Description of the greenfinch mushroom, benefits and harms, how to eat it. What they look like and where they grow. Poisonous greenfinches.

At the beginning of autumn, when the bulk of the mushrooms have already stopped bearing fruit, the time for greenfinches comes. Mushroom pickers know that in the fall, the “mushroom hunt” can not be completed, but also hunt for greenfinches, sulphur and russula.

Greenfinches belong to the row family. Green rows are called green rows or zelenushkas, and gray rows are called green rows.

Greenfinch mushrooms: photo and description

These edible mushrooms are nicknamed green mushrooms because of their characteristic green color, which remains even after cooking and pickling. Many people are scared off by this poisonous color, but green flowers are quite a useful product.

By their appearance, green mushrooms can be easily distinguished from gray mushrooms and other mushrooms. The cap of young rows is smooth, with a small tubercle in the center. The younger the mushroom, the lighter the color of its cap. Experienced mushroom pickers know how to determine how long a row has been growing. In young mushrooms, the cap is colored in yellow-olive tones, in mature ones it is more saturated and dark. There are sometimes brown spots in the middle of the cap. The edges of the cap can be either raised up or down.

When the mushroom breaks white flesh is visible. The plates on the back of the cap are thin and frequent. The stem of the row is somewhat lighter than the cap and is often hidden in the ground. Greenfinch is quite rarely wormy, and there is practically no taste. The same goes for smell. It is barely perceptible and resembles the smell of cucumber or flour.

When cutting a greenfinch, hold its base. It is better to immediately cut off the stem with adhering soil and throw it away; be sure to clean the mushrooms. It is also necessary to clean the cap, carefully separating the leaves and needles with a knife.

How they grow and when to collect

The rows are growing mainly in coniferous forests, sometimes mixed. Can be found along roadsides. They prefer sandy and sandy loam soil. They grow singly or in groups of 5-8 pieces. Thanks to this property, in a small area of ​​forest you can collect a whole basket of rows in a fairly short time. These mushrooms hide under foliage or pine needles, burrowing into the ground right under the cap, especially with the onset of cold weather.

Distributed throughout Russia. The growth period is from August to November, before the onset of cold weather. When other mushrooms have already stopped bearing fruit, greenfinches continue to grow actively.

Greenfinch mushrooms: recipes

Prepare greenfinches possible in any way: boil, fry, pickle, salt, dry, freeze. They are consumed only in cooked form. Before cooking and salting, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the mushrooms from dirt, leaves and needles, and rinse well. It is better to pickle and salt young rows; mature ones can be dried or eaten immediately by frying or boiling them. When boiled and pickled, mushrooms acquire a rich green color; when salted, they remain approximately the same color, and when dried, their taste becomes stronger.

Recipe No. 1: Pickled greenfinches


  • greenfinches;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • table salt;
  • vinegar.

Preparation. As seasonings, you can add cloves, allspice, black peppercorns, and cinnamon. First, wash the greenfinches, soak them and clean them of dirt. Cook the mushrooms for about 30 minutes. If the greenbushes sank to the bottom of the container, they were cooked.

The marinade is prepared separately. The proportions are as follows: for 1 liter of water 5-10 black peppercorns, 1.5-2 tbsp. l. salt, 1-2 cloves, 4-6 allspice peas, cinnamon - on the tip of a knife. Place the cooked rows in a colander and place in jars. Pour over the marinade and add vinegar per 1 liter of marinade, 1-1.5 tsp. vinegar. Close the jars with plastic lids; under no circumstances seal the containers tightly. Store in the refrigerator.

Recipe No. 2: Fried mushrooms with potatoes and sour cream


Preparation. Before frying greenfinches, they must be boiled. This is done after thoroughly cleaning the mushrooms from dirt. They cook for about 30 minutes. After cooking, drain the water, cool the mushrooms and cut them. Place finely chopped onion in a preheated frying pan, sauté until translucent, then add green mushrooms. Season the dish with sour cream and simmer for 10-15 minutes under the lid. Mushrooms can be served with either mashed potatoes or fried potatoes.

Recipe No. 3: Greenfinch soup


  • 500 g potatoes;
  • 500 g greens;
  • 0.5 cups sour cream;
  • 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice;
  • butter;
  • bay leaf, salt and pepper.

