Why does the heater blow cold air at idle? Main reasons. The heater in the car does not heat: Possible reasons why the heater blows cold air when driving

The car has long been a part of human life as an integral part of it. Most car owners actively use their “iron horses” in any weather. This is especially true in winter, when a comfortable ride in a warm car will not only save time, but will also prevent the owner from freezing. IN summer period the car is used no less often, the established mechanism allows you to create. The proper operation of the machine directly depends on the functioning of the stove. If the stove heat becomes worse, there is no need to wait and think that everything can be repaired without the participation of the owner.

Car owners sometimes encounter a problem when the heater stops working.

"Most popular" faults

The most common cause is considered to be air flow entering the cooling system. While driving, a car with a similar problem will make an uncharacteristic gurgling noise. Thoroughly tightened bolts allow air to enter the system. Replacing the gasket located in the cylinder block or the hose will help get out of the situation. The cooling system will be freed from air by opening the tank plug and further narrowing and expanding the tube going to the radiator. It is worth remembering that the air will not be able to escape instantly. The process should be repeated several times, and the power unit will have to be started and turned off more than once. After the problem disappears, coolant should be added to the radiator.

If, after a long time spent in motion, the stove blows cold air, which means you have to pay close attention to the heater. The most common reasons are:

  • faulty thermostat;
  • strong ;
  • presence of air in a small circulation circuit;
  • broken heat and cold regulator;
  • sediment accumulated on the walls of the radiator.

You should consider in detail all the possible reasons why the stove does not heat well and ways to eliminate them.

Problems with the thermostat

The reason for this problem lies in the low temperature of the antifreeze or the operation of the thermostat itself. A jammed open thermostat, if driving within the city, at low speed, most likely will not “cause” cold air from the stove, the radiator will operate normally and the car interior will remain comfortable. However, driving on the highway at above average speed and actively blowing a cold air stream will significantly reduce the engine temperature, and the heater will begin to function worse with each kilometer passed. Therefore, if the stove blows cold air, it is better to immediately replace the thermostat.

Completely dirty filter

The stove heats poorly even if cabin filter heavily contaminated with dust and small particles of debris. In this case, replacing it completely can help. Most car owners throw away an unusable filter due to its uselessness. However, if desired, this unit can be adapted for any other needs. You can replace the standard factory filter with a carbon one. You should not be biased towards it because of its low price, as it will qualitatively protect the stove from dust and unpleasant odors.

Presence of air in a small circuit with circulating antifreeze

Another reason why the stove blows cold air is a simple coolant leak. In order to eliminate the problem, you should check with the engine turned off in all accessible areas of the small circuit. It's best to start with expansion tank, and end with a place under the radiator cap itself. If you have a V-shaped power unit, you should check the fluid level under the plug in the camber of the block. If it is between “min” and “max”, or rather, reaches almost to the top, there is no reason to worry. But if the liquid level is noticeably low, you will have to look for the leak.

The stove does not heat due to air getting into the system. You can remove it by lifting the front of the car up a little, then removing the cap from the radiator and tank. With the engine running, press the gas pedal several times while adding antifreeze to the tank. It is better to stock up on gloves while performing the procedure, since antifreeze usually splashes out of the neck of the tank.

Broken heat and cold regulator

The reason may be hidden, which sometimes gets stuck in one position. It happens that mobility is preserved, but it is no longer possible to regulate something with it. Most often the regulator gets stuck at the “cold” value.

Regardless of appearance dashboard, levers or wheels are equally connected by a cable to the stove tap; they regulate the flow of heated power unit antifreeze. If this problem occurs during the cold season, you should find a tap switch under the hood of the car to manually set it to the opposite position. The interior will become warmer, and final repairs can be done in the warmer seasons.

With cars that are mostly electronic, if the heater starts blowing cold air, the problem is a little more difficult to detect and fix. If the adjustment took place with the terminals removed from the battery, most likely the heater damper was installed in the wrong position and control was simply blocked. In this case, the lever must be moved to the “warm” position and the terminal removed. The regulator is then set to the cold position and the terminal is connected. This procedure will help the regulator begin to function properly again. However, this can only be done when removing the battery does not affect other electronics.

