Is it possible to insure a car without a title? Without PTS and with a new insurance policy. Is it possible to obtain compulsory motor insurance under PTS without a registration certificate?

From July 1 Russian motorists Several important innovations await. New pink MTPL policies are being introduced, which are better protected from counterfeiting. The form of medical certificate that drivers provide to the traffic police is also changing. In addition, the state is beginning the transition from paper vehicle passports to electronic ones, although in practice, car owners will only be able to receive an electronic PTS at the beginning of next year.

New MTPL policies

It is not necessary to change an old but still valid MTPL policy, but you can do this for free if you wish by contacting your insurance company. At the same time, if the policyholder makes changes to the current insurance contract, for example adding a new driver to the insurance, then insurance company will issue a policy of a new type.

Insurers do not rule out a shortage of new forms at agents and in remote sales offices, so until September 30, 2016, old and new policies will be on sale simultaneously.

The main visual difference of the new OSAGO policy is its color. Insurance will now be pink instead of green. In addition, a QR code will appear on the form, with which you can check the validity of the policy based on the Russian Union of Auto Insurers (RUA). Also on the new form there is a column with information about the bonus-malus discount.

Study thoroughly new policy when applying under penalty, policyholders will not have to get a fake yet - insurers assure that scammers will learn to make fakes only in a couple of years.

“The country is flooded with fake policies produced in China, Poland, in the former Soviet republics on the remnants of Goznak equipment; they cannot be distinguished from real ones,” explained the need to switch to new forms, RSA President Igor Yurgens. The lost profit was estimated by the union at 5 billion rubles. per year.

In addition, from July 1, legislation will come into force that allows insurance companies to sell electronic compulsory motor liability insurance policies to legal entities. Individuals were given the opportunity to enter into MTPL contracts via the Internet in July last year. However, today only 14 companies offer clients such a service. New medical certificates

According to the order of the Ministry of Health, from July 1, 2016, a new form of medical certificate is being introduced, which must be provided to the traffic police for driver candidates, as well as upon expiration of the license and the return of the certificate after the expiration of the period of deprivation. New form certificate has been brought into line with the recently introduced additional driving categories, for example M (mopeds) or BE ( cars with trailer).

If previously certificates were printed on plain white paper, now they will be secure printed products with a colored background. Unlike the previous sample, the new certificates do not require photographs. In addition, the line “Validity period” disappeared from the document - it is stated in the order of the Ministry of Health and is one year. Car owners will be freed from paper PTS

On July 1, a transition period begins to replace paper vehicle passports with electronic ones. At the same time, PTS will be converted to electronic form not only in Russia, but also in all countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). As planned, as a result, a number of processes related to the movement of vehicles, taxation, customs clearance, permission to operate and purchase and sale will become more transparent.

Nothing will be issued to car owners - only statements are provided that vehicle owners, those who want to check the car before purchasing, and government agencies can receive via the Internet. In addition to the information that is entered into the PTS now, other data may later begin to be entered into electronic passports: on the presence of compulsory motor liability insurance and comprehensive insurance, mileage, road accidents, maintenance and inspection, etc.

They will not force you to change your paper policy to an electronic one - vehicle owners will be able to do this if they wish. Citizens will be able to apply for an electronic PTS both to the traffic police and to authorized bodies, which, however, have not yet been determined.

The replacement itself does not require any financial costs from citizens. At the same time, officials assure that procedures for making changes to an electronic passport will cost citizens less. At the same time, the cost of restoring the title in case of loss is completely eliminated - now about 800 thousand car owners apply to the traffic police annually for this reason, and the fee for replacing a passport is 800 rubles.

“For us, this simplifies a lot of things: for example, there is no need to issue a vehicle passport. And this is a document that is produced for budget money and has a high degree of protection,” Chief State Traffic Inspector of Russia Viktor Nilov explained to reporters. -

The car owner does not have to keep a huge sheet with data about his car at home.

You can quite easily add other information related to the purchase and sale of a car to the history of the purchase and sale of a car. maintenance, repair, replacement. Anything. In fact it may turn out Russian analogue Carfax systems. To some extent, the history of the car in all its manifestations is not very necessary, but in theory it is not a burdensome function. And most importantly, the car owner does not have to pay extra for it. And in case of sale, the buyer can familiarize himself with it.”

“It is obvious that an electronic title can be an additional advantage when selling a used car, provided that it reflects full information about the history of ownership and operation of the car, says Sergei Solonchenko, director of the development department of the ROLF company, to Gazeta.Ru. - So critical important information is primarily the recording of mileage during the transfer of ownership, insurance, after-sales service and so on.

