Prayer for children, Mother of God, intercede and help. Mother's prayers for children: for health, protection, luck. Prayer to the Mother of God for children

Prayer to the Lord Jesus Christ for your children, prayer for protection and help
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, bless, sanctify, preserve this child of mine (name) by the power of Your life-giving Cross

Merciful Lord Jesus Christ, I entrust to You our children, given to us by You, fulfill our prayers. I ask You, Lord, save them in the ways that You Yourself have chosen. Save them from vices, evil and pride, and let nothing that is contrary to You touch their souls. But grant them faith, love and hope for salvation, and may they be Your chosen vessels of the Holy Spirit, and may their path of life be holy and blameless before God.

Bless them, Lord, may they strive every minute of their lives to fulfill Your Holy will, so that You, Lord, may always abide with them by Your Holy Spirit.

Lord, teach them to pray to You, so that prayer may be their support, joy in sorrow and consolation in their life, and may we, their parents, be saved by their prayer. May Thy angels protect them always. May our children be sensitive to the grief of their neighbors, and may they fulfill the commandment of Your love. And if they sin, then grant them, O Lord, to bring repentance to You, and in Your ineffable mercy forgive them.

When their earthly life ends, then take them to Your Heavenly Abodes, where let them lead with them other Your chosen servants. Through the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, the saints (all the patron saints of the family are listed) and all the saints, Lord, have mercy on us, as You are glorified with Your Beginning Father and Your Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

New article: the most powerful prayer for adult children on the site - in all the details and details from the many sources that we were able to find.

Whether we have a small child or an adult, if he is often sick or you are simply worried about him, or maybe everything is fine and you just want your child to be happy, then in these and other cases you, as an Orthodox person, can pray.

You can pray in your own words or prayers from the prayer book.


Sweetest Jesus, God of my heart! You gave me children according to the flesh, they are Yours according to the soul; You redeemed both my soul and theirs with your priceless blood; For the sake of Your Divine blood, I beg You, my sweetest Savior, with Your grace touch the hearts of my children (names) and my godchildren (names), protect them with Your Divine fear; keep them from bad inclinations and habits, guide them on the bright path of life, truth and goodness.

Decorate their lives with everything good and saving, arrange their fate as You yourself want and save their souls with their own destinies! Lord, God of our Fathers!

Give to my children (names) and godchildren (names) a right heart to keep Your commandments, Your revelations and Your statutes. And do it all! Amen.


Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Thy Most Pure Mother, hear me, Thy sinful and unworthy servant (name).

Lord, in the mercy of Your power my child (name), have mercy and save him for Your name’s sake.

Lord, forgive him all the sins, voluntary and involuntary, that he committed before You.

Lord, guide him on the true path of Your commandments and enlighten him and enlighten him with Your light of Christ, for the salvation of the soul and the healing of the body.

Lord, bless him in the house, around the house, in the field, at work and on the road and in every place of Your possession.

Lord, protect him under the protection of Your Saints from a flying bullet, arrow, knife, sword, poison, fire, flood, from a deadly plague and from vain death.

Lord, protect him from visible and invisible enemies, from all troubles, evils and misfortunes.

Lord, heal him from all diseases, cleanse him from all filth (wine, tobacco, drugs) and ease his mental suffering and sorrow.

Lord, grant him the grace of the Holy Spirit for many years of life, health, and chastity.

Lord, give him Your blessing for a godly family life and godly childbearing.

Lord, grant me, Thy unworthy and sinful servant, a parental blessing on my child in the coming mornings, days, evenings and nights, for Thy name’s sake, for Thy Kingdom is eternal, omnipotent and omnipotent. Amen.

Prayers for children

Every parent wants to protect their precious child and guide him on the right and righteous path. Find out what prayers you need to read so that your child is always healthy and happy.

Prayer for a baby

In Christianity, a child under 7 years of age is considered a sinless baby. Parents bear full responsibility for the child, and it is they who are obliged to turn to the Almighty with the requests of the child, who still cannot understand what is best for him. You need to pray regularly for a small child, asking Heaven for intercession and health for the fragile body.

“Mother of God, lead me into the image of Your heavenly motherhood. Heal the mental and physical wounds of my children (names) caused by my sins. I entrust my child entirely to my Lord Jesus Christ and Your, Most Pure, heavenly protection. Amen."

This prayer should be read at the baby’s crib, looking at the child. It is best to do this immediately after the child has fallen asleep. Also, a similar text is read if the child is sick or experiences strong emotional distress. With the help of sacred words, you will take all troubles away from your child and strengthen faith in God in his soul.

