 pieces of toast, an apple.
  • Vegetable salad in vegetable oil.
  • Boiled beans, jam sandwich, .

Lunch dishes might look like this::

  • Boiled piece of turkey (chicken) with spaghetti or vegetable stew, tomato, bread.
  • Vegetable soup, mashed potatoes with beef or chicken.
  • Broccoli, brown rice, fish stew.
  • Cheese salad with spinach, baked fish, city bread.

Diet dinner for menopause is also varied:

  • Vegetable slicing.
  • Fruit curd.
  • Boiled chicken with apple.
  • Kefir, a slice of bran bread.

Principles of losing weight during menopause

How to lose weight during menopause at 50 years old without harm to health?

An important principle of proper weight loss for this category of women is the gradual loss of kilograms. There should be no hunger strikes! Nutrition is only balanced with the maximum amount of healthy ingredients. Otherwise, osteoporosis or vegetative-vascular dystonia will develop.

If the doctor deems it necessary, a woman over 50 years old will be prescribed homeopathic and herbal remedies to lose weight during menopause. And also what to take during menopause so as not to age. Hormonal drugs can only increase weight and provoke bleeding.

And again about nutrition

To lose weight during menopause and eliminate current discomfort, it is important to eat light vegetables and fruits. Based on this belief, women should eat cucumbers, cabbage, beets, tomatoes, carrots, spinach, and green apples every day. Pumpkin is very useful during menopause.

To saturate yourself with carbohydrates, it is recommended to lean on oatmeal, legumes, and brown rice. Low-fat milk can be eaten and drunk at any time. It is better to eat dietary bread in the first half of the day. A spoonful of honey, a pear or a banana will help to sweeten a diet that is initially meager. Portions of chicken, rabbit, turkey, and veal are responsible for the delivery of proteins.

When preparing dishes, you can use olive oil rather than sunflower oil. It’s even healthier to flavor your food lemon juice. It is also important to monitor the calories consumed and do not forget that it is undesirable to exceed 1500 kcal/day.


Women who have received a doctor's approval can take diet pills after 50 years during menopause. Hormonal imbalance during menopause increases the risk of developing various diseases and, in severe cases, requires the elimination of symptoms with medications.

It is prohibited to take hormonal replacement therapy products (Flimoston, Divina, Angelique, etc.) without the knowledge of the doctor.

To quickly accelerate the synthesis of estrogen, the doctor may prescribe homeopathic remedies:

  1. Estrovel.
  2. Qi-Clim.
  3. Feminal.
  4. Remens.
  5. Klimadinon.

To lose weight during menopause after 50 years, after consultation with a specialist, women can take Reduxin or Xenical.

Traditional medicine offerings

How to lose weight during menopause at 50 years old? What can you drink during menopause? Weight loss healers offer their recipes to women over 50.

  1. Phyto tincture. St. John's wort, cherry leaf and milk thistle are taken equally. Twice as many linden flowers are added to the collection. Pour a glass of boiling water over the mixture and cover with a lid for half an hour. The entire volume should be divided into 3 servings and each should be drunk after a meal.
  2. Tea with ginger. Healing raw materials are crushed and added to tea when brewing.
  3. Juices. A tasty, healthy liquid is obtained from berries, vegetables, and fruits. To cleanse the intestines, the diet is enriched with plums, carrots, celery, cabbage, and cucumbers. Their juice is rich in fiber, which promotes rapid weight loss by removing toxins.
  4. Lemon water. A slice of citrus fruit is crushed with a spoon in water and the liquid must be drunk on an empty stomach to speed up metabolism.
  5. Pineapple and grapefruit juices. Bromelain, their component, gently breaks down lipid accumulations.

Are sports and menopause compatible?

The answer to the question “how to lose weight during menopause” is quite positive with a combination of diet and physical activity of the whole body. Unfortunately, no drugs have yet been invented that can burn fat during a sedentary lifestyle. Women in menopause are recommended to start their mornings with water procedures and exercises. During the day, you should try to walk as much as possible and get out of the city at least once a week, away from street dust and bustle.

In general, any activity that encourages the body to release energy is suitable for losing weight during menopause.: dancing, Pilates, water aerobics, cycling, fitness, exercise classes gym. To burn fat reserves and remove toxins, you should visit a bathhouse or sauna once a week.