Preparation . Thoroughly clean the green flowers, rinse, cut into not large, but not too small pieces (the product will shrink during heat treatment). Fry the mushrooms in oil for 15 minutes. Peel the potatoes, cut into cubes and throw into boiling water. Boil the potatoes for 15 minutes, then add the fried greens. Continue cooking the soup for another 10 minutes. At this time, mix sour cream with lemon juice and pour into the soup. When the water starts to boil, turn off the stove. Don't forget to salt and pepper the soup. You can serve the dish by sprinkling it with fresh herbs.

Green mushrooms in cooked form are, of course, are a tasty and satisfying dish. However, this product should not be abused. Firstly, any mushrooms, and green mushrooms in particular, are difficult food for the stomach. People who have digestive problems should avoid eating this product altogether. Secondly, in some countries there have been many cases of Ryadovka poisoning. The main symptoms of poisoning: muscle weakness, cramps, stomach pain.

Greenfinch dishes will add variety to your usual diet. Just be sure to remember not to overuse them!

The greenfinch mushroom is quite common throughout our country. Very often mushroom pickers confuse it, especially at the initial stage of vegetative development.

Various scientific sources indicate the conditional edibility of this mushroom. However, most modern biologists agree that the substances that give the cap its characteristic green color are not destroyed during thermal exposure and can pose a toxic hazard to the human cardiovascular system.

In particular, as a result of long-term studies, the rheological property of these substances was revealed, which consisted of increasing the viscosity of the blood and filling it with platelets. This increases the risk of thrombosis and myocardial infarction in the short term. It is not without reason that it is believed that regular consumption of greenfinch for several years causes thrombophlebitis of the veins of the pelvis and lower extremities.

These toxins are practically not eliminated from the body. In large quantities, the urinary system can be paralyzed.

The fact that the greenfinch mushroom is not edible is also indicated by the fact that its pulp and stem are never affected by larvae. These representatives of the mushroom kingdom are not wormy.

Insects, when looking for a place to lay their eggs, identify the greenfinch as a potential danger to their offspring. You shouldn't risk your health and try to outsmart nature. Trust the knowledge and instincts of the insect world.

Photo and description of greenfinch

In the specialized literature, the greenfinch mushroom is described as tricholoma equestre. Belongs to the group of common tricholomas.

The Russian name comes from the characteristic appearance of the mushroom, which is distinguished by the bright green color of the outer surface of the cap. During cooking by heat treatment, this color is retained.

The photo below shows the greenfinch mushroom from different angles. We hope that this will allow you to study this representative in detail and avoid getting it into your basket during mushroom hunting.

In adulthood, the mushroom cap reaches 15 cm in diameter with a characteristic convex tubercle in the middle. As they grow older, scales appear in the center, which tightly cover the skin. The color is bright green, sometimes it may have a slightly yellowish tint. The larger the diameter of the cap, the richer the color.

It is distinguished by its short leg length, which can reach a maximum of 3 cm in adulthood. Quite dense and elastic, up to 2 cm in diameter.

The entire leg has a green or slightly yellowish outer color. When emerging from the ground, it may be covered with small, dense brown scales.

On the back side of the cap there are quite densely located plates that have a characteristic smell of fresh flour. The color of the plates ranges from lemon to yellow. The width of the plates can reach 1 cm, but at a young age they are more often up to 5 mm thick.

When the mushroom is cut or broken, white flesh is revealed. Over time, it acquires a yellow tint. This suggests that the structure of the entire fungus contains toxic substances, which upon contact with air quickly become aggressive and manifest their pathogenic properties.

Where and when does it grow?

In some areas of our country, the greenfinch mushroom is used for culinary processing. It is believed that in order to protect yourself from the effects of toxins, it is often enough to remove the skin from the cap. We dare to assure you that this is not true. Toxins are contained in all parts of this mushroom. It is not recommended to eat the greenfinch mushroom in any form due to little knowledge of the biological and chemical composition of this species.

Most mushrooms of the Ryadovka family are edible. But there are also poisonous specimens.

The habitat of these mushrooms is coniferous forests. But, as many mushroom pickers note, the mushroom is found near farms, in pastures, etc. That is, in those places where there is a lot of fertilizer. And there doesn’t have to be trees or sandy soil nearby.

Row mushrooms are marinated, fried, boiled, dried. Before use, first remove the film from the surface.

In this article we will tell you what edible row mushrooms are, provide a description of each type and its photo.

