Nissan qashqai spark plug replacement which is better. Nissan qashqai spark plug replacement. Progress on replacing spark plugs Nissan Qashqai

Improving engine technology for modern cars, undoubtedly, has its advantages - both liter power and efficiency are growing. But much has to be sacrificed in their layout: the forms of the collectors become more complicated, and when they are placed in a limited volume of the engine compartment, you have to make the most strange decisions at first glance.

One of these design mishaps is the placement of the receiver at the rear of the engine while the intake ports in the head face forward. Thus, the intake manifold completely or partially covers the head from above, depriving easy access to the spark plugs - even the owners of the Volga with the Chrysler engine managed to get acquainted with this, but for the owners of Nissan of various models this has long become commonplace.

For example, you can change spark plugs with your own hands for Qashqai of any modification (both with a 1.6 and 2.0 engine) only after the intake manifold has been completely dismantled.

Is it worth it to do this work yourself? Undoubtedly, it will require certain locksmith skills and accuracy. But, having replaced the candles on your own with a Nissan Qashqai, you can be absolutely sure that everything is done as it should: “jambs” are not uncommon at branded service stations.

How often do you need to replace?

This question has already become the subject of refraction of forum copies more than once. European service manuals indicate an interval of 60 thousand kilometers: by installing high-quality platinum SZ, in countries without known problems with fuel quality, the manufacturer compensates for the inconvenience of repairing it with its rarity. In Russia, since 2011, a completely different interval has been indicated: the replacement of Nissan Qashqai spark plugs is already prescribed at each MOT, that is, once every 15 thousand kilometers!

In reality, we can say that at least 30 thousand spark plugs withstand stably in our conditions - this is even confirmed by the practice of some dealers who unofficially remove the replacement of candles from the regulations of each odd MOT.

Choice of spark plugs

The original spark plugs used by Nissan on these engines are NGK PLZKAR6A-11, not cheap (about 1200 rubles per set) and very specific - a long skirt, a small hexagon size (14 mm).

Their functional counterparts (that is, candles from other manufacturers with a platinum or iridium coating): Bosch 0242135524, Champion OE207 (platinum), Denso VFXEH22 or FXE20HR11 (iridium). In any case, a set of candles will cost more than 1000 rubles: candles of the same size without platinum or iridium are simply not produced.

Since the replacement will have to dismantle the throttle and the intake manifold, on cars with decent mileage it is worth buying their gaskets as well (having hardened over time, they will no longer be sealed tightly). For the throttle, the original number is 16175-JG31A, for the intake manifold - 14035-ED800.

Instructions for replacing spark plugs on Nissan Qashqai

For work, we need a specific tool - a thin “14” candle head, which in garage conditions usually made from a tubular wrench of the same size, a long bolt is welded to its end: it can be conveniently turned with a ratchet for its head. Given that the thread in the head is rather delicate, it is better to borrow a torque wrench for this purpose in order to accurately withstand the passport 19 Newton meters of tightening.

Having removed the decorative engine cover (held by two bolts at the edges of the emblem), you can see the collector itself and evaluate the scope of work.

Given the density of the layout, it will be best to work on a cooled engine. It will be possible to wrap new candles only in a completely cooled head. Let's start by removing the rubber pipe between the filter box and the throttle valve, it will also be necessary to disconnect the ventilation pipe from it.

Then you can start to free the collector. The first five bolts secure it at the very bottom to the block head.

The sixth draws the manifold to the valve cover, it is located at the oil filler neck. The seventh is located under the very throttle - it is because of this that it is better to remove the throttle assembly so as not to suffer in a narrow place with an open-end wrench.

The throttle is held by four bolts around the perimeter. After removing it and carefully separating the gasket, you can easily unscrew the last manifold mounting bolt, at the same time assessing the condition of the throttle itself and, if necessary, flushing it.

By pulling out the dipstick, you can lift the manifold and set it aside. Under it, a view of the individual ignition coils opens up - we remove the connectors from them, unscrew the mounting bolts.

The pulled out coils are best laid out in order, although there is no danger of confusing them during installation - they are completely identical. We turn out the candles. If instead of a candlestick grabbing the candle by the insulator, an artisanal version was used, then candles can be pulled out of the wells with a telescopic magnet or with the same coil - inserted into the well, it will capture the insulator with a rubber seal.

We wrap new candles, withstanding the necessary effort and carefully baiting at the beginning, in order to immediately feel if the candle has bitten, incorrectly entering the thread. It is impossible to turn the candle by force - if such a number still passes on short skirts in the Zhiguli (and then with the risk of the candle flying out along with the remnants of the thread under pressure), then here it will rather break, having irrevocably ruin the threads.

