Traffic sign 4.1 1 go straight. Directive signs: go straight, go right, go left. GOST requirements for installing a sign after an intersection on a dividing strip

Sign " Go straight"is installed on the roads very often. And not all drivers understand exactly how it works. And most importantly, why such a sign was invented. After all, people usually drive along the roads in a straight line. Nevertheless, there is a corresponding sign in the traffic rules. Moreover, for Violation of the sign will result in appropriate punishment. Road sign"Going straight" plays an important role on the road. Which one exactly? How does it work? What is the penalty for violation?


Before we talk about the rules of action, you will have to learn to distinguish the “Move straight” sign from all the others. This is not so difficult, because its distinctive features are very simple.

What does our index look like today? This is nothing more than a blue circle with an arrow. It is white and points upward. This is the "Go straight ahead" sign. It is easy to distinguish him from all the others. Just a white up arrow on a blue or light blue background in a circle. On the road, such a symbol stands out well.

For what

The effect of the “Go straight” sign is not prohibitive, like most signs. It is prescriptive. And of course, a positive connotation. Indicates that the driver must (obliged) follow the direction shown on the pole.

But this sign is quite insidious. Novice drivers often face huge problems with the "Go Straight" sign. According to the rules, depending on the position of the pole, the rules of behavior on the roads change. Therefore, all the nuances associated with this index will have to be learned.

Methods of application

It should be noted right away: sign 4.1.1 “Drive straight” does not apply to all cars. It may be ignored by route vehicles. But ordinary, ordinary drivers - no. Also, sometimes restrictions are removed from cars with special signals(fire service, ambulance and so on). No more exceptions.

Sometimes the “Go straight” sign is prohibitive. It indicates that the motorist has no right to make U-turns or turn in a particular area. This type of action is usually observed at intersections. And in this case, the sign is installed exclusively on the dividing strip.

Crossing roads

What to do if you see a “Go straight” sign at an intersection? Do not panic and understand: in such a situation, as already noted, only one direction of movement is allowed - in a straight line. No turns or U-turns can be made in this area.

Once you are past the intersection, you can turn around and turn in the direction you need to go. Of course, if no other restrictions are set.

Coverage area

The “Go straight ahead” sign does not allow you to make a U-turn only within the nearest road intersection. That is, if you see this sign, you can cross it, and then turn around as you need.

Remember: the restriction does not apply to all other intersections and intersections. Each one must have its own separate sign. Otherwise, there will be no framework regarding behavior at the intersection regarding your choice of movement.

Other road intersections are not affected by our current sign. It turns out that the distribution will only be where the pointer is installed, and only in the direction of your movement. And nothing else.

Surrounding areas

What to do if you notice adjacent areas or roads to an intersection (intersection)? Drivers need to be aware that the “Go Straight” sign does not apply to them. In other words, it is possible to turn into adjacent territories and areas. The sign only relates directly to the intersection of main roads.

From all this we can conclude: our current rule exists to create straight-line movement along roadways. This is his simplest action. It doesn't cause any problems even for beginners. But it has already been said that “Move straight” is a rather insidious sign. What is so suspicious and incomprehensible about it?

Evil is out there somewhere

It is worth paying attention to the situation when the sign is installed in the center of the road. Or on some part of it. This position requires the driver not only to be attentive, but also to have certain knowledge. In the rules traffic This position is usually called the beginning of the section.

How to behave if you see a “Go straight” sign, for example, after an intersection? In this case, you will have to take into account: the given direction is valid until the next road intersection. Directly before the intersection.

This means that at the intersection itself, “Moving straight” will no longer be considered mandatory. You can make U-turns and turn where you need to go. The most important thing here is the categorical work of the sign. If it is installed at the beginning of a section of road, it must not be turned under any circumstances. Even if there is such a possibility in principle.

Here you can hope for one small exception. “Sneaking” into courtyards or alleys in such a situation is permitted. But nothing more. In other words, adjacent territories are not covered by the sign, even if it was installed after the intersection. But turning left and making U-turns to the nearest intersections are prohibited. This is where the insidiousness of the pointer lies.


Violation of the “Go straight” sign is still punishable by law. Not very harsh, because this is not a prohibitory symbol. Nevertheless, certain measures to combat violators take place.

Most often this is a verbal warning or reprimand. Rest assured, if there is a movement violation, you will definitely get it. But you won't get off that easy. After all, there is also a fine for a “Go straight ahead” sign.