When dietary restrictions are accompanied by an increase in physical activity, it is easier for the body to get rid of excess fat. At the same time, losing weight should not be too fast. Since adipose tissue is a storehouse of estrogen, and dietary cholesterol is needed for the liver to produce female hormones, it is important not to spoil your hormonal status. Remember that hormone deficiency is dangerous to health.

When the first symptoms of menopause appear, there is no need to immediately run to the pharmacy - leave this as a last resort. Most symptoms can be eliminated with dietary changes.

The most common symptom - hot flashes - is significantly reduced if coffee, cocoa, chocolate, and fatty foods are excluded from the diet. You should also eat less sweets.

To normalize the functioning of the digestive system, doctors recommend reducing portions of dishes, but increasing the frequency of meals. It is advisable to include a sufficient amount of plant foods, nuts, and seeds in the menu - this will ease the load on the gastrointestinal tract and make the intestines work more efficiently.

In addition to green tea, it is useful to drink teas based on medicinal herbs. Rose hips, sage, berry leaves, and valerian are especially useful for menopause. Such drinks relieve irritability, calm the nerves, and relieve sleep disorders.

To prevent osteoporosis (weakening of the skeletal system), it is recommended to include dairy products (especially cottage cheese and kefir) and oatmeal in the diet - these are the best sources of calcium and phosphorus.

Sea foods that contain large amounts of amino acids can also reduce the symptoms of menopause. The weekly diet must include fish, shrimp, and seaweed.

Menopause diet for weight loss

The next problem that is relevant during menopause is the appearance of excess weight. What to do to avoid unwanted manifestations?

First of all, it is not recommended to “go on” too strict diets - fasting, monotonous nutrition, etc. The menopause is a time when the body, more than ever, needs nutrients and microelements. By limiting nutrition, we only worsen the situation and aggravate the uncomfortable condition.

What to do? Indeed, some products will have to be excluded from the menu, or replaced with more dietary ones. However, food should still be varied and nutritious.

To stabilize hormonal levels and normalize weight, it is important to reduce the intake of animal fats, or limit them to a minimum. Preference should be given to vegetable oils, or cook food in a double boiler. This approach will not only help avoid weight gain, but will also reduce the risk of developing vascular atherosclerosis and hypertension.

However, even if you exclude fatty foods from your diet, it is impossible to maintain a normal weight by eating sweets several times a day. Of course, carbohydrates are necessary for the body, and they cannot be completely excluded. But preference should be given to complex carbohydrates (for example, cereals), as well as fresh fruits and berries. In the first half of the day, honey can be consumed in reasonable quantities. It is better to avoid sugar and rich white pastries. Carbonated sweet drinks, packaged juices, and yoghurts with sweeteners are prohibited.

If there is no pronounced swelling, drink more clean water - this will help maintain the necessary metabolism, and also quickly remove all kinds of accumulated toxic substances from the body.

Diet for menopause in women with hot flashes

Hot flashes are one of the characteristic signs of menopause, which is a sharp and short-lived sensation of heat mainly in the face and upper torso. Often this condition is accompanied by redness of the skin and a sudden attack of sweating. The tide lasts from half a minute to 2-3 minutes. Let's face it, this symptom does not evoke positive emotions in women, so many people think about how to relieve hot flashes, or even better, get rid of them.

In order to reduce such manifestations, hormonal levels should be brought into order. What is needed for this? First of all, it is necessary to saturate the body with all the necessary nutrients, eliminate the lack of vitamins and minerals - in a word, strengthen and stabilize metabolic processes. It is important that the level of metabolism does not leave a negative imprint on the content of hormones in the blood.

What substances should you pay attention to?

  • Tocopherol (vit. E) is an antioxidant that helps improve cardiac function, reduce the number and intensity of hot flashes, prevent swelling of the mammary glands, and eliminate vaginal dryness. Tocopherol is found in asparagus, wild rice, egg yolks, legumes, potato peels and vegetable oils.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids – prevent fluctuations in blood pressure during hot flashes, prevent headaches and feelings of fever. The best sources of such acids are sea fish, flax (seeds and oil), and nuts.
  • Magnesium is a mineral with a calming effect. Helps overcome bad mood, tearfulness, anxiety, irritability. Magnesium can be obtained by eating nuts, seaweed, salad leaves, and bran.
  • The polymer lignin is a substance that is found in almost all plants, so during menopause it is recommended to rely on plant foods. An abundance of vegetables, fruits, herbs and berries in the diet will help reduce the manifestation of hot flashes and stabilize the microflora in the vagina and intestines.

