Auto repair shop practice report. Maintenance flow chart: simple things to achieve success Maintenance flow chart

  • 1. Complete car wash.
  • 2. Determination of the technical condition of vehicle systems, which includes:
    • - technical condition of the power unit: checking components - crank mechanism, gas distribution, cooling system, power supply system and clutch.
    • - power supply systems.
    • - ignition systems.
    • - condition of the gearbox, cardan drive and differential.
    • - steering.
    • - supporting system.
    • - power supply and alarm and control devices.
  • 3. Elimination of identified defects and adjustment work.
  • 4. Car assembly.
  • 5. Delivery of the finished car to the customer.

List of works during maintenance:

Power unit: calibrated tightening of the nuts securing the head, pan, journal supports, eliminating knocks in the engine, adjusting and restoring valve tightness, checking the tension of the generator-fan belt, checking the tightness and filling level of the cooling system, technical condition of the pump, flushing and adjusting the carburetor, checking fuel pump operation, checking the fuel level in the carburetor, checking the ignition system - condition high voltage wires, condition of the distributor, condition of the spark plugs, clutch operation - reliability of operation, condition of the clutch parts, oil change is carried out at a certain mileage.

Braking system: system tightness, pad and disc wear, level brake fluid.

Gearbox: check the level and quality of the oil, change the oil at a certain mileage, check for extraneous noise, smoothness of gear shifting, reliability of speed fixation, condition of bearings, condition of the differential - condition of gears, satellites, bearings, condition of the cardan transmission: determination of technical condition by backlash in the connection, external condition of the unit.

Support system: checking the operation of shock absorbers, springs, rods, the condition of ball joints and dampers, checking wheel camber and toe, checking wheel wear, condition of wheel bearings, wheel balancing.

Control system: checking steering wheel play, wheel play, changing gearbox oil.

Power supply system: checking the condition of the generator, the condition of the commutator, brushes, rectifier, the condition of the contacts, the output voltage and current, replace the bearing lubrication, the condition of the starter, the condition of the brushes and commutator, the developed torque, the condition of the contacts, checking the condition of the battery, the level and density of the electrolyte, the condition terminals, checking and correctness of control readings measuring instruments, checking lighting and alarm systems.

Body: lubricate the hinge components, reliability of operation and fixation of the locks, condition of the body, re-preserve the body.

Lubricate in accordance with the components lubrication chart.

Periodic maintenance and routine repairs ensure the maintenance of trouble-free and reliable operation of vehicles. Maintenance is divided into three periods:

daily, TO-1, TO-2. Maintenance allows you to maintain the functionality of your vehicle's mechanisms between repairs. Current repairs are integral part Maintenance. It is intended to restore the functionality of the unit.

To perform maintenance and current repairs a set of devices and instrumentation is used. This set is in stock.

When a car arrives at a car repair shop for maintenance or routine repairs, it is necessary to complete the following list of mandatory works:

  • 1. Wash the car to remove operational contamination.
  • 2. Check the technical condition of the vehicle components and assemblies.
  • 3. Draw up a technical condition map indicating defective components and assemblies.

Reliability and durability of components and assemblies depends on the quality lubricants and maintaining the deadlines for their replacement, determined by the manufacturer of the vehicle and component units.

Let's look at the types of work performed and their frequency using the example of a Gazelle car.

Table 4. Periodic maintenance of Gazelle cars (TO-1, TO-2, CO)


Technical requirements

Tools and materials



Condition and tightness of cooling, power, and lubrication systems

Leakage of coolant, fuel, oil is not allowed


Ignition timing angle ZMZ-4025, -4026, UMZ-4215.

Adjust if necessary


Check fastening:

Cylinder heads (4215, ZMZ-4025, 4026)

Oil sump

Tighten loose nuts

Key 13 mm

Sump filter (UMZ-4215), fine fuel filter (UMZ-4215)

Tighten loose nuts

Key 13 mm

Radiator and water pump, thermostat housing, water pump pulley and tension pulley**

Tighten loose nuts

Key 13 mm

Generator and starter

Tighten loose nuts

Key 17 mm, 19 mm

Air drives and throttle valves carburetor

Tighten loose fasteners

10 mm wrench, screwdriver


Belt tension (belts** 4215, ZMZ-4025, 4026) of the drive units

Ruler with dynamometer, wrenches 12, 13 mm

Minimum crankshaft speed at Idling and carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrocarbon (CH) content

Tachometer, screwdriver, gas analyzer

Gap between spark plug electrodes

The gap should be 0.8-0.95 mm (ZMZ-4025, 4026); 0.7-0.85 mm (ZMZ-4061, 4063, UMZ-4215)

Dipstick, spark plug wrench

Gap between valves and rocker arms (4215, ZMZ-4025, 4026)

13 mm wrench, screwdriver, feeler gauge


Frame air filter carburetor and blow out the filter element

Blow out the corrugations from the inside and then from the outside

Compressed air source

Carburetor air filter housing and replace the filter element

Fuel filter-sump housing and its filter element (autumn)

After installing the housing in place, make sure there are no fuel leaks

Keys 10, 12 mm, pliers,

Settling cup of the fine fuel filter (for UMZ-4215 engines) and rinse the mesh filter element. Replace the paper filter element***

After installing the glass in place, make sure there are no fuel leaks

Unleaded gasoline, rags

High Voltage Wires and Spark Plug Interference Suppression Tips

Unleaded gasoline, rags

External surfaces of ignition devices, cover and slider of the ignition sensor-distributor (4215, ZMZ-4025, 4026)

Unleaded gasoline, rags

Drain the sediment from fuel tank(autumn)

Gasoline container, 24 mm wrench

Drain sediment from the fuel filter-sump housing


Spark plug

Spark plug key

Fine fuel filter (for engines ZMZ-402, 406)

Fuel leakage is not allowed



Condition and tightness of the hydraulic clutch, gearbox and rear axle

Liquid and oil leaks are not allowed


Tightening the rear axle drive gear flange nut

Keys 14, 17, 27 mm,

Rear axle gearbox mount

Tighten loose nuts

Key 14 mm

Fastening the clutch master and slave cylinders, the clutch master cylinder pusher axis

Tighten loose nuts

Keys 13, 17 mm

Clutch housing to cylinder block

Tighten loose nuts

Key 14 mm

Fastening the gearbox and its housings

Tighten loose nuts

Keys 12, 19 mm


Transmission and rear axle breathers

  • ** Every 500 km.
  • ***For filter with paper filter element

Organizational structure

The organizational structure of the enterprise is linear-functional. The structure of the enterprise, the number of employees is determined by the staffing table, internal rules and job descriptions enterprises. Workers. are appointed to a position and dismissed from it by order of the head of the enterprise. Structure. The staff of an enterprise is a set of linear and functional bodies of the enterprise, as well as a system of their connections, interdependencies and interactions. The staff structure of an enterprise is influenced by: the number of employees subordinate to one manager, the volume of turnover, specialization, and the number of subordinate trading units. Organizational structure. Pizza Treviso LLC is shown in the picture

Routing - This is a form of technological document in which the entire process of influencing a car or its unit is recorded, operations are indicated in the established sequence, professions and qualifications of performers, technological equipment and accessories, technical conditions (TS) and instructions and norms of time or labor intensity.

