Education in Japan in its modern form. Features of the school in Japan - primary, secondary, senior. High school in Japan

Japan is considered one of the most developed countries in the world. Indeed, it ranks third in terms of industrial production and GDP; it has the highest life expectancy. Factories, clinics, resorts, as well as schools and universities in Japan are annually included in world rankings. Therefore, many immigrants from the CIS would like to get an education in Japan. About how the learning process goes in this country, whether it is difficult to enter a Japanese university and whether a foreigner can count on career growth after receiving education in this country, and will be discussed further.

Japanese education system

As in most countries, education in Japan is divided into preschool, school and higher education. After graduation, you can continue your studies - to enroll in graduate school, and then in doctoral studies. However, it is worth considering that in Japan, with a population of 127 million, there are only 2.8 million students, which is almost three times less than, for example, in Russia, where the population is 20 million more. Therefore, admission to a Japanese university requires great effort and, of course, financial costs.

In order to "settle" in life in the future, children are accustomed to constant mental and physical labor already from elementary school. Starting from the 4th grade (on reaching the age of 10), students in Japan take exams, since students are not automatically transferred from class to class. Therefore, in order to successfully move up the school "career" ladder, children try to regularly visit centers for additional education - the so-called juku. Many schoolchildren and students also undergo distance learning.

Pre-school education: nursery and kindergarten

Pre-school education in Japan until the age of three is not compulsory. Kindergartens, mostly private, are divided into so-called sanctioned, which meet the highest educational standards, and non-sanctioned. In the first, oddly enough, tuition fees are lower, since they are actively supported by the state and local authorities, so the queues for them are huge.

Depending on the age of the child, preschools are divided into two types: hoikuen (nursery) - for children from 10 months to three years old and yochien (kindergarten) - for children from three to six years old. In order to send the baby to hoikuen, parents need to provide documents proving that they cannot work with the baby at home. This may be a certificate from the place of work or confirmation of a serious illness of the father or mother.

Yeochien is an obligatory stage of a child's education, so some kindergartens are created at schools and even universities.

Japanese children from an early age are "decided" with their future profession. Therefore, if potential migrants are interested, for example, in teaching children to draw in Japan, they should try to enroll their child in an elite kindergarten with a creative program. To enter such a yochien, children will have to take mini-exams, and parents will have to generously pay for tuition (a regular kindergarten will cost $ 100-300, and an elite one - $ 1,500 per month, not counting fees for excursions).

School education

The school system in Japan involves the division of the learning process into three stages. This division is common for immigrants from the CIS countries. Japanese children from 6-7 to 17-18 years old must unlearn in three "schools":

  • primary;
  • middle;
  • senior (formally, attendance is not required, but only 6% of students leave after high school).

The general education program is designed for 12 years. How many classes at school a student has to finish depends on his own decision. For example, if a teenager decides not to go to high school and continue his studies in college, he only needs to complete 9 classes (that is, study for 6 years in elementary school and 3 years in high school). Therefore, it is easy to calculate at what age Japanese schoolchildren finish school: if they have studied 12 classes, then at 17 or 18 years old. Those students who have gone to local colleges or schools will already receive a diploma by the age of 18.

Speaking about how schools in Japan are arranged, it should be noted that the academic year here is divided into trimesters and begins on April 1, which is difficult for migrants to get used to. Another "strangeness": every year the child's classmates and teachers change. The Japanese believe that constant “shuffling” within groups helps students to socialize and better find a common language with new people. But the holidays will not be something unusual for the residents of the CIS - children here relax in winter, spring and the longest summer, and study from Monday to Friday (including Saturday in some schools).

Junior or elementary school in Japan

Primary or junior school introduces children to the basic disciplines. The list of required items for all subjects is as follows:

  • Japanese;
  • calligraphy;
  • maths;
  • music;
  • World Art;
  • physical Culture;
  • work.

Children with disabilities can receive inclusive education in primary school, that is, they can learn the program together with physically healthy students. If desired, parents can send a special child to a specialized institution. In such educational institutions, students can study anything from secular ethics to general health theory.

The cost of such education will be about the same as in any private school - about $ 3,500 per year, not counting the entrance fee (up to $ 1,800) and spending on excursions and textbooks.

High school in Japan

Secondary school - from grades 7 to 9 - is available to those who successfully passed the final exams. This does not mean that a student who fails to score the minimum required number of points will be expelled from school after the 7th or 8th grade - in most cases, he will simply have to change the educational institution to a less prestigious one. And this means that you will have to adapt to the new program, which each school in Japan chooses on its own.

