Minimum tread for winter tires. The minimum tread height of summer tires is parameters for cars and buses. Features of the tread depth of different manufacturers

The most important parameter for any driver is the depth of the tire pattern. Great importance is given to this parameter because of the peculiarities of using tires, because the level of grip with the road surface directly depends on the height of the pattern and, as a result, the safety of the car and the driver on the road.

Tread height of new summer tires: types of tires

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Specialists subdivide tires depending on the season. Allocate:

  • Summer tires.
  • Winter tires.

Depending on the characteristics of the new rubber and pattern, the height of the tire at different times of the year provides the maximum level of grip with the road surface. It depends on the characteristics of operation, what is the minimum tread depth on summer tires.

Rubber is usually classified on the basis of the type of transport for which it is intended. For passenger cars distinguish the following types of rubber:

In addition, the tread height and pattern features depend on the purpose of the wheels. Which rubber is suitable for operation is determined depending on its type:

  • Off-road.
  • Sports.
  • Regional.
  • Highway.

The height of these types of tires is quite different from each other. The height of off-road tires can reach up to 17 mm, and the level of sports tires up to 5 mm.

What should be the tread depth of summer tires: pattern features

Summer products with a classic symmetrical tread pattern are considered a universal tire model. This pattern is characterized by a moderate removal of liquids from the points of maximum contact with the road. Tires with this pattern provide normal handling of the car on any surface. Additionally, they are characterized by:

  • Good wear resistance rubber.
  • The minimum level of sound effects.
  • Affordable price.

For quiet ride in the conditions of the city, the purchase of such a new rubber is ideal.

Fans of speed should give preference to tires with an asymmetric tread pattern. Such products will provide reliable grip with the road surface when cornering and driving at high speed.

Tires with this pattern are characterized by the following indicators:

  • Low level rubber sound effects.
  • Good course stability.
  • Improved water protection.

Course stability is achieved thanks to more rigid checkers located on the outside of the tire. And improved drainage is provided by expanded channels. However, such products have a significant drawback - a significant cost.

For driving in difficult weather conditions, it is worth buying tires with a directional pattern. The peculiarity of the products is that the width and depth of the drainage channels significantly reduces the rigidity of the outer rim of the rubber, which reduces its directional stability. Features of the pattern cause a significant difference in the installation of the wheels, which complicates the replacement process. Also, such products are characterized by a rather high noise level.

What is the tread depth on new summer tires?

The height and pattern have a direct impact on such an indicator as the adhesion strength of the car to the road, as well as the level of water drainage. New tread height summer tires should be between 6 and 8 mm. A wear level of not more than 50% is allowed. When answering the question, what is the tread depth on summer tires, it is worth noting that its minimum level should be 1.6 mm. This is the maximum allowable amount of wear.

For such tires, the main condition for normal operation is the presence of a tread pattern. Reducing the level of its depth reduces the performance of the product and contributes to a decrease in the quality of liquid drainage. The answer to the question of what percentage tire wear can be is determined depending on the type of car.

The tread depth of new summer tires may vary depending on the purpose of the car. Therefore, answering the question, what is the permissible tread depth on summer tires, it is worth noting that in sports models this figure can reach 17 mm. Large depth indicators are also predetermined for off-road vehicles.

What is the height of the tread on new summer tires compared to winter

The tread depth for products designed for the winter period is an extremely important indicator. In summer, driving on dry roads allows significant wear on the pattern, while in winter, safety directly depends on its depth.

Tires for the winter period are divided into several types:

  • Scandinavian type.

This type of rubber was developed for driving in severe frosts and snowfalls. Answering the question, what should be the height of the tread car tires compared to this, it should be 8 mm, which is quite significant. This type of tire is characterized by an asymmetric pattern. Rectangular cups are designed to act on snow and ice, which are removed from the contact surface with the help of lamellas.

  • Studded.

The studs provide traction by breaking up snow and ice. Such rubber can also be used for driving on asphalt, however, it makes quite a lot of noise. Hard braking can damage the studs.

  • Friction.

This type of rubber is suitable for driving in mud and slush, as well as in light snow conditions. The answer to the question of how much the tread height of summer tires should be in comparison with this type of rubber is that it can be 3 mm less. This rubber is characterized by thin slots, as well as the presence of special lugs, which significantly increases the grip area with wet asphalt. The pattern on this type of rubber is symmetrical.

In addition, many car owners are wondering how much tire pressure should be in the summer. The answer to it is extremely simple. Tire pressure in summer and winter should be at the same level.