Also important is information about the purchase of the car - on credit or for cash, the history of insurance claims and repairs. Without this information, the value of an electronic PTS when buying and selling a used car is low.

So far there is no talk of entering this data into the electronic PTS. This means that the market will have to look for other solutions.”

Now automakers, tax authorities and the traffic police will test the system via the Internet. From January 1, 2017, paper PTS will begin to be gradually withdrawn from circulation, and from July 1 next year, paper passports will no longer be issued at all. If desired, car owners will be able to replace a paper document with an electronic one approximately at the beginning of next year.

Is there a fine for driving without a license?

At the same time, the question “is it possible to drive without a title” occurs in legal and automotive forums with amazing frequency. In this article we will look in detail at what a PTS is, what is the procedure for its registration, what controversial situations may arise when driving without it, and we will give useful recommendations.

Experienced motorists recommend not to write “stolen”, since you will not be given a duplicate PTS until the criminal case is closed. The car is inspected, and the owner receives a vehicle passport, which contains the “duplicate” mark.

However, this opinion is wrong. The policyholder and the owner are different persons under compulsory motor liability insurance when taking out a policy. In the form itself, 2 separate columns are allocated for them. This means that another person can apply for compulsory motor liability insurance without the owner. This can be any driver authorized to drive a car. Thus, the presence of the owner when registering compulsory motor liability insurance is not mandatory at all. However, his name fits into the auto insurance policy. The policyholder is the person who entered into the MTPL agreement and, accordingly, made the payment. He automatically becomes a driver included in the motor vehicle policy, that is, he is covered by insurance. For the owner of a car, when applying for compulsory motor liability insurance not in the name of the owner, it is not necessary to enter the policy as a driver.

To register a vehicle with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, you must first undergo a technical inspection - get a diagnostic card (vehicles under 3 years old do not need this!), and then take out an OSAGO insurance policy (Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance)!

Is it possible to get insurance from Rosgosstrakh without a PTS?

3. To conclude a compulsory insurance contract, the policyholder submits the following documents to the insurer:
a) application for concluding a compulsory insurance contract;
b) passport or other identification document (if the policyholder is an individual);
c) certificate of state registration of a legal entity (if the insured is legal entity);
d) a vehicle registration document issued by the body registering the vehicle (vehicle passport, vehicle registration certificate, technical passport or technical certificate or similar documents);
d) driver's license or a copy of the driver’s license of a person authorized to drive a vehicle (if a compulsory insurance contract is concluded on the condition that only certain persons are allowed to drive a vehicle);

Change insurance company. All you need is a registration certificate and a driver's license. Or apply in writing, and if refused, appeal in court. If you have an obligation to enter into a contract with a specific insurance company, be sure to contact it in writing.

Who can insure a car under MTPL, except the owner?

Experts answer this question positively. Today, the law gives this right to the person who actually controls the vehicle, without being the owner of the car. Most often, the driver has a power of attorney from the owner of the car. But even if there is no such power of attorney, the driver cannot be deprived of the rights given to him by law, including the opportunity to insure the car he is driving. Therefore, the insurer should not refuse to issue car insurance without a power of attorney. By and large, insurance companies do not care who is the insured under MTPL and who will pay for the insurance. Any face machine control, can take out a compulsory motor liability insurance policy.

  • a previously issued policy to ensure that the person insuring the vehicle is included in it;
  • a power of attorney in simple handwritten form without notarization, made by the owner of the vehicle;
  • presence of the real owner of the vehicle during registration.

Is it possible to re-register a car without insurance - step-by-step instructions, recommendations and necessary documents

Experienced drivers already know that car re-registration and insurance are mutually related to each other. Because without a new MTPL policy, it will not be possible to register the purchased car. These are the rules.

Situations often arise when a car owner is forced to sell his car urgently. At the same time, there is still a lot of time left until the end of the MTPL policy. What can be done in this case? First of all, after selling the car former owner has the right to ask the insurance company to return the remaining amount of funds. After all, the terms of the MTPL policy lose their force. In such cases, companies often try to withhold 20 percent of the amount that the client demands to be returned.

Is it possible to apply for compulsory motor insurance without sts if there is a title?

If there was an ordinary loss, the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate statement is marked “the vehicle registration certificate was lost under unknown circumstances, I exclude theft” and below is the date and signature of the owner of the document.

