Scum from antifreeze. What is the best way to flush the engine cooling system? alkaline agents, advantages and disadvantages

Flushing the engine cooling system is the same necessary procedure as, for example, changing the oil and filters. If you do not flush the engine cooling system while replacing the coolant, then the scale and dirt accumulated inside will clog the thin channels of the radiator, pipes, pump, which, in the end, will lead to disastrous consequences.

How often to flush

Before we proceed to a direct description of certain means, I would like to remind you how important it is to regularly flush the car's cooling system. The fact is that, depending on the coolant used, rust, oil deposits, antifreeze decomposition products, and scale accumulate on the walls of the tubes that make up the radiator. All this leads to difficulty in the circulation of the coolant and a decrease in heat transfer. And this always has a bad effect on the characteristics of the engine and increases the wear of its individual parts with the risk of premature failure.

It is worth noting that flushing the system can be both internal and external (external cleaning means flushing the radiator from the outside from particles of dirt, dust, and insects present on its surface). It is recommended to do an internal flush of the cooling system at least once a year. It is best to do this in the spring, when there are no more frosts, and a hot summer is ahead.

On some machines, dashboard there is a light bulb with the image of a radiator, the glow of which may indicate not only a decrease in the level of antifreeze, but also that it is time to change it. This can also serve as a signal that it's time to clean the cooling system. There are also a number of indirect signs of the need for such cleaning:

Radiator icon indicating a problem with the cooling system

  • frequent engine overheating;
  • problems with the pump;
  • slow response to rheostat signals (inertia);
  • high temperature readings from the corresponding sensor;
  • problems in the operation of the “stove”;
  • The fan always runs at high speed.

If the engine is very hot, then it's time to select a tool in order to flush the cooling system, and choose the time and opportunity for this.

Why you need to flush the cooling system and radiator

Many of the domestic motorists neglect flushing and in vain. The procedure is not laborious and it is quite possible to perform it in the garage on your own. For many years, VAZ car owners have been doing it on their own, as, indeed, other types of repair work. All recommendations are quite fair and feasible for owners of imported vehicles.

The radiator and pipelines become clogged during operation. They deposit decomposition products of coolants, all kinds of oil and grease deposits, rust particles and various other scale. As a result, the performance of the radiator and the entire cooling system is reduced. It is better to flush in time, and then I will tell you how to do it.

Radiator failures can lead to costly repairs or even replacements. There are many ways to help get rid of rust and other types of plaque and pollution. The flushing procedure with the simultaneous replacement of antifreeze is recommended to be done at least once every couple of seasons. The final frequency depends on the operating conditions of a particular vehicle.

Traditional improvised means for washing

Citric acid is one of the most popular cleaning products. It is important to properly prepare its solution, and in this case it will not harm the rubber components of the system and at the same time thoroughly wash it. To do this, take 100 grams of acidic lemon powder and dilute it with a liter of warm water.

In order not to harm the system, it is optimal to flush in several stages. This will avoid chipping massive pieces of scale. In the absence of acid, you can replace it with dairy products - whey. It is believed that such a tool is even more gentle on parts of the cooling system that are not made of metal.

Another type of cleaning products can be found in the refrigerator of almost any family. This is the favorite drink of many, Coca-Cola. Due to the presence of phosphoric acid in it, almost any scale can be removed. However, this acid is known to damage soft rubber components.

In addition, the composition of the drink contains sugar that clogs the system. This is why, after rinsing with cola, you need to run distilled water through the system to help dissolve and remove the sugar. Another tip - before using cola, you need to release gas from the bottle. The expansion of such gas on a running engine can lead to undesirable consequences.

Caustic soda well softens scale that has settled on the walls of pipelines and inside the radiator. However, it requires careful proportions, and it is undesirable to abuse this powder. We take a 5% solution of such soda and dissolve 50–60 grams in a liter of heated water. It is desirable that the engine run for several hours. After that, the soda solution is removed from the system.

Determining the degree of clogging

There are several ways to determine the degree of CO pollution:

  1. Engine inspection. Its overheating may be due to various reasons, but the lack of cooling power unit- one of the main ones. If the engine is constantly overheating, you need to diagnose the cooling system.
  2. Expansion tank check. The degree of clogging can be determined by the presence of sediment in the tank. But for this, the container will have to be dismantled. It is unlikely that it will be possible to determine the presence of deposits on the tank installed under the hood. You can try to shine a flashlight on the container. If a layer of sediment is visible at the bottom, then it is time to flush the CO.
  3. Monitoring the state of the coolant. The presence of rust and traces of scale in the coolant indicates the need to replace the refrigerant and clean the CO.
  4. Inspection of hoses. Clogging of the nozzles can be determined by disconnecting one of the hoses. Be careful, as refrigerant will start to escape from the line when disconnected. If you see that blockages inside the nozzle prevent the consumables from properly passing through the system, then flushing should be performed.

Washing methods

To clean the cooling system, you can use the services of specialists at the service station. But there is nothing complicated in this procedure, so we suggest you learn how to perform such a task yourself. Efficient rinsing can be done with both special liquids, and improvised means. Below we will talk about how you can flush CO at home.

With water

Water is not the best remedy, but the most affordable option for car owners. But for washing, you should not use an ordinary liquid, but a distillate. The fact is that the composition of tap water may contain molecules and substances that aggressively affect the rubber elements of CO. If some of the liquid settles in the system, this will lead to the destruction of the rubber components.