The recommended level of pressure in the tires of a car is indicated on a specific sticker, which is attached by the manufacturer to the driver's door. This tire pressure is an average. The optimum tire pressure is determined by:

  • Car load.
  • The number of passengers.

The more load on the car, the higher the pressure in the tires should be. This is because insufficient pressure tires in the summer can cause them to wear out quickly.

Tire treads for passenger cars are important to ensure good grip of the vehicle wheels with the road surface and, as a result, achieve vehicle stability on the road. The effectiveness of this element in performing its functions depends on the size, shape and pattern of the notches on the surface. automotive rubber.

In addition, the depth of the ornament (also called the height) serves as an indicator of tire wear. While the tread width of a tire remains almost the same throughout its lifetime, the depth decreases along with the abrasion of the rubber. Therefore, for working tires, this indicator is called residual.

Varieties of tire treads for passenger cars

What is the danger of tread wear

When the tread height becomes insufficient, the car begins to lose traction. This leads to a violation of the stability and controllability of the car, the appearance of drifts when cornering and lengthening the braking distance. In addition, the risk of damage to the tire tread increases when overcoming even minor obstacles in traffic.

Another important function of such an element of automobile tires is the removal of rain and snow moisture, as well as dirt. At a shallow depth, the tread is not able to cope with this task, which leads to the effect of aquaplaning - loss of control of the car when driving into the accumulation of water or snow on the road surface.

  • Additional inconveniences that tread wear brings to the owner of the car are an increase in fuel consumption and an increase in the noise produced by the vehicle when driving.

Cuts are the most common tire tread damage.

Legal tread depth standards

Given the information presented above, a logical question arises: what is the residual tread depth of passenger car tires is the norm? Today, this indicator is fixed by law.

The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on amendments to the process of admission to the operation of vehicles entered into force at the beginning of 2015. This document determined what should be the allowable tire tread height for all modes of transport. For passenger cars, this indicator should be at least 1.6 mm. Officially, this requirement is relevant for vehicles designed for a load of no more than 3.5 tons.

In addition to cars, two types of trailers fall into this category: for loads up to 0.75 tons and over this mark, but not more than 3.5 tons. The condition also applies to minibuses designed for no more than eight seats in addition to the driver's seat.

By default, such a depth can have an acceptable tread for summer tires and demi-season tires. However, the Decree provides for a different tread height winter tires- 4 mm. The requirement is relevant for tires designed for snowy and icy roads that have a mountain peak sign or markings with the letters M and S.

Tire tread depth/height measurement

Tread Depth Measurement

Current penalties for insufficient tread height today are 500 rubles. It is also possible to prohibit access vehicle for use if the above conditions are not met. To avoid this, you need to monitor the degree of wear of the rubber and take regular measurements of the depth of the relief.

In this regard, many car owners are interested in how to measure the tire tread on their own. First of all, it should be taken into account that modern models Tires have wear indicators. They are located in the recesses of the relief and look like membranes or small bulges. When the rubber wears to an acceptable limit, they are flush with the surface.

In cases where indicators are not available, a caliper should be used. The tool probe is inserted into the tread until it reaches the bottom of the recess, and then the measurements are checked against the scale. It is worth noting that measurements must be carried out in several areas of the coating, since tire wear may be uneven.

There is another popular way to check the tread depth. For this, a coin with a denomination of 10 kopecks is used. If the coin is half hidden, then you can safely continue to operate the tires. If only a floral ornament is hidden, the tire is close to wear, and if only the rim, it's time to replace the rubber.

Common Causes of Premature Tire Tread Wear

When the tread wear limit is reached

Modern tires are on average designed to last six seasons. That is, signs of significant wear should be detected 3-4 years after the start of use. However, there are many factors that increase tire wear. For example, with a rapid and strong increase in speed, the level of wheel abrasion increases three times. Long journeys and driving on uneven road surfaces are also negative factors. Therefore, it is worth measuring the tread depth every season.

5.1. The remaining tread depth of tires (in the absence of wear indicators) is less than:

  • For vehicles of categories L (motorcycles and mopeds) - 0.8 mm;
  • For vehicles of categories N2, N3, O3, O4 ( trucks) - 1 mm;
  • For vehicles of categories M1, N1, O1, O2 (cars) - 1.6 mm;
  • For vehicles of categories M2, M3 (buses) - 2 mm.

