Search for a car for a reward. Searching for stolen cars: rating of the most effective methods and legal advice. How to find out if a car is wanted

The system for searching for stolen cars also includes entering information on cars into a special database - separate from the database where car registration information is stored.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


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The risk of theft for each individual car depends on the economic value of the make and model itself.

Insurance companies have entire lists that are formed in order to determine at what time and which car models are at risk for theft.

In many ways, this is facilitated by the traffic police database on stolen cars, from where they can get information not only insurance companies, but also ordinary citizens.

Statistics of stolen cars in the Russian Federation in 2020 and 2020

Every year statistics show that cars vehicles are returned to their owners in approximately 60% of cases. The remaining cars have never been found.

In all likelihood, they were either disassembled and sold for spare parts, or modified beyond recognition, even to the point of altering the factory serial numbers on the units, and are used by other persons.

In any case, searching for a car is always a difficult undertaking, and it is carried out under the auspices of operational services. We present statistical data in the table on stolen cars in different tables.

Statistics of car thefts in the Russian Federation by brand for 2020-2017:

Name 2016, % 2017, %
Lada 31 25
Toyota 16 9
Hyundai 7 5
Kia 6 3
Nissan 5 7
Mazda, Renault, Ford 4 4
Honda, BMW
3 2
Mercedes, Volkswagen, Chevrolet, Lexus, Land Rover, Audi 8 12
Chevrolet, Lexus, Land Rover 4
Mercedes, Volkswagen 5
Audi 1
Deo, Infinity, Gas 1 2
AvtoVAZ 10 7
Opel 8 2
Suzuki 2 1
Subaru, Skoda, Peugeot 5 11
UAZ 3 2
AZLK, IZH (Muscovites), Volvo 1 1

Statistics of car thefts in the Russian Federation by model for 2020-2017:

According to Lada brand models
Name 2016, pcs. 2017, pcs.
Priora 8500 3248
Classic 2106 1114 756
Classic 2107 955 480
Samara-2 2114 731 450
Samara 2109 640 321
Sedan 2110 486 315
Granta Sedan 2190 464 256
Classic 2105 438 254
Samara 21099 406 184
Priora Sedan 2170 399 150
By foreign car models
Name 2016, pcs. 2017, pcs.
Hyundai Solaris 1540 755
Kia Rio 1059 544
Toyota Camry 967 433
Ford Focus 892 344
Toyota Corolla 649 355
Toyota Land Cruiser 622 309
Renault Logan 445 238
Toyota RAV4 410 195
Mazda-3 371 211
Renault Duster 356 164
Mazda CX-5 342 142
Mazda-6 320 173
Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 281 84
Deo Nexy 276 156
Mitsubishi Lancer 270 152
Kia Sportage 243 112
Renault Sandero 220 124
Nissan Teana 217 135
Nissan Olmera 208 130
Honda Civic 191 97
According to the models of the most expensive foreign cars
Name 2016, pcs. 2017, pcs.
Land Rover Discovery 169 97
BMW X5 168 54
Lexus LH 156 80
BMW Sries-5 150 12
Mercedes E-class 148 97
Land Rover Range Rover 113 125
Lexus RX 100 87
BMW Siries-3 94 35
Mercedes S-Class 77 111
Mercedes C-class 75 17

You should take into account the fact that time does not stand still. This means that the information given in the table regarding 2020 may still change significantly and show different data in December of this year.

The table shows highly averaged data for the first half of 2020, and they have their own dynamics in relation to preferences by brand. And the dynamics are fleeting!

Today, for example, the underworld of car thieves is interested in Subaru, and tomorrow it switches to Peugeot.

Percentage of car thefts of specific industries, from registered cases in the Russian Federation:

Cars from which manufacturing countries were most often stolen in 2020 Percent
from 100%
Japanese 33%
Russian 31%
European 15%
Korean 14%
American 6%
Chinese 1%

This indicates which cars are considered most valuable on the market and provide economic benefits to criminals. That is why they are so attractive to the criminal world.