The distillate cleaning process is relevant for all cars, be it Daewoo Sens or Mercedes, and it is performed as follows:

  1. We cool the engine. The procedure is performed on a cold engine, so wait until the internal combustion engine has cooled down.
  2. We remove the used material. To get rid of the old antifreeze, you need to unscrew the plug and wait until the consumable is completely out of the system. Do not forget to install a container under the drain hole to collect the drained liquid.
  3. We fill with water. We twist the cork and pour distilled water into the CO using an expansion tank. The volume of water must correspond to the volume of coolant drained from the system.
  4. Washing process. We start the engine, let it run for a while. You can even drive a little. It is desirable that the engine runs for about 15-25 minutes.
  5. We drain the water. If it is too dirty and there are traces of deposits and scale in it, then it is advisable to repeat the cleaning procedure. When clean water comes out of the system, it will become clear that the result has been achieved. Now you can fill in new antifreeze.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of this method is its availability and low cost. Finding a distillate is not a problem. The disadvantage of this method is that its implementation is more relevant for preventive purposes, when the level of pollution is low.

Use of acids

CO can be washed with citric acid or a solution of phosphoric acid. This option is especially relevant for those car owners who want to clean the system from sealant or oil residues. The cleaning procedure is carried out in the same way as with water.

To carry out the task of removing contaminants with an acid, the following nuances must be taken into account:

  1. Proportions. To make a cleaning solution for a heavily polluted system, you need 1 kg of acid and 10 liters of water. With moderate pollution, the volume of acid can be reduced to 800 grams per 10 liters of liquid.
  2. Technical features. The procedure is carried out in the same way as when washing with water. After pouring the solution into CO, it is necessary to drive a car for some time. Let the motor run as idling, as well as under load. After the trip, turn off the engine and leave the car with the acid filled with CO for 45 minutes.
  3. Thorough washing. After draining the solution, rinse with CO with normal distillate. To do this, repeat the cleaning procedure 3-4 times.

Advantages and disadvantages

To carry out flushing by this method, you will have to spend money. In addition to 20 liters of distilled water, you will need to buy citric acid. The average cost of one kilogram is 1-2 dollars. Please note: if you overdo it with the proportions, then the acid can corrode the nozzles and gaskets.

Using Vinegar

With your own hands, you can clean the system using vinegar. It is important to observe the proportions here: half a liter of vinegar is added to 10 liters of distillate. Cleaning consists in pouring the solution into CO, further heating the power unit to 100 degrees and stopping it. After that, the car is left for approximately 8-10 hours. When draining liquid, pay attention to its condition. If there are traces of rust and scale, as well as dirt, then the procedure is repeated. When cleaning is completed, the unit is flushed with distillate.

The procedure for flushing CO with vinegar is presented in a video filmed by the channel "A Little Bit of Everything"

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage is the low cost. Vinegar is cheap, so you won't have to spend a lot on such washing. The main disadvantage is that this process takes a long time. If the engine pollution is serious, then it will take several days to clean it.

caustic soda

The use of this option is relevant for cleaning the radiator device and heater. The use of soda is allowed only on parts made of brass or copper. If your car is equipped with an aluminum radiator device, then the use of caustic is not allowed. This tool can also be used to clean the jacket of the cooling system. When performing this method, observe the proportions: pour about 50 grams of soda into one liter of distillate. Before cleaning, the radiator unit must be dismantled.

Advantages and disadvantages

Its positive properties include its significant cleansing effect. Caustic soda is a strong substance that almost no pollution can resist. The price is quite low, which is also an advantage. The main disadvantage is that the substance is unsafe. When working with it, precautions must be observed throughout the cleaning procedure.

Milk serum

This tool is characterized by the presence in its composition of elements, the chemical characteristics of which allow you to dissolve deposits and scale, while not adversely affecting the rubberized components of the cooling system. Before pouring the whey into the CO, it must be filtered through a sieve. After the serum is filled, it should be driven about one thousand kilometers. After draining the fluid, the system must be flushed with distilled water and filled with antifreeze that meets the engine specification.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of the method lies in its efficiency. Serum also cleans well the lines of the cooling system and the radiator, as well as specialized products. The disadvantage is that the cleaning process takes a very long time. If you need to urgently flush the system, then this method will not work. Also, its implementation is impossible in the cold season, since the serum in the cold will quickly freeze, and this can lead to more serious consequences. In addition, after filling, you will need to check its condition from time to time and be sure to monitor the operating temperature of the internal combustion engine.

Flushing with Coca-Cola

As reviews show, the use of Coca Cola is considered one of the effective methods pollution control. The product contains phosphoric acid, which quickly copes with rust and scale. Be careful, because Cola also contains sugar, and it clogs the system lines and the radiator device. The flushing process is carried out in the same way as with ordinary water. After drinking the drink, the CO is cleaned again with distillate.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage lies in efficiency. But due to the acid content in the composition of the drink, there is a possibility of destruction of the rubber components and CO nozzles. Coca-Cola is a liquid product with gases. As a result of heating the motor to operating temperature gases will expand, and this can have a devastating effect on the operation of the motor. Before pouring a drink into the cooling system, we recommend unscrewing the cap and waiting a few hours until the gases come out. Another disadvantage is the high cost.


For cleaning, you can use special flushing agents, for example, Hi-Gear or Liqui Moly. The range of such products is large. Mild flushing chemistry does not adversely affect the condition of the radiator and CO hoses, and it allows you to clean the system fairly quickly.

