Why is it cold in a Nissan Qashqai? What to do if it’s cold inside the Nissan Qashqai. Types of breakdowns of the car heating system

Why is it blowing in the cabin, and how to make the car warmer? This is a fairly pressing issue not only for residents of the northern regions. It is advisable to solve this problem before the onset of winter, so as not to encounter uncomfortable conditions for using the car. An insulated interior is not only more pleasant, it also warms up faster. Making your own insulation in Qashqai is not difficult if you carefully study how it is done.

How to deal with the problem?

If it’s cold in Nissan Qashqai in winter and you can solve the problem, you shouldn’t put it off until the cold weather. If in summer time Warm air blows from certain places, but in winter you will feel a breath of cold air, and this is unpleasant.

The engine takes a long time to warm up. Without insulating your car, you will wait for the interior to warm up for more than 20 minutes, during which time you will not only have time to freeze, but also get to your destination, and the need for heat will disappear. If it's blowing from somewhere cold air, it is necessary to insulate the car.

To carry out the work, you will need to purchase materials for insulation; the following types are best suited:

  • Izolon.
  • Tiviplen-P.
  • Stizol.
  • Isoflex.
  • Penofol.

The latter is considered the most accessible and convenient. It is a polyethylene foam with a layer of foil on one side and aluminum on the other.

Such material will hermetically close the voids, will reflect the cold, and will not release heat outside the car.

How is installation carried out?

In order for your car to survive the winter better, and for you not to freeze while the interior is warming up, you will need to create a warm pad. To do this, dismantle the seats, disassemble the dashboard, door trim, floor, remove all decorative trims, since the insulation layer should be inside the doors and interior and not be visible to the eye.

If the rubber bands are worn out, replace them: cold air can pass through them if they do not ensure a tight fit of the doors to the body. Start work with the floor and doors. All parts need to be cleaned, debris removed and surfaces to which the insulation will be adhered must be degreased. Parts of the desired shape are cut out from the insulation sheet. This is not difficult to do, the material is soft and can be used with ordinary scissors. For those who have never done this before, it would be a good idea to watch the video.

To fasten the insulation and close its seams, you will need special glue. You can buy it at a hardware store, just like the insulation itself. After you have insulated the interior, all trim and seats will need to be put back in place. It makes sense to install a heat exchanger. Its task will be to cool the oil in the engine and supply warm air to heat the car.

However, in summer the device is not very convenient; the load on the air conditioner will increase.


In order for the car interior to warm up quickly in winter, it is enough to make it as airtight as possible. To do this, you will have to spend several days, remove the trim, insulate the internal parts of the doors and body, and put the trim in place. Qashqai will become noticeably more comfortable.

