Uncontrolled intersections presentation for a lesson on the topic. Presentation on traffic rules on the topic of driving through uncontrolled intersections Complete the passage of the intersection

Rules for driving through intersections “Crossroads” is a place where roads cross, join or branch at the same level, limited by imaginary lines connecting respectively the opposite, most distant from the center of the intersection, beginnings of curvatures of roadways.

If at an intersection there is a traffic light in the “red, yellow, green” mode or the traffic is regulated by a traffic controller, then the intersection is controlled. Priority signs installed under traffic lights are not valid in this case.

When turning left or making a U-turn at a green traffic light, the driver of a trackless vehicle must give way to vehicles moving straight and to the right from the opposite direction. Tram drivers should follow the same rule among themselves.

Controlled intersection (traffic light or traffic controller). rules for driving through intersections When making a left turn or a U-turn at a controlled intersection, you must give way to those vehicles moving from the opposite direction straight or to the right

The traffic light can be equipped with additional sections. Turning on the green arrow on the additional section together with the yellow or red signal of the main traffic light allows movement, BUT obliges you to yield to those vehicles that are moving on the main green traffic light

Uncontrolled intersections At the intersection of unequal roads, the driver of a vehicle moving on a secondary road must give way to vehicles approaching on the main road, regardless of the direction of their further movement. At such intersections, the tram has an advantage over trackless vehicles moving in the same or opposite direction on an equivalent road, regardless of the direction of its movement.

Unregulated - equivalent intersection. There are no signs, no traffic lights, no traffic controllers. Driving through such an intersection is carried out “according to the obstacle on the right,” i.e. the advantage of travel is vehicle, which is on the right. Trams always have priority at this intersection

When the traffic light is flashing yellow, the intersection is considered uncontrolled. Guided by priority sign 2.1 " Main road", you can pass this intersection first, taking advantage of both truck, and to the tram located on a secondary road

If there is no traffic light at the intersection, there is no traffic controller, there are no priority signs - this type of intersection is unregulated - equivalent and the intersection is passed according to the "right hand" rule.

At this intersection of unequal roads, a passenger car, like you, is on the main road (sign 2.1 “Main Road”), and when turning around, you must give way to it. You have priority over the truck because it is on a secondary road

At an intersection of unequal roads, where the main road changes direction, you approach along the secondary road (signs 2.4 “Give way” and 8.13 “Direction of the main road”) and therefore must give way to both vehicles located on the main road, regardless of the direction of their movement through crossroads

Subject: Driving through intersections

  • General rules for driving through intersections.
  • Determination of the type and type of intersections.
  • Procedure for driving through controlled intersections.
  • Procedure for driving through unregulated intersections.
  • Requirements for passing intersections.

Crossroads - a place where roads intersect, adjoin or branch at the same level, bounded by imaginary lines connecting, respectively, the opposite beginnings of roadway curvatures that are farthest from the center of the intersection.

Exits from adjacent areas are not considered intersections.

Signalized intersections

An intersection where the order of movement is determined by traffic lights or traffic controller signals is considered Adjustable .


When turning left or making a U-turn at a green traffic light, the driver of a trackless vehicle must give way to vehicles moving straight and to the right from the opposite direction. Tram drivers should follow the same rule among themselves (Article 12.13, Part 2 of the Administrative Code).


When the traffic light turns on, the driver is obliged to give way to vehicles completing movement through the intersection, and to pedestrians who have not completed crossing the roadway in this direction (Article 12.13, Part 2 of the Administrative Code; Article 12.18 of the Administrative Code).

roadway - element of the road intended for the movement of trackless vehicles.

Depending on the intensity of traffic at the intersection, the configuration of the intersection, the number of traffic lanes on the roads crossed, the use of road signs and markings, intersections can be simple and complex .

A– road width

B– roadway

IN– traffic lane

G– tram track

D– dividing strip

E- sidewalk

13.7. A driver who enters an intersection when the traffic light signal permits must drive in the intended direction regardless of the traffic light signal at the exit from the intersection. However, if at the intersection in front of the traffic lights located on the driver’s route there are stop lines sign 6.16, the driver must follow the signals of each traffic light.



Directions to the additional section.

In the case when the section is turned on together with red or yellow, then movement towards the section allowed, but necessary give way T.S. from other directions.

If the section is turned off, then movement towards the section forbidden .

Section II. Uncontrolled intersections

When the yellow signal is flashing or the traffic light is not working, the intersection is considered Unregulated.

(vehicle drivers determine the order of passage according to the right-hand rule - interference on the right).