There are several types of chemicals:

  1. Neutral. There are no aggressive molecules in the composition of the substances. These washes are not as effective as others. consumables, their use is more relevant for prevention.
  2. Alkaline. Reviews show that such products remove organic contaminants well. On sale you will not be able to find them in an undiluted state.
  3. Acid. Very aggressive to the components of the cooling system. Their operation is relevant for removing scale, as well as inorganic contaminants.
  4. Two-component. These products contain alkali and acid. These products are sequentially poured into the CO and allow it to be effectively cleaned from any type of dirt.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages should be huge selection resources and their effectiveness. In practice, chemistry always cleans the cooling system better than other fluids. Moreover, its application will allow you to quickly achieve results. We refer to the minuses high cost funds.

All motorists agree with the undeniable truth that the engine is the main unit in the car, the performance of which must be carefully monitored. The only pity is that for many of them, it comes down only to regular oil changes.

But in addition to oil, for the smooth operation of the motor, one more liquid is needed - a coolant, it can be antifreeze or antifreeze. Periodic replacement of this fluid and flushing of the engine cooling system are no less important for the trouble-free operation of the engine, as is oil change.

While agreeing that it is necessary to change the antifreeze, some drivers are perplexed when it comes to flushing the cooling system - why is this needed? To understand this issue, it would be useful to understand: how the cooling system is arranged, which antifreezes are preferable to use, why the system is clogged and the signs of this, the better it is to flush it and how you can do it yourself.

When the engine is running, a lot of heat is generated for removal, which is served by the cooling system of the car, consisting of the following components:

  • 1 - Furnace radiator.
  • 2, 3 - Outlet, underwater branch pipes of the heater.
  • 4 - Pump hose.
  • 5 - Pipe coming from the expansion tank.
  • 6, 12 - Steam outlet hoses.
  • 7 - Tank cover.
  • 8 - Expansion tank.
  • 9 - Thermostat.
  • 10, 19 - Outlet pipes.
  • 11, 13 - Inlet pipes.
  • 14 - Cooling radiator.
  • 15 - Radiator drain plug.
  • 16 - Radiator blower.
  • 17 - Pump.


Now exists big choice antifreezes and antifreezes that do not freeze at different temperatures and differ in their properties.

We will not delve into what this or that liquid consists of and thoroughly analyze their properties here. Let's touch on only some of their features that affect the cooling system. There are two types of antifreezes and antifreezes:

  • Carboxylate - containing additives based on organic acids. Which, enveloping a thin layer of the surface of the cooling system, are absorbed only in those places where corrosion has begun to occur.
  • Silicate fluids - containing silicate additives, which, during heating, create scale that clogs pipes, radiator cells.

Causes of pollution

First, as can be seen from the above, certain types of antifreeze can contribute to the formation of pollution inside the car's cooling system.

Secondly, the use of a sealant can become such a factor. When leaks appear in the radiator of a motor or heater, many use this remedy to eliminate the leak. But the use of sealant is not as harmless as it seems, sealing leaky places, it can simultaneously clog pipes and radiator cells.

Therefore, after applying the sealant, flushing the engine cooling system is mandatory. If flushing does not help, then manual cleaning of the pipes and radiator from sealant residues cannot be avoided.

Thirdly, do-it-yourself cleaning and rinsing may be required after pouring low-quality liquid into the system. Impurities in it can easily clog pipes and radiators. Also, such a liquid can provoke the appearance of rust on metal elements, which does not contribute to the cleanliness of the system.

Another reason for flushing can be oil getting into the coolant. Flushing is possible only after the malfunction has been eliminated. This happens when a cylinder head gasket burns out or a crack in the block.

Signs of System Contamination

You can determine that the moment has come when you need to clean the system by the following signs:

  • The radiator fan is almost non-existent.
  • In winter, the stove does not heat well.
  • The temperature sensor reading jumps or constantly shows an overestimated temperature.
  • There are signs of oil in the reservoir.

These are the first hints that the time has come to clean the pipes and the radiator, because the next sign will be the banal boiling of the coolant.

What and how is used for washing

For this process, you can purchase various flushes specifically for the car's cooling system in many stores that sell auto chemicals.

If the financial situation does not allow spending money on store funds or there is no confidence in them, then improvised solutions can be used. Which are made by hand, in this case, the main thing is to correctly observe their concentration.

Below we will look at how to flush the engine cooling system with solutions: vinegar, citric acid, whey.

Vinegar flush

  • When using this product, make a do-it-yourself solution based on the proportion of 0.5 liters of vinegar per 10 liters of water.
  • After draining the old liquid and pouring this solution, start the engine, bringing its temperature to operating values, turn off and leave the filled substance for 8 hours.
  • After draining the acetic solution, the motor is washed with distilled water, a new antifreeze is poured.
  • In very advanced cases, undiluted vinegar can be poured.

Washing with citric acid

  • It is better to prepare such a solution at the rate of about 100 gr. citric acid on the volume of distilled water, which is poured into the cooling system of the car.
  • Gulf, this tool instead of the old antifreeze, you need to travel for about 6 days. Then drain it, rinse with distilled water the remaining citric acid solution.

Serum wash

  • Initially, the whey is filtered through cheesecloth to remove any sediment.
  • Having received the required amount of liquid equal to the volume of the system, fill it through expansion tank.
  • The total distance that is traveled for cleaning in this way, constantly monitoring the temperature of the motor, should not exceed 1500 kilometers.
  • It is necessary to control the degree of whey contamination by checking it every 150 km. If there are signs of contamination, replace the serum with a new one.
  • After all procedures, you can rinse the car's cooling system with distilled water.