Prayer for adult children

A parent always worries about his child, even if he has already reached a conscious age. He may commit terrible acts that will entail consequences, or take the wrong path. How often do parents put all their love into their child and explain from childhood what is right and what is wrong. And despite this, the bad influence of society prevents a person from leading a correct lifestyle. This prayer will help adult children avoid mistakes and live happily.

“Lord Jesus Christ, awaken Your mercy on my children (names), keep them under Your roof, cover them from every evil lust, drive away from them every enemy and adversary, open their ears and the eyes of their hearts, grant tenderness and humility to their hearts. Lord, we are all Your creation, have pity on my children (names) and turn them to repentance. Save, O Lord, and have mercy on my children (names) and enlighten their minds with the light of reason of Your Gospel and guide them on the path of Your commandments and teach them, O Savior, to do Your will, for You are our God.”

This prayer is read in front of the icons, kneeling. A sincere request to protect children from evil will definitely be heard by the Lord God and all the Saints in front of whose icons you uttered sacred words.

Prayer to the Mother of God

The earthly mother of Jesus Christ has always been an intercessor for people. She is asked about all the most intimate and important things, and for every adult, the most significant thing in life is children and their fate.

“O Most Holy Lady Virgin Theotokos, save and preserve under Your shelter my children (names), all youths, young women and infants, baptized and nameless and carried in their mother’s womb. Cover them with the robe of Your motherhood, keep them in the fear of God and in obedience to their parents, beg my Lord and Your Son to grant them what is useful for their salvation. I entrust them to Thy Motherly supervision, for Thou art the Divine Cover of Thy servants.”

The prayer is read in front of the icon of the Mother of God or in front of Her image in the church. She will help every child, no matter how old he is, and no matter where he is. She can get rid of illnesses and failures. With its help, you can cleanse your child’s soul from terrible sins.

Prayer for children has always been considered the most powerful, because the parent’s heart is filled with true love and selflessly turns to Heaven for help. Take care of your children and don't forget to press the buttons and

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Mother's prayers for the health and well-being of children

Prayer for Orthodox Christians is a way of communicating with God. Through them, people ask for protection and patronage, and praise.

Prayers read to a child

The prayer of parents for a child has the greatest power. It is the sincere desire of a loving relative that can work wonders and can help.

Prayers to the Mother of God for children

For any parent, the health and happiness of the child is important. Find out what prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary will help you protect yours.

Prayer for pregnant women

At the moment when a woman learns the secret of pregnancy, she especially needs the help of heaven. Appeal to the holy powers will ensure.

8 Powerful Orthodox Prayers to the Mother for the Son

Any Orthodox family becomes happier if God gives the father and mother a Son; even more joy comes to the house if not one, but several sons are born. A strong Orthodox prayer from a mother for her son will help your child in a difficult situation: in the army and at work, in business and when getting married, in solving problems with health and drunkenness. After all, a mother’s heart cannot remain indifferent to any adversity in her child’s life, and prayer is one of the ways to help!

The Mother’s strong prayer for her Son will help in any difficult situation: in the army, at work, illness, business, marriage and others.

So that the son can withstand all kinds of adversity, and not encounter trouble and grief on his way, the mother puts howl protection over him, constantly praying to God. It is believed that maternal prayer is the most sincere, reverent and, of course, the most powerful prayer, helping children go through life without lowering their heads. After all, there is nothing more precious to a mother than her child, to whom she is absolutely disinterestedly ready to give all known benefits. She is ready to dissolve in her child without a trace and even, if necessary, give her life for him. Therefore, a mother’s heart freezes with terrible pain if she feels that something is wrong with her son: maybe he is sick? Has the fire of joy and happiness gone out in his eyes? Is his fortitude leaving him? To prevent this from happening, mother always turns to God and All Saints with a request to protect her son from all possible troubles. And that's right. After all, as you know, grace will come to the baby only when it is sent by the Almighty, who has heard the mother’s prayer, which is strengthened a hundredfold if pronounced with a bitter tear in the eye. It is then that you can observe a real miracle.

How are maternal prayers read?

As all believers know, if there is a strong desire or need to pray, there is no need to wait for a special day or look for some extraordinary place where a mother could make an appeal to God for the benefit of her son. Orthodox maternal prayer will be heard any day, at any time of the day. Some believe that this sacrament requires a “praying” place, that is, you must definitely go to a temple or church. But this is not a strict rule; the one who prays will be heard by the Almighty even when she turns to the Higher Powers, for example, from home or asks to help her son while walking down the street.

There are special rules only when reading a prayer for the journey; the mother pronounces a request to the Lord to save and preserve her child immediately before the departure of her son or daughter.