  • The driver of a vehicle moving on a secondary road must give way to vehicles approaching on the main road, regardless of the direction of their further movement

  • The main road changes direction

  • The main road changes direction

  • The main road changes direction

  • Give way to vehicles approaching from the right

Traffic controller signals when passing intersections

Everyone crossing the intersection, drivers and pedestrians, must obey the traffic controller’s signals, even if the traffic controller’s signals contradict traffic light signals, road signs and markings.

When the traffic controller gives a prohibitory signal, drivers must stop at the stop line, and if there is no line:

At an intersection - in front of the one being crossed roadway without interfering with pedestrians;

Before the railway crossing - in accordance with clause 15.4 (no closer than 5 m from the barrier, 10 m from the first rail);

In other places - in front of a traffic light or traffic controller, without interfering with T.S. and pedestrians whose movement is permitted.





Types of traffic lights


With horizontal signal arrangement

To regulate movement in certain directions

With vertical signal arrangement

With additional sections


In order to ensure good visibility of traffic lights to drivers of cars standing directly at the stop line, repeater traffic lights with signals with a diameter of 60-100 mm are used. They are installed at a height of 1.5-2 m on the same column where the main traffic light is located. The repeater operates in coordination with the main traffic light.

The visibility of traffic light signals, according to the conditions of their placement, must be at least 100 m. If this requirement is not met, then warning sign 1.8 “Traffic light regulation” must be installed in advance.

8.7. If a vehicle, due to its size or for other reasons, cannot make a turn in compliance with the requirements of paragraph 8.5 of the Rules, it is allowed to retreat from them provided that traffic safety is ensured and if this does not interfere with other vehicles.


  • At signalized intersections with access to oncoming traffic, as well as at uncontrolled intersections when driving on a road that is not the main one.


1. Overtaking at a roundabout

2. Overtaking two-wheelers without a side trailer

3. Allowed overtaking on the right

8.12. Vehicle movement in reverse is permitted provided that this maneuver is safe and does not interfere with other road users. If necessary, the driver must seek the help of others.

Reversing is prohibited at intersections and in places where turning around is prohibited in accordance with paragraph 8.11 of the Rules

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Intersections and their types Traffic rules

INTERSECTION - is a place where roads intersect, join or branch at the same level, bounded by imaginary lines connecting respectively the opposite, most distant from the center of the intersection, beginnings of curvatures of roadways.

TYPES OF INTERSECTIONS 4 Four-way; 1 2 3 5 T-shaped; X-shaped; Y-shaped; Multi-way intersections of squares. ,. 1 2 4 3

INTERSECTIONS Uncontrolled Regulated intersection, where the order of traffic is determined by the signals of a traffic light or a traffic controller. an intersection where the traffic order is not determined by traffic lights.

A traffic light is a device that, with its light signals, allows or prohibits the movement of vehicles and pedestrians. Transport traffic light Pedestrian traffic light In 1929, the first traffic light in our country with three signals was installed in Moscow. It was a circle divided into three sectors: red, yellow and green.

Most often, four traffic lights are installed at an intersection - one at each corner. When the light turns green, drivers of all vehicles can drive in all directions. ! ! ! ! Pedestrians can cross the street when the signal is green, but they must beware of turning vehicles. When the lights change from green to yellow, drivers who were traveling to the intersection on the green light must stop at the stop line and wait there until the traffic light allows them to continue driving. The rules for crossing in the area of ​​an uncontrolled intersection are the same as when crossing at a controlled pedestrian crossing. !

ROAD “TRAPS” At an unregulated pedestrian crossing, this is, first of all, a “moving limited view”: passing traffic, oncoming traffic. In addition, limiting the view to stopped vehicles, for example, for turning or turning. The main danger at a controlled intersection is the restriction of the view of moving vehicles at the beginning of the green cycle and the passing of other vehicles.

Imagine yourself as a driver and comment on what type of intersection is depicted and how the driver should behave in the proposed situations

Types of roads a b c d

3 group 4 group 1 group 2 group

Test questions What is an intersection, what types do you know? Where is it more dangerous to cross the street: where there is a traffic light or where there is not? Is it dangerous to cross the street when the traffic light is green? What situations – “traps” – await a pedestrian at a traffic light?

Homework: Fill out the drawings in your notebooks: A pedestrian runs in front of cars standing at a traffic light even when the signal is red, he is sure that the drivers of the moving cars will let him pass and does not understand that not all the cars were stopped, and because of the standing and moving cars, another one may come out! The pedestrian runs to the green light as soon as it lights up! You should always watch for cars. There may be late drivers who miss the crossing high speed, not having time to do this with “your” signal. Cars are standing in one row and driving in another. A pedestrian, seeing that cars are standing, can begin crossing without seeing behind standing cars, others passing by.