Next, install the coils, connect their connectors and start assembling in the reverse order. The mating surface of the block head must be cleaned so that nothing interferes with the gasket, it is necessary to stretch the collector plane adjacent to it from the center to the edges in turn, as indicated in the figure above.

Video of replacing spark plugs on a Nissan Qashqai

Do you know what spark plugs are for and why they play an important role in engine performance? How to properly replace spark plugs Nissan Qashqai and why does their malfunction cause malfunctions of the entire propulsion system?

In order to answer these questions, it is necessary, first of all, to understand: what are spark plugs? Spark plugs are a device that ignites the working mixture and is the main element in the smooth operation of the engine. The failure of at least one candle makes it impossible to further operate the engine.

Domestic manufacturers guarantee the correct operation of the device for 10-15 thousand kilometers, however, on Nissan cars, this threshold is much higher.

Despite the fact that, according to their functional purpose, spark plugs must withstand constant mechanical and thermal loads, their performance can stop at any time. And here it is important to provide first aid to the car.

Procedure for replacing spark plugs

  1. Before proceeding with the replacement procedure, you must purchase a torque wrench. This tool will help to correctly distribute the effort when tightening the spark plugs.

Spark plug wrench. If you want to save some money, you can buy an elongated head and grind it on the machine to a diameter of 19 mm.

  1. You should not rely on memory and try to remember the original front of the work. As a rule, only large nodes are remembered. To protect yourself from unnecessary worries about the correctness of the newly assembled structure, use the camera.

  1. There is a pipe between the throttle valve and the filter. In order to remove it, you will need to disconnect the ventilation system hose from the block head and loosen the two clamps.

  1. Disconnect the vacuum hose with gentle movements. Do not damage the collector, because it is made of fragile plastic.

  1. Remove the connector from the absorber purge valve.

  1. Unscrew the bracket bolt from the head of the block with the “8” key.

  1. Remove the hoses from the fixture and unscrew the bracket under the throttle.

  1. By removing the bracket, you will have access to the most difficult bolt. Unscrew it with a ring wrench last.

  1. The manifold is attached to the block head with 5 bolts. Unscrew them in the reverse order shown in the figure.

  1. Correct replacement spark plugs on the Nissan Qashqai requires your attention and utmost care, therefore, when starting each next step, take your time.
  2. Raise the manifold and throttle. Attention! Remove the dipstick before lifting.

  1. Secure it with wire so that it does not interfere during the change of candles.

  1. After gaining access to work with spark plugs, remove oil and dirt from the surface. Be careful not to drop objects or tools into the head inlets.

  1. Isolate the holes with a thick cloth and only then proceed to remove the connectors from the spark plug coils.

  1. After unscrewing the coils, arrange them in order. In order to decide on the need for a further change of spark plugs, unscrew them with a torque wrench. Be careful, because it is allowed to turn out the candles only after the engine has completely cooled down.

  1. Before installing new spark plugs, lubricate the threads with anti-seize sealant.
  2. After installing the candles by hand and making sure that they are level, tighten them with a torque wrench 22-24Nm or 2.3-2.5 kg / m. With gentle movements, lower and tighten first the coils of the candles, then the connectors on them. After lowering the collector after that, do not completely tighten the far left upper bolt of the bracket.

  1. A difficult bolt, in order to make it easier to get into the thread, should be baited with pliers with thin bent “sponges” with the throttle raised. Do not fully tighten the bolt.

  1. Referring to the figure showing the reverse tightening sequence, start screwing in the 5 front bolts. After the job is done, tighten the far left and tight bolts with a torque wrench of 27 Nm or 2.8 kg / m ..

  1. Having completed all the work on changing the spark plugs, put on the connector from the purge valve, attach the vacuum hose, put on the pipe, attaching the ventilation system hose. Don't forget to replace the oil dipstick.

Diagnosis of the state of candles nissan ignition Qashqai
State Symptoms Consequences Recommendations
coal deposits The presence of soot due to the over-enrichment of the fuel-air mixture Misfiring, unstable engine operation Replace standard spark plugs with spark plugs with the longest insulators. They will improve resistance to pollution.
The normal state of the candles Weak wear of electrodes, gray-brown color of candles The installed spark plugs correspond to the type and general condition of the engine Replacement not required
oiling Wear of oil seals Difficult start, unstable engine operation Requires mechanical restoration work. Spark plugs need to be replaced
Ash formation Brown deposits on the electrodes Electrode insulation, misfiring Replacement of oil seals, change of brand of fuel
Overheat Electrode erosion, white porous insulator, no deposits Reduced spark plug life Check the condition of the radiator, intake valve vacuum
Wear Slight buildup of deposits on the electrodes. Color normal Difficulty starting in cold weather. Increased fuel consumption Replacing spark plugs with new ones of the same type
Too early ignition Melted electrodes, white insulator Engine failure Check the glow number of candles, the quality of the mixture, the cooling system
Detonation Insulators have visual damage Piston damage Check if the spark plug gap is adjusted correctly.
Electrically conductive gloss yellowish insulator Misfire at high speeds, during hard acceleration - a sudden increase in temperature in the combustion chambers Spark plugs need to be replaced immediately
splashing Loose deposits on the electrodes Misfiring caused by deposits adhering to a hot insulator It is necessary to replace the spark plugs with new ones of the same type.
Closing the electrodes The interelectrode space is filled with waste products of combustion Ignition failure Waste disposal required
Mechanical damage Foreign material entering the combustion chamber Piston damage, cylinder failure It is necessary to remove foreign objects from the engine. Replacement of damaged elements

