Registration of comprehensive insurance for a car. Why is there an expensive comprehensive insurance policy at a car dealership? The procedure for obtaining comprehensive insurance for a credit car

IN Russian Federation CASCO is a fairly common type of insurance. However, not every citizen bothers to clarify exactly what cases are covered by this insurance policy.

An insurance company, when offering to issue CASCO insurance, does not always clearly highlight the list of cases that fall within the terms of the contract.

If there is an insured event under CASCO, there is a completely standard algorithm of actions that the owner must take:

  • Call an authorized person who must record the incident. In case the participant Road accident at fault does not consider himself to be in a hurry to call, since payment for the commissioner’s services will fall on the citizen who invited him;
  • If there is no fault of the participant, the insured event should not be covered by a CASCO policy, since the cost of the new personal tariff will automatically increase. It is better to use the compulsory motor liability insurance of the person responsible for the accident when compensating for damages, if it allows you to compensate for the existing damage;
  • In accordance with some innovations, the accident commissioner independently submits the road accident plan signed by the participants in the accident to the traffic police. However, the citizen involved in the incident must receive the papers and hand them over to the insurer;
  • In the absence of disagreements between those involved in Road accidents by persons they can draw up a plan for what happened without outside help;
  • Within the time period specified in the insurance contract, notify insurance company about the accident that occurred. In most cases, this period of time is three working days.

Among other things, the car must be handed over to the insurance company for inspection. Together with the agent, the policyholder will also take part in the study, draw up the necessary documentation and fill out the appropriate application.

Insured events under the Comprehensive Automobile Insurance Policy Except for Liability

In some cases, CASCO is a mandatory type of insurance that the car owner must take out. For example, when purchasing a vehicle through a loan, some banking institutions require you to pay for a CASCO insurance policy.

Among other things, this type of insurance should be taken out by citizens with little experience in driving vehicles, and accordingly there is a fairly high degree of risk of getting into an accident.

In order to receive payments on time and not be refused by the insurer, you should clearly know which cases are insured and which are not. Let’s say a chip appears on the windshield as a result of an accident.

Will this situation be covered by CASCO insurance or will I have to replace the glass myself? And if the car was damaged by a robbery by bandits, can the driver be sure that the insurance company will pay for the damage caused? There are a lot of life situations, so what exactly will CASCO cover?

CASCO insurance provides two main groups of coverage:

  • Vehicle damage;
  • Theft (theft, theft) of motor vehicles.

As a rule, insurance companies issue CASCO policies with standard conditions, the list of which includes:

  • All types of traffic accidents that occurred on the roadway and adjacent public areas;
  • Stolen car;
  • Unintentional collision with an obstacle, as a result of which the car was damaged. An obstacle should be understood as a curb, an open sewer manhole, a pole, and so on;
  • Destruction caused to a car by vandals, hooligans, car thieves and other criminals;
  • Damage caused to equipment additionally installed on the vehicle through its collision with an obstacle or with the participation of criminals;
  • Damage to the sides or windshield or headlights of a car due to being hit by a stone thrown from under a wheel from the road surface while the car was moving;
  • Damage caused by natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes, etc.;
  • Damage resulting from exposure to an accident, such as a lightning strike or snow falling from a roof in winter;
  • Damage caused to the car by animals or birds for any reason;
  • Damage caused to a car as a result, for example, of an accident or natural disaster, after which it is no longer possible to restore it.

However, you should definitely know that the insured event will only cover damage caused to the car unintentionally.

If the insurance company suspects that the car owner’s actions were intentional, for example, a non-accidental collision with an obstacle, last payment may not receive it at all, since the company will refuse to pay for damage caused by the driver on purpose. The possibility of including an unscrupulous client in the database with a negative insurance history and reviews of gross violations of the contract rules cannot be ruled out.

As for the point of types of accidents, each company determines its own list of situations on the road that will be subject to compensation for damages under CASCO. There are also companies in the insurance market that draw up an agreement on the same conditions for an accident under CASCO as for compulsory motor liability insurance.