There is a certain sequence of actions in prayers, so, before starting to turn to God, you need to cross yourself three times and bow in bow. And then, read the psalm; here it is important not to forget to indicate the child’s name. This should be done by looking at church candles, which must burn near the icons of the Saints or in front of the face of God. At the end of the sacrament, you must make the sign of the cross three times.

Who do they pray to for the well-being of children?

Believers know a huge number of prayers and psalms, among which a large section of prayers for their son is clearly expressed. Most often, mothers read an appeal to the Mother of God, where they pray to the Mother of God to protect their children from sorrows and misfortunes, illnesses and other troubles. And, given the mother’s true faith in God, such a prayer is the strongest amulet for her children.

Try reading one of the powerful prayers given here and your situation will definitely improve!

Types of maternal prayers

What are mother's hands? This is nothing more than two angelic wings, which, carefully hugging, protect their dear son all his life. And a mother’s prayer is a barrier from troubles and misfortunes with which a mother will protect her child as long as her heart beats.

Strong prayer “For protection”

A mother takes care of her boy not only when he has not yet crossed the threshold of adolescence, the mother’s heart also hurts for her now grown-up son, and the mother’s strong prayer for her son will help with this! School and university are behind us - a dizzying career lies ahead. And in this situation, the mother will come to the rescue with a special prayer.

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother, hear me, your sinful and unworthy servant (your name). Lord, in the mercy of Your power my child (son’s name),

Have mercy and save him for Your name's sake. Lord, forgive him all the sins, voluntary and involuntary, that he committed before You.

Lord, guide him on the true path of Your commandments and enlighten him and enlighten him with Your light of Christ, for the salvation of the soul and the healing of the body.

Lord, bless him in the house, around the house, in the field, at work and on the road and in every place of Your possession.

Lord, protect him under the protection of Your Saints from a flying bullet, arrow, knife, sword, poison, fire, flood, from a deadly plague and from vain death.

Lord, protect him from visible and invisible enemies, from all troubles, evils and misfortunes.

Lord, heal him from all diseases, cleanse him from all filth (wine, tobacco, drugs) and ease his mental suffering and sorrow.

Lord, grant him the grace of the Holy Spirit for many years of life, health, and chastity.

Lord, give him Your blessing for a godly family life and godly childbearing.

Lord, grant me, Thy unworthy and sinful servant, a parental blessing on my child in the coming mornings, days, evenings and nights, for Thy name’s sake, for Thy Kingdom is eternal, omnipotent and omnipotent.

Amen. Lord, have mercy."

Prayer “For a son in the Army”

If your son is at war, in a hot spot, or other combat zone, we recommend that you read the prayer “Psalm 90 - Alive in Help.” If your child simply left to serve in a regular unit, then the mother’s prayer for her son in the army given below will suit you. It will help in relationships with commanders and colleagues.

“The will of the Lord sent you to me, my guardian angel, protector and trustee. Therefore, I appeal to you in difficult times in my prayer, so that you protect me from great trouble.

Those invested with earthly power oppress me, and I have no other defense than the heavenly power, which stands over us all and rules our world.

Holy angel, protect me from oppression and insults from those who have risen above me. Protect me from their injustice, for for this reason I suffer innocently.

I forgive, as God taught, these people their sins against me, for the Lord has exalted those who were exalted above me and is testing me with this.

All this is the will of God, but from everything that is beyond the will of God, save me, my guardian angel. What I ask of you in my prayer. Amen."

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

This is a kind of universal prayer for your children and can be read in any case, both to help your son and daughter.

“O Most Holy Lady Virgin Theotokos, save and keep my children (names) under Your roof,

All youths, young women and infants, baptized and nameless and carried in the womb of their mother.

Cover them with the robe of Your motherhood, keep them in the fear of God and in obedience to their parents,

Pray to my Lord and Son Yours, may He grant them what is useful for their salvation.

I entrust them to Your maternal supervision, for You are the Divine Protection of Your servants.

Mother of God, introduce me to the image of Your heavenly motherhood.

Heal the mental and physical wounds of my children (names) caused by my sins.

I entrust my child entirely to my Lord Jesus Christ and Yours,

Most Pure One, to heavenly protection. Amen."

Mother's prayer for her son: For health and cure for illnesses

Prayer “For the health of my son”

If a mother wants to save her son from the ailments and ailments that have overcome him, she turns to Jesus Christ, and also calls on the Grace of St. Panteleimon. mother's prayer for her son's health. In addition, it is customary to pray to the Lord God when the child has a long journey ahead. It is interesting that even on the eve of marriage, mothers turn to the Almighty so that their daughter-in-law will be worthy, possessing humility and meekness. Here is a mother’s prayer for her son’s health addressed to the Lord God:

I trust in you and ask for my own son.

