Is it possible to open a pawnshop for IP. Opening a pawnshop from scratch: documents, cost, legal framework

The worse the economic situation, the more in demand the services of pawnshops become. So, now the pawnshop is a profitable business. In the article, we will consider how to open a pawnshop from scratch, what documents are needed for this and how much money is required.

How to open a pawnshop from scratch

By law, a pawnshop is a credit institution that issues loans secured by movable property. Often pawnshops have a specialization - for example, they only accept jewelry or cars, but there are also general pawnshops. That's why first step when starting a business - conducting market analysis and choosing a niche in demand in your city.

step two- calculation of expenses. They need to invest in:

  • Registration
  • Equipment
  • Monthly expenses
  • Opening

Based on monthly expenses calculate interest rate loans that you will issue secured by property.

Step Three - determine the location of the pawnshop. A win-win option is a busy street or a popular shopping mall. However, a pawnshop can also successfully operate in a densely populated residential area - it is important to be accessible and visible.

Step Four - come up with a memorable name and attractive design, order a bright sign.

Step five - register a legal entity at the tax office.

Keep in mind that the name of the legal entity must contain the word "pawnshop", and the charter must spell out the activities of the organization (loans, storage of valuables, consulting services).

Step Six and the most difficult when opening a pawnshop from scratch - obtaining permits, licenses and certificates. You need to register with the Federal Financial Monitoring Service and the State Assay Supervision Inspectorate of the Russian State Assay Office. You will also need title documents for the premises (lease or sale agreement) and a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion with a list of types of services performed/rendered. In addition, you are obliged to insure the things accepted as collateral in favor of the pledgers.

According to the Federal Law of August 8, 2001 No. 128-FZ "On Licensing Certain Types of Activities", licensing of the activities of pawnshops is not provided.

step seven - recruitment. The success of your business depends on the qualifications of your employees. If an employee gives money for fake jewelry, problems cannot be avoided.

How much does it cost to open a pawn shop

Calculating the cost of opening a pawnshop is difficult. The amount of investment in this business depends primarily on the type of organization: for example, opening a car pawnshop will cost you the most. On average, the cost of opening a pawnshop in Russia is 1-1.5 million rubles.

You will have to spend a significant amount on rent / purchase of premises, which will still need to be equipped. You will need:

  • Sheathe the room with a grate made of special metal wire
  • Install alarm, panic button and video surveillance
  • Hang storage shelving

You also need to buy:

  • Several safes
  • A computer
  • Printer
  • Cash machine
  • Jewelry electronic scales
  • Assay needles
  • Touchstone
  • Assay acids
  • Reagent tubes
  • Ringmeters
  • Lamps with white, ultraviolet and other types of lighting
  • Detectors for precious metals and stones
  • Stationery
  • office furniture

In addition, mandatory payments will “eat up” most of the costs:

  • Employee salary
  • Insurance
  • Accounting
  • Rent

Opening a pawnshop by law: requirements in 2017

The activities of pawnshops in Russia are regulated by many laws and regulations:

  • No. 315-FZ of December 1, 2007 "On pawnshops"
  • No. 197-FZ of July 19, 2007 "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Connection with the Adoption of the Federal Law "On Pawnshops""
  • No. 375-FZ of December 21, 2013 "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation"
  • No. 363-FZ dated December 21, 2013 "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation and Recognizing as Invalid Certain Provisions of Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Connection with the Adoption of the Federal Law "On Consumer Credit (Loan)""
  • No. 353-FZ dated December 21, 2013 "On consumer credit (loan)"
  • No. 151-FZ dated July 02, 2010 "On microfinance activities and microfinance organizations"
  • No. 315-FZ of December 1, 2007 "On Self-Regulatory Organizations"

Taxation of pawnshops

According to Art. 346.12 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, pawnshops are not entitled to apply the simplified taxation system.

In addition, paragraph 5 of paragraph 3 of Art. 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation establishes: income received in the form of interest on loans is not subject to VAT, and storage activities are subject to VAT. Therefore, the organization needs to maintain separate accounting records.