  • About the car, chassis and engine numbers.
  • About the car make, model and type.
  • About the color of the car body.
  • Information about the current and all previous owners of the car.
  • About engine size and its other important details, about the power of the car.
  • About the exact mass of the car.

Is it possible to get auto insurance for a car without a title?

It is important to know: in order to purchase an MTPL policy, you must have a valid certificate of passing a technical inspection or an international maintenance coupon. These documents can be replaced diagnostic card car.

Situations in life may turn out to be such that you will have to get car insurance without a title. Not all companies will insure a car that does not have a registration certificate. Car insurance implies the presence of a title and an STS of the vehicle. But some credit organizations simplified the insurance procedure by reducing the number of required documents.

Is it possible to get insurance without a title?

After all, no traffic police officer can demand this paper. Accordingly, if a person is intimidated by a fine, he has nothing to fear. There are simply no articles in the legislation of the Russian Federation that provide for this or that punishment for driving a car without a license.

And it simply doesn’t make sense to carry such documents with you. Such an act results in driving without license plates. And this is a serious violation, entailing fines and other sanctions. Duty or right Do I need to take my vehicle with me? Answering this question may not be so easy.

What is the fine for driving without a license?

As a result, you only receive a copy of the PTS. In this case, you are given a purchase and sale agreement, and the buyer also receives an acceptance certificate. Car owners ask the question: is it possible to drive a car without a title if they only have these documents?

In case loss of PTS contact the State Traffic Inspectorate. You need the branch where you registered the car. Take your passport with you; the purchase and sale agreement will also come in handy. In addition, you must have a vehicle registration certificate and insurance. Don't forget to pay the state fee.

Is it possible to issue a general power of attorney without a PTS?

I have 54,100 private houses that are part of the Arbitration Court may be terminated. Then read the short description with instructions. The inadmissibility of contrasting legality and expediency; entrepreneurs, 25, they apply illegal actions To get at least something, persuasion, intimidation and even violence.

Let's look at all of this individually. Options for obtaining a PTS I would like to note right away that the successful receipt of a PTS, as the main document for motor vehicles, also means a successful resolution of the issue with all other documentation. For example, you will be given an STS vehicle registration certificate complete with new license plates and a vehicle passport.

Is it possible to sell a car without insurance: useful tips

Payment of part of the policy cost is made within 14 days from the date of submission of the application in cash at the insurance company's cash desk, or by non-cash transfer using the specified bank details to the client's account.

As a result, the calculation is made only from 77% of the insurance premium: the time remaining until the end of the policy period is taken into account, that is, in six months you can get 38.5% of the initial cost of the policy, and in 3 months - only 19.25% of the insurance amount . Direct calculations are made by days before the expiration date of the insurance. With an average cost of compulsory motor liability insurance of tens of thousands of rubles such a return could be quite significant for family budget.

Is it possible to get compulsory motor insurance under PTS without a registration certificate?

A car owner who discovers the absence of a title must immediately take measures to invalidate the lost document. This will protect it from unpleasant consequences if the passport falls into the hands of fraudsters and criminals. Restoring a PTS if lost: documents, deadlines, possible problems This is: Now you can submit all documents to the reception window.

The only requirement is that the person must be allowed to drive a vehicle. The cost of the policy will be the same in any case - both if it is issued to the owner of the car and if it is issued to someone else.

No PTS how to get insurance

Elena, when did you buy the car? Has 10 days passed during which you must register the vehicle with the traffic police? Did you buy the car without a title? Have you tried to register a vehicle without a title? You can write a statement to the traffic police stating that the PTS is lost and ask for a duplicate.

Good afternoon. I have this question. I bought a car under a purchase and sale agreement near St. Petersburg. I myself am from the Novgorod region. I was going to register the car with our traffic police and it turned out that there was no space in the title (well, I never encountered this and didn’t even pay attention to it), insurance could not be done due to my absence in the title. To change the title, do I need the seller from whom I bought the car? I can’t catch the seller, what should I do? How to get new PTS without the old owner and no insurance. (Insurance until November is available but for the old owner)

  • Repayment of all debts to the lender by the buyer of the car, and then going through the procedure of re-registering the car to the new owner.
  • It must be remembered that banks always act in their own interests. Therefore, even if they issue permits to sell credit car, then they will set their own price conditions. It is up to the buyer to agree with the new value or not.
    If you have less than half left to pay off the loan, or at least 50-60%, then in any case such a purchase will be profitable. Compared to the full cost of the car, almost any motorist may be interested in paying only part of it. The previous owner-borrower can act this way only in case of great risks and fall under huge monetary sanctions for debts on the loan.