The most difficult dilemma is flushing the system after the oil. After oil enters the cooling system, it is very difficult to wash it with your own hands with ordinary mixtures. Of all the variety of means, the best will be the use of an industrial detergent - Pentmash.

The solution is prepared from the proportions of 10 liters of water 300 grams of the product. Having poured it into the system, we start the engine, let it run for about 5 minutes to wash out the remaining oil. After the flushing process, drain the composition and flush the system with distilled water.

The importance of flushing the engine cooling system is obvious. If one of the drivers still does not understand this, then immediately change to a horse-drawn transport, it will definitely not overheat and will not let you down.

From the article you will learn how to flush the cooling system with water, citric acid, vinegar, caustic soda, lactic acid, whey, Coca-Cola, special auto chemicals, let's talk about mistakes that should not be made.

Consequences of improper maintenance of the cooling system

The cooling system (CO) is an important element of any car, especially if the cooling of its engine is liquid.

Improper functioning of it can lead to irreparable consequences, and this:

  1. , and as a result, its complete failure;
  2. Breakdown or other similar device;
  3. Pump failure;
  4. Inefficient work.

As a rule, the reason for the inefficient operation of the liquid cooling system of any car lies in the contamination of the radiator, pipes, and cavities of the cylinder block cooling jacket.

If we could get inside this system, we would see an interesting picture.

Rust, scale deposits on the walls, remnants of decomposed coolant, greasy oil stains and other troubles.

It should be noted that we are talking about engines that have been in operation for 2 years or more. We are not talking about new cars here.

When should the engine cooling system be flushed?

It must be understood that any coolant (coolant), be it antifreeze or antifreeze, loses its performance over time.

The liquid decomposes into separate chemical elements, some of which precipitate and partially block the channels through which it circulates, others settle on the walls in the form of scale.

As a result, after one or two years of operation, antifreeze or antifreeze, per unit of time, begin to take less heat from the engine.

The period of circulation of the liquid in a circle increases and the efficiency of the entire system decreases.

Therefore, so that you do not have problems with engine overheating on the road, flushing the entire system should be done with each new coolant change.

Which washing method to choose

You need to understand that there are several ways to flush the engine cooling system:

  1. Distilled, boiled or acidified water;
  2. Washing with special means.

Depending on the degree of contamination, various washing methods are used.

Determine the degree of pollution.

In this case, to obtain the maximum result, you will have to use acidified water or special products.

If the used coolant has more of a light shade than a dark one, without a clear observation of precipitation, then distilled or boiled water can be safely used.

Flushing the cooling system with water

Wear rubber gloves so that the skin of your hands does not come into contact with the harmful liquid. Raise the hood and open the expansion tank.

Drain the old coolant from the system. To do this, unscrew the plug (bolt) on the cylinder block and open the tap on the radiator.

Return the plug (bolt) and the faucet to starting position. Don't squeeze them hard.

Pour distilled or boiled water through the expansion tank according to the norm.

Start the engine. 15 - 20 minutes of his work at low speeds will be sufficient.

Drain the water paying attention to its condition. If the water is dirty, then repeat the procedure. Ensure that the drained water is clean.

Only then fill in fresh antifreeze or antifreeze.

Use of acidified water

If particles of scale, rust, etc. are observed in the old coolant, then we can conclude that ordinary water cannot cope with cleaning the cooling system.

You need to use more aggressive means and acidified water is suitable here.

Vinegar, citric acid, caustic soda or lactic acid can be used as an oxidizing agent.

The fact is that citric acid reacts only at high temperatures, 70 - 90 degrees.

It is also very important to properly prepare the solution so as not to harm rubber products and metal.

Usually 100 - 120 grams of citric acid are poured into 5 liters of water, respectively, for 4 liters - 80 - 100 grams. If you do not want to take risks, the proportion can be reduced.

Other drivers, on the contrary, increase the proportion. But these figures are the most optimal.

The algorithm of actions is the same. Drain the old coolant and fill in the prepared solution. Next, start the engine and warm it up. Drive a car for a couple of kilometers.

This is done so that the temperature of the solution rises to the desired temperature of 70 - 90 degrees and the necessary reaction occurs. The engine should run for 30-40 minutes.

At the final stage, flush the cooling system with distilled or boiled water to remove residual citric acid.

If you decide to use table vinegar, then here you also need to know the correct proportion of the solution.

For example, 500 ml of table vinegar is poured into 10 liters of water. The resulting solution is poured into the cooling system. Start the car and warm up the engine to operating temperature.

After that, turn off the ignition and leave the heated solution in the engine overnight or 8 hours.

Merge, look at the result. Repeat if necessary. At the end, be sure to rinse with distilled water.

In very severe cases, some drivers immediately pour 9% table vinegar without diluting. For several times you will have to buy 20 bottles of 0.5 liters.

If you are using acetic acid, then it has 70% concentration, consider this.

Caustic soda is used only for washing the removed copper radiators of the engine cooling system and radiators for the passenger compartment stove.

If you have aluminum devices, which is typical for many modern cars then forget about this option.

The engine is not washed with caustic soda, since many people know that the cylinder head is made of aluminum, and the gaskets under the head will be corroded.

If your radiator does not fall under the aluminum category, then you can use a caustic soda solution per 1 liter of distilled water, 50 - 60 g, to flush it. substances. But before washing it is desirable to remove it.

This method gives a good result, but here you also need to be able to properly prepare the solution.

But the problem is not even in this, but in where to get lactic acid, because it is difficult to find it in free sale.

If your city has the opportunity to get it, then great.

