New rules for transporting children in taxis. Taxi for transporting children, ordering a taxi for transporting children, calling a taxi for transporting children cheaply and inexpensively, taxi for transporting children to the airport and train station. Types of child car seats

The increasingly popular phrase “baby taxi” has two meanings:

  1. A taxi equipped with child restraints. It originated in New York City in 2006, when businessman Topher McGibbon, motivated by traffic accident statistics of about 2,500 child deaths and a law banning the transportation of persons under the age of seven without a special car seat, launched a specialized passenger car. transport service.
  2. Taxi transporting unaccompanied children. Of course, this type of transport is also equipped with restraint devices, but has a number of differences from the first one.

What parents are not familiar with the situation when they need to deliver a child somewhere, but there is no opportunity to do it themselves? Probably at these moments, many come to the dreamy thought of the existence of a safe children's taxi, which can be entrusted with the most valuable thing - a child. But if earlier it was hard to believe in this, now there are already companies specializing in such a difficult service; good example our company will serve here. Children's taxis are covering more and more new horizons, and at the same time the quality and number of people using this sometimes very necessary service is increasing. Some constantly use such an excellent opportunity as transporting children to school by taxi or to other places of daily or weekly stay; others prefer to order the services of a specialized service for transporting their daughters and sons once.

We all understand quite well that the movement of a small person around the city is quite difficult due to the unsafe streets. Send your child to their destination public transport means endangering him and getting on your nerves, constantly worrying if something has happened. Fast, harsh traffic forces you to always be on alert. But it is difficult for a baby to observe the surrounding situation from all sides, which is why accidents are possible and often cause the entire neighborhood to shudder. In addition, unexpected situations during independent movement entail, filling thoughts, moving the focus away from educational activities. Another option for delivering a child, transporting the child in a personal car, is not always quite effective in saving time and effort. Therefore, it is not for nothing that the increasingly popular children's taxi is becoming the most optimal solution in modern society.

A taxi for a child without parents from our company meets all generally accepted standards, and here's why. All drivers specializing in this type of service undergo strict selection. Except driver's license, knowledge of pedagogy is required to satisfy the possible psychological whims of a small passenger, because this can significantly increase comfort. In the car next to a master of his craft, the child feels great, which gives caring mothers and fathers peace and tranquility. Undoubtedly, cleanliness is an equally important attribute of a pleasant trip. The cars of our company delight the eye with their freshness and neatness. The car must unconditionally contain car seats or other restraint devices for children under twelve years of age, which is required not only by law Russian Federation, but also a moral responsibility for the safety of young users. The range of restraint devices for children is incredibly wide; the company provides customers with a wide choice of products, raising the level of convenience provided to a higher level.

A children's taxi is an excellent opportunity to increase a child's sense of independence without compromising the level of safety, which is very important.

Parents who used the service transporting children in a taxi unaccompanied by adults, note the huge advantages of this type of transport. Summarizing all of the above, we can highlight the following:

  • A wonderful opportunity to save time and effort, sometimes turning out to be almost the only lifesaver in a difficult situation;
  • High transportation safety;
  • Preserving parents’ nerves, which are often wasted worrying about their child’s independent transport, thanks to the previous point;
  • Ensuring standards of cleanliness that most fully exclude the body’s negative reaction to the environment;
  • A child's seat that is carefully equipped with a restraining device;
  • Comfortable travel thanks to the skillful work of driver-educators.

Thus, a children's taxi has a number of wonderful advantages, which today attract an increasing number of parents who are responsible for the life of their child. It is very, very likely that soon even a small town will have a children’s taxi, because in some cases this service is simply irreplaceable, and in others, delivering children to school without adults is an excellent way to save time and effort.

For newborn babies - these are cars equipped with a special holding device from 0 to 13 kg. Fastens with standard seat belts or additional fasteners.

Advantages of ordering our taxi:

  • registration of preliminary orders;
  • We send an SMS notification with vehicle data;
  • We provide free waiting to go to the car.

Order our inexpensive taxi with a baby car seat in Moscow, and you will be satisfied with the work of our employees. We will advise you on the issues of transporting children and select the right car for you.

