Pokrovskoe cemetery. Glory and oblivion. Pedagogical technology based on a system of effective lessons (A.A. Okunev) Anatoly Okunev

Technology based on a system of effective lessons (A.A. Okunev) ABOUT Lesson! - you are the sun! Sh.Amonashvili

Okunev Anatoly Arsenievich- mathematics teacher at secondary school No. 526 in St. Petersburg, Honored Teacher of the RSFSR, laureate of the Prize named after. N.K. Krupskaya.

Classification parameters of technology

By level of application: general pedagogical. On a philosophical basis: dialectical. According to the main development factor: sociogenic. According to the concept of assimilation: associative-reflex. By orientation to personal structures: ZUN + COURT. By the nature of the content: educational, secular, general education, technocratic, polytechnology.

By type of control: modern traditional education.

The principle of accessibility: the student must act to the limit of his capabilities; The teacher’s talent is to guess these opportunities and correctly determine the degree of difficulty;

The principle of consciousness: the child must know what he is studying (at the beginning of studying the topic, they leaf through the textbook, establish why and what they will study);

The focus is not on memorization, but on meaning, the task is at the center of the content:

The principle of the strength of knowledge acquisition: the basics of memorization are given;

Thinking should dominate memory, educational information is distributed across large blocks, the material is given in large doses;

The principle of visibility (improving the ability to observe); -optimization principle (highlighting the main thing, taking time into account).

Features of the technique

The main features of the technology of a high-performance, effective lesson:

Creating and maintaining a high level of cognitive interest and independent mental activity of students;

Economical and efficient use of lesson time;

Application of a diverse arsenal of teaching methods and tools;

Contribution to the formation and development of the student’s personal qualities, and first of all, the self-governing mechanisms of the individual that promote learning (SLM);

High positive level of interpersonal relationships between teacher and students;

The volume and strength of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by schoolchildren during the lesson.

The technological scheme of a modern lesson has enormous variability. Well-known recommendations for the structure of a combined lesson (using the example of only one structural part) vary in A.A. Okunev’s technology as follows (see Fig. 14):

Ways to organize the beginning of a lesson (task: to gain attention; to join in the lesson; to provide positive motivation):

A task is proposed that can be solved only on the basis of the children’s life experience and their ingenuity, so that everyone is equal.

The task is given to train memory, observation skills, and search for patterns based on material that has been well mastered by schoolchildren.

Equations and answers to them are written on the board, among which there are both correct and incorrect. It is suggested that you check them out.

The solution to an example or problem with traditional, most common errors is written on the board.

A traditional problem with a conventional solution is given. It is proposed to find a shorter, more rational one.

A drawing for a complex problem is given on the board and a solution is searched for using the brainstorming method.

Rice. 14 Technological diagram of a combined lesson

The lesson begins with reading the paragraph phrase by phrase (studied independently) - discussing its meaning, answering questions, proving the depth of study of the topic.

Questions are written on the board, the answers to which will help you understand the key points in the proof of the most difficult theorem in order to remember it better.

The guys depict some geometric figure and conduct research work

according to plan.

Homework was given - to compose a fairy tale, make a crossword puzzle. The most successful ones are presented.

A mathematical problem is considered that has not yet been discussed in class. Students outline a plan to find a solution.

Drawings for household tasks are made on the board. Based on the finished drawings, their solutions are discussed.

The lesson begins with the “soloists” - “defending” the solution to difficult homework problems. Requirements for a teacher

The main task of the teacher is to cultivate faith student in his own strength, teach enjoy communication with the teacher, comrades, to cultivate attention, the desire for independent activity schoolchildren.

Use techniques that allow you to effectively apply educational material in order to develop in schoolchildren self-education skills.

Be sensitive to the student’s thoughts and improvise.

Make the lesson emotionally vivid.

Use all the different modern teaching methods.

Create psychological comfort for the class.

Rely on students' independent work.

Lesson system(according to A.A. Okunev’s classification):

Lessons where students learn remember material (learn to keep the material in memory);

Search lesson rational decisions,

Lesson on checking results by comparisons with data;

Single task lesson (enjoyment of what they think);

A lesson in independent work that requires a creative approach;

A lesson in independent work on material that was not explained;

A lesson in which they return to previously studied material and examine knowledge from a new angle;

Lesson - “benefit performance”;

Laboratory work on junior geometric material;

Lesson - oral test;

Test lesson (thematic and final).