Sediment accumulation on the walls of the radiator

The stove does not heat well even if low-quality antifreeze of dubious origin has been poured into the car for a long time, or, as is often the case, ordinary water has been used in the summer. After a slight leak of coolant into the system, it is sometimes necessary to add water, which is why you should not drive for a long time with such a mixed substance; it is advisable to replace the fluid at soon. When a leak occurs, you should not skimp and pour sealants into the system - this will only worsen the situation.

To fix the reason why the stove does not heat at idle, you can use one of several methods. The most radical solution is to buy a new radiator.

You can remove the deposits that have formed from the inside with your own hands. You can try rearranging the hoses connecting the heater radiator. By changing the direction of movement of the substance, you can partially remove the accumulated debris. Due to the heterogeneity of the structure of sediments, a procedure that seems simple at first glance will be beneficial.

The heater can be washed with warm or hot water with several bags citric acid. It will be better if the concentration of the solution reaches 50 grams of acid per 1 liter of water. The hoses coming from the radiator are disconnected and placed closely against two bottles, one of which should be of a smaller volume. You should take turns squeezing the bottles to create an effective flush. The most effective method will perfectly help clean the system if the stove in the car does not heat.

You can do a global flush of the engine cooling system using complete replacement antifreeze.


Any car owner who is interested in the health of his car can try to find out why the stove does not heat well. There are a number of measures available that can correct the situation without significant financial costs. Therefore, before contacting a service center for qualified assistance, you can try to solve the problem yourself.

Car with warm air, no matter how sub-zero the temperature outside the window. Its task is to provide comfort to all passengers in vehicle. However, the stove, like any other automotive component, can fail. What to do in a situation when the heater on the passenger side does not heat? Do not be disappointed in advance; a similar problem occurs on cars of various brands. Please note that this malfunction can occur either two years after purchasing a new car or two weeks after its purchase. You shouldn’t get excited right away (in most cases, they have nothing to do with it). So, let's figure out what is the cause of the problem.

Solving the problem of cold air from the heater on the passenger side.

What is happening due to

Undoubtedly the most common reason What is happening is problems with the dampers. However, they do occur. As a rule, it is secured with several brackets, bolts and other fasteners in a free compartment. With frequent movement on poor road surfaces, the quality of the fastenings deteriorates and, accordingly, the components heating system begin to move in the pits in different directions.

As practice shows, these small movements are enough for a cold air flow to start flowing instead of the warm air supplied from the passenger seat (from the right air duct). This happens due to the formation of a gap between the casing wall and the end of the radiator. As a result, air enters the cabin, bypassing this component.

How to solve the problem

In many cases, this problem is solved (it was clogged with sediment due to dilution of antifreeze with plain water - sometimes dealerships do this). If the problem lies in the radiator, you need to pull it out, then cover the area where it is located with foam rubber so that in the future it does not move in different directions.

Important! If you perform this operation (repair) yourself, be careful with the tubes of this component (do not bend them too much, otherwise you will have to replace the radiator completely).

Other Possible Causes

It is possible that the system is sucking in air, causing certain time V heating radiator an air lock is created. This can also cause cold air to come in from the passenger side. Precipitation (after mixing different types coolants). Note that sediment remains even after purging the system. In this case, there are two ways out of this situation: remove it and replace it well or completely.

Well, now you know why the passenger side heater can blow cold. And only you can decide whether to fix this problem yourself (after spending time searching for its occurrence), or whether to put your car in the hands of professionals. In any case, we wish you good luck!

Hello everyone, as you have already noticed, winter is approaching. And I really don’t want to drive in a car with a cold interior. A normal working car should warm up the interior in 10-15 minutes. What to do if the car’s heater doesn’t heat well or blows cold air completely? Let’s look at the reasons in this article.

Winter is approaching, it's cold inside.
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On the Internet you typed this warming request.

Let's go in order to the first reason why The stove doesn't heat This is a fan, this is one of the most common reasons. If the fan does not work, it means that simply warm air will not be blown into the cabin. Of course, the heater radiator will heat up, but this is not enough to warm up the interior well. In this case, you need to check the fan fuse and if it needs to be replaced, If the fuse is OK, then you need to replace the fan.

1. Stove fan

2. Coolant level

The second reason is the coolant level; if necessary, you need to add fluid.

3. Airing the system

The third reason is airing in the cooling system, which needs to be eliminated and also found where the air is getting into the system.

4. Heater radiator

The fourth reason is the heater radiator, perhaps it is clogged. There may be several reasons; the first is improper mixing of liquids. The second reason is that water was poured. Water not only causes corrosion, but also forms scale on the walls. And the third is when you eliminate radiator leaks using sealants. In this case, you need to either flush the cooling system or replace the entire radiator.

