Intermediaries on eBay: making the right choice of company

Section 1. Types of intermediaries.

Section 3. Features of activity intermediaries.

Section 4. Rights intermediaries.

Section 5. Remuneration of intermediaries.

Intermediary - it is in commerce - a person, or firm standing between the producer and the purchaser of the product and facilitating its turnover.

Intermediary - it is in jurisprudence - a person, organization or facilitating the seller and buyer in the conclusion and execution of the contract.

Intermediary - it is a legal (organization,) or physical. a person assisting in the completion of any transaction. An example of an intermediary in commerce: a broker.

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Types of intermediaries

Simple - trading companies, persons and organizations that facilitate the conclusion of contracts, but do not themselves participate in their implementation. (brokers or brokerage organizations).

Attorneys - firms, persons or organizations that are involved sellers or buyers (principals) to make transactions on behalf and at the expense of principals.

Commission agents - firms, individuals and organizations that are looking for partners and sign sales contracts on their own behalf, but at the expense of sellers or buyers (consignors), who bear the commercial.

Consignees - a kind of commission agents working on certain conditions, in particular, they accept products to your warehouse; sell them on the markets for a long time; unsold products may be returned to the manufacturer.

Agents - legal (companies, organizations) or individuals , performing certain operations on behalf of another person (principal) at his expense and on his behalf, as well as ensuring the preparation of transactions, but usually without the right to sign an agreement.

Sales - independent trade organizations involved in the sale of goods. (Merchants, resellers, distributors).

Directions in mediation

Simple: brokers or brokerage companies - they look for and bring together interested sellers and buyers, but do not invest their funds in the execution of transactions, do not appear in sales contracts as a party. They work mainly for serious markets(in Britain - market the woods).

Attorneys: their services are resorted to when businessmen themselves enter into treaty they don't know how, but they can do it. In international trade, the services of foreign attorneys are rarely used. They are called differently: in the Republic of Germany - sales representatives, in Switzerland - agents, in France - sales agents.

Commissioners: concludes concessions purchase and sale on its own behalf and acts in it as (sometimes agrees with the committent on the listed technical and commercial provisions before the commission agent signs the sale and purchase transaction)

Consignees: accept goods to their warehouse; sell them on the market for a long time term; unsold goods may be returned to the manufacturer.

Agents: perform certain operations on behalf of another person (principal) at his expense and on his behalf; provide preparation of transactions, but usually without the right to sign an agreement.

Features of the activities of intermediaries

Simple: market research; informing about product and market development trends; meeting and providing representatives and their product with premises, transport; company of business meetings with contractors; implementation of advertising; creating a favorable opinion; informing about upcoming large purchases, auctions.

Commissioners: market research; implementation of advertising, maintenance of trade items; protection of the commercial interests of the consignor.

Consignees: the ability to raise prices for a product if it goes well sales.

Agents: in different countries they interpret it differently: in the USA and England - any intermediary (simple, attorney, commission agent), in Euro-continental - simple or attorney; they can also name dealers, brokers, personal representatives, lawyers who carry out their actions with the knowledge of the principal under an agency agreement for a fee.

Sales: conclusion of sales contracts on their own behalf, both with sellers and buyers (independently); market research; advertising of goods and the manufacturer; maintenance of stock warehouses; performance of pre-sales service and pre-sales refinement of goods; creation of a stable sales network, which may include regional distributors, end sellers (dealers); technical support. maintenance of products at all levels; are responsible for all types of risks (damage, loss of the purchased product, etc.; they themselves appoint price; are themselves responsible for risks on customer loans.

Intermediary Rights

Non-exclusive right sales. The intermediary receives the right to sell products in a certain territory for a certain time. But this does not forbid the manufacturer to attract here and on the same period and other intermediaries to market this product. The manufacturer can insist on such conditions when entering a new one in order to work with different intermediaries, compare them and choose the most promising one.