Under the concept of road accidents, insurance companies consider the following situations that occurred on the roadway:

  • accidents on roads, their through sections (direct roads, intersections, one-way and multi-way traffic, flew into a ditch, etc.);
  • accidents that occurred at turns, short-term parking lots, near the entrance to public transport, near a railway crossing, at a traffic light, and so on;
  • emergency situations in the courtyard of a residential building;
  • emergency situations in the area of ​​parking lots and parking lots equipped for long-term storage of a car;
  • causing damage to the car when transporting it from the roadway by a tow truck;
  • causing damage to a car by road service employees carrying out road repairs;
  • other cases related to movement vehicle, both in the present and in the future tense.

The entire list of damages covered by an insured event must be specified in the CASCO agreement drawn up between the insurance company and the owner of the vehicle. One of the copies of this document must be handed over to the car owner. A separate item includes details where the insurer accepts damage as the basis for calculating the amount of payments in case of repayment of damage received under CASCO not as a result of an accident, for example, an accidental collision with a curb.

As a rule, the list of such parts includes: wheels, rims, axles, bumpers, headlights and other structural elements of the car. Therefore, when drawing up a contractual relationship with an insurance company, a citizen needs to be careful and discuss the list with a representative of the insurer in advance.

However, when drawing up the contract, it should be taken into account that the price of CASCO insurance will directly depend on the list of structural parts and parts that are included in the contract. In other words, the wider the list, the higher the cost of the insurance policy.

What does not apply to insured events under Comprehensive Automobile Insurance Except for Liability

Let's figure out what CASCO insurance will not cover:

  • If at the time of the incident the car was being driven by a citizen who did not own it or a CASCO insurance policy;
  • The owner of the car did not have a license giving the right to drive a vehicle or it had expired;
  • The driver drove the car while under the influence of alcohol, drugs or toxic substances;
  • The citizen driving the car was under the influence of drugs prescribed by the doctor that slowed down his reaction, that is, prohibited for taking while driving;
  • The owner of the car was negligent about the vehicle. When repairing it, I did not use the services of certified service stations and independently changed vital spare parts on the car, as a result of which the accident occurred. Neglect of safety precautions near fire and so on;
  • The car movement took place outside the roadway and its infrastructure, and so on.

In this case, you should also know that the insurance company can independently classify cases as insurance or not. This item is not prohibited by law.

Insurance cases without an accident

However, a car can be damaged not only as a result of a traffic accident on the roadway. This includes damage such as minor scratches and cracks. In this case, if you have a CASCO insurance policy and if the result of the damage caused was not an accident, you should call the responsible person of the insurer to the scene, who will document the incident.

Quite often in society the question is raised about whether it is possible to compensate for damage under CASCO, but without calling the traffic police. The legislation does not prohibit this fact, however, here a number of important circumstances should be taken into account that should be paid attention to.

It will be necessary to call the emergency commissioner to the place. But the driver’s actions do not end there. Next, you should have the exact information specified in the insurance policy, since it may clearly indicate a list of damages that will not be covered by insurance without a reference document from the traffic police.

Among other things, the policy may limit the number of payments without paperwork from the police. Therefore, the owner of a CASCO policy must carefully study his contract.

Registration of an insured event

Below is a list of sequential actions that the driver must perform in order to cover expenses with CASCO insurance received in an accident:

  • Read thoroughly and remember as much as possible the contract for the provision of insurance services, which was issued to him when registering CASCO. This will make it possible in the future to determine whether the case will be insured or not;
  • After it is determined that the incident is insured, a traffic police inspector, an emergency commissioner, or both at once should be called to the scene;
  • Record the result of the incident on a photo or video camera. There is no need to move or touch the objects of the incident so as not to distort the facts;
  • Next, you should call the insurer and verbally report the damage received;
  • The emergency commissioner will complete all the paperwork at the scene of the incident and then independently submit it to the traffic police. Take necessary list the citizen must personally submit certificates and papers intended for the insurer, as well as submit them to the insurance company;
  • If the parties to the accident have no disagreements regarding the harm caused, then they can draw up documentation independently, without involving third parties;
  • All papers prepared on accident scene, should be provided to the insurer and a statement of desire to receive compensation for losses must be drawn up;
  • The representative of the insurance company accepts the documentation against signature, must indicate the date when he received them, and also indicate his last name and initials;
  • Next, the insurance company representative must conduct his own investigation to ensure personally that the case is insured. An expert goes to the scene of the attack, examines it and inspects the car itself;
  • Then a representative of the insurance company controls the accuracy of the papers handed over to him regarding the accident and credits the amount of money to the recipient’s account specified in the application, or provides the car owner with a document allowing restoration work to be carried out.