Thus, Japanese foreign cars are considered today the most popular product among stolen copies when they are sold. They are followed by domestically produced cars.

No matter what criticism they are subjected to from the consumer. However, their spare parts and entire cars are valued almost at the same level as Japanese cars - it all depends on the demand of buyers in the secondary car market.

Pay attention! To determine whether your car is at risk for theft, you need to track not only statistics that show data for the past period, but also monitor forecasts - the likelihood, on average, that the car may be of interest to car thieves.

Who maintains the traffic police database of stolen cars?

In total, there are 3 sources for collecting information on vehicle thefts that you can trust:

  1. The state agency is the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate (or it can also be called correctly – “State Traffic Inspectorate”).
  2. Analytical services and agencies.
  3. Insurance companies.

The functions of each source differ from each other, although there are similar data - everyone is interested in collecting information on car thefts and thefts. Let's look at the features of each organization in the table.

What is each organization responsible for collecting information about stolen cars in the Russian Federation to a greater extent:

The main source of truthful information on car thefts is located at the state institution - the traffic police, the State Traffic Inspectorate.

Additionally, you can obtain information about stolen cars, or check the car for theft, in various analytical services.

For many years they have been searching, structuring and registering information on vehicle thefts for a specific period and for a specific city (or cities).

In addition, the insurers themselves also provide significant assistance and assistance to the common cause - they are also interested in knowing which cars are at risk, for which they charge more.

But insurers most often form their database on thefts and thefts, which they were able to record based on their clients’ requests for policies.

It turns out. that if the car is insured and the client contacts the insurance company, then the data is recorded. If the car is not insured or the client did not apply, then there is no data, although the incident may have occurred.

Conclusion! All three data sources are not always consistent. In one way they agree with each other and have data on cases of theft, but in another they differ.

In one database, for example, it is more convenient to search for stolen cars that are insured, and in another, for found ones.

How to put a stolen car into a database

In order to be able to find stolen cars in the traffic police database, using the car number for free, the database itself needs to be replenished. The database is regularly replenished thanks to cases of thefts and appeals to law enforcement agencies by citizens who have suffered from thefts.

In order for a missing car to be included in the traffic police database, its owner must take several important steps:

  1. First submit an application to the local police - Department of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  2. Then receive a certificate stating that a case of theft has been initiated.
  3. After this, you should go to any traffic police department and there submit an application to register the stolen car.

Applications should include the following important information:

  • information about the motorist;
  • car data;
  • special features of the car - color, places where the paint has been changed, the presence of scratches, dents, etc.;
  • the statement of the request itself is to register the car as stolen in the database and begin searching for it.
  • list of attachments - copies of documents on the car.

It is after submitting the application that the traffic police specialists put the car on the wanted list and begin their operations to find the stolen vehicle.

The traffic police database has access to traffic police officers, operational police departments, and all stationary or mobile patrol crews.

How to check

To check a vehicle for theft or lack thereof, you must first prepare the vehicle’s VIN.

This is a special unique vehicle passport number (VIN code), which is located in the PTS - the vehicle passport.

This combination of numbers is entered into the appropriate field offered in the search service in the unified database of the State Traffic Inspectorate.

The algorithm of actions for checking a car using the database is as follows:

  1. You need any digital device that has access to the Internet - a computer, tablet, phone, etc.
  2. We go to the traffic police website -
  3. We find in the Main Menu (blue horizontal ribbon with buttons) the following items: “SERVICES”, and then – “Vehicle check”. You need to click on the active link to go to a separate page - “Vehicle check”.

  4. A page opens in front of you on which you are immediately asked to enter a number Vehicle VIN, body number, or chassis number - one of these. If you do not enter the number, but first move down the page and click the active “request verification” link, then the verification attempt will be unsuccessful. The system will ask you to enter the number of one of the vehicle attributes - VIN, body, or chassis.

  5. If you first enter the number, and then proceed down to click the active “request verification” link, then the system will give you the result. Among the results you may find the following wording: “... not found.” This means that the car is not wanted or stolen. And, conversely, if a vehicle is stolen and this was reported to the traffic police and the information is entered into the database, then the system will result in the result that the car is wanted. This is a computer version of using the system.