On at the moment it is 500 rubles. In some cases, the amount of payments can increase to 1500. It all depends on the situation as a whole. Practice shows that most often drivers pay 500 rubles to a traffic police officer, listen to the traffic rules, receive a verbal reprimand and continue their journey.

In this case, no one has the right to deprive of rights and confiscate the vehicle. Only with rare exceptions. And they apply only to citizens who constantly violate the law and traffic rules on the roads. Here it should be assumed that the vehicle will be sent to the impound lot. Plus, you will be fined a certain amount (from 500 to 1500 rubles), and you will also have to buy the car. These are the next additional costs in the form of several thousand.

How to avoid punishment

You can try to avoid the fine. This is not easy to do, but it is possible. If you carefully study the traffic rules, then in addition to the installed signs, there should be appropriate markings in the areas. They are the ones who can help you get out of the situation.

When the markings are almost invisible, no one can punish you for violating them. This is especially true when there is no “Go straight ahead” sign. The Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation even once gave its comment on this issue. And it sounds like this: “No markings - no punishment.”

Perhaps this is the only case when a driver has a real opportunity to avoid a fine for turning in the wrong place. To be on the safe side, you can install a DVR in your car. After all, traffic police officers often insist that drivers violate the rule of the “Go straight ahead” sign and turn around/turn in places other than where it is permitted.

Now we understand the next road sign. And all the nuances of his work too. Pay attention to road markings and sign position. This will help you decide exactly how to behave when driving a car. In any case, the "Go Straight" rule is easier to comply with than many other restrictions. The main thing is to know about all the nuances of the location of the corresponding sign.

Sign 4.1.1 “Move straight” in its coverage area obliges the driver to move without changing the direction of travel. Actually, this is quite clearly depicted on the sign itself. It is also necessary to understand that this road does not indicate one-way traffic. There may well be oncoming traffic on this section of the road, but for one reason or another it is prohibited to turn or turn around here.

Exceptions to sign 4.1.1 "Move straight ahead"

The presented road sign, like a number of others, has some exceptions regarding who should follow it. In this case there is only one exception: this sign does not apply to vehicles

Effective area of ​​sign 4.1.1 "Move straight ahead"

Any of the signs 4.1.1 - 4.1.6 applies to the intersection of roadways in front of which they are installed. This means that if there are several crossings of roadways at an intersection, sign 4.1.1 will only apply to the one in front of it.

In the figure above, we need to select the allowed directions of movement at the intersection. Please note that before the first intersection of roadways there is a sign 4.1.1, which obliges you to drive straight through this intersection. This means that movement along trajectory B is prohibited. However, at the second intersection the sign has already lost its “power”, and we have every right to travel along trajectory A. As a result, we can move along trajectories A and B ()

If there is only one intersection of roadways at the intersection, then we get the following picture:

in the picture there is one intersection of roadways, which obliges us to drive straight through the ENTIRE intersection. If you need to turn around, you can do this before the sign, or after passing the intersection. You cannot maneuver (turn or turn around) at the intersection of roadways ()

Let us remind you that we examined in sufficient detail and what it depends on

If sign 4.1.1 is installed outside the intersection (at the beginning of the road section)

With this arrangement of this prescriptive sign, the situation changes slightly. It still obliges the driver to move in a straight direction, but with some changes:

    if sign 4.1.1 is NOT installed before the intersection of roadways, then its effect now extends right up to the next intersection;

    with such an installation, the sign allows for execution only in courtyards (or other adjacent territory);

    the sign does not prohibit such maneuvers as: , movement in reverse;

Examples when sign 4.1.1 is not placed before the intersection:

Actually, the question is based on the picture: which courtyard can you turn into after the intersection?

We look carefully at the image. Sign 4.1.1 is installed BEHIND the intersection of carriageways at the beginning of the road section. This means that it is valid until the next intersection. But at the same time, it does not prohibit turning right into the adjacent territory, including into the yard. Hence the answer - you can only go into the yard to the right. ()

Another example (picture above): is it possible for a driver to drive up to a pedestrian in reverse (to pick up a girl, for example)?