The remaining tread depth of winter tires intended for operation on icy or snowy road surfaces, marked with a sign in the form of a mountain peak with three peaks and a snowflake inside it, as well as marked with signs "M+S", "M&S", "M S" (when absence of wear indicators), during operation on the specified coating is less than 4 mm.

Note. The vehicle category designation in this paragraph is established in accordance with Appendix No. 1 (Road Signs) to the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On the Safety of Wheeled Vehicles", adopted by the decision of the Customs Union Commission dated December 9, 2011 No. 877.

5.2. Tires have external damage (punctures, cuts, ruptures), exposing the cord, as well as delamination of the carcass, delamination of the tread and sidewall.

5.3. There is no mounting bolt (nut) or there are cracks in the disk and wheel rims, there are visible violations of the shape and size of the mounting holes.

5.4. Tires do not match the vehicle model in terms of size or load capacity.

5.5. Tires of various sizes, designs (radial, diagonal, chamber, tubeless), models, with different tread patterns, frost-resistant and non-frost-resistant, new and retreaded, new and with a deep tread pattern, are installed on one axle of the vehicle.

The vehicle is equipped with studded and non-studded tires.

At what minimum residual tire tread depth (in the absence of wear indicators) is it prohibited to operate motor vehicles (category L)?

1. 0.8 mm.
2. 1.0 mm.
3. 1.6 mm.
4. 2.0 mm.

For motor vehicles belonging to vehicles of categories L (in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to Technical regulations on the safety of wheeled vehicles, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 10, 2009 No. 720), the residual depth of the tire tread pattern (in the absence of wear indicators), at which the operation of the vehicle is prohibited, is at least 0.8 mm.

At what minimum residual depth of the tire tread pattern (in the absence of wear indicators) is it prohibited to operate a passenger car (category M1)?

1. 0.8 mm.
2. 1.0 mm.
3. 1.6 mm.
4. 2.0 mm.

For a passenger car belonging to a vehicle of category M1 (in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to the Technical Regulations on the Safety of Wheeled Vehicles, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 10, 2009 No. 720), the residual depth of the tire tread pattern (in the absence of wear indicators), at which the operation of the vehicle is prohibited, is at least 1.6 mm.

It is forbidden to operate trucks of categories N2 and N3 if the remaining depth of the tire tread pattern (in the absence of wear indicators) is not more than:

The residual height of the bus tire tread pattern must not be less than 2 mm.

When are you allowed to drive a car?

Of all the above cases, only installation on rear axle retreaded tires are not a reason to stop your vehicle from being driven.

The tire tread of a passenger car can hardly be attributed to those nuances that an ordinary car enthusiast pays attention to. In most situations, buying new tires is accompanied by looking at brands and reading tests, but rarely does it occur to a car driver to think about the role of tread pattern and its impact on tire performance.

In practice, the situation is such that it is the tread pattern and its depth, coupled with the composition rubber compound- the main factors that ensure the operational properties of the tire.

And it is for this reason that when tires wear out, abrasion of the tread layer leads to the fact that the tire becomes unusable. What type of tread is better in a given situation and how to determine tire wear - we will talk about this in this material.

What is tire tread

The tread is multidirectional grooves of various depths located on the outer surface of the tire at the points of its contact with the roadway. The task of the tire tread of a passenger car or truck serves to remove liquid from the contact patch of the tire and the roadway during rain, as well as to ensure the best characteristics of the "sticking" of the wheel to the canvas.

Surely, many have noticed that Formula 1 racing cars do not have a tread on tires - their role is played only by longitudinal grooves applied to their surface. However, more attentive viewers clearly noticed the fact that in the event of unplanned rain after the pit stops, the cars get tires of a different configuration, where the tread is already clearly expressed.

This eloquently indicates that it is he who performs the main function of water disposal during the ride, preventing the effect of aquaplaning, when a water layer appears between the wheel and the road, which can lead to loss of control and even demolition of the car from the trajectory.

Video - how the hydroplaning effect occurs:

The video eloquently shows why it is important to take this seriously:

A large role is given to the tread on winter tires. Here it plays the main role, ensuring the removal of snow porridge and dirt from the contact patch and ensuring control efficiency. Together with the composition of the rubber compound from which the tire is made, it guarantees the stability of the car, and in the case of non-studded tires plays a major role in ensuring handling and overall consumer characteristics.

Residual height of tire tread pattern according to traffic rules

Every motorist knows the fact that during operation the tire wears out, and its working properties deteriorate. This is due to the fact that the depth of the tread grooves becomes smaller, and therefore they cease to cope with the functions assigned to them.