  6. And now we present an option from a mobile device, where the application is the “VIN-check” program. And here, too, you will need to fill in the VIN code data in a special line. It gives the same exact result, it’s just that everything will look a little different. You receive the answer from the base in the left column, and the data on the car is reflected on the right.
  7. Pay attention! Those who need to buy a car should first check the vehicle for theft according to the scheme described above.

    After the database returns the result that the car is wanted, you cannot buy such a car - it is stolen.

    Moreover, a stolen vehicle cannot be registered to the new owner. All restrictions and "wanted" status must first be lifted.

    How to secure your vehicle

    To install a state-of-the-art anti-theft system, it is best to seek help from professional technicians.

    It is best to buy such systems from not very popular companies, since the access codes may be known to scammers if the anti-theft system is from a well-known brand.

    There is also no need to tell your friends and acquaintances about what protection measures you use - this risks leaking information that could reach criminals. Acquaintances and even friends can steal a car if they are accomplices in this matter.

    Experts warn that the protection measures that drivers use today may not always be effective due to the fact that scammers very often find different ways to circumvent them.

    Fraudulent methods of bypassing the security systems of cars that are intended to be stolen are now popular in the following options, presented in a special table.

    Methods of protection by car owners and hacking by criminals:

    Type of protection Hacking methods Best protection option
    Grabber code of a key fob that blocks the vehicle plant and turns on the alarm. They read electronic digital combinations of key fob signals (they can, among other things, intercept them remotely), reproduce and crack the car lock. It is best to use dialog code. It is capable of sending back to the key fob a random combination of a number with other numbers. You can only withdraw if you have a combination of 2 numbers.
    Pin locks Locking mechanisms can be broken using the bumping method, master keys, or pneumatic air bags. The more you use additional anti-burglary means, the less likely it is that your car will be stolen.
    Human factors For car thieves, the forgetfulness and inattention of car owners is extremely important. This is what they base their criminal schemes on. Don't forget the ignition keys and documents in the car. Shouldn't be left open car unattended. You should not get out of the car with the engine not turned off. This and much more can serve as a reason for car theft.

    All large manufacturers Automotive manufacturers primarily try to solve problems with anti-burglary systems in car door locks.

    It doesn't matter domestic auto industry solves such problems or is foreign - everyone is concerned about the problem of break-ins and car thefts. The only difference is the quality of the locking mechanisms.

    In the current economic situation in the country, car theft has become commonplace not only in megacities (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Perm, Novosibirsk), but also in small towns. In practice, the most popular brands of cars in a given region are mostly stolen, since they are more in demand and in the future, they can be quickly and easily sold.

    Topped the list of stolen cars in 2016 domestic cars LADA brands, the rest of the top five were taken by budget cars from Korea and Japan: TOYOTA, HYUNDAI, KIA and NISSAN.

    On average, it takes a specialist thief just a few minutes to steal these cars, since their standard alarm systems are easily hacked, and additional equipment has a low degree of protection.

    The 5 most stolen premium cars are as follows: LAND ROVER DISCOVERY, BMW X5, LEXUS LX, BMW SERIES 5, MERSEDES E-CLASS. Topped the budget list Koreans HYUNDAI SOLARIS and KIA RIO.

    Car theft is an extremely unpleasant situation for its owner. Unfortunately, most stolen cars are not returned to the owner. According to statistics from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, only 2-3% of stolen cars are returned to the owner as a result of verification actions. However, if your car is stolen, it is not a hopeless situation.

    Some of the victims, in search of help, resort to the use of word of mouth (posting information about the theft on social networks, etc.), some turn to friends in the criminal sphere, and others resort to the services of detective agencies or just private detectives. As a rule, private detectives are former employees government agencies with a large number of acquaintances (“connections”) in law enforcement agencies. When contacting such detectives, the result will be no more than that of police officers and this will most likely be money thrown away.