Lesson technologies, based on the improvement of classical forms of lesson teaching, non-standard structures and methods, were developed by many subject teachers: K.V. Makhova (chemistry), T.I. Goncharova (history), V.A. Gerbutov (physics), M A. Nyankovsky (literature), E. A. Filippova (foreign language).

Non-traditional lesson technologies include:

Integrated lessons based on interdisciplinary connections;

Lessons in the form of competitions and games; competition, tournament, relay race (linguistic battle), duel, business or role-playing game, crossword puzzle, quiz;

Lessons based on forms, genres and methods of work known in social practice; research, invention, comment, brainstorming, interview, report, review;

Lessons based on non-traditional organization of educational material: lesson of wisdom, lesson of love, revelation (confession), lesson-presentation, “understudy begins to act”;

Lessons with imitation of public forms of communication: press conference, auction, benefit performance, rally, regulated discussion, panorama, TV show, teleconference, report, “living newspaper”, oral journal;

Pedagogical technology based on a system of effective lessons (A.A. Okunev)

Okunev Anatoly Arsenievich - mathematics teacher of secondary school No. 526 in St. Petersburg, Honored Teacher of the RSFSR, laureate of the Prize named after. N.K. Krupskaya.

Classification parameters of technology

By level of application: general pedagogical. On a philosophical basis: dialectical. According to the main development factor: sociogenic. According to the concept of assimilation: associative-reflex. By orientation to personal structures: ZUN + COURT. By the nature of the content: educational, secular, general education, technocratic, polytechnology.

By type of management: modern traditional training.

According to organizational forms: class-lesson.

According to the approach to the child: technology of cooperation.

According to the predominant method: explanatory-illustrative + search.

In the direction of modernization: activation.

Target orientations

1 Mastering standard knowledge and mathematical systems. 1 Development of capable children.

Conceptual provisions

The driving force of the educational process is the contradiction between the tasks that you set for students and their knowledge and skills.

The principle of interest. Novelty, new material as a kind of stimulus that causes mismatch, including the mechanisms of orientation and cognitive activity. Every lesson should have intrigue and zest.

A good lesson is a lesson of questions and doubts, insights and discoveries. Its conditions:

  • - theoretical material should be given at a high level, and asked according to ability;
  • - the principle of connecting theory with practice: learning to apply knowledge in unusual situations;
  • - the principle of accessibility: the student must act to the limit of his capabilities; The teacher’s talent is to guess these opportunities and correctly determine the degree of difficulty;
  • - the principle of consciousness: the child must know what he is going through (at the beginning of studying the topic, they leaf through the textbook, establish why and what they will study);
  • - focus not on memorization, but on meaning, the task is at the center of the content:
  • - the principle of the strength of knowledge acquisition: the basics of memorization are given;
  • - thinking should dominate memory, educational information is distributed into large blocks, material is given in large doses;
  • - the principle of clarity (improving the ability to observe); -optimization principle (highlighting the main thing, taking time into account).

Features of the technique

The main features of the technology of a high-performance, effective lesson:

  • - creating and maintaining a high level of cognitive interest and independent mental activity of students;
  • - economical and expedient use of lesson time;
  • - use of a diverse arsenal of teaching methods and tools;
  • - formation and training of methods of mental action of students (SUD);
  • - contribution to the formation and development of the student’s personal qualities, and first of all, the self-governing mechanisms of the individual that promote learning (SLM);
  • - high positive level of interpersonal relationships between teacher and students;
  • - the volume and strength of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by schoolchildren in the lesson (ZUN).

The technological scheme of a modern lesson has enormous variability. Well-known recommendations for the structure of a combined lesson (using the example of only one structural part) vary in A.A. technology. Okuneva like this:

Ways to organize the beginning of a lesson (task: to gain attention; to join in the lesson; to provide positive motivation):

  • * A task is proposed that can be solved only on the basis of the children’s life experience and their ingenuity, so that everyone is equal.
  • * A task is given to train memory, observation, and search for patterns based on material that has been well mastered by schoolchildren.
  • * Equations and answers to them are written on the board, among which there are both correct and incorrect. It is suggested that you check them out.
  • * The solution to an example or problem with traditional, most common errors is written on the board.
  • * A traditional problem with a usual solution is given. It is proposed to find a shorter, more rational one.
  • * A drawing for a complex problem is given on the board and a solution is searched for using the “brainstorming” method.