5. Faulty thermostat

The fifth reason for poor stove performance is a faulty thermostat. If everything is fine with the stove itself, the fan is working, but the stove doesn’t heat up at all, then the problem may be with the thermostat. Since if the thermostat is faulty, liquid circulates through big circle. The only solution is to replace the thermostat or thermoelement.

6. Faulty pump

The sixth reason is a faulty engine pump. A pump is, in fact, an engine pump that pumps liquid through the cooling system, as well as for heating the interior. The only solution is to change the pump.

The seventh reason is a broken cylinder head gasket. If this gasket is broken, coolant will flow into the cylinders or into the muffler. White smoke will come out of the muffler. In this case, you urgently need to change the cylinder head gasket, otherwise you can destroy the car engine.

The eighth reason is that the expansion tank cap, if necessary, needs to be replaced with a new one.

9. Operation of air regulators

The ninth reason is you need to look at how the air regulators work; perhaps they do not open all the way. Or the cable has completely fallen off. You also need to see how switching the position of the dampers works.

10. Dirty cabin filter

And the tenth reason for poor stove performance is a dirty cabin filter. A dirty filter reduces flow. It also needs to be replaced with a new one.

Well, that’s all, we have looked at the main causes and malfunctions of poor stove operation. I would also like to add that in many cases the thermostat is the culprit for poor heater performance, so pay attention to it.

10 reasons why your car's heater doesn't heat up (video)

Agree, it’s nice to dive into the warm interior of a car after a cold street! A car with a working heater turns the outside temperature of -25° into a comfortable +25 degrees inside in just 20 minutes. But what to do if the air ducts barely blow warm air, or even cool air? You shouldn’t put up with this and ride in felt boots and a hat with earflaps. Here are the most frequent malfunctions stoves, their causes, methods of diagnosing and repairing them.

Fan fault

The heater radiator alone, without a fan, will not heat the interior: air circulation is necessary for its effective heating. Fan failure is a rare malfunction, but it is easily diagnosed, so it is easier to eliminate it right away. Just select the maximum blowing intensity and listen: working on full power It's hard not to hear the fan. And the blowing from the air ducts should be noticeable.

If there is a treacherous silence in the cabin, then the culprit for the lack of heat is obvious. Most often, the bearing of the fan fails (announcing its imminent demise with a loud whistle) and the brushes of the electric motor, but a wiring break is also possible. An auto electrician can restore the heater fan.

Lack of coolant

The next check point is the level of coolant in the system, because it is from it that the heater takes heat; when this level drops noticeably, the stove blows cold air. Inspecting the expansion tank under the hood is not enough; you will also have to look into the radiator. Of course, this can only be done with the engine turned off and completely cooled.

Add coolant if necessary. If the shortage turns out to be significant (a liter or more), then the stove will probably work as it should, but not for long: it’s time to start looking for leaks. The main suspects: the radiator and cooling system pipes, the pump, as well as the heater itself in the cabin, which may well create a puddle of antifreeze at the passenger’s feet.

Air in the cooling system

An air lock in the cooling system may occur when replacing the coolant. This problem is typical for old domestic cars, but on modern cars, due to the design of the system, it is rare. However, if the stove began to “mope” precisely after changing the antifreeze, then you should not believe in a coincidence: an air lock is the priority version. Especially if coolant was poured into the radiator too vigorously.

A proven “old-fashioned” way to deal with an air lock: warm up the engine, stand on a slope with the front part of the car lifted up, and give it a good throttle. The stove must be set to the maximum temperature so that its tap opens completely. Some cars have a second heater for rear passengers - don't forget about it, it should also be set to the hottest mode. The method only works if the valve in the radiator cap is working normally, otherwise the air will not be able to escape out.

Dirty cabin filter

A clogged cabin filter greatly affects the operation of the air conditioner in the summer, but can be the reason why the stove does not heat in the winter. It is good when the filter is located in accessible place(for example, behind the passenger glove compartment) and changes regularly. But sometimes it is hidden deep in the depths of the center console, and the car owner does not even know about its existence. As a result, instead of a filter, a “bed” of dust, leaves and insects is formed there.