  • We still found one minus in it - in winter warming up the car is quite problematic, it takes a lot of time...
  • 1. From minus 15 and above, you can hear the characteristic crunch of grenades. 2. in the 3rd year of operation, the ABS lights up and the rear right wheel locks. Moreover, all my friends have the same problem with the wheel. 3. The glass fogs up. the stove is not working well. 4. cricket in the front panel. 5. in winter When re-gassing, the catalyst emits an unpleasant odor into the cabin
  • Roof from the inside in winter accumulates frost, and after warming up it leaks in the area where the sun visors are attached. Navigation system requires updating (many cities do not exist, and those that exist do not have many houses and streets). There is no illumination of the mirrors in the sun visors, there is no eyeglass case. It is impossible to position the wipers in the area where the stove blows glass. The headlight washer works together with the forehead/window washer (it would be more convenient if it worked from a button.
  • Body paint is bad. Any branch or hard snow leaves marks and scratches. It was stronger on Taz. Gasoline consumption is too high (up to 17 liters in winter, with an average driving style). Visibility leaves much to be desired, especially from the front in the area of ​​the left driver's pillar. It is impossible to completely remove snow or fallen leaves from the stove air duct; everything gets clogged into the base of the brush arm mounting and into the air intake.
  • Cramped interior, low ceiling, I don’t consider it a crossover; if an Outlander or RAF crossover is a Qashqai hatchback with a small interior. Ill-designed window down buttons. in winter The wipers do not clear the snow from the glass, but spread it on the glass and nothing is visible. The windshield washer nozzles are located so that there is always snow there and they don’t spray, and if there is no snow, they freeze there and don’t spray either.
  • It's a little cold in winter
  • The cabin is cramped and cold in winter, the chassis is weak, the gearbox is unreliable.
  • Small trunk, seats do not fold flat, poor air conditioning and ventilation system( in winter cold, hot in summer)
  • in winter It's cool in the cabin
  • Cold in winter
  • 1.6 is the only negative. in winter It’s a bit difficult to walk through uncleaned courtyards. And there are only advantages
  • Cold. in winter when there were high temperature changes, the roof leaked. I had to change the engine fan after 3 years for 30,000 rubles. You cannot change the wipers on your own.
  • in winter cold, takes a long time to warm up
  • the interior is a little cold in winter.weak stove.
  • in winter in severe frost it is cold.
  • one big minus in winter It’s cool, it’s burning oil, there are a lot of sores in the cabin.
  • Weak engines, the oil eats up, the trunk opening bar breaks in the cold, it takes a long time to heat up in winter.
  • Air conditioning compressor, heater motor, grenades are tapped at -10, regularly lubricate the windows with silicone so that they open, in winter It needs to be well insulated, expensive spare parts.
  • British assembly (the build quality and paintwork are not very good), disgusting interior made of cheap plastic and fabric, the interior especially creaks in winter, poor visibility through the rear windows, chain disposable motor, poor sound insulation, there is no general feeling of reliability and good quality of the car, it feels like it’s about to break down.
  • Short wheelbase, which makes the rear of the car more likely to skid in winter
  • in winter very cold. Air supply in a warm state with the regulator turned on at maximum. Every year the heating system breaks down. All winter you have to ride in a hat and mittens.
  • doesn't handle the road well in winter on the intercity. There is not enough space in the back - it is not convenient to sit down from the street, there is always ice on the wipers and freezing windshield washer nozzles
  • The 1.6 engine is not enough for long trips. Cold in winter. Warms up slowly. On back seat It's a bit cramped.
  • in winter the stove is missing.
  • A little hard cushioning. in winter- weak heating of the legs in the rear seat.
  • Cons: speakerphone worthless in winter takes a very long time to heat up, weak paint and varnish, weak electronics inputs (cigarette lighter and Aux), tilt of the rear backrest, leaks at the dealer, weak light, souring of the brake pad guides.

For manufacturers modern cars One of the important factors is an economical engine, since this significantly affects the cost of owning a car. leads to insufficient engine heating when low temperatures environment, which negatively affects the heating of the cabin, because the heater takes heat from the engine and distributes it throughout the cabin. But no matter what economical engine, it should warm up the interior. Much depends on the method of warming up the engine. Can be warmed up on idling, or you can use warm-up while moving vehicle. The second method is more effective, since over equal periods of time the degree of heating is higher, and a short distance is covered. But in order to use it, a number of conditions must be met.

You cannot drive fast with a cold engine and transmission. Therefore, if after parking you need to go onto a busy road, this method will not suit you. But if you have a couple of kilometers of road at your disposal, on which you can drive at low speed and not disturb anyone, use this segment to warm up the engine and transmission of the car. This method will save both fuel and time. But if the engine warms up and still blows cold air from the deflectors, then the fault must be looked for in the heater itself.


In Nissan Qashqai, as in other cars with a liquid-cooled engine, the heater uses engine heat for heating. Therefore, the point of diagnostics is to understand at what section of the heating system (which is associated with engine cooling) the operation becomes incorrect.

  • switch the heater control to manual mode and set the maximum temperature;
  • turn on the fan at medium speed and place your palm near any deflector;
  • When increasing engine speed, monitor the increase in flow temperature; if the increase is significant, then the pump is faulty.


After identifying the cause of the malfunction, you can begin to eliminate the breakdown. Elimination may consist of repairing failed equipment or replacing it with new one. You need to act based on the nature and extent of the damage.