If you have any doubts about the correct operation of the engine, feel free to proceed to troubleshooting. Timely replacement candles on the Nissan Qashqai will prevent the formation of undesirable consequences for the car and eliminate the formation of mechanical damage.

Although you can save a lot of money by diagnosing the condition of the engine yourself, there is a possibility of damage to car parts. Therefore, before proceeding with the repair of Nissan Qashqai, gain strength and patience!

Came to us today nissan car Qashqai (Nissan Qashqai) with a 2-liter engine, manufactured in 2012, on which it is necessary to replace the spark plugs. We'll show you detailed photo and video instructions on how to do it yourself.

Open the hood, unscrew the engine cover, which is held on by two 10 head bolts:

Now we need to remove the intake manifold, unscrew the 5 bolts of its fastening to the head:

We take out the probe, loosen the clamps on the duct pipe. Let's take it off:

We pull out the connector from the throttle valve. We have two hoses going to the throttle, remove the clamps from them and plug them with bolts so that the antifreeze does not run away. Bolts of 10 are ideal for these purposes. After removing the throttle, I recommend cleaning it at the same time, this can be done using a carburetor cleaner. Disconnect all hoses and remove the intake manifold.

In our case, dust from above got into the inlet windows, it is necessary to remove it and close the windows so that nothing falls into them during work.

We remove the ignition coils by simply pressing on their latches. We unscrew the mounting bolts, with a head of 10:

If possible, we blow out the candle wells with compressed air so that when unscrewing the candles, debris does not get into the engine. We unscrew the candles with a candle key for 14 or a similar magnetic head:

We will bet original candles, their article is 22401-CK81B according to NGK PLZKAR6A-11. I recommend tightening new candles with a torque wrench, according to technical regulations manufacturer, it is necessary to tighten them with a force of 22 to 25 Hm. We assemble in the reverse order.

Video replacement of spark plugs in Nissan Qashqai 2.0:

Backup video how to replace spark plugs in Nissan Qashqai 2.0:

Spark plugs (SZ) play one of the main roles in the ignition system. Failure to do so can cause problems throughout operation of the internal combustion engine. The article is devoted to SZ for Nissan cars: when a replacement is needed, which candles to put in, how to replace Nissan Qashqai candles with your own hands.

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In what cases is it necessary to replace spark plugs?

SZ serve to form a spark that ignites the combustible mixture.

The smooth operation of the engine depends on the quality of sparking. If at least one of the 4 fails, then further operation of the motor will be impossible.

SZ have their own resource. According to the regulations on Nissan cars, they are changed after 30 thousand kilometers. Although SZ must withstand significant thermal and mechanical loads, they are subject to wear and tear and can fail at the most inopportune moment. To prevent an unpleasant surprise on the road, a visual inspection of the SZ should be done at each inspection.

What kind of candles to put?

To avoid problems, it is better to purchase originals for replacement. For Nissan Qashqai, such SZs as NGK Plzkar6a with an iridium tip are suitable. The average service life of the SZ is different and largely depends on the material of the electrodes.

Chrome-nickel alloy has high thermal conductivity and high corrosion resistance. Silver has the best thermal conductivity. The advantage of platinum electrodes is high resistance to corrosion and resistance to burning (the author of the video is VybratAuto - Automotive information site).

Replacing SZ with Nissan is a laborious process, so it’s better to buy high-quality products right away. True, they are expensive. If you want to save money, you can find cheap analogues, of which a large number are offered on the Internet. But such savings can result in frequent replacement candles.

DIY replacement instructions

The procedure for replacing the SZ with a Nissan Qashqai, Nissan Note and Nissan Juke is similar, especially in that it is not easy to get to the SZ. Although this process is laborious, it is quite doable even for a novice motorist.

Tools and materials

For work, you need to prepare the necessary tools and materials:

  • a set of keys and screwdrivers;
  • special candle key;
  • torque wrench;
  • new set of SZ;
  • clean rags.

If necessary, it is worth changing the gasket of the throttle assembly and intake manifold.