In high school, new humanities and sciences are added to study, as well as mastery of playing a musical instrument. It is no coincidence that many children at this time are beginning to be interested in the music school, especially the Yamaha schools. Local tutors train not only musicians, but also actors, however, it is expensive - about $ 53 for one lesson in a prestigious institution.

Also in the secondary school, work with gifted children begins closely. For children aged 13-15, there are many circles or interest clubs (bukatsu), the cost of classes in which is on average $ 30 per month. Most popular destinations:

  • sports (especially martial arts and baseball);
  • programming;
  • movie;
  • photo;
  • ikebana (the art of arranging bouquets).

high school in japan

Speaking about the age at which they enter high school in Japan, we recall: this happens mainly at 14-15 years old. By this time, students have time to pass several exams, make friends in clubs of interest and, of course, decide on their future profession. Based on the list of favorite subjects, teenagers will have to choose a specialization - humanitarian or natural sciences, as well as additional subjects, the study of which will be needed for admission to a university. These disciplines can be:

  • economics (in-depth study);
  • agronomy;
  • the medicine;
  • foreign language.

As already noted, about 6% of Japanese after graduating from high school go to college. The professions that can be obtained in these educational institutions are well known to the residents of the CIS: they are a hairdresser, a cook, an electrician, etc. The average cost of college education is $7,000 a year, with cooking being the most expensive.

School at the Russian Embassy in Japan

Russian-speaking migrants from the CIS countries, who are afraid that their children will not cope with the increased workload in a Japanese school, may be interested in how the Russian school works at the embassy in Japan. There is an opinion that only children of embassy workers can be admitted to this institution, but this is not entirely true. This school can be accessed by appointment. However, the cost of education here is quite high, but renting an apartment will cost even more. Since the school is located in a prestigious area of ​​Tokyo, you can rent an apartment here for at least $1,300 per month.

There is another way for a Russian-speaking child to receive education in Japan: residents of the CIS have access to exchange education for schoolchildren. Adolescents 15-18 years old can take part in such programs. The duration of the program is 12 months, the cost of participation in it is $9,100. The school at the Russian Embassy is also involved in organizing training and finding families to live in.

Getting higher education

Since 94% of students plan to enter a university, it seems that there is a compulsory higher education in Japan. In fact, this is not so, but very close to the truth. There are a huge number of universities in the country - 728, while the competition in the most prestigious of them is outrageous - from 20 to 200 people per place.

Education in Japan for foreigners is available on a competitive basis. In addition, a potential student must complete preparatory courses in order to receive a qualifying diploma of knowledge of the Japanese language. The document must be certified by the All Japan Teachers Association and approved by the Ministry of Education.

However, it is worth going abroad for courses not only in order to “pull up” the language, but also to learn the features of studying at universities in Japan. The fact is that there are no lectures or seminars required to attend - the student only has to score 125-150 so-called credit units, and passing one test or exam is equal to 1-2 units. Thus, for 4-6 years of study, the student must choose the subjects of interest to him and master them. It is strictly forbidden to cheat on exams - for this the student is deprived of all credits and expelled from the university, and the funds spent are not reimbursed.

Education for migrants from the CIS

In most universities, teaching is conducted on. So if you are interested, for example, in training for Kazakhstanis, you should not expect that you will be able to speak your native language abroad. Japan is an extremely closed country, and there are very few people from the CIS there (no more than 40,000 people for the whole country).

Studying for Ukrainians in Japan involves the following algorithm: first you improve the language, complete preparatory courses, and only then apply to the university. These rules are relevant for both future bachelors and graduate students.

Defense of a diploma/dissertation in any European language is allowed in exceptional cases.

However, in some cases, you can still get an education in Japan in English. This mainly happens in the branches of US universities located in Japan (for example, Sophia University). In addition, in some universities in English you can pass an entrance interview, but the training will be held in Japanese.

How to apply to a Japanese university

The first thing to do before entering is to accumulate enough money, since it will not be possible to recoup the costs of training while working and studying in parallel. There are very few options on how to go to study in Japan for free: grants for budget places are won by no more than 200 people a year, and there are more than 2.8 million students (and only local, i.e. Japanese citizens).

In addition, as already mentioned, you need to take preparatory courses lasting at least two semesters, preferably in Japan itself, and then start preparing documents.