Reporting of pawnshops

Like all enterprises conducting commercial activities, pawnshops are required to report on their activities to the state:

  • To the Central Bank of the Russian Federation: once a quarter - on activities, monthly - on cash transactions, once a year - on the personal composition of the governing bodies
  • To Rosfinmonitoring: quarterly - FES-04 report, once a year - internal report of the CEO

How to open a pawnshop with less risk

If you are not ready to spend the time and effort to open a pawnshop from scratch, consider buying a ready-made business or franchise.

By buying an operating pawnshop, you save time and money on obtaining permits, finding premises, hiring employees, concluding partnership agreements. This option is perfect for entrepreneurs with little experience - you do not have to build a company from scratch.

If you are not ready to run a business on your own, want to work under a well-known brand and get support, buy a franchise. It is in the interests of the franchisor to teach you all the business tricks and contribute to your success, which is especially important in the absence of entrepreneurial experience.

A pawnshop is a profitable business that requires significant investments at the opening stage. But with proper management, these costs will quickly pay off, and the profit will not keep you waiting.

How to open a pawnshopThe popularity of this search query is due, first of all, to the economic feasibility of the pawnshop business, repeatedly confirmed in practice. Everything about the procedure for registering a company for pawnshop activities - from choosing a name to property insurance - read in this article.

What you need to study before opening a pawnshop: preparatory work

The pawnshop business is one of the most difficult segments of business in terms of legislative regulation. In particular, it is here that the maximum number of requirements and restrictions are concentrated, non-compliance with which is fraught with large fines, and in some cases criminal liability.

What is a pawnshop?

Before deciding how to open a pawnshop, you should understand what it is. According to article 2 of the law "On pawnshops" dated July 19, 2007 No. 196-FZ, a pawnshop is a specialized commercial organization, the main direction of which is the provision of loans and the storage of things.

At the same time, the norm clearly names the organizational and legal form of a pawnshop - it is only a legal entity. That is, an individual entrepreneur cannot engage in pawnshop activities. In the vastness of the global network, you can often find directly opposite information, however, any statements that an individual entrepreneur has the right to open a pawnshop are a priori erroneous or false - the law is the same for everyone.

But there are no special requirements for the form of ownership of a pawnshop - it can equally be both a limited liability company and a joint-stock company. The main thing is that the organization is commercial, that is, it has the main goal of making a profit.

IMPORTANT: Forms of ownership of legal entities are listed in Article 50 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, from the content of which it is clear that various consumer cooperatives, partnerships, self-regulatory or public organizations, associations, communities, foundations, etc. are non-profit organizations, that is, create on their basis no pawnshop.

Types of pawnshops

The answer to the question of how to open a pawnshop directly depends on the choice of the type of future organization. In other words, a lot depends on the items of collateral and storage - whether these will be items made of precious metals, equipment, cars, etc.

There are restrictions on this matter, and all of them are stipulated in paragraph 3 of Article 2 of the Law “On Pawnshops”, which allows any movable property as collateral, with the exception of things prohibited in civil circulation or limited in it.

IMPORTANT! Issuing loans secured by real estate is the prerogative of banks. Of course, such announcements from organizations positioning themselves as pawnshops can be seen in various information sources, but they are illegal.

How to open a pawnshop, do you need a license for this - the most popular questions asked by those wishing to organize a pawnshop business. The answer is unequivocal: no license is needed. All types of business activities subject to licensing are reflected in the law of the same name dated 04.05.2011 No. 99-FZ, and there are no pawnshops among them.

Basic requirements for owners and managers

The relevance of the question "How to open a pawnshop?" for those who have a valid conviction for crimes in the field of economics or against state power, it is postponed until the cancellation or removal of a criminal record - part 1 of article 2.2 of the law "On pawnshops" prohibits such persons from being part of the founders or shareholders of a pawnshop.

The same applies to citizens brought to administrative responsibility less than a year ago, provided that disqualification is imposed as a punishment.

Don't know your rights?

How to open a pawnshop: step by step instructions

In fact, the procedure for opening a pawnshop as an organizational stage of starting a business comes down to registering a legal entity. However, due to the specifics of the chosen type of business activity, this will require a significant amount of time, the lion's share of which will be the collection and execution of documents.

Stage 1: name selection

Clear legislative requirements begin to operate already at this stage: according to part 2 of article 2 of the law “On pawnshops”, the company name must contain the word “pawnshop” and a reference to the legal form (for example, limited liability company “Pawnshop “Silver Hoof” ").