Rules traffic(Appendix LIST OF FAULTS AND CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH OPERATION OF VEHICLES IS PROHIBITED) clearly regulate the residual value of the tread depth for cars and motorcycles, under which the operation of the vehicle is prohibited.

The requirements of the Rules are clearly visible from the table, according to which it is easy to understand how much more the residual tread depth should be:

Residual tread depth (no wear indicators)

L - mopeds, motorcycles, quadricycles, etc.

0.8 mm

N2, N3, O3, O4 - trucks with a maximum authorized mass of more than 3.5 tons and trailers with a maximum authorized mass of more than 3.5 tons

1 mm

M1, N1, O1, O2 - passenger cars, trucks with a maximum authorized mass of up to 3.5 tons, trailers with a maximum authorized mass of up to 3.5 tons


M2, M3 - buses

2 mm

*Residual tread depth of winter tires designed for operation on icy or snowy road surfaces, marked with a mountain peak with three peaks and a snowflake inside it, as well as marked with the signs “M+S”, “M&S”, “M S”

4 mm

It is forbidden to use tires with even one wear indicator that has appeared, if such indicators are used on your tires.

For winter tires the residual tread height should be more than 4 millimeters due to the fact that such tires are much more demanding on the severity of the tread pattern.

It is forbidden to put tires with different tread patterns on the same axle, since such a combination can seriously impair handling and make the car move unpredictably in the event of an axle skid or drift.

What types of drawing are

Conventionally, there are two main types of tread pattern - symmetrical and asymmetric. The first type, in turn, is divided into directional and non-directional types.

The directional tread has a pattern (often resembling a herringbone pattern), which, with its sharp end, is directed towards the rolling direction of the tire. A non-directional pattern implies a ladder arrangement of grooves that are symmetrical with respect to each other, but do not have a pronounced direction to one of the sides. The asymmetric pattern offers different groove arrangements for the outer and inner (located closer to the car) parts of the tire.

Video about directional and non-directional tire tread patterns:

Speaking about these varieties, it is extremely difficult to single out which type of tread pattern is better in terms of consumer properties. It is believed that the directional tread type better removes moisture from the contact patch, and therefore it is more common on winter non-studded tires, and the asymmetric pattern allows for better handling.

And therefore it is not surprising that expensive tire with a non-directional pattern may well demonstrate better results in tests than a cheap Korean or domestic version with a directional groove arrangement. Much more important here is how carefully the engineers modeled the pattern in a particular model and ensured the overall performance of the tire.

How is it measured

Measuring the tread height of a tire is easy. This can be done with the help of both special tools and improvised means.

The first and most effective way is to use a caliper or a special ruler with a depth gauge. This measurement gives the most accurate result.

A simple option is to measure with an ordinary coin, which is inserted into the slot, and pinched from the end of the tread with a finger, after which the depth is measured using a ruler. The accuracy of such a measurement, of course, is significantly lower, but if there is nothing to measure the tread depth, this method will fit perfectly.

It should be remembered that the measurement of the residual tread depth should be carried out not in one, but in several places on the tire. It is important to remember that the tread depth closer to the center will be higher than at the edges.

How to determine the degree of tire wear if there are indicators on them:

If the depth indicators in all places are approximately the same, then this means that wear occurs evenly. In the case of irregularities during measurement, there is a high probability of violation of the wheel alignment or other technical faults vehicle, which can lead to accelerated tire wear. In this case, it makes sense to address this problem before installing a new tire set.

Tread depth of new summer and winter tires

The tread depth of new summer and winter tires is regulated, first of all, by the manufacturer's internal requirements for a particular tire model.

This is due to the fact that the developers optimize the depth parameter in accordance with the operational parameters and the composition of the rubber compound, using a computer to calculate in advance the optimal parameters for the best drainage characteristics from the contact patch.

However, there is a general criterion for the tread depth of new tires - winter options get deeper grooves than summer ones, and durable lamellas are designed to provide reliable cutting snow cover and providing the best grip performance.

Deep tread is also used on off-road tires. In particular, the tread pattern of new tires for crossovers is much more pronounced than that of “car” variations, and for purebred “off-road” tires (for example, for the well-known Goodrich), the tread generally has a clearly defined structure and considerable depth for better off-road performance. viscous soil (in mud and clay).