Maps are divided into operational and technological, guard, workplace, and route maps. Scheme maps for the placement and movement of performers at maintenance posts can also be developed.

Operational and technological maps(form 1) - are general-level documentation and are used to develop cards for guards and for the workplace. They contain lists of operations on units and systems, indicating equipment and tools, specifications and labor intensity.

Post cards(Form 2) are compiled for work performed only at a given post (name of operations, number of performers, their specialty, place of performance, labor intensity).

Workplace map(Form 2) contain operations performed by one worker in a strict technological sequence. They also indicate tools and equipment, specifications and instructions, and the complexity of operations.

Route map(Form 2) reflects the sequence of operations for repairing a vehicle unit or mechanism in one of the routine repair departments.

Operational and technological map vehicle (unit).

Technological map No. . .

Labor intensity person/hour

Form 2

Post technological map car (trailer).

Number of specialized posts in the zone on the production line And NI.

Total number of performers people Total labor intensity person/hour

Post no. .

Labor complexity of work person/hour Number of performers in office people

(name of the unit, system or type of work)

Labor intensity person/hour

The initial data for developing a technological map are:

  • 1. General view drawing (assembly drawing or diagram) of a unit, mechanism or assembly;
  • 2. Technical conditions for assembly, adjustment, testing, inspection and acceptance of the product;
  • 3. Characteristics of the equipment, devices and tools used
  • 4. Labor-intensive operations.

Standardization of labor intensity of technological process operations

For each technical maintenance and repair operation, a labor intensity standard must be established. Such a norm is necessary for calculating the number of performers and remuneration for their labor and for designing a technical process (uniform distribution of work volumes among performers, drawing up an optimal sequence of operations, etc.).

General standard time for performing operations consists of operational, preparatory and final time, time for servicing the workplace and breaks for rest and personal needs.

Operational is the time spent directly on performing a given operation. It is determined by one of the methods discussed below.

The rest of the time standard is set in the form of allowances as a percentage of operational time.

Thus, the standard time for the operation of TO, D, TR in minutes or hours:

where To is operational time, min (h); A, B, C - respectively, the share of time for preparatory and final work, maintenance of the workplace, rest and personal needs, %. A + B + C = 12.5.

The complexity of operations in person-hours or person-minutes is determined by the formula:

Тн=Тв *Р *Кп (2)

where P is the number of workers performing the operation, people; Kp is the operation repeatability coefficient, which characterizes the frequency of the operation during maintenance (D, TR).

For example, control and diagnostic operations are performed without omissions (mandatory for each service Kp=1). Adjustment and fastening operations may have a manual< 1, т.к. после проверки, если регулировочный параметр в норме или подтяжка крепежного соединения не требуется, они могут быть пропущены. Коэффициент повторяемости зависит от надежности конструкции автомобиля и качества выполнения предыдущего ТО или ТР, изменяется для различных операций, примерно в пределах Кп = (0,2-1), и определяется путем обработки соответствующих статистических данных или по данным типовых технологий ТО и ТР.

The complexity of maintenance and repair operations can be determined in one of three ways:

  • - using ready-made standards from standard technologies and standard time standards for vehicle maintenance and repair;
  • - processing data from time-lapse observations of their implementation;
  • - microelement rationing of operations.

The simplest and most desirable is the first method.

Standard labor intensity standards are adopted according to

Standard standards of time (labor intensity) refer to certain conditions for performing operations. If the actual conditions for performing operations (other equipment, level of mechanization) differ from the average ones specified for standard standards, they should be adjusted to the conditions of the designed process. So, for example, with the flow method of organizing maintenance, standard labor intensity can be reduced by 15 - 25% of the standard norm. If the operating conditions differ sharply from standard ones (new equipment, new design car), then the labor intensity standard is established in other ways.

Timing observation method

The method of time-lapse observations gives the most accurate results, but it is very labor-intensive and requires a long time to establish the complexity of operations due to the large number of observations and the complexity of processing the data obtained. Let us briefly consider the main provisions of the timing observation methodology.

For timing purposes, performers of maintenance and repair work are selected in a special way (work experience, qualifications, age, etc.).

Timing is carried out at certain hours of the work shift (an hour after the start of work, stops an hour before lunch or the end of the working day).

The number of time-lapse observations must be sufficient to reliably determine the average TO. Their minimum number is determined according to Table 2, depending on the duration of the operation and the method of performing the work.

Table 2 - Required number of measurements for timing

Timing data is arranged in a variation series (from min to max). The stability and stability of the observation results is checked by comparing the actual value of the chronosequence stability coefficient with its standard (tabular) value (Table 3).

Table 3 - Standard value of time series stability coefficients

The stability coefficient of the chronosequence is found by the formula:

where t max, t min are the maximum and minimum values ​​from the chronosequence. A chronosequence is considered stable if its actual stability coefficient is less than or equal to the normative one: K Book.

If this ratio is not observed, then the observations should be repeated. As an exception due to high costs For timing purposes, it is allowed to correct the time sequence by discarding its extreme values ​​(t max, t min).

The operational time in minutes to perform an operation is found as the average value of the members of the time series:

where ti is the value of the time series members , min; n is the number of members of the chronosequence.

Timing and establishment of standards can be carried out only after the implementation and debugging of a new TP, i.e. it is impossible to design the standard time (labor intensity) of operations for more early stages TP development.

Microelement method for designing normative labor intensity of operations

To determine the labor intensity of technological processes, systems of microelements are currently widely used.

The essence of this method comes down to the fact that the most complex operations can ultimately be presented in the form of a certain sequence of repeating simple elements, for example: move, install, secure, connect, etc. (Table 4).

If you divide the standardized operation into a number of such microelements and sum up the time available in the database for their implementation, you can find the operational time for completing the entire operation.

The main advantage of this method is the ability to design labor intensity standards “at the table” at the stage of technical development, which significantly reduces time and costs compared to the method of time-lapse observations. Of course, this is possible with extensive experience and qualifications of process engineers (knowledge of the design of a given car brand, the operation and capabilities of the used technological equipment, fixtures and tools, etc.).

The time values ​​for performing microelements of the operation are “pure”, i.e. with convenient execution and free access to the service point. In real conditions, the convenience of performing work (working postures, Table 4) and access to the service point (Table 5) for each brand of car and operation will be different, therefore, during the operational time for performing the operation, adjustments must be made by appropriate coefficients.

