Semi-precious stones for the harmonization of the planets. Gemstones in Vedic Astrology Gemstones and Doshas

To have a beneficial effect on the body, precious stones are worn on the body or they drink water in which they have been lying for a night or more. Gemstones revitalize the energy centers of the body (chakras) and directly affect vata, pitta and kapha. They can be used to activate or calm certain organs of the body, to enhance or neutralize the influence of planets in a personal horoscope.

When using gems, the following must be taken into account.

  • Stones and jewelry tend to absorb the qualities and energetic vibrations of their former owners, so they need to be cleaned before use. To do this, just immerse them for a couple of days in salt water or milk. It won't hurt them.
  • When you wear a precious stone, it must touch the skin (for this, a small window is made in the frame) so that its subtle energies can interact directly with the energies of the body.
  • In addition, it is important on which finger you wear the stone.
  • diamond - nameless,
  • pearl - little finger,
  • red coral - unnamed,
  • emerald - little finger,
  • opal - nameless
  • yellow sapphire - index,
  • blue sapphire - medium.

Stones that have undergone heat or chemical treatment may not have the original healing energy. It is better to purchase real, untreated clean stones without cracks or defects. When you are going to buy a stone, be sure to check with a magnifying glass that there are no cracks or other imperfections.

If possible, 3-5 carat stones should be worn, but a 1 carat weight is sufficient for a diamond. Too small a stone will not give a tangible effect.

Unless you yourself are versed in both the properties of stones and Vedic astrology (Jyotish), it is wise to consult a specialist before investing in buying a gemstone. An incorrectly selected stone or wearing it on the wrong part of the body can have an adverse effect.

Here are some characteristics of the main precious and semi-precious stones.

  • Ruby/Garnet

In astrology, the ruby ​​corresponds to the Sun. This stone protects life, promotes longevity, especially for Vata and Kapha individuals, and brings prosperity. It enhances concentration, gives strength to the mind and strengthens the heart. Rubies pacify vata and kapha but can increase pitta. Garnets have the same vibration as rubies, they are a substitute for the ruby. Both rubies and garnets should be worn either in a ring on the ring finger or as a necklace.

  • Pearl

Just as rubies represent the Sun, pearls represent the Moon. It has a cooling effect and a soothing healing vibration. Pearl balances all doshas, ​​although its cooling effect is especially good for pitta. Pearls bring peace and serenity to the mind. Ash of pearls (mochi basma) when taken orally, it is good for many ailments. You can use many of the strengthening effects of pearls by making pearl water. Put 4-5 pearls in a glass of water, leave overnight and drink the water in the morning.

  • Yellow sapphire/topaz

This gem, which represents Jupiter, brings a sense of solid ground, constancy and wisdom. It helps to pacify vata and pitta and may slightly increase kapha. It strengthens the heart, increases the energy of the lungs and kidneys. Yellow sapphire should always be worn on the index finger - the finger of Jupiter. Yellow topaz, a substitute for sapphire, has many of its qualities and has similar beneficial effects.

  • Blue sapphire

This beautiful gemstone represents Saturn and brings the wearer the qualities of this very spiritual planet. Saturn - the deity of earth and iron - bestows enlightenment. Blue sapphire calms vata and kapha and can stimulate pitta. It promotes muscle and skeletal growth and helps heal arthritis. Wear a blue sapphire on the middle finger of your right hand, preferably in a silver setting. Do not wear it with diamonds - this will create disharmony.

  • Lapis lazuli

This stone, which has an energy similar to that of Saturn, is divine and sacred. It gives strength to the body, mind and consciousness and makes its wearer more sensitive to higher spiritual vibrations. It strengthens the eyes, calms vata and pitta, and helps with anxiety, fear, and a weak heart. In addition, it is useful for the liver and skin diseases. Lapis lazuli should be set in gold and worn on the little finger or as a necklace.

  • Emerald

This powerful gem brings prosperity and spiritual awakening. It calms vata and pitta, balances the nervous system and relieves nervousness. Symbolizing the planet Mercury, emeralds improve writing skills, elocution and promote intelligence. They are best set in gold and worn on the little finger.

  • Diamond

This very powerful gem prevents premature aging, increases life expectancy and strengthens the immune system.

It transmits subtle energy vibrations to the heart, brain and deep tissues of the body. This is the best stone for rejuvenation. It brings prosperity and spiritual uplift.

The influence of diamonds on doshas varies depending on the color of the diamond. Reddish diamonds have a fiery energy that stimulates pitta. The bluish diamonds have a cooling effect and soothe pitta, increasing kapha. Clear water colorless diamonds calm pitta but increase vata and kapha.

Being a symbol of the planet Venus, diamonds really help create strong bonds in personal relationships and are rightfully associated with marriage. These stones stimulate the reproductive tissues of the body. They patronize art, music, love and sex. Wear a gold-set diamond in a necklace or in a ring on your ring finger. But keep in mind: low-quality diamonds can have a negative effect on the body.

  • Red coral.

This stone from the sea represents the planet Mars. It calms pitta and helps to control anger, hatred and jealousy. Coral gives strength to the liver, spleen and pericardium (heart sac). Wear red coral as a necklace or in a ring on your ring finger. The frame is preferably made of copper, but silver or white gold can also be used. Red coral gives strength and gives grace and elegance.

  • Opal.

This semi-precious stone strengthens the bone marrow and nerves and reproductive tissues. It improves eyesight, relieves fever, calms pitta and is good for migraines. Opal enhances elevated feelings, increases religiosity and helps the development of intuition. This stone is especially useful for people who have Neptune in the horoscope in the third, fourth, sixth, tenth or twelfth house. Opal should be set in gold or silver and worn on the ring finger.