Deliver him from illness and disease and cure his sinful soul from the wounds of mistrust.

Prayer “For Marriage”

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God.

Help my child in a righteous marriage that will benefit his sinful soul.

Send down a daughter-in-law who is modest and who reveres holy Orthodoxy.

Thy will be done. Amen."

Prayer for drunkenness

The suffering of a mother who realizes that her son is morbidly addicted to alcohol is not uncommon in this world. And he himself cannot get out of the clutches of the green serpent. If you need to cure a child from drunkenness, a mother’s prayer will help her son from drunkenness. She makes pleas to the Blessed Matrona of Moscow, as well as to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and, of course, with such grief, mothers cry out to the Lord.

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. In grief, my son became addicted to drunkenness and completely distanced himself from you. Ban him from alcoholic desires, and give him Orthodox teaching. Let him be cleansed of excessive cravings, and his soul in the world will not become bad. Thy will be done. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. In a bitter cup, the son found oblivion; he left Christ for bitter destruction. I beg you, take away the trouble quickly, so that he does not feel a strong need. Thy will be done. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Nicholas the Wonderworker, Pleasant of God. My child dies in sickening drunkenness; he doesn’t understand what his soul is doing. Drive away the craving for alcohol from your son, strengthen his weakened will. So be it. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker “from prison”

And it also happens that the son turned away from the righteous path, but ended up in prison for his sins. And then prayer will come to the rescue again, which a caring mother will suggest to her unfortunate son, no matter what.

“Oh, great wonderworker and servant of Christ, Saint Father Nicholas! You, the quick helper and gracious intercessor of all who call on you, especially those in mortal troubles.

You showed such miracles of mercy in the days of your life. When, after your death, you appeared before the Throne of God, no one can count your mercies, even if you had many languages.

You keep those floating on the waters; You saved many drowning people. You keep them on the road, which were caught by the winds, great snow, fierce frost, and heavy rain.

You protect houses and estates from being set on fire by evil-minded people and from ultimate burning. You protect creatures on the way from the attacks of evildoers.

You help the poor and wretched, deliver them from extreme despondency and fall from grace, for the sake of poverty.

You stand up for the innocent from slander and unjust condemnation. You saved from death three men sitting in prison, who were to be cut with the sword.

So, you have been given the great grace from God to pray for people and save those in trouble! You have also become famous for your help among the infidel Hagarites.

Can’t you just help me, the unfortunate and needy one, even if I myself have prepared this lot for myself? Intercede for me from the despondency and despair that surrounds me in evil.

Oh, great saint Nicholas! You yourself endured imprisonment in prison for the holy faith and, like a zealous shepherd of Christ, you yourself knew how difficult it is to be deprived of freedom and to remain in chains.

Since you have helped many who pray to you in prison! Make this misfortune easier for me, who is sitting in prison. Grant me to soon see the end of my prison stay and receive freedom - not for the sake of continuing my sins, but for the sake of correcting my life!

Pray earnestly for this too, that we may be delivered from eternal prison, that with your help we may be saved, I glorify God, wondrous in His saints, amen.”

Prayer to Jesus Christ “for all occasions”

Of course, there are also maternal prayers that are considered to be amulets, as they say, for all occasions. So to speak, universal, allowing you to protect your son comprehensively. It is customary to read such prayers several times a day, regardless of the time of day. Usually this is done by true believing mothers, who do not forget to ask the Higher Powers for help in protecting their son and say words of gratitude to the Lord for all the blessings.

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God.

Grant my son good health, reason and will, strength and spirit.

Protect him from harmful influences and guide him on the path leading to Orthodoxy.

Thy will be done. Amen."


Without exaggeration, we can say that a child is more precious to a mother than life, whom she cherishes like the apple of her eye. And the Lord God helps in this, who, without a doubt, watches over all the children in this world. Thanks to the Almighty, his daughters and sons are protected from earthly troubles, from troubles, suffering and illness. And this is called nothing other than God’s Grace, which is sent by the Lord to every child at his birth. And the mother has the power to preserve this grace for as long as possible, and she can do this only by constantly praying fervently.

It’s not for nothing that many centuries ago people introduced such a concept as “daddy’s girl.” It is no secret that at the birth of a girl, the mothers are also incredibly happy, seeing in this little “blood” a complete copy of themselves. But mothers treat their sons with special reverence, since they see in these young men their protectors, helpers and support in old age. But, placing such responsibility on their child, mothers never forget to take care of their sons themselves, keeping them in peace, protecting them from earthly adversities and doing their best to protect them from unkind people.