Technological diagram of a combined lesson

  • * The lesson begins with reading the paragraph phrase by phrase (studied independently) - discussing its meaning, answering questions, proving the depth of study of the topic.
  • * Questions are written on the board, the answers to which will help you understand the key points in the proof of the most difficult theorem in order to remember it better.
  • * The guys depict some geometric figure and conduct research work

according to plan.

  • *Discusses various ways to solve the problem.
  • * Homework was given - to compose a fairy tale, make a crossword puzzle. The most successful ones are presented.
  • * Considers some math problem that has not yet been discussed in class. Students outline a plan to find a solution.
  • * Drawings for homework tasks are made on the board. Based on the finished drawings, their solutions are discussed.
  • * The lesson begins with “soloists” - “defending” the solution to difficult homework problems "Requirements for the teacher
  • * The main task of the teacher is to cultivate the student’s faith in his own abilities, to teach him to enjoy communication with the teacher and friends, to cultivate attention and the desire for independent activity in schoolchildren.
  • * Use techniques that allow you to effectively apply educational material in order to develop self-education skills in students.
  • * Respond sensitively to the student’s thoughts, improvise.
  • * Make the lesson emotionally vivid.
  • * Use all the different modern lesson methods.
  • * Create psychological comfort for the class.
  • * Rely on independent work of students.
  • * Lesson system (according to A.A. Okunev’s classification):
  • - lessons where students learn to recall material (learn to keep material in memory);
  • - a lesson in finding rational solutions,
  • - a lesson in checking results by comparing them with data;
  • - one task lesson (the pleasure of what they think);
  • - a lesson in independent work that requires a creative approach;
  • - a lesson of independent work on material that was not explained;
  • - a lesson in which they return to previously studied material and examine knowledge from a new angle;
  • - lesson - “benefit performance”;
  • - laboratory work on geometric material for juniors;
  • - lesson - oral test;
  • - test lesson (thematic and final).

Lesson technologies based on the improvement of classical forms of lesson teaching, non-standard structures and methods, have been developed by many subject teachers: K.V. Makhova (chemistry), T.I. Goncharova (history), V.A. Gerbutov (physics), M.A. Nyankovsky (literature), E.A. Filippova (foreign language).

Non-traditional lesson technologies include:

  • - integrated lessons based on interdisciplinary connections;
  • - lessons in the form of competitions and games; competition, tournament, relay race (linguistic battle), duel, business or role-playing game, crossword puzzle, quiz;
  • - lessons based on forms, genres and methods of work known in social practice; research, invention, analysis of primary sources, commentary, brainstorming, interview, report, review;
  • - lessons based on non-traditional organization of educational material: lesson of wisdom, lesson of love, revelation (confession), lesson-presentation, “understudy begins to act”;
  • - lessons with imitation of public forms of communication: press conference, auction, benefit performance, rally, regulated discussion, panorama, TV show, teleconference, report, “living newspaper”, oral magazine;
  • - lessons using fantasy, a rolling pin lesson, a surprise lesson, a gift lesson from a wizard, a lesson on the theme of aliens;
  • - lessons based on imitation of the activities of institutions and organizations: court, investigation, debates in parliament, circus, patent bureau, academic council;
  • - lessons imitating social and cultural events: correspondence excursion into the past, travel, literary walk, living room, interview, report:
  • - transferring traditional forms of extracurricular work into the framework of the lesson: KZN, “The investigation is carried out by experts”, “What? Where? When?". - “Erudition.” matinee, performance, concert, dramatization, debate, “get-togethers,” “club of experts,” etc.