There are cases when, following the traffic police inspector, you should immediately invite an insurer. A citizen needs to do this if he wants to use the help of an auto lawyer, whose services are offered directly by the insurance company itself. The exact same situation will happen with an expert appraiser. As a rule, the person at fault for the accident calls the emergency commissioner and he also pays the cost of the services, since this procedure is not free.

Therefore, if you do not have absolute confidence in your guilt, delay calling a car lawyer. The same applies to filing an insurance claim. There is no need to rush and apply for it under CASCO, if the participant in the accident is right, the damage can be paid off by the compulsory motor liability insurance of the person at fault. This advice is offered by experts in order to avoid an increase in the cost of CASCO tariffs the next time you apply for it.

The price of this procedure will increase with each new accident. This happens through the formation of an appropriate insurance history and, accordingly, an individual tariff. Moreover, it does not take into account who exactly was responsible for the incident.

Deadline for contacting the insurance company

Russian legislation itself does not outline a clear framework within which the owner of an insurance policy must invest. However, there are Insurance Rules and contractual obligations signed by the parties, which clearly stipulate the deadline for submitting documents and applications.

The insuring party can unilaterally set this period of time in the contract, however, if this note is not present, then this must be brought to the attention of the representative of the insurer's company.

Among other things, the insurance company can independently extend the period of time for contacting, but the other party to the transaction must be notified in writing about this fact. However, as regards the actual consideration of the case, the insurance company has no right to delay the deadline.

They can be extended only in the following cases:

  • the owner of the policy did not transfer complete package documents;
  • documents are drawn up with errors, inaccuracies, blots or contain gross blots;
  • additional time was required to investigate the insured event due to the complexity of the situation;
  • To arrange for repairs, the dealer encountered some unforeseen situations.

As for the Insurance Rules, they indicate a period of three working days when the driver must notify the company of the occurrence of an insured event under CASCO. The damaged vehicle must be handed over to the insurer for inspection by an expert no later than five working days from the date of the accident.

However, you should know that you can call an appraiser to inspect the damaged vehicle immediately after the accident, when the person responsible for the accident is present at the scene.

If the damage was caused as a result of the elements or an accident, then an expert will inspect it, either on site or at a car service center, where it is delivered by a tow truck. The beginning of the period for consideration of the insured event will be counted from the moment the decision is made that the event is indeed subject to repayment. This fact must be established by an employee of the insurance company.

Documents for contacting an insurance company

When the incident is identified by the traffic police or civil police, depending on the specific circumstances, the owner of the CASCO insurance policy must collect the following documents to submit them to the insurance company for consideration:

  • Application for receiving insurance payment under CASCO;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • driver's license;
  • CASCO policy (current);
  • MTPL policy (current);
  • receipts for payment of policies (copy);
  • registration papers for the car - PTS, registration certificate;
  • an incident model certified by the traffic police;
  • a protocol drawn up by a traffic police inspector as a result of an accident;
  • a protocol drawn up by traffic police inspectors after other cases (for example, after hooliganism against a car);
  • photo or video materials of the incident;
  • keys to the vehicle if it is stolen, as well as alarm chips and key fobs;
  • a copy of the application to initiate a criminal case regarding the theft of a car.

The entire list of documents must be drawn up correctly, without blots or errors. The same applies to the application for insurance payment itself. If the documentation requirements are not met, the insurance company employee has the right to return the papers and refuse to pay for the damage.

If there is minor damage to the car, for example when hitting a curb, a certificate from the traffic police is not needed. You should know this so that some unscrupulous emergency commissioner does not charge you extra money for unnecessary services of issuing certificates through the traffic police. The entire list of documents must be duplicated. One is for the insurer, the other remains in the hands of the client.

The documents that the insurance company is obliged to issue to its client even when concluding a transaction for the CASCO product must be as follows:

  • new policy;
  • insurance contract (in some cases – the same policy);
  • Rules of insurance under the CASCO program;
  • Reminder to the driver.

The policy must contain all the necessary personal details - series, number, date, place of registration, as well as everything related to the transaction.

The Insurance Rules must necessarily indicate both insured events and cases when damage should not be compensated. A list of all necessary actions that the client should perform in the event of an insured event should also be indicated here.