Lilac-legged rower

This type of rowing is better known as bluelegs. That's what people called her. This mushroom is perhaps one of the most delicious of the rowan family. Its pulp is dense and fleshy. The color of the leg is purple. Mushrooms grow huge. When fully ripe, often the caps simply begin to burst due to size.

Row red

This name is rarely used. More often, it is called pine honey fungus. This is a conditionally edible mushroom. They are collected only when they are young. Every day the fruit tastes more and more disgusting.

The pulp is lemon-colored and very dense. The taste is not perfect. There is some bitterness. Also, the fruit smells like some kind of rotten stump.

Row yellow

Very rare. The cap is straight, a small tubercle is barely noticeable. The color is yellow-brownish. This species has narrow plates, set close to each other. The stem, when compared with the size of the cap, is unnaturally thin and short. The inside of the leg is completely empty.

Like red, it has a bitter aftertaste.

Gray row

The gray mushroom may initially seem poisonous. Especially when she is young, it seems that the mushroom is inedible. But this is just the first impression. In fact, it tastes better than yellow and red.

Young gray rowers have convex caps, which is why they slightly resemble toadstools. But as they grow older, the caps level out and become flat.

The pulp has a grayish tint, but fruits with yellowish “meat” are often found.

Poplar row

If the leaves fall on the trees, it will be very difficult to find her. The color of the cap and stem is terracotta. At the same time, the edges remain light. The surface is covered with mucus, somewhat reminiscent of an oil can. The pulp is white and has a dense structure.

May row

A beautiful white mushroom with a small cap (about 5 centimeters). It is made in the shape of a mound. The young fruit has a light cream color. Gradually, it changes to white. The pulp is light, the structure is dense. The plates fit tightly to each other. Initially they are white in color, but as the mushroom ages, the color changes to cream.

The row is crowded

The name itself suggests that this variety grows in heaps. This is one of the rare species whose legs stick together so tightly that sometimes it is simply impossible to separate them from each other. The sizes of the caps vary between 5-12 centimeters. Moreover, in one “family” there can be completely different fruits. Some with 12 cm hats, others with small 6 cm hats, etc.

The cap itself is smooth. The color is dirty brown. The older the fruit, the duller its shade. The crowded row is very tasty. Its flesh is elastic and has a delicate floury smell.

Earthy row

At a young age it has a conical cap. Gradually it straightens and becomes almost flat, leaving only a small bulge in the central part. It feels like silk, but over time the surface becomes covered with coarser scales. The color is gray or gray-brown. The pulp is dense. It does not have a particularly pronounced odor. And there is almost no taste. In Russia, this type of rowing has not received much recognition. In Europe, on the contrary, it is considered a real delicacy.

Green row

Popularly it received a simpler name - greenfinch. It received this name due to its unique color. Interestingly, even after cooking it remains the same green.

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The mushroom is fleshy and dense. The young fruit has a flat-convex cap type. Over time it begins to level out. But, as with the purple-legged type, the cap begins to burst and eventually it either cracks or takes on a straight-twisted shape.

The color is close to olive. The fruit is slimy to the touch.

All of the above mushrooms are absolutely edible. They are suitable for marinating, frying, boiling, and drying.

Ryadovka (tricholoma) is a mushroom that can be either edible or poisonous. Row mushrooms belong to the department Basidiomycetes, class Agaricomycetes, order Agariaceae, family Rowaceae, genus Row. Often the name “Ryadovka” is applied to other mushrooms from the family of Ryadovka and other families.

Row mushrooms got their name due to their ability to grow in large colonies arranged in long rows and witch circles.

Rows grow on poor sandy or calcareous soils of coniferous and mixed forests. They usually appear in late summer and bear fruit until frost. But there are also species that can be collected in the spring.

Mushrooms grow singly, in small or large groups, forming long rows or ring colonies - “witch circles”.

Row mushrooms: photos, types, names

The genus Ryadovka includes about 100 species of mushrooms, 45 of which grow in Russia. Below are the types of rows (from the row family and other families) with descriptions and photographs.

