Musical fairy tale for elementary school children. Musical skit for school holidays "walk through a fairy tale". Ministry of Education, Science and Youth

Theater available both in kindergartens and at home! This informative section contains many scripts for children's plays and theatrical productions - from established timeless classic Russians folk tales, to "old stories on new way"and completely original performances. Working on any of the performances presented here will be a real holiday for your students, and the process of participating in the “revival” of your favorite characters and plots will be true magic.

A real encyclopedia for teachers-“script writers”.

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May 2019. Dramatization based on a film"Only old men go into battle." Vorobiev: Comrade commander, the task is completed. Maestro: Sit down. What did you see? Vorobiev: I saw how one smoked great, but I didn’t see how he fell. Maestro: - Not that. On Alyabyev runs out of the stage, Vano. Alyabyev: Comrade....

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Image library "MAAM-pictures"

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We offer a scenario for a new musical skit for school holidays “Walk through a fairy tale”- light, cheerful and, nevertheless, instructive, because its moral is that knowledge helps to get out of the most difficult, albeit fabulous, situations. The text is written in simple language, understandable and easy to remember (spelling in some places has been changed intentionally to better suit the manner in which teenagers communicate with each other). This will be useful for any holiday, especially, by the way, it will be at graduations in elementary school.

School skit "Walk through a fairy tale"



Excellent student Dima

Loser Sergei

Baba Yaga


Cat Scientist



Probably every student, at least once,

Dreams of being in a real fairy tale,

Especially when you don’t want to study lessons.

But dreams have a way of coming true!

One day two schoolchildren found themselves there,

And we survived the fairy tale, frankly, with difficulty,

This is where their school knowledge came in handy!

When meeting Baba Yaga and the Scientist Cat.

That's how it was!

To the music (track 1), an excellent student and a poor student appear. There is a tree on the stage and a cat near it.

Loser: And I, Dimon, was dreaming about a fairy tale!

Excellent student: Congratulations, you are in it! (Points to the Cat)

Look, the cat chats just as well as you and I.

Doesn’t the oak tree and the chain remind you of anything?

Loser: So this is Lukomorye, or what?

Excellent student: Did you want to go to a fairy tale? On you, please.

Loser: Here's papodos. Eh, I need to do my legs.

But where? We don't know the road. (Takes out phone)

Let's Google it, damn it, there's no connection here.

They have generally heard what the Internet is.

Excellent student: We need to ask the cat.

After all, he can talk.

Loser: Do I look like an idiot?

Conversation with cats?

Excellent student: Do you want to perish here?

After all, the cat is the only one who can save us. (Approach the Cat).

Loser: Reverend, could you help us,

As soon as we got here, we wouldn’t mind leaving!

Cat: I can help. Will I get anything for this?

Excellent student: And we will say “thank you” and won’t forget.

Cat:“Thank you” is good, but it’s better to pay anyway,

Do I need to feed the mermaid?

And the chain seems to have begun to rust,

I suppose you've heard of metal corrosion?

Why did you get ready so quickly?

Let's go for a walk in a fairy tale.

Loser: And really, we should take a walk.

Think about it, I can’t believe it, we’re in a fairy tale, it’s crazy!

Excellent student: So, of course, of course, this is educational.

But you are saying that you have to pay here?

Cat(points to phone): And you give me this little thing to study.

Go with God, yes, don’t offend anyone.


The cat leaves. The Herald appears.

Track 2 plays. Fanfare

Herald: Attention! Attention!

An incredible challenge!

Rather, dive into three cauldrons

And change your appearance.

Suitable water temperature:

Plus thirty, plus a hundred and a little chilling.

The procedure is free only for you,

Only today and only now.

Loser: Maybe we should take a risk? Imagine the sensations.

Excellent student: What are you doing? Plus one hundred is the boiling point!

Seryoga, I had to study physics.

Along the way they want to cook us.

The herald leaves.

Loser: Listen, Dim, there is something hunting.

I would probably eat a hippopotamus right now.

Look, there are beautiful berries growing.

Maybe we can have a snack with them, right here.

Excellent student: In your mind? After all, this is a crow.

Eat, Sergunya, and the end will come for you.

They're poisonous, didn't you know?

Of course, have you read about them?

Loser: I don’t understand how you know everything.

Excellent student: We've been through this.

Loser: Seriously? Well, well.


Track 3 is playing. Baba Yaga's Exit

Baba Yaga comes out with a mortar.

Excellent student: Look, a hut on chicken legs

And Grandma the Hedgehog is fussing around next to her.