Exclusive right to sell. Having provided such conditions to an intermediary, the producer in a certain territory at a specified time cannot sell the same goods either himself or through other intermediaries. In this regard, in an agreement with an intermediary on such terms, a number of clauses are included, for example, that the manufacturer: can sell such a product to government organizations, bypassing the intermediary; not to pay remuneration for the sale of the product under agreements concluded before the agreement; sell spare parts under contracts concluded before the contract; sell the product bypassing the intermediary, if it is purchased as a component part of another product, etc. The agreement may include the following conditions: the intermediary's obligation to sell a certain amount of the product within a certain period of time; the possibility of canceling the agreement if the previously specified condition is not met; do not trade the same product of other suppliers (and maybe trade if the goods complement each other and their joint sale helps to increase sales).

The pre-emptive right to sell (the right of “first hand”). Under this condition, the manufacturer of the product is obliged to the supplier of the product first of all to the intermediary and only after his refusal - to another (without paying remuneration to the first) intermediary or to sell it independently. In an intermediary agreement with supplier list the motives for which the intermediary may refuse the product: unsatisfactory specifications; low quality; overpriced price; unacceptable payment terms.

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Intermediary fees

Payment of the difference between the sale price of the product on the market and the price at which the product is transferred to the intermediary. Stimulates the intermediary to increase sales volumes, but is not interested in raising the price at which he receives the product from supplier. It can be applied when the supplier knows well the selling prices of similar goods on the market.

Calculation of an agreed percentage of the price at which the product is transferred to an intermediary and which is set at the same level as the sale on the market. Stimulates the growth of sales volumes, interests the intermediary in raising the price of the goods sold. The interests of the supplier and the intermediary coincide.

supplierfy"> Mixed form of payment: accrual of remuneration in the form Percent from Sales and Differences prices. The nominal sale of the Product and the Price at which the Product is transferred to the Intermediary are set. This method can be used if the Supplier is able to control the actual Prices at which the Intermediary sells its Product.

Remuneration in a fixed, predetermined amount. It is used in calculations for certain types of services of the Intermediary: for targeted market research on a new Product; promotional event; obtaining legal advice. Calculations of remuneration according to the “Cost + premium” system. In settlements for the execution of individual orders of the Supplier. The Intermediary provides documents confirming the costs, and the Supplier pays them and pays a premium calculated by the agreed method (Supplier as a percentage of costs).

Payment of additional incentive remuneration for the fulfillment of obligations. You can set, for example, remuneration for the regularity of maintenance. The costs associated with maintenance and the agreed additional remuneration are paid if the Intermediary provides documents that Maintenance produced regularly and with high quality.

Sources - Abstracts - Glossary Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia - Abstracts

Encyclopedia of the investor. 2013 .


See what "Intermediary" is in other dictionaries:

    Mediator- Intermediary: Intermediary legal (firm, organization) or individual, assisting in the completion of any transaction. Example of an intermediary in commerce: broker, dealer, broker. Films "The Mediator": The Mediator (film, 1968) American ... ... Wikipedia

    Mediator- (intermediary) Any person or organization acting as an agent (See: agency (agency) or broker (broker) between the parties involved in the transaction. See also: financial intermediary (financial intermediary); independent intermediary (independent ... ... Financial vocabulary

    intermediary- Attorney, representative, authorized, messenger, ambassador, envoy, broker, broker, commission agent, dealer, matchmaker, agent, factor; intercessor, walker, walker, elected, delegate, deputy, emissary, truce; intermediate link, point ... ... Synonym dictionary

    INTERMEDIARY- intermediary, m. 1. A person who connects, brings the seller and the buyer together or makes a deal on behalf of others, in the interests of the seller and the buyer; commission agent. An exchange intermediary is called a broker. || trans. Means of communication, communication. Mail… … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    Intermediary 2- Pointman Genre Comedy Starring Jack Scalia Country USA Year 1994 ... Wikipedia

An intermediary firm is a person or firm that stands between the producer and the consumer of the product and promotes it.

An intermediary exists where there are civilized market relations. By identifying problems and helping to solve them, the mediator acts as a kind of catalyst.

Trade and intermediary firms include enterprises that are legally and economically independent of the manufacturer and consumer of goods. They operate in order to extract profits, which they receive either as a result of the difference between prices from producers and the prices at which these goods are sold to buyers, or in the form of remuneration for the services provided in promoting goods to the market.

Classification of trading and intermediary firms

The experience of developed market economies shows that a large number of various enterprises, organizations and individuals who perform trade and intermediary functions are involved in it.