The process of dismantling and replacing SZ

If the car is after a trip, then you need to wait until it cools down. Work is carried out on a cold engine.

Replacing candles Nissan Qashqai consists of a sequence of steps:

  1. First, the decorative protective cover is removed from the engine. Under it is the collector of interest to us.
  2. There is a pipe between the throttle valve and the filter. To remove it, you need to unscrew the two fasteners and loosen the clamps. Before removing the branch pipe, it is necessary to disconnect the ventilation system hose from the cylinder head.
  3. With careful movements, so as not to damage the plastic manifold, you need to disconnect the vacuum hose.
  4. The next step is to remove the manifold. To do this, unscrew 7 bolts. 5 of them are on top, 6th on the left. To get to the 7th, you need to remove the connector from the absorber purge valve and dismantle the throttle by unscrewing 4 bolts around its perimeter.
  5. After pulling out the dipstick so that it does not interfere, you can raise the manifold. It is not necessary to remove it completely, you can simply tie it up with a rope or wire.
  6. Now SZ is available. Before replacing them, everything should be thoroughly cleaned of dirt and oil, while not dropping anything in the cylinder head.
  7. For safety, you can cover the cylinder head exhaust holes so that nothing falls there.
  8. Now we change the SZ one at a time. First, the connector is disconnected from the ignition coil. Then the coil itself is removed.
  9. Under the coil is an NW, which is unscrewed using a special candle key for Nissan.
  10. Then we fix in candle key a new spark plug and screw it in by hand. Having screwed it up to the stop, you should take a torque wrench and tighten it with a torque of no more than 18-19 Nm. If overtightened, spark plug threads may crack and become unusable.
  11. Similar actions are performed for all 4 SZ.
  12. After replacing all the SZ, the assembly is performed in the reverse order.

After complete assembly, you need to start the engine and check its operation with the changed candles.

Replacing spark plugs with Nissan Qashqai 1.6 and 2.0 is a necessary manipulation to improve the engine. Thanks to the replacement, the motor will work more efficiently and longer.

In the most popular crossover in Europe and Russia, candles for a 1.6-liter engine should be replaced every 40,000 km, for a 2.0-liter power unit every 30-35,000 km and no later. Replacing spark plugs is not only necessary to increase the performance and durability of the motor, but also to understand the problems with the engine. A frequent reason for replacement is both the loss of their quality by candles at the end of the recommended service life, and as a result of engine malfunctions, in particular with oil, which almost completely fills the candles and prevents detonation.

The first bell that tells you that you need to replace the spark plugs with a Nissan Qashqai 1.6 is insufficient engine traction when driving, dull sounds in the engine and problems with ignition. In a 1.6-liter engine with four in-line cylinders at 114 hp. in power, which is the base for the Qashqai, the main reason for the replacement is time, as these motors are among the best on the market in terms of tightness. The replacement of spark plugs in this motor can be done independently and without significant loss of time. Replacement will take only 1-1.5 hours.

The first thing you need to replace is the tools. So, to replace spark plugs, you will need the following tools and components:

  • New spark plugs;
  • Key for candles 14 mm;
  • Keys for 8 and 10 mm;
  • Screwdriver with a flat head.

It is also worth buying a dynamic key to replace it, which will correctly distribute the forces when tightening the candles. This key looks like this:

Before starting work, you should take a smartphone or camera to photograph the mechanisms at each stage of the work done. You will not remember everything completely and relying on your memory is not worth it. If you can disassemble the upper part of the motor, then it will be a problem to assemble and, unfortunately, after such a collection, “extra parts” will appear. Armed with tools and a camera, we begin the process of replacing spark plugs. The whole process takes 14 main points:

  1. Having unscrewed all the bolts, you should raise the manifold and damper, but it is worth remembering that you should remove the oil dipstick before understanding the damper. The probe looks like a thin rigid wire, you can see it in the photo above, it looks like a yellow ring from above. After lifting, the collector must be secured, preferably with wire.

Replacing spark plugs for Nissan Qashqai 2.0

Replacing spark plugs with a Nissan Qashqai 2.0 almost completely repeats the process of replacing a less powerful 1.6 liter power unit. The thing is that the motors belong to the same series, which is typical for all representatives of this series - this is almost identical in structure. Both engines are atmospheric without an air blower, both 4-cylinder, work with the same components. Therefore, if you need to replace the spark plugs with a 2.0 liter gasoline engine, you should look at the instructions above.

Spark Plug Diagnostics

Spark plugs can tell in what condition the working units of the machine are according to the state of their surface. The presence of soot, heavy wear or other deposits may indicate problems with oil filter, fuel system or cylinders. The main conditions of spark plugs, the consequences of these conditions and recommendations on what to do are provided in the table:

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