Stage 2: determination of the form of ownership

The law does not prohibit the registration of a pawnshop in the form of a JSC, but from the point of view of expediency, it is still better to choose a limited liability company (LLC). In addition, the principle of functioning of an LLC is closer to the structure of pawnshop activity - it makes sense to open a joint-stock company for a business related to production, since it is in this segment that third-party investments are of great importance.

Another argument in favor of LLC is the relative simplicity of the establishment. The opening of a joint-stock company requires a preliminary issue of shares, their registration, etc., while an LLC does not imply any such conditions.

Stage 3: address determination

To register a company, a legal address is required. It can be either rented premises or owned by the founders.

IMPORTANT: if for the opening of most legal entities it is allowed to use one of the participants in the company as the address of residence, then in the case of a pawnshop this is not possible. That is, you will have to take care of finding a suitable room.

Stage 4: preparation of documents for registration of a legal entity

  1. Choice of activity code.

Since 01/01/2017, OKVED codes have been updated. From this date, activities for the provision of short-term loans by pawnshops secured by movable property correspond to code 64.92.6. IMPORTANT! In order to sell the property pledged and not redeemed in time, it is necessary to create an independent legal entity - if necessary, this is possible with the same participants. But the pawnshop itself cannot engage in trade in any form.

  1. Making a decision to establish a company (LLC).

If the future pawnshop has a single participant, the decision is made solely, if there are several - based on the results of the meeting of the founders. In any case, such a decision should reflect the following points:

  • the name of the company (pawnshop) - full, short, foreign language (the latter is mostly relevant for companies opened in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that have their own language);
  • legal address and location (actual address);
  • the size and methods of contribution of the authorized capital;
  • approved charter of the company;
  • information about the head and his appointment (the head can be either one of the founders or a hired employee).
  1. Preparation and drafting of the charter.

The requirements for the charter of the organization are set out in Article 52 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Since 2014, there is no need to enter information about the location of the company and other data that are subject to reflection in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. The main attention is paid to the presence in the charter of data on the goals of creating a company, the structure and size of the authorized capital, as well as the principles of the organization's activities and the procedure for its liquidation.

  1. Formation of the authorized capital.

The minimum authorized capital is 10,000 rubles. Since September 2014, it can only be paid in cash; contribution in the form of property is allowed only in the part exceeding the lower limit.

Stage 5: registration of a legal entity

At this stage, everything is also standard so far - the procedure comes down to submitting an application in form P1 1001 to the tax office at the location of the legal address, paying the state duty (4,000 rubles) and providing all previously collected documents in a stitched and numbered form.

IMPORTANT: the application is signed by all the founders of the company in the presence of a notary.

The processing time for an application is 3 business days. If the IFTS employees do not have any questions, after the specified time, the applicant will receive a package of documents:

  • certificate of state registration of a legal entity;
  • certificate of tax registration;
  • a copy of the charter with a mark of registration;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

This completes the registration of the company, but the question of how to open a pawnshop - what documents are needed, still remains relevant. The collection of these documents should be started immediately after the registration of a newly created LLC in the Pension Fund, as well as in the Social Insurance Fund - these are mandatory conditions for all companies, regardless of the type of business activity.

Stage 6: registration with Rosfinmonitoring

Within 30 days after the registration of the pawnshop, it must be registered with the Federal Financial Monitoring Service.

To do this, you will need to submit a full package of documents to the territorial division of Rosfinmonitoring, including:

  • registration card as an organization carrying out operations with cash and other property;
  • copies of constituent documents;
  • copies of documents confirming the right to the premises in which the pawnshop is located (lease agreement, certificate of registration of ownership);
  • certificate of the presence in the organization of the head and chief accountant;
  • certificate of availability of a special guarded premises for the storage of collateral;
  • certificate of the presence of an internal regulation regulating the activities of the pawnshop;
  • certificate of availability of equipment for accounting information and funds, as well as for property valuation;
  • financial statements at the time of commencement of operations, prepared in accordance with accounting standards.

From the list of documents required for registration with Rosfinmonitoring, it follows that, simultaneously with the registration of a legal entity, it is necessary to take care of drawing up special provisions, equipping premises, installing alarms, software, etc.

