Tyulenev's methodology for teaching children. Pavel Tyulenev or the most mysterious technique Dotted graphic images of Tyulenev

Based on the works of Shatalov, Makarenko, Nikitin, Tyulenev’s methodology allows you to maximize the child’s potential. Tyulenev believed that every child is given a “genius gene,” therefore the task of parents is to create conditions for the functioning of this gene from the very first days of the child’s life. Thanks to this technique, a young child can do things that preschool children cannot do. According to V.P. Tyulenev, every week of his life is important for the development of a child. Therefore, parents should not waste precious time - the sooner classes with the child begin, the better the results will be. Designed for the development of children from birth to 18 years of age, this technique has shown amazing results. Back in the 80s of the 20th century, there was a report on TV about children who, not knowing how to walk, could read and count perfectly. The “reading babies” trained according to Tyulenev’s method amazed many. Even more surprising were the children who graduated from school at age 10 and received a diploma at age 14.

Tyulenev’s method does not ignore any of the child’s developmental lines. Thanks to this method, a child can be taught reading, typing, music, mathematics, drawing, and develop sports and research talents in the child. Tyulenev believed that from the first weeks of a baby’s life it is important to provide him with as many sensory stimuli as possible, thereby forcing his brain to work. In the first two months of a child’s life, you should show him lines, triangles, squares and other geometric shapes drawn on a piece of paper. you should start by looking at one figure, gradually increasing their number. Over the next two months, the child’s field of vision should include pictures of animals, plants, letters of the alphabet, and mathematical symbols. From four months you need to start playing “Toy Ball” - the child throwing cubes and other bright objects from the bed. From five months you can place musical instruments next to your child. By touching them, the child randomly produces sounds that will help develop his musical abilities. From the age of six months, start learning letters by looking at the magnetic alphabet with your child. At eight months, start playing with your child the game “Bring the letter”, and from ten months - the game “Show the letter”, then - “Name the letter/syllable/word”. From the age of one and a half years, begin to teach the child to type on a typewriter, play chess, and at 2.5 years, introduce him to the periodic table.

Pros and cons of the technique

According to teachers, Tyulenev’s technique is one of the most unusual discoveries of the twentieth century. This technique allows you to fully prepare a child for school, revealing his potential. However, teachers believe that what a child has done is consciously comprehended only at primary school age. At earlier stages, the child’s actions are often mechanical and thoughtless. Therefore, if you do not work with your child using this method for several months, the child will quickly forget everything he learned earlier. In addition, not all parents are able to understand this technique and not everyone has the patience for daily activities with their baby.

Tyulenev's technique. You can read about other methods of child development.

Educator and sociologist Pavel Viktorovich Tyulenev developed a unique method of early development. Its main idea is “to develop abilities in time, to reveal the intellectual and physical potential of the child and to make him gifted.” She considers her personal experience to be quite successful: her youngest daughter began reading before she could walk (at the age of about a year), writing at the age of one and a half years, and published her first novel, “Mileda,” at the age of 4 years 11 months. The eldest daughter graduated from school with a gold medal; and even earlier, in 1968, in a playful way, he managed in a short time to phenomenally develop his younger brothers - teenagers 11 - 12 years old, who actually became world record holders in gymnastics. In 1995-1996, his book “Read Before You Walk” was published.

The essence of the technique

The author believes that it is better to start teaching a child a variety of skills even before he begins to walk. To do this, it is necessary to create a certain environment for the child. Tyulenev suggests teaching the baby counting, reading, notes, drawing and even the ability to lead before walking.

Training using this developmental method should begin from birth - from the first days of a newborn’s life, and every waking minute of the baby should be aimed at his mental and physical development. Parents should introduce the child to the world around him, stimulate activity and movement, and, of course, constantly talk to him as an adult (this technique does not encourage “lisping” with children).

