Required list of documents for a license for educational activities. Re-issuance of a license for educational activities: application, documents, deadlines

Legislation requires institutions conducting educational activities to have a special document - a license. It is issued by the competent executive structures after an examination.

When is a document needed?

Educational activities involve training and education in the interests of society, the individual and the state. This establishes a certain level of knowledge that students must have. A permit is not required if:

  1. Classes are conducted in the form of seminars, master classes, and trainings.
  2. The institution does not issue educational documents and does not assign qualifications.
  3. Individual work is being carried out, including in the field of professional retraining.

In all other cases, the institution receives a permit. In this case, the organization can act as:

  1. Applicant. Institutions that apply for the document for the first time have this status.
  2. Licensee. In this case, the organization already has a permit.
  3. Assignee. In this capacity, the institution receives a new name or status during the reorganization process, but can use previously issued permits.

The license is granted, as stated above, after an examination. During it, authorized structures check the compliance of programs, resources, conditions with regulations and standards. Upon completion of the examination, a conclusion is issued.

Re-issuance of a license for educational activities (application form)

The legislation defines cases when an institution that has a permit must renew it. Application for re-issuance of a license for the right to carry out educational activities of a preschool educational institution or another educational institution is submitted if:

Form and example of filling out an application for re-issuance of a license to carry out educational activities

We provide brief instructions on how to compile the document. Sample application for re-issuance of a license for educational activities includes special lines and fields. The following information is correctly entered into them:

  1. Name of the authority issuing the permit.
  2. Reason for filing.
  3. Full and abbreviated
  4. Legal address, the place where the educational institution actually provides services. In many cases they are the same.
  5. Basic information about the institution. Here you indicate information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, OGRN, etc.
  6. Names of programs to be included/excluded from the document.


To re-issue a license to carry out educational activities The following are provided to the competent authorities:

  1. Documents certifying the above information, grounds for updating the information.
  2. Receipt for payment of duty.
  3. Originals and copies of previously issued permits.
  4. Copies of constituent documentation. If the organization has branches, then provisions regulating their work are provided.

Copies of documents must be notarized.


Application for renewal of a license for educational activities may be sent electronically. Moreover, it must be certified with a digital signature. In practice, representatives of institutions independently bring all documents to the authorized authorities. Specialists accept the papers, check for completeness, and issue a receipt containing the inventory. After this, the completeness and accuracy of the information is checked. If any errors or shortcomings are found, you will not be satisfied. In this case, the competent authority sends a letter indicating which violations need to be corrected and at what time.


In general, it is reviewed within 10 days. The countdown begins from the date of submission of all documents. However, the applicant may receive a letter from the authorized authority in the first three days after submitting the papers. This situation is possible if shortcomings are identified in the information provided. The updated information must be sent within a month. If they are not provided within this period, the application will be cancelled. If the application was related to the need to update the list of programs, branches, addresses, the documents are reviewed within 45 days.


If the applicant is refused, the authorized body sends a corresponding letter. It expresses the decision and provides the motivation. If other organizations with which the institution interacts do not provide the information required for re-registration in a timely manner, the period for consideration of the application may be suspended. The law allows for changes to be made to certain parts of the permit document. If the request is satisfied, the competent authority issues an appropriate order.

Regulatory framework

On a new application form for registration and renewal of a license to carry out educational activities stated in Federal Law No. 273 (as amended by Law No. 238). Previously issued permits and state accreditation certificates had to be updated before 01/01/2017. To bring activities into compliance with Federal Law No. 273, re-issuance of licenses had to be carried out before 01/01/2016. At this time, the appendices to the permits also had to be updated, containing information about the types and levels of training (for vocational training institutions - information about specialties, directions, professions, qualifications).


The license or its annexes are not reissued if:

  1. Changing the name of the location of the institution.
  2. There is a technical error.
  3. Changing the name of the service delivery address.

If found in the issued license or annexes, the competent authority shall replace them. In Art. 333.18 of the Tax Code (clause 2) it is established that the state duty is not paid when correcting shortcomings made by the authorized body that provided the documents.


The federal body authorized to issue licenses is Rosobrnadzor. This authority provides permits to the following persons:

Direct provision of permits is carried out by structural divisions of Rosobrnadzor. Each region determines the body responsible for licensing - a department, committee or ministry.