In addition to adding useful substances to the diet, to eliminate hot flashes, it is recommended to avoid foods that destabilize hormonal levels - coffee, chocolate, cocoa, alcoholic drinks, hot spices.

Dukan diet for menopause

The main essence of the fairly well-known Dukan diet is a predominantly protein diet with limited consumption of fats and carbohydrate foods. At the same time, a person does not starve at all, since there are no special restrictions on the amount of food. The diet consists of several stages, two of which involve periods of intense weight loss, and the subsequent ones are designed to consolidate and maintain normal weight.

It would seem that the diet is not bad - it is suggested to eat without restrictions, choosing foods from the permitted list. However, is everything so good?

The fact is that an abundance of protein foods can pose a danger to women with kidney disease and the digestive system. During this diet, lethargy and insomnia may increase, and also not in better side Hormonal levels also change. The Dukan diet is not recognized as balanced, but the balance of nutrients is an important component proper nutrition, including during menopause. As a result, deterioration of the skin condition, weakened immunity, decreased absorption of minerals (calcium is especially important, which in women prevents osteoporosis - weakness of the skeletal system).

To get through menopause normally, you don’t need to look for any new and trendy diets. It is important to take into account the needs of the body at a specific time, in this case, during menopause - that is, to ensure sufficient metabolism, maintain a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which will not allow hormonal levels to deviate.

If you still decide to follow such a diet, then consult your doctor - after 40-50 years, almost any person already has some kind of chronic disease, and in this aspect, the main rule of any changes in the diet is not to harm or aggravate health problems.

Diet menu for menopause

To make it easier to create a menu for menopause, we offer you an approximate version of a weekly diet, scheduled by day of the week - from Monday to Sunday.

  • For breakfast you can make muesli with yogurt.
  • Second breakfast – a handful of nuts.
  • We have lunch with vegetarian cabbage soup, complemented by carrot and cabbage salad.
  • Snack – banana.
  • We have dinner with a piece of boiled fish with beetroot salad.
  • We have breakfast with cottage cheese with prunes and sour cream.
  • As a second breakfast - berry smoothie.
  • Let's have lunch chicken soup with meatballs.
  • Snack – kefir with fruit.
  • Dinner – potato casserole, tomato and cucumber salad.
  • Breakfast – oatmeal with raisins.
  • Instead of second breakfast - marshmallows, herbal tea.
  • We have lunch with tomato soup and rice cutlets.
  • Snack – a large pear or apple.
  • Dinner – fish casserole with vegetable gravy.
  • For breakfast – steamed cheesecakes with honey.
  • Second breakfast – kiwi and orange salad with yogurt.
  • We have lunch with okroshka and carrot cutlets.
  • Snack – freshly squeezed juice.
  • Let's have dinner chicken cutlets steamed with herbs.
  • For breakfast – pumpkin pancakes with honey.
  • Instead of a second breakfast - a handful of dried fruits.
  • We have lunch with fish soup and potato salad.
  • We snack on berry jelly.
  • For dinner - cabbage rolls with sour cream.
  • We have breakfast with rice casserole with berries.
  • For second breakfast - whole grain bread with peanut butter.
  • We have lunch with milk soup and potato cutlets.
  • Instead of a snack - baked apple with cottage cheese.
  • Dinner – vegetable stew.
  • For breakfast - an omelet with vegetables.
  • Instead of a second breakfast - a cocktail of milk and fruit.
  • We have lunch with onion soup and a portion of beans in tomato sauce.
  • Snack – yogurt.
  • We have dinner with a piece of boiled fillet with stewed zucchini.

The components of the dishes, like the dishes themselves, can be combined depending on your taste, as well as the products that are available (of course, if they are on the list of those allowed for menopause). And don't forget to drink enough liquid!