Basic principles of the technique

His method is very strict and your day with your child should be planned hourly. The early development of a child up to one year old requires compliance with certain rules:

  • minimizing the baby's wasted time is incredibly expensive.
  • create the most useful environment, provide benefits, ensure a careful selection of toys.
  • Communication with a child should be developmental.
  • everything that is shown to the child must be voiced.
  • everything that distracts the child (TV, music...) must be eliminated.

How to apply the method

From birth to two months.

You can show your child images - geometric shapes, letters, ornaments. The environment should be simple so as not to distract the baby. The child will look at the pictures attached to the crib, and you will name what is shown on them.

From 2 months.

Show and name images of animals, plants, mathematical symbols, hieroglyphs, letters, household items...

From 4 months.

Introduction to physical laws - throw toys of different weights and sizes onto the floor.

From 5 months.

Give the child the opportunity to independently extract sounds from musical instruments (for example, knocking on a xylophone with a hammer). This contributes to the development of musical ear.

From 6 months.

Add another benefit - postcards. The child must look at them. By one year a child should have at least 100 postcards at his disposal, by two years - at least 500.

From 7 months.

Games with magnetic alphabet, composing words. Label the interior items and furniture in the apartment (attach nameplates to them).

From 8 months.

Every day you need to play the game “Give me a letter” with your child; the child must give or indicate the letter that you name.

From one and a half years.

You can teach your child to play chess.

From two years old.

The child can compose words and short sentences from individual letters of the alphabet and print them on the computer.

From three years old.

Introduction to professions. Teach your child to write letters to relatives, fairy tale characters, and toys. You can also introduce your child to the basics of journalism and teach them how to use a video and camera.

At this age, walks in the fresh air should also be educational.

Imagine that these are not walks, but travels:

Keep travel diaries that you always take with you when you go out. For example:

  • "Journey of a Geologist." Along the walk route, collect interesting pebbles and describe geographical features.
  • "Darwin's Travels" It is necessary to copy down all the animals, birds and insects seen along the way.
  • "The Travels of Michurin." Collect a herbarium, then make an album describing the specimens.
  • "The Journey of Peter I". Count and describe the equipment you encounter and interesting buildings.

This way, the child’s vocabulary will quickly expand, the desire to learn more about the “rewritten” objects will appear, the child will want to read specialized literature and encyclopedias.

From the age of four.

A child can compose stories and fairy tales and print them on a computer or typewriter. .

From four to five years old.

It is necessary to organize the child’s access to school textbooks. This is how children master the primary school curriculum on their own.

Thus, the early development of a child according to the Tyulenev method allows not only to develop the child’s intelligence and horizons, but also to graduate from school as an external student, and subsequently from several universities.

Pros and cons

According to teachers, Tyulenev’s method allows you to fully prepare a child for school, revealing his potential. However, they believe that what a child does is consciously comprehended only at primary school age. At earlier stages of development, the child’s actions are more often of a mechanical, unreflective nature. Therefore, if you do not work with your child using this method for several months, the child will quickly forget everything he learned earlier. In addition, not all parents are able to understand this technique and not everyone has the patience for daily activities with the baby.