Thus, the general equation for rationing the labor intensity of car maintenance in person-minutes or person-hours with this method looks like this:

Tn = (t1 + t2 + ... + tn) *K1 *K2 *(1+(A + B + C)/100) *P *Kp (5)

where t1 is the time to complete the microelements that make up the operation; n - the number of microelements in the operation, incl. and taking into account their repetition; K1, K2 - respectively, coefficients that take into account the increase in time to perform an operation due to deterioration in convenience and access during work (Tables 5 and 6); P is the number of performers of the operation; Kp is the coefficient of repeatability of the operation during maintenance and repair; A, B, C - allowances as a percentage of operational time.

Microelements are understood as elements of operations consisting of labor movements of the worker. It has been established that any physical work includes: movement of the arms, legs, tilting and turning of the human body, transitions, i.e. an unchanging series (set) of repeated movements.

One of the systems of microelement standards is the system of “standards” of Professor V.I. Ioffe. In this system, any handmade element consists of a combination of two microelements: take and move (combine, move, install, remove).

The degree of fragmentation of operations into microelements is fundamentally important. Breakdown of operations down to elementary movements makes it possible to obtain a universal base of microelements suitable for designing labor intensity standards for any technological process. However, at the same time, the accuracy of determining the time to complete microelements (hundredths and thousandths of a minute) decreases; The process of synthesizing an operation from elements becomes more complicated. Big mistakes are possible.

Taking this situation into account, at this stage, based on the collection and synthesis of information from literary sources, regulatory and technical documentation, etc., a database of 44 microelements was developed (Table 4).

With the enlargement of microelements, their versatility decreases, since the likelihood of repetition in a large number of different operations and processes decreases. But the process of designing operations in which they occur is simplified. Therefore, in our opinion, the base of microelements for technical maintenance and technical repair of cars should consist of two parts. The first part should contain elementary movements found in the operations of any labor processes. The second part is larger elements of operations specialized work Maintenance and repair (fastening, welding, etc.).

The micronutrient base presented in Table 4 is not sufficient; it requires improvement and expansion. With its help, it is possible to design, basically, labor intensity standards for control, diagnostic and adjustment operations of vehicle maintenance and repair, but it allows one to demonstrate the possibility of the method under consideration.

Table 4 - Database on trace elements of vehicle maintenance operations

Name of trace element

Time, min

Go 1 step

Go to 2 steps.

Go to 3 steps

Go to 4 steps

Extend (remove, bend) your hand

Take (put down) a tool, device, part (take by the handle, latch)

Rotate the housing 90°

Rotate the body 180°

Body tilt (straighten up)

Bend the body below the waist

Deliver (take away) a tool, device, part ","

Installation (removal) of a tool, device, part is simple

Installation (removal) of a tool, device, part with connection to the vehicle structure

Rotate tool

Turn the handle, open the latch

Press the latch

Place (remove) your foot (hand) on the pedal

Press (release) the pedal by hand

Press (release) the pedal with your foot

Go down into the inspection ditch

Climb out of the inspection ditch

Stand on the bumper

Get off the bumper

Open (close) the hood (with the latch open)

Open (close) the cabin door (with the handle turned)

Recline the cab

Reinstall the tilt cab

Blow off the serviced element with compressed air from a hose

Movements of the fingers of the hand

Screw (fasten) the M8 - M24 nut

Tighten the nut (bolt) M20 -- Ml 6

Tighten the nut (bolt) M20 - M35

Look (take a glance) at an object or sign in the field of view

Scale reading, cm

Scale reading, mm

Look closely at the division

One mental action with single digit numbers

One mental action with two-digit numbers

Setting the device to zero

Creating indicator head preload

Unscrew (tighten) the nut, bolt, fitting M8 M16 to a length of up to 20 mm

Unscrew (tighten) the nut, bolt, fitting M8 -M16 to a length of up to 35 mm

Unscrew (tighten) the nut, bolt, fitting M20 - M32 to a length of up to 25 mm

Unscrew (tighten) the nut, bolt, fitting M20 - M32 to a length of up to 35 mm

The labor intensity and complexity of the work are largely determined by the characteristics of the object of labor. A car is a complex object of labor when servicing it.

Process impact points (sometimes called service points) are located on the side, bottom and top of the vehicle. Therefore, when servicing a vehicle, it is first necessary to provide the performers with access to service points. To reduce service time, it is better to provide simultaneous access to several performers from all sides.

In addition, it is necessary to ensure the least fatigue for the performer and the greatest safety during work. Research has established that fatigue, and therefore the productivity of a worker, significantly depends on the working posture he occupies. Table 5 shows data on changes in labor productivity depending on working posture.

The conditions for performing operations directly in the area where service points are located are characterized by their accessibility, which also significantly affects the labor intensity of the work. The influence of access to places of technological influence during vehicle maintenance and repair is presented in Table 5.

Table 5 - Influence of ease of use on the labor intensity of maintenance and repair operations

Table 6 - Impact of access to service points on the complexity of the maintenance operation

  • 13. Universal rack;
  • 14. Recoil stop.

Specialized post SPP-1 for replacement power units and engines

  • 1. Metalworking workbench;
  • 2. Oil dispenser;
  • 3. Set of keys;
  • 4. Crane beam;
  • 6. Oil distribution tank;
  • 7. Footrest;
  • 8. Lift;
  • 10. Torque handle;
  • 11. Rack for units;
  • 12. Universal rack;
  • 13. Recoil stop.
  • 15. Device for draining used motor oils;
  • 16. Device for draining used transmission oils;
  • 17. Coolant drain device;
  • 18. Cabinet for tools and equipment;
  • 19. Mobile overpass for repairs;

Specialized post SPP-2 for replacing suspension units and chassis

  • 1. Metalworking workbench;
  • 2. Impact wrench for wheel nuts;
  • 3. Impact wrench for nuts of stepladder springs;
  • 4. Cassette for wheels;
  • 5. Chest for cleaning materials;
  • 6. Ruler for checking wheel alignment;
  • 7. Transitional bridge;
  • 8. Lift;
  • 9. Mobile auto repairman station;
  • 10. Universal rack;
  • 12. Trolley for removing and installing springs;
  • 13. Removal trolley brake drums with hubs;
  • 14. Recoil stop.