Edible rows, photo and description

  • Gray row (hatched row, pine pine, silver grass, green grass, gray sandpiper)(Tricholoma portentosum)

This is an edible mushroom. Common names: little mice, little mouse, little mouse. The fleshy cap of the serushka, with a diameter of 4 to 12 cm, is initially round, but over time it becomes flat and uneven, with a flattened tubercle in the middle. The smooth skin of old mushrooms cracks, and its color is mousey or dark gray, sometimes with a greenish or purple tint. The smooth leg has a height of 4 to 15 cm, is wider at the base, is covered with a powdery coating at the top, and becomes hollow over time. The color of the leg is whitish with a gray-yellow tint. The blades of this type of row are wide, sparse, initially white, and eventually turn yellow or gray. The dense whitish pulp of the serushka often turns yellow at the break and has a characteristic, weakly expressed, mealy taste and weak aroma.

The gray row mushroom is a mycorrhizal partner of pine, therefore it grows mainly in pine forests throughout the temperate zone, often adjacent to greenfinch. It appears in September and leaves only at the end of autumn (November).

  • Lilac-legged row (blue-legged, blue root, two-color row, lepista lilac) (Lepista personata, Lepista saeva)

An edible mushroom from the genus Lepista, family Ryadomaceae. This row can be distinguished by the purple color of the stem. The cap has a diameter of 6-15 cm (sometimes up to 25 cm) and a smooth yellowish-beige surface with a purple tint. The plates of the fungus are frequent, wide, yellowish or cream-colored. The stalk is 5-10 cm high and up to 3 cm thick. In young rows, a fibrous ring is clearly visible on the stalk. The fleshy pulp of two-color rows can be white, grayish or gray-violet with a mild sweetish taste and a light aroma of fruit.

Lilac-legged row mushrooms grow mainly in deciduous forests of the temperate zone with a predominance of ash. They are found throughout Russia. They bear fruit in large families, in a fruitful year - from mid-spring (April) until persistent frosts (November).

  • Earthy row (earthy row, ground row)(Tricholoma terreum)

Edible mushroom. In young mushrooms, the cap with a diameter of 3-9 cm has the shape of a cone, and over time it becomes almost flat with a sharp or not very pronounced tubercle in the middle. The silky-fibrous skin of the cap is usually mousey or gray-brown in color, although red-brown (brick-colored) specimens can be found. The stem of this type of row is 5-9 cm long and up to 2 cm thick, straight or curved with a screw, white, hollow in old mushrooms, with a yellowish lower part. The plates of the earthy row are sparse, uneven, white or with a grayish tint. The pulp is elastic, white, almost tasteless, with a faint floury odor.

The earthy row is in symbiosis with pine, therefore it grows only in coniferous forests of the European territory of Russia, in Siberia and the Caucasus. Row mushrooms bear fruit from August to mid-October.

  • Ryadovka Mongolian(Tricholoma mongolicum )

Edible mushroom with excellent taste. It has an appearance that is uncharacteristic for most rows. If it were not for the plates, an inexperienced mushroom picker might mistake the Mongolian mushroom for. The cap of young species has the shape of an egg or a hemisphere, and over time it becomes convex and outstretched with tucked edges. The white glossy skin of the cap becomes dull and off-white with age. On average, the diameter of the cap reaches 6-20 cm. The stem of the Mongolian row is 4-10 cm high, thick, widened at the base. Young mushrooms have a white stem, which becomes yellowish and hollow with age. The pulp of the mushroom is white, fleshy with a good taste and mushroom aroma.

Ryadovka Mongolian grows in Central Asia, Mongolia and western China. It bears fruit twice: the first time - from March to May, the second time - in mid-autumn. It grows in the steppes among grass, mainly in large groups, often forming “witch circles.” It is valued in Mongolia as the main type of mushroom and a medicinal product.

  • Matsutake (shod row, spotted row)(Tricholoma matsutake)

Translated from Japanese it means “pine mushroom” and is highly valued in Asian cuisine for its specific spicy-pine smell and delicious mushroom taste. The matsutake mushroom has a wide, silky cap with a diameter of 6 to 20 cm. The skin can be of different shades of brown; in old mushrooms, the surface cracks, and white flesh shines through it. The matsutake leg, from 5 to 20 cm long and 1.5-2.5 cm thick, holds firmly in the soil and is often inclined all the way to the ground. The leg of the spotted row is white at the top, brown underneath, and under the cap itself there is a membranous ring - the remains of a protective blanket. The matsutake plates are light, the flesh is white with a spicy cinnamon aroma.

The matsutake mushroom grows in Japan, China, Korea, Sweden, Finland, North America, Russia (Urals, Siberia, Far East). It is a mycorrhizal partner of coniferous trees: pine (including Japanese red) and fir. It is found in ring colonies under fallen leaves on dry, poor soils. Fruits from September to October.