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My name is Pavel Viktorovich Tyulenev, I have been involved in the development and early education of children for more than 20 years. I consider my personal experience to be quite successful: my youngest daughter began to read - before walking, at the age of about a year, write - at the age of one and a half years, and published her first novel "Mileda" at the age of 4 years 11 months; examples of her writings can be seen in Internet: (www.sonnet.ru/~larisa/recordmir.htm), the eldest daughter graduated from school with a gold medal; and even earlier, in 1968, in a playful way, I managed in a short time to phenomenally develop my younger brothers - teenagers of 11 - 12 years old, they actually became world record holders in gymnastics... I wrote about what methods were developed and tested in several books (“Read before walking,” and others). In addition to teaching reading, counting, music, drawing, new methods of early development of entrepreneurial abilities, leadership skills and many others were tested.
I tell my parents about all the experience and benefits in two three-hour lessons at the MIR Parent University (t.: 491-37-22, Vitaly Konstantinovich), at the Author’s Family Pedagogical School (t.: 459-29-33, Nina Nikolaevna) , spoke on television several times, I lead the Association of Innovative Teachers.
For the successful development and upbringing of a child, I recommend that you get acquainted with the works of our educators and innovative teachers, and attend meetings with their followers. In recent years, sufficient practical experience has been accumulated in the proper development and upbringing of children, from the first days of birth to 18 years of age, and it can be safely used.
In Moscow and on trips to other cities, classes and consultations are conducted by many followers of innovative teachers: B.P. Nikitina, N.A. Zaitseva, V.F. Shatalova, G. Domana, Sh. Suzuki. There have already been educators who combine several methods; three Elenas are among the best: Elena Parkhomenko, Elena Danilova, Yuri Vasilyevich Shcherbakov - they have tested a lot on their children, creatively developing new ideas. Classes are conducted with teachers and educators: Elena Afanasova, Lyudmila Dmitrievna Butrina (you can find out more by calling: 419-01-06, 491-37-22).
I invite you to our club "Laity". Parents who want to get a complete picture of the state and successes of all areas of child developmental care, early learning and its consequences can find out everything on the website: http://www.sonnet.ru/~larisa. Many parents ask me about Glen Doman’s program - I answer this question in my books and repeat: we once discussed with B.P. Nikitin discussed this topic with N.A. Zaitsev: the methods and programs of American innovators are not just crude, they are ten to fifteen years behind our Russian ones. It is possible to read their books, but it is impossible to use them, or rather, I do not recommend them due to serious mistakes and high costs. Both children and parents often refuse, even if they manage to produce a lot of benefits. You can see for yourself that the results of the “Doman children” are much weaker, both in terms of time and quality, than those of the children of our innovative teachers.
In 1998, our Association, based on many years of results, approached the Government with a proposal on the possibility of transitioning the education system to universal higher education, and children will be able to receive a full-fledged higher education by the age of 18 - 20, which will make our children socially adapted citizens, capable create and support their families. However, while our Ministry of Education, unfortunately, continues to attack the rights of parents and children, blindly copying outdated methods, fights to increase costs, and offers a 12-year secondary education. This, of course, is illegal and immoral - it will lead to an even greater aggravation of the demographic catastrophe, to the economic collapse of the country... There is still time for us, parents, to protect the future of our children.
We are ready to train all teachers who want to work under this program, however, it is important that parents are prepared and contact us as early as possible.
Applications and proposals are accepted from all regions of Russia and the CIS.
Our e-mails: [email protected], [email protected].

With wishes of success in the development and upbringing of children, P.V. Tyulenev
www.sonnet.ru/~apn, author of the books: “How to develop gifted children?”, “Read before you walk”, “Universal developmental alphabet”, “How to accelerate the intellectual development of a child?” and others.

29.05.1999 16:53:08, Pavel Tyuleneva


Pavel Viktorovich, I discovered that →

Pavel Viktorovich, I discovered that the providers of your sites and addresses have changed, and let me give you the current correct addresses:
www.larisa.h1.ru - Center for Early Development WORLD of Children and the beginning of the Era of the Developed Man: contains the results of 1988-1995 according to the system of methods Read - before you walk, Count - before you walk, Know notes - before you walk, Do it earlier than walking and using other methods.

www.rebenokh1.narod.ru - Methods of intellectual development of a gifted child, the same, plus video documents and new books, the series “How to raise a gifted child in the era of the Developed Man”, results of early development of children since 2001

www.mirodarennosti.narod.ru - A WORLD of giftedness, about children's clubs, kindergartens and schools A WORLD of a child, the creation of which you called for in the book Read before you walk in 1996

The address now, as I understand it, is now this: [email protected]

Pavel Viktorovich!

I have two questions:

1. You discovered