Sweetest Jesus, God of my heart! You gave me children according to the flesh, they are Yours according to the soul; You redeemed both my soul and theirs with your priceless blood; For the sake of Your Divine blood, I beg You, my sweetest Savior, with Your grace touch the hearts of my children (names) and my godchildren (names), protect them with Your Divine fear; keep them from bad inclinations and habits, guide them on the bright path of life, truth and goodness.

Decorate their lives with everything good and saving, arrange their fate as You yourself want and save their souls with their own destinies! Lord, God of our Fathers!

Give to my children (names) and godchildren (names) a right heart to keep Your commandments, Your revelations and Your statutes. And do it all! Amen.

(O. John (Peasant)


Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Thy Most Pure Mother, hear me, Thy sinful and unworthy servant (name).

Lord, in the mercy of Your power my child (name), have mercy and save him for Your name’s sake.

Lord, forgive him all the sins, voluntary and involuntary, that he committed before You.

Lord, guide him on the true path of Your commandments and enlighten him and enlighten him with Your light of Christ, for the salvation of the soul and the healing of the body.

Lord, bless him in the house, around the house, in the field, at work and on the road and in every place of Your possession.

Lord, protect him under the protection of Your Saints from a flying bullet, arrow, knife, sword, poison, fire, flood, from a deadly plague and from vain death.

Lord, protect him from visible and invisible enemies, from all troubles, evils and misfortunes.

Lord, heal him from all diseases, cleanse him from all filth (wine, tobacco, drugs) and ease his mental suffering and sorrow.

Lord, grant him the grace of the Holy Spirit for many years of life, health, and chastity.

Lord, give him Your blessing for a godly family life and godly childbearing.

Lord, grant me, Thy unworthy and sinful servant, a parental blessing on my child in the coming mornings, days, evenings and nights, for Thy name’s sake, for Thy Kingdom is eternal, omnipotent and omnipotent. Amen.

Lord, have mercy (12 times).


God! Creator of all creatures, adding mercy to mercy, You made me worthy to be the mother of a family; Your goodness has given me children, and I dare to say: they are Your children! Because You gave them existence, revived them with an immortal soul, revived them through Baptism for a life in accordance with Your will, adopted them and accepted them into the bosom of Your Church. God! Keep them in a state of grace until the end of their lives; grant them to be partakers of the Mysteries of Your Covenant; sanctify by Thy truth; may Thy holy name be sanctified in them and through them! Send me Your gracious help in raising them for the glory of Your name and the benefit of your neighbor! Give me methods, patience and strength for this purpose! Teach me to plant in their hearts the root of true wisdom - Thy fear! Illuminate them with the light of the ruling universe of Your Wisdom! May they love You with all their souls and thoughts; may they cleave to You with all their hearts and throughout their entire life, may they tremble at Your words! Grant me the understanding to convince them that true life consists in keeping Your commandments; that work, strengthened by piety, brings serene contentment in this life, and in eternity - inexpressible bliss. Open to them the understanding of Your law! May they act until the end of their days in the feeling of Your omnipresence; plant in their hearts fear and disgust from all lawlessness; let them be blameless in their ways; May they always remember that You, All-Good God, are the Zealot of Your law and righteousness! Keep them in chastity and reverence for Your name! Let them not discredit Your Church by their behavior, but let them live according to its instructions! Inspire them with a desire for useful teaching and make them capable of every good deed! May they acquire a true understanding of those objects whose information is necessary in their condition; may they be enlightened with knowledge beneficial to humanity. God! Make it possible for me to impress with indelible marks on the minds and hearts of my children the fear of fellowship with those who do not know Your fear; instill in them every possible distance from any alliance with the lawless; let them not listen to rotten conversations; May they not be led astray from Your path by bad examples; Let them not be tempted by the fact that sometimes the path of the wicked is successful in this world.

Heavenly Father! Grant me the grace to take every possible care to give my children temptation from my actions. But constantly keeping in mind their behavior to distract them from errors, correct their errors, curb their stubbornness and obstinacy, refrain from striving for vanity and frivolity; Let them not be carried away by crazy thoughts, and let them not follow their hearts. Let them not be puffed up in their thoughts, let them not forget You and Your law. May iniquity not destroy their mind and health, may sins not weaken their mental and physical strength.