  • Giant row (gigantic row, giant row, colossal row, huge row)(Tricholoma colossus)

Edible mushroom. The diameter of the giant row cap varies from 8 to 20 cm, and with age the hemispherical shape changes to a flat one with a raised edge. The skin of the cap is smooth, reddish-brown, with lighter edges. The elastic, straight leg with a tuberous seal at the base grows up to 5-10 cm in length and has a thickness of 2 to 6 cm. The upper part of the leg is white, in the center it is yellow or reddish-brown. The blades of the edible giant row are frequent, wide, white, and in old mushrooms they take on a brick color. The white pulp of the row mushroom turns red or yellow when damaged, has a pleasant mushroom aroma and a tart, nutty taste.

Giant rowers are mycorrhizal partners of pine, therefore they grow in pine forests in European countries, Russia, North Africa and Japan. Peak fruiting occurs in August and September.

  • Yellow-brown row (brown row, red-brown row, brown-yellow)(Tricholoma fulvum)

Edible mushroom, slightly bitter when cooked. The convex cap of young rows eventually acquires a flattened shape with a small tubercle in the middle. The skin is sticky and may be scaly in older mushrooms. The diameter of the cap of the yellow-brown row varies from 3 to 15 cm, the color of the cap is reddish-brown with a lighter edge. The mushroom stalk is straight or slightly thickened in the lower part, grows from 4 to 12 cm in height and has a thickness of up to 2 cm. The surface of the stalk is white on top, below it becomes yellowish-brown, penetrated by thin red-brown fibers. The plates are frequent or sparse, uneven, pale yellow, and in old mushrooms they are covered with brown spots. The pulp of the brown row is white or yellowish, has a characteristic mealy aroma and a bitter taste.

The yellow-brown row is in symbiosis only with birch, therefore it grows exclusively in deciduous and mixed forests of the temperate zone, especially abundantly in August and September.

  • Crowded row (lyophyllum crowded, group row)(Lyophyllum decastes)

An edible mushroom of low quality, it belongs to the genus Lyophyllum, the Lyophyllaceae family. One mushroom clump consists of fruiting bodies with different shapes. The caps are round, with a rolled edge, convex-spread or slightly concave. The diameter of the cap of this type of row varies from 4 to 12 cm. The smooth, sometimes scaly skin of the cap has a grayish, gray-brown or dirty white color, which becomes lighter over time. The light mushroom stalks, often fused at the base, grow from 3 to 8 cm in height and have a thickness of up to 2.5 cm. The shape of the stalk is straight or slightly swollen, with a gray-brown tuberous thickening at the base. The plates of the fungus are frequent, fleshy, smooth, grayish or yellowish, and darken when damaged. The dense, elastic pulp of the crowded row has a mousey or brownish color with a characteristic floury aroma and a light, pleasant taste.

Crowded row is a typical soil saprophyte growing throughout the temperate climate zone. It grows in close, difficult to separate groups in forests, parks, gardens, meadows, along roads and forest edges from September to October. In a number of Asian countries, it is grown and used in pharmacology for the production of drugs for diabetes and cancer.

  • (May mushroom, Kalocybe may mushroom, St. George's mushroom)(Calocybe gambosa)

Edible mushroom of the genus Kalocybe, family Lyophyllaceae. The diameter of the cap of the May mushroom is only 4-6 cm, and the flat-round shape of young mushrooms changes to a convex-prostrate shape as they grow. The flaky fibrous skin of the cap at the beginning of growth has a light beige color, then turns white, and in overgrown mushrooms it turns yellow. The straight leg, with a height of 4 to 9 cm and a thickness of up to 3.5 cm, can expand downward or, conversely, narrow. The main color of the stem of the May row is whitish with yellowness, and at the base it is rusty-yellow. Often the growing blades are white at first, then become cream or light yellow. The fleshy pulp of the May row is white and has a floury taste and aroma.

May row is widespread throughout the European part of Russia and grows in forests, groves, parks, meadows and pastures from April to June, but bears fruit especially abundantly in May.