    In 2016, the detective agency “Operational Detective Bureau” found 84.7% of stolen client cars. “Car search” is an ordinary task for us. If necessary, detective agency employees will promptly arrive at the scene of the incident and analyze the situation, remove data from street cameras, raise sources in various fields, and the agency’s detectives use methods that have gone unnoticed by law enforcement officers. If you have become a victim of thieves and your car has been stolen, we will use all the necessary strength, knowledge and special equipment to return your pet.

    The detectives of the Operational Detective Bureau, working in the direction of “recovery of stolen cars,” have more than 20 years of experience.

    Thanks to high efficiency work of the “operational detective bureau”, our clients are a number of the largest insurance companies in Russia.

    During the period of activity of the detective agency “Operational Detective Bureau”, we found cars that were stolen back in the distant 2000s, so do not lose hope of finding your car even when a lot of time has passed and the searches of law enforcement agencies have not been successful.

    How do we find such old cars? Easily!

    “Car search” is one of the priority areas of activity of the detective agency, and as mentioned earlier, we use methods that have gone unnoticed by law enforcement officers. If the car has been changed after the theft VIN numbers and engine, and it is still in use - we will find it. When searching for a car, our detectives are one of the few who use the “3-base conflict” method.

    Only cars that were used for spare parts after being stolen are not returned.

    We will find your car quickly and legally!

    The first place the owner of a stolen car turns to is the police department. But according to statistics, the police find only 20% of stolen cars. This is due to the heavy workload of employees and lack of special interest, since searching for a vehicle, for obvious reasons, is of less importance than searching for people. But for the owner, finding a car is important, since the car costs a lot of money, sometimes people save for it for years. Search for stolen cars A private structure can also organize a detective agency, which will search for the car in good faith, since it has a material interest in the fee.

    How does a detective agency search for a stolen car?

    Finding a stolen car will require several agency employees and a lot of time to go around all the known car dumps. The search for stolen cars is especially difficult in Moscow and other large cities of our country. Therefore, the search for stolen cars, as a rule, requires an advance payment from the owner. The absence of an advance payment should alert you; it is possible that they are not really going to look for a car, but are only creating an appearance. The fate of a stolen car can be different. The car can be dismantled and sold piecemeal for parts, the numbers can be changed using illegal connections and registered, or, again, sold illegally at a reduced price. Also, detective agencies often use the services of informants; they know the hijackers’ schemes. Contacting an agency is much more productive than contacting the police. The reward for the found car is quite large. It can reach up to 30% of the cost. A reasonable question may arise: “Is there any point in looking for a car if it is insured?” If this thought occurred to you, it means you have never worked with insurers. You practically have to extract payments from insurance companies. Particularly agile insurance companies even organize their own “investigations”, where they expose the owners as hijackers who want to make a profit from the payment. In any case, insurers are trying to minimize payments. So the search for stolen cars by the agency is economically justified.

    Our agency "Mossysk" conducts search for stolen cars in Moscow and the region for many years. Almost always the car can be found. And if it is not possible to find it, we inform the owner about this and do not mislead clients.

    Car theft is always a problem for the owner. For some, it is small - the car was not bought with the last funds and there is no urgent need for movement. For other drivers - serious - the car could be taken on credit or needed to generate income for the family. But every owner wants to find a car as quickly as possible. Otherwise, you will have to waste money on the search process and repairs - long term if stolen, it will allow thieves to disassemble or break the vehicle.

    We consider various ways to search for a stolen car

    1. “To order” - criminals steal a car based on a tip from another person who may know a lot about the driver. Sometimes their actions cannot be resisted - they cannot be saved security systems and watchman, immobilizer, alarm and closed garage or parking gate.
    2. “For spare parts” - happens less often. Selling a car “as a whole” is easier and faster, otherwise criminals risk getting caught. The driver has a chance to return the car in its original condition.
    3. For transportation, the car is taken to other regions of the country or abroad.
    4. To collect ransom from the owner - “sell” his own car to him. A common type of theft.