Specialized post SPP-3 TR braking systems cars

  • 1. Metalworking workbench;
  • 2. Impact wrench for wheel nuts;
  • 3. Cassette for wheels;
  • 5. Lift,
  • 6. Device for checking the pneumatic brake drive;
  • 7. Universal rack;
  • 8. Stand for checking the brakes of three-axle vehicles;
  • 10. Recoil stop;
  • 11. Installation for filling and bleeding brakes;

Specialized post SPP-4 TR low labor intensity

  • 1. Bath for washing parts;
  • 2. Metalworking workbench;
  • 3. Set of wrenches;
  • 4. Chest for cleaning materials;
  • 5. Transitional bridge;
  • 6. Set of socket wrenches;
  • 7. Suspension-mounted pneumatic torque wrench:
  • 8. Footrest;
  • 9. Lift;
  • 10. Mobile auto repairman station:
  • 11. Rack for components and parts:
  • 12. Universal rack:
  • 13. Recoil stop.
  • 14. Cabinet for tools and devices:

Specialized post SPP-5 TR electrical systems cars

  • 1. Metalworking workbench;
  • 3. Motor tester;
  • 4. Mobile auto electrician's station;
  • 6. Device for checking and adjusting headlights;
  • 7. Device for testing circuit breakers;
  • 8. Device for testing electrical equipment;
  • 9. Rack for components and parts.
  • 10. Universal rack;
  • 11. Cutlery table;
  • 12. Recoil stop;
  • 13. Installation for accelerated charging of batteries;
  • 14. Device for exhaust gas suction;
  • 15. Cabinet for tools and equipment;

Specialized post SPP-6 TR for engine power supply system devices

  • 1. Bath for washing parts;
  • 2. Metalworking workbench;
  • 4. Set of wrenches,
  • 5. Chest for cleaning materials;
  • 6. Mobile station for a car repairman or carburetor mechanic;
  • 7. Device for checking plunger pairs;
  • 8. Testing device fuel pumps carburetor engines;
  • 9. Device for checking the fuel pump and filters;
  • 10. Device for checking injectors;
  • 11. Universal rack;
  • 12. Cutlery table:
  • 13. Recoil stop.
  • 14. Device for exhaust gas suction;
  • 15. Cabinet for tools and equipment;

Specialized post for replacing SPP-7 frames

  • 2. Oil dispenser;
  • 3. Crane beam;
  • 4. Oil distribution tank;
  • 5. Auto repair kit;
  • 6. Lift;
  • 7. Lift;
  • 8. Mobile mechanic's station -
  • 9. Rack for units;
  • 10. Rack for frames;
  • 11. Rack for components and parts;
  • 12. Exhaust gas suction device
  • 13. Coolant drain device
  • 14. Device for draining used oils
  • 15. Bath for washing parts;
  • 16. Metalworking workbench;
  • 17. Engine grip;
  • 18. Grip for cabins;
  • 19. Platform grip;
  • 20. Chest for cleaning materials;
  • 21. Transitional bridge;

from capsizing;

  • 22. Pneumatic impact wrench on suspension,
  • 23. Cabin stand;
  • 24. Platform stand;
  • 25. Welding machine;
  • 26. Universal rack;
  • 27. Recoil stop;
  • 28. Device for holding bridges

Special post SP-1 for engine replacement

  • 1. Anti-recoil stop.
  • 2. Bath for washing parts;
  • 3. Metalworking workbench;
  • 4. Engine grip;
  • 5. Oil dispenser;
  • 6. Set of keys;
  • 7. Crane beam;
  • 8. Chest for cleaning materials;
  • 9. Footrest;
  • 10. Mobile post for a car repairman;
  • 11. Torque handle;
  • 12. Rack for engines;
  • 13. Universal rack;
  • 14. Device for disconnecting and holding the gearbox;
  • 15. Device for exhaust gas suction;
  • 16. Device for draining used oils;
  • 17. Coolant drain device;
  • 18. Cabinet for tools and equipment;
  • 19. Mobile overpass for repairs;

Special post SP-2, SP-3 for replacing units rear suspension cars

  • 1. Metalworking workbench;
  • 4. Lift;
  • 5. Rack for springs;
  • 6. Universal rack;
  • 7. Recoil stop
  • 8. Device for dismantling and installing springs:
  • 9. Cabinet for tools and equipment;

Special post SP-4, SP-5 for replacing clutches and gearboxes

  • 12. Anti-recoil stop.
  • 1. Metalworking workbench;
  • 2. Mobile track bridge;
  • 3. Chest for cleaning materials;
  • 4. Oil dispenser;
  • 5. Monorail with hoist;
  • 6. Universal rack;
  • 7. Rack for clutches and gearboxes;
  • 8. Trolley for transporting gearboxes and clutches;
  • 10. Special device for disconnecting the gearbox;

Special post SP-6 for replacement rear axles and gearboxes for GAZ, ZIL vehicles

  • 1. Metalworking workbench;
  • 2. Impact wrench for the spring ladder nuts;
  • 3. Multi-spindle suspended impact wrench for wheel nuts and hub flanges,
  • 4. Cassette for wheels;
  • 5. Console crane;
  • 7. Oil distribution tank;
  • 8. Lift;
  • 9. Bridge rack;
  • 10. Universal rack;
  • 11. Trolley for removing and installing wheels;
  • 12. Anti-recoil stop.

Special post SP-7 for replacing gearboxes of KamAZ vehicles

  • 1. Metalworking workbench;
  • 2. Multi-spindle impact wrench for hub flange nuts
  • 3. Crane beam;
  • 4. Chest for cleaning materials;
  • 5. Oil distribution tank;
  • 6. Pneumatic impact wrench on suspension,
  • 7. Rack for gearboxes;
  • 8. Universal rack;
  • 9. Anti-recoil stop.
  • 10. Device for draining used oils.
  • 11. Cabinet for tools and equipment,

Special post SP-8 for replacing rear and middle axles of KamAZ vehicles

  • 1. Metalworking workbench;
  • 2. Multi-spindle suspended impact wrench for wheel nuts;
  • 4. Cassette for wheels;
  • 5. Track bridge;
  • 6. Chest for cleaning materials;
  • 7. Oil distribution tank;
  • 8. Monorail with hoist;
  • 9. Mobile lift;
  • 10. Bridge rack;
  • 11. Universal rack;
  • 12. Device for draining used oils;
  • 13. Device for holding the car suspended
  • 14. Cabinet for tools and equipment;

Special post SP-9 for replacing front axles and beams

  • 1. Metalworking workbench;
  • 2. Multi-spindle suspended wheel nut wrench,
  • 3. Multi-spindle impact wrench for stepladder nuts;
  • 4. Cassette for wheels; chest for cleaning materials;
  • 5. Monorail with hoist;
  • 6. Mobile lift;
  • 7. Rack for front axles and beams;
  • 8. Universal rack;
  • 9. Trolley for removing and installing wheels;
  • 10. Recoil stop.
  • 11. Installation for pressing out pins
  • 12. Cabinet for tools and equipment;

Special post SP-10 for replacing steering units

  • 1. Bath for washing parts;
  • 2. Metalworking workbench;
  • 3. Chest for cleaning materials;
  • 4. Lubrication pump;
  • 5. Mobile car mechanic station;
  • 6. Steering tester;
  • 7. Universal rack;
  • 8. Anti-recoil stop.
  • 9. Device for draining used oils;

Special post SP -11 TR brake systems with hydraulic drive

  • 1. Metalworking workbench;
  • 2. Impact wrench for wheel nuts;
  • 3. Cassette for wheels;
  • 4. Chest for cleaning materials;
  • 5. Truck lift;
  • 6. Universal rack;
  • 7. Trolley for removing and installing wheels;
  • 8. Anti-recoil stop.
  • 9. Installation for filling and bleeding brakes;
  • 10. Cabinet for tools and equipment;