Also on specialized auto forums, especially on used cars, you can find people who sell lactic acid. In general, as they say, there would be a desire.

To clean the cooling system, you need a 6% solution of lactic acid. As a rule, the concentrate has 36%.

But the calculation here is simple, we make the ratio 1:5, i.e. pour 1 kg of concentrate into 5 liters of distilled water, thus obtaining the desired percentage.

  1. Pour in a solution of lactic acid and wait until the release of carbon dioxide stops, then drain the exhaust mixture;
  2. Drive the car for several kilometers, then drain the dirty mixture.

Many drivers drive with lactic acid filled in for a day, drain, fill again and drive again.

This can also be done, because lactic acid does not act so aggressively on aluminum and rubber products.

However, at the same time, it was noticed that the engine starts to get very hot, more than usual.

This is because, when released, carbon dioxide creates so-called air locks in the pipes and cylinder block.

Therefore, you need to be careful and more closely monitor the readings of the instrument panel.

Finally, don't forget to neutralize the acidity. To do this, it is better to use a 0.5% chrompic solution or distilled water. The engine should run for 10-20 minutes.

Only then fill in new coolant.


Good alternative to lactic acid. First, the whey is filtered into a container of at least 5 liters.

Then it is poured through the expansion tank into the cooling system.

They drive with serum 1000-1500 km, then it is drained. If necessary, the cycle is repeated. However, every 100-200 km it is recommended to check the degree of contamination of the whey.

You need to constantly monitor the temperature of the engine.

Sosa cola.

Strange as it may sound, but before flushing the cooling system with Coca-Cola gave a good result.

The effect was achieved due to the phosphoric acid included in the drink.

But according to rumors, now this acid is not added to Coca-cola, so the past effect can no longer be expected.

But no one canceled the rechecking of rumors; Sosa-sol will definitely not cause harm to the engine.

Used means - auto chemistry

The advantage of flushing the cooling system is that they keep up with the times.

Their composition is designed in such a way as not to harm the engine. For example, some products were used for copper radiators, now for aluminum ones, others. Or combined for all types of engines.

They are inexpensive, so almost every car owner can afford to buy such a tool.

Not bad removes the most complex contamination of the cooling system. A bottle of 250 ml is enough to wash a small car with CO three times or a car with a large engine capacity twice.


Another good tool for cleaning the cooling system. Popular for its good value for money.

This is a washing complex, which includes two compositions.

First squad. Fights rust and scale. Well removes them and removes them from the system.

Second composition. Eliminates oil deposits and dissolves fats.

The complex is neutral to rubber products, plastics and all types of metals.

Do not forget, at the final stage, rinse with distilled or boiled water.

There are many other similar flushing products, but before using them, read the reviews on the forms.

The main mistakes when flushing the CO engine

  1. Work is carried out in cold weather, when frost is possible at night;
  2. Do not wear gloves as a result, you can get a thermal or chemical burn;
  3. Incorrect analysis of used coolant, which leads to overspending on flushing or to incorrect selection of funds. For example, caustic soda is not used for washing aluminum radiators;
  4. Incorrectly selected concentration of the washing solution, which can lead to corrosion of rubber products and the appearance of additional rust;
  5. Forgetfulness. At the final stage, do not forget to flush the cooling system with neutral liquids, for example, distilled or boiled water;
  6. Fill in only high-quality coolant, exclude fakes. Read here how.

Summing up

It is not difficult to flush the engine cooling system, the main thing is to do it at regular intervals.

You also need to correctly use flushing agents, including the correct formulation of solutions.

Purchased auto chemicals are easier to use, the main thing is to act according to the instructions and the result will be no worse. Which is what we recommend doing.

Leave your ideas and comments in the comments.

Flushing the engine cooling system is an important regular procedure required during maintenance. Controlling the amount of antifreeze in the system (maintaining an average level in expansion tank) and cleaning of technological channels with special means will ensure optimal temperature and long-term operation of the internal combustion engine.

Be sure to read the article of our specialist, which tells about what is better -.

You can find more detailed information on how to properly breed in the material of our expert.

When to flush the engine cooling system

About pollution technical channels The internal combustion engine indicates the constant operation of the fan on the cooling radiator and malfunctions heating system. The problem needs to be fixed as soon as possible. This can be done by hand.

A number of signs indicate the need to flush the engine cooling system:

  • regular overheating and problems with the subsequent launch of the power unit;
  • slow response to the rheostat signal;
  • high readings after starting the engine;
  • pump operation with constant interruptions;
  • changing the shade of the coolant in the tank.

If such signs occur, it is necessary to immediately change the fluid for flushing the engine cooling system.

You can clean the system with household products or special chemical additives.

The working coolant has a tendency to "boil away". Antifreeze, distilled water or antifreeze circulate in the system - these are working coolers that are controlled by marks in the tank and are periodically topped up. Overheating and boiling off leads to the loss of properties of the coolant (coolant), the formation of plaque in the pipelines and on the inner walls of the radiator.

Possible causes of clogging:

  • dust and mechanical inclusions;
  • chemical deposits;
  • the formation of salts (when adding ordinary water);
  • corrosion of the material of the internal elements of CO with precipitation in a plugging deposit.

Changes in color and odor are signals to replace the distillate. If there is a change in consistency, the appearance of foreign inclusions or the formation of a contaminated emulsion, it is necessary to immediately use means for flushing the engine cooling system.

General rules

Gentle flushing of the engine cooling system can be done with distilled water. To remove scale from the walls of pipelines, special solutions will be required.