Road signs and additional funds traffic rules information

What are they for? road signs? Road signs perform the same service as traffic lights, street and road marking lines. They regulate the flow of cars and people, make the work of drivers easier, and help pedestrians navigate correctly in difficult traffic conditions.

Where and how are road signs installed? The signs are located along the entire road route so that they are always to the right of the driver, so that he can see them without turning his head. Signs are mounted on special stands, on poles or suspended above the roadway.

ROAD SIGN - a plate with a schematic drawing installed near the road to convey certain information to road users.

17 Priority Warnings Prohibiting Prescriptive In their absolute majority, they have a common warning sign: an equilateral triangle with a red border, a white background, a black symbol, the apex facing upward. These signs inform the driver in advance of the nature of the danger. They do not have a common feature and have a characteristic shape inherent only to this sign (rhombus, triangle, octahedron) so that even if the image on the sign is covered with snow or mud, the driver can determine its meaning based on the shape of the sign. Most of them have a common sign of a ban - a circle with a red border, a white background and a black symbol. Signs introduce various restrictions or prohibitions or cancel them. The effect of these signs begins from the place where they are installed and extends to the nearest intersection. Mandatory signs have a common sign of a prescription - a blue circle with a white symbol. Signs introduce or cancel certain traffic modes. Signs are installed immediately before intersections or sections of roads where the corresponding traffic mode is introduced.

18 Informational and Indicative Service Signs Signs additional information are rectangular in shape in most cases with a blue background. Signs inform the driver about the features of the driving mode or the location along the route. settlements or other objects. rectangle with a wide blue border and a black symbol on a white background. Signs inform drivers of relevant service facilities along the route. Signs are installed directly at objects and at turning points towards them if they are located away from the road. have the shape of a rectangle with a white background. They are not used independently, but only in conjunction with other signs to clarify or limit their effect. As a rule, no more than two plates are used with one sign.

Warning signs inform drivers that they are approaching a dangerous section of the road, driving along which requires taking measures appropriate to the situation. These signs are installed in cities 50-100 m, outside cities - 150-300 m before the dangerous area. A large installation distance outside cities is associated with increased driving speeds, when the driver should be warned early about the danger so that he can promptly reduce the speed, increase the distance, turn on external lights, etc. 19

Priority signs do not have a common feature, since historically they were transferred from other different groups of signs and have a characteristic shape inherent only to this sign (rhombus, triangle, upside down, octagon, etc.) so that even when covered with snow or mud image on the sign, the driver determined its meaning based on the shape of the sign. These signs determine the order of passage at intersections, as well as in case of difficult (oncoming) passing, and are installed immediately before the intersection or bottleneck on the road. At a controlled intersection, the driver is guided by priority signs only when the traffic light is off or if it is operating in the yellow flashing signal mode. 21

Priority signs establish the order of passage of intersections, intersections of roadways or narrow sections of the road. 22

Mandatory signs have a common sign of a prescription - a blue circle with a white symbol. Signs introduce or cancel certain traffic modes. Signs are installed immediately before intersections or sections of roads where the corresponding traffic regime is introduced. 23

Service signs - have a common sign of service - a rectangle with a wide blue border and a black symbol on a white background. Signs inform drivers of relevant service facilities along the route. Signs are installed directly at objects and at turning points towards them if they are located away from the road. In this case, the direction of movement and the distance to the object are indicated at the bottom of the sign. On country roads, the sign is installed in advance 15-20 km, as well as 400-800 meters before the designated object. 24

Additional information signs (plates) - have the shape of a rectangle with a white background. Additional information signs (plates) are not used independently, but only in conjunction with other signs to clarify or limit their effect. As a rule, no more than two plates are used with one sign 25

Pedestrian is a person who is outside a vehicle on the road and does not perform work on it. Thus, road workers, usually wearing orange vests, are not pedestrians. They are allocated to a special group in order to increase the responsibility of drivers for possible accidents involving this category of workers. Pedestrians are also considered to be persons moving in wheelchairs without a motor, driving a bicycle or moped, carrying a sled, cart, child or wheelchair. 26 Pedestrian crossing is a section of the roadway marked with signs with the same name or zebra markings and intended for the movement of pedestrians across the road. At a designated crossing, pedestrians have priority over traffic. Drivers in cities often violate this requirement.