Classification parameters of technology By level of application: general pedagogical. On a philosophical basis: dialectical. According to the main development factor: sociogenic. According to the concept of assimilation: associative-reflex. By orientation to personal structures: ZUN + COURT. By the nature of the content: educational, secular, general education, technocratic, political technology. By type of management: modern traditional training. According to organizational forms: class-lesson. According to the approach to the child: technology of cooperation. According to the predominant method: explanatory-illustrative + search. In the direction of modernization: activation. By category of trainees: mass.

Conceptual provisions The driving force of the educational process is the contradiction between the tasks that you set for students and their knowledge and skills. The principle of interest. Novelty, new material as a kind of stimulus that causes mismatch, including the mechanisms of orientation and cognitive activity. Every lesson should have intrigue and zest.

A good lesson is a lesson of questions and doubts, insights and discoveries. Its conditions: - theoretical material must be given at a high level, and asked according to ability; - the principle of connection between theory and practice; - principle of accessibility; - the principle of consciousness; - focus not on memorization, but on meaning; - the principle of the strength of knowledge acquisition; - thinking should dominate memory, educational information is distributed into large blocks, material is given in large doses; - the principle of clarity (improving the ability to observe); - principle of optimization (highlighting the main thing, accounting for time).

Features of the methodology The main features of the technology of a highly productive, effective lesson: - creation and maintenance of a high level of cognitive interest and independent mental activity of students; - economical and expedient use of lesson time; - use of a diverse arsenal of teaching methods and tools; - formation and training of methods of mental action of students (SUD); - high positive level of interpersonal relationships between teacher and students; - the volume and strength of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by schoolchildren in the lesson (ZUN).

Ways to organize the beginning of a lesson: A task is proposed that can be solved only on the basis of the children’s life experience and their ingenuity, so that everyone is equal. The task is given to train memory, observation skills, and search for patterns based on material that has been well mastered by schoolchildren. In mathematics lessons, equations and answers to them are written on the board, among which there are both true and false. It is suggested that you check them out. The solution to an example or problem with traditional, most common errors is written on the board. A traditional problem with a conventional solution is given. It is proposed to find a shorter, more rational one. A drawing for a complex problem is given on the board, and the condition of the problem is created using the “brainstorming” method, and its solution is searched for.

The main tasks of the teacher: to cultivate the student’s faith in his own abilities, to teach him to enjoy communication with the teacher and friends, to cultivate attention and the desire for independent activity in schoolchildren. Use techniques that allow you to effectively apply educational material in order to develop self-education skills in students. Be sensitive to the student’s thoughts and improvise. Make the lesson emotionally vivid. Use all the different modern teaching methods. Create psychological comfort for the class. Rely on students' independent work.

Lesson system: - lessons where students learn to recall material; - a lesson in finding rational solutions; - a lesson in checking results by comparing them with data; - lesson of one task; - a lesson in independent work that requires a creative approach; - a lesson of independent work on material that was not explained; - a lesson in which they return to previously studied material and examine knowledge from a new angle; - lesson - “benefit performance”; - laboratory work on geometric material for juniors; - lesson - oral test; - test lesson.

Non-traditional lesson technologies include: - integrated lessons based on interdisciplinary connections; - lessons in the form of competitions and games; - lessons based on forms, genres and methods of work known in social practice; - lessons based on non-traditional organization of educational material; - lessons with imitation of public forms of communication; - lessons using fantasy; - lessons based on imitation of the activities of institutions and organizations; - lessons imitating social and cultural events; - transferring traditional forms of extracurricular activities into the lesson.

4. “I have difficulty solving complex problems.” “My dear young friend! I received your letter and after reading it, I learned that you have difficulty solving complex problems. I will give you advice on how to solve such problems. First, read the paragraph (carefully), think about what is written there. Now, read the problem, just as carefully as what is given in the problem. Then just decide, but first think it over and weigh it.”

5. “It’s hard for me to choose the time.” “My dear young friend! I wish you nothing but the best. Try to understand the problem. Peer into it with your eyes, look at it for a long time and think about all the stages. Then close your eyes and imagine the condition in front of you. If you understand the condition, and this is VERY HARD, you will be able to solve the problem and many other interesting problems.”

6. “It’s difficult for me: I’m distracted >.” “My dear young friend! Try to find something interesting for yourself in all tasks, and you will understand what you didn’t know. Newton derived a law of physics from a wormy apple. If that doesn't bother you, then here it is: the brilliant style of martial arts - the "mantis style" - was created by observing these insects."