  • Cat eye.

This stone is useful for allergies, recurring colds with congestion, and allergic asthma. It calms kapha and vata while slightly increasing pitta. Helps in the treatment of kidney dysfunction. The cat's eye enhances awareness and helps not to be captured by emotions. Psychic healers should wear this gold-set stone on their little finger or ring finger as it will help protect them from negative influences.

  • Rhinestone.

These stones have an energy akin to Venus and somewhat similar to the energy of diamonds. They pacify vata, increase the quality of perception, promote communication and enhance intuition. You can wear rhinestone in a necklace or in a ring on the ring finger, set in gold or silver.

  • Onyx.

This stone is extremely good for vata disorders. It is useful in senile diseases, nervous exhaustion and dysfunction of the nervous system, helps to treat epilepsy, parkinsonism and schizophrenia. It induces restful deep sleep, but at the same time prevents lethargy. It is good for strengthening memory and promotes positive thinking. Onyx makes its owner peaceful and happy, enhances love in personal relationships. It has energy vibrations akin to the Sun and Jupiter. This stone should be set in silver and worn on the ring finger. If your sun sign is Sagittarius or Gemini, then you would be better off not wearing this stone.

  • Nephritis.

Jade promotes longevity. It enhances the energy of the kidneys and, in addition, enjoys the reputation of a talisman that brings success to the one who wears it. This stone also promotes oratory. It helps prevent the formation of cataracts and has a strengthening effect on the prostate gland. Wear a silver jade ring on your little finger.

  • Amethyst.

Amethyst is a stone for the Sahasrara (upper energy chakra) and brings clarity to the mind. Set in gold, it brings prosperity. It can be worn in a ring or as a pendant on a gold chain. People with neuromuscular weakness may benefit from wearing amethysts and placing them at the four corners of the bed. Some amethysts have a darker color, which gives them an energy akin to Saturn and similar to that of blue sapphires. Amethysts bestow dignity, love, compassion and hope. This stone helps to control emotions and is helpful in vata and pitta imbalances.

  • Aquamarine.

As a substitute for the emerald, which symbolizes Mercury, aquamarine reduces dullness of the mind, promotes happiness and intelligence, improves elocution, and enhances memory. In addition, this stone has qualities akin to Venus - it is useful for couples to wear aquamarine to strengthen and enhance love for each other. Aquamarine should be set in silver and worn on the little finger.

It should be borne in mind that just wearing a properly selected stone is not enough to correct the imbalance of doshas - you must also monitor your diet, meditate, perform appropriate physical exercises and yoga postures, consciously observing the current state of the body.

Four stones to help balance the doshas.

Gems may be prohibitively expensive for you, at least for the time being. In that case, there are four inexpensive stones that you can use to help you achieve balance in body, mind, and consciousness.

With an excess of vata, to achieve balance, you can use rose quartz. The warming color and energy of rose quartz can bring relief from vata-type disorders such as nervousness, dry skin, constipation, flatulence, and lower back pain.

For aggravated pitta, use red coral or pearl. Their cooling energy will help with pitta-type disorders such as anger, various inflammatory diseases like colitis and conjunctivitis, and hyperacidity.

To balance kapha, it is useful to wear grenades. The deep red color of this stone revitalizes the energy of the body and reduces symptoms of excess kapha such as water retention, lethargy, depression and overweight.

In astrological practice, it is common to wear precious stones as conductors of planetary energy.

Natural stones are used in Jyotish to enhance vitality, good luck and support in life.

Due to the purity of the precious stone, when wearing it, a person receives the missing planetary energy, which can help him on his path in life.

In Jyotish, there are basic stones prescribed to be worn in order to increase the influence of certain planets. These stones are selected by an experienced Jyotish astrologer along with recommendations for wearing them. It is important that the stone is natural, of high quality.

Therefore, to find out which stones are right for you, you need to have an astrologer's recommendation.

If you do not yet have the recommendations of an astrologer, I suggest using the Jyotish stone consultation service. The selection of stones is done in accordance with the individual birth card (based on your birth data: place, date, year, exact time). In this consultation, you will also receive recommendations on the correct wearing of the recommended stones in order to enhance the positive astrological effect.

(in autumn and spring) we offer to order high-quality jyotish stones, in accordance with the individual selection according to the birth chart.

In Indian astrological practice, it is common to wear precious stones as conductors of planetary energy.

Natural stones are used in Jyotish to enhance vitality, good luck and support in life.

Due to the purity of the precious stone, when wearing it, a person receives the missing planetary energy, which can help him on his path in life. ()

In Jyotish, there are basic stones prescribed to be worn in order to increase the influence of certain planets. These stones are selected by an experienced Jyotish astrologer along with recommendations for wearing them. It is important that the stone is natural, of high quality, with good clarity and cut. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the right astrological stones.

Therefore, to find out which stones are right for you, you need have an astrologer's recommendation.

If you already have recommendationsand you know which stones are suitable for you, you can send us application to the corresponding stone. After that, we will contact you and offer the best options.

If you do not yet have astrologer's recommendations, we suggest using the service Jyotish stone consultations. The selection of stones is done in accordance with the individual birth card (based on your birth data: place, date, year, exact time). In this consultation, you will also receive recommendations on the correct wearing of the recommended stones in order to enhance the positive astrological effect.

We will select the best options for the recommended stones and send photos so that you can choose the stone you like yourself (see examples). All offered stones are certified (or will be certified at the request of the buyer), which confirms their naturalness and good quality.