Step 7: Registration with the Assay Office

This stage is relevant for pawnshops planning to accept items made of precious metals and stones as collateral. The requirement to register is due to the Instruction on the procedure for accounting and storage of precious metals, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance “dated 09.12.2016 No. 231n.

For registration, it is necessary to submit a relevant application, a certificate of the availability of specially equipped premises, as well as confirm compliance with the requirements for the training and education of personnel accepted to work with precious property.

IMPORTANT: the confirmation format is constantly changing, so it is better to clarify this procedure immediately before registration. Updated information is available on the official Internet resource of the Russian State Assay Chamber under the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

Stage 8: property insurance

Property stored in a pawnshop is subject to compulsory insurance in favor of the pledgers - in case of loss of valuables, their destruction, etc. The choice of an insurance company can be done at your discretion - the law does not contain any restrictions on this.

For reasons of convenience, it is best to take out insurance for the total amount - without reference to a specific thing, otherwise you will have to conclude a separate contract for each item of collateral, which is technically not always possible.

The insurance stage is the last stage of opening a pawnshop. This will be followed by various organizational issues related directly to the business, and not to its establishment: recruitment and training of personnel, approval of the work schedule, etc. By the way, the schedule can be free, but there is still one requirement of the law - opening a pawnshop is not before 08:00 and closing - no later than 20:00.

The crisis entails the formation of various problems, and the lack of financial resources is one of them. This difficulty is relevant for Russian and other companies. The problem has not bypassed the citizens, our compatriots who need funds. What to do in this case, because taking into account obtaining a long-term loan is not always relevant, and money is needed here and now. Of course, in such a situation, the idea arises to contact a specialized organization - a pawnshop, which is ready to provide the necessary money for the required period.

People who decide to open their own business often think about starting their business from a pawnshop. Moreover, this venture from scratch can lead to good income. The profitability of this activity often reaches 40%, which is good for this kind of organization.

The essence of the work

It cannot be said that running a pawnshop is easy and calm. In fact, the business owner will have to deal with a lot of organizational issues, as well as a lot of paperwork, which makes many entrepreneurs abandon the idea in favor of another business.

Note: the complexity of this business lies in the peculiarities of the legislation and the need to comply with certain requirements, otherwise disobedience is fraught with serious fines.

In order to avoid these difficulties, it is worth taking into account all the requirements and subtleties imposed by the state on the conduct of activities.

The work of this type of organization is based on the fact that it provides a financial loan without guarantors and the need for income statements. Property is taken as collateral. There is no definite division of activities into types. When analyzing the domestic market, several main formats of activity can be noted:

  1. Specialization in working with jewelry and other metals. By the nature of its activity, it looks more like a jewelry reception than a pawnshop, since the client is not entitled to take their things back.
  2. Automotive establishments, when the pledge is a vehicle.
  3. Reception of jewelry and household appliances.

According to the current legislation, this business has several definitions and subtleties of conducting, taken into account:

  1. A pawnshop is an organization of a commercial nature engaged in issuing loans secured by security and storing other people's property. In addition to these functions, they are not entitled to perform others.
  2. The loan office is obliged to insure the property transferred by the client as collateral.
  3. The main obligation of the organization is to make an assessment of the value of property that was transferred on security.
  4. Upon the issuance of a pledge by an institution, it is necessary to conclude an appropriate agreement indicating the necessary conditions for the transaction.

The pawnshop makes an appraisal of the value of property transferred to him on bail

Thus, a pawnshop as a business is a very interesting and promising direction, however, it requires special time and financial costs for development. With a competent approach to the implementation of activities, you can get tremendous results and earn large amounts of money in a short time.

Pawnshops have been springing up like mushrooms lately. Every now and then you see advertisements in the subway, transport, on the Internet, in various newspapers and magazines, that certain financial institutions are ready to give you a loan against the outpost of precious metals, real estate and movable property. Each pawnshop offers its own special conditions, luring customers with low rates, preferential loan conditions, various loyalty systems and discounts.

A completely logical question arises, is the activity of pawnshops really so profitable that their number is increasing every day? In this article, we will talk about how to open a pawnshop what is needed for this, and what profit can be received in the first month of its activity.