Try to immediately decide whether you intend to continue your studies in the master's program, since there are practically no opportunities to move from one university to another after admission. Also, get proof that you have studied at home for at least 12 years (for residents of the CIS, this is usually a school plus the first year of university), and feel free to submit documents!

If you are over 18 years old and you have no problems with obtaining a visa (convictions, dangerous diseases, etc.), you will be allowed to pass exams common to all foreigners, namely:

  • general education exam in the humanities or natural sciences;
  • Japanese proficiency test;
  • entrance internal examinations;
  • interview.

Applying for a study visa

Grants and scholarships for foreigners

Successful students from among visitors from the CIS countries can receive scholarships and grants to study in Japan. True, only 20% of future bachelors manage to take advantage of such programs - they receive up to $ 360 per month. PhD students can earn more - up to $ 800 per month, but even this amount will not cover half of the cost of education, including indirect ones.

True, pleasant bonuses for successful students are not always expressed in monetary terms. Many colleges and universities offer guaranteed employment for graduates in Japan. Considering that it is customary in the state to get a job once and for all, having entered into a life contract, this is a very valuable bonus.

Pros and cons of studying in Japan

Each phenomenon has its advantages and disadvantages. Summing up, we can say that studying in Japan is very tempting. Despite all the difficulties, the applicant cannot but rejoice that:

  • in Japan, the highest quality of education - it was in this country that many Nobel laureates studied, mainly in chemistry and physics;
  • a Japanese diploma will open the doors of almost any large international company to the graduate;
  • e-learning in Japan is accessible even for people with disabilities;
  • The Japanese authorities annually allocate about $130 billion for scientific research, so the initiatives will not go unnoticed.

However, for those who are not ready for physical and emotional overload, it will be very difficult to study in Japan. In addition, as mentioned above, getting an education requires significant financial costs. Therefore, you should only move to Japan and enter a university if you want to join a family already living in this state, or if you plan to build a career in the largest companies.

Immigration for students

Do you want to get an education in a Japanese university and thus gain a foothold in the country? It is difficult to do this, but it is possible. In order to obtain permanent residence and eventually qualify for citizenship, it is advisable to start looking for a job while still a student. But remember: according to Japanese law, a person enrolled in a university has the right to work no more than four hours a day.

However, it is very difficult to combine study and work in Japan. So there is another way: having received a diploma or having won a certificate, you can immediately get a job as an intern in any company. In this case, it will be better if you are already a highly qualified specialist and have work experience.

Studying in Japan. Study visa. Move to Japan forever: Video

And, finally, the most interesting thing is the restriction of travel abroad for debtors. It is about the status of the debtor that it is easiest to “forget” when going on another vacation abroad. The reason may be overdue loans, unpaid utility bills, alimony or fines from the traffic police. Any of these debts may threaten to restrict travel abroad in 2018, we recommend that you find out information about the presence of debt using a proven service not to fly.rf

Japan is a unique state. It belongs to the leading countries in the development of industry and economy. You can also envy the standard of living.

How do they study in Japanese schools? This question is very interesting. After all, their form of education is very different from the domestic one. Education in Japan begins with the first day of flowering of the national symbol - sakura, in April. Children from the age of 3 start going to kindergartens, where they are taught the basics of hiragana and katakana. This is how kids learn to write and read. When entering school, children are required to be able to count.

Studying in Japanese schools is only in some elements similar to visiting Russian educational institutions. First of all, these are gradations. In Japan, as in Russia, there are several types of programs. Education in primary and secondary schools is considered an obligatory stage of the educational process. You don't have to pay for education here.

Not all Japanese children study in high school, but only those who plan to go to university in the future. Plus, education here is paid. The names of Japanese schools are of great interest. Educational institutions are not assigned a serial number. They are named according to the area in which they are located. For example, Yu:ho: High School (Hokkaido Prefecture), a school in Akita City, an elementary school in Tochigi Prefecture, a Squid School in Shiga Prefecture, a Crab School in Gifu, an elementary school in Yamaguchi Prefecture, and many others.

Japanese elementary school

To enter the junior school, Japanese kids take exams. If someone fails the test, they can go to a preparatory school. Here, teachers will do everything so that the child can pass the exam next year.

The junior Japanese school is called "segakko". Education here lasts 6 years. The academic year at the school lasts three semesters. As in Russia, Japanese kids are looking forward to the holidays. At the first cherry blossom, children begin the new school year.

In the classroom, children study natural sciences. These are physics, chemistry, biology, arithmetic, native language, drawing, musical art, physical culture and housekeeping. In elementary school, students attend 3-4 lessons daily. Since the number is really high, up to 45 people can study in a class.