It is also possible to orderfinished jewel(ring or pendant) of the required design, in accordance with the Vedic rules for wearing stones.

Delivery for Moscow and Kaliningrad is free. For other cities - delivery by mail (prepaid).

In Vedic (Indian) astrology, stones have a special relationship. They are considered "representatives" of the planets of the solar system on Earth, and are used as an effective means of astrological correction (provided that the stones are 100% natural and not subject to any processing (chemical, thermal), with the exception of cutting. Artificially grown stones do not have healing properties possess.

In natural untreated "living" stones, as a rule, there are impurities and inclusions, which are usually removed by chemical and thermal treatment to improve aesthetic qualities. As a result of such processing, the "healing" property of the stone is completely lost.

It is also believed that stones with holes (in the case of beads, bracelets) lose their power. The ideal option is when the stone (stones) is without punctures, cracks and chips, framed in metal and has constant contact with the skin.

The larger the stones, the better. The more stones in the product, the better. But you should always give preference to size and quality, not quantity.

According to the classical approach (as in India), a stone must be bought on a special day, energetically cleansed (hold it in salt water (sea salt) or honey for a day), activated with a special ritual (yajna), or read the mantras of the corresponding planet, and only after that, you can start wearing (on a favorable day for this). Then the stone will be as "strong" as possible.

Some stones should be worn throughout life, others for a certain period. The effect of wearing, as a rule, comes in a few weeks (exceptions are expensive, large and "energetically strong" specimens of diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds).

In Vedic astrology, the wearing of stones is assigned in accordance with how one or another planet "behaves" in a person's natal chart, and not according to the principle of the Sun being in a particular sign.

Depending on the location of the planets in each individual birth chart, the influence of celestial bodies will differ significantly, and therefore it is very important to analyze all factors together.

This approach is more correct and gives significant positive changes in the life of the individual.

The prescribed stones will give not only the results inherent in the stones themselves, but will also affect those areas of life for which the corresponding planets are responsible in the natal chart of a person. For example, if Venus is in the house of finance, then wearing Venus stones will affect both the sphere of finance and the personal qualities of the individual as a whole.

Also, depending on the individual characteristics of the horoscope, there are stones that are contraindicated for a particular person, since they can lead to insomnia, depression, deterioration of the mental state in general, accidents, increased negative qualities of character, etc.


People tend to shift the responsibility for their lives to anything and anyone except themselves.

Not all problems are solved by wearing stones. In case of serious lesions in the natal chart, it is necessary to work in other ways (but this is a topic for a separate consultation).

For example, if a person suffers from insomnia (while leading an unhealthy lifestyle, watching horror at night, etc.), then stones are unlikely to help much here.

The right stone is a good and practical gift that will serve its owner well for a lifetime.

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Sun- a very hot luminary and therefore in Indian astrology it is considered harmful. It is not as destructive as Mars and Saturn, but its main influence is harmful. If any planet is within 8° of the Sun, then its intense rays absorb its power. This position is called "combustion," and it greatly affects the conjunctive planet and the houses it rules. Although an 8 degree orb is officially accepted for "burning out", some astrologers may use their own orb of influence. But in any case, "burning" is never ignored.

In the Western system of astrology, the Sun is considered as the main determining factor in the horoscope, while in Indian astrology, the priority in this belongs to the Moon. It is the Moon that is primarily responsible for the happiness and general well-being of the individual. Nevertheless, the Sun is very important in the analysis as an indicator that controls personal confidence, authority, strength and position. It also governs the father and the affairs of a person's career and earthly activities.

The sun governs the spirit and is therefore called the atmakaraka or indicator of the spirit. Thus, the state and environment of the Sun describe the tendencies and drives that are most fundamental to the personality. It should be noted that references are often made to the atmakaraka in Indian scriptures, but there are two planets with a similar function. The first is the Sun, the second is the planet in the last degree in the horoscope (that is, the planet at 28-29 °). Therefore, it should be determined which of the two planets is mentioned.

The negative effects of the Sun are quite easily neutralized if the Sun is aspected by a benefic planet. Hence, when aspected by Venus, Jupiter or the Moon, the Sun produces quite beneficent results. Since all planets have a certain house with which their energies are most compatible, the Sun produces excellent results in upachayas or growing houses (3rd, 6th, 10th, 11th) where maleficence is welcomed. The best position for the Sun is in the 10th house where it receives dik bala or guiding force. Its functions are optimal in Aries, where it is exalted (teaching sign), greatly weakened in Libra, where it is debilitated (nicha sign), give good results in Leo - its own sign (svakshetra).

The sun is masculine, hot, dry and harmful. Another name for the Sun is Surya. The friends of the Sun, that is, the planets that greet him in their signs, are the Moon, Mars and Jupiter. Venus and Saturn are the enemies of the Sun, and Mercury is neutral to it. The stone to be worn to enhance the afflicted Sun is a red ruby.
Also useful for the weakened Sun are the metals gold and copper.

Signs of the Sun: father, spirit, soul, ego, strength, ambition, government, profession, doctors, chemists, pharmacists, eyes, sight, heart
copper, gold, east direction, Sunday, red ruby, color of gold, professional status, social status, popularity, vitality, dignity, nobility, self-confidence, authority, power, hands.