Taxi services with a cradle for infants in Moscow and the Moscow region are very popular due to the high birth rate in recent years. The VREMENA TAXI company specializes in this type of service and provides cars of different classes at your request.

By placing your order with us, you will receive:

  • free consultation of our specialists;
  • a comfortable imported car;
  • a driver with experience who knows your route.

We transport infants in a baby bassinet for newborns in compliance with all safety rules. We use regulated devices for the safety of children.

The VREMENA TAXI company also offers services taxi with baby seat for children to all Moscow airports. We will accompany you and meet you on the way back, you will receive a 10% discount on the meeting. It's comfortable and cheap with us!

Advantages of calling our taxi to the airport:

  • We track your flight, deliver cars at a time convenient for you;
  • 1 hour of free waiting after arrival to get to the car;
  • inexpensive and fixed prices, known when placing an order.

We will take you to the airports: Vnukovo, Domodedovo, Sheremetyevo and Zhukovsky at a cheap and fixed cost (price, tariff). When placing an order, take into account the number of passengers, children and luggage, tell these parameters to the dispatcher.

The baby car seat is secured in the car in the back seat. It is fastened with belts and pulled tightly to the car seat so that the cradle is securely fixed. Install the infant carrier against traffic so that the baby can see the mother.

It is more convenient to place the infant carrier on the right (under the right hand) in the direction of travel:

  • It is more convenient for the mother to take care of the baby on the road if necessary;
  • When smoothly moving the front seat of the car, you can additionally clamp the cradle between the front and rear seats.

Order taxi with baby seat(carrycot) from the official carrier in TAXI TIMES. Use high-quality service, and we guarantee you a comfortable trip at the lowest price.

Experienced dispatchers and operators of our company work for you seven days a week, 24 hours a day. You can order a children's taxi in Moscow around the clock at an inexpensive or fixed price. By calling us at +74993912008 or +79263910222, you will receive professional advice in the field of transporting passengers and luggage by taxi.

We work for your convenience and safety!

When driving, the driver must protect himself and his passengers from accidents. This rule especially applies to situations where there are children in the cabin. The motorist must be extremely careful on the roads, observing the laws of the Russian Federation and traffic regulations.

Read the article on how to properly transport children in a taxi.

Rules for transporting children in a taxi

According to latest changes, introduced into the laws of the Russian Federation, namely the Traffic Regulations as amended on July 22, 2018, special instructions for transporting minors in transport oblige the driver to comply with safety requirements. This way, passengers will be maximally protected, even if they are involved in an accident.

According to traffic regulations, transportation of children in taxi vehicles is carried out taking into account certain features. Citizens of minor age can be in the passenger compartment of a passenger vehicle, in the back of a bus, as well as in the driver’s cabin. However, keeping a baby in a trailer is strictly prohibited. The driver must provide safety to his passengers, taking into account the design features of the car.

Since 2017, transportation of passengers under 12 years of age front seat allowed only if there is a restraining car seat. Teenagers can be transported in a taxi if they are wearing seat belts.

Rules for transporting minor passengers in a taxi:

  1. Transporting children under 12 years of age in the front seat and in the driver's cabin is strictly prohibited;
  2. Toddlers and infants can stay next to the driver if they are fastened in a car seat or a special cradle;
  3. Traffic regulations prohibit transporting minors back seat motorcycle;
  4. Organized travel (in groups of up to 8 people) is only allowed on a bus or multi-seat taxi;
  5. Before the trip, the taxi driver must obtain permission to transport minors. The certificate is issued by the relevant government authorities.

Transportation of infants to passenger car has its own characteristics. According to traffic regulations, drivers must install an appropriate seat - a car seat or cradle, in the rear seats of the vehicle. This device is secured using seat belts. The seat is located perpendicular to the movement of the vehicle. If the service is not provided by a taxi service, parents must independently arrange for the purchase child seat for your baby.

Car seat in a passenger vehicle it is installed according to the instructions. The structure is tightly held and secured with special seat belts. The seat back can be adjusted depending on the age and physical characteristics of the children. In a sitting position, protection for a baby up to 1 year will be maximum. The transport cradle (for infants) holds the passenger with mini straps. Thanks to the design features of the child seat, the baby will be in a lying position. This position normalizes the respiratory system and protects the baby from excessive stress on muscles and bones during sharp turns of the vehicle. Babies from 0 to 12 months are transported in a car cradle.