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How to open a pawnshop: we study the legislative framework

The first thing you need to start opening your own pawnshop is to study the legislative framework, and all the regulatory legal acts regulating the work of a pawnshop. When starting any business, it is important to clearly understand what you will work with, how to protect yourself, and what to rely on, and opening a pawnshop is no exception. Already at the planning stage, study all the intricacies of this case, delve into the standards of the financial activities of the pawnshop, understand what rights you have as a borrower, and the one to whom you will lend money. It is necessary to understand everything in detail, so that later you don’t “break wood”, and not get into a difficult and unpleasant situation.

In Russia, the main law regulating the activities of pawnshops is the Federal Law of 2007 N 196-FZ of July 19 “On Pawnshops”.

In the context of this article, we will not consider the entire law in detail, because you must do it yourself, paying due attention to it, but we will highlight the main aspects that everyone who wants to open a pawnshop simply needs to know and understand.

  • A pawnshop is a commercial, financial organization, the main purpose of which is to issue money to the population on the security of some material values.
  • Pawnshops can store things that are collateral and issue loans for a period not exceeding one year. Any other activity within this financial institution is prohibited.
  • Pawnshops are required to insure for the entire term of the loan the things that serve as collateral.
  • All transactions for the issuance of loans must be formalized by drawing up an agreement. The agreement should describe all aspects of providing money for loans - the loan term, interest rate, liability of the parties, penalties, etc.
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  • When issuing a loan, the pawnshop is obliged to provide the borrower with one copy of the document, which will describe what property the money was issued against. Such a document is called a "mortgage ticket". One copy of the ticket must remain in the hands of the borrower, one in the pawnshop.
  • The contract specifies the term of the loan, and the borrower is obliged to repay the amount, plus accrued interest for the use of money, within a clearly defined time frame. If the borrower does not repay the loan, or does it incompletely, then the pawnshop has every right to sell the item received on security in order to compensate for its costs.
  • Realization of the pledged thing takes place by selling it. If the thing is valued at more than 30,000 rubles, then it must be sold only at open auctions, which anyone can access.

As we said above, a pawnshop has the right only to store things and issue loans. But what if the borrower did not return the money within the agreed period, and you need to sell the mortgaged property? Here you will have to open an additional enterprise (as a rule, this is a legal entity), the main activity of which will be the retail trade in jewelry or other goods (depending on the type of pawnshop).

It should also be noted that the activities of the pawnshop are still regulated by Order No. 203 of RosFinMonitoring dated August 03, 2010 “On Approval of the Regulations on the Requirements for Education and Training of Personnel Carrying out Operations with Cash or Other Property to Counter the Legalization (Laundering) of Criminally Obtained Income and the financing of terrorism”.

Read this regulation in detail, because it describes in detail:

  • The requirements that the state imposes on the education and training of personnel working in the financial sector and those involved in monetary transactions.
  • The form of personnel training, as well as the timing and frequency of the necessary recertification.
  • Organization of the training process for pawnshop workers.
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Many ignore the requirements of this order, but thereby expose their business to some risks. For the first violation, you face administrative liability and a possible fine. If you systematically violate the requirements of the decree, then the pawnshop may be closed.

Since the activities of pawnshops are associated with the circulation of precious and semi-precious stones, as well as various metals, Order No. 68n of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 08.29.2001 applies to it. This order regulates the procedure for storing and keeping records of precious metals and products made from them. This order is relevant only if you are going to lend secured by stones or precious metals. If the activity of your pawnshop does not provide for this kind of operation, then you can ignore this order.

Also pay special attention to questions regarding the taxation of pawnshops. Here, too, there are certain subtleties and features associated with imperfect legislation. The tax code of the Russian Federation states that the activities of pawnshops fall under the general grounds for taxation, and the interest received from the pledge should not be subject to VAT. At the same time, activities related to the storage of things are subject to value added tax. Based on this, we can say that you need to keep different financial statements in which to display different profits.

Economic benefits of opening a pawnshop

If you wondered how to open a pawnshop, then you need to immediately think about the economic benefits of this type of activity. This is one of the most important points on which it is worth dwelling in detail, calculating everything, weighing the pros and cons of opening a pawnshop, and only after that make a decision on the appropriateness of this type of activity.