Book Material Ancient Indian Astrology for Modern Astrologers by James Bracha


The study of the location of the Sun in the horoscope allows you to get information about the appearance of a person, his energy and the main features of his behavior, about everything related to his father, health, leadership ability, and about the depth of his knowledge of his inner self. The Sun represents people in government, in churches and temples, in the gold trade and in health care industries, as well as those who are famous and popular. The sun is the king of the planets, it gives everyone warmth and light (visible). Thus, the position of the Sun in the horoscope allows you to see how powerful, influential this person is and how noble, self-realized he can be. Of course, while doing this, you should check the condition of the houses associated with these qualities, for example, pay attention to the 9th house and the Sun to find out the degree of spiritual awareness of a person, and on the 10th house of the Sun to get an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhis professional status.


Sun in Aries

The Sun is at full strength or, in other words, in exaltation when placed in the sign of Aries. Either in the mind or in the actions of this person, the qualities symbolized by the Sun will appear. The sun represents the depth and sincerity of the soul, attending solemn ceremonies and sacrifices - for example, temple services. The sun symbolizes vision, as it is the source of light for the world. A person with the Sun in Aries may have a developed spiritual intuition; or he may see that there are ample opportunities to improve people's lives. The sun also symbolizes political circles. A person can earn money in public service, can feel like a leader, feel that he was born for greatness.

The sun also symbolizes the physical body. These people are usually enterprising in activities aimed at satisfying their senses, they are extremely active or impose their will on others, they need their goal to include some kind of material achievement. Aries is a "fiery" sign, ruled by Mars, the planet of rivalry, and therefore a person with the Sun in Aries is described as "carrying weapons." This emphasizes that such a person will be ambitious, will strive for glory. These people can speak expressively, energetically, they have high self-esteem. Aries is a mobile sign, and therefore such people are prone to an active, wandering lifestyle. They also have philanthropic, humanistic inclinations.

A person with the Sun in Aries is active, intelligent, travels, is known to many, rich, has fighting qualities, he is strong, marked by pronounced character traits, impulsive, irritable, has the qualities of a pioneer, his fortune is changeable. These may be people of an idealistic rather than a materialistic disposition. Their character is expressive, firm, they are very brave. Their overestimation of their strength sometimes leads them to trouble. They may suffer from stress.

Sun in Taurus

Taurus is a sign associated with the earth element. It points to a practical temper of character, to the ability to control, to a certain extent, material nature. In their attitude to life, they are conservative and realistic. The symbol of Taurus is a buffalo, which indicates considerable determination, strength and the presence of stubbornness in character. Such people may not be easy to deal with if they are irritated. In work, they are stubborn, although somewhat slow. Since Taurus is ruled by Venus, they are experienced in worldly affairs, have a restrained temperament. They are inclined to philosophy, act as peacekeepers. Venus symbolizes desire, and therefore these people are ambitious, prone to strong feelings. They are persistent, reliable, serve well. They are strongly attracted by the beautiful surroundings, they love perfumes, flowers, pleasant smells, their activities may be related to these things.

They have musical abilities, love good food and pleasant drinks. They are sociable, intelligent, self-confident, tend to excite the opposite sex with their actions. According to the ancient text "Brhad-jataka" these people "can deal with fabrics, they can be skilled in yen or playing musical instruments." The Sun in Taurus makes a person cautious, old-fashioned, gives a good sense of humor and the ability to analyze before action. They are patient, waiting for the conditions favorable for the implementation of their plans to ripen. They can be good as officials, administrators, they know a lot about acquiring things or managing property. Sometimes these people can have heart disease, eye disease, they can be very stubborn and eccentric. In other cases, they benefit from commercial activities, inheritance and successful marriage.

Sun in Gemini

Gemini is a positive, "airy" sign, ruled by the intelligent Mercury, symbolized by a pair of lovers. Naturally, the one who has the Sun in this sign is a cheerful, creative, loving person, has abilities in literature or communication. They are able to skillfully work with their hands, like to do more than one thing at the same time. These people are sociable, friendly and polite. They are usually hurried, expressive and excited; but since Gemini is a double sign, their mood is subject to fluctuations. They work well where a versatile nature is required, where interaction between people is necessary. They can be overwhelmed by excessive enthusiasm, which may lead them to overwork, and sometimes they suffer from nervous breakdowns. They would like to know about everything, they are interesting interlocutors, but sometimes they interfere in other people's affairs. They highly value people who are knowledgeable. They love to read and write and are easily influenced by others.

A person with the Sun in Gemini knows a lot, speaks languages. They are shy, tend to adapt to the situation. They are able to earn money and manage money well. They know a lot about jewelry and are skilled in sexual matters. You will find them busy with facts and figures. They are smart, well educated, skeptical, and make good critics. They have an interest in astrology, medicine and other sciences. In their dealings with other people, they are generous and courteous. They are endowed with the qualities of Mercury: their abilities are numerous, they are able to act quickly, they are intelligent and have a good memory.

Sun in Cancer

The sun in this sign serves as a sign of a person who is able to be kind, sincere, cordial and indicates his love for solemn rituals. This person is attached to his household possessions or loves life surrounded by nature or luxury. Cancer is a fluid and watery sign, and these people have a knack for dealing with liquid foods or for travel-related activities. They like to live close to the water, swim, they are happy to travel to the tropics or beyond the seas. A person with the Sun in Cancer is very sincere in his affections. These people have a stubborn, sensitive, emotional character. Feelings play a big role in their decision-making process. These people are shy, their manner is restrained, but they are receptive to new ideas and insightful. They usually understand what is good and what is right, but sometimes overestimate their own ideas.