These diagnostic methods will help you understand. And the repair methods we described will help eliminate this problem, after which the car’s interior will be filled with a pleasant, warm atmosphere.

It's time to write a continuation of the review about Kesha, taking into account winter operation. It took me a long time to assemble and during this time I tried out almost all the features of winter operation.

Let me start with the fact that in almost all regions of our vast Russia, winter was somehow in no hurry to fulfill its duties. For our region, the warmth lasted for an unconscionably long time and with indecently high readings on the street thermometer scale. Accordingly, in this mode, when snow falls at night, during the day it is rolled up by cars to a mirror shine and freezes at night, “the day of the tinsmith” has passed from emergency mode to everyday operation mode. This is where I first realized that a single drive in conjunction with mechanics slippery road causes great inconvenience when starting off, especially when this is also complicated by the need to start up a hill. I admit the fact that in this situation, the variator and four-wheel drive has BIG advantages. Choice winter tires, for a configuration like mine, has great value. Firstly, the car is heavy, and in order for it to feel comfortable on winter road good grip properties of rubber are required. And I think it doesn’t matter whether it’s studded or not. Now you can choose rubber that copes well with the task without equipping it with such an additional option as studs. Secondly, with manual transmission It is not possible to clearly select the speed for a smooth start. For some reason, I often get one of the wheels slipping. Good ESP system immediately corrects this fact. In general, all these assistants with electronic brains really make life easier for the driver, but personally they played a cruel joke on me, which forced me to turn to the OD. But more on that later, and as they say, for a “snack”))). On at the moment There are Yokogama iceguard IG2 tires, which were received as a bonus when buying a car, and the former owner bought it in turn from OD. The opinion about the behavior of the car on these tires is very ambiguous and there are rather more negative emotions. The only advantages I can note are: it doesn’t make much noise and it maintains lateral movement normally on ice. Cons: poor behavior in deep snow, terrible grip during straight-line movement, which affects braking distance and acceleration dynamics. I'll look for something better next winter.

When cold weather set in, I appreciated the suspension, which behaves very well at low temperatures. The maximum we had this winter was 43C. After spending the night on the street, when starting to move, there was no feeling that wooden blocks had been inserted instead of shock absorbers. On previous cars it was exactly like this, and in order for the suspension to work more or less comfortably, you had to move very slowly for a long time. Kesha doesn’t have this, but after 10-15 minutes of measured, “warming up” movement it’s completely fine.

Sometimes you have to drive into a garage cooperative through deep snow (they don’t have time to roll out a track in the morning). In principle, it’s normal, but you have to turn off ESP, because if there are signs of wheel slipping, this system not only slows down the wheels, it also reduces engine speed. The first one even stalled a couple of times.))) So now I pressed the button and go.

At the beginning of winter, I read a little about the engine not warming up at idle, and the cold interior began to shake a little. I installed cut-out insulation between the bumper and the radiator, which is sold in hardware stores. I cut out the insulation so that it completely covers the entire perimeter. In order to install it properly, I removed the grille with the emblem. What was left from Spasik was a car blanket that fit perfectly, covering the entire engine compartment. The result is 12 minutes after starting and the engine temperature is 50-60 degrees. The engine does not cool down very quickly after you turn it off, but I can’t give any comparative data since I never left the car without a car blanket. I can only give the following data: at an outside temperature of -35, after stopping the engine cools down to -15 in 3.5-4 hours (the car starts at engine temperature). The interior warms up normally too. At night I always switch the airflow to two levels and when I get into the car, I turn it on almost full and after fifteen minutes I take off my hat and unbutton my jacket because it’s getting hot, I switch the climate control to automatic and don’t remember it anymore. The climate control is set to 25 degrees, and the climate keeps the airflow at three to four notches. I recently went to a neighboring city. The on-board computer showed the outside temperature: -28, -30. I rode undressed. I didn’t find any hint of the windows freezing. Separately, I want to say about this damn glass roof. I closed the curtain for the winter, as I read on the forums that with the curtain open it warms up longer salon. So I drove until January. My son once asked me to open the curtain, which I did... I saw a picture that I didn’t like at all - all the glass was covered in frozen droplets of ice... This means condensation accumulates there, it thaws while driving, and then freezes while parked. I left the curtain open, drove around, and after it thawed a little, I removed all the water with a rag. Now I’ve been driving for a month without closing the curtain, and as a result: 1. no condensation, 2. the interior also warms up (I haven’t noticed any changes). Regarding cleaning the car from snow, the niche in which the consumer's injectors and the windshield wipers themselves are hidden is very unnerving. It takes a lot of effort to clear the snow from there. Very inconvenient. The car starts without problems. I once left my car overnight without the car. At night it was -26 and I thought there would be problems with the plant. The fears were not confirmed - it started without problems, and the battery (which is 3 years old) turned the engine very quickly.