    The chances of a return are different everywhere, but there are no hopeless situations.

    No motorist is insured against theft. Let's look at the best ways to find a car in any case of theft - both if it went missing recently and if it happened days or weeks ago. In order to increase the chance of returning the car, it is recommended to apply as many tips as possible.

    How to return a car equipped with a GPS system

    Up to 99% of stolen cars equipped with GPS technology are returned to the owner. This happens quite quickly - the movement of the machine can be tracked in real time with high accuracy. Hijackers almost never use jammers navigation systems. Advance - best way resist crimes, quickly and painlessly return the car.

    In order to return the car “hot on the trail”:

    1. Open a remote car tracking service as quickly as possible. Determine its position and the direction in which it is traveling. Move forward to catch up with her and give the coordinates to the police. Take your documents and car keys with you. If there is no signal, it means that the attackers are using a “jammer” - this option will not work (in practice, these devices are very rarely found among thieves).
    2. Be sure to contact the police and tell them where the car is or where it is moving - a squad will arrive to register the crime and detain the car thieves. Maintain contact with law enforcement and communicate changes until they arrive on scene.
    3. Most likely, your car will be parked in one of the courtyards of the residential area. In any case, do not act alone, without police officers. Do not approach the car - there may be armed criminals near it. Additionally, your outfit may misinterpret your actions in a situation.
    4. Let the police do their job - inspect the car and draw up a report. Describe the situation and possible signs of violators in as much detail as possible. Next, follow the recommendations of the inspection staff.

    To increase the safety of your vehicle, equip it with a satellite alarm

    Is it possible to find a stolen car without a GPS tracker?

    A navigation tracking device is an optional attribute to locate a stolen car. Moreover, unequipped cars can be found just as quickly, for example, in neighboring yards during a personal search. The car is often allowed to “stand” in an inconspicuous place in a residential area - criminals do this in order to avoid getting caught on the road while the police are especially active after the owner’s statement. At this time, attackers can engage in “interruption” of numbers or disassembly, which still complicates the search process.

    In order to increase the chance of finding the car, and to do it faster, it is recommended to start an active search in several ways at once. This includes working with police officers and acting independently.

    Finding a stolen car using various services

    The main advantages of the option are qualified assistance, be it the police or private investigators. In addition, you will not have any problems when contacting hijackers - specialists will deal with them. The disadvantages of these methods include the high cost - hiring services require good payment.

    Call the police

    The first action to take after you have not found the car in its usual place is to call the police. First find out if it has been evacuated. Even if you did not park your car under a special sign, it could still be taken to the impound lot.

    Next, call the police on duty. If you manage to do this within half an hour from the moment the car goes missing, an interception will most likely be announced in the area. Stolen cars are often used to commit another, more serious crime. The police know this and try to act as quickly as possible. In addition, the excitement factor is included here - motorized traffic police officers will get down to business, who love their job - to search for and pursue violators in hot pursuit. As practice shows, in Moscow this method is very effective. In the capital, they use special cars with equipment for reading license plates, which “break through” for theft.

    Involve law enforcement agencies in the search

    In each telephone conversation, describe the maximum number of features of the car that will allow you to identify it among the mass of others. These include the make and model, color and equipment, the presence of stickers, patterns or a towbar. The same with items inside the cabin - a list of them will allow you to establish the fact of ownership and distinguish 2 similar cars if the theft happened in a big city, or the model is common. Indicate the address and time of disappearance. If possible, tell us about the alleged hijackers.

    If you didn't call immediately after the theft, ask about recent accidents. Often, criminals get into an accident just a few hours after the theft because they do not have sufficient driving experience or are intoxicated.

    Visit to the police station

    After the call, you should come directly to the police department. You will have to fill out the composition statement in its entirety. Only after the paper is drawn up and signed will the law enforcement officers begin to act. In addition, there may be a situation in which you will have to remind them about the search by phone one or more times - the process cannot be stopped for any reason. After completing the application, you should take the personal phone number of the person responsible for solving the case and write down his last name, first name and patronymic in a note. Call the investigator by phone, sometimes visit him, behave persistently but correctly.