Special post SP-12 TR for brake systems of KamAZ vehicles

  • 1. Metalworking workbench;
  • 2. Impact wrench for wheel nuts;
  • 3. Wheel cassette
  • 4. Chest for cleaning materials;
  • 5. Lift;
  • 6. Device for testing the pneumatic drive of car brakes;
  • 7. Universal rack;
  • 8. Trolley for removing and installing wheels;
  • 9. Anti-recoil stop.
  • 10. Device for pumping receivers with compressed air;

Special post SP-13 for replacing cabs and platforms of KamAZ vehicles

  • 1. Metalworking workbench;
  • 2. Grip for cabins;
  • 3. Platform grip;
  • 4. Crane beam;
  • 5. Chest for cleaning materials;
  • 6. Rack for cabins and platforms;
  • 7. Trolley for moving cabins and platforms;
  • 8. Emphasis
  • 9. Cabinet for tools and equipment;

Special post for replacing the CPG of SP-14 engines

  • 1. Anti-recoil stop.
  • 2. Bath for washing parts;
  • 3. Metalworking workbench;
  • 4. Oil dispensing column;
  • 5. Picking trolley;
  • 6. Chest for cleaning materials;
  • 7. Mobile station for an auto repairman;
  • 8. Suspension-mounted pneumatic impact wrench;
  • 9. Footrest;
  • 10. Lift;
  • 11. Universal rack;
  • 12. Device for exhaust gas suction;
  • 13. Device for draining used oils;
  • 14. Cabinet for tools and equipment;
  • 15. Mobile overpass for repairs;

Special post SP-15 TR and adjustment of ignition system devices

  • 1. Metalworking workbench;
  • 2. Chest for cleaning materials;
  • 3. Mobile auto electrician's station;
  • 4. Device for welding electrical equipment of cars;
  • 5. Device for checking and cleaning spark plugs;
  • 6. Device for testing circuit breakers;
  • 7. Universal rack;
  • 8. Mobile electronic stand;
  • 9. Cutlery table;
  • 10. Recoil stop;
  • 11. Device for exhaust gas suction;
  • 12. Cabinet for tools and equipment;

Special post SP-16 TR for power supply system devices

carburetor engines

  • 1. Bath for washing parts;
  • 2. Metalworking workbench;
  • 3. A set of tools for a carburetor adjuster;
  • 4. Chest for cleaning materials;

by car;

  • 5. Mobile carburetor mechanic station
  • 6. Device for testing fuel pumps of carburetor engines
  • 7. Universal rack;
  • 8. Anti-recoil stop.
  • 11. Cabinet for tools and equipment;

Special post SP-17 TR for diesel engine power system devices

  • 1. Bath for washing parts;
  • 2. Metalworking workbench;
  • 3. Chest for cleaning materials;
  • 4. Mobile station for a diesel mechanic;
  • 5. Device for checking plunger pairs;
  • 6. Device for checking the fuel pump and filters;
  • 7. Device for checking injectors;
  • 8. Universal rack;
  • 9. Anti-recoil stop.
  • 10. Device for exhaust gas suction;
  • 11. Cabinet for tools and equipment;

Special post SP-18 for replacing KamAZ vehicle frames

  • 1. Crane beam;
  • 2. Lift;
  • 3. Impact wrench for stepladder nuts;
  • 4. Mobile mechanic's station -
  • 5. Oil dispenser;
  • 6. Oil distribution tank;
  • 7. Device for draining waste

low oils;

8. Device for draining cooling


9. Device for exhaust suction

free gases;

  • 10. Rack for components and parts;
  • 11. Rack for units;
  • 12. Rack for frames;
  • 13. Rack for cabins;
  • 14. Bath for washing parts;
  • 15. Metalworking workbench;
  • 16. Engine grip;
  • 17. Cabin grip:
  • 18. Platform grip;
  • 19. Chest for cleaning materials;
  • 20. Transitional bridge;

Pneumatic impact wrench on suspension

  • 21. Welding machine;
  • 22. Platform rack;
  • 23. Universal rack;
  • 24. Recoil stop;
  • 25. Device for holding bridges

from capsizing;

26. Cabinet for tools and equipment;

Special post SP-19 for replacing frames of GAZ, ZIL vehicles

  • 1. Impact wrench for stepladder nuts;
  • 2. Impact wrench for stepladder nuts;
  • 3. Oil dispenser;
  • 4. Oil dispensing column;
  • 5. Crane beam;
  • 6. Crane beam;
  • 7. Oil distribution tank;
  • 8. Cabin stand;
  • 9. Lift;
  • 10. Lift;
  • 11. Mobile mechanic's station -
  • 12. Mobile mechanic's station -
  • 13. Rack for units;
  • 14. Rack for frames;
  • 15. Rack for components and parts;
  • 16. Device for exhaust suction

low gases

17. Device for draining cooling


18. Device for draining waste

low oils;

  • 19. Rack for components and parts;
  • 20. Rack for units;
  • 21. Rack for frames;
  • 22. Cabin stand;
  • 23. Platform stand;
  • 24. Metalworking workbench;
  • 25. Cabinet for tools and equipment;
  • 26. Bath for washing parts;
  • 27. Universal rack;
  • 28. Chest for cleaning materials;
  • 29. Device for holding bridges

from capsizing;

  • 30. Grip for cabins;
  • 31. Gripper for engines;
  • 32. Platform grip;
  • 33. Welding machine;
  • 34. Pneumatic impact wrench on suspension;
  • 35. Recoil stop.

Engine shop

  • 1. Metalworking workbench;
  • 2. Crane - beam.
  • 3. Chest for cleaning materials;
  • 4. Fire extinguisher;
  • 5. Engine stand;
  • 6. Device for checking and straightening connecting rods;
  • 7. A device for checking the elasticity of valve springs and piston rings;
  • 8. Device for heating pistons;
  • 9. Device for assembling a connecting rod with a piston;
  • 10. Device for removing and installing piston rings;
  • 11. Device for installing the piston into the block;
  • 12. Sink;
  • 13. Wooden grate for feet;
  • 14. Hand dryer;
  • 15. Mesh basket;
  • 16. Machine for grinding valves;
  • 17. Machine for boring engine cylinders;
  • 18. Machine for honing (polishing) engine cylinders;
  • 19. Valve grinding machine;
  • 20. Rack for storing oil and water pumps, compressors, fans, filters;
  • 21. Rack for storing instruments and accessories;
  • 22. Stand for testing oil pumps;
  • 23. Stand for running in and testing compressors;
  • 24. Stand for checking the tightness of engine blocks and cylinder heads;
  • 25. Stand for disassembling and reassembling engine cylinder heads;
  • 26. Stand for disassembling and reassembling engines;
  • 27. Stand for grinding crankshaft journals;
  • 28. Table;
  • 29. Chair;
  • 30. Tool cabinet;
  • 31. Installation for washing engines and parts;
  • 32. Cabinet for storing parts of the crank mechanism;
  • 33. Cabinet for storing parts of the gas distribution mechanism;
  • 34. Box with sand;

Engine running and testing department

  • 1. Fuel tank;
  • 2. Crane - beam;
  • 3. Fire extinguisher;
  • 4. Exhaust gas suction;
  • 5. Stand for running in and testing engines;
  • 6. Installation for cooling engines.