U-turns are prohibited at marked pedestrian crossings; stopping and parking are prohibited at crossings and within 5 m in front of them. These prohibitions were introduced to ensure safe and unhindered crossing of the roadway for pedestrians. A driver approaching such a crossing must slow down or stop to allow pedestrians on it to pass, for whom a hindrance or danger may be created. If a vehicle has stopped in front of a pedestrian crossing, then drivers of other vehicles can continue driving only after making sure that there are no pedestrians in front of the stopped vehicle. 27

28 “Pedestrian movement is prohibited” - prohibits the movement of pedestrians along the roadway where the movement of people is dangerous (tunnels, bridges that do not have pedestrian paths or sidewalks). Does not prohibit the movement of workers and construction workers servicing this construction or repair project. Applies only to the side of the road where it is installed. "Pedestrian path" - allows only pedestrian traffic. Installed on wide alleys of parks and recreation centers, as well as streets reserved exclusively for pedestrians. By pedestrian paths Disabled people are allowed to ride in wheelchairs without engines, as well as persons driving a bicycle, cart or sled. This sign may designate roadsides or street lanes specially adapted for pedestrian traffic in populated areas.

“Movement on bicycles is prohibited” - prohibits the movement of bicycles and mopeds. This prohibition is imposed on heavily trafficked roads with route transport stops, as well as on the alleys of parks and recreation areas. The sign does not prohibit driving a bicycle (moped) with your hands along the sidewalk or right shoulder (in the direction of travel). Riding a bicycle (moped) is prohibited even for owners living or working in the designated area. “Bicycle path” (mandatory sign) - allows only bicycles and mopeds, but in the absence of sidewalks, pedestrians can also walk on it. 09/23/2013 29 Riding bicycles on sidewalks and pedestrian paths is prohibited.

“Intersection with a bicycle path” (warning sign) - installed before crossing outside the intersection bike path with the roadway. Although, unlike pedestrian crossing At this intersection other drivers, not cyclists, have priority; the sign also requires you to reduce your speed and pay more attention. It should be remembered that traffic regulations allow children to ride a bicycle on busy roads from the age of 14. 30

“The movement of motorcycles is prohibited” (prohibited sign) - prohibits the movement of all motorcycles (with and without a side trailer). The sign is installed near hospitals, sanatoriums, recreation areas, etc. The sign allows the passage of motorcycle owners living or working in the designated area, and cargo scooters servicing a facility in this area (for example, delivering small-scale cargo, dairy products). 31

“Entry prohibited” (prohibited sign) - prohibits the entry of all vehicles, with the exception of route transport. The sign is used to organize separate entry to vehicle parking lots, rest areas, gas stations, etc., as well as to prevent oncoming traffic on one-way road sections. Access to the object located behind the sign is only possible from the opposite side. “Traffic prohibited” (prohibited sign) - prohibits the movement of all vehicles on certain sections of roads or in recreation areas, courtyards of residential buildings, etc. The sign does not apply to route transport, cars and wheelchairs driven by disabled people, state transport facilities serving enterprises located in the designated zone, personal vehicles whose owners live or work in the designated zone, taxi cars delivering passengers or cargo to the designated zone. 32

“Residential zone” (information sign) - indicates the boundaries of the territory in which pedestrians have priority in traffic relative to transport. They can walk both on sidewalks and along roadways. In a residential area, driving at a speed of more than 20 km/h, through traffic and instructional driving is prohibited. 33

“Highway” (information-indicative sign) - installed at the beginning of the road connecting large cities. This road supports high-speed traffic. This is achieved due to the absence of intersections, pedestrians on the highway, prohibition of stopping, prohibition of reversing, turning around (even in gaps). dividing strip), etc. The sign allows maximum speed movement up to 110 km/h (for passenger cars and cargo trucks with a permissible maximum weight of up to 3.5 tons; for all other types of vehicles - up to 90 km/h). The minimum speed on the motorway is 40 km/h. 09/23/2013 34

Road signs may have the same name but different meaning 35 Pedestrian crossing

A railway crossing is an intersection at the same level of a road with railway tracks. This is the most dangerous place on the driver's path! In terms of the severity of the consequences, a collision with a train at a crossing cannot be compared with a collision between vehicles at an intersection. Accidents at railway crossings, as a rule, end in death, since train speeds through the crossing reach 100 km/h, while braking distance up to 2 km, i.e., the driver often sees a stuck vehicle at a crossing, but does not have the physical ability to save it. 36

“Railway crossing without a barrier” (warning sign) warns about a crossing that does not have a barrier or a crossing person on duty. It is possible to install a traffic light with two alternately flashing red lights before the crossing at a distance of 20 m from the first rail. The sign is duplicated. “Railway crossing with a barrier” (warning sign) - warns about a crossing that is equipped with a barrier (half-barrier), a light alarm in the form of a two-lens traffic light in which red lights flash alternately, and there is a crossing duty officer (in an orange vest). Flashing lights allow the driver to see this traffic light from a maximum distance. The sign is duplicated. 37


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