    Hiring a Detective to Find a Stolen Car

    This method is very ambiguous - it can quickly solve the problem or bring it to a state where it is too late to look for a stolen car. It all depends on the agency, so before purchasing a service, find out what other drivers think - read the reviews. Only a detective who is connected with the offender can quickly find the car - they can cooperate. This creates the risk that the returned car will end up on a “list” where you will be listed as a “paying customer.” If the agent is unscrupulous and associated with an attacker, the car will be stolen in soon.

    There is another fraud scheme on the part of detectives - they tell the client that a search is in progress, but do not carry it out or even contribute to the hijacker with whom they are in cahoots. The car can be quickly dismantled, "killed" or taken out of the country while the agent deceives the injured driver. He may say that the car is in another city and cannot be delivered in the near future, or that it has already been dismantled. You may completely miss the chance to return a stolen car.

    TO positive qualities This option includes the fact that when making the right choice agency you can get significant help in your search. Such companies employ experienced specialists who, even if they don’t find the car, will certainly give hints. In addition, some agencies have a fairly loyal pricing policy and they ask for a small advance payment or work without it.

    We should not forget about this direction of search.

    In this case, as in others using third-party methods, you need to describe the car in detail to the service employees. Next, detectives will begin to create requests for information about the car and independently filter it, checking the accuracy of the data from applicants. If agents are able to locate the vehicle, they will do everything within the law to recover it. Most likely, they will call the client, the owner of the car, so that he reports its location to the police and continues the investigation.

    Employees of the detective agency know where stolen cars are most often located and defended - this is information from their experience. Freelance workers explore many places in an area or even a city. They work with informants.

    It should be borne in mind that a private detective cannot begin a search without notifying the investigator. Therefore, to begin a search through an agency, you first need to coordinate with the police.

    Independent search for a stolen car

    This option for searching for a stolen car cannot be the only one - if you find it, you will still have to contact the police to register a crime and legally receive the car. Without an investigation, you will not be able to obtain compensation or full payment from your insurance. It is not recommended to delay contacting the police, because you may lose the opportunity to find the car or register it in a timely manner.

    Searching for a stolen car on your own is more of an additional measure. But it can give excellent results. This way you know you are using your time wisely and doing everything you can to find it.

    Actions you can take to develop the investigation:

    • Inspect the scene of the theft after calling the police. Try to find as many traces of the crime as possible - some of them may disappear or be destroyed by the time the investigator arrives. Give the evidence to the policeman.
    • Try to find witnesses, talk to employees of nearby companies, neighbors in the yard, ask for CCTV footage. Take the telephone numbers of eyewitnesses - you will have to contact them during the investigation.
    • Go around the nearest parking lots and courtyards - most often, in the first days after the theft, cars are not so far from the crime scene that it is more difficult for the police to find them in a residential area - then they are driven further.
    • Pay attention to cars with the same body color and equipment, as yours may have fake numbers- this is how the car is hidden from the police.
    • If you have connections in the traffic police, ask the employees you know to take a closer look at cars of the same make, model and configuration and “punch” their VIN code -.
    • Place advertisements in newspapers, special and automotive forums, websites and social networks. Offer a reward for information.

    Let's look at the main options for independent action in more detail.

    Search for witnesses to the incident

    The legislation prescribes the norms for the actions of law enforcement agencies. But this does not guarantee that the car will be found quickly. The more the search drags on, the more time, effort and money it will take - the circle of suspects in the crime, and the places where the car could be, is growing. Over time, evidence and traces may become irrelevant, and criminals will have the opportunity not only to better hide, but also to resell, “kill” or dismantle the car.