Loser: Let's go and ask us to treat you to something.

Excellent student: We won't be able to please her with dinner on our own.

Loser: Come on, twenty-first century.

Excellent student: And what? She's a retarded person. (They're coming)

Loser: Hello grandma, do you need help?

Baba Yaga: Ugh, go away, you scared me, Satan.

Who are you, where did you come from?

Look, you are here to help me.

See, the mortar is broken and doesn’t fly at all.

Well, help, otherwise I’ll eat you.

Excellent student: Nothing without a motor can fly.

You can't just overcome gravity.

Baba Yaga: You say some strange words

Maybe they are foreign.

I don’t care if the stupa flies!

I told you my word!

Loser: Damn, well, let’s think.

You're smart, think about it.

How to lift this stupa into the air,

She must somehow fly.

Excellent student: There is one option to solve the problem -

Attach a balloon to it.

Don't you have canvases, grandma?

Like raincoat fabric or cloth?

Loser: How do we fool him?

No pitching, no pump, nothing at all.

Excellent student: Let's fill it with hot air.

How else do balls fly differently?

Dima and Sergey They make movements around the stupa to the music. At the end, a large balloon is raised and tied to the mortar.

Baba Yaga: Well done, iris, sit down, I’ll give you a ride.

I’ll quickly get you to the place you need.

“Flying away” with Baba Yaga. The Cat comes out and then the boys.


Cat: And, students, I just remembered you,

Have you had a walk?

Loser: Enough, perhaps, for the first time.

Cat: Kam hia eurybadi.

You won't be left at a loss.

I'm on your device

I found one super property.

I adjusted it a little.

He will show you the way.

Excellent student: It's called a navigator.

And he’s a great guy, he understands it.

The navigator speaks English in the background.

Loser: What kind of setup is this, is the cat kidding me?

He speaks English.

Cat: I had to learn English at school.

If you don't like it, I can offer you a compass.

Loser: Damn it, let's remember.

Well, we have to find a way somehow.

Excellent student: Well, okay, cat, take five.

We were glad to visit you.

It's time to go home, goodbye.

Look, don't forget us.

Loser: Yes, bye-bye, thanks for the affection,

But at home, it’s still better than in a fairy tale!

Not only adults, but also children love to take part in a holiday fairy tale - impromptu, and very often the organizers of children's parties regret that most of them have texts and musical accompaniment that are not suitable for children's or joint events. At the request of our users, we remade one of the most popular ones. And we are pleased to offer you this option - a cheerful and kind musical fairy tale for family and children's parties “Friendship works wonders”, which can be arranged impromptu or with a short rehearsal, costumed fully or symbolically, but in any case, with good mood and good thoughts.

Musical fairy tale for children based on "Vasya-Vasilka"

Characters of the tale:





Little Frog



Vasya-Vasilek generally loved to have fun and dance to the music of the wind.

Sounds 2. Dance1 - Cornflower dancing

Vasya-Vasilechka had many friends, and they often came to his clearing. Little Frog came more often than others. He was also very cheerful and simply loved to jump and gallop around Vasilko.

Sounds 3. Music of the Frog - The little frog comes out dancing and jumps around Vasya

The serious and very kind Hedgehog often joined the cheerful friends.

Sounds 4. Music for Hedgehog's exit -Hedgehog comes out to music and friends hug

And, of course, here, as here was the nimble, albeit a little timid Bunny

Sounds 5. Music for Bunny -Bunny runs out skipping, everyone hugs and dances around Vasya

But the real fun began when two friends appeared in the clearing: a modest and very hard-working Bee and a bright, light, charming Butterfly.

Sounds 6. Music for the exit of the Bee and the Butterfly -IN they come out dancing and everyone takes turns waltzing with them

The friends were all so different, but they loved each other as they were, and were simply happy to meet each other and the bright orange sun.

Sounds 7. General dance -Everyone dances and plays out the lyrics

Yes, the friends enjoyed the sun and each other, and when they got tired of dancing, everyone did what they loved: the Hedgehog and Cornflower talked quietly, the Bunny and the Frog played jumping rope, the hardworking Bee collected nectar, and the Butterfly sat closer to Vasya-Cornflower and hugged him with her tender wings, and Vasilechek laughed with happiness and everyone around him too.

Sounds 8. Laughter - Everyone is laughing

But then unexpectedly...