We again draw attention to the fact that the sign is installed on an arbitrary section of the road where there are no roadway intersections. This means that no one forbade you to move in reverse. Answer - Can()

Penalty for sign 4.1.1 “Go straight ahead”

According to Art. 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the punishment for violating the instructions of sign 4.1.1 may depend on which of the prohibited maneuvers the driver performed:

    turn right at sign 4.1.1 is punishable by a fine of 500 rubles. Let us remind you that the sign does not prohibit turning into courtyards to the right (Part 1 of Article 12.16 of the Administrative Code);

    or under sign 4.1.1 punishable by a fine of 1000-1500 rubles; (Part 2 of Article 12.16 of the Administrative Code)

    if after a turn (even to the left, even to the right) or a U-turn, the driver entered the road ( roadway) with one-way traffic “against the grain”, then in this case he will face a fine of 5,000 rubles or imprisonment driver's license for 4-6 months; (Part 3 of Article 12.16 of the Administrative Code)

A mandatory road sign “Go straight ahead” indicates (prescribes) a specific direction of movement, and the driver’s responsibility is to follow this instruction.

In this sense, prescriptive signs are very similar to prohibitive ones. Prohibiting ones introduce a negative regulatory regime (denial - “impossible”), and prescriptive ones introduce a positive regulatory regime (“must”, “must”).

Sign 4.1.1 “Go straight” is one of the most insidious road signs. Driving school students and novice drivers who do not understand the qualifications of the sign risk making mistakes when driving through the road sections designated by it.

The difficulty in understanding the principles of operation of the “Go Straight” sign is due to the fact that it has two – fundamentally different – ​​installation methods. Depending on them, the sign’s coverage area and its requirements for drivers differ. vehicles.

Let's consider the first - the simplest - method of installing a “Go straight” sign. A sign installed before the intersection of roadways extends its effect only to the specified intersection.

In this case, the sign “Move straight” prescribes the only possible option for moving at this intersection of roadways - only straight. However, after passing this intersection it stops “working”.

A very important issue is a clear understanding of the sign's coverage area. It operates at the intersection of roadways. It is at the intersection, not at the crossroads. The fact is that an intersection can be formed by several intersections of roadways.

In this case, the “Go straight” sign will only apply to the nearest intersection of roadways.

The sign does not apply to other intersections of the intersection.

In addition, the exit from the adjacent territory, being an intersection, is not considered an intersection. Therefore, the sign's coverage area will only apply to this intersection.

Consequently, the installation of a sign “Go straight” before the intersection of roadways leads to a “simple” action, requiring only straight movement at this intersection.

But the second method of installing a sign is more complex and should be rated “insidious.” Agree that the “Go straight” sign can be placed simply in the middle of the road or, as the Rules say, at the beginning of a section of the road.

In this case, the sign's coverage area will extend to the nearest intersection along the route. It is “before the intersection”, that is, at the intersection the sign will no longer “work”.

And now - the most important thing. The “Go straight” sign until the next intersection will strictly prohibit turning left or making a U-turn. It will require straight-line movement. But at the same time, as a bonus, the driver is allowed to turn (“sneak”) to the right into courtyards or other adjacent areas.

In other words, the sign in its “insidious” expression is placed to prohibit turning left and turning around at the nearest intersection along the route.

For what? For what? Why?

This is exactly how an inquisitive mind will react, for which dry lines of legal norms are not enough. And the answer is very simple. This method The installation of the sign is used on narrow sections of roads, in areas with heavy oncoming traffic or in those areas where there is a real danger when performing maneuvers associated with a left turn and, especially, a U-turn.

For example, when performing similar maneuvers on a narrow road, the driver has to give way to vehicles coming from the opposite direction. This, in turn, can lead to traffic jams or congestion.

And there’s no need to talk about heavy traffic and potentially dangerous areas; here left turns and U-turns are excluded for road safety reasons.

The permitted right turn into the adjacent territory (yards, gas stations, parking lots, etc.) should not raise doubts. When turning right, the trajectory of the vehicle does not intersect with the trajectories of oncoming vehicles. Even with a strong desire, a traffic jam does not form behind this vehicle.

Let us summarize the consideration of the second – “insidious” – method of installing a mandatory “Go straight” sign.

  1. The sign is not placed at the intersection, but in the middle of the road (at the beginning of the section of the road, which it forms by itself).
  2. The sign will remain in effect until the next intersection.
  3. The sign will prohibit U-turns and left turns into yards and other areas adjacent to the left, but will allow similar right turns.

Thus, each driver, before starting to act on the “Go straight” sign, must clearly distinguish between two – “simple” and “insidious” – cases of installing this sign and remember that they are different:

firstly, the location of the sign - before the intersection (“simple” method) or at the beginning of the section (“insidious” method);

secondly, the coverage area of ​​the sign - only at the intersection (“simple”) or to the nearest intersection in the direction of travel (“treacherous”);

thirdly, the permitted directions of movement are only straight (“simple”) or straight and into the territory adjacent to the right (“insidious”).