The Memo usually lists the contacts of the insurance company for clients to contact. In addition, the Memo also contains contacts of dealers, auto lawyers, experts and vehicle repair shops.

For reference: For some insurers, the policy and the contract are the same document. Therefore, carefully read the contents of the policy before signing it.

Filling out an application in case of an insured event

There is no established application form for insurance payment by the state, therefore, each insurance company has the right to apply its own development of the application.

However, the structure of the document must still contain some mandatory points:

  • The header should contain information about who the client is contacting, indicating the position and full name, as well as information about the client himself;
  • Name of the document;
  • The content should describe the situation in which the insured event occurred, the request for payment, the account number where the money should be transferred;
  • A separate paragraph should indicate the list of attached documents;
  • As a result, you need to put a date, endorse the document and decipher the client’s signature.

Period of compensation for losses in case of an insured event

After making a decision to make a CASCO payment and drawing up the corresponding act, the insurance company must transfer the money within 15-30 days. The client has the right to receive a copy of the act in order to clearly monitor the timing of fulfillment of obligations.

In the event of a car theft, material damage will be compensated only after the end of the criminal case and documentary confirmation from the authorities that it is impossible to return the car and the criminal person has not been identified.

As a rule, after submitting correctly executed papers and in the absence of doubts among the insurers, payment is made within 14 days. The maximum period within which the insurance company must meet is 90 days.

If after it, monetary compensation so it was credited to the client’s account, the latter should contact the consumer rights protection society or go to court. Cash under CASCO is transferred exclusively to the recipient's bank account, the number of which must be recorded in the application.

Damage compensation procedure

The process of compensation for harm occurs in one of the following ways:

  • transfer of money to the client’s personal account;
  • transfer of money to the client’s target account intended to pay for restoration work;
  • transfer of money to the account of a service station, which will undertake restoration work on the policyholder’s car.

The policyholder may be refused payment in the following cases:

  • The owner of the insurance policy has committed a serious traffic violation;
  • Not all documents of the policy owner and his car are properly executed;
  • The client violated the terms of the CASCO agreement;
  • The driver was driving a disabled vehicle;
  • The driver drove the vehicle under the influence of alcohol, drugs or toxic substances, or took drugs that impair concentration and are prohibited for use while driving a vehicle;
  • The car was driven by a driver different from the owner and other points contradicting the terms of the contract.

In order to receive the compensation due under CASCO insurance, a number of requirements must be met:

  • Do not move the vehicle from the scene of the accident;
  • If an accident occurs, call a police inspector to record the facts;
  • Do not try to collude with the person responsible for the accident. This will be calculated by the insurer as deliberate bringing about an insured event;
  • Notify the insurance company about damage to the car in a timely manner;
  • The accident report must be drawn up accurately and without errors;
  • Provide the appraiser with absolute access to the vehicle;
  • Check with an insurance company representative registration number cases and date.

Each document must be duplicated before submitting them to the insurance company, in case you have to go to court. If problems arise with payments under CASCO, you should make a claim and submit it to the insurer, attaching duplicates, which should also be re-filmed for yourself.

You cannot use the CASCO insurance policy under any circumstances. First, you should clarify what is refundable and what is not. Maintain the vehicle properly, keep track of its documents, the same applies to driver’s documents.

In the event of an emergency, try not to become involved in an accident and thereby prevent losses. If you do not want to obey the rules described above, there is a high probability that the insurance company will refuse to compensate the car owners for the losses they have received.

The concept of voluntary insurance is already very familiar to many Russian motorists. Any owner tries to protect his own movable property as much as possible., and the car runs the daily risk of being in an accident or being damaged by natural phenomena and the actions of hooligans. However, the question arises: how can it be profitable to apply for CASCO insurance in order to protect your car as much as possible without paying too much to the insurance company?

What determines the cost of the policy?

CASCO is beneficial for all owners of personal vehicles, since this type of insurance covers the most common and numerous risks. With its help, you can protect your car from a regular accident with any damage up to the complete destruction of the car, and from various illegal actions of third parties: theft, theft, vandalism and hooliganism.