Sounds 9. Disturbing music - Everyone flinches

A hungry Wolf and a Fox wandered into the clearing

Sounds 10. Music for the Fox and the Wolf - The Wolf and the Fox come out and behave aggressively

Vasya-Vasilek somehow immediately drooped, and he felt completely sad. The butterfly also trembled all over with fear and began to hide behind the stem of Vasya-Vasilka. The hedgehog fell silent mid-sentence, and the Hare and the Frog hid behind his needles out of fear. The Wolf and the Fox walked in a circle and licked their lips bloodthirstily.

Sounds 11. Disturbing scene - Friends are hiding, the Wolf and the Fox are walking around licking their lips and scaring them

But then the modest but brave Bee decided to fight back against the villains. She circled around them, then took aim and stung the Wolf, who howled and ran into the bushes.

Sounds 12. Bee Attack - The bee flies around the wolf, then stings him

And then the Bunny, and the Butterfly, and the Hedgehog, and the Frog, and the friends all together drove away the unkind Fox and began to sing their favorite song and dance in a circle.

Sounds 13. Round dance of friends - They sing and dance around Vasya

Yes, true friendship is so great, so interesting, and so pleasant! Even the Wolf and the Fox, who were watching their friends from the bushes, understood this. And they also wanted to be kind and have a home, loving family and be friends with everyone, because love and friendship can work real miracles. The Wolf and the Fox collected many, many beautiful balloons and began to share them with everyone, wishing them goodness and happiness.

Sounds 14. Multi-colored balls - The Wolf and the Fox come out with an armful of balloons, share with friends, and then they all go into the hall together and hand out balloons to the audience (or throw balloons into the hall)

8. Multi-colored balls (cut).mp3

“Kolobok in a new way”

Musical fairy tale for younger students

Prepared by:

Teacher at Sosnovskaya Children's Music School

Tikhonovich O.V.

(music “Visiting a Fairy Tale” plays)

Leading: We're on this stage now

Let's start the show!

We have turned into artists

We invited guests to join us.

And now I ask for your attention,

Here's a riddle about the name:

It was mixed with sour cream,

It was cold at the window,

Tried to run away

And Lisa got it!

All together: Kolobok!

(Grandma and Grandfather are on stage. Grandfather is playing with a tablet, Grandma is preening in front of the mirror)

Grandma: Stop looking at the screen, Grandfather,

You need to have a conscience.

I would look and look,

But we have a lot to do.

Grandfather: And herself, and herself!

I would sweep the floor in the house.

And why look in the mirror,

Would you cook dinner?

The choir sounds (the melody of the song “Golden Wedding” by R. Pauls)

Chorus: There was no better fairy tale.

Once upon a time there lived a grandmother and grandfather,

Once an old man asks for his grandmother

Make him a delicious bun.

Grandfather: We haven't eaten since the morning

Listen, grandma, it's time for dinner,

If there is still flour in the barn -

Bake us a kolobok for dinner!

(Grandfather and Grandma knead and roll out the dough)

Chorus: Grandmother next to grandfather

They work together amicably

Grandmother next to grandfather

Both are covered in dough!

(During the chorus, Grandma sits Kolobok on the windowsill and, together with Grandfather, fusses around the stove and samovar; Kolobok sits, dangling his legs, then jumps off and runs away)

(Melody of the song “Green Light” by R. Pauls)

Chorus: And Kolobok lay down and sat

And I decided to run away

I looked through the window into the yard,

He jumped off and rolled.

Oh why, why, why

Did he run away like a ball?

That's why, because, because

Grandfather and grandmother are crying.

They were looking for Kolobok- (3 times)

But he's not there

They roar, roar, roar, -(3 times)

And he's running!

(Scene in the forest. The Hare appears and sings. The melody of the song “But we don’t care” by A. Zatsepin)

Hare: There are no cabbages and carrots in the dark blue forest,

But I don’t eat fir cones yet,

But it seems to me that here, in the clearing near the Christmas tree

I just recently saw Kolobok!

But I don't care, but I don't care,

But I don’t care, even if it’s made of flour,

But not every time here in our forest

These Koloboks appear!

(The song Kolobok is heard. The melody of the song “Blue Car” by V. Shainsky)

Kolobok: Kolobok rolls and rolls merrily,

I find it very good to take a walk in the forest!

To each, to each I will sing a song:

I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather.

(Kolobok meets the Hare. The Hare sings. The melody of the song “Wait, locomotive...”)

Hare: Wait, Kolobok, don’t rush past the Hare,

Would you like to sit down with me?

You came to us for a walk in the forest at the right time,

And I really want to eat!

Kolobok: Oh, don't eat me, I'll sing a song:

I can't sit for a minute

I rolled away from my grandparents,

And I’ll run away from you too, Kosoy!