Father of generosity and all mercy! According to my parental feeling, I would wish for my children every abundance of earthly blessings, I would wish them blessings from the dew of heaven and from the fatness of the earth, but may Thy holy will be with them! Arrange their fate according to Your good pleasure, do not deprive them of their daily bread in life, send down to them everything they need in time to acquire a blissful eternity; be merciful to them when they sin against You; do not impute to them the sins of their youth and their ignorance; bring their hearts into contrition when they resist the guidance of Your goodness; Punish them and have mercy, directing them to a path pleasing to You, but do not reject them from Your presence! Accept their prayers with favor; grant them success in every good deed; do not turn Your face away from them in the days of their tribulation, lest temptations befall them beyond their strength. Overshadow them with Your mercy; May Your Angel walk with them and protect them from every misfortune and evil path. All-merciful God! Make me a mother who rejoices over her children, so that they will be my joy in the days of my life and my support in my old age. Honor me, with trust in Your mercy, to appear with them at Your Last Judgment and with shameless boldness to say: “Here I am and my children whom You gave me, Lord!” Yes, together with them, glorifying Your ineffable goodness and eternal love, I exalt Your most holy name, Father, Son and Holy Soul, forever and ever. Amen.

This prayer was heard in the Kazan Ambrosian women's hermitage in the village of Shamordino, Kaluga province


Merciful Lord, Jesus Christ, I entrust to You our children, whom You gave to us by fulfilling our prayers.

I ask You, Lord, save them in the ways that You Yourself know. Save them from vices, evil, pride, and let nothing that is contrary to You touch their souls. But grant them faith, love and hope for salvation, and may they be Your chosen vessels of the Holy Spirit, and may their life path be holy and blameless before God.

Bless them, Lord, may they strive every minute of their lives to fulfill Your holy will, so that You, Lord, may always be with them by Your Holy Spirit.

Lord, teach them to pray to You, so that prayer may be their support and joy in sorrows and the consolation of their lives, and may we, their parents, be saved by their prayer. May Your angels always protect them.

May our children be sensitive to the grief of their neighbors and may they fulfill Your commandment of love. And if they sin, then grant them, Lord, to bring repentance to You, and You, in Your ineffable mercy, forgive them.

When their earthly life ends, then take them to Your Heavenly Abodes, where let them lead with them other Your chosen servants.

Through the prayer of Your Most Pure Mother Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary and Your Saints (all holy families are listed), Lord, have mercy and save us, for You are glorified with Your Beginning Father and Your Most Holy Good Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.


Holy Father, Eternal God, from You comes every gift or every good. I diligently pray to You for the children whom Your grace has given me. You gave them life, revived them with an immortal soul, revived them through holy baptism, so that in accordance with Your will they would inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. Preserve them according to Your goodness until the end of their lives, sanctify them with Your truth, may Your name be hallowed in them. Help me, by Your grace, to educate them for the glory of Your name and for the benefit of others, give me the necessary means for this: patience and strength. Lord, enlighten them with the light of Your Wisdom, may they love You with all their souls, with all their thoughts, plant in their hearts fear and disgust from all lawlessness, may they walk in Your commandments, adorn their souls with chastity, hard work, patience, honesty; protect them with Your righteousness from slander, vanity, and abomination; sprinkle with the dew of Thy grace, that they may prosper in virtues and holiness, and may they increase in Thy good will, in love and piety. May the Guardian Angel always be with them and protect their youth from vain thoughts, from the temptations of this world and from all evil slander. If, when they sin before You, Lord, do not turn Your face away from them, but be merciful to them, arouse repentance in their hearts according to the multitude of Your bounties, cleanse their sins and do not deprive Your blessings, but give them everything necessary for their salvation, preserving them from all illness, danger, troubles and sorrows, overshadowing them with Your mercy all the days of this life. God, I pray to You, give me joy and joy about my children and grant me the privilege of appearing with them at Your Last Judgment, with shameless boldness to say: “Here I am and the children whom You have given me, Lord.” Let us glorify Your All-Holy Name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


God and Father, Creator and Preserver of all creatures! Grace my poor children (names) with Your Holy Spirit, may He kindle in them the true fear of God, which is the beginning of wisdom and direct prudence, according to which whoever acts, his praise abides forever. Bless them with true knowledge of You, keep them from all idolatry and false teaching, make them grow in the true and saving faith and in all piety, and may they abide in them constantly to the end. Grant them a believing, obedient and humble heart and mind, so that they may grow in years and in grace before God and before people. Plant in their hearts love for Your Divine Word, so that they may be reverent in prayer and in worship, respectful to the ministers of the Word and sincere in their actions, modest in their movements, chaste in their morals, true in words, faithful in deeds, diligent in their studies. , happy in the performance of their duties, reasonable and righteous towards all people. Keep them from all the temptations of the evil world, and let not the evil community corrupt them. Do not allow them to fall into uncleanness and unchastity, so that they do not shorten their own lives and do not offend others. Be their protector in any danger, so that they do not suffer sudden destruction. Make it so that we do not see in them dishonor and shame for ourselves, but honor and joy, so that Your Kingdom may be multiplied by them and the number of believers will increase, and may they be in heaven around Your table, like heavenly olive branches, and may they reward You with all the elect honor, praise and glorification through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Lord Jesus Christ, bring Your mercy to my children (names). keep them under Your roof, cover them from all evil lust, drive away from them every enemy and adversary, open the ears and eyes of their hearts, grant tenderness and humility to their hearts. Lord, we are all Your creation, have pity on my children (names) and turn them to repentance. Save, O Lord, and have mercy on my children (names) and enlighten their minds with the light of reason of Your Gospel and guide them on the path of Your commandments and teach them, O Savior, to do Your will, for You are our God.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos.