Children during the period of study at school must learn 3000 characters of hieroglyphs. Of these, 1800 should already be known in the only way you can learn to read. Each of the syllables of the alphabet has two ways of reading and a couple of meanings. In elementary school, students must learn the correct Japanese characters, the Chinese alphabet, and the Latin alphabet. For teachers, the main task is not teaching children general education subjects, but character education, which is called "kokoro". This unusual word is translated as "mentality", "heart", "soul", "humanism" and "mind".

Additional studies for Japanese students

The Japanese do not forget about studying and on vacation. The guys do their homework, attend additional circles. It is very common in Japanese schools to visit various interest clubs. These are sports sections, and cultural circles. Teachers encourage students who attend such electives. After school, the children meet in a certain class, they are given additional classes. Sports clubs are attended more by boys, but girls can also go to football, rugby, swimming, athletics, kendo, basketball. Cultural clubs are calligraphy, science and arithmetic.

Guys who are in middle and high school usually attend extra courses after class. Thanks to such additional lessons, students can gain knowledge for entering the university. Everyone can attend private juku schools and ebikoo preparatory courses. Due to the fact that these classes take place after school, in Japan you can often see guys with backpacks in the evening. Students can attend additional courses on Sunday, as Saturday is considered a working day for them. The educational process in Japan is massive.

Japanese High School

In a Japanese secondary school, children, as a rule, move to another building. It is rare that schools can be combined into one building. High school is education from 7th to 9th grade. The number of lessons increases to seven, they last 50 minutes. In high school, students begin to take exams. Usually preparation takes most of the guys time. The exam is taken in the form of a 100-point test. In total, Japanese students can take 5 tests per academic year. In order to thoroughly prepare for the exams, the educational institution cancels visits to circles and additional electives a week in advance.

Middle school students study the same sciences as in elementary school. Humanities are added: geography, history and social studies, geology, English, religious studies, secular ethics and valueology. There are also class hours that are devoted to the study of the history of the native land, pacifism and the discussion or organization of school events. In secondary school, children are required to wear a special uniform.

Practice abroad and sightseeing trips

High school students can go on various excursions around the country and even abroad. So seventh graders go to neighboring cities to communicate with other guys. Moreover, they can not only relax there, but also learn a craft, for example, weave fans and baskets. High school students learn how to canoe across a river. The oldest students are given the opportunity to go abroad to practice English. After such trips, each class must provide a report on the practice or excursion in the form of a wall newspaper.

high school in japan

In order to go to a school for high school students, Japanese children take entrance exams. Although the Japanese high school is not compulsory, 94% of students attend it. Here the training lasts 3 years. Therefore, in total, in Japanese schools, all training lasts 12 years, not 11.

Educational institutions are divided into specializations: humanities and natural sciences. The school for older students adds the study of ancient and modern languages. Additionally, children are taught such subjects as computer science, sociology, political science, crafts and design. Some schools may teach agronomy, industry, trade and fishing.

Features of Japanese schools

Mom takes an active part in preparing the child for school. She helps him with his homework and often visits the school to talk to teachers about her child's progress. Since women do not work anywhere, but do housework, they pay enough attention to raising children. Women in Japan live on special rights. This also applies to girls who study in Japanese schools. They do not pay so much attention to educational subjects, but rather help around the house, try to learn the craft.

School attendance reaches almost 100%. Japanese children take their education very seriously. The Japanese school also provided motivation for schoolchildren. If a student is ill or unable to come to school, he brings a certificate of illness. But just like that, he cannot get a certificate of completion of the semester, because he must work out the missed lessons. And often such additional lessons with teachers are paid.

Japanese school uniform

All students, starting from the middle level of the school, must wear a uniform called "seifuku". As a rule, for boys, this is a Japanese military uniform, for girls, a sailor-style uniform. Many schools wear uniforms similar to Western ones. It includes a white blouse, skirt or pants, jacket or sweater with the emblem or crest of the school.

Other Japanese schools

In Japan, there are also international ones that are concentrated in the capital. They are very popular due to the high quality of education. Here is a list of Japanese schools that are international:

  • American school;
  • British school;
  • Canadian school;
  • Christian Academy School;
  • Sacred Heart International School;
  • Indian school and many others.

Japanese education

No wonder Japan is considered the most developed country in the world. Preparing for school and the learning process itself is very difficult for children. But the result is worth it. Teachers shape the knowledge and character of the child, while they are very demanding. After graduating from school, students can go to study at a university or get a job.