In his career or in his social position, this person experiences ups and downs. These are thrifty, conservative people, good-natured and cheerful character. They are attached to home and family; love pleasure, fun and entertainment; have a strong imagination and a good memory. Sometimes they suffer from stomach disorders, indigestion or constipation. They are rich, their character is independent. At times they can be rude, but their mind and psychic abilities are quite bright - they just know when and whom to inspire with energetic expressions. They have a temperament of good teachers, they have a heightened sense of truth. They are able to sacrifice their own interests, working for the benefit of others. They suffer from travel fatigue.

Sun in Leo

Leo is a fixed, positive sign symbolized by the lion. From this we can conclude that a person born with the Sun in Leo is active, experienced in many matters, claiming success, a prominent position. Sometimes they have an overly high opinion of themselves. They are strong, but not tactless. Sometimes their will causes their mind to follow their desire or decision to do something unswervingly. They have a sincere heart and love to participate in humanitarian, philanthropic activities. They have organizational skills; because of their ability to inspire others, they make good leaders.

They are in better health than most people. They like to visit mountains and forests, they like to spend time alone. Usually they are sincerely spiritual and love solemn rituals. They can become rude if their desire for power, strength becomes hypertrophied. They have an independent, stubborn streak of character, and they are often charismatic. They are frank and sincere, generous, have good intuition and ingenuity; carry themselves with dignity.

The sun represents the appearance of man and the external features of his behavior. When the Sun is in Leo, it is in its own sign, and therefore in full power. Therefore, such people can be attractive in appearance, have charming manners, plenty of vitality, a dreamy mind. Having the Sun in Leo is good luck, as it indicates help from the father, the government, and God, if the other indications in the chart match this. It is possible, however, that a person with the Sun in Leo can become overly selfish, too demanding, and living with him will be very difficult. If such people are treated with respect, they will respond with generosity.

Sun in Virgo

Virgo is a “feminine”, soft sign associated with the elements of the earth, ruled by Mercury and symbolized by the virgin. People born with the Sun in this sign receive the following qualities: kindness, education, learning, the ability to carry on a conversation, a pure heart or interest in spiritual knowledge, practicality, skillful hands. Sometimes they are too sensitive or too easily influenced by the opposite sex; they can be timid and indecisive. Their insight is not poorly developed, they are able to successfully combine the ideological and practical sides in their activities. They work well where attention to detail is required, in the work related to the transmission of any messages in the field of education.

The qualities related to the sign of Virgo are practicality as well as grace; prudence; innocence or naivete; beautiful appearance; such a person is difficult to convince of anything; he is analytical, has a sense of his own dignity; shy; travels; serves well; loves scenic surroundings.

The usual interpretation relating to the position of the Sun in this sign is as follows: “a person of feminine appearance, writes well, draws or is a good sculptor, poet; has a good memory and pleasant soft speech. Physically and mentally not very hardy, but shrewd, has linguistic abilities, reads well, usually acts deliberately; sincere in a dispute, needs psychological support and flattery; sociable, responsive, adapts well to different environments; has inventive abilities, is responsive to a kind and respectful attitude towards himself; wonderful friend." These people are soft, sensitive, skillful in commercial activities. They are easily dominated by their feelings, and sometimes it may not be easy to be in the same company with them: driven by their sensitive ego, they try too hard to impress others.

Sun in Libra

Libra is an "air" sign, depicted as balanced scales; ruled by sensual Venus. As an "air" sign, it gives these people an interest in philosophy, and also indicates their ability to balance the spiritual and material in their lives. They are gifted with the ability to buy and sell; impartiality in relations between people is also associated with this sign. Often they are carried away by projects that benefit many people rather than just beneficial to themselves. Ruled by Venus indicating wives and women, they are usually married or married and usually work as assistants or partners. On their own, or pursuing their own interests, they are usually not so successful *

The sun is weakened in the sign of Libra, and therefore these people may suffer from poor eyesight, heart disease, frequent headaches, and poor digestion. They are prone to overuse of intoxicants, somewhat arrogant, haughty and promiscuous. They seek a peaceful, harmonious environment. They have good taste, are friendly, non-violent, compassionate towards others, and gravitate toward people who are refined or high in society. They are impartial, with a developed sense of justice. It is sometimes difficult for other people to understand the motives of their behavior.

They can perfectly compare one thing with another and are sincere in their assessments. They are usually opposed to the authorities; interested in political events taking place in the world. They must be careful in the company of people of low level and in dealing with harmful products. They enjoy travel and may be engaged in business related to jewelry and other things that excite the senses. They need to develop inner stability and strength.

Sun in Scorpio

Scorpio is a "feminine", "water" sign, ruled by Mars, the planet of determination. People with the Sun in Scorpio have an attractive, sophisticated, seductive appearance. They are strong in character, can act covertly and in defiance. They can be violent, work thoughtlessly, or be busy with work they see as a waste of time. They will earn money by activities related to water and/or poisons. They will be trained to use weapons or fight. These people have great willpower and can work very hard. They are determined, inquisitive, interested in all kinds of psychic knowledge. They are stubborn, but at times shy and reserved. Accidents happen in their lives; they are suspicious of others, and their own behavior is not necessarily honest. They are stubborn, restless, energetic. Their speech may be sarcastic. They are the reformers of society and are engaged in activities of a revolutionary nature.

Scorpio is a sign of purification and rebirth, so such a person loves to part with the bad in himself, to change himself for the better. According to B. V. Raman, they are very brave and daring, and sometimes reckless. The sign of Scorpio has a coarsening effect on them. They are dexterous in working with their hands, they can be good doctors, surgeons. These people have the ability to military activities. People born with the Sun in their sign

Scorpios are good as critics, musicians, researchers, and perhaps as spies or people involved in some kind of secret work. Since Scorpio is ruled by Mars, they are MOiyr good at managing property. Living near water is good for their health. They may become specialists in music or teaching. They have a stimulating effect on those around them.