Diet recipes for menopause

  • Simple onion soup. Ingredients: 0.5 liters of vegetable broth, 350 ml of milk, salt to taste, 2 tbsp. l. dark flour, 400 g minced chicken, 4 tbsp. l. grated cheese, finely chopped clove of garlic, 4 slices of dried bread, 2 large onions, sour cream, 2 yolks. We clean the vegetables, chop them finely and fry them in 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, about 5-6 minutes. Add minced meat and fry for another 10 minutes. Next, add the flour, pour in the broth, and wait for it to boil. Add milk and a little sour cream to taste, seasonings. After 20 minutes, remove from heat. Meanwhile, beat the yolks with grated cheese, spread on bread and bake in the oven or microwave for 5-10 minutes. You can serve!
  • Rice cutlets. Dish components: 400 g chicken fillet, one and a half glasses of round rice, egg, 50 g of hard cheese, vegetable oil, seasonings. Cooking: boil the rice, pass the meat through a meat grinder, add seasonings. Fry the minced meat, add grated cheese and rice, mix and cool. Roll the mixture into balls, dip in beaten egg and breading. Fry in vegetable oil or cook in a double boiler. Serve with herbs or sour cream.
  • Pumpkin pancakes. We will need: ½ kg of pumpkin, one egg, 3 tbsp. l. flour, honey, vegetable oil, cinnamon, salt on the tip of a knife. Peel the pumpkin and grate it. Add an egg, a spoonful of honey, salt, mix and leave for 15 minutes. Add flour and cinnamon and mix. Place a spoon into a hot frying pan with vegetable oil and fry on both sides. Bon appetit!

At any age, a real woman wants to look attractive. And at the same time, it doesn’t matter what your passport says - whether you are 18 or 50 years old.

Many women manage to stay in good shape throughout their lives. However, when menopause occurs, the functioning of a woman’s body changes and old techniques no longer work.

If you're not happy with your weight, read the rules for losing weight during menopause.

Climax and its phases

You will never be able to get your body in order if you do not know what is happening in your body.

Climax is stoppage of ovarian function in women. In addition, the production of estrogen decreases, which causes reproductive function to fade in the body.

Scientists distinguish three phases that occur in the body with different durations:

  • premenopause. During this time period, menstrual bleeding gradually stops completely. This period lasts from 3 to 7 years. A complete change in the cycle occurs. It can lengthen, increase, and the discharge becomes either too scarce or, conversely, abundant.
  • menopause. This phase occurs immediately after the last bleeding. Menopause lasts exactly 12 months. It occurs in women between 49 and 52 years of age.
  • postmenopausal period is the time from menopause until your ovaries stop functioning completely.

Each phase has its own characteristics, course, etc. If you decide that you need to lose weight, first study each of them carefully, and also consult your doctor.

Read how to delay menopause.

Changes in the body during menopause

Menopause itself begins when the follicles in the ovaries begin to deplete. The cessation of the development of these formations causes a so-called decrease in the reproduction of estrogen and estradiol.

The reproduction of other hormones also decreases. In view of the mechanism feedback, with a lack of estrogen, the production of stimulating pituitary hormones begins to increase. To a greater extent, as scientists say, it is.

The ovaries begin to slowly increase in size, and sclerotic changes occur in them.

Women may also develop pathological menopause, which is characterized by painful sensations in the female genital area. The duration of such menopause is from 10 to 15 years.

Why is there weight gain?

Despite the fact that menopause manifests itself most clearly in the reproductive system, your body is not left unattended. The skin becomes dry, wrinkled, its color and structure change.

The figure also does not remain the same. She becomes rougher and heavier. Since the body rapidly changes hormonal balance, it is likely that you will experience changes in weight.

The synthesis of estrogens and progestins decreases. Estrogens serve not only as hormones that support female function. They provide elasticity to the skin and mucous membranes, keeping them toned.

The main function of such substances is participation in all metabolic processes. Decrease in estrogen levels disrupts the rhythm of substance absorption when consuming food. It is because of this that a woman gains weight, even if her diet does not change.

Another reason why women experience obesity and weight gain during menopause is lack of physical activity. In view of depressive state, and sometimes pain or discomfort, you want to lie down and move less. Because of this, calories accumulate and are deposited in fat folds on your body.

What to do if your belly is growing

If excess weight appears, you need to fight it immediately. It is possible and necessary to lose weight during menopause. Hormonal changes are irreversible, and your youth cannot be restored, but you can make yourself look attractive even after 50 years.

Fat is deposited not only under your skin, but also on the walls of blood vessels in the form of hated cholesterol. And this is terrible harm to your heart and brain function.

During menopause, hot flashes, shortness of breath, arrhythmia occur, and health worsens. If you don’t know where to start, but feel that there is a lot of work ahead, you should consult your doctor. You shouldn’t look for answers from your friends, daughters, or random acquaintances on the Internet. Strict diets, lifestyle and sports activities must be approved by a specialist in the form of an attending physician.

How to lose weight during menopause at 50 years old

There are several simple, but at the same time strict rules that will help you lose weight during menopause at 50 years old. However, before moving on to advice, you need to consider that metabolism slows down so much that out of a thousand calories you eat, only three hundred will be burned, and the remaining seven hundred will already be deposited on your sides and buttocks.

In order not to gain weight, take the following recommendations as a rule:

  • reduce the quantity the calories you consumed;
  • the first time is mandatory keep a food diary;
  • total number of calories per meal should not exceed one and a half thousand;
  • try to give preference protein food, fiber and vitamins;
  • the amount of food during each meal should be quite small;
  • also eating should be in descending order. You eat a lot for breakfast, less for lunch, and during dinner you are content with very small and low-calorie portions;
  • don't go hungry;
  • drink for the whole day up to 2 liters of water;
  • choose for yourself type of physical activity, which won't be hard on your heart and will help you lose weight at the same time.

What should you eat to avoid gaining weight?

In order to maintain the desired weight, you do not need to give up all possible gastronomic pleasures. And food during menopause is not only an opportunity to gain weight, but also the main source of energy.

Therefore, you will have to make a choice in favor of certain products.

First of all, understand that you will have to completely abandon:

  • butter;
  • baked goods;
  • ice cream;
  • lard;
  • alcohol;
  • jam;
  • chocolate;
  • fatty yoghurts;
  • sweet carbonated drinks.


All of the above sweets and harmful foods will cause weight gain, but will also disrupt metabolism. This can become a prerequisite for the development of diabetes mellitus.

Now let’s look at the list of products that should be present in the diet:

  • low-fat cheeses and cottage cheese. These foods will give you a feeling of fullness and also provide the body with calcium;
  • legumes, in particular beans. The vegetable protein contained is needed for regeneration processes in the body. This food is filling and low in calories;
  • fish, chicken, meat, turkey. Collagen building material for cells. Enriched with polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • green vegetables, nuts, fruits, seeds. Contains vitamin A, E and group B. Contains fiber.

In many ways, it is not so much what you eat that is important, but how it is prepared and in what form it is served. Give preference to stewed, boiled or fresh food. It contains more vitamins and much fewer calories.

Simultaneously you should avoid snacking. They spoil your appetite and overload your stomach. Forget about the existence of mayonnaise and hot seasonings. Remember that the sauce is high in calories and contains a lot of unnecessary sugars and fats. The seasoning enhances hot flashes and whets the appetite.

Diet for weight loss

It is worth keeping a food diary where you will record your calorie counts. You can also create a menu for the week and stick to it.

In the first half of the day, you can eat foods that have a high energy value. And for dinner it is better to eat low-calorie foods.

The following breakfasts should be included in your diet:

  • 2 pieces of toast with low-fat cheese, an egg, a few apples or oranges;
  • spaghetti with a piece of chicken and salad;
  • toast with jam, soy drink, banana, boiled beans;
  • corn flakes with milk, yogurt, a piece of meat.


  • vegetable stew, turkey or chicken;
  • protein omelet with herbs and yogurt;
  • mashed potatoes with beef, vegetable soup;
  • spinach salad, bun, baked fish;
  • vegetable soup, toast with cheese, buckwheat with beef, a handful of nuts;
  • rice with broccoli, stewed fish.


  • cottage cheese with fruit;
  • soft-boiled eggs and vegetable salad;
  • kefir and bran bun;
  • boiled chicken and green apple.

Proper nutrition and maintaining a diet during menopause will not only help you lose weight, but will also give you a feeling of lightness and relieve discomfort.

Diet for hot flashes

During hot flashes, women feel discomfort and pain.

Therefore, it is advisable for women to eat according to principles that will reduce unpleasant sensations to nothing:

  • Do not overload your body with very heavy fatty foods. You should feel light, so the food should be nutritious, satisfying, but at the same time light. That is why give your preference to stewed beans, cereals, boiled chicken, boiled or stewed turkey, vegetable stew, fermented milk product;
  • from bread, cheese, and sour fruits worth giving up;
  • during menopause, especially with hot flashes, may occur allergic reaction or distorted taste perception. That is why you can once and for all ruin your opinion about the above products.

What kind of lifestyle should you lead?

Proper nutrition is not everything. It is important to comply correct image life to achieve the desired effect.

Here are some tips:

  • start your morning early;
  • get up, stretch, smile at the new day;
  • even if you are not feeling very well, remember that a positive attitude is exactly 50% of your successful day;
  • have a hearty breakfast;
  • if your health and time allow, do a short yoga session, walk around the house, stretch your muscles in bed;
  • try not to overwork yourself;
  • try not to lead a sedentary lifestyle;
  • as possible communicate more and get distracted;
  • try to walk outdoors more often;
  • make a good tradition for yourself to walk before bed;
  • If your schedule allows, try to go to bed during the day. It is not necessary to sleep, just to be in a relaxed state is enough;
  • distract yourself with something. A favorite activity or hobby will help you drown out thoughts about food and will not provoke snacking;
  • try to eat only within the allotted time;
  • try to go to bed no later than 23.00;
  • Daily consumption of half a glass of dry red wine is not a prohibition, but the norm. Don't deny yourself this pleasure;
  • get out of your comfort zone more often. Go to the cinema, go shopping, walk with your husband or friends, enjoy the view of the surroundings.

Is it possible to quickly lose kilos?

Rapid weight loss during menopause can cause the pounds to come back and at the same time worsen your health. Therefore, achieving quick results is not your option.

Give your preference long-term weight loss, as a result of which the weight will stop and will no longer increase.

This is only possible if the body will get used to your diet and daily routine, will adapt to your needs and after that will work to reduce fat deposits.

Don't expect positive results very early. To achieve a good and long-lasting effect, even a few months are not enough.

Weight loss with medications

If diet, sports and a healthy lifestyle do not produce results, you should turn to medications. Diet pills should only be used with the approval of your doctor.


Hormonal imbalances that exist in a woman's body can increase the risk of illness when taking such medications. Don't take it just for the sake of losing weight.

However, if your doctor approves of this type of therapy, consider the following:

  • Remens,
  • Cycles,
  • Estrovel.

All of the above remedies will help you lose weight without harm to your health if menopause has occurred and you are over 50 years old.

If the above drugs do not help, you can use heavy artillery:

  • Reduxin;
  • Xenicala.

You can take them only after doctor's permission and appropriate examination. Not everyone is indicated for the use of such drugs.

How to get back in shape using folk remedies

Also designed to combat excess weight during menopause.

In order to get real results in losing weight and not gain weight anymore, you should drink:

  • vegetable juices from carrots, celery, cucumber and parsley. They improve intestinal function and remove all toxins from the body;
  • ginger tea. It will help fight excess fat;
  • lemon water. Consuming it regularly will speed up your metabolism;
  • pineapple and grapefruit juice. It will break down and remove fats out.

Menopause is inevitable, but every woman is able to reduce its unpleasant manifestations. Proper nutrition plays an important role. By reducing the number of harmful foods and increasing the consumption of healthy ones, you can achieve excellent results and avoid many diseases.

Nutrition during menopause

Menopause is an extremely unpleasant but inevitable stage in the life of every woman. Reproductive function gradually fades away, accompanied by hormonal changes and often poor health. Hot flashes, headaches, sweating and rapid heartbeat become frequent accompaniments of menopause. Unfortunately, it is impossible to turn back time. But absolutely everyone can make their life as comfortable as possible and reduce the manifestations of unpleasant symptoms. Sometimes all you need to do is make small changes to your diet. What should proper nutrition be like during menopause?

Stages of menopause

Menopause does not occur instantly, but develops gradually over several years. To ensure that menopause does not become an unpleasant surprise, women over 40 should pay attention to any changes in the body and do everything possible to avoid many serious diseases caused by hormonal imbalances. There are three stages of menopause:

  1. Premenopause. This stage begins approximately 4-5 years before menopause and is characterized by an irreversible decrease in estrogen levels. In this regard, metabolism slows down, irritability and tearfulness appear, and taste preferences change. Menstruation becomes irregular and more scanty than usual, and the first unpleasant symptoms of menopause appear - hot flashes.
  2. Menopause. This is the absence of menstruation for a year. It is believed that after this, amenorrhea occurs, that is, subsequent natural bleeding is impossible.
  3. Postmenopause. This is the period from the onset of amenorrhea to the end of life. The deficiency of sex hormones reaches its maximum, and the painful manifestations of menopause decrease. They are replaced by the consequences of hormonal imbalance.

Low Metabolism Diet

A slower metabolism increases the likelihood of rapid weight gain, which only aggravates a woman’s condition and entails a lot of unpleasant consequences. You should think about proper nutrition already at the premenopausal stage. At the same time, we should not forget that fasting and excessively strict food restriction are unacceptable. It is also undesirable to adhere to various unbalanced diets, for example, the Dukan diet, which promotes the consumption of protein foods, which can lead to exacerbation of chronic diseases. How should women eat during menopause? In most cases, it is enough to follow a few simple rules:

  1. Reduce the amount of animal fat you consume, why replace fatty meats with lean beef, turkey and fish. It is best not to fry meat and fish dishes, but bake them with a little oil or steam them.
  2. Increase your consumption of vegetable fats. Vegetable oils (olive, sunflower, flaxseed, pumpkin oil, grape seeds), as well as nuts, bran and seeds should be present on the table every day.
  3. Include complex carbohydrates in your diet. Whole grain porridges, fresh vegetables and fruits should be the main base in the menu of a woman during menopause.

A number of foods consumed during menopause should be limited:

  • fatty cheeses;
  • eggs (you can eat one boiled egg per week);
  • rich pastries.

Foods eaten during menopause should be not only tasty, but also healthy. Therefore, the following are strictly prohibited:

  • white sugar (it should be replaced with cane sugar or honey);
  • carbonated drinks;
  • sausages, canned food and fast food.

Don’t forget the basics of proper nutrition: you need to eat often, but little by little.

Getting rid of hot flashes

One of the most unpleasant manifestations of menopause is hot flashes. A sharp feeling of heat, redness of the face and neck, sweating can be noticeable to others, which gives the woman a lot of anxiety. However, getting rid of hot flashes or reducing the frequency of their occurrence is not difficult. To do this, eating several times a week is enough. sea ​​fish, lettuce, nuts and seaweed. Compliance with the correct drinking regime also plays an important role, for which you should:

  • reduce the consumption of coffee, black tea, cocoa and alcohol to a minimum;
  • drink a lot of clean, non-carbonated drinking water (in particular, it is very useful to drink a glass of water with a slice of lemon on an empty stomach every morning);
  • give preference to herbal tea.

It is useful to make it a rule to drink herbal decoctions at least once a day: passionflower, mistletoe, shepherd's purse, oregano, sage. This will help regulate hormones, relieve anxiety, and get rid of insomnia and stress.

Improving the condition of the skin and mucous membranes

After 40, the skin rapidly loses its elasticity, and with the onset of menopause, many women experience dry mucous membranes. To reduce these unpleasant manifestations of menopause, you need to eat the following foods:

  • legumes, asparagus, wild rice, potatoes, vegetable oils(all these products are rich in tocopherol);
  • bread and cereals made from whole grain cereals;
  • chicken meat without skin;
  • flax seeds.

Disease Prevention

Unfortunately, age-related changes lead to an exacerbation of most chronic health problems. In addition, very often menopause can become an impetus for the development of the following diseases:

  • Hypertension. You should not bring yourself to such a state that requires treatment with serious drugs. To begin with, you should sharply limit your salt intake. You can replace it with herbs and spices: basil, dill, mustard greens, rosemary. It is allowed to salt food with a small amount of iodized sea salt.
  • Vision problems. More than 70% of women suffer from myopia and senile farsightedness. In order not to experience these problems for as long as possible, you need to eat seafood more often: shrimp, mussels, squid.
  • Osteoporosis. Estrogen deficiency inevitably leads to calcium leaching from bones, making them more porous and brittle. Osteoporosis is especially dangerous for women after 50, since it is at this age that the risk of hip fracture increases. To prevent this from happening, you need to eat calcium-rich foods every day: low-fat hard cheese, kefir, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, medium-fat milk.
  • Oncology. The risk of breast cancer increases several times during menopause. Recent studies have shown that Asian women are less susceptible to this disease because they eat healthy soy-based foods, particularly tofu. Currently, you can buy this unusual and very tasty product in almost any store.

Examples of menus for older women

What dishes should you prepare according to the recommended diet? You can eat a lot of different foods during menopause. Sample menu for a week:


  • muesli with yogurt and berries;
  • oatmeal with honey and raisins;
  • cottage cheese with sour cream and prunes;
  • steamed cheesecakes with berry sauce;
  • rice casserole with vegetables;
  • pumpkin pancakes with apple and cinnamon;
  • whole grain bread croutons.


  • lean cabbage soup with a small piece of beef;
  • spicy tomato and bell pepper soup;
  • pumpkin puree soup with pumpkin seeds and garlic croutons;
  • lean fish soup with salmon;
  • vegetable soup with turkey meatballs;
  • onion soup with a slice of whole grain bread;
  • cold vegetable okroshka.


  • granola - a dish of fried oatmeal with dried fruits and honey;
  • kefir with flax seeds and blueberries;
  • fruit puree;
  • baked apple with cottage cheese;
  • fruit salad with yogurt or sour cream;
  • homemade banana ice cream with a little cocoa and yogurt;
  • Ryazhenka with prunes.


  • boiled rice with seafood and cream sauce;
  • mashed potatoes with lean meat cutlets;
  • stewed vegetables with steamed fish;
  • potato casserole with carrot cutlets;
  • pasta with chicken or beef meatballs;
  • cabbage rolls with sour cream;
  • vegetable stew with a piece of chicken baked in spices.

As you can see, nutrition during menopause can be not only healthy, but also very tasty.

Menopause is not synonymous with old age

Unfortunately, many women perceive menopause as the beginning of old age and the end of life. In fact, menopause is just another life stage that can be enriched with interesting events and pleasant moments. Moreover, this stage of life can be the beginning of something new. To look great and have the strength to realize your wildest ideas, diet alone may not be enough. It is necessary to take care of your well-being, regularly visit doctors and follow the rules that are well known to everyone, but so often forgotten by us:

  • quit smoking;
  • do physical exercise, such as yoga or gymnastics;
  • walk more and ventilate the apartment often;
  • take vitamins;
  • avoid stress.

And the main thing is to remember: absolutely any woman can be healthy and happy, regardless of age and hormone levels!

Most women by the age of 50 have already gained weight and volume. And now their well-being poses the problem of how to lose excess weight during menopause. You can't try to lose weight right away.

What and how to eat to lose weight?

Preference should be given to vegetables and fruits that are lighter in terms of calorie content:

  • Cabbage;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Green apples;
  • Cucumbers;
  • Carrots;
  • Beetroot;
  • Pumpkin;
  • Spinach.

Healthier carbohydrate-containing foods than potatoes and pasta include oatmeal, brown rice, and other cereals.

Legumes are also good as side dishes.

It is better to eat dietary bread, even with bran, in the morning or at lunch.

Low-fat dairy products can be consumed at least three times a day.

To avoid feeling completely sad without sweets, you can eat a banana, mango, pear, and a spoonful of honey for breakfast.

Chicken, turkey, rabbit, veal will deliver proteins to the body.

A diet for menopause for weight loss involves a daily division of foods as follows:

  • 60% of the diet is vegetables and fruits;
  • 25% proteins;
  • 15% slow carbohydrates.

What to eat all day?

In order not to eat too much, a menu for menopause can be drawn up in advance by calculating the amount of kilocalories. In the first half of the day you can eat foods with the highest energy value. It’s better to have low-calorie ones for dinner.

Breakfasts can consist of a choice of:

  • Corn flakes with milk or yogurt, a piece of meat;
  • Two pieces of toast with low-fat cheese, an egg and a couple of apples and oranges;
  • Spaghetti with a piece of chicken, salad with sunflower oil;
  • Toast with jam, 100 ml soy drink with chopped banana, boiled beans.

For lunch you can prepare one of the following options:

  • Spinach salad with cheese, bun, piece of baked fish;
  • Vegetable stew, sandwich with tomato, turkey or chicken, spaghetti; Vegetable soup with a piece of bread, oatmeal with water or buckwheat with beef stew, a handful of nuts;
  • Protein omelet, green salad with yogurt, toast with cheese;
  • Brown rice with broccoli and fish stew;
  • Mashed potatoes with beef or chicken, vegetable soup.

Dinner may consist of:

  • A piece of chicken and a green apple;
  • Cottage cheese and fruits;
  • Kefir and bran buns;
  • Soft-boiled eggs and vegetable salad.

Proper nutrition during menopause, if there is no need to lose weight, but need to keep it stable, does not exclude the occasional consumption of apple marshmallows, raisins, and marmalade.

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