According to the law, you do not need to purchase a special child seat to transport your baby on a bus or other public transport.

Types of children's car seats:

  1. Car seat group 0 Designed for babies and infants up to 10 kg. This mount is installed horizontally;
  2. Car seat 0+ suitable for babies aged 1 year and over and weighing up to 13 kg;
  3. Car seat 1 intended for children from 1 to 4 years old, weighing up to 18 kg;
  4. Car seat 2. Passengers under 7 years old, weighing up to 25 kg. The mount is installed in the back seat of a taxi in a vertical position;
  5. Car seat 3 Suitable for children from 7 to 12 years old.

Comfort, speed, convenience ensures the choice of travel to the desired location using the services of carriers. Transporting children in a taxi, as opposed to a bus or minibus, requires greater responsibility for the carrier itself.

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How to properly transport minors in vehicles (VVs) is discussed in. According to them, children can only be transported in the cabin of trucks and passenger vehicles.

Chair design (according to European Standard Safety - ECE R44/03 or ECE R44/04) must provide fixation with seat belts or a special ISOFIX system with built-in metal fasteners. Such requirements are general and mandatory.

Restraint systems, including seats, must be certified and made in accordance with the requirements ().

Based on the standard, those products that do not comply with the standard are prohibited, including frame products and those that do not comply with the necessary markings.

If earlier the words “restraint devices” also meant “boosters” and “adapters”, then according to the new rules they mean only car seats and seat belts without any airbags.

According to changes in traffic rules dated July 12, 2017, the requirements are divided depending on the age of the child:

  • up to 7 years;
  • period 7 – 12 years.

The car seat should be used according to the recommendations provided by the manufacturer. As a rule, they differ in the weight and age of the child, some are designed for babies, others for older children or are adjusted to the desired parameters.

This suggests that infants should be placed in a cradle (from birth to 6 months), but not in a chair for children under one year old, up to 3 years. Otherwise, the driver will be fined. This also applies to the correct fixation of belts and restraint devices, including in the front seat, but when the airbag is turned off.

Terms of delivery without chair

If the child is already 7 years old, the car seat is not allowed to be used, but it must be secured with seat belts. This does not apply to the front seat. Children under 12 years of age must use a child seat.

At the age of 12, a child has equal rights of passage to adult passengers.

Many people wonder whether it is possible for a child to travel in the arms of an adult.

In this matter, you should refer to the requirements of traffic rules and the laws of physics:

  • at an average speed of about 60 km/h, with sharp braking, the baby’s weight increases many times;
  • inertia is triggered and a mass pressure of about 3 centners is exerted on the parent’s hands;
  • in such a situation it is impossible to hold the child; he can easily fly through the windshield.

Transporting children in a taxi unaccompanied by adults

In many cities, transporting children alone without their parents has become relevant. This is convenient, because in such a situation there is no need to rush to take the child to school and meet him, especially if the schedules of the child and parents cannot provide this.

Children can be transported without adults only from 7 years old.

For this reason, “Children’s Taxi” has become in demand. To protect the interests of the carrier and the customer of the service, as well as to ensure the safety of children, taxi services enter into contracts for the transportation of children without adults, defining rights and obligations.

Taxi drivers undertake obligations and have the right, in addition to the official additional payment for the service, to indicate their requirements. These include:

  1. Registration of a one-time delivery of a child or on an ongoing basis.
  2. The service is performed from the beginning of the movement, the free wait is 15 minutes.
  3. The application can be submitted by telephone, providing the dispatcher with the following information:
    • number of passengers, age;
    • date, time of delivery of the car, destination, intermediate stopping points;
    • waiting time (approximate), who will meet;
    • contact numbers.
  4. The application is paid online at the time of delivery of the car.
  5. Changes are notified 3 hours before the specified time.
  6. Regardless of the presence of an accompanying person, the carrier is responsible for the life and health of passengers.
  7. The service provider has the right to refuse to fulfill the order.

For example, the following rules have been developed in one of the Moscow companies if the passenger is a child:

Caring for the disabled

As a rule, they are designed for travel according to the established list:

  • to the hospital;
  • to the airport;
  • to the station;
  • to government agencies.