The names of Japanese schools are convenient, because they can determine the location of the educational institution. Typically, institutions are located near the homes of students. Children who live far from school can use the bus or bike.

Every year, all Japanese schools hold a September festival. This is a kind of open day. Parents, along with future students, can visit several institutions to choose the best option. The teaching staff is doing everything to present the school in the best light.

Which is supported by the family, state and society.

Japan has a very special way of raising children.

Up to 5 years here they treat the child like an emperor never punishing him or even raising his voice to him, after 5 and before 15 - like a slave, applying almost cane discipline, and after 15 - as an equal.

In Japan, a 15-year-old teenager is a responsible adult who obeys the rules accepted in society and is responsible for himself, for his family and the state as a whole.

There is a strict chain of command in Japanese families and society. A man is the unconditional head of the family, a mother brings up children and creates comfort in the house.

In Japan, elders are respected - both in terms of age and official position. Features of education in Japan are strict adherence to traditions and centuries-old way of life.

Attending kindergartens in Japan is not compulsory. Almost all preschools are privately owned.

There are very few public kindergartens in Japan, and in order to get there, parents must provide the administration with a very good reason.

Mothers are primarily responsible for raising children..

The mother never opposes the will of the child, she can only warn him of danger. The mother has an indirect effect on the Japanese child: she can show that she is upset by his behavior or oppose his actions to the rules accepted in society.

Japan is a country of groups and communities: to be outside a certain circle of people, to remain isolated and alone for the Japanese is a tragedy.

In kindergartens in Japan (even in private ones), the environment is always modest, if not ascetic.

Children play, learn, sleep and eat in the same room.

The groups here are small, 5-6 people each, and every six months the composition of the children changes.

The teachers in the groups also change. This is necessary for the development of the child's ability to communicate with people.

The preschool education system in Japan is designed to make future members of collectives out of little Japanese or corporations.

The educational reform in Japan, which was carried out several decades ago, touched, first of all, preschool education and training.

great attention focused on early childhood development. This happened thanks to the book of the Japanese teacher (and part-time founder of the Sony concern) Masaru Ibuki.

His work was called "It's Too Late After Three", and it proved the need to develop the character and abilities of children from a very young age.

School education in Japan

Universities in Japan

Japanese universities also have their own hierarchy.

At the highest level of prestige and popularity are several private Japanese universities.

There are few of them, and among them are, for example, such universities like Nihon, Waseda or Hokkaido Tokai University.

Graduates of these universities make up the elite economy and politics of the country.

It is almost impossible to enter these universities without serious preparation and special recommendations.

A diploma from any of these universities gives a full guarantee of successful employment, regardless of grades and sometimes even specialty.

A step below are several public universities that occupy the highest lines in the rankings of universities in Japan. These include, for example, State. Yokohama University or Tokyo Institute of Technology. The tuition fee in these universities is less, but the competition is very high.

The tuition here is small and the competition is quite moderate.

The most "non-prestigious" are considered small private universities.

They are distinguished by high tuition fees and a diploma, which is not highly quoted when applying for a job.

The Japanese education system is one of the most intelligently built and efficient in Asia and around the world, and it is she who provides a high standard of living and economic growth in the country.

Probably, many people have heard about the so-called advanced education system in Japan, but few people (except, perhaps, fans of Japanese cartoons and comics) imagine what it is. However, before talking about education, it is worth saying a few words about the mentality and traditions of the Japanese, because, according to the author of the article, it was they who made education in this country so unlike the European and Russian ones we are used to (although the American model of education was taken as a model in Japan). ).


First, it is worth noting the industriousness of the Japanese. Unlike our country, where few people have always paid attention to diligence, in Japan it is put at the forefront. We can say that it is valued there much higher than intelligence, ingenuity, the ability to get out and other qualities useful to a person. It is worth saying that they are partly right, because without diligence there is no progress. However, Japanese industriousness is not aimed at development, but rather at the excellent performance of routine activities. Effort and desire to do the job as best and as quickly as possible - these are the qualities that are vital for the average Japanese worker. Many people in Japan stay at work until late at night (even office workers), often work causes the whole family to move several times a year (which, for example, is a bit unusual for Russia).

Secondly, free-thinking and disputes with superiors are categorically discouraged in Japan. Since the deepest Middle Ages, this country has retained an extremely respectful attitude towards superior people. Subordinates are obliged to unquestioningly obey and please their boss, to fulfill all orders with high quality and on time. This is another hallmark of a good worker.