(Kolobok runs away from the Hare. The Hare runs after him, hearing the Wolf’s music “Oh!”, turns back. The Wolf appears. Sings. The melody of the song “Conversation with Happiness” by A. Zatsepin)

Wolf: Here in the forest sausage

You won’t find it during the day with fire,

Neither calves nor kids -

The wolf has no food.

My stomach let me down

Nerves are out of order

How does a fox live here?

Maybe he eats canned food? (Sniffs)

Suddenly, like in a fairy tale, my nose helped me:

I can smell it clearly - there is a bun here.

Fresh, tasty - that's it!

So the Wolf will have food!

(Kolobok’s song is heard - verse 1. Having caught up with the Wolf, he continues)

Kolobok: Oh, I rolled away from my grandparents,

And I was able to escape from the Bunny.

Wolf, don't eat me - it's not polite,

Maybe we'll meet again someday!

Bear: I am the boss here in the forest,

I'm carrying a basket

I collect wild honey for myself... (Kolobok notices)

Who came here?

Who scares wild bees?

Oh, someone will get it from me!

(Wipes glasses) Joyfully:

I am very glad to have guests!

Did Kolobok really appear on his own?

Kolobok! Kolobok! I invite you!

Wait, I’ll come to you now!

I'll have you for tea in the evening,

You're probably baked with honey!

Kolobok: (to the tune of his song):

No, I won't go to you

Here's more! here's more!

I don’t want to visit a bear at all!

After all, I overtook the Bunny and the Wolf,

And you, Bear, will also make me rock!

(The bear grabs Kolobok. Kolobok tickles him under the arms. The bear laughs and lets go of Kolobok. Kolobok runs away with his song. The bear hides, the Fox comes out)

Fox: (melody of the song “Weather in the House”)

What is the weather forecast?

Who can I fool today?

All the animals avoid me

But I’ll still outwit someone!

The most important thing is my ingenuity,

And everything else is nonsense,

My mind is that lifesaver,

What always helps Lisa!

(Kolobok sees, sings to the melody of ditties “Apple”)

Oh, oh, Kolobok, where are you going?

Sing me your song, I like it!

Kolobok: (to match the Fox)

Oh, Foxy, so sly,

Don't deceive me, red-tailed one!

Fox: (Sings to the melody of the r.n.p. “You are my dear”)

Dear Kolobok, sit down on a tree stump,

I can’t hear very well, sing it again!

Kolobok: (sits next to him)

So be it, Fox, red beauty,

I'll sing a song for you again!(Goes to sing)

(The fox throws a bag over Kolobok and ties a string)

Leading: Let's help Kolobok!

Let's call Sharik for help!

(Everyone calls loudly. Sharik runs out and barks at Fox).

Ball: (To the tune of “Letki-Enki”):

Woof! Woof! The ball has arrived!

Woof! Woof! He started barking loudly!

Come on, let go quickly

And Kolobok, be careful not to bite the fox!

(The Fox lets go of Kolobok and moves back into the forest. All participants sing the final song to the same melody and bow)

All: We will, we will all be friends,

We will, we will live in peace,

Let's wait for summer together

And it’s fun to play in the clearing!

(Everyone takes noise musical instruments and performs a number chosen by the teacher)

Literature used:

Magazine “Musical Palette” No. 3 2005

Scenario of theatrical and musical entertainment for primary school children

"Spring Tale"

Based on the fairy tale by G. Tsyferov “Once upon a time there lived a little elephant»


    Foster positive moral ideals, the desire to be responsive, and correctly evaluate the actions of characters.

    Develop a sustainable interest in theatrical play activities.

    To achieve free expression of children's emotions in gestures, facial expressions, movement, singing, and words.

    Achieve executive skill in creating artistic image, using gaming, song, and dance creativity for this.

    Enrich children's speech, achieve correct intonation and expressive speech.

    To promote a sense of importance for each child in collective theatrical activities.

Characters: presenter, sunshine, baby elephant, little fox, little hare, stars, other children, forest animals, fire.

Attributes: poster for the performance, hats for dramatizing a fairy tale: a baby elephant, a fox, a little hare, a mouse, a hedgehog, a bear cub, a wolf cub, a house, a bench, an umbrella, two watering cans, grass, flowers, a tree, a stump with fire, a fireman’s helmet, a box of matches - a dummy, a fire cap, costume of the night, stars.

Phonograms:"Birdsong", "Sounds of Rain", "Fire"

Scenario progress:

To the music, children and the teacher enter the hall in a round dance step and stand in a circle.