The car is installed on the site. The process begins with draining the old coolant. At the bottom of the radiator and on the cylinder block, special drain plugs are unscrewed. The spent antifreeze or antifreeze is poured into a previously substituted container.

Drain the coolant when the engine is cold to avoid burns.

The system is flushed with distilled water or a weak special solution. For cooking, you will need one of the components:

  • soda;
  • vinegar;
  • citric or lactic acid.

Sometimes Coca-Cola is used, but such a process should be carefully considered. "Cola" aggressively affects the inner walls of the radiator.

The engine will need to start and drive the liquid for about 10 minutes. At the end of the process, you need to rinse the OS with distilled water, and then fill in new antifreeze or antifreeze.

Washing with home remedies

Preventive work to eliminate scale and dirt is carried out every 6-12 months. In Soviet times, regular cleaning of technical channels was carried out with "acidified" water. Used baking soda, citric acid and vinegar. The solution was made at a low concentration so that the inner walls would not oxidize in aggressive environment. The work was carried out carefully, taking into account the contamination of the canals. Such methods remain relevant today, and the process demonstrates the desired effect.

If you do not flush the cooling system, you may encounter unpleasant problems:

  • breakdown of the distillate heater;
  • unstable operation of the heating stove;
  • blockage of the water pump.

To avoid disastrous consequences, you need to figure out how to flush the car's cooling system. Modern cleaning methods at large service stations are based on the use of special expensive compounds. Their range of use is designed to remove all possible contaminants, allows you to get rid of organic deposits and rust.

Additives are produced on the basis of two-component compositions. There are neutral options, consisting of an acid or alkaline solution. Additives provide a directed action to eliminate a specific type of pollution.

Washing with distilled water

After draining the old coolant, the system is filled with distilled water.


  • close the valves on the radiator and cylinder block;
  • start the car;
  • keep the engine running idle move- up to 20 minutes;
  • wait for cooling and repeat the procedure.

Flushing is considered completed when the distillate at the outlet is cleared of foreign inclusions. This method allows you to wash the accumulated dirt, but will not clean the channels and internal planes from deposits.

How to flush the engine cooling system with citric acid

It is necessary to prepare a concentrated solution. The calculation is made in the optimal proportion - 200 grams of citric acid per 10 liters of boiled water. The composition is poured into the expansion tank until the system is completely filled, but not above the maximum level.

In order for the solution to warm up and react, you need to drive several kilometers.

The coolant temperature is controlled by the sensor. The scale splitting reaction is effective at t of 80 degrees. After the engine has cooled down, repeat the process with a lower concentration of the solution (100 g per 10 liters of water). The next wash is carried out clean water, and then antifreeze or antifreeze is poured.

Washing with acetic acid

The procedure is also effective with table 9% vinegar. A bottle of 0.5 liters is dissolved in a bucket of boiled water. The procedure consists of the following steps:

  • warm up the engine for about 30 minutes;
  • leave the charged system for at least 8 hours or overnight;
  • drain the waste liquid and flush with distillate.

When filling antifreeze, bleed air bubbles from the cooling system.

Whey wash

The lactic acid or whey option is an effective way to cleanse the OS. The car will need to work in active mode (at medium engine speeds) for about half an hour or drive 40-50 km without stopping.

Homemade whey is more effective than store-bought. You will need to strain it several times through a thick layer of cheesecloth. Filtration through a sieve is possible, but with a fine mesh.

Serum is poured into the radiator in its pure form, without dilution with water. After flushing, fill with water and drive again for 5-10 km. This is necessary to remove cured dairy products in the process channels. After making sure that the OS is clean, fill in clean distillate.

Cleaning with soda is a thorough and special procedure. A careless approach can lead to excessive oxidation of metal and rubber parts. The procedure is resorted to once a year or after passing a mileage of 50-60 thousand km. Special attention pay the ratio of the components of the combined solution:

  • 3% caustic soda;
  • 7-10% soda ash;
  • 85-90% boiled or distilled water.

After filling the system, you will need to drive a car up to 100 km, but you should not leave the soda solution in the radiator for more than 1 day.

For 10 liters of water, use no more than 1 kg of baking soda.

When using a sodium bicarbonate solution, you will need to thoroughly flush the system several times. After making sure that the final cleaning of dirt and salt deposits, fill in a new distillate.

Flushing with Coca-Cola

The folk method involves the use of Coca-Cola carbonated drink. This is an effective method with its own nuances. The drink contains phosphoric acid, which reacts with the polymer parts of CO ICE. The minus of the method is the high sugar content in Kolya, which, when overheated, is deposited on the inner walls of the metal elements of the pipeline.

Method features:

  • release all carbon dioxide from the soda before use;
  • fluid circulation in a running engine - no more than 15 minutes at t less than 100 degrees.

Despite good quality cleaning, you should not often resort to this option. With frequent use, the negative effect of "Cola" on rubber pipes was revealed.

Washing with special products

On the market automotive parts Several variants of additives for CO are presented. Special tools are of 4 types:

  • acid;
  • neutral;
  • alkaline;
  • two-component.

Additives differ in the concentration of chemicals and the aggressiveness of the effect on the internal parts of the engine.


In general, it is enough to ask just a few simple questions about the device and maintenance. car engine to find out what the average motorist knows about such an important component of the power unit as the cooling system.