You need:

  • Clearly understand what capital investments will be required at the initial stage (opening a pawnshop), and whether any funds are needed to maintain the activities of the pawnshop in the first months, or until it reaches self-sufficiency.
  • Determine the cost of the business. Understand where, when, and how much to invest.
  • Clearly understand how much loans you need to issue monthly in order to reach the level of self-sufficiency.
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All these issues require detailed study, good and qualitative analysis. Let's look at the example of an already operating Moscow pawnshop all the issues that we outlined above. It is clear that Moscow is not a cheap city, and the numbers that we will use further should not frighten you too much. The total amount of investment in Moscow and in the regions may differ by three or even five times. If you plan to open a pawnshop in a small town, then the amount can be ten times less.

So, in order to equip a pawnshop in a room of 40 square meters, we need at least 17,000 dollars. This amount included: repair of the premises in which the pawnshop was located, the purchase of new office equipment and furniture, the purchase of special equipment, a safe, accounting programs, the order and printing of promotional materials, the purchase of the necessary tools and reagents for the appraiser, and so on. Also, do not forget that you must have free funds, which in the future will be issued as a loan. In our case, opening a pawnshop cost $350,000, of which $17,000 was spent on repairs and technical issues, and $333,000 was money for loans.

Any business has monthly expenses, and our pawnshop, opened in Moscow, is no exception. Such expenses include:

  • Room rental. Based on the calculation of $200 per square meter, the monthly rent is $8,000.
  • Employee wages. In our pawnshop, the director received a salary, and 4 appraisers working in shifts. In total, 10,000 dollars were spent on salaries per month.
  • Security is an important part of the pawnshop business. You will work with precious metals, with large amounts of money that are stored in the premises of the pawnshop. Therefore, you need round-the-clock, high-quality and reliable security. In our case, all the necessary protective equipment cost $5,000.
  • Other expenses. Pawnshop advertising, collateral insurance, administrative and accounting activities - $6,000.
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As a result, the pawnshop's monthly expenses amounted to $29,000.

Next, an analysis was made of the rate of all the largest pawnshops in Moscow, and it was found that it is about 10%. Taking this rate as a basis, and adding fixed costs for the activities of the pawnshop, it was found that loans should be issued for at least 350 thousand dollars per month. It is this amount that will allow the pawnshop to work without a loss.

It is not hard to guess that in order to make a profit, you need to issue loans in the amount of more than 350 thousand dollars per month. You can use this method and calculate the right amount for your particular case.

Next, the required number of borrowers and the average loan amount were calculated. Based on the initial investment, and monthly costs, it was determined that 30-40 people should become clients of the pawnshop every day, and borrow from 170 to 340 dollars. In order to reach self-sufficiency, a pawnshop, on average, needs up to six months. Of course, a lot depends on your initial investment, and monthly costs. Also, the place where the pawnshop will be located, your customer acquisition policies, advertising activities, etc. play a big role. There were cases when, in the second month of operation, the pawnshop already paid for itself, and in less than six months it made a profit.

In our case, a pawnshop in Moscow paid off in full in 5 years.

Next step: registering a pawnshop

So, you have familiarized yourself with the legislative framework, and now you clearly understand what you will have to face as a result of opening a pawnshop. We also calculated the economic component of your future business, and realized all the risks and difficulties, if any. Everything suits me? If yes, then you can proceed to the next step - registering a pawnshop. Let's take a step-by-step look at what and how you need to do in order to officially register your pawnshop.

  1. First you need to choose the form and type of activity. You can open a pawnshop as an individual entrepreneur, but in this case you may encounter a number of problems and difficulties. Many experienced businessmen advise immediately registering an LLC, and tying up your pawnshop under it. You can find the list of required documents and the process of registering an LLC on the official website of the federal tax service -
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When registering an enterprise, you will need to indicate the type of future activity (KVED). Among hundreds of different KVEDs, you need to choose the following:

  • provision of short-term loans by pawnshops secured by movable property (65.22.6 OKVED);
  • provision of services for storing valuables (67.13.5 OKVED);
  • provision of information and consulting services (74.14 OKVED - consulting on business management and commercial activities).
  1. After state registration, you must register the pawnshop with the federal financial monitoring service. You are given no more than 30 days for this procedure. You will also need to collect a certain package of documents for registration. More detailed information can be found on the website of the federal service.
  2. If you plan to work with precious stones and metals, and the vast majority of pawnshops work with them, then you still need to collect documents and register the pawnshop with the Assay Office. This is done in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 68n dated August 29, 2001
  3. Also, do not forget that all things accepted by you as collateral must be insured. The next step is choosing an insurance company and signing all the necessary contracts with them for the provision of property insurance services. Insurance is carried out exclusively at the expense of the pawnshop, and it is forbidden to force the borrower to pay for insurance.

The insurance agent of the selected company will tell you more about the insurance process.

Choosing the right location is the key to successful pawnshop operation.

If you are going to open a pawnshop, you should understand that choosing the right location is the key to successful work. The potential profit, the term for reaching self-sufficiency, and the prospects for the development of your business depend on where your pawnshop will be located. When choosing a place for a pawnshop, follow simple but very important rules:

  • The premises for the pawnshop should be located on the first line. For this, the basement floor, or the basement, to which a convenient staircase leads, is perfect. Do not rent premises in the depths of courtyards, on impassable streets, where you cannot find the right pawnshop during the day with fire.
  • The place should be crowded, lively, with a large flow of people. The example that we described above showed that in order to pay off, a pawnshop must issue loans to 30-40 people a day. This can only be achieved through a good location in a crowded place.
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  • The most convenient places for the location of pawnshops are nearby areas from metro stations, public transport stops, in densely populated residential areas.
  • In order not to have problems with regulatory authorities, choose a room that meets all the standards of the SES and the fire service. You do not need extra checks and fines at the very beginning of the activity.

Final stage: the beginning of the pawnshop

So, you have dealt with the legislative framework that regulates the activities of the pawnshop, calculated the economic benefits of this type of activity, looked after and evaluated the premises for the future business, collected the necessary documents, and have already begun the process of registering the official activities of the pawnshop. And now the final stage - the beginning of work. There is very little left, after which you can tell everyone - I am the owner of the pawnshop. So, you need:

  • Select qualified personnel, the number of which is determined based on the size of the pawnshop, the number of services that you are going to provide, and the jewelry you want to work with. If you plan to work with precious stones, then you need a specialist appraiser, or technical means that determine the value of the stone, its carat and clarity.
  • Choose the best work schedule. Of course, it is ideal for a pawnshop to work around the clock. If this is not possible at the initial stage, then an excellent schedule is from 11 to 23. As a rule, it makes no sense to start working in the morning, because few people apply for a loan as soon as the sun rises.
  • Next, we conclude an agreement with a security company that will provide a wide range of services. Keeping a security guard on staff is impractical. It is much more profitable and better to cooperate with a professional security company, have surveillance cameras and an alarm button.
We recommend reading:

  • Do not forget that you need to develop internal documentation: the rules of the pawnshop, internal regulations, employment contracts with staff, contracts for issuing loans, and so on.
  • We live in a technological time when business activities are greatly simplified with the help of various gadgets and programs. Therefore, buy special software for pawnshops, which will help you keep accounting records faster and more accurately, calculate potential profits, tell you when and how much to pay taxes.

That, perhaps, is all that we wanted to tell. Now you know, how to open a pawnshop what steps you need to go through, and what to pay attention to first.

Here we will consider an article on how to open a pawnshop from scratch, what is needed for this, what documents and permissions are required to open it.

The process of opening a pawnshop is very different from the creation of a conventional company. The main thing to remember is that its activities are very strictly regulated by law. If you do not comply with the requirements of the law, you will face significant penalties. To avoid possible problems, we will analyze from scratch the process of organizing a pawnshop and all possible requirements for it.

Instructions how to open

So, let's look at step-by-step instructions on how to open a pawnshop.


First, it is necessary to study the legislative acts regulating the activities of the pawnshop.