Regularly replacing the cabin filter is important not only for the heater, but also for human health, because passengers breathe the air passing through it. Car manufacturers recommend changing the cabin filter every 10,000 km. And if you often drive through dusty dirt roads, then the replacement interval must be halved.

Clogged heater radiator

The stove, like the engine, has its own radiator, located directly inside the heater in the cabin. If the car does not have a cabin filter, then all the street dirt flies directly into the heater, settling on the radiator. Accumulated dust and leaves interfering normal operation, you will have to remove it manually by partially disassembling the stove body.

The stove radiator can become clogged not only outside, but also inside. This happens due to the use of low-quality coolant, mixing antifreeze with antifreeze, and also due to the use of cooling system sealants not according to the instructions. It is difficult to clean the inside of the radiator: special flushing can help, but often the radiator has to be removed and replaced with a new one.

Position of tap and valves

Even a fully functional stove will not heat well if the tap or air dampers are in the wrong position. In older cars, where the heater operating modes are changed using “sliders” on the center console, this happens mechanically - with cables or rods. Wear of plastic parts, stretching of springs and cables lead to the fact that the tap and dampers do not open completely: the maximum temperature can be selected on the control unit, but the stove remains in the slightly warm air mode, or blows in the wrong direction. In this case, an audit of the climate control control mechanics and replacement of worn parts will help.

For more modern models stove modes are set by rotating the dials or pressing buttons; In this case, the position of the tap and valves is controlled by servos. They are also not immune to breakdowns, and can act strange from time to time, especially in the cold. Many electronic systems climate control systems have a self-diagnosis mode that will tell you which sensor or servo drive needs replacement. The keyboard shortcut to enter diagnostic mode can be found in the machine's service manual.

Cooling system malfunctions

Problems with the engine cooling system disrupt it temperature regime, and “for company” the operation of the stove may deteriorate. Therefore, if the heater behaves inappropriately (if the cabin suddenly becomes too hot or too cold), first of all you need to look at the engine temperature: perhaps it is far from normal.

One of the most common breakdowns is a jammed thermostat. Depending on the position in which it sours, antifreeze will circulate only in a large or small circle of the system: the engine can either overheat, or, conversely, remain cold for too long. In the latter case, the stove will not work well.

A worn water pump also impairs the efficiency of the entire cooling system, including the heater. Over time, low-quality antifreeze literally “eats” the pump impeller, and the liquid does not circulate well through the system. Poor operation of the stove against the backdrop of engine overheating is a clear sign of pump wear and lack of circulation: hot antifreeze is poorly removed from the engine, and cooled antifreeze remains in the heater.


Preventing stove malfunctions comes down, first of all, to maintaining the cleanliness of the cooling system. Antifreeze needs to be changed every two years, choosing only quality liquid, and under no circumstances mix with the remains of another type of coolant (for example, antifreeze). When replacing antifreeze, it is worth cleaning the cooling system by flushing with distilled water to remove all deposits, including those inside the stove. It is also important to keep the radiators and cabin filter clean.

Helpful advice: check the operation of the stove ahead of time - at the beginning of autumn, so as not to be left alone with the first frosts, trying to quickly find and fix the breakdown.

If it's still cold

Unfortunately, in some cars the heating system is not very effective from the start: no matter how you maintain it, you won’t achieve “Africa” in the cabin, the stove doesn’t heat well or blows cold air. The reason may be an unsuccessful heater design or the specifics of the market: for example, in models for Arab countries, the stove may be less powerful or absent altogether. Engine features also play a role: diesel engine Structurally cooler than gasoline, and warms up noticeably longer.

In this case, only certain tricks will help. For example, installing a pre-heater that will warm up the coolant in advance - the stove will be able to blow warm air immediately after starting the engine. Heated seats will also help keep you from freezing, and if your car doesn’t have it, you can always buy a cape or cover with built-in infrared heating.

If you feel cold in your car in winter even after spending several hours on the road, then the interior heater, popularly called a stove, needs your attention. Most often, the following reasons are the culprits for winter inconveniences for drivers and passengers:

● Thermostat malfunction.

● Critical contamination of the cabin filter.

● Air in a small circulation circuit.

● Malfunction of the heat-cold regulator.

● Sediment on the walls of the heater radiator.

Let's look at the possible causes of poor interior heating in more detail and suggest ways to eliminate them.