7. “It’s hard for me to do my homework when I’m forced to.” “My dear young friend! You are right, when you are forced to do something, you will definitely do the wrong thing. Therefore, you must want it yourself, and then everything will work out. Well, that's it, goodbye. If there are any difficulties, write to me. Your professor"

8. “I have difficulty understanding some tasks.” “My dear young friend! Yes, it is very difficult to understand or comprehend some problems, but it is very important to do this, because without this it is impossible to solve the problem. Try to draw a picture, not only on a piece of paper, but also in your mind. This is also very useful for the brain, it develops. The main thing is to persistently look for a solution, and it will be found. Some problems have been solved for centuries. And great mathematicians were not ashamed of the fact that they could not solve the problem."

9. “I find it difficult to concentrate on a task.” “My dear young friend! If you cannot concentrate on a task, then leave it and solve another one; then, when you understand how to solve it, you will get such pleasure from solving it and will be glad that you did not overwork yourself!”

10. “It’s hard for me to choose enough problems to make the teacher happy.” “My dear young friend! I received your letter asking for help and I am sending you good advice: never despair! And when you do your homework, don't think about how much to do. Just think about the task, then you will do more than you have ever done before. Always read the paragraph assigned for homework, and the teacher will praise you! Never get sick, study for five! Your professor Igor ibn Khaliv Charan Khatabych"

11. “I find it difficult to concentrate on a task.” “My dear young friend! I want to teach you how to do your homework. It is better to start lessons with a fresh head. First read the problem, then mentally imagine it; if it doesn’t work out, then draw it on a piece of paper, then think about how you can solve the problem, what to use; If you are tired or you can’t do it and start to get nervous, then get up, help your mother or grandmother with the housework, rest, and then start solving this problem again. And never be afraid of tasks and difficulties. I wish you good luck. Unknown professor."

Homework super goal

Homework is a type of learning activity that is not taught at school. In the lower grades, parents re-

O Lesson! - you are the sun!

Sh. Amonashvili

Okunev Anatoly Arsenievich(r....) – mathematics teacher at secondary school No. 526 in St. Petersburg, Honored Teacher of the RSFSR, laureate of the Prize named after. N.K. Krupskaya.

Classification parameters of technology

Level and nature of application: general pedagogical.

Philosophical basis: dialectical.

Methodological approach: differentiated, complex, activity-based.

Leading development factors: sociogenic.

Scientific concept of mastering experience: associative-reflex.

Focus on personal spheres and structures: ZUN + COURT.

Nature of content: educational, secular, general education, technocratic, polytechnology.

Type of social and pedagogical activity: teaching, educational, management.

Type of management of the educational process: modern traditional education.

Predominant methods: explanatory and illustrative + search.

Organizational forms: class lesson.

Predominant means: verbal + visual + practical.

Approach to the child and the nature of educational interactions: technology of cooperation.

Modernization direction: activation.

Target orientations

¶ Mastering standard knowledge and mathematical systems.

¶ Creating and maintaining a high level of cognitive interest and independent mental activity of students.

¶ Economical and efficient use of lesson time.

¶ Variety of teaching methods and means.

¶ Formation and training of methods of mental activity of students.

¶ Formation and development of self-governing personality mechanisms that promote learning.

¶ High positive level of interpersonal relationships between teacher and students.

¶ Development of capable children.

Conceptual provisions

v Driving force The educational process is a contradiction between the tasks that you set for students and their knowledge and skills.

v Principle of interest . Novelty, new material as a kind of stimulus that causes mismatch, including the mechanisms of orientation and cognitive activity. Every lesson should have intrigue and zest.

v Good lesson is a lesson in questions and doubts, insights and discoveries. Its conditions:

– theoretical material should be given at a high level, and asked according to ability;

– the principle of connecting theory with practice: learning to apply knowledge in unusual situations;

– the principle of accessibility: the student must act to the limit of his capabilities; The teacher’s talent is to guess these opportunities and correctly determine the degree of difficulty;

– the principle of consciousness: the child must know what he is going through (at the beginning of studying the topic, they leaf through the textbook, establish why and what they will study);

– the focus is not on memorization, but on meaning, the task is at the center of the content;

– the principle of the strength of knowledge acquisition: the basics of memorization are given;

– thinking should dominate memory, educational information is distributed across large blocks , the material is given in large doses;

– the principle of clarity (improving the ability to observe);

– principle of optimization (highlighting the main thing, taking into account time).