    Appendix No. 1. Application for a license to carry out educational activities Appendix No. 2. Application for re-issuance of a license (temporary license) to carry out educational activities Appendix No. 3. Application for a duplicate license (temporary license) to carry out educational activities Appendix No. 4. Application on termination of educational activities Appendix No. 5. Application for a copy of a license (temporary license) to carry out educational activities Appendix No. 6. Application for provision of information about a license to carry out educational activities Appendix No. 7. Notification of the need to eliminate identified violations and (or) submission of documents that are missing Appendix No. 8. Notification of refusal to grant a license to carry out educational activities (re-issuance of a license to carry out educational activities) Appendix No. 9. Order to eliminate identified violations of licensing requirements for the licensee when carrying out educational activities Appendix No. 10. Extract from the register of licenses for educational activities Appendix No. 11. Certificate of absence of the requested information in the register of licenses for educational activities Appendix No. 12. Certificate of material and technical support for educational activities for educational programs Appendix No. 13. Certificate of availability from a professional educational organization, educational organization of higher education, an organization carrying out educational activities according to basic vocational training programs, special conditions for obtaining education by students with disabilities Appendix No. 14. Certificate of teaching and research workers Appendix No. 15. Certificate of availability of printed and (or) electronic educational and information resources Appendix No. 16. Certificate of availability of conditions for the functioning of the electronic information and educational environment in the presence of educational programs using exclusively e-learning, distance learning technologies Appendix No. 17. Certificate of availability of educational programs developed and approved by the organization carrying out educational activities ( form)

Order of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of March 12, 2015 N 279
"On approval of document forms used by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science in the process of licensing educational activities"

With changes and additions from:

applications for re-issuance of a license (temporary license) to carry out educational activities (Appendix No. 2);

applications for a duplicate license (temporary license) to carry out educational activities (Appendix No. 3);

applications for termination of educational activities (Appendix No. 4);

applications for a copy of a license (temporary license) to carry out educational activities (Appendix No. 5);

applications for provision of information about a license to carry out educational activities (Appendix No. 6);

notifications about the need to eliminate identified violations and (or) submit documents that are missing (Appendix No. 7);

notifications of refusal to grant a license to carry out educational activities (re-issuance of a license to carry out educational activities) (Appendix No. 8);

instructions to eliminate identified violations of licensing requirements for the licensee when carrying out educational activities (Appendix No. 9);

extracts from the register of licenses for educational activities (Appendix No. 10);

certificates confirming the absence of the requested information in the register of licenses for educational activities (Appendix No. 11);

certificates of material and technical support for educational activities under educational programs (Appendix No. 12);

certificates confirming that a professional educational organization, an educational organization of higher education, an organization carrying out educational activities in basic vocational training programs has special conditions for obtaining education by students with disabilities (Appendix No. 13);

certificates of teaching and research workers (Appendix No. 14);

certificates of availability of printed and (or) electronic educational and information resources (Appendix No. 15);

certificates confirming the availability of conditions for the functioning of the electronic information and educational environment in the presence of educational programs using exclusively e-learning and distance learning technologies (Appendix No. 16);

certificates of availability of educational programs developed and approved by the organization carrying out educational activities (Appendix No. 17).

2. Recognize as invalid the order of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science dated August 7, 2012 N 998 “On approval of the form of an order to eliminate identified violations of licensing requirements and conditions” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on September 4, 2012, registration N 25362).

3. This order comes into force on the date of entry into force of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on invalidating the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 11, 2012 N 1032 “On approval of application forms for a license to carry out educational activities , on the re-issuance of a license to carry out educational activities and a certificate of material and technical support for educational activities for educational programs declared for licensing" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 23, 2013, registration No. 26701).

4. Entrust control over the execution of this order to Deputy Head A.Yu. Biserova.

Registration N 37077

Forms of documents used by Rosobrnadzor in the process of licensing educational activities have been prepared.

Let us recall that in 2013 the Government of the Russian Federation approved a new licensing procedure. Requirements include the availability of developed and approved educational programs; conditions for protecting the health of students, as well as special conditions for obtaining education for students with disabilities. In some cases, it is necessary to have conditions for the functioning of the electronic information and educational environment.

Thus, the mentioned documents include, in particular, the following. Applications for granting, re-issuing a license, issuing a duplicate, or terminating activities. Extract from the register of licenses. Certificate of availability of special conditions for obtaining education by persons with disabilities.