    This is why it is not recommended to rely completely on police officers - they work hard, but some things cannot be done simply physically. Contribute to the investigation - look for eyewitnesses who will provide information to find the car, for example, point out traces of a crime. These include motorists and other people - passers-by, neighbors (for example, if the theft occurred in the yard of a house), employees of companies in the neighborhood (security guards and others) and utility services, tow truck employees (to do this, call the companies and ask if they worked nearby places of theft within a certain period). Post notices about the search for eyewitnesses in your home, in the yard or parking lot, in the neighborhood or throughout the city. Don’t forget about the Internet - there are resources dedicated specifically to assisting in the search for stolen cars, and simply automobile and city portals where you can quickly and freely post news about the search for witnesses.

    Here your task is to find out more about the incident: the time of the theft of the car, the direction of movement of the attackers, the signs and traces left behind. Write down the contact details of witnesses - their participation will be needed during the search for the car. Giving evidence is also work. It associates a person with certain inconveniences and stress. In order for the eyewitness to respond and cooperate with you, it is advisable to promise a reward. Some - especially car enthusiasts - treat the situation understandingly: they will help for free, show initiative and give advice, because this can happen to anyone.

    CCTV footage

    In the 21st century, everything is well guarded. The number of video cameras is only growing - they are already being installed both along major city roads and in the courtyards of residential areas. Cameras save data recorded in memory, and their owner stores the videos certain time(sometimes for years) - you can watch them.

    Go to every company and establishment in the neighborhood that has a camera to record what is happening on the street - residential buildings, cafes, restaurants, shops and offices. If the theft was committed from a parking lot, ask the security guard or the owner of the organization for a recording. Likewise with cameras in the yard - contact your utility service. Perhaps your car, or the process of hacking and theft itself, got into the frame of their devices.

    CCTV cameras can be found in almost any part of the city

    Video cameras in the city are found not only outside and inside buildings - they can be car recorders. Contact the owners of cars in the yard with . The camera could film during the theft, and the person will provide evidence: the time of the theft, appearance the criminal and the direction in which he left.

    In Russia, in Moscow appeared new system- “Flow”. This is a network of cameras that monitor crime and can find wanted people in traffic. When the number is identified, nearby patrol cars receive a signal and begin interception.


    In order to find eyewitnesses to a crime, you can submit notes. Post notices in the area and directly near the theft site, publish messages on the Internet (on forums and social networks - especially on city news and cars). Attach a photo of the car and describe its features, tell as much as possible about the evidence and signs of the attackers. You can place advertisements in the newspaper or on local radio - they are inexpensive. It is recommended that you do not provide your primary phone number. Better buy a new SIM card and receive calls on it.

    Please note that your phone may start receiving messages from criminals. They may start offering ransom or making threats. Contact the police - they will probably be able to track the hijacker using his phone number.

    Check advertisements for cars and spare parts for sale

    Theft of a car for subsequent resale in whole or in parts is one of the most popular options for the development of events. Check websites and newspapers, listen to the radio - the more time has passed since the hijacking, the more likely it is that a note will appear (of course, if the hijackers are going to sell anything at all). If you recognize the car of your make, model, color and configuration right away, then with the details it may be more difficult. Spare parts are suitable for cars different models or manufacturers, so there will be a lot of announcements from regular sellers.

    If you manage to find your car or its parts for sale, unobtrusively make sure that it is really your property. Write down as much information as possible about the seller and take it to the police or detective. Alternatively, they will make a test purchase with marked money or immediately detain the person (if there are sufficient grounds). The main thing is not to give yourself away to a suspected seller.

    What to do if the car is insured under CASCO

    Some owners who have become victims of theft believe that they will be able to quickly and easily receive compensation. This is not true - here are a few reasons:

    1. The insured event is considered from 30 days. During them, you will have to work with the company manager and security services. You may be considered involved in the theft and checks will be made that will show whether it is an insured event.
    2. Depending on the specifics of the contract and the insurance program, you will receive no more than 80–90% of the cost of the car. Agents charge a commission for their work.
    3. If the case is recognized as insured, the money will be paid no earlier than in 2, or even 3 months - the company will hope until the last minute that the car will be found, or they will be able to find incriminating evidence on you. At the same time, for cars worth more than a million, compensation takes even longer to calculate.
    4. Some companies make a markup for those clients who have already applied for CASCO, or do not provide insurance services the next time they apply.