And finally, a couple more comments.

Firstly, the driver must be prepared for the fact that the “Go straight” sign may also appear on the left side of the road or the dividing strip. This is done solely for timely information about the introduced regulatory regime. And if there are a large number of lanes on the roadway, the Rules allow the sign to be hung above the leftmost lane.

And, secondly, the “Go straight” sign can be ignored by drivers of route vehicles. He makes an exception for them.

If this information was useful to you, please write about it in the comments. If you have any questions, write, we will definitely try to help you.

  • straight ahead sign
  • sign 4 1 1
  • straight ahead sign
  • straight ahead sign

The sign “Move straight ahead” is prescriptive, and when installed on the road, it provides only one interpretation - further movement by car is only possible straight ahead. Despite the apparent simplicity of the rule that defines this sign, many drivers and even “students” of driving schools rightfully consider it a rather insidious sign. Without knowing exactly its meaning, it is easy to make a mistake and violate traffic rules, which will inevitably entail a fine.

Ways to install a straight ahead sign

A certain difficulty in correctly understanding this pointer is also due to the fact that it can be installed in two ways. Different installation methods require the driver to know the traffic rules, since the coverage area of ​​the traffic sign directly depends on the location of its installation.

Installation before an intersection

The most common way to install this sign is to place it in front of an intersection. It should be noted right away that in this case it does not extend its effect to the entire intersection, but only to the intersection in front of which it is located. Speaking more in simple language, after the driver passes the first intersection, where in the absence of a sign it would be possible to turn right, the sign loses its force. At the next road intersection within the same intersection, it is already possible to make a right-hand turn. It is worth noting that exits from various adjacent territories are not considered an intersection. As a result, when a traffic sign is located directly in front of a road intersection, it prohibits any further movement options other than a straight line.

Installation at the beginning of the road

It is this method of informing road users that raises the greatest number of questions, especially among novice drivers. In this case, the traffic rules clearly state that after crossing the installation site, a left-hand turn is strictly prohibited, and even more so a U-turn along the entire length of the road - right up to the next intersection. At the same time, it allows turning to the right into courtyards or adjacent areas

Penalty for turning under a straight ahead sign

Like any other traffic violations, ignoring this road sign by the driver of a vehicle will result in the imposition of an administrative fine. It is worth understanding that ignoring the requirements of this sign may result in the vehicle ending up in oncoming traffic, which can lead not only to a traffic accident with very serious consequences, but also to the imposition of an impressive fine. In addition, it is worth noting the possibility of deprivation of rights.

All vehicle drivers are directly required to comply with the requirements of the mandatory Traffic sign. The only exception Drivers of route vehicles whose route is approved and is not subject to change are considered. It should also be noted that this sign does not prohibit moving the vehicle in reverse if necessary - traffic violation this does not count, and the inspector has no right to issue a fine. In practice, violation of a traffic sign in its pure form is rarely encountered. As a rule, there is a violation of several traffic rules at once, so the fine for violating a Direct Movement sign can be quite a serious amount.

Why is a straight ahead sign installed?

Most car owners do not quite understand why such restrictions on the road are required. Many people believe that experience and knowledge will allow them to react correctly in any traffic situation. In fact, this is somewhat untrue. So, violating the sign to move straight ahead is not only a fine. On narrow roadways, especially with heavy traffic flow, where such a sign is often installed, there is a real danger of getting into a serious accident when making maneuvers involving a left turn, and even more so when making a U-turn.

In addition, the need to make a left turn, with heavy oncoming traffic and a narrow road, leads to the car stopping and waiting for the opportunity to make a maneuver. This can almost completely block the movement of other cars that need to continue moving straight. Often, the Traffic sign directly prohibits maneuvers to the left on dangerous sections of roads, and ignoring the requirements of this sign can end disastrously not only for the violator himself, but also for other motorists.

For some motorists, it remains unclear why this sign allows a right turn. It is worth understanding that such a maneuver does not in any way affect the interests of vehicles that are at that moment moving in the opposite direction, and turning right, for example, into a yard or at a gas station, will not cause the need to stop the car and wait a long time for the opportunity to make a maneuver, while remaining on the roadway and blocking the passage of other cars. Everything about this rule is shown in the video:

At what distance does straight motion really rule?

Many drivers, especially in disputes with traffic police officers, try to explain that they were incorrectly oriented and could not determine the coverage area of ​​this sign. In fact, this question should not cause any difficulties, since there are only two options.