Aggregate shop

  • 1. Vertical drilling machine;
  • 2. Hydraulic press (40t);
  • 3. Sharpening machine;
  • 4. Chest for cleaning materials;
  • 5. Waste chest;
  • 6. Bench press;
  • 7. Fire extinguisher;
  • 8. Suspended crane - beam;
  • 9. Radial drilling machine;
  • 10. Sink;
  • 11. Hand dryer;
  • 12. Mechanic's workbench;
  • 13. Machine for boring brake drums and brake linings;
  • 14. Rack for parts;
  • 15. Racks, stands for components and assemblies;
  • 16. Stand for testing power steering;
  • 17. Stand for testing overlays after gluing;
  • 18. Stand for testing final drive gearboxes;
  • 19. Stand for riveting brake linings;
  • 20. Stand for gluing overlays;
  • 21. Stand for testing shock absorbers;
  • 22. Stand for testing pneumatic devices of brake systems;
  • 23. Stand for disassembling, assembling and adjusting the clutch;
  • 24. Stand for repair of hydraulic lifts (dump trucks);
  • 25. Repair stand cardan shafts and steering controls;
  • 26. Gearbox repair stand;
  • 27. Stand for bridge repair;
  • 28. Stand for repair of main gear reducers;
  • 29. Universal stand for testing gearboxes;
  • 30. Bedside table for appliances and tools;
  • 31. Bin for scrap metal;
  • 32. Installation for washing units;
  • 33. Box of sand.

Carburetor shop

  • 1. Bath for washing parts;
  • 2. Tabletop drilling machine;
  • 3. A device for checking the elasticity of fuel pump diaphragm springs;
  • 4. A device for checking jets and carburetor shut-off valves;
  • 5. A device for checking the maximum crankshaft speed limiters;
  • 6. Device for testing fuel pumps and carburetors;
  • 7. A device for testing fuel pumps on cars;
  • 8. Manual rack press;
  • 9. Sectional rack for storing carburetors;
  • 10. Electric sharpener;
  • 11. Workbench for disassembling and assembling carburetors;
  • 12. Chest for cleaning materials;
  • 13. Waste chest;
  • 14. Fire extinguisher;
  • 15. Pneumatic clamping device;
  • 16. Device for flaring tubes;
  • 17. Sink;
  • 18. Hand dryer.
  • 19. Cutlery table;
  • 20. Lift-and-swivel chair;
  • 21. Urn for non-ferrous metal;
  • 22. Cabinet for storing tools;
  • 23. Cabinet for storing materials and parts;
  • 24. Box with sand;

Fuel equipment workshop (diesels)

Electrical workshop

  • 1. Bench workbench (dielectric tabletop);
  • 2. Chest for cleaning materials;
  • 3. Tabletop drilling machine;
  • 4. Fire extinguisher;
  • 5. Oscilloscope;
  • 6. Device for cleaning and checking spark plugs;
  • 7. Device for testing instrumentation devices and sensors;
  • 8. Device for checking anchors;
  • 9. Sink;
  • 10. Rack hand press;
  • 11. Hand dryer;
  • 12. Machine for turning collectors and milling grooves between plates;
  • 13. Rack for storing electrical equipment;
  • 14. Stand for testing - breaker-distributor;
  • 15. Stand for testing the generator;
  • 16. Test stand for starter;
  • 17. Stand for disassembling and assembling generators and starters with a set of accessories
  • 18. Cutlery table;
  • 19. Office desk;
  • 20. Lift-and-swivel chair;
  • 21. Drying cabinet;
  • 22. Lathe;
  • 23. Bedside table for storing tools;
  • 24. Installation for washing parts;
  • 25. Electric sharpener;
  • 26. Box with sand;

Battery section

  • 1. Tank for distilled water;
  • 2. Workbench for battery repair;
  • 3. Container for preparing electrolyte;
  • 4. Charger;
  • 5. Air driven crane
  • 6. Garbage chest;
  • 7. Chest for cleaning materials;
  • 8. Tabletop drilling machine;
  • 9. Fire extinguisher;
  • 10. Equipment stand;
  • 11. Device for filling electrolyte;
  • 12. A device for draining electrolyte from the battery and neutralizing it;
  • 13. Probe for checking the battery;
  • 14. Sink;
  • 15. Hand dryer;
  • 16. Rack for storing batteries;
  • 17. Trolley for transporting batteries;
  • 18. Bin for scrap metal;
  • 19. Fume hood for melting lead and mastic;
  • 20. Cabinet for charging batteries;
  • 21. Cabinet for instruments and fixtures;
  • 22. Rack for acid bottles;
  • 23. Electrodiscillator;
  • 24. Electric crucible for melting mastic;
  • 25. Electric crucible for melting lead
  • 26. Box with sand;

Mednitsky workshop

  • 1. Metalworking workbench;
  • 2. Air driven crane
  • 3. Chest for used cleaning materials;
  • 4. Garbage chest;
  • 5. Chest for clean cleaning materials;
  • 6. Fire extinguisher;
  • 7. Bench stand for soldering irons;
  • 8. Device for flaring and bending tubes;
  • 9. Sink;
  • 10. Hand dryer;
  • 11. Rack for storing radiators and fuel tanks;
  • 12. Rack for storing tubes;
  • 13. Stand for repair and testing of radiators;
  • 14. Bin for scrap metal;
  • 15. Installation for steaming and washing fuel tanks;
  • 16. Fume hood for electric crucibles;
  • 17. Electric muffle furnace for heating soldering irons;
  • 18. Electric crucible for melting metals;

19. Box with sand;

Tire shop

Vulcanization shop

Painting shop

  • 1. Workbench for painting work;
  • 2. Funnels for paints, primers and solvents;
  • 3. Hydrofilter with centrifugal pump for air purification
  • 4. Spray gun;
  • 5. Red pressure tank
  • 6. Metal mugs;
  • 7. Chest for rags;
  • 8. Oil and moisture separator;
  • 9. Fire extinguisher;
  • 10. Spray booth (for passenger cars);
  • 11. Sink;
  • 12. Hand dryer;
  • 13. Rack for storing materials;
  • 14. Rack for storing fixtures and equipment;
  • 15. Chair;
  • 16. Thermoradiation reflectors (in the absence of a drying chamber);
  • 17. Waste bin;
  • 18. Installation for airless spraying;
  • 19. Installation for applying anti-corrosion mastic;
  • 20. Installation for preparing paints (composing colors);
  • 21. Cabinet for storing paints;
  • 22. Box of sand.

Wallpaper shop

Forging and spring shop

Welding and tin shop

Basic information, elements of the technological map (TC):

1. List of works

2. Technical requirements

3. Tools, equipment

4. Operating materials (brand, volume)

5. Standard time (person-min.)

6. Diagram, drawing or photograph

7. Control points

Technological map (Table 1).