The main document is the Federal Law of July 19, 2007 No. No. 196-FZ "On pawnshops" - reads as follows:

  • This is a specialized commercial organization that has the right to carry out two main activities: the provision of short-term loans to the population and the storage of things.
  • The pawnshop is prohibited from engaging in other activities.
  • The obligation of this institution is to insure pledged things for the entire term of the loan.
  • All things transferred for storage or as a pledge must be evaluated.
  • The pawnshop is obliged to conclude an agreement when granting a loan. It fixes the main points of the transaction (rate, amount, loan term, date of return, assessment and name of the pledged thing).
  • One copy of the pledge ticket must be given to the borrower. The second is kept in a pawnshop.
  • By signing the contract, the borrower undertakes to return the received funds, as well as interest within the terms specified in the contract. If the loan is overdue for more than 1 month, the pawnshop has the right to sell the pledged property.
  • The sale is made by way of sale. If the price of the thing is more than 30,000 rubles, then the pawnshop is obliged to sell this thing during public auction in the form of an open auction.

Please note: the law provides for the possibility for pawnshops only to issue loans and store things. Therefore, to sell the property, you will have to open another legal entity.

The second document is the order of RosFinMonitoring No. 203 dated August 03, 2010 “On approval of the Regulations on the requirements for the training and education of personnel engaged in operations with funds or other property in order to counteract the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism” . For non-compliance with the terms of this order, a legal entity is held administratively liable, and if further violations are detected, it may even be closed.

Pawnshops dealing with precious metals and stones are also required to comply with the requirements of the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 68n dated August 29, 2001.

Taxation and its features

The Tax Code obliges pawnshops to apply a general system of taxation. Keep in mind that the interest received is not subject to VAT, but storage activities are subject to this tax. Accordingly, the pawnshop is obliged to carry out separate accounting.

Justification of economic feasibility

Before opening a pawnshop, you need to understand its future efficiency:

  1. Estimate investments for opening;
  2. Forecast the expenditure part;
  3. Calculate the required number of loans issued per month, which will be able not only to cover all expenses, but also to make a profit.


For calculations, let's take a hypothetical pawnshop in Moscow.

To open, you need a room (40 m2). For its equipment, 500 thousand rubles will be needed: repairs, purchase of furniture, office equipment, special equipment, safes, accounting programs and advertising costs for the pawnshop. To carry out direct activities, money is needed for issuing loans. In our case - 10,000,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses will amount to about 800,000 rubles: rent, salary, security, insurance, advertising, etc.

The average rate in pawnshops is 10%. Focusing on this rate and expenses, you can find out that the break-even point will be fixed at 8.8 million rubles. This is the amount you need to give out per month in order to “go to zero”. But we need a profit, so he should give out much more per month. Using the methodology for calculating the working capital of a pawnshop, you can make independent calculations. To make a profit, there must be at least 40-50 visits per day. If these conditions are met, in 3-6 months you will reach the break-even point. In 5-7 years, the pawnshop will pay for itself. This period largely depends on the volume of issuance, location, advertising and competitive environment.

Registering a company - step by step instructions

What does it take to open a pawnshop? If the economics of the idea suits you, but the laws do not scare you? So, it's time to move on to the registration process:

  1. We register a legal entity with the Tax Inspectorate. The organizational form is better to choose "LLC".
  2. We select the types of activities provided for by law (OKVED 65.22.6., 67.13.5., 74.14).
  3. We put the organization on record with the Federal Financial Monitoring Service. After registration, 30 days are given for this.
  4. We also register with the Assay Office, as your organization, a pawnshop, will deal with the circulation of precious stones and metals.
  5. We choose an insurance company and insure in favor of the mortgagors all things accepted as collateral. It is easier to take out insurance for a certain amount. This eliminates the need to insure every item. Remember, this procedure is carried out at your own expense!

Choosing the right location

The payback period of a pawnshop depends to a large extent on its location. Therefore, when choosing a place, we focus on the following parameters:

  • We choose the first or basement floor (the entrance should not be from the yard).
  • We provide high "passability" due to being in a densely populated area.
  • The premises of the pawnshop must comply with the requirements of the SES and comply with the requirements of fire safety.

The final stage

We have passed all the main stages. There is little left to do:

  1. Form a pawnshop team;
  2. Determine the work schedule;
  3. Develop internal documentation;
  4. Ensure the protection of the object by concluding an agreement with a security company;
  5. Purchase software.

We hope this article on how to open a pawnshop will help you get started.

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