  1. When this sign is installed in front of an intersection, it is valid only within the boundaries of this specific road intersection.
  2. When installed outside an intersection, on a flat section of the road, it prohibits maneuvers involving a left turn/U-turn to the nearest intersection.

There are no further nuances in terms of the coverage area of ​​this sign. Particular care should be taken when making turns. So, if a traffic sign is installed directly in front of an intersection, a U-turn can be made only after passing it - this maneuver cannot be performed in front of it. Drivers should pay attention to this point as well. If under the sign itself there is additionally attached a sign depicting a specific type of vehicle, for example, a heavy-duty vehicle, then this sign applies only to it, passenger cars can maneuver without restrictions.

The road sign “Go straight ahead” with number 4.1.1 refers to mandatory signs and establishes the permitted direction.

Driving is permitted only in the directions indicated by arrows on the signs. Signs that permit a left turn also permit a U-turn (signs 4.1.1-4.1.6 can be used with an arrow configuration corresponding to the required directions of movement at a particular intersection).

Unlike other directional signs, the requirements of a “Go Straight” sign vary depending on the location where it is installed. This is what causes some confusion among drivers.

  • The “Go straight ahead” sign is installed before the intersection of roadways

    The first - the main application - in front of . The sign indicates the only permitted direction is directly through the nearest roadway intersection.

    The sign is installed before the intersection of roadways

    The effect of signs 4.1.1-4.1.6 extends to the intersection of roadways in front of which the sign is installed.

    After crossing, the sign's effect ceases. Is it possible to turn left or turn around at an intersection? Yes, any maneuvers are allowed if they are not limited by other requirements of the Rules.

    Sign 4.1.1, like other signs, can also be used in front of roads with two carriageway intersections. In this case, mandatory signs are installed before each intersection at the intersection.

    The sign is installed in front of a road with two intersections of carriageways

    GOST requirements for installing a sign before crossing roadways

    5.5.2 Signs 4.1.1 "Move straight ahead" 4.1.2 “Move right”, 4.1.3 “Move left”, 4.1.4 “Move straight or right”, 4.1.5 “Move straight or left”, 4.1.6 “Move right or left” are used to allow movement on the nearest intersection of roadways in the directions indicated by the arrows on the sign, and signs 4.1.3, 4.1.5, 4.1.6 - also to allow a U-turn.

    If they can be used as prescriptive to regulate traffic at an intersection signs 4.1.1-4.1.5, as well as prohibitory signs 3.18.1 and 3.18.2, mandatory signs should be used.

    Installation of prescriptive signs is preferable to prohibitory ones.

    The “Go straight ahead” sign is installed after an intersection or on a dividing strip

    The second option is to install a sign at the beginning of a certain section of the road. In this case, the sign is already in effect throughout the entire section up to the intersection. That is, this sign does not apply to intersections and intersections of roadways.

    The sign does not prohibit right turns into courtyards or adjacent areas (gas stations, businesses, etc.). Turning left and making a U-turn before the next intersection is prohibited.

    The effect of sign 4.1.1, installed at the beginning of a section of road, extends to the nearest intersection. The sign does not prohibit turning right into courtyards and other areas adjacent to the road.

    GOST requirements for installing a sign after an intersection on a dividing strip

    An interesting addition to the Rules of the Road can be found in the GOST requirements for installing a “Go straight” sign.

    A sign can be installed in the area before the break of the dividing strip to prohibit U-turns.

    Can be used for duplicating solid or double continuous marking, separating traffic flows, which is important in winter time when road markings are not visible.

    The sign is installed after the intersection. There is no marking.

    5.5.3 Sign 4.1.1 “Move straight” is also used to prohibit turns in breaks in the dividing strip on road sections between intersections. In this case, the sign is installed only on the dividing strip.

    If necessary, sign 4.1.1 may be used to duplicate markings 1.1 or 1.3 separating oncoming traffic flows, while the sign is installed directly at the beginning of the road section. In this case, the effect of the sign extends to the nearest intersection.

    Route transport and the sign “Go straight”

    The sign does not apply to.

    Signs 4.1.1-4.1.6 do not apply to route vehicles.

    For vehicles moving along the MTS lane.

    Drivers of vehicles permitted to drive in lanes for fixed-route vehicles, when entering an intersection from such a lane, may deviate from the requirements of road signs 4.1.1 - 4.1.6, 5.15.1 and 5.15.2 to continue driving along such a lane.

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