Mother of God, lead me into the image of Your heavenly motherhood. Heal the mental and physical wounds of my children (names) caused by my sins. I entrust my child entirely to my Lord Jesus Christ and Your, Most Pure, heavenly protection. Amen.

Another prayer to the Mother of God.

O Most Holy Lady Virgin Theotokos, save and preserve under Your shelter my children (names), all youths, young women and infants, baptized and nameless, and carried in their mother’s womb. Cover them with the robe of Your motherhood, keep them in the fear of God and obedience to their parents, pray to my Lord and Your Son to grant them what is useful for their salvation. I entrust them to Your maternal supervision, for You are the Divine protection of Your servants.

Guardian Angel (for children).

Holy Guardian Angel of my children (names), cover them with your protection from the arrows of the demon, from the eyes of the seducer, and keep their heart in angelic purity. Amen, amen, amen.

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Maternal prayer for the health of children has a very high value in the church world, as well as enormous power. Mom - how much warmth and tenderness, care and affection, love and understanding there is in this word. Mothers protect their children even before they are born, and then throughout their lives, and it doesn’t matter: the child is five years old or the child is already forty-five. There is nothing more precious to a mother than her child.

Words of prayer addressed to the Queen of Heaven have great power precisely because such a prayer is an appeal to the mother, the Mother of God.

The Virgin Mary is the most revered person, the greatest of Christian saints, because she is the earthly mother of Jesus Christ - the Son of God. According to legend, Mary (the only woman mentioned in the Koran) gave birth to her child Jesus in a miraculous way - being virginally pure. People believe that conception came from the Holy Spirit.

As the mother of the Son of God, the Mother of God is prayed for children:

  • about children's health;
  • about their prosperous life;
  • about giving children the grace of the Lord;
  • about successful studies, etc.

The incredible power of maternal prayer helps every person throughout their life. Being a mother is a great happiness, but also hard work. That is why the prayers of mothers for children occupy a special position in the Orthodox church world.

Prayerabout a son - maternal prayer for protection

It has always been believed that a mother should read a prayer book and ask the Lord God to grant blessed grace for her child. Strong prayer has properties not only in the fight against illnesses, but can also protect a child from someone else’s negative influence, help solve any problem, or relieve worries and worries.

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A Christian prayer for a son, heard from the lips of a mother, always helps to fulfill what is asked for.

A mother, starting from the day of birth of her child, lives with his joys and sorrows, his smiles and tears, his breath. There is no more selfless and brighter love than the love of a mother for her child. That is why there are whole legends about the great power of mother’s prayer for children. The Lord Almighty did not leave a single prayer for help uttered by the mother without his participation.

Prayers for a son date back to ancient times, they were very widely used during wars between states, when a mother sent her son to war, she always asked the Lord for a good share for her child and a quick return.

“Sweet Jesus, God of my heart! You gave me children according to the flesh, they are Yours according to the soul; You redeemed both my soul and theirs with your priceless blood; For the sake of Your Divine blood, I beg You, my sweetest Savior, with Your grace touch the hearts of my children (names) and my godchildren (names), protect them with Your Divine fear; keep them from bad inclinations and habits, guide them to the bright path of life, truth and goodness.

Decorate their lives with everything good and saving, arrange their fate as You yourself want and save their souls with their own destinies! Lord, God of our Fathers!Give to my children (names) and godchildren (names) a right heart to keep Your commandments, Your revelations and Your statutes. And do it all! Amen".

Prayer for a daughter - a mother’s prayer with special power

There are even more appeals to the Almighty about the well-being of daughters than about sons. My daughter is my mother’s tender flower. Mothers treat the birth and upbringing of daughters with special trepidation, because a son is a protector, a man, and a daughter herself requires protection.

A very pressing topic for parents is their daughter’s marriage. That is why, for a long time, mothers turned to the Lord asking for a happy life for their child, for well-being in the future family, for mutual understanding between loving hearts.