The birds sang merrily, and the drops had no time to sleep -

This means that colorful spring is knocking on our door.

So again, the tender grass in the field will turn green,

Warm air will blow - spring is coming to us.

Round dance “Spring has come to us again”

(Children sit on chairs, the sun hides in the house)

Educator: Look, there is a house in the clearing. This house is not simple, this house is painted. Who lives in it?

(music plays, the sun appears)


Go out to the meadow

Everyone stand in a circle.

We will sing and dance.

We will welcome spring.

Leading: Let's guys sing a song about the birds who brought us spring on their wings.

Song "Birds"

(after the song the children sit on chairs)

Leading:The long-awaited spring has arrived, and with it a fairy tale has come to visit us. Sit down, get comfortable, watch, listen and don’t miss anything.

The phonogram “Birdsong” plays (a baby elephant sits near the house.)

Presenter: Once upon a time there lived a baby elephant. It was a very good little elephant. The only problem was: he didn’t know what to do, who to be. So I sat and thought... One day it started to rain outside.

, and the animals are on chairs)

Leading: Sound track "Rain"

Presenter: A little fox ran past the house, he was wet and cold. Then the baby elephant offered the little fox an umbrella. (music sounds , little fox runs out )

Baby Elephant: Hello, little fox! Let me shelter you from the rain under my umbrella.

Little Fox: Hello little elephant! Thank you, little elephant, for hiding me from the rain!

Presenter: The baby elephant was happy and became a big umbrella, and the foxes, the little hares, and the hedgehogs all hid under the baby elephant’s umbrella from the rain.

Dance “Animals in the Rain”

(at the end of the dance, the baby elephant sits on a bench near the house)

Host: But Now the rain stopped, and the baby elephant became sad again, because he didn’t know who he should be after all. And again he sat down near the house and began to think. A bunny ran past. (music plays, little bunny runs out)

Bunny: Oh! What a long nose! You could be a watering can!

Presenter: The baby elephant was happy, and he and the bunny began to water the flowers, grass, and trees.

(music plays; baby elephant and bunny take watering cans and water the flowers)

Host: And when there was nothing left to water, the baby elephant became sad again...

The sun went down and the stars came out. Night has fallen.

(A child comes out in a night costume)


The eyes are sleeping and the cheeks are sleeping

Tired animals.

Eyelashes and palms sleep,

Tummy and legs sleep.

And tiny ears

Sweetly dozing on the pillow.

The curls are sleeping, the hands are sleeping.

Only sniffling noses.

Dance “Night Stars” (at the end of the dance, the stars sit on chairs)


Everyone fell asleep in the forest.

Only two foxes, two sisters.

Somewhere they found matches.

They began to think and guess.

Where and what should they set on fire?

They set fire to the stump.

They got scared... and then there was silence.

(Two foxes are sneaking, they have matches in their hands, they light a stump with matches, get scared, hide behind a stump)

(music sounds, fire runs out, runs around a tree stump)


I am fire! I'm a friend of the guys

But when they play tricks on me,

Then I become an enemy

And I burn everything around!

Leading:The little elephant did not sleep: he kept thinking and thinking, who should he be? And suddenly he saw fire! (Phonogram with disturbing music “Fire”)

Baby elephant: Fire! Fire! Fire!

Leading: The little elephant remembered how quite recently he was using a watering can, took some water and immediately extinguished three coals and a burning stump.

(the little elephant puts out the fire on the stump, pouring water on it from a watering can, sits on a bench near the house, wipes his forehead with his hand, the foxes and the fire run away onto the chairs)

Host: The animals woke up, saw the baby elephant, thanked him for putting out the fire, and made him a forest fireman.

(a baby elephant comes out into the middle of the hall, the animals run out, make a circle, put on a fireman’s helmet)


So that the forest, the animal house,

There was no fire anywhere,

So that the bugs don't cry.

The birds did not lose their nest,

And only the birds sang songs,

Don't pick up matches!

Presenter: The forest animals were happy that the baby elephant put out the fire and began to dance in a circle. The little elephant was very proud. Now he wears a helmet and makes sure that there is no fire in the forest.

Baby elephant:

To prevent a fire, you should not play with matches.

Let adults make it a habit to remove them from children.

We will not take matches into the street or into kindergarten.

We will not set fire to poplar fluff or paper.

We won’t play with matches, we won’t take a lighter.-

And we won’t ruin ourselves, and we’ll save our apartment.

Having matured, then we will boldly take matches in our hands,

We will use them in action and we will not start a fire!

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