The form of the order to eliminate identified violations of licensing requirements and conditions was declared invalid.

The order comes into force from the moment the order of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science comes into force on invalidating a similar act of the Ministry, which previously approved application forms for the provision and renewal of licenses and certificates of material and technical support for educational activities under the declared programs.

Order of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of March 12, 2015 N 279 “On approval of document forms used by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science in the process of licensing educational activities”

Registration N 37077

This order comes into force on the date of entry into force of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on invalidating the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 11, 2012 N 1032

This document is amended by the following documents:

The changes come into force 10 days after the official publication of the said order.

Legislation works with institutions that conduct educational activities. The latter implies a license. It is issued by authorized bodies and structures after a special examination.

When is a document needed?

At the moment, educational activities work for the interests of society, educating and training individuals. Accordingly, a certain level of knowledge is established that those who conduct training must have. If a person conducts classes in the form of seminars, trainings, master classes, the institution does not qualify as an educational institution, does not have qualifications, and also does not issue diplomas and conducts individual activities, including retraining personnel, then a license is not needed.

In all other cases, the institution must obtain a similar permit. In this case, the organization can act as both an applicant, a licensee, and a successor. It should be noted that when renaming, re-issuance of a license for educational activities also takes place.

The first status is given to those institutions that first applied for a license. A licensee is an organization that has already had a permit. A legal successor is an institution that carries out a reorganization and receives a new name or reclassifies itself to a different status. Accordingly, if an institution has the right to use old documents, then it is called a successor. As noted above, a license is issued only after an examination. It aims to review programs, resources, conditions and regulations, and compliance with standards. After the examination is completed, the result is issued.

Application form

There are cases in the legislation in which institutions must deal with the issue of re-issuing a license to carry out educational activities.

In what situations is an application for re-registration submitted?

  • When information about the organization changes. If we are talking about the name, address of the education, and so on, then an application must be submitted.
  • When merging with a person (legal or natural) that already has a license.
  • When there is a change in the services that the institution provides.
  • If the educational institution wishes to change some important information.

In this case, the application must be submitted based on the law.

Application form and sample

Next, we will briefly consider how to draw up a document for re-issuance of a license for educational activities. The sample application includes the required field lines. You need to enter certain data correctly. Firstly, write the name of the authority that will issue the license. Secondly, the reason why it is necessary to reissue the permit document is indicated. You also need to write the full and abbreviated name of the institution. Next, you need to indicate the address and place where this educational institution provides its services. As a rule, both graphs coincide. Then you need to provide basic information about this institution. After this, you need to enter a program that should be excluded or, conversely, included in the work. An example of re-issuing a license for educational activities is presented in the article.


In order to reissue a license to work in the educational field, it is necessary to submit a receipt for payment of the fee to a special authority. In addition, you should include the previously issued license and its notarized copy in the package of documents. Also filled out forms with information and papers that certify it. You will also need copies of the founding institution’s documentation to reissue a license for educational activities. If the company has branches, then it is also necessary to submit documents that regulate their functioning. All copies created must be certified by a notary.

Submission of documents

An application for renewal of a license must be submitted electronically. In this case, you should put a digital signature. Many heads of organizations themselves take documents to the institution. It is necessary to collect them to re-issue a license for educational activities. The exact list is available on the official website of the authorized body.

All specialists who are involved in re-issuing a license check the documents for correctness, as well as for the completeness of the set of papers. Next, a special form is issued, which contains an inventory. Then all the data that was provided is checked to see how reliable it is. If there are any errors or shortcomings, the organization will receive a refusal. In this case, the institution will send a letter indicating what errors were made and within what time frame they need to be corrected.


As a rule, an application for renewal of a license for educational activities is considered no more than 10 days. The countdown begins from the date when the complete package of documents was submitted. Often letters arrive from the authority within the first three days after submitting documents. As a rule, such a fast deadline guarantees a 100% error in the documents. Any data that was incorrect should be corrected within a month. If the organization does not meet this deadline, the application for renewal of the license is cancelled. If the application was related to updating programs, branches, etc., then the period for re-issuing a license for educational activities increases. Such documents are reviewed for more than a month - within 45 days.