Sun in Sagittarius

Sagittarius is a “male”, “fiery” sign, symbolized by an archer. People born with the Sun in Sagittarius are usually healthy and optimistic. They are sincere and true. These are people you can rely on; they are pure. Their demeanor is direct and open. They usually set high goals in life and go straight to the goal. According to the ancient text Brihad Jataka, such people are respected by saints, they are engaged in religious activities, they are rich, independent, they may know medicine or be trained in the art of a sculptor.

People with the Sun in Sagittarius are quick-tempered, they are treated with respect, and sometimes pampered, they are reliable, stubborn, respected by people. They are happy, popular, religious, usually wealthy; have an aptitude for music. Such a person has the character of the leader of the people around him or her. Their character is contented, cheerful, they have great hopes for the future. They are adamant in their determination; can be busy with no more than one thing. There is a duality in their character: they are partly materialistic, partly spiritualized. Classical texts speak of such people that they are prudent, able to make good decisions, have a merciful, cheerful character. They are self-confident, inventive, original, creative people, they do not like to work in submission to anyone. They will speak their mind frankly.” Sincerely. They have good health and good sons. They love to travel and tend to change jobs and places of residence if it helps their career. They lead a respectable life, they have a strong will, they love freedom and independence. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter and therefore the life of such a person is completely sinless; he purifies his heart, liberates it from material desires.

Sun in Capricorn

Capricorn is associated with the elements of the earth, a "feminine" and "negative" sign. Therefore, people who are born in a month when the Sun is in this sign show practical inclinations. They work slowly and, on occasion, are not averse to being lazy, but they have organizational skills; can work where patience and gradual progress are required; work well in the field of commerce and everywhere else, a significant role is given to the account and the accumulation of something. They like to put things off from day to day, they are very selfish and do not like to be controlled by other people; but they can work hard and steadily. They love to travel. They slowly climb up the ladder of life. They are able to quickly grasp ideas on the fly and love to correctly, thoroughly understand the issue of interest to them. They are quite capable of renouncing any of the blessings of life, in their character there is a trait characteristic of the Stoics; they may well perceive transcendental philosophy due to their tendency, as a rule, to a pessimistic view of the world and the people around them.

Classical texts and my personal experience speak of such qualities of people with the Sun in this sign: they are enterprising, able to rise to a high position in society, or get into the company of high-ranking people. They can be annoying and interfere in other than their own affairs; can be dishonest, heartless, stingy and stubborn. They are capable of sympathy for the underdog and the downtrodden; careful, hard working, friendly, have a sense of humor. They are calm and melancholic, strive for the gradual deployment of their plans, believe in fate and in the supernatural. They can sacrifice themselves to some cause. These people are creative, sometimes cunning and suspicious.

Sun in Aquarius

Aquarius is a "male", fixed, positive sign associated with the element of air, ruled by the universal servant Saturn and depicted by a woman carrying a jug. Thus, these people are capable of suffering for the good of others; their activity can be useful for humanity in general. Here the Sun is in a hostile sign and does not reach its full strength. It will usually be found that people born with this combination in the horoscope have some period of poverty or are in a subordinate position in relation to people who are inferior to them in abilities. The Sun in Aquarius, as it were, teaches a person: he is placed in such circumstances in which he studies the highest goal of life, whether it is spiritual development or service for the benefit of others. Thus, these people rise above their egoism, which is usually inherent in them from birth.

They are able to learn easily; usually interested in mystical knowledge - since Aquarius is a sign associated with the element of air (considerable mental activity) and is ruled by Saturn (indicating success in yoga). All the classical texts say that the Sun in Aquarius gives its owner little happiness from children, brings losses associated with paternal property, a tendency to heart disease, a tendency to do things that are not very appropriate for their position in life. Their wealth is not sustainable. All these qualities may or may not appear, depending on the position in the rest of the table. But there is no doubt that this person will have abilities in the field of literature. Such people love new ideas, desire social reforms and improve the situation of the oppressed masses. They are patient, reliable, hard working. They are attractive, generous, open-minded people, diligent, loyal, harmless, sometimes a little eccentric.

Sun in Pisces

Pisces is a "water" and "feminine" sign. This location is a sign of a person of quiet demeanor, with calm and attractive features. These are people of a shy and restless nature. They are indecisive and easily influenced by others. They can devote their lives to service and love to do good. They are interested in spiritual and religious philosophical questions. They are dreamy and emotional, they love sincerely. They believe in the mysterious forces of nature, and also love things related to water; in practice, they may carry out activities related to pearls, the carriage of goods by sea, juices or other liquid products; they are waiting for the right opportunity to open up.

These people are peaceful, with the ability to learn, in their lives there are periods that are not rich in events; they are loved by members of the opposite sex: they are able to make others feel good. Such people can be irritable, but usually they have a good character. They are neat, well-dressed, timid and lack self-confidence. They have a sense of humor and are sociable. The attention of these people is often directed inward, and their innermost, intimate side can be difficult to recognize. They are not very strong physically, prone to overweight, intestinal diseases, nervous excitement and diseases of the lower extremities. They enter into an advantageous marriage, receive a good inheritance. They may have a tendency to get away from their problems by taking advantage of intoxication. However, they are pleasant people who know how to handle money, work well with children, have good intuition and are able to teach others.