It is almost certain that answers to a question about engine maintenance will include words such as engine oil, oil filter, timing belt, valve stem seals, and at the same time, nine out of ten respondents in their answers will bypass such concepts as coolant, cooling radiator, thermostat, water pump pump. And here one involuntarily has to admit the fact that even today the engine cooling system (as well as its maintenance) undeservedly continues to remain in the deep shadow oil system, connecting rod and piston and gas distribution mechanism of the car.

Well, indeed, if a high-quality and, as a rule, expensive grade of oil was used when changing the oil in the engine, then this can even become a matter of some pride for the car owner, while talking about antifreeze poured into the cooling system is usually limited to mean remarks about it. color: green, yellow, red...

As a rule, we resort to the help of products intended for the care and / or repair of an automobile cooling system either when time has already been lost and the radiator channels are “tightly” caulked with a layer of scale and other solid deposits, or when there is an urgent need to quickly eliminate the causes of leakage antifreeze. In the latter case, the effective operation of the sealant is also directly dependent on the cleanliness of the cooling system. .


In automotive petrol engine when fuel is burned in cylinders, approximately 25% of the received thermal energy is spent on setting the car in motion, efficiency diesel engines slightly higher, on average about 35%, but in both cases, about a third of the generated thermal energy is absorbed by the cooling system. For reference: the calorific value of gasoline is such that it is enough to burn just one liter of it to boil 120 liters of water. You can try to imagine the amount of thermal energy that an automobile cooling system has to cope with every day, so do not be surprised that, according to statistics, in the general list of car malfunctions, the number of breakdowns associated with the cooling system occupies an "honorable" fourth place.

Correct and coordinated operation of the cooling system is possible only if all of the following conditions are met: the cooling system must be clean and hermetically closed, the amount of antifreeze in the cooling system must meet the technical requirements, plus the correct operation of the electric fan, fan switch on sensor, thermostat, water pump and heat exchangers (radiators) .

The antifreeze itself must be diluted in the correct proportion with distilled water and contain a sufficient amount of auxiliary, reactive additives, the quality of which, in fact, determines the class of the antifreeze itself.

In modern automotive world Every year the fleet of cars with aluminum radiators of the engine cooling system increases. This trend is due to various, primarily economic, considerations, in particular, and the fact that, thanks to the use of aluminum radiators, it was possible to reduce the total weight of the car, and, accordingly, it was possible to reduce the amount of fuel consumed by the car. In addition, aluminum radiators also look much more preferable from the point of view of ecology than many of their copper counterparts. So, in their production it is not necessary to use lead solder, and the worse thermal conductivity of aluminum compared to copper is compensated by a well-thought-out configuration of the radiator honeycombs.

But aluminum has its own weakness is its high degree of susceptibility to the process of electrolytic corrosion. In conditions when the package of anti-corrosion additives contained in antifreeze is consumed to the end and ceases to operate, there is a sharp decrease in the acid-base (PH) index of antifreeze from the permissible 8–8.5 units. up to 7 and below. At this time, the aluminum parts of the cooling system turn into a sacrificial anode and begin to corrode rapidly.

To protect aluminum from corrosion, in addition to phosphates and borates, silicate additives began to be included in the composition of antifreezes, due to which a continuous anti-corrosion silicate layer approximately 1000 Angstrom thick was formed on the walls of the aluminum parts of the cooling system. As a rule, the service life of this type of antifreeze does not exceed one and a half to two years, and at the same time, the microscopic particles of silicate contained in it have abrasive properties, which contributes to premature wear of the rubber seals of the water pump and loss of system tightness.

During the operation of any car, gradually the surface of the parts of its cooling system begins to acquire various kinds of layers, the building material for which are corrosion products of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, oil and fat deposits, as well as decomposition products of antifreeze. As the thickness of the deposit layer increases, the heat-removing characteristics of the cooling system worsen, the process of gradual blockage of the channels of the cooling radiator occurs, in parallel, fuel consumption increases and the likelihood of engine overheating increases.

In addition, the cooling system of any internal combustion engine, and first of all this applies to their diesel modifications (with the exception of engines with "dry liners"), is constantly exposed to the destructive effects of the cavitation process. During engine operation, the cylinder walls constantly communicate high-frequency oscillations to the coolant, due to which the process of formation and collapse of cavitation bubbles begins in the liquid near the cylinder walls, in other words, at this moment, short-term (about 10–6 s) pressure pulses are formed - approximately 10 MPa, while the temperature of the gas inside the bubbles at the moment of their collapse reaches +1000 °C! It is possible to significantly reduce the rate of the cavitation process that is detrimental to the engine with the help of modern high-quality antifreezes developed on the basis of carboxylic acids, which, thanks to their new formula, form a thin film of an organic coating (approximately 60 Angstroms thick) on the surface of the parts of the cooling system, which has the ability to "self-heal" , after one of its sections was destroyed by a cavitation pulse. It is important to note here that antifreezes with a package of carboxylate additives cannot be mixed with antifreezes containing silicates, therefore, when replacing one antifreeze with another, the cooling system must be thoroughly rinsed from the remnants of the previous antifreeze.

As you can see, many factors speak in favor of regular treatment of the cooling system with the help of special chemicals, another question is: are we able to use this or that remedy correctly?