Before the trip, you need to submit a written application, after which the amount for payment is approved by the Department of Social Protection, as well as the right to provide the service or refuse it. The discount on service fees is 50–90%, depending on the disability.

Those accompanying children can contact:

  • under 7 years of age;
  • requiring special devices for movement (crutches, walkers, strollers);
  • with disabilities of groups I and II, in terms of vision.

To participate in the social taxi program, you should contact the All-Russian Organization of Disabled Persons. There is a demand for the service and even queues are formed, which serve wheelchair users first, which suggests that you should worry in advance.

A social coupon is suitable for payment, but a social card is also required. It should be said that only disabled people in the capital can count on a free taxi, as well as a more expanded range of services.

In practice, only residents of large cities can order it, since within smaller settlements no money is allocated for this.

Social taxis are equipped to accommodate the needs of people with disabilities. For them there are swivel seats, attachments for wheelchairs, automated platforms for descent and ascent.

Agreement with the company for the delivery of one child

Contract for the carriage of passengers by motor transport:

  • contains information about the passenger and the company providing the services;
  • does not have a clearly defined form and can be compiled and changed taking into account the conditions of the performer, but subject to the rules of law and rules traffic;
  • it must indicate the date of conclusion of the agreement, a signature with an explanation of the names;
  • must comply with the rules, which may differ for each taxi company.

Let's give an example from a company in St. Petersburg:

Pros and cons of the service

Parents who order a taxi service for transporting children without personal accompaniment evaluate the benefits, noting:

  • saving time and effort;
  • safety of transportation in accordance with traffic regulations, which is supported by an agreement with the service, the presence of a digital tachograph recording time intervals, recording speed, location of the car per unit of time;
  • comfort of transportation, as some services employ driver-educators.

The advantages can be listed, but they will not cover the only, but significant, disadvantage - the lack of parental control during the carrier’s participation.


Relatively traffic violations for the transportation of children, the Code of Administrative Violations provides for a fine (Part 3). The amount varies depending on the person at fault.

Criminal liability is provided. We provide more detailed information in the form of a table.

Table. Amounts of fines for violating the rules for transporting children in taxis in Russia.

Taxi drivers being legal entities, must comply with traffic regulations and take into account the requirements for small passengers. Without a seat, they have the right to carry a child only if he is secured with seat belts and reaches the age of seven (in the back row of passenger seats).

Don’t be surprised by the dispatcher’s question about whether children and their age will be traveling, because in this case they are obliged to provide a car with the necessary equipment or refuse the trip. Failure to comply with the requirements may result in a fine (see above).

If a taxi driver agrees to transport without a child seat, most likely he is a private individual and does not have a license for the relevant type of work.

Who pays the penalty if the child is not wearing a seat belt?

A child under 7 years of age must be transported in a car in a special restraint device. The exception is the front seat, where children under 12 years of age can sit. All parents know this rule, therefore, if there is a car in the family, a car seat is also purchased. However, when it comes to taxi rides, the issue of having a restraint system arises. Can a child be transported in a taxi without it? What to do if there is no car seat in the taxi? Who should pay the fine for not having a restraint system in the car: the taxi driver or the passenger? These and many other questions concern parents. We tried to find answers to them.

A child in a taxi: is it necessary to be in a car seat?

Traffic rules apply to everyone vehicles– in a taxi, as in any other car, a child under 12 years old in the front seat and under 7 years old in the back seat must be in a car seat. For violating this rule, a fine of 3,000 rubles is imposed.

But most taxi cars are not equipped with child restraints, and this main problem. Nobody forbids parents to use their own child seat. However, it is quite difficult to carry and install it every time, except perhaps for a car seat with a special handle and a booster. As a result, parents have to either carry the child in their arms at their own risk, or call many services to find free car with a car seat.

Who should pay the fine: the passenger or the taxi driver?

The taxi service provides a service for transporting passengers, and it must do this in full compliance with all existing rules. Clause 22.9 regulates the presence of a car seat in a car for a child under 7 years old. This means the driver must provide a restraint system for the small passenger. The fine for non-compliance with traffic rules falls on him.