Video - an overview of summer tires for SUVs:

In addition, the self-cleaning function of the tread from dirt is important for such tires, because, otherwise, when driving on soft soils, such tires will quickly “blush”, losing their grip properties.

What to look for when choosing and buying new tires

Today, the choice of tires from various manufacturers is very extensive. New tires are sold both directly in tire fitting centers or specialized stores, and on Internet sites. In particular, you can buy tires at or in other online stores, but you should familiarize yourself with the assortment in advance and choose the tire model that suits you according to the main consumer criteria.

Winter car tires differ in material- softer, because of which the car does not slip, good adhesion of the wheels to the surface is ensured. Hydroplaning must not be allowed, they must ensure driving safety, high-quality braking. For the same purpose, they are made studded.

Another feature is a greater number of lamellas, that is, transverse slots in the bulges. They increase the stability of the car. A characteristic difference between tires is a deep tread.

Minimum Height new rubber- 8.5-9.5 mm. It will provide good car stability in the cold season if the road is open. In more difficult conditions, it is advisable to use a tread of 9.5-11 mm. For off-road, an indicator of 12 mm is better. There are also tires with a tread of 15 mm.

New winter tires must have a depth of at least 8.5 mm.

Picture choose based on the conditions in which the car is operated more often. Options: directed(tracks with V-shaped icons, but at the top point the lines of the indentations do not converge, suitable for surfaces with areas of wet snow, dry and wet asphalt), symmetric(the grooves are also located in a wedge, but converge at one point at the tops, provide grip on wet roads, as well as on dry pavement), asymmetric(combine the advantages of the two previous types of pattern, used for heavy snowy roads, if you have to go to ice).

It is presented by different manufacturers in the following forms:

  • Off-road. The pattern is often directed and V-shaped, and the depth of the depressions reaches 11-12 mm. It is better to use such rubber where there is a lot of snow, there is ice.
  • high-speed. It usually has a directional pattern and a shallow tread, designed for driving on an open road, use in the city, not afraid of light snow, wet surfaces.
  • Classical. It comes in directional and non-directional patterns. The tread is deep enough for use on snowy, but not completely impassable roads. It is better to apply in the city, at a moderate speed.
  • Asymmetric. The outer half of the track of these tires is responsible for tight contact with a clean surface, the inner half helps to overcome snowdrifts and slush. But fast driving with such tires is undesirable.

When tires are abraded to the mark located in the recess, or the disappearance of the snowflake icon, they need to be changed. In the absence of an indicator the remaining tread of winter tires is no more than 4 mm.

Read more in our article about the types of winter tire treads, pattern options, wear and other features.

Read in this article

Winter tire tread features

Automobile tires designed for the cold season differ from summer tires in terms of material and many other indicators. Winter tires are softer, because they have to contact with snowy, icy roads or frozen asphalt. Thanks to this, they do not allow the car to slide, ensuring good grip of the wheels with the surface.

Hydroplaning, that is, partial contact with the road, must not be allowed. Winter tires should ensure driving safety, high-quality braking. For the same purpose, they are made studded, although this is not necessary.

Another feature of winter tires is a greater number of sipes, that is, transverse slots in the bulges. They increase the stability of the car. A characteristic difference between tires is a deep tread.


Winter tires look thicker, more powerful. Actually, these qualities make the period of its use longer than that of the summer one. The tread height of winter tires can vary depending on the type and size of the tire. After all, the diameter of this part of the car is not the same for all vehicles.

The minimum value of the indicator, if we are talking about new tires, should be 8.5-9.5 mm. It will provide good car stability in the cold season if the road is open. In more difficult conditions, it is advisable to "shoe" it in tires with a tread of 9.5-11 mm. Such tires are more popular in Russia. For off-road, an indicator of 12 mm is better. There are also tires with a tread of 15 mm.


The outer part of automotive rubber has the appearance of rows of depressions and bulges. Therefore, there is the concept of “winter tire tread depth”. The term is used in regulations containing requirements for the state of the vehicle. But in fact, this is the height of the tread. After all, the size of the convex part of the tire is equal to the size of the recess adjacent to it. This is not about slots on the blocks, but the maximum high and low points of the surface. New winter tires must have a depth of at least 8.5 mm.


Another feature that characterizes winter tires is the tread pattern. In the cold season, there can be ice, snow, wet “porridge”, and hardened open asphalt or soil on the road. The drawing is chosen based on the conditions in which the car is operated more often.