Conditionally edible rows, photo and description

  • Poplar row (poplar row, poplar row, poplar row, poplar row, subtopolevik, sandpiper, sandstone, zabaluyki, frosts) (Tricholoma populinum)

Conditionally edible mushroom. The fleshy cap of the poplar row has a diameter of 6 to 12 cm, is initially convex, gradually straightens, and its glossy and slippery surface becomes uneven. The skin of the cap is yellow-brown. The fleshy leg is 3-8 cm long and up to 4 cm thick; in a young mushroom it is light, becomes red-brown with age, and darkens when pressed. The plates are initially white, but in overgrown mushrooms they are red-brown. The pulp is dense, fleshy, white, and has a distinct floury odor. Under the skin of the cap it is pink, in the stem it is gray-brown.

The poplar row fungus forms mycorrhiza with poplar, therefore it is distributed mainly under poplars, in the forest-park zone of Siberia and southern Russia. Fruits in long rows from late summer to October. In regions poor in other types of mushrooms, poplar rows are valued as an important food product.

  • Violet row (lepista naked, violet lepista, purple row, cyanosis, titmouse, blueleg)(Lepista nuda)

A conditionally edible mushroom, which was originally classified as a member of the genus Lepista, but is now classified as a genus, or clitocybe ( Clitocybe). The purple row is a fairly large mushroom with a cap diameter of 6 to 15 cm (sometimes up to 20 cm). The shape of the cap is initially hemispherical, gradually straightens out and becomes convex-spread, and sometimes concave inward with a wavy, tucked edge. The smooth, glossy skin of young rows is distinguished by a bright purple color; as the fungus grows, it fades and becomes brownish or yellowish-brown. The leg, 4 to 10 cm high and up to 3 cm thick, can be smooth, slightly thickened near the ground, but always covered at the top with a scattering of light flakes. In young mushrooms, the stem is elastic, purple, becomes lighter with age, and turns brown with age. The violet row plates are up to 1 cm wide, thin, frequent, violet, brownish in overgrown specimens. The fleshy pulp is also distinguished by a light purple color, becoming yellowish over time, with a mild taste and an anise aroma that is unexpected for mushrooms.

Purple rowers are typical saprophytes; they grow on the ground, rotting leaves and needles, as well as in gardens on compost. Lilac row mushrooms are common in coniferous and mixed forests throughout the temperate zone, appear at the end of summer and bear fruit until December, both singly and in ring colonies.

  • Yellow-red honey fungus (pine honey fungus, yellow-red honey fungus, red honey fungus, red honey fungus, yellow-red false honey fungus) (Tricholomopsis rutilans)

Conditionally edible mushroom. Due to its unpleasant bitter taste and sour smell, it is often considered inedible. The reddened row has a rounded cap, then an outstretched one, with a diameter of 5 to 15 cm. The skin is dry, velvety, orange-yellow, dotted with small, red-brown fibrous scales. The straight or curved leg grows up to 4-10 cm in height, has a thickness of 1 to 2.5 cm and a characteristic thickened base. The color of the leg matches the color of the cap, but with lighter scales. The plates are wavy, pale or bright yellow. The dense, fleshy pulp of the row mushroom is distinguished by a juicy yellow color, is bitter and has a sour smell of rotten wood.

Unlike most other row trees, the red row is a saprotroph that grows, like, on dead wood in pine forests. It is a common mushroom of the temperate zone and bears fruit in families from mid-summer to the end of October.

  • Ryadovka honeycomb-like, she's the same row tied(Tricholoma focale)

A conditionally edible rare mushroom with low taste. Fleshy mushrooms with a thick stalk are distinguished by the heterogeneous color of the cap, which can be red, yellowish-brown with greenish spots and veins. The diameter of the row cap is from 3 to 15 cm, the shape is narrow and convex in a young mushroom, over time it becomes flat-convex with a tucked edge. The leg, 3 to 11 cm high and up to 3 cm thick, has a fibrous ring. Above the ring, the leg is white or cream, below it is covered with scales and brick-colored belts. The row blades are frequent, at the beginning of growth they are pale pink or cream, then they become uneven, dirty yellow, with brown spots. The pulp is white, with an unpleasant taste and smell.

Ryadovka opulensis is a mycorrhizal partner of pine and grows on the infertile soils of light pine forests in Europe and North America. Row mushrooms bear fruit from August to October. They can be eaten salted, pickled, or after boiling for 20 minutes (the water must be drained).