Type of examination:

Daily maintenance of a sedan car: NISSAN PRIMERA brands

Performer: car owner.

Table 1. Flow chart for daily vehicle maintenance

Name of the procedure (operation)

Technical requirements, instructions, notes (diagnostic signs)

Tool, equipment, device

Operating materials (brand, volume)

Standard time (person/min.)

Diagram, drawing or photograph

Control points

Daily external inspection of the car body

Checking for chips and scratches

Checking the proper condition of all doors

Make sure the door latches are working properly

by opening/closing

Checking the reliability of opening and closing the engine compartment hood

Make sure all latches lock securely. Make sure the second latch prevents the hood from closing when the primary latch is lowered.

by opening/closing

Visual inspection of the engine compartment

Checking for traces of oil, brake and coolant leaks


Checking the windshield washer fluid

Check if there is enough fluid in the washer reservoir


Checking the engine coolant level

On a cold engine, check the coolant level.


The coolant level should be at the max mark

Checking the engine oil level

Remove the dipstick from the engine, wipe it with a dry cloth and reinsert it completely into the same place. Now take it out and check the oil level.

Oil dipstick, rag

The level should be between the max and min marks.

Checking the fluid level in the power steering reservoir

Unscrew the reservoir cap and check the fluid level


The level should be between the max and min marks

Check the condition of the pipelines

Pay attention to the tightness of the fitting nuts, signs of leakage and the presence of cracks


Checking the brake fluid level and working fluid hydraulic clutch

Make sure that the brake fluid level is between the min and max marks, which are marked on the wall of the master cylinder barrel and the clutch hydraulic reservoir.


The brake fluid level should be at the max mark

Examination battery

Check the electrolyte level in each battery section


The electrolyte level should be between the min and max marks

Daily external inspection luggage compartment car

Checking the proper condition of all doors, including the trunk lid

Make sure that the trunk lid latches are working properly

by opening/closing

Checking the presence of a spare wheel, jack, wheel wrench, pump


Checking the driver's bag


Daily inspection of car tires


Check for cuts, damage, or excessive wear

Carefully check for damage or signs of heavy wear.


Checking tire pressure

Visually or using a pressure gauge

pressure gauge MD-214 GOST 9921

2.0-2.3 kg/cm2

Daily inspection of lighting devices

Checking headlights, brake lights, side lights, turn signals

Check the reliability of fastening and serviceability of all lighting devices


Daily inspection of windshield wiper blades

Checking the wiper blades

Check the quality of glass cleaning, inspect the brushes, pay attention to the presence of cracks and signs of wear on the rubber elements


Total daily service- 20 person-min.

Page 1

The final labor intensity of the VAZ-2110 is 5.04 man hours.

Title and content of the work

Place of work

Number of locations or service points

Labor intensity

Devices, tools, fixtures, model, type

Technical requirements and instructions

General inspection of the vehicle (0.43 Person hour)

Inspect the car, check the condition of the body, glass, tail, license plates, paint, door mechanisms.

Top, salon


License plates must be legible, doors close tightly, and glass must not be cracked.

Check the operation of the windshield wipers, the windshield washer and the windshield defogger and heating device (in winter)


The windshield wiper blades must fit snugly along the entire length of the edge to the surface of the windshield and move without jamming or stopping. During operation, the brushes should not touch the seal. The glass washing device must be in good working order and wash the entire glass surface evenly

Check the condition and operation of interior lighting devices


Interior lighting must respond to door openings and be turned on mechanically

Check the condition and operation of the door and hood opening mechanisms; if necessary, remove them to check the condition of the parts


Doors, hood and trunk lid should open without jamming or excessive noise

Engine (1.3 Person hours)

Inspect the tightness of the engine cooling system and heating system.

Engine, bottom, interior


Coolant leakage in the pipes and radiator is not allowed.

Coolant leakage can be eliminated by tightening the nuts, clamps or replacing individual elements details

Check the fastening of the radiator and its lining


Key 10 by 12

Loosening of fasteners is not allowed

Check the fastening of the fan and water pump


Key 10 by 12

Loosening of fastenings is not allowed

Check the condition and tension of the drive belt.


Keys 17 and 13

Tighten loose belts, pressure force 100 N, deflection 10-15mm

Inspect the tightness of the lubrication system.



Oil leakage at the mounting points of the oil filter and crankcase is not allowed.

Check the fastening of the covers camshaft and toothed belt tension

See Attachment

See Attachment.

Check the fastening of the muffler pipes.


Exhaust gas system tightness

Check the fastening of the engine oil pan


No smudges

Check the condition and fastening of the engine mounts.

Above, below


The supports must not be deformed and transmit vibration to the body

Motor, bottom

Visually, oil dispenser

Change of oil

Clutch(0.15 person hour)

Check the action of the tension spring, free and full travel, pedals, operation


Below and interior

Ruler, keys 12, 13

Liquid leakage is not allowed. The full pedal travel is 120-130 mm, adjustable with a nut on the clutch fork.

Gearbox(0.14 person hour)

Inspect the condition and tightness of the gearbox


Oil leakage is not allowed

Check the operation and fastening of the gear shift mechanism; if necessary, secure the gearbox and its components


there should be no extraneous sounds; spontaneous gear shifting is not allowed

Steering (0.45 person hour)

Check and, if necessary, adjust the angles of the front wheels; if necessary, carry out static and dynamic wheel balancing

Stand SKO-1

See Attachment

Check the fastening of the steering gear housing and steering column

Keys, 12,13,14

Tighten loose bolts

Check the play of the steering and steering rod joints

Below and interior

Visually, the torque wrench is 22 mm.

The steering wheel play should not exceed 5 degrees (18-20mm). There should be no extraneous noise. The stroke and rotation should be smooth. Steering wheel nut tightening torque 31-50 N

Check the fastening of the ball stud nuts


Cotter pinning with wire is unacceptable, tightening torque 66-82 N

Front wheel drives, condition of ball joint and top support

See Attachment

Replacing faulty elements

Check the mounting of the anti-roll bar


Tightening if necessary or replacing faulty parts

Brake system(0.43 person hour)

Check the condition and tightness of the connections of the brake system pipelines


Brake fluid leakage is not allowed. Check the tightness of the brake chamber and pipe connections by pressing the brake pedal 2-3 times. The work must be carried out by two performers

Check the fastening of the brake valve and its drive parts



Check the condition of brake drums and discs, pads, linings, springs

Up and down


Pad wear should not exceed 1.5-2 mm

Check the fastening of the rear wheel brake support plates



Check the operation of the brake booster, the amount of free and working travel of the brake pedal; if necessary, add fluid to the main brake cylinders; If air gets into the hydraulic drive system, remove air from the system

Engine, bottom and interior

See Attachment

See Attachment

Check the serviceability of the drive and the operation of the parking brake

Below and interior

Key for 13

Number of handbrake clicks from 4-5

Suspension, wheels (0.44 person hour)

Check the tightness of the shock absorbers, the condition and fastening of their bushings


Check condition, tighten if necessary

Check status rims and wheel mounting, tire condition and air pressure in them; remove foreign objects stuck in the tread


There should be no visible damage and extraneous noise and knocks

Body(0.24 person hour)

Check the condition of ventilation and heating systems, as well as door seals.