Among requests for a daughter, occupies a special place. They say that when a girl cannot get pregnant, it is very important that her mother:

  • She asked the holy images in the Orthodox Christian church for pregnancy and easy childbirth.
  • She lit a candle for the health of her daughter, for the well-being of her family and for the birth of a child, took holy water from the church, and the daughter must drink this water and, in turn, light a candle for the health of her mother. The Lord hears such appeals and in most cases helps.
  • A girl becomes a mother and already worries about her child, as her mother worried about her: she asks for his health, well-being, for the indulgence of God’s grace, for successful studies, for marriage and the birth of children.

This cycle accompanies everyone throughout their lives.

A mother's prayer for her child

Every mother worries, wishes health, a happy life and a bumpy road in life for her child. After all, being a mother means not only giving birth and raising a child, but also doing everything, making every possible effort so that his life turns out in the best possible way, and prayer in this difficult task is the best helper.

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Thy Most Pure Mother, hear me, Thy sinful and unworthy servant (name). Lord, in the mercy of Thy power, my child (name), have mercy and save him for Thy name’s sake.

Lord, forgive him all the sins, voluntary and involuntary, committed by him before You. Lord, guide him on the true path of Your commandments and enlighten him with Your light of Christ, for the salvation of the soul and the healing of the body. Lord, bless him in the house, near the house , in the field, at work and on the road, and in every place of Your possession.

Lord, protect him under the protection of Your Saints from a flying bullet, arrow, knife, sword, poison, fire, flood, from a deadly plague and from vain death. Lord, protect him from visible and invisible enemies, from all troubles, evils and misfortunes. Lord, heal him from all diseases, cleanse him from all filth (wine, tobacco, drugs) and ease his mental suffering and sorrow.

Lord, grant him the grace of the Holy Spirit for many years of life and health, chastity. Lord, give him Your blessing for a pious family life and pious childbearing. Lord, grant me, Thy unworthy and sinful servant, a parental blessing for my child in the coming mornings , days, evenings and nights, for the sake of Your name, for Your Kingdom is eternal, omnipotent and omnipotent. Amen. Lord, have mercy (12 times).”

It is important not to be afraid to turn to the Almighty for help, he will hear everyone! God will help everyone - he will point out the right path in life, heal the sick, comfort the grieving, and will not leave the needy in trouble.

God bless you!

The Lord has endowed the father and mother with special power over their children, and the special effectiveness of parental prayer is connected with this. A mother’s prayer for the health of her children is always heard by God. The reason for God's favor is the selfless love of a parent for his child. Strong prayers will help in matters of health, well-being, and choosing a life path. Any saint can read them, but most often they appeal to the Blessed Virgin, who is the patroness of all mothers.

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    Prayers for children

    Mom's prayer for children:

    • Supplementary. They ask for healing, for the arrangement of some matter.
    • Thank you note. Thanksgiving for the blessings sent by the Lord.
    • Blessing. A valuable source of God's grace directed towards a son or daughter.

      It becomes more difficult for parents to pray for adult children. Many are overcome by disbelief that the situation can be changed. This is especially true for parents whose children are drug addicts, alcoholics, or gambling addicts.

      It is worth praying for the well-being of daughters more often and more diligently, because a son is a future man, he can stand up for himself, and girls need guardianship and protection. In addition, a mother can pray for her adult daughter. For example, so that she gets married successfully or so that her pregnancy goes smoothly.

      A strong maternal prayer, in which there is a request for help, but also humility before the will of God. Ultimatums or threats to God and the saints will not do any good, but will only harden the heart and take away hope.

      Don’t think that only a righteous woman can change her son’s life. This is possible for any unchurched woman who has humility, repentance and love.

      Rare prayer

      There are many prayers for children in Orthodox prayer books, but they are not limited to this list. There are also rare texts of prayers. They have repeatedly confirmed their effectiveness and healing power for diseases. They begin to pray to Jesus Christ for children. This is most correct, since God is the giver of all good things.

      A rare prayer composed by St. Ambrose of Optina:

      Its short version: “Lord, You alone weigh everything, You can do everything and You want everyone to be saved and to come to the mind of Truth. Enlighten my children (names) with the knowledge of Thy truth and Thy Holy will and strengthen them to walk according to Thy commandments and have mercy on me, a sinner. Amen".

      Daily powerful prayers for children

      If you clothe your whole life in prayer, then favorable changes will definitely come in everything. Believers will say with confidence that they find help in all matters, and happy coincidences are common for them.

      A daily prayer that should be used to bless children, especially adults, when they leave the house, sounds like this: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, bless, sanctify, preserve my child by the power of Your Life-giving Cross.”

      For mothers, the following blessing may be included in common daily prayers:

      The Orthodox Church offers everyone in need a remedy - the Sacraments and church services, by participating in which one can hope for quick heavenly help. If a child is seriously ill, you should try to bring him to Communion every Sunday service, submit health notes, and order prayer services.

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