    Your CASCO agreement must stipulate the terms of compensation for car theft

    Algorithm of actions:

    1. To begin an investigation with the insurer, you need to document the theft. Go to the police and file a report for the sale.
    2. Take the control slip, write down the department number and name of your investigator.
    3. Take a certificate stating that you applied specifically because of the theft.
    4. Conduct a preliminary investigation - the police must make sure that a crime has been discovered. You will receive a copy of the document initiating the case.
    5. Go to the insurance company - provide the policy, documents from the car, keys and a statement of the case under CASCO.
    6. Do everything as the company manager says. Wait for the results. Advocate for interests in controversial situations- provide evidence and complete the proposed studies.

    If insurance employees offer to withdraw the application and say that they will “sort it out,” you may be dealing with a “roof” of criminals. This must be reported to the police - the services will deal with the violators.

    More than a week has passed since the theft

    Even if 7 days or more have passed, do not lose hope. You can still find a car - look through advertisements for sale, publish your own, cooperate with the police, detectives and insurance agents.

    A stolen car was found - what to do?

    If you manage to find the location of the car, call the police. Collect the protocol, documents and car keys, get ready for the further course of the case. The police will detain the suspects.

    The license plates of the found car were "interrupted"

    Situations arise when a car is discovered with a changed VIN code or changed license plates. You will have to go through examination and registration, but don’t stop. Perhaps in the end there will be a note in the documents about a change in VIN - unfortunately, the car will not be sold.

    Hijackers ask for ransom

    If you start receiving messages offering to return the car for money (on the Internet, on mobile phone or in the form of notes), behave carefully. Talking to them may result in them making threats. On the other hand, you can try to clarify the signs of the car - the presence of plugs, chips in certain places, things in the interior. If you identify the car, collect as much evidence as possible and take it to the police. It is better not to agree to a ransom - this is a huge risk that almost never pays off. Even if you hand over an advance payment and are not defrauded, in the future criminals may “list you” as a “client” and will provoke you again.

    Repairs after returning the car

    Once the car is back in your hands, you cannot immediately drive out onto the road - make sure it is in good working order. If the car had a keyless entry system, it will have to be updated at the dealer; criminals could disable it or change the configuration. You will have to replace regular locks - they may be broken or a cast has been fitted to them. In this case, the attackers will make a duplicate key and try to steal the car again.

    And driving without a first aid kit is simply unsafe. Record all losses and damages in the police report.

    Bottom line

    Any driver can steal a car. The main thing is not to lose control of the situation and not give up. The statistics on returns around the world are positive - vehicles rarely go missing. The more internal (GPS, alarm) and external (security, cameras) protection systems are in operation, the greater the chance that the car will be found quickly.

    A car has long been not a luxury, but an indispensable item in a person’s life. Thus, many parents cannot imagine how they would manage to take their children to kindergarten and get to work on time without a car. For some people, a car is a means of earning money and an assistant breadwinner. Someone took out a car loan, and in the coming years he will have to work hard to pay it off. Therefore, theft of a vehicle is almost always a tragedy for the owner. But fortunately, such problems can be successfully resolved.

    Help from private detectives in searching for stolen cars

    Private detectives provide the following services:

    • search for a car that has been stolen or stolen;
    • search for criminals who have committed car theft;
    • conducting an independent investigation, searching for witnesses, establishing the chronology of events;
    • providing advice to vehicle owners on how to protect their cars from theft and theft.

    For search for stolen cars private investigators use a number of methods, in particular:

    • conduct a survey of people who may have seen the moment of the theft;
    • review recordings from cameras installed near the crime scene;
    • post announcements about theft on the Internet;
    • use own bases data.

    Search for stolen cars by detective agency employees in most cases gives positive results. Sometimes detectives even manage to find cars that were stolen several years ago. But you shouldn’t delay contacting specialists, since very often criminals in the first months dismantle the car for spare parts or transport it abroad, which makes the search much more difficult.

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