Features of the technique

The main features of the technology of a high-performance, effective lesson:

– creating and maintaining a high level of cognitive interest and independent mental activity of students;

– economical and expedient use of lesson time;

– use of a diverse arsenal of teaching methods and tools;

– formation and training of methods of mental action of students (SUD);

– contribution to the formation and development of the student’s personal qualities, and first of all, the self-governing mechanisms of the individual that promote learning (SLM);

– high positive level of interpersonal relationships between teacher and students;

– the volume and strength of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by schoolchildren in the lesson (ZUN).

The technological scheme of a modern lesson has enormous variability. Known recommendations based on the example of only one small structural part vary in A.A. technology. Okuneva like this:

Ways to organize the beginning of a lesson(task: to gain attention; to join in the lesson; to provide positive motivation):

A task is proposed that can be solved only on the basis of the children’s life experience and their ingenuity, so that everyone is equal.

The task is given to train memory, observation skills, and search for patterns based on material that has been well mastered by schoolchildren.

Equations and answers to them are written on the board, some of which are true and some are false.

It is suggested that you check them out.

The solution to an example or problem with traditional, most common errors is written on the board.

A traditional problem with a conventional solution is given. It is proposed to find a shorter, more rational one.

A drawing for a complex problem is given on the board and a solution is searched for using the brainstorming method.

The lesson begins with reading the paragraph phrase by phrase (studied independently) - discussing its meaning, answering questions, proving the depth of study of the topic.

Questions are written on the board, the answers to which will help you understand the key points of the proof of the most difficult theorem in order to remember it better.

The guys depict some geometric figure and carry out research work according to the plan.

Various ways to solve the problem are discussed.

Homework was given - to compose a fairy tale, make a crossword puzzle. The most successful ones are presented.

A mathematical problem is considered that has not yet been discussed in class. Students outline a plan to find a solution.

Drawings for household tasks are made on the board. Based on the finished drawings, their solutions are discussed.

The lesson begins with the “soloists” - “defending” the solution to difficult homework problems.

t Requirements for a teacher

The main task of the teacher - cultivate faith student in his own strength, teach enjoy communication with the teacher, comrades, to cultivate attention, the desire for independent activity schoolchildren.

Use techniques that allow you to effectively apply educational material in order to develop in schoolchildren self-education skills .

Be sensitive to the student’s thoughts and improvise.

Make the lesson emotionally vivid.

Use all the different modern teaching methods.

Create psychological comfort for the class.

Rely on students' independent work.

t Lesson system (according to A.A. Okunev’s classification):

lessons where students study remember material (learn to keep the material in memory);

a lesson in finding rational solutions;

a lesson in checking results by comparing them with data;

single task lesson (enjoyment of what they think);

independent work lesson requiring a creative approach;

independent work lesson on material that was not explained;

a lesson in which they return to previously studied material and examine knowledge from a new angle;

lesson – “benefit performance”;

laboratory work on junior geometric material;

lesson - oral test;

test lesson (thematic and final).

Forerunners, varieties, followers

& Lesson technologies based on the improvement of classical forms of lesson teaching, non-standard structures and methods, have been developed by many subject teachers: L.V. Makhova (chemistry), T.I. Goncharova (history), V.A. Gerbutov (physics), etc.

1. Goncharova T. I. History lessons are life lessons. - M., 1986.

2. Makhova L.V. Experience, search, thoughts... - M., 1989

3. Nyankovsky M.A. Studying "Quiet Don". - Yaroslavl, 1996.

4. Okunev A.A. Thanks for the lesson, kids! - M.: Education, 1988.

5. Okunev A.A. Change the focus // Public education. - 1991. - No. 1, 3, 5.

6. Okunev A.A. We have no right to get tired // Public education. - 1988. - No. 10.

7. Selevko G.K. Test aspect analysis of the lesson. - M.: RIPCRO, 1996.

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