Attitude towards education

The attitude to education in Japan is very reverent. Unlike our country, higher education there is the lot of a few, especially in areas such as medicine or information technology. Education fees are quite high, and parents rarely pay for their children's higher education. Therefore, after school, the Japanese immediately find a part-time job or go to their main job.

From the very kindergarten, underage Japanese are taught that the world is built on competition. Already when they enter elementary school at the age of 6 (grades 1-6 in terms of the Russian system that we understand), children become quite difficult exams. At the same time, many junior schools are already paid. The better and more prestigious the school, the more expensive the education and the more difficult the exams. In elementary school, emphasis is placed on learning the Japanese language (the average student must complete about 1850 hieroglyphs) and on adapting the child to the team. After graduating from elementary school, exams are taken for secondary school (grades 7-9). Primary and secondary education are compulsory, after graduating from high school, many students already find work and do not go to high schools. Those who managed to pass the exams and enter the high school (grades 10-12) have 3 more years of study and graduation. After graduating from high school, a Japanese person is eligible to apply to a university or college.

Learning process

All high schools and some middle schools are fee-paying. However, despite the costs, most parents tend to send their child to private schools, because education is better there, and prestige in the life of the Japanese plays a rather important role. Children studying in paid schools quickly realize that it is not profitable for them to stay for the second year. In addition, every six months, all students take mandatory exams in a test form and gain points for each subject. Exam results are posted on a common board in the form of a rating in descending order of points. Failing students go for a retake and stay for additional classes (including summer ones). If, after the retake, the student still does not manage to score acceptable points, he remains for the second year.

The educational process in Japanese schools is organized as a constant preparation for the next exams. As a result, children are constantly forced to memorize material that could be useful in tests. Creative and leisurely acquisition of knowledge in Japan is completely out of the question. Due to the frequent examinations, the popularity of additional courses to improve academic performance is growing. Their Japanese youth visits after school and club classes.

The school year for schoolchildren begins in April. Studying takes place in 3 trimesters, between trimesters there are summer (about a month) and winter (also about a month) holidays, which are cut down if the student needs to attend additional classes. The school week consists of 6 days - from Monday to Saturday. Lessons begin in the first shift - at 8 - 9 o'clock in the morning and continue until 3-4 o'clock in the afternoon. After the lessons, there are activities of clubs.

Japanese school clubs

It is worth telling more about Japanese school clubs. Unlike Russia, school club activities are highly encouraged and even funded by the government. The clubs themselves are created either by students (you need to apply, attract a certain number of members and find a teacher-curator), or teachers (most often this applies to sports sections). The focus of school clubs is very different - sports, cultural, interests. The main thing is the obvious benefit for students and the presence of interest on their part. Each club is allocated a certain amount of funds from the school budget. The distribution of funds is handled by the student council - an education consisting of students is chosen by student vote annually.

School life

School culture festivals are held every fall in Japanese schools.

The purpose of such festivals (in addition to entertainment for students and their parents) is to attract new students to the school. The class is given a certain amount of funds and space to implement an idea that is unique within the school, such as creating a cafe, a theater production, a house of horrors, and so on. Pupils are released from classes for several days and diligently prepare for the festival. As a rule, festivals last from one to three days, and quite a lot of visitors come to the school these days. Such a festival usually ends with traditional fireworks for Japan.

In addition to cultural festivals, each school holds sports festivals. At such festivals, each class competes with others in a number of disciplines, according to the results, a winning class is selected, which is awarded a small prize.

Schools in Japan are also interesting for their school trips. Every self-respecting school, with the onset of the warm season, takes its students on excursions to historical places. Such excursions last about 3 days, students travel by bus or plane and spend the night in a hotel.

School life in Japan is indeed quite an interesting time. Industriousness is encouraged in every possible way, conditions for collective activity and development are created, and interest in school events is stimulated. A sense of collectivism is also instilled here: group projects are encouraged. All conflicts that arise in schools in Japan are resolved by the students themselves, parents are involved only in extreme cases.

Higher education

Education in Japanese universities begins after high school, is strictly paid and lasts 4 years for a bachelor's degree and 6 years for a master's degree. Unlike schools, Japanese universities are built according to the European model. It is university education that is considered truly the highest among the Japanese.