In addition, this type of insurance will allow you to compensate for damage from all sorts of accidents that simply cannot be predicted: spontaneous combustion, explosion, natural disaster, etc. If the compulsory motor liability insurance policy insures only damage to the damaged vehicle Car accident, then the functions of CASCO are much wider. But such a policy also costs much more.

The cost of the policy is determined depending on several important factors that can be taken into account when choosing an insurance program:

  • Car make and model. You can get a profitable CASCO insurance for a brand new foreign car, which will have a minimal risk of serious breakdowns.

If you purchase a used vehicle, it is unlikely that you will be able to get a profitable CASCO insurance. Insurance companies generally prefer not to work with used cars older than 5-7 years, since the cost of such cars is not high, and they will break down often.

  • The most profitable CASCO insurance can be obtained at an inexpensive new car. The cost of the policy is directly affected by the cost of the car itself, and usually it is 7-10%. However, some companies refuse to insure inexpensive Russian cars due to their low reliability.
  • The price of the policy is also affected by the age and experience of the driver. It is clear that a young car owner who has recently received a license has a much greater chance of becoming involved in an accident than an experienced driver with extensive experience.

If you have received a policy for more than the first year in a row, the insurance company will definitely check whether the car was involved in accidents during the past period. The more carefully the owner used the car, the cheaper the insurance will be.

  • The cost is also affected by the policy of the insurer itself. You can decide which insurance company to choose is beneficial for CASCO by reading the ratings compiled by the largest Russian agencies, a large number positive feedback deserved by the company "RESO-Garantia", you can trust the insurance organizations "INTOUCH" and "MSK", but the list is much wider.
  • One of the conditions for an inexpensive CASCO insurance is the mandatory installation of an alarm system on the car and its permanent storage in a garage or guarded parking lot. This significantly reduces the risk of theft, which means the price of the policy will be lower.

Who benefits from CASCO? Voluntary insurance is beneficial for any client, since no one can predict when he will really need it.

No one plans to get into an accident in advance, and yet minor accidents on the streets and highways happen every day. You should not neglect your own safety, because financial compensation for damage will never be superfluous.

CASCO insurance is especially beneficial for those who are planning to purchase vehicles on credit. Any accident results in large expenses, especially for the owner expensive car, but the borrower will also have to make regular loan payments to the bank, even if the car is stolen. Insurance allows you to solve this problem, since the bank will receive its money in the form of compensation for the car.

Is it possible to save money when taking out a CASCO policy?

Another question is often asked: is it profitable to do a CASCO franchise? A deductible is the amount of damage that is not covered by the insurance company. Usually this is a small amount in the range of 10-20 thousand rubles, and the insurance company offers policies with a deductible much cheaper.

Is it profitable to do a franchise with CASCO:

  1. Registration of a franchise will save you from serious paperwork if you get into a minor accident. Because of a scratch on the door or a dent on the bumper, you really don’t want to call the traffic police every time, file an accident, sign reports, and then provide a bunch of papers to the insurance company in order to receive 1 thousand rubles in compensation. It is much easier to handle minor repairs on your own by simply paying for a cheaper policy.
  2. The franchise is beneficial for experienced drivers who rarely get into minor accidents. If over the previous few years they have never encountered minor road troubles, there is no need to pay for a full CASCO policy.
  3. You can choose different types franchises. Each owner decides for himself which franchise is profitable to apply for CASCO, but today there is a conditional and unconditional type. In the first case, the deduction of the deductible will be carried out upon the occurrence of each insured event.
For example, if the accident resulted in damage of 5,000 rubles, and the deductible is 10,000, there will be no payment. In case of major damage, the same ten thousand will be deducted from the sum insured. An unconditional deductible involves paying full compensation in the event of a major accident.

What is profitable: franchise or CASCO under a full policy? If you plan to buy a car on credit, banks most often do not allow you to purchase a policy with a deductible.

However, if an agreement with the bank is not needed, then such a discount will be quite profitable and convenient. The driver will be protected in case of a serious accident, and minor troubles can be dealt with independently.

Insurance under a CASCO policy is protection against unforeseen accidents that can be very expensive. You shouldn’t just hope for luck; it’s better to spend money on a policy than to pay for repairs yourself later.

The registration package is similar to OSAGO. We need papers for the car, owner, policyholder, beneficiary and drivers included in the insurance. We'll tell you what documents

needed for CASCO, although not required for .