If re-registration is refused, then, as mentioned above, the authority will send a letter. It will describe the decision and the factors that influenced it. If some other organizations with which the institution works do not have time to provide the necessary information quickly and immediately, then consideration of the application may be suspended indefinitely. There is a clause in the law that allows any changes to be made to a certain part of the license. If the application is granted, a special order will be issued.

Regulatory framework

A new application form was adopted in Law No. 238. Changes have been made to it. Previously, it was necessary to renew the license before January 1, 2016. The same applied to accreditation data. After the changes were made, it was necessary to submit an application for re-issuance of a license for educational activities before 2017, before January 1. In addition, within the specified period in the law, it was necessary to update all papers, as well as annexes to them. In this way, the organization confirmed its level and type of training.


There is no need to submit an application for renewal of a license for educational activities if there is a technical error, the address for the provision of any services, or the address of the location of the institution has changed. Moreover, in the latter case we are talking about changing the name of the street. If any typos or errors were found in the license, the authority should simply replace them. According to Russian legislation, it should be noted that an organization does not have to pay state duty if any mistakes were made by the authorized body.


In the Russian Federation, the body that can issue licenses is Rosobrnadzor. It is to this organization that the application form for renewal of a license in educational activities is submitted. This authority can issue such documents only to the following list of persons.

  • Organizations that provide training in higher education programs.
  • Educational institutions that can provide training in disciplines that are related to defense, security, security, home affairs, nuclear energy and so on. The entire list is established by law.
  • Also to Russian organizations that were created by the Ministry of Education and are located abroad.
  • Foreign institutions that operate in Russia by opening a branch.

The license is provided only by Rosobrnadzor or its structural divisions. It is worth noting that each region has its own separate department that is capable of issuing permits. A sample application for renewal of an educational activity license can be found in this article.

Obtaining a license for the first time and re-registration: which is more difficult?

Renewing a license is much easier than issuing it for the first time. It is more difficult to do this in the latter case, because the premises must be equipped, the necessary projects and programs must be prepared, and teachers must be hired. You need to understand that usually just a legal address will not be enough. You need a room that is ideal for training and will comply with all standards. It must have a large number of rooms, separate entrances, and an area where the site will be located. The type of premises depends entirely on the type of institution.

If an educational license is required, you will have to study all the documents regulating the choice of premises for a certain type of activity. In order to go through the procedure for obtaining a document, you must have documentation for the real estate. Accordingly, you should be completely sure that there is no fraud in the documents and everything is done “cleanly”. The premises must be brought into the required form. Safety standards come first. You should immediately think about repairs, if necessary. Alarms, fire detectors and lighting are among the most essential. The temperature regime must be observed. All this will be checked when applying for a license and submitting an application for renewal of a license for educational activities.

If there is a need to decorate a dining room, then you should think not only about the equipment for eating, but also about the kitchen. In addition, to conduct official activities, you must also obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor. Equipment, inventory and all furniture must be purchased before obtaining a license. In this case, it is necessary to check them for compliance with sanitary standards, as well as safety criteria. All goods must have certificates, otherwise a license will not be issued.

You should also develop educational programs, and either tackle this issue yourself, or invest money and hire a special person. Everything must comply with state standards as much as possible. The manager needs to sign each of the programs. And the composition of teachers should be formed before an application for a license is submitted. All specialists must have experience, qualifications and education in their field. All this must be notarized and copies and originals of documents must be submitted. It is better to double-check the application for re-issuance of a license for educational activities several times and additionally consult with a lawyer.

Buying literature is also an important point. After completing all these tasks, you just need to collect the remaining documentation and pay the state fee.


In conclusion, it must be said that the intricacies of such a process are quite complex; the main thing is not to make mistakes in the preparation of documents and when specifying data. In addition, everything on the papers should be clean, there should be no inconsistencies, and so on. An educational institution is a fairly serious organization, so the constituent body takes the re-issuance of a license very seriously. All documents will be re-checked, and the most favorable conditions for the existence of the organization should be prepared. The article indicates all the interesting points that you need to pay attention to. This also applies to the procedure for obtaining the first license.

In principle, the time frame for obtaining permission is short, so the manager does not have to be afraid that the work of the institution will temporarily cease. It should also be noted that it is necessary to re-check before submitting documents to ensure that the institution is completely in order. All educational programs must be normal and fully comply with GOSTs. It is advisable that teachers do not deviate from it and teach strictly according to this standard. In this case, during a detailed inspection there will be no claims against such an institution.