The main difficulty in cleaning the cooling system is that deposits on the inner walls of the cooling system differ in their properties. So, for example, scale and corrosion products of metals are most effectively cleaned with acidic solutions, and oil-fat deposits and decomposition products of antifreezes are cleaned with alkaline solutions. Accordingly, all cooling system cleaners are divided into two groups: cleaners with an acidic and alkaline environment. The decision to use a particular drug should be made based on an analysis of the operating conditions of the car or the reasons that led to the failure of its cooling system. An extremely important condition for flushing the cooling system is to maintain a balance between cleaning properties and the safety of the drugs used. Possessing high efficiency, chemicals of this group should not adversely affect sealing materials, hoses and plastic parts of the cooling system, not to mention parts made of non-ferrous and ferrous metals. A high-quality cooling system cleaner should not only be able to effectively cope with certain types of deposits, but also form a protective chemical film on the treated surface that can slow down the corrosion process, and also provide good conditions to remove destroyed contaminants when draining the flushing solution.

Below we provide an overview of products intended for maintenance/minor repair of the automotive cooling system.



Two-component cleaner designed for the phased cleaning of heavily clogged cooling systems.

Composition No. 1 - scale cleaner. An acidic environment softens and destroys scale and corrosion products. Dispersants keep the destroyed contaminants in suspension, preventing them from accumulating and ensuring their maximum removal from the system when draining the detergent composition. It contains buffer components, which, when interacting with the metal, create a phosphate protective film on it, which prevents the aggressive effects of an acidic environment and slows down corrosion processes.

Composition No. 2 - neutralizer rinse. The alkaline base dissolves oil and fat contaminants and antifreeze decomposition products, and also neutralizes the effects of an acidic environment, making flushing absolutely safe for engine structural materials.

Remember that not only the choice of car is important, but also caring for it. And this is an even more complex and time-consuming process!



Flushing does not contain acids and alkalis in its composition, it is designed specifically for delicate preventive flushing of cooling systems modern engines. Special detergent components cope well with scale and various fat and oil deposits. Dispersants keep the destroyed contaminants in suspension, preventing them from accumulating and ensuring their maximum removal from the system when draining the detergent composition. It contains a corrosion inhibitor, with regular use, the active formula of the drug is able to prevent the formation of scale, corrosion products and decomposition of antifreeze. Safe for radiators and stoves with small diameter tubes.

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Reliably and quickly eliminates antifreeze leaks from radiators, heater stoves, hose connections and other elements of the cooling system. Prevents future leaks. Getting into cracks, it polymerizes in air, forming an elastic plug, which is held due to the roughness of the crack walls. Does not clog radiator tubes, hardens only in places of leaks. Withstands high temperature, does not evaporate. The composition of the drug is neutral with respect to metals, rubber parts and plastics.

Compatible with all types of coolants.

If you go to any motorcycle store, you can easily find this drug. However, we recommend visiting only trusted stores, for example, There is a wide selection of auto chemicals.



High-quality professional composition for cleaning heavily clogged cooling systems from scale, corrosion products and antifreeze decomposition. Special highly effective detergent components recognize various contaminants, break them down and keep them in suspension, which allows you to remove all deposits as much as possible when draining the washing composition. Restores circulation of antifreeze, eliminates overheating of the engine.

The preparation is safe for radiators of all types, it is recommended for cleaning the cooling systems of engines of cars and trucks.




The product is a dispersion of a solid substance stabilized in a carrier liquid, used to seal leaks in the radiator and in the car's water cooling system as a whole. It independently detects and seals leaks according to the pressure difference formed in the places of damage, suitable for sealing aluminum radiators. Does not render negative impact to the water pump and heating circuit of the vehicle. Compatible with all types of coolant.



The radiator cleaner is used to clean the radiator channels and the entire cooling system from various contaminants, including lime deposits, which impede the circulation of the coolant and impair the heat transfer process. The composition of the cleaner destroys the structure of dirt, grease, oil and, maintaining the resulting composition in suspension, ensures its removal/draining from the cooling system. Contains corrosion inhibitors, suitable for all types of radiators.

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Concentrated product designed to remove rust, scale and decomposition products of the coolant from the cooling system. The WYNN'S COOLING SYSTEM FLUSH complex of detergent additives effectively dissolves oil and grease residues, and the dispersion additive complex, keeping dirt particles in suspension, ensures their good removal/draining from the cooling system. The agent is non-aggressive towards rubber, plastic and metal parts of the cooling system. It can also be used as a prophylactic - before each change of antifreeze - means.

This means is used not only for cars. If you have Czech Republic turbochargers, then they also need careful care.



Automotive cooling system cleaner with good cleaning/detergent properties, containing corrosion inhibitors, surfactants, acid neutralizers and special water softening additives. The active formula of the drug quickly dissolves and emulsifies scale, oily and mud deposits. The cleaner is compatible with all materials that are used for the manufacture of cooling system parts, including aluminum, rubber, plastic, and with all traditional types of coolants.



This preparation is an effective mixture of water-soluble sealants, fibers and corrosion inhibitors. Cellulose fibers form a mesh at the site of damage, due to which particles of resin and polymers deposited on it, reacting with atmospheric air, create a reliable patch. The drug does not contain borates, does not form sediment, prevents the occurrence of corrosion processes and the formation of scale in the automotive cooling system. Compatible with all traditional types car radiators, coolants and additives.

Of course, on driving performance car, this component will not affect much. And to learn how to "speed up" your horse, we recommend that you read auto news. Just do not forget about all types of traffic fines, more and more every year!



Anti-corrosion additive for automotive cooling systems. Protects iron, aluminum, copper and other metal surfaces from corrosion, rust, scale, which helps prevent overheating of the car engine and increase the efficiency of the cooling system. Contains in its composition components that serve as a lubricant for the pump, which prevent its premature wear and leakage. Compatible with all types of traditional coolants. It is recommended to add the agent at regular intervals, as well as after replacing the coolant.

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