The main document of any vehicle is the PTS - this is the same as a passport for a person. However, there are situations when a person, either out of ignorance or for some other reason, purchases a car without a title. And without this document, registering the car will be problematic, and in some cases, even impossible.

Is it possible to get insurance using PTS?

To check, go to the service page for viewing information about the MTPL agreement. Enter the vehicle VIN and registration plate. Result successful verification- a report indicating the policy number and company name.

Such a transaction is easy to complete, but auto experts believe that buying a car from a company is complicated by some risks. The future owner should not only monitor the legality of the transaction, but also check the legal purity of the documents for the car.

Is it possible to sell a car without title and insurance?

If a car is sold without a passport, you need to be extremely careful when making a transaction so as not to fall for the bait of scammers. Today, the following scheme is common: criminals sell a credit machine using forged documents, receive money and disappear, and the new owner has to deal with the bank’s collectors.

  • Selling a credit car without the consent of the bank (Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) – imprisonment for up to 5 years or a fine of 80 thousand rubles.
  • Forgery of a vehicle passport (Article 237 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) – restriction of freedom for up to 2 years or imprisonment for up to 4 years; arrest for up to 6 months or forced labor for two years; fine up to 80 thousand rubles.

1. Can I drive a vehicle without compulsory motor insurance under the policy? Is it necessary to take your PTS with you?

1.1. You can't travel without insurance at all.

2. Is it possible to issue an insurance payment under compulsory motor insurance without PTS?

2.1. No, it won't work.

3. Is it possible to replace an old-style title without MTPL insurance?

3.1. If this does not happen registration actions, then yes


4.1. Perhaps the only thing that matters is the presence/absence of a ban on registration actions.

5. Is it possible to drive a car without insurance, having a purchase agreement and title?

5.1. According to the law on compulsory motor liability insurance, you can drive without compulsory motor liability insurance for 10 days.

6. How can I rent a car without a power of attorney, I have a dock. PTS, STS and OSAGO.

6.1. Hello, no way.

7. The PTS is located at the traffic police department. the heir sells the car. Can we get a compulsory motor insurance policy without PTS? To then calmly re-register the car...

7.1. If you have a vehicle registration certificate, it is possible.

8. The car is pledged to the bank, the bank is in the process of liquidation. The car was sold several times by the mortgagee, without notifying the bank. The vehicle has been subject to foreclosure. And this car got into an accident. There is a compulsory motor liability insurance policy. Question: Who will the insurance company reimburse the costs to the bank, the mortgagee, the owner of the vehicle title (for whom the compulsory motor liability insurance policy is issued) or the driver who is registered with the compulsory motor liability insurance policy?

8.1. Good afternoon. Reimbursement of costs will be given to the person for whom the compulsory motor liability insurance was issued, call for more detailed advice at 89952260119 Evgeniy Ivanovich.

8.2. To the owner of the PTS (for whom the compulsory motor liability insurance is issued).

9. Is it possible to ride new car without a title, having a purchase and sale agreement with the salon and a compulsory insurance policy?

9.1. You do not need to have a PTS with you at all when driving a car. It is enough to have STS and a compulsory motor liability insurance policy.

10. Such a question, I filled out electronic policy osago in Rosgosstrakh, after paying for the policy, they saw a typo in the printed form, in the column PTS series in place 74 AO they wrote 74 OA. I called the hotline and they said that it was impossible to make changes, only to terminate the contract without a refund. Are they right? What to do in such a situation?

10.1. Good evening, Ksenya!
No, they are wrong, so write a letter addressed to the head of the insurance company, asking for an answer about the reason for the refusal, with reference to the articles of the current legislation, a copy of the letter to the prosecutor's office and consumer supervision.

11. We bought a car in another city under a sales contract. On to the next The day we issued a compulsory motor liability insurance and went to the traffic police. There, when checking, it turned out that there was a different engine number in the title. They took the car and did not give me any documents. Question: within how long should I be given a seizure certificate? I want to terminate the contract. The seller needs documents to return the money. Or can I return the money without a certificate? On hand there is a refusal to the register. Actions.

11.1. Good afternoon
In fact, the seizure act is drawn up immediately. I recommend that you immediately contact the traffic police and demand that all documents be issued.