Sun in 1st house

The person is a little selfish and proud, but kind of heart and can become a good leader. Such people usually have a thin body, thin hair, a pretty face, poor eyesight. These people are attractive, have a great craving for self-knowledge. They skillfully perform their work, love pomp, ceremonies and rituals, travel and visit famous places, meet famous people and are able to become famous themselves. They work for some good cause. These people strongly gravitate towards the outside world and have a materialistic, suspicious streak in them. They may get involved in politics. They are independent by nature and come into conflict with people trying to control them. They consider themselves significant enough people; they have enough energy to organize a difficult, large-scale enterprise. They love to have others serve them. They love to spend their time alone. They are pleasant, obligatory, trustworthy people. They make good managers and organizers.

Sun in 2nd house

These people are internally strong, although outwardly calm. They can work hard for money and are capable of supporting a large family. They are able to show perseverance and suffer losses, opposing the authorities. They can control themselves in eating; suffer from dental diseases; they say proudly

effectively; their appearance is impressive. These people are educated, have an average financial position. For some time they somehow serve in the governing bodies, they live independently of their parents, but receive financial support from them.

Sun in 3rd house

For the Sun, this is a good, strong position, indicating a person born in a good family. These are inventive, active people, with skillful hands, expressive. They are good storytellers or writers, treat others well, are in good health, and have a good reputation. These people show courage and conviction.

Sun in 4th house

These are educated people who own the land. They are usually close to their home and like to work indoors. They have a good intellect, they have a small number of close friends, they have an incomplete education and many opportunities to travel. They own houses and maintain friendly relations with important people. These people have a good heart, they work for the good of the state or for some good cause.

Sun in 5th house

These people have a strong, attractive body and occupy a high social position. They are good advisers and teachers. They travel a lot and love to think. They love games and entertainment. You can expect stomach problems, a small number of children, or they may have a child with some kind of health problem.

Sun in 6th house

This placement usually indicates a strong, cheerful disposition. They may be involved in conflicts, but come out of them with success. They are independent in character but serve well. These people are interested in the customs of other countries and often travel overseas. They can work successfully in the fields of medicine, jurisprudence, and politics. They meet very important people or become well-known people themselves.

Sun in 7th house

This indicates a person who enters into disputes with the authorities or a person with a rebellious character. They may also expect quarrels in their family life and difficulties in close relationships with others. They will travel and start their own business. Outwardly, they are usually thin. They have the ability to manage and are widely known.

Sun in 8th house

Usually a person with the Sun in this house is shy and avoids being seen. Such people settle far from the place where they were born. They have poor eyesight, poor digestion, and usually have a small number of children. They are interested in mysticism; can earn money in public service*

Sun in 9th house

This is an influential or strong person, somewhat reckless and allowing extremes in his behavior. The earnings of these people are connected with the transportation of goods, creativity or religion. They enjoy traveling, are interested in politics, as a rule they are ambitious. They suffer as a result of conflicts with the state and with the opposite sex.

Sun in 10th house

This is usually a healthy or powerful person, very efficient. Such people are engaged in humanitarian activities and therefore have a good reputation. They become politicians, like to be listened to, and have the ability to manage. They have good parents and they have good children. They can make good doctors, composers and civil servants. They have strong feelings, they are quite attracted to the opposite sex.

Sun in 11th house

These people are usually gifted with good looks, live long, associate with great people, own property, and are able to earn money and manage it well. They may come from a wealthy family. These people are selfish and have few loved ones. They are proud and somewhat boastful, but are highly regarded by educated and skilled people.

Sun in 12th house

This person may have spiritual knowledge and little interest in material name and fame. Such people have weak eyesight, they separate from their father early and show weakness or indecision if they become a leader in any business. They often change their activities, may lose a child, love to travel, visit foreign countries, and often live in secluded or unusual places.

The material of the book is Vedic astrology. Tom Hopke

Sun (Surya) in Vedic Astrology

With your activity, you can correct the position of the planets in the horoscope. To analyze how much the planet has improved or worsened over the course of life - the prashna map will show.

Surya(Sun) is an important planet for both men and women. The Sun is Soul. To harmonize the Sun, it is important to have a good relationship with your father, respect him, accept him. It is important to always be positive and in the mood of giving, organized and disciplined. Remove selfishness. Develop self-confidence and determination, increase your own self-esteem. A reasonable person is a positive person!

Chandra(Moon) - since the Moon is the fastest planet, one sign of the zodiac passes in 2.5 days, the Moon is responsible for the Mind, and this is the most difficult planet for correction, difficult to understand. The moon represents the mother, maternal qualities. Therefore, the service of the mother, respect, love and care improve both the condition and the influence of the Moon on us. Respect for water (oceans, seas) means not to spit, not to throw garbage there, not to send natural needs. The Earth is also a mother, respect, care for the Earth is just as important. The Moon as Mind is emotions, worries, anxieties, it is important to track them. The moon is a woman - Respect for women, acceptance and help. Worship of the Mother of God, Devi.

Mangalik(Mars) - the planet of fire, wars. The correction of Mars consists in the representation of Protection, as military prowess, the protection of one's Earth, country, women and children, saving people's lives. Donation improves Mars, exercise. Mars is irritability and anger, so it is important to learn to respond to anger with love. Own yourself.
Budha (Mercury) is responsible for learning, speech, communication, business, the ability to make calculations, the mind. The ability to collaborate affects business success. Mercury is destroyed by gossip when we talk badly about someone behind their backs. Therefore, you need to be honest, and speak the truth with pleasant words to your face. Or not to say anything at all and not even think badly, so as not to take this energy into yourself. There are higher powers, fair ones, you can let them decide such questions about the correctness or incorrectness of how someone acts. Deception, cunning also destroy Mercury. Planning revenge, punishment, greed also worsen the influence of Mercury. To harmonize Mercury, it is important to clearly know the Goals for life. Vishnu worship.