For the first couple of years, all Japanese students study a number of general education subjects. They are mandatory, and every more or less prestigious and honored university emphasizes the extensive general education of young people. In some universities, general education subjects account for up to half of all subjects studied by students. In the first two years of study, students can still think about their choice and, at the end of 2 years, transfer to another faculty. There are usually about 10 of them in state universities. After that, full-fledged training in subjects in the specialty begins.

The attitude of the Japanese to education differs from the habitual Russians exactly as much as the mentality of Japanese and Russian differs. At all stages of education, starting from the preschool period, education is considered as one of the priorities that will ensure a decent standard of living in the future. Going to study in Japan, our compatriot must be ready to accept the unusual rules of existence and try not to make a mistake with the choice of an educational institution.

Features and structure of the educational system in Japan

Traditions and modernity, closely intertwined in the entire way of life of the Japanese, are also reflected in the structure of the state's education system. The formation of the educational system in Japan followed the pattern of the American and Western European ones, but with the preservation of traditional national values.

Preschool education

As a rule, children begin to acquire knowledge and adapt to society from the age of 3 - it is at this age that a child enters kindergarten, which is the first stage of the educational system in Japan. If there are sufficiently good reasons, it is possible to arrange a child in a kindergarten even from the age of three months, one of the reasons may be more than 4 hours of work for both parents. Pre-school education in the Land of the Rising Sun has significant differences from most Western programs and methods. The Japanese were among the first to talk about the importance of early development. Masaru Ibuka, the well-known director of the Talent Training organization and the founder of Sony, in his book “After Three It's Too Late” more than 50 years ago, argued that the foundations of personality are laid in the first three years of life. From the first days of being in a preschool institution, the child joins the collective pastime, in which manifestations of individualism are not welcome. One of the main tasks of education is teaching a child to feel like a member of a group, to show attention to other participants, to be able to listen to others and answer their questions, that is, to learn to experience empathy. Teaching counting and writing is not a primary task: it is generally believed that it is much more important to develop in a child such qualities as diligence in achieving goals, independence in decision-making, and curiosity about the world around. Kindergartens in Japan are both public and private.

Level of secondary education

The beginning of April in Japan is marked by cherry blossoms and the start of the school year in schools where children from the age of 6 go. Secondary education in Japan, as in most countries around the world, is divided into three stages: elementary school for 6 years, middle school for 3 years and senior (also 3 years). The academic year consists of three trimesters:

  • the first lasts from April 6 to July 20,
  • the second one starts on September 1st and ends on December 26th,
  • the third - from January 7 to March 25.

Free education is provided only in primary and secondary schools, high school is paid. Starting from secondary school, English and special subjects are necessarily introduced into the curriculum if the institution has any professional orientation or is tied to a particular university. In high school, increased emphasis is placed on the study of special subjects. An important fact: students in grades 7-12 take exams five times a year, which in Japanese schools are quite difficult and require a lot of time to prepare. The exam itself can take several hours. Outcomes tend to influence where a student goes on to study - at a prestigious school with a good chance of going to university, or at a school after which further education will be problematic. About 75% of secondary school graduates go on to higher education.

Once in Japan, I did not know either katakana or hiragana, after three months I could already easily communicate with the Japanese in Japanese. But from school, I took out not only excellent knowledge of the Japanese language and Japanese culture, but also a kind of upbringing. The school taught me to set goals for myself and struggling to achieve them .... and taught me to the community with the warm care of teachers.

Vladislav Krivorotko

Special and Inclusive Education in Japan

In addition to ordinary schools, there are so-called Juku schools in Japan - private educational institutions where students can take a special additional course to study the general education program for successful admission to higher educational institutions. In other words, such schools are a special form of tutoring, but in some cases, music, sports, and various types of traditional Japanese arts are also provided here.

The problems of children with disabilities in Japan are dealt with by a specially created National Association, in addition, there is a headquarters for reforms in the education system for such children. The headquarters is headed by the most influential persons of the state. Such an approach to solving the issues of inclusive education makes it possible to take measures at the legislative level to ensure equal rights guaranteed by the Constitution for everyone regarding the choice of place and method of education. In addition, it is possible to effectively monitor the observance of such rights.