Windshield wiper blades suck in winter. The ice is cleared very poorly. Ice constantly accumulates on the elastic bands, so you have to constantly clean them. There is a very lack of such a necessary option as heated glass at the contact point of the brushes. I haven't seen this on other machines. Spasik had winter brushes with protective covers - that was actually cool. Has anyone found an alternative to Nissan brushes? If it’s not difficult, write in the comments.

That seems to be all. If you forgot something and need specifics somewhere, ask. In the meantime, I’ll write about how I had to talk to the dealer. I'll add it tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

With the onset of cold weather, a non-functional heater in a car becomes an unpleasant problem. If there are no breakdowns in the heating system, the interior warms up in ten to fifteen minutes. If this time has passed, and barely warm or completely cold air enters the cabin, you need to perform a series of diagnostic steps to find the cause of the breakdown.

If the stove on a Nissan Qashqai does not heat up, before you climb under the hood, you should understand the principles of its operation. Under the instrument panel you can see the heating system unit, which includes the stove radiator. The radiator contains fluid that is heated by engine operation. The system also contains a fan with adjustable airflow speed, thanks to which warm air enters the car interior. If the system operation process is disrupted at any stage, the stove on the Nissan Qashqai does not heat.

Types of breakdowns of the car heating system

There are only five reasons for a non-working heater on a Nissan Qashqai. These include: a failed fan, insufficient fluid in the radiator, a clogged heater radiator, a malfunctioning engine thermostat, loss of engine gasket integrity.

Most often, the stove does not work due to a broken fan. In this case, warm air will either flow poorly or not at all into the cabin. To correct the situation, you will have to replace the fan or the electronics that control it.

The lack of coolant in a Nissan Qashqai is not difficult to notice, since dashboard there is a sensor indicating the amount of antifreeze or antifreeze in the system. If the stove does not receive the required amount of liquid, it will remain cold. In this case, the fan will work, but the air entering the cabin will not be heated. Getting rid of the problem is simple: you need to bring the coolant in the radiator to the required level. If the fluid is added, but the level drops too quickly, it means there is a leak in the radiator or pipe system.

When eliminating a radiator leak, it is not recommended to use sealants. Their use can lead to the passages in the radiator becoming clogged and normal fluid circulation stopping. In this case, the stove will not be able to heat the liquid and the cabin will remain cold. To return the system to normal work, you will have to flush the heater radiator or replace it with a new spare part.

Checking the Thermostat

A malfunctioning engine thermostat on a Nissan Qashqai is the most difficult problem. If all systems have been checked and are working properly, you need to check the condition of the thermostat. This element of the car performs the function of adjusting the engine cooling circuits. When the engine starts, the liquid circulates in a small circle, not reaching the stove. When the antifreeze or antifreeze heats up in the engine and its radiator, the thermostat will switch to a large operating range, and the heated liquid will begin to flow to the stove.

If the thermostat stops working, it is unable to change to big circle functioning, and the fluid will flow only to the engine and the main radiator. Only replacing the thermostat can solve this problem.

Since the engine is not a monolithic structure, it contains an engine block and its head. Their connection is carried out using a special gasket. If its integrity is compromised, coolant enters the vehicle's muffler or cylinders. Thus, there will not be enough coolant in the system, and the stove will stop heating the air. When faced with such a problem, you need to urgently replace the gasket to prevent the engine from overheating.

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