When opening new branches, you will also have to re-issue the license again. This has already been written above. A sample of filling out the renewal of a license for educational activities can be seen above. It is also available in special bodies where they deal with re-issuance of licenses. In addition, the article describes some parameters that need to be taken into account. If a manager does his job conscientiously, then he need not be afraid that he will be denied a license.

Organizations implementing basic or additional education programs may be faced with the need to re-issue a previously issued license.

What should you not forget about in this important matter? We will discuss the details further in our article.

What is this document and when is it used?

Organizations that carry out educational activities must have a special permit. In this case, it is a license issued by authorized executive authorities in the presence of an appropriate expert opinion.

To make sure that you need to obtain an official document, you need to know what is recognized as an educational activity according to Russian legislation. It is generally accepted that an educational organization is when it promotes education and training in the interests of the individual, society or state. It is imperative to indicate the appropriate level of knowledge for its consumers. But a license is not required if:

  • One-time training formats are used (seminars, trainings, master classes);
  • there is no issuance of educational documents and the process of assigning qualifications;
  • individual labor activity is carried out, including the field of professional retraining.

If an organization is recognized as an educational one, it can act as:

  • applicant, i.e. a person who has just applied for a license;
  • licensee - holder of a state-issued document;
  • successor - an entity that, during the reorganization, receives a new status or name, but has the right to take over existing permits.

When licensing educational activities, the competent authorities check to ensure that the existing conditions, resources and programs comply with the requirements of government agencies.

The need to re-register a document arises if:

  • the basic data of the organization has changed (name, address, place of residence, passport details of an individual entrepreneur);
  • a legal entity that had permission was merged;
  • educational programs or services provided by the institution have changed;
  • it is necessary to bring the data into compliance with the requirements of Russian legislation.

Do not confuse the re-issuance of an official permit with the issuance of a duplicate.

You can see some of the nuances of reissuing this permit in the following video:

Step-by-step filling procedure

You can clarify the positions in the application about which you have doubts by calling the licensing authority for information. While filling out the document:

  • the correct full name of the licensing authority is indicated;
  • the reason for submitting the request for re-registration is selected;
  • the full and short name of the organization is indicated;
  • legal address and indication of the places where services are actually provided;
  • basic information about the licensee (OGRN, data from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, etc.);
  • names of programs that need to be included or excluded from the license.

In addition to the application to the relevant authorities, provide:

  • documents confirming the specified data, as well as reasons for updating the information;
  • confirmation of payment of state duty;
  • copies of constituent documents, regulations on the organization and its branches;
  • copies and originals of previously issued permits.

Copies must be certified by a notary.

Before submitting the entire package of documents, you should carefully double-check all information so that there are no grounds for refusal. Otherwise, you will have to pay the state fee again. For those in doubt, there are free consultations with specialists at the location of the licensing authority.

Submission and deadlines

The application can be submitted electronically with a digital signature. Most often they take the opportunity to independently bring a package of documents to the relevant structures. The contractor checks the presence of all the required information, takes the package for inspection and issues a corresponding receipt containing a list of the documents provided.

Next, authorities need time to verify the information. If it was unreliable, incomplete, or incorrect, then re-registration will be refused. The authorities send a letter if any information needs to be clarified. Then the calculation period for issuing a permit will begin from the moment all information is provided. This can happen within three working days. Updated information or additional documents must be submitted within 30 days, otherwise the application will be cancelled.

If the reason for the application was the update of educational programs, the list of branches, and addresses for the provision of services, then the application is considered within 45 days.

In all other cases within 10 working days From the moment you apply, an appropriate decision will be made. A corresponding order must be issued regarding the refusal to re-register a strategically important document, where the motivation is indicated.

The deadline may be suspended if other institutions with which the licensing authority interacts do not provide timely confirmation of data or the necessary information. If a complete replacement is not required, changes may be made only to part of the relevant section of the license.

A positive decision is also necessarily supported by an order, which is signed by the head of the licensing structure. A record of the issued document is made in the register. Its very form is regulated by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science, issued in 2011, and cannot be changed.

Licensing authorities independently interact to exclude information about a previously issued license from the register. Be sure to send a notification to confirm that the actions have been completed.

Despite the labor-intensive procedure for re-issuing documents, having a new permit will allow you to operate without penalties and make a profit from the implementation of educational programs.

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