PTS, and vehicle registration certificate (VRC). For an ordinary motorist, one of these is enough. They are sometimes confused. Let's give examples.

The package of documents for CASCO is similar to OSAGO, but slightly larger

And this is the registration certificate:

What documents are needed for CASCO depends on several factors: who is the owner of the car, what kind of additional insurance. the equipment is installed, whether the transport is in collateral.

What documents are needed for CASCO insurance for an individual?

Let's determine what documents an individual needs for CASCO insurance:

  • Owner's passport;
  • Passport of the policyholder, if he is not the owner of the vehicle. And a power of attorney from the owner to carry out insurance, in free form;
  • Driver's licenses of everyone who will be written off for insurance.

Requirements for a legal entity

  • Certificate of registration and legal details map. faces;
  • Power of attorney for the signatory with the right to insure the vehicle;
  • Signatory's passport.

What else might you need?

Above mentioned general list. Depending on the situation, insurers set additional requirements.

Usually a vehicle inspection report is required. To indicate existing damage and deficiencies. Always check that the keys are complete, there must be at least two. If your car is equipped with an alarm system with auto start, one of the keys is sewn into the system, you must order an additional one. Through official dealerships. It's better to do it in advance minimum term The wait for the key is a month.

If you only have one ignition key, order an additional one. For CASCO insurance, a set of at least two keys is required.

Let's see what documents are needed to get a car loan or lease. In the first case, a loan agreement may be required; the beneficiary is often the bank. There is a plus to this. The bank, as an interested party, can assist in resolving controversial issues when an insured event occurs. When leasing, they will ask for a tripartite leasing agreement (between the car seller, the lessor and you) with the right to insure the vehicle by the lessee. Or an additional agreement to it on the terms of insurance. But more often, leasing companies themselves deal with car insurance, as well as interaction with the insurer in case of an accident. Which is also convenient.

Upon purchase new car in a salon that is not yet registered, instead of STS, many insurers request a copy of the sales contract. And to prolong an expiring policy, use the previous form.

Since CASCO insures property, you can insure additionally. equipment. To do this, copies of the papers about their installation on the car are made (usually a work completion certificate or work order). Installing a satellite security system significantly reduces the price of insurance; an alarm passport is provided for this.


Cars no older than 10 years are insured. Sometimes the age limit is 5-7 years. Gather the necessary papers in advance. The insured may be a third party. Even without driver's license and without being registered as a driver. If your car has an alarm, be sure to indicate this. Security system With feedback will save you up to 30% of the fee charged for the risk of theft. Satellite anti-theft protection with GPS tracking provides savings of up to 50%.

Low-quality gasoline and its effect on the condition of the car

Gasoline is the fuel most commonly used in engines. internal combustion(ICE).

This fuel is obtained from oil, through its distillation, as well as further chemical processing. The liquid itself should be transparent and have a sharp, specific odor.

“Blind spots”: description and methods of dealing with them

Blind spots, better known to motorists as blind spots, are a major road hazard. But if an experienced driver knows what a “blind spot” is and how to deal with it, then for a person who has just gotten behind the wheel, this statement does not carry any meaning.

But all's well that ends well. In our case, when we become participants traffic, it is necessary to pay attention to the slightest change in the situation on the roadway.

Safety for pets while traveling by car

Satisfied face of a dog riding front seat next to the driver, always lifts the spirits of other road users. We all love to take our four-legged pets with us on the road.

Any trip to the country house or picnic can be a holiday for your dog, and a trip to the veterinary clinic can be sad. But no matter why and where we take our furry friends, we must remember the rules of transportation.

Transportation of small and large animals

Animals such as hamsters, rats, cats, etc. must be transported in a special container or cage. This is due to the fact that a frightened animal may try to jump out of an open window, climb under the seat, or, even worse, under the driver’s feet.

Therefore, no matter how much you feel sorry for your pet, place it in a cage during transportation.

Engine failure - repair or buy a new one

Engine failure

Typically, the engine life for domestically produced vehicles is about 150 thousand kilometers, and for foreign cars it is twice as much. With the proper approach, the engine will work much more.

The most common mistakes in understanding traffic rules in different countries and consequences

Every year, traffic police officers fine thousands and even tens of thousands of drivers. This happens for one simple reason - violation of traffic rules. It would seem that everyone studied in the same way at a driving school and then passed the exams, but this is somewhat not the case.