12. I bought a motorcycle with a ban on registration by bailiffs (no arrest), there is a DKP and a PTS without an STS. The motorbike is registered and has a state number. The seller does not intend to pay his debts to the bailiffs. What to do in this case? It will not be possible to cancel the transaction; more than 10 days have passed and a lot of money has been spent on restoration. Can I travel officially with a compulsory insurance issued in his name and in my name? What happens if God forbid there is an accident?

12.1. Dear Albert, you will drive, and the police will fine you for not registering the vehicle. In turn, you can recover these costs from the previous owner in court.

13. I don’t drive a car, my insurance policy is expired. Is it possible to get a duplicate PTS without a compulsory motor insurance policy? I am selling cars. I'm the owner. Thank you.

13.1. Vladimir, to obtain a duplicate PTS you do not need a compulsory motor liability insurance policy. Apply to the MREO.

14. Can I drive and register a purchased car in another region, without license plates with a purchase and sale agreement with a title and a certificate of compulsory motor liability insurance? Thank you.

A car passport or PTS is the most important document, which is issued by the vehicle manufacturer and reflects all the data about the car and its owner.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


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What is the document for? Does the Administrative Code provide for fines for driving without a vehicle license? Read on.

How important is the document?

A vehicle passport is a document that reflects the following information:

  • about the car. The make, model, color, body type, technical characteristics (engine size, power, maximum weight), numbers of installed units, VIN number(a unique identification number assigned to the vehicle by the manufacturer) and so on;
  • about the owner. Indicate: full name or name of the organization (if the owner is a legal entity), residential address (company registration address), dates of registration and deregistration.

PTS can be issued:

  • by the vehicle manufacturer, provided that the vehicle was manufactured or assembled in the Russian Federation;
  • by customs authorities, if the vehicle was manufactured on the territory of another state and then imported into the Russian Federation;
  • State traffic inspectorate. The organization issues a duplicate of the document in case of its loss or unreadability;
  • other organizations that have the appropriate right. For example, when re-equipping vehicles.
    PTS is required:
  • upon registration. On the basis of this document, a registration certificate is issued, which every driver is required to have when driving a car;
  • for concluding contracts of sale and purchase, donation, and so on. When concluding such an agreement, the PTS includes new owner motor vehicle;
  • for a new car.

The rules for filling out and circulating vehicle passports are regulated. According to paragraph 1 of this document, PTS was introduced for:

  • admission of vehicles to operation, since this document reflects all the technical characteristics of the vehicle and changes made to the design;
  • accounting for the import of cars from other countries and collection of customs duties;
  • combating the theft of vehicles and other offenses related to cars.

Thus, the PTS is one of the most important documents of the vehicle, without which it is impossible to perform a number of actions with movable property.

Is it possible to drive without a PTS?

In what situations when driving a car is a vehicle license required? Let's look at it in more detail below.

But with STS

After registering the vehicle with the traffic police, the registration data of the driver (owner) is entered into the PTS.

  • document number by which you can check information about the owner and vehicle. Each document has a unique number;
  • state license plate of the car assigned after registration;
  • VIN number;
  • make and model;
  • car type and category;
  • year of manufacture of vehicles;
  • engine model, number and power;
  • body and chassis numbers, if available;
  • body color;
  • PTS number;
  • permissible weight and weight of the car without load;
  • Full name and residential address of the owner;
  • date of issue of the document.

The registration certificate, in accordance with the traffic rules, is required to be carried with you and presented to traffic police officers for inspection.

If the registration certificate is issued, then the provision of a title, and therefore its presence when operating the car, is not required.

According to the purchase and sale agreement

If motor vehicles, by virtue of their technical characteristics is subject to mandatory registration, then instead of a PTS, a registration certificate is issued.

10 days are also allotted for registering a motorcycle (scooter), after which the owner is subject to administrative punishment under Articles 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 12.37.

What complete set of documents should a driver have when driving?

So, what documents should a driver of a vehicle, including motorcycles, have when operating a vehicle?

In accordance with the approved traffic rules, the driver must have with him and submit the following documents for inspection to the inspector:

  • , in which open categories fully correspond to the category of driven vehicles;
  • registration documents. After registration - registration certificate, within 10 days after purchase and before registration - PTS and purchase and sale agreement (donation, etc.);
  • OSAGO insurance policy.

If the driver is disabled and the car is equipped with a special sign, then the package of documents is supplemented with a disability certificate or other documents confirming this fact.

If the car is used as a taxi, then a license and a personal driver card are provided.

If the car is used to transport goods, then the following are additionally provided:

  • waybill;
  • cargo documents;
  • permission to transport if the transportation is of large, heavy or dangerous cargo.
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