Reason: insufficient antifreeze temperature due to problems with the thermostat. If the fully open thermostat is stuck, then when driving around the city, especially during rush hours, the stove will heat well. In this case, the engine temperature, according to instrument readings, will be within normal limits. But when driving along the highway and intensively blowing cold air, the engine temperature drops and the heater heats up worse and worse.

Solution: replacing the thermostat.

Cabin filter dirty

Reason: warm air does not enter the cabin well due to a clogged cabin filter.

Solution: replacing the filter. Some motorists simply throw away a clogged cabin filter as a completely unnecessary thing. However, the filter is still necessary and useful. It is better to replace the standard cabin filter with a non-original carbon filter, which, although cheap, can protect not only from dust, but also from various odors.

Cause: Air may enter the small circuit of the cooling system due to coolant leaks or insufficient level in the expansion tank.

Solution: you need to check the antifreeze levels (on a cold engine) in all possible places circuit, starting from the expansion tank, to the level under the radiator cap. In cars with a V-twin engine, it is important to look under the plug in the camber of the block. When the liquid level in the expansion tank corresponds to the norm (between the “min” and “max” marks), the antifreeze under the caps should reach the very top. If the fluid level there is significantly lower, you should look for a leak.

Air trapped in the system is removed in different ways. One of them is to lift the front of the car, remove the radiator and expansion tank caps. After that, we start the engine and do a few gases, while simultaneously adding antifreeze to the tank. We put the covers in place. Ready. During the described procedure, antifreeze may splash from the necks - take care of your hands.

Malfunction of the “Heat-Cold” regulator

Cause: The regulator may become stuck in one position. Or maintain mobility, but lose the ability to regulate anything. According to the laws of existence, most often the control process stops in the tap position corresponding to the “cold” value.

Solution: no matter how the heat-cold regulator looks on the dashboard - in the form of a lever or a wheel, their physical meaning is the same. Connected by a cable or rod to the heater tap, wheel-type levers regulate access to the heater radiator of antifreeze heated by the engine. Express repair of this malfunction comes down to the fact that you need to find this tap in the engine compartment and try to move it to the “warm” position. Further and final repairs of the regulator are usually postponed until the warmer months of the year.

In cars that are stuffed with electronics, everything is much more complicated. Sometimes the regulator does not work if you tried to turn it in the car when the terminal was removed from the battery. In such cases, the heater damper may remain in a position that does not correspond to the regulator, and the control process is blocked. Healing is done as follows: move the lever to the “max/heat” position, after which you need to remove the terminal from the battery. We temporarily move the regulator to the “cold” position. Reconnect the terminal and make sure that the adjustment works again. Before starting the described procedure, you need to make sure that your car allows you to disconnect the battery and that other electronics will not be affected.

Heater radiator contamination

Read also:

Cause: The main reason for contamination of the internal cavity of the radiator is most often the use of antifreeze of extremely low quality and of dubious origin. Or use water in the summer. It often happens that after a partial leak of liquid from the cooling system, the owner “temporarily” adds water, and it is only in late autumn that the resulting “compote” is completely replaced with normal antifreeze. Another common mistake of thrifty car owners: when small leaks in the system are detected, trusting random advisers, motorists often pour various sealants into the cooling system.

Solution: This cause of poor heater performance can be eliminated by several methods. The most radical of them is purchasing a new stove radiator

Method 1. However, there are other solutions related to removing deposits on the inner surface of the radiator. It makes sense to carefully study these repair methods, since they involve almost no financial costs and all of the above operations can be done with your own hands. So:

Method 2. Swap the hoses that connect the heater radiator. The direction of fluid flow in the radiator will be reversed, which may help get rid of some of the deposits inside. The structure of the sediment on the walls is heterogeneous, and such a simple procedure often provides a positive result.

Method 3. Thoroughly rinse the heater radiator with a solution of ordinary citric acid (50 grams per 1 liter of warm water). The radiator hoses are disconnected from the system and tightly connected to two plastic bottles, one of which must first be reduced in volume. By squeezing the bottles one by one, we ensure efficient pumping of the acid solution through the radiator. A very effective cleaning method.

Method 4. Flushing the entire engine cooling system with a complete replacement of antifreeze. This is a useful procedure, but it rarely makes the cabin warmer.

Method 5. Buy a used heater radiator from disassembly. If you are offered several to choose from, buy the lightest of them. It will probably be cleaner inside than the others. The main thing is not to buy a broken or leaking radiator.

We hope that the methods described will help you restore a “warm” relationship with your car.

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