  • or woolly row(Tricholoma vaccinum)

A conditionally edible mushroom, widespread throughout the temperate climate zone. The bearded rower is easily identified by its reddish or pinkish-brown woolly scaly skin. The cap initially has a convex, conical shape; in old mushrooms it is almost flat, with a low tubercle. The edges of young mushrooms are characteristically tucked in, and over time they straighten out almost completely. The diameter of the cap is 4-8 cm, the length of the stem is 3-9 cm with a thickness of 1 to 2 cm. The stem of the row is fibrous-scaly, smooth, sometimes narrows downwards, white under the cap, turning brown closer to the ground. White or yellowish-cream plates are planted sparsely and turn brown when broken. The pulp is white or pale yellow, without a pronounced taste or aroma.

Bearded row mycorrhiza is associated with spruce; less commonly, bearded row mushrooms grow in pine and fir forests, as well as in swamps with a predominance of willow and alder. The mushroom bears fruit from mid-August to mid-October.

  • Greenfinch (green row, green grass, jaundice, golden row, lemon row)(Tricholoma equestre, Tricholoma flavovirens)

A conditionally edible mushroom, which got its name due to its persistent green color, which is preserved even in boiled mushrooms. The mushroom is suspected to be poisonous due to several deaths following consumption of this mushroom. The green row has a fleshy cap with a diameter of 4 to 15 cm, at first convex, then becomes flat. The skin is smooth, slimy, green-yellow in color with a brownish center, usually covered with a substrate (for example, sand) on which the row mushroom grows. The smooth yellowish-green leg of the greenfinch, 4 to 9 cm long, has a slight thickening at the bottom and is often hidden in the soil, and at the base is dotted with small brown scales. The plates are thin, frequent, lemon or greenish-yellow in color. The flesh of young specimens is white, turns yellow with age and has a floury smell and a weak taste.

Greenfinch grows in dry coniferous forests dominated by pine throughout the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. Unlike most row mushrooms, green row mushrooms bear fruit singly or in small groups of 5-8 pieces from September until frost.

  • Scaly row (fibrous-scaly), she's the same sweetie or row brownish(Tricholoma imbricatum)

A conditionally edible mushroom with a convex dark brown cap and a club-shaped stalk. Some mycologists classify these row mushrooms as inedible. The velvety cap of the sweet lady, covered with small scales, grows from 3 to 10 cm in diameter, first looks like a cone, then becomes flat-convex with a tubercle protruding in the middle. The leg is from 4 to 10 cm long, fibrous, brown underneath, pinkish or yellow in the middle, white under the cap. The plates of this type of row are white or cream-colored; when damaged, they become brown. The white or light beige flesh of the mushrooms has a light fruity aroma and a mealy taste with a slight bitterness.

Scalyweed is a mycorrhizal partner of pine and is often found in coniferous and mixed forests of the temperate zone, growing in large colonies, often in the shape of “witch circles”. Fruits from mid-August to mid-October.

  • White-brown row or white-brown (lashanka)(Tricholoma albobrunneum)

Conditionally edible mushroom. Some mycologists classify it as an inedible mushroom. The cap of the row is first colored wine-brown, and over time it becomes red-brown with a pale edge. The skin of the cap is slimy and prone to cracking. The cap grows from 3 to 10 cm in diameter, at first it resembles a wide cone, and as it grows it flattens, but has a characteristic tubercle in the middle. The leg can be from 3 to 10 cm in height and up to 2 cm in thickness, smooth or thinned below, pinkish-brown with a white zone under the cap itself. The plates are frequent, white, and in old mushrooms they are covered with brown spots. The pulp is white, mealy, and bitter in old mushrooms.

White-brown row mushrooms are associated with pine mycorrhizae, sometimes found in spruce forests, less often in mixed forests with acidic sandy soil. They bear fruit from late August to October.

The row mushroom, a photo and description of which can be seen below, has long been valued by mushroom pickers. But it is also fraught with danger, because there are edible and inedible rows, therefore, when collecting these mushrooms, you need to be very careful and careful. Edible rows are often found in forests of the temperate zone and bear fruit in large groups in the autumn. Peak fruiting occurs in September and early October.

The row mushroom has long been valued by mushroom pickers

Most often found in forests are purple row, gray, lilac-legged, giant, as well as crowded and yellow-red. Gray and crowded rows are famous because of their taste. The yellow-red one is not as tasty, however, all types of edible rows are worth trying.