It is important that the rubber, when driving, fits as tightly as possible to the surface, removes fluid from under the wheels, and prevents slipping at speed and slow braking. It is impossible to combine all the qualities in one type of drawing, so there are several of them:

  • Directed. These are tracks with V-shaped icons, but at the top point, the lines of the indentations do not converge. Such tires behave well on the surface with areas of wet snow, if it lies in a thin layer, dry and wet asphalt. But don't go too fast.
  • Symmetric. The recesses are located in a wedge, as in the previous case. But at the tops they converge at one point. This tire pattern provides good grip on wet roads, as well as on dry pavement. They are designed for a carefully cleaned winter track, they provide an opportunity to develop speed.
  • Asymmetric. Combine the advantages of the two previous types of drawing. Therefore, tires are used for heavy snowy roads, if you have to drive in ice. But don't move too fast.

Classic and European tire pattern

Types of winter tires

Winter tire tread by different manufacturers is presented in the following forms:

  • off road. The pattern is often directed and V-shaped, and the depth of the depressions reaches 11-12 mm. It is better to use such rubber where there is a lot of snow, there is ice. Indeed, on open asphalt, it makes a lot of noise due to excessive friction, which also increases fuel consumption. FROM off-road tires not be able to quickly accelerate and decelerate.
  • high-speed. This type of rubber usually has a directional pattern and a shallow tread. It is intended for driving on an open road, that is, rather for a temperate climate, use within the city. But it is also not afraid of light snow, wet surfaces. High speed tires have a short braking distances, you can go fast. The noise level is low.
  • Classical. It comes in directional and non-directional patterns. The tread of these tires is deep enough for use on snowy, but not completely impassable roads. It is best to "wear" them in the city, driving at a moderate speed.
  • Asymmetric. The outer half of the track of these tires is responsible for tight contact with a clean surface, the inner half helps to overcome snowdrifts and slush. But fast driving with such tires is undesirable. A car “shod” in them under any conditions slows down rather slowly, it can skid.

Expert opinion

Nadezhda Smirnova

Automotive Law Expert

Most of the cars in the northern latitudes are used with classic tires, some with off-road tires. The recently appeared asymmetric ones are also in fashion. But they are not cheap, and their effectiveness in Russian conditions is doubtful.

Permissible tread in winter

Wear on thick winter tires is inevitable anyway. And it is important to change them to new ones in time to avoid loss of control over the car, an accident. The allowable tread of winter tires can be determined by:

  • according to the wear indicator applied to the rubber;
  • in accordance with traffic rules.

In the first case, everything is simple. If the tires are worn to the mark located in the recess, or the snowflake icon disappears, they need to be changed. But one should take into account road conditions in which technology is used. If you have to constantly drive on poorly cleared snow, ice, it is better not to wait until the rubber is completely worn out.

How to choose winter tires, see this video:

Minimal and residual wear of winter tires

In the absence of an indicator, the remaining tread of winter tires must not exceed a certain value. The term itself establishes a value, less than which the recess cannot be. The information is contained in paragraph 5.1 of the "List of malfunctions and conditions under which the operation of the vehicle is prohibited":

The remaining tread depth of winter tires intended for operation on icy or snowy road surfaces, marked with a sign in the form of a mountain peak with three peaks and a snowflake inside it, as well as marked with signs "M+S", "M&S", "M S" (when absence of wear indicators), during operation on the specified coating is no more than 4 mm.

And yet, the minimum tread of winter tires permitted by law is not yet a guarantee of safety. It is better to renew the rubber before it reaches the wear limit. For example, for off-road tires, a decrease in depth to 4 mm is unimaginable, it is difficult to drive a car with such changes. After all, this means that the tread is worn out by more than 50%.

How to detect wear

The critical level of rubber abrasion without an indicator is difficult to determine until it affects the ride characteristics. Winter tire tread wear is more accurately measured with a caliper. It is placed in recesses at several points located far from each other. It is important to consider how much the thickness has decreased, in which places, if the numbers differ:

  • a large degree of wear in the middle of the tires means that the wheel is overinflated;
  • the same, but along the edges indicates a lack of air in them;
  • irregularities on the wheel around the entire circumference give out an amateur to brake sharply and gas;
  • fraying one of the edges of the tire means that the suspension needs to be checked.

Choose the right one winter tires, it is especially important to control her condition. Otherwise, the ride threatens to become extreme, including for other road users. You should not discount the fact that there is a fine for "bald" tires.

Useful video

For information on how to determine the wear of a winter tire, see this video:

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