Shukra(Venus) - material well-being, beauty, the planet of femininity and represents the spouse. Venus is important for both women (beauty, femininity) and men, because the wife that a man receives is either a blessing or a curse. Behind every great man is an equally great woman. Therefore, everything that is connected with well-being, a man is given energy (shakti), female, Mother, and then wife. God created women to bear children. A man to take care of, protect and satisfy a woman. If a man does not fulfill his duties to a woman (mother or wife), betrays, insults, then this can destroy a business, financial condition quite quickly. Venus correction is to be always satisfied with what we have at this stage. Not attached to comfort, sex, pleasure.

Brihaspati, Guru (Jupiter) - Luck, wisdom, optimism. Correction of Jupiter is a charity for Spiritual Purposes - the construction of Temples, chapels, the publishing of literature that gives Knowledge that is beneficial. It is also important that no one knows about this charitable activity.

Shani(Saturn). To correct Saturn, it is important to remove the fear of death and loss.

Use of gems.

One of the means of strengthening the planets is the use of gems.
At all times, precious stones have been an attribute of Power, wealth and success. Kings and Tsars wore crowns, rings with huge stones.
Stones enhance the energy of the planets, so rubies were worn to maintain Power.

Vedic Astrologers in their practice often use the wearing of stones to strengthen the planets,
including the treatment of diseases.

Stones enhance the influence of planets, so you need to be very careful when using them as a means to neutralize, especially those stones that are associated with malefic planets.
Unfavorable planets in Vedic Astrology are Saturn, Rahu and Ketu, Mars, the Sun is a weakly unfavorable planet.

Auspicious planets Jupiter, Venus and Mercury, the moon is growing.
It is always important to remember that the Stones strengthen the planets, not improve, there is a big difference in this,
because by strengthening an unfavorable planet, we can strengthen its malefic properties.

The use of stones almost always has side effects.
Therefore, if you want to use stones as a means of strengthening, protecting, healing, neutralizing the influence of planets, it is important to know how to use and apply them correctly.

Women often choose jewelry intuitively, and usually they guess which stones are right for them.
It is favorable for women to wear rings on the left hand, since the left hand is female energy, respectively, stones on the left hand will enhance feminine qualities. Wearing on the right hand (masculine energy) will enhance masculine qualities.

The index finger is the finger of Jupiter, so the stones of Jupiter and his friends (Moon, Sun, Mars) can be worn on this finger.

The middle finger is the finger of Saturn, on it you can wear stones responsible for Saturn and also the stones of Saturn's friends (Venus and Mercury)

The Sun is responsible for the Ring finger, and you can use the stones of the Sun and the friends of the Sun (Moon, Mars, Jupiter)

The little finger is the finger of Mercury and, accordingly, the stones of Mercury and the friends of Mercury (Venus and Saturn).

There are complex techniques for using several stones at once, as well as stones from all planets at the same time. Using certain stones to strengthen certain areas, houses to achieve specific results.

Vedic Astrology studies the influence of 7 planets and 2 Lunar Nodes Rahu and Ketu.
The planets show their influences strongly when their planetary periods (Vimshottari dasha)-Mahadasha, Antardasha come and during transit through the sensitive points of the horoscope.

And you need to use stones in accordance with what period a person is currently living in and if the planet is weak, and at the same time it is favorable in the horoscope, then wearing a specific stone can be recommended.
At the same time, you need to start wearing on a favorable day, on the day of the week of this planet and on the growing moon.

Days of the week:

Sunday- the day of the Sun, the stones of the Sun - Ruby / Garnet / Spinel.
Ruby is the main stone, garnet and spinel are substitutes,

Monday- day of the moon, kmni Pearl / moonstone

Tuesday - Mars, Stone - Red coral / carnelian


Thursday-Jupiter-Yellow sapphire/topaz/citrine

Friday— Venus-Brilliant/Rhinestone

Saturday— Saturn- Blue sapphire/amethyst

In order to recommend any stone, it is necessary to draw up a person’s natal chart to study the Influence of the planets, as well as to determine which stones are suitable directly for this person in accordance with which houses the planets rule.

Rahu and Ketu stones should be used very carefully as they are also responsible for accidents.
Rahu Stone - Hessonite
Ketu Stone - Cat's Eye

Simple ways to harmonize the influence of the planets:
(who have been practicing for centuries in India)

If problems due to disadvantage Ravi(Suns) in the horoscope: Donate 125 grams of Jagerri (cane sugar) or throw into running water on Sunday.

For neutralization Moon for 15 days, the Pipal tree is watered with water with the addition of milk every morning from Monday starting.

For Mars on Tuesday, throw 125 grams of sugar cubes into a running river.
Or mix 125 grams of milk with 10 grams of honey and pour into running water.

For Mercury throw pieces of copper or a copper coin into running water on Wednesday.

For Jupiter On Thursday, donate 1 kg of Mung Dal (lentils) to the priest.

For Venus: donate 1 liter of milk or 1 kg of cottage cheese to the priest on Friday.

For Saturn you can donate black dal, black blanket, to the Temple, use mustard seeds, mustard oil, black dal in food,

For Rahu 30 red lentil seeds for 3 weeks daily in the morning
Throw activated charcoal into running water.
Donation of a blue blanket to the Temple.

For Ketu, donate 1 kg of sesame seed fret to the Temple.

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