If damage to the seals is detected, replace

Check the condition of the special anti-corrosion coating and paint of the body. If necessary, clean corrosion areas and apply a protective coating.


Repair damage

Food system (0.16 person hour)

Check the fastening and tightness of fuel tanks and pipeline connections

Motor, bottom


Fuel leakage is not allowed, tighten loose fasteners

Check the operation of the drive, the completeness of opening and closing of the throttle and air dampers


Key 10 and screwdriver

The damper should move without jamming and should open and close completely.

Rechargeable battery(0.3 person hour)

Check the condition of the battery by electrolyte density and cell voltage under load


Hydrometer, load fork

Under load, the charge ranges from 13.5 to 14.4V, the electrical density is 1.27-1.29

Check the condition and fastening of the electrical wires connecting the battery to ground and the external circuit, as well as the fastening of the battery in the socket


Rags, 10% solution of ammonia or soda ash

The leads and tips of the wires must be free of oxides and lubricated. Tighten loose bolts

Generator, starter (0.24 person hour)

Inspect and, if necessary, clean the outer surface of the generator and starter from dust, dirt and oil


Degreaser, rags, compressed air source

Replace worn brushes

Check the mounting of the generator and starter


Keys. 17 and 13


Check the fastening of the generator pulley


Head 17


Ignition devices (0.23 person hour)

Check the condition and, if necessary, clean the surface of the ignition coil, low and low wires. high voltage from dust, dirt, oil.


Gasoline, rags

Replace damaged wires

Remove spark plugs and replace


Spark plug wrench 21 mm

New candles

Lighting and alarm devices (0.28 person hour)

Check fastening and operation rear lights and brake light, direction indicators, instrument panel lamps and horn

Top and interior


Checking connectors, replacing light bulbs

Check the installation, fastening and operation of the headlights; adjust the direction of the headlights' luminous flux

Top and interior

Device K310, visually

Adjusting the luminous flux

Lubrication and cleaning work (0.48 person hour)

Lubricate door hinges, door keyholes, and rubbing areas of the door opener.

Motor and top

Friction units

Oil dispenser, syringe

Lubricate components and assemblies

Change the oil in the engine crankcase and replace the filter element of the fine oil filter


The oil level is set between min and max

Clean the breathers and add oil to the car crankcases

Motor and bottom

Rags, funnel with extension tube

The level is set at the max mark for lubrication of 5th gear

Replace the engine air filter element


crosshead screwdriver

Replace filter

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Modern development of production places increased demands on the maintenance of the infrastructure of industrial enterprises. These include ensuring a continuous production process, introducing design and technological improvements to finished products, reducing the time required for manufacturing products and carrying out repair work, increasing the efficiency of spending fixed and working capital of the enterprise. A systematic analysis of manufacturing companies reveals two opposing trends: enterprises are introducing more and more new types of work, and at the same time, the qualifications of personnel are increasingly decreasing.

As a result, the capacity of the tasks being performed often exceeds the capacity of the workers. This directly leads to a decrease in productivity, deterioration in the quality of work and the occurrence of emergency situations, which can lead not only to equipment failure, but also to industrial accidents. And if a drop in productivity and quality is fraught with material losses, then a deterioration in the level of safety jeopardizes the activity of the enterprise as a whole.

To ensure compliance with increased requirements for infrastructure maintenance, enterprises create specialized units within their boundaries, and also attract specialized organizations to perform certain types of work. But, as practice shows, simply changing the staffing structure or attracting contractors is not enough to improve productivity and safety during work. Solving these problems requires the use of a number of special effective tools, one of which is technological maps that determine the order of performing standardized operations of the technological process.

What does the technological map contain?

A technological map is a unified document intended for enterprise employees engaged in the repair or maintenance of production equipment. The map contains a list of necessary equipment, tools and sets of personal protective equipment, a list of labor protection instructions. It specifies the sequence, frequency and rules for performing operations, types and quantities Supplies, time standards, material costs, as well as regulatory documents used in assessing the quality of work.

Technological maps are developed with the aim of systematizing and increasing the safety of the production process by streamlining the actions of personnel in repair processes or technological services equipment. Their implementation also contributes to solving problems of determining and optimizing material and technical costs per unit of product or service.

Benefits of implementation technological maps

The development of technological maps allows the company to obtain the full amount of information necessary for the high-quality and safe organization of the production process, replenishing the lack of knowledge about innovations in the field of equipment, technology for its repair and maintenance.

As practice shows, the use of technological maps helps reduce the rate of equipment wear by 15-20%, while repair costs are reduced by 13-14%, and the labor intensity of work is reduced by 16%. Compliance with the instructions set out in the documents ensures trouble-free operation of the equipment throughout the entire period between scheduled repairs and significantly reduces the risks of emergency situations and unscheduled shutdowns of the production process.

In addition, the surveys carried out during preparation make it possible to further plan the timing and costs of periodic repair and maintenance work, increase production efficiency and reduce the time required for scheduled repairs.

The presence of a technological map greatly simplifies the preparation of production schedules, preparation of planning and economic documentation, personnel training and systematization of the work of the supply service.

The introduction of technological maps contributes to a systematic reduction in the costs of repair and maintenance of equipment, providing significantly lower costs of funds and resources in comparison with the costs of technical re-equipment and reorganization of the production structure.

A challenge for professionals

When starting to develop technological maps, you must first familiarize yourself in detail with the objectives of the enterprise and its capabilities in terms of equipment, tools, personnel and logistics. Often, enterprises, trying to minimize costs, prefer to entrust this work to full-time technical employees. At the same time, they forget about the importance of a professional approach and familiarity with innovations in the field of industry quality and safety standards, which only a specialized organization can guarantee.

It is often beneficial to entrust the development of technological maps to external organizations. with a high level of competence in this area. In particular, it can provide services for the development of technological maps for enterprises in any industry. The preparation and transfer of documentation to the customer can be done either in standard paper form or using specialized software.

Involving our specialists has a number of advantages compared to independent development:

  • objective and impartial assessment of opportunities and prospects by independent experts;
  • access to regularly updated professional databases of regulatory documentation, equipment, tools and materials;
  • regular retraining and training of personnel in connection with the emergence of new technologies and solutions;
  • interest of company specialists in achieving results.

An additional advantage of cooperation with our company is our rich practical experience in the field of maintaining the infrastructure of industrial enterprises, introducing innovative technologies and modernizing technological processes.

Over the course of several years, we have been developing our competencies in cooperation with the largest enterprises in the engineering, chemical, petrochemical and metallurgical industries. The company's experience allows us to talk about a real reduction in labor costs when using technological maps.

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