But there is another side to the coin here. It is easier for a driver to refuse a trip than to risk his own money. Therefore, parents often have to agree with him that “if something happens” they will take on financial responsibility. But the main thing in this matter remains something else: the safety of the little passenger, since it is prohibited to carry him in your arms for a reason.

Why can’t you carry a child in your arms in a taxi?

Even if the collision occurs at minimum speed (50-60 km/h), the child’s weight increases many times under the force of inertia. So, the load on the hands of a parent holding a child is at least 300 kg. You will not physically be able to hold and protect the baby. As a result, he risks simply flying forward through the windshield.

When will Russian taxis have car seats?

In order for the matter to move forward, a document is needed that would oblige all taxi cars to be equipped with child car seats. Or, at a minimum, always have a sufficient number of them available. It is also important that the implementation of such a decision is carefully monitored.

Taxi drivers have their own view of the problem. In their opinion, there are several reasons why it is impossible to keep a car seat in the car all the time:

  • In the back seat it takes up full space, and this reduces possible quantity adult passengers.
  • Can the restraint device be stored in the trunk? Theoretically, yes, but taxis are also often called by passengers with luggage, and if the trunk is occupied by a car seat, bags and suitcases may simply not fit.
  • Another important point is that there is no universal car seat for children of all ages, and it is simply impossible to carry several restraint devices with you.

After the release of the law regulating the transportation of children under 7 years old in the back seat and up to 12 years old in the front seat, many taxi companies purchased car seats and boosters, but no one managed to equip all cars with restraint devices - this is very expensive. Transferring a car seat from car to car as needed is inconvenient. Therefore, ordering a taxi with a restraint device is still a matter of luck.

Will adapters and frameless car seats save the situation?

IN at the moment The use of frameless restraints or adapters is prohibited by law. The fact is that frameless restraint devices and adapters are not able to provide a small passenger with the proper level of safety in the event of a traffic accident.

Baby in a Taxi

Babies up to 10 months travel in a car seat or baby carrier. You should not expect that such a restraint device will end up in a taxi due to the limited time period for its use. Taxi drivers cannot provide child seats for all ages, so they prefer the most universal options. Parents need to decide this issue on their own. If the family has a car, you can use your own infant carrier - it can be easily transported thanks to a special handle. If the family does not have a car and you often use taxi services, it is recommended to purchase a budget version of the restraint device (from 3,000 rubles).

Taxi trips with children over 10 months

While it is convenient to take a car seat with you on the road, no parent will agree to carry a full-fledged car seat. Here we can only rely on conscientious taxi service employees. Most often, taxis use universal transformable car seats that cover the widest possible age period. Unfortunately, you cannot influence the quality of the holding device in any way. Most often, luck is simply having it in the car. When calling a taxi, do not forget to inform the dispatcher that a child is traveling with you!

Traveling in a taxi with children over 5 years old

For children aged 5 years and older, boosters are suitable - compact restraint devices that are seats without a backrest. These are the ones you can most often find in taxis. The cost of a booster on average is 500-2000 rubles. It takes up very little space in the cabin, so such a holding device is an ideal option for taxi drivers. In Moscow, certain taxi services purchase a large number of boosters for each car so as not to encounter unnecessary problems when transporting children. However, not everyone does this! Therefore, if in one place you were denied a car seat, do not rush to take risks, call other services.

1. Advice

If you plan to travel in a taxi with a child, be sure to inform the dispatcher about this. Check if it is possible to order a car with a car seat, and also indicate the age of the child. If they cannot offer you a car equipped with a restraint device, we recommend calling other services. If you place an order via the Internet or mobile application, be sure to check the appropriate box next to the item requiring a car seat.

2. Advice

Buy a compact restraint device for taxi rides. For example, adapter standard belt It's cheap and easily fits even in a small bag. However, such a restraint device is not able to provide the proper level of safety for your child, and it will only save you from a fine. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is get a frame car seat in a taxi, and use the adapter only in a desperate situation. A booster backpack from Trunki can also be a lifesaver. This holding device is a compact booster that folds into a backpack and also allows you to put additional things there. True, compared to standard boosters, it has enough high cost, but it will solve the problem of traveling in a taxi with a child.

Caring parents!

Together we make the world safe and comfortable.

Child safety expert

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