It is also called titmouse or cyanosis. A distinctive feature of this mushroom is the change in color of the cap during ripening. The initially bright purple or even brown cap becomes pale purple with a brownish tint when ripe. The shape of the cap also changes: initially it looks like a hemisphere, but then it becomes spread out or even concave, while the edges are still curved down. The stem of the mushroom is cylindrical, its height ranges from 3 to 8 cm, and its diameter ranges from 0.7 to 2 cm.

The flesh of the mushroom is dense and has a strong aroma. You can find violet row mushrooms almost anywhere, but most of them are in coniferous and mixed forests. In such forests, rows should be looked for in open areas for humus. These mushrooms grow in groups or circles. They are frost-resistant and grow until late autumn.

Under no circumstances should you collect these mushrooms in the city, because they very actively absorb various types of pollutants, especially heavy metals.

You can cook blueberries in any way, but it is advisable to cook them a little before cooking. These mushrooms are very useful, they contain a lot of vitamins, and they are also used to prepare some antibiotics. You can see what the bluish marks look like in photo 1.

Poplar row mushrooms (video)

Lilac-legged rower

Because of the characteristic color of the leg, it is also called blueleg. She also changes the shape of her hat from a hemisphere to a completely flat one. The cap is large, reaching 15-16 cm or more in diameter. The taste of bluelegs is very similar to champignons. Fruiting of these mushrooms occurs from March to June, and then from October until frost. You can find this row at the edge of the forest, in the grass, in the meadows. You can see it in photo 2.

Like the blueberry, the lilac-legged row should be boiled before cooking, then it can be prepared in any way: boiled, fried, pickled or sealed in jars.

Poplar row

This is another autumn representative of the family, bearing fruit from late August to November. It got its name from the fact that it can often be found next to poplar trees. The fact is that poplar row is a mushroom that has the ability to form mycorrhiza with the roots of this tree.

The cap of this row has a round shape, its diameter ranges from 6-12 cm. The cap is somewhat slippery, so it is often covered with moss. Its color can be red or brown; over time, cracks appear at the edges and it changes its shape to a flat one. The leg is brownish in color, very fleshy. You can find this mushroom in deciduous forests, where poplar grows.

Under the skin, the pulp of the poplar row is reddish. Its taste is mealy and can sometimes be bitter. Poplar rows can be grown indoors, but certain conditions must be provided. These include high humidity, a natural light source and the presence of fresh air. The temperature should be about 12-15 °C.

Green row

In common parlance it is often called greenfinch. It received this name due to the fact that even after heat treatment the fruit body retains its greenish color. As a rule, it grows in pine needles, only the cap is visible from the outside. It usually grows in small colonies in late autumn; other mushrooms are difficult to find in the forest at this time. Like other members of this family, the green rower has a rounded cap that straightens with age. The hat has clearly visible fibrous rays that spread out towards the edges. The diameter ranges from 4 to 12 cm. The mushroom itself is very fragile, the flesh is white or yellowish, and has a nutty flavor.

Greenfinch is considered conditionally edible. This does not mean that the green row is poisonous, but precautions must be taken when preparing it. These mushrooms are usually prepared salted and dried. They are also very tasty fresh, but require proper heat treatment. Before cooking, the mushroom must be washed well and the skin removed from the cap.

Greenfinch has its own counterpart: the greenfly is poisonous and unsuitable for consumption, so you need to be very careful when collecting. You should not overuse greenfinches, as they are considered mushrooms that are difficult for the stomach.

Gray row (video)

Gray row

Another representative of the row family is the gray row mushroom. His hat is dark gray, sometimes with a purple tint. Its dimensions reach 4-10 cm. In young mushrooms it is very smooth, but over time it becomes rotten and no longer looks so attractive. The leg is usually high, up to 10 cm in height, and quite wide. The pulp is white, sometimes it can be pale gray in color, very pleasant to the taste. These mushrooms are harvested from October to November. Sometimes they can be found in December. Mushrooms choose pine forests as their habitat and grow there in large groups. Greenfinches can often be found next to the colonies of the sulfur row.

Remember that the description of the mushroom is similar to poisonous members of the family, so they should only be collected by those who can accurately distinguish this species from others.

Thus, the family of rower family is very diverse, and if you have knowledge, you will reap a good harvest in the forest, which you can please both yourself and your loved ones. These mushrooms can be consumed both fresh and dried. You can close them in a jar, it makes an excellent seal. Unfortunately, among the edible, tasty members of the family there are also poisonous ones that can cause harm to health. It is very important to follow the collection rules, and then these mushrooms will delight you with their taste.

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