Oddly enough, even the most exemplary drivers find themselves in funny situations, and not at all because they wanted to break, but because they misunderstood the interpretation of some points of the traffic rules.

Who is to blame for ignorance?

Oddly enough, one of the key reasons that the driver misunderstands the interpretation of traffic rules is that his teacher at the driving school was unable to convey the essence, or rather, convey it not in a distorted form.

For this simple reason, we can say with great confidence that a teacher’s mistake leads to an emergency situation on the roadway, fines and other unpleasant events.

How to remember traffic tickets before the exam: useful tips and recommendations

There are various driving schools, where teaching methods can differ significantly from each other. But no matter how different these institutions are, at the final stage of training everyone takes an exam. This is, without any doubt, a very responsible and important step in the life of every future motorist. Traffic tickets change every year, so no one can just cheat.

Although we can say that there is an alternative way - a bribe. And since a person always follows the path of least resistance, some do just that. But there are several significant nuances. Firstly, it is quite expensive, and secondly, such drivers are not encouraged on the roads.

Therefore, if you are one of those who are planning to pass your license on your own, then get ready for the fact that it will not be easy, very difficult.

Despite the widespread use of comprehensive insurance in the Russian Federation, many consumers of this service still have the opinion: “I have full comprehensive insurance, and to receive compensation I just need to notify the insurance company.” Unfortunately, this is far from the case.

All obligations of the policyholder upon the occurrence of an insured event are reflected in the insurance rules, which are an integral part of the comprehensive insurance contract. The insurer will require full compliance with these conditions, will not make a payment until they are fulfilled, and if the conditions are not met, may refuse compensation.

How should the policyholder act in order to receive insurance compensation in full and with the least amount of time?

Firstly, the vehicle should be operated taking into account the requirements of traffic regulations and the manufacturer. The rules of many insurers contain language that allows them to refuse compensation if any discrepancies are identified. The most common examples of violations are the installation of equipment not certified by the manufacturer, tinting of front windows and tire wear. The cause-and-effect relationship between the violation and the case is sometimes obvious, and often the insurer can be guided by a formal sign.

Secondly, you should fulfill the obligations stipulated by the contract and be sure to inform the insurer about the events reflected in the section “Changes in the degree of risk.” Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the storage of registration documents, keys and alarm key fobs, as well as the functionality of anti-theft devices, if they are provided for in the contract.

If the vehicle is damaged as a result of any event, all reasonable steps must be taken to prevent further damage and the incident must be reported to the competent authorities and the insurer. Before calling the competent authorities, it is necessary to determine whose competence the investigation is and documentation events. The call can be made to number 112 from mobile phone, where the operator will connect you with the required recipient or provide the required number.

All incidents that occur while the vehicle is in motion fall under the jurisdiction of the traffic police. The competence of this service also includes damage to a parked car, if the nature of the damage clearly indicates the involvement of another vehicle (wide scuffs with traces of paint, characteristic dents, etc.). In accordance with the directive of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated September 12, 2014 No. 3380-U, insurers are obliged to provide in the insurance rules for the possibility of reporting an accident completed without the participation of traffic police officers. But to avoid controversial situations study the insurance rules to see if there is an appropriate clause.

Registration of any other cases, except fire, be it damage by strangers or animals, falling ice from the roof of a house or branches from trees, theft of a car and its individual parts, or damage as a result of a natural phenomenon, are registered by police officers. Cases of fire are within the competence of the fire service, which, upon establishing the fact of arson, will independently notify police officers.

Until you receive instructions from representatives of the competent authorities and the insurer, do not move the car and do not remove objects related to the incident (the advice does not apply to a number of road accidents, since since July 1, 2015, changes to paragraph 2.6.1. Traffic rules provide for a different procedure). Try to find witnesses to the case and write down their contact information. If there is a potential culprit of the case (formally, there is one in all cases caused by violation of the rules for the operation of buildings and territories by the relevant organizations), it is necessary to identify and record his data (full name or name of the organization) and registration address / location. In case of an accident, additionally write down the number and validity period of the MTPL policy and the name of the insurer that issued it, or better yet, fill out. It is advisable to record the location of the incident, the surrounding area, the damage to the car using photos or videos, which will allow the competent authorities and the insurer to “restore” the circumstances of the damage as fully as possible and capture the original documents of the culprit in case of errors in writing their details.