Higher education

In order to successfully find a job in the future, Japanese youth seeks to enter prestigious universities, among which the most popular are Tokyo and Kyoto universities, as well as universities in Osaka, Sapporo (Hokkaido), Sendai (Tohoku) and others. The structure of the educational process in Japanese higher education institutions is similar in organizational and administrative aspects to the system of higher education in Western Europe and the United States, but due to the peculiarities of the mentality and cultural traditions, it also has differences. University training is characterized by a high level of teaching. Both in private and public universities, tuition is paid and can range from 4 to 7 thousand US dollars per year. To obtain a bachelor's degree, students study for 4 years, a master's degree - another 2 years. In technical universities, training lasts 5 years, medical or veterinary education is obtained within 12 years. There is an accelerated course of study at universities, designed for two years - for teachers, sociologists, philologists, etc. The academic year is divided into two semesters: from April to September and from October to March. Living in a hostel will cost a student 600-800 dollars a month.

Not rich enough? There is a way out - a study grant!

The desire to get an education in Japan does not always coincide with the opportunities. The lack of the required amount of funds encourages the search for alternative ways to solve the problem. One of them is receiving a grant to study at one of the universities in Japan. Such a grant is annually provided by the Government of Japan represented by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Monbukagakusho.Mext) under the Student program. To participate in the competition for a grant, a candidate must meet certain requirements, including citizenship of a country that maintains diplomatic relations with Japan, age, as a rule, from 17 to 22 years old, complete secondary education. In addition, the applicant must be ready to actively study the language and culture of Japan, and not have problems with physical and mental health.

Learning is more intense than you can think of, and the language school is just one of the components of the process. We all study here every day: we find new friends, read books, flip through magazines, watch TV and listen to the radio. I consistently get my portion of new vocabulary from friends, from Japanese blogs and books. Not a day goes by that the vocabulary is not replenished by at least a couple of points.

Daria Pechorina

Guaranteed not to be able to participate in the program are persons who are members of the Armed Forces at the time of arrival in Japan, who did not arrive at the place by the time specified by the host university, who previously received a grant from the Japanese government, who are already studying in Japan, who have scholarships from other organizations, who have dual citizenship ( Japanese should be abandoned). To pass the selection, the candidate submits an application of the established form to the diplomatic mission of Japan and passes written tests in mathematics, English and Japanese, as well as in physics, chemistry and biology, depending on the specialization.

Grant in hand, what's next?

In case of successful selection, the future student is awarded a scholarship in the amount of 117 thousand yen; tuition fees, as well as the costs associated with entrance exams, are covered by the Japanese government. Before starting their studies, students take a preparatory course for one year, including intensive study of the Japanese language, introduction to the specialty and other disciplines. Education in Japanese universities is conducted only in Japanese. You can learn more about the procedure for submitting documents and selection conditions on the official website of the Japanese Embassy in Russia.

Video: student impressions after the first year of study at a Japanese university

In addition to government programs, there are many private and non-profit foundations that can provide scholarships to study in Japan, there are scholarships from the Japan International Education Association, the International Understanding program, the Ministry of Education for internship programs, etc. Another way to continue studying in Japan is to participate in student exchange program between partner universities. The requirements for applicants from the CIS countries differ little from Russian ones; details of participation in government programs can be clarified at the Japanese embassies in their countries.

Studying in Japan helped me not only gain academic knowledge of the Japanese language (Noryoku Shiken N3), but also broaden my horizons (here you learn something new every day), strengthen your patience and willpower (since self-study takes a lot of time), as well as meet wonderful people and make new friends.

Elena Korshunova

Housing, part-time work, visa and other nuances

Students (including Russians, Ukrainians, Kazakhstanis) can replenish the budget with the help of part-time jobs, which can work in cafes, restaurants, other institutions from the service sector, or by teaching the Russian language, for example. To get a job, you will need a certificate of permission, which can be obtained at the immigration office after submitting a letter from the educational institution. Students in Japan are allowed to work no more than 4 hours a day. Many take advantage of this opportunity, despite the fact that the cost of education here is lower than in the most prestigious universities in the US, Europe and even Russia.

Video: Jobs in Japan for International Students

Finding housing can be problematic: despite the fact that universities provide foreign students with dorm rooms, there are not enough places for everyone, so many are forced to rent rooms in the private sector. The cost of living in rented housing can range from $500 to $800 per month.

A student visa is issued, as a rule, within 3-4 months, and the host university is the guarantor for its receipt. To obtain a visa you will need:

  • a copy of the diploma or a certificate from the last place of study,
  • Japanese language proficiency certificate
  • certificate from the place of work of the parents,
  • copy of birth certificate,
  • a certificate from the bank on the presence of 14-15 thousand dollars in the account,
  • international passport,
  • 8 photos 3x4.

The entire package of documents must be translated into Japanese.

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