Intermediary firms can be classified according to various criteria.

The main feature is functions performed. On this basis, there are:

  • universal intermediaries - perform the whole range of services. Ego distributors, wholesalers-merchants;
  • specialized intermediaries - perform separate functions, so they are divided into:
    • information and contact (contribute to the establishment of economic relations between suppliers and consumers),
    • informational (pure) - they do not have a product at their disposal and carry out the implementation according to the conditions of the manufacturer,
    • search engines (they are called sales agents) are, as a rule, agents of industrial firms that are looking for buyers in certain regions. They work on the basis of an agreement or instructions, facilitate the conclusion of transactions between the seller (commodity owner) and the buyer, concluding them on behalf of the commodity owner,
    • attorneys (importing agents) act on the basis of a commission agreement on behalf and at the expense of the principal. Agents conclude contracts, which stipulate their powers in terms of the technical and commercial terms of the transaction. Contracts signed by agents are executed by principals. Agents are rewarded for their services. Agents may be firms or legal entities licensed for this type of activity,
    • wholesalers-messengers carry out sales by mail, i.e. send catalogs for certain groups of goods, and orders are sent by mail,
    • wholesalers-travelers not only sell for cash, but also deliver goods to customers. Usually this is a limited range of short-term storage products (bread, milk, fruits),
    • wholesalers-organizers work with those that are characterized by the absence of containers (heavy equipment, timber, coal). They do not have stocks of goods, but, receiving an order from the buyer (retailers), they find a manufacturer who ships this product to the buyer.

Types of intermediaries

On the basis of subordination and the nature of the operations performed, intermediaries can be divided into three types:

  • independent;
  • formally independent;
  • dependent (related to production).

Independent intermediaries

Independent intermediaries(both legal entities and individuals) act on their own behalf and at their own expense. In relation to the manufacturer, they act as buyers who purchase goods on the basis of a sales contract. They become the owners of the product and can sell it in any market and at any price.


  • wholesalers from full cycle services that provide services for the storage of inventory, credit, delivery of goods, management assistance. They can carry out operations with a different assortment;
  • wholesalers with a limited service cycle, which provide customers with significantly less service. They can trade for cash, without delivery of goods, with usually a more limited assortment.

Independent intermediaries form the basis of the system of wholesale structures, since they cover a large number of retail trade enterprises and perform a fairly wide range of operations. This includes dealers, distributors, jobbers, wholesalers-merchants, wholesalers, trading houses, wholesalers-travelers, wholesalers-organizers, wholesalers-consigners, wholesalers-messengers.

Dealers- an individual or legal entity that buys goods from industrial enterprises and sells them to buyers, taking on service responsibilities (minor repairs, supply of spare parts). Their income is formed due to the difference in purchase and sale prices.

Distributors(eng. - distribution) - an individual or legal entity serving various industries, having warehouses and vehicles and carrying out commercial activities on their own behalf and at their own expense. Most often they are engaged in the sale of industrial products or sell imported goods in the country.

A distributor who purchases a product, stocks it, stores it, prepares it for final consumption, constitutes a “full service” (or regular type).

Distributors of the regular type work by specialization, have a clear number of positions for each group, so they can use specialized means of transportation, loading, unloading and storage. They are mainly in the mechanical engineering market (computers, televisions, cars).

Another group of distributors - " irregular type” (with an incomplete, limited set of services) only purchases goods from regular producers and sells them. This is a larger group. They are engaged in the sale of perishable agricultural products or small industrial batches of a diverse range on the principle of "buy - take away" ("cash and carry"), i.e. without services.

Jobbers- dealers who, at their own peril and risk, buy and sell goods on their own (in small lots).

Jobbers can also work on stock exchanges. These are exchange intermediaries who carry out their intermediary activities by buying large consignments of goods and immediately selling them to other jobbers or brokers, while earning on the price difference. They make transactions on their own behalf and at their own expense, influence the price level and bear the risk in full.

Formally independent intermediaries

Formally independent intermediaries appeared in connection with the desire of manufacturers to include these enterprises in their production and sales cycle through a system of contracts. For this, the following types of contracts are used:

  • contract-commission, which is concluded with attorneys or sales agents;
  • a commission agreement that defines the powers of commission agents (find partners, sign agreements with them on their own behalf, but at the expense of the seller or buyer);
  • simple mediation agreement.

Dependent intermediaries

Dependent intermediaries are authorized sales agents (as if the sales department of the manufacturer) and work on the basis of fixed-term and open-ended employment agreements. Dependent intermediaries do not claim goods, working for a commission.

Broker- individuals or legal entities (brokerage houses) who find mutually interested sellers and buyers, bring them together, but do not participate in the transaction, neither on their own behalf, nor on behalf of the guarantor.

Their task is to find a buyer for the manufacturer's (seller's) products and a seller for the buyer and facilitate the signing of a contract between them.

Purchasing offices- independent commercial enterprises. Payment for their services is made at the rate of a certain percentage of annual sales.

Purchasing offices are close to brokers by the nature of their activities (provide their clients with information on price movements, information about potential partners, conclude transactions at the direction of their clients).

Rice. 12.2. Types of dependent intermediaries

Industrial agents- independent specialized firms that work with non-competing, complementary goods and have the exclusive right to sell them in a certain territory.

Sales agents- enterprises and individuals that perform, under an agreement with the manufacturer, the entire range of functions for the distribution of the entire range of products.

Sales agents- natural or legal persons who, on the basis of an agreement with the seller or buyer, have the right to facilitate the conclusion of transactions for a relatively long period. Sales agents act as representatives of sellers and buyers and receive remuneration under an employment contract depending on the performance.

Groups of sales agents:

  • Manufacturers' representatives - individuals or legal entities with whom the manufacturer enters into an agreement, where price policy purchase and sale of goods, territory, boundaries of the agent, procedure for submitting orders, system after-sales service, sizes of commission rates;
  • distributors;
  • purchasing agents - representatives of buyers who take responsibility for the safety, quantity, quality and incoming goods. They act on behalf of the buyer and fulfill his conditions for the purchase of goods. For their work they receive remuneration as a percentage of the volume of purchased and delivered goods.

Intermediary commissioners operate on the basis of a commission agreement concluded with the commodity owner or buyer.

The owners of the goods for this type of operation are called the committent. He instructs the commission agent to make transactions on his own behalf and at the expense of the committent, who bears all the commercial risk.

Commissioners act as sellers of goods to third parties and are responsible for the safety of products. They are not responsible for the execution of transactions by a third party, payment obligations.

Consignee- a wholesaler (enterprises or individuals) who receives goods from the guarantor to his warehouse and sells them on his own behalf, but at the expense of the supplier-manufacturer by a certain date. He offers non-food items, sets the price himself. He sends a van to the store, and the representative equips the display of goods on the trading floor.

The activity is based on a consignment agreement. Consignment agreement - a special type commission agreements.

Consignees act mainly in foreign trade transactions. The consignee makes payments to the consignee for the sale of goods. Goods not sold by the deadline may be returned to the exporter.

Trade brokers operate as distributors of a regular type, but have a narrower profile of activities and are associated with bulky goods, the transportation and transfer of which is very laborious.

There are so-called informal intermediaries - as a rule, these are individuals who have personal connections in various fields, acting on their own behalf. They rely on their reputation, knowledge, experience and personal relationships. As a rule, they do not bear material obligations, but receive a certain remuneration for their services, and are not bound by legal contracts and obligations.

In recent years, especially in Western countries, a category has appeared "virtual" intermediaries who use the Internet for their activities. The seller or buyer places his websites on the Internet, where he indicates the type of his activity, the goods or services offered.

Factors influencing the choice of intermediary

There are many factors that go into choosing a mediator. These include:

  • legal security of the intermediary, i.e. the presence of the necessary and legally correctly executed documents, giving the right to provide intermediary services;
  • the competence of the intermediary, i.e. knowledge of the essence of the tasks that he needs to solve, knowledge of the consumer properties of the goods, the ability, if necessary, to promptly assist in the transportation, storage, preservation of the goods, timely payment for the goods according to the agreement;
  • financial security, i.e. the ability of the intermediary to fulfill its obligations and bear material liability in accordance with the agreements concluded by the interested parties;
  • the reputation of the intermediary, i.e. the opinion of those who have already used or use its services, correctness in drawing up and fulfilling their obligations and agreements.

Intermediaries are often mentioned in the context of shopping in foreign online stores. However, in recent years, the meaning of this term has changed a lot and does not mean quite what it used to be. What's the matter? What are intermediary services now and who actually provides them? Let's try to figure it out.

Intermediaries. What's this?

A good ten years ago, when our compatriots were just starting to master foreign shopping, it was a slightly different picture than it is now. No, iconic American online stores such as,, and many others already existed, but orders from foreign customers are overwhelmingly did not accept. And many of our compatriots, accustomed to traditional shopping, even if they had the opportunity to place an order on their own, were wary of this matter.

  • Service commission for intermediary services 10-15%.
  • Work with all branches of ebay and Amazon: USA, UK, Germany, etc.
  • Large spectrum free services(including SMS informer).
  • Frequent promotions: big discounts, free shipping.
  • A full-fledged support service, account replenishment in dozens of ways, including QIWI and RBK Money.
  • A simple and intuitive system for ordering goods using a "one-click" link.
  • is:
    • Low commission from 7%;
    • Convenient multiple payment methods;
    • Individual approach to each client;
    • Russian-speaking support service (multichannel numbers 8-800);
    • eBay-Sniper;
    • Warehouses in 5 countries (USA, UK, Germany, Japan, China);
    • Purchase/delivery of goods directly from the Apple Store.
  • Separately, the service "Virtual address" (Mail Forwarding) is provided.
  • Additional services are provided: "Checking the goods", "Photo of the goods", "Insurance of the goods", "Customs clearance".
  • Weekly commission discounts up to 50% on the most popular foreign online stores (Apple Store, Victoria's Secret, Adidas, Puma, Reebok, Burberry, Lego and others).
  • Official website of the service:
  • Contact us for any question you are interested in:

Transport company Dnipro is one of the largest carriers of goods from the USA to the Russian Federation, Ukraine and other countries of the former Soviet Union.

  • Intermediary services for purchases in any US online stores, postal forwarding.
  • One of the lowest rates for parcel delivery, incl. oversized and oversized Russian Federation, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and other countries.
  • Free consolidation, storage in a warehouse for up to 3 months, tracking of each parcel and an individual approach to customers.
  • Low fees for intermediary services: only $10 for orders up to $200 and 5% of the amount if the cost is higher.

Alfaparcel Ltd. provides services for the purchase, payment and delivery of goods from the UK.

  • Separately, the service of a virtual address in the UK is provided. The service is intended for those who pay for goods on their own. The client buys a cell in the Alfaparcel warehouse and makes purchases as a resident of the UK.
  • You will have access to products that are sold on:
    • British branch of the auction
    • British online stores. For your convenience, we have compiled a catalog of online stores, which we regularly update, you can familiarize yourself with it directly on our website.
    • Clothing, household appliances, computers, antiques and more from England. We provide a full range of services for the purchase of goods by customers from the CIS countries.
    • We provide representation services for individuals and legal entities Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries.
    • One of our activities is the sale of literature on English language including antiques.

SKYPE: alfaparcel

Support phone: +441945585562 (UK).

1) in commerce - a person, firm or organization standing between the producer and consumer of a product and facilitating its turnover. In the role of P. are agents, brokers, dealers, brokers, commission agents, traveling salesmen. Mediation is one of the types of entrepreneurship. An intermediary company-organization whose task is to fulfill the order of enterprises to establish relationships with partners, establish logistics and sales of finished products, provide financial and credit services, etc. It is one of the varieties of consulting firms. In conditions market economy L.f. play an important role in rationalizing economic ties and accelerating the turnover of resources in the national economy. The services provided by P.F. are: search for partners to establish stable cooperative ties and create joint ventures in the country and abroad; establishment of links for the organization of supply necessary materials, raw materials, equipment, waste, illiquid assets, etc.; selection of specialists for production and economic organizations of various profiles; establishing contacts between enterprises and research, design and implementation organizations for the development and implementation of innovations. For establishing contacts P.f. receives remuneration, the amount of which is determined as a percentage of the size of the transaction being concluded or of the premium received as a result of the transaction; 2) in jurisprudence - a person, firm or organization assisting the seller and the buyer in the conclusion and execution of the contract; 3) see OMBUDSMAN.



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