Wait for the police to arrive and ensure that the case is correctly recorded in the relevant documents. Documents must contain the date, time and place of the incident, identification data of the car and owner (in in case of an accident and the driver), unambiguously interpreted circumstances of the case, indicating the details of the culprit (if any) and a complete list of visible damage or stolen parts of the car. Make sure that the circumstances indicated in the documents do not differ from the real ones previously reported to the insurer.

Do not try to file damages received under circumstances other than those declared to the insurer and the competent authorities, or to “collect” all the damage to the car into one case. In most cases, proving the opposite using a trace examination is not very difficult for the insurer. The risk of receiving documents from police officers in which “the date, time and circumstances of the case are not established” also increases, and in the worst case, the initiation of a criminal case under Article 159.5 “Insurance Fraud”, the composition of which is ideally applicable to the described situation. In most such cases, a complete or partial refusal to pay will follow.

When submitting a written application to the Department of Internal Affairs, avoid the phrases: “I have no complaints against anyone, I asked for a certificate to record the fact of damage to the car” and “the damage is insignificant for me (including due to the presence of insurance).” Based on such phrases, police officers may refuse to initiate a criminal case with a certain wording (including due to the absence of a crime, paragraph 1, part 1 of Article 24 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), and the insurer, based on this wording, may refuse to pay.

In practice similar cases are becoming less and less common, since police officers are increasingly using different wording, and insurer refusals on such grounds are futile in a legal dispute. A number of insurers continue to use appropriate language in their insurance rules. Thus, for one of the largest comprehensive insurance insurers, in the current insurance rules, the risk of PTTL is designated as the actions of third parties, qualified by authorized bodies on the grounds of offenses and (or) crimes provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. With this formulation, refusal to initiate a criminal case under paragraph 1 of part 1 of Article 24 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation will not allow the event to be recognized as an insured event.

If, as a result of damage, access to the car is made easier (windows are broken, doors do not close, etc.), after the competent authorities have completed the registration of the case, it is necessary to ensure that the car is stored in a guarded parking lot. A number of insurers can provide such a service at one of the contractual services, as well as evacuation (if necessary) to the parking lot. The availability of such an opportunity must be clarified with the insurer's support service.

Yours further actions- a written statement to the insurer about the occurrence of the event and provision of supporting documents. It makes no sense to dwell on the list of documents in detail, since their list is given in. To reduce the time spent on visits to the insurer, when receiving documents from the competent authorities, it is necessary to carefully study them to ensure that they are filled out correctly (there should be no discrepancies or errors in the writing of the reflected information, all visible damage received as a result of the incident is reflected, and if the document requires certain columns, then they all must be filled out). If an error is found, you should ask the police officer to correct it and certify the correction.

After writing the application, it is necessary to obtain a receipt from the insurer’s representative for receipt of the application and documents (the insurance claim forms used by insurers usually have special sections for this), agree on the form of compensation (repairs or money), as well as the date and place of the inspection. By providing where possible clean car for inspection at the agreed time, you will fulfill your obligations under the contract, and you will only have to wait for the insurer’s decision to recognize the event as an insured event.

In cases of loss or theft of a car, after recognizing the event as an insured event, it is necessary to draw up a number of documents transferring ownership of the car to the insurer or .

The procedure does not change if the loss is settled using an emergency commissioner or the remote settlement service at the dealer service. Only the place where the documents are submitted changes.

Many insurers provide the opportunity to report a number of cases without contacting the competent authorities, limiting payment to some condition (amount of damage, number of damaged elements). The service is certainly convenient, but before using it you need to carefully study the interpretation of the relevant clause of the contract and the insurance rules. The greatest difficulty when using such a service is determining the amount of damage.

P.S. The Council is not focused on current judicial practice, according to which most of the grounds for refusal or non-recognition of a case as insured, reflected in the current insurance rules of various insurance companies, are insignificant. Current practice has developed in favor of policyholders, for which the insurers themselves are largely to blame. It is very likely that if a refusal is made on many of the grounds listed in the advice, compensation will be collected in court, but this is an additional time expenditure, and judicial practice may change. Just five years ago, on a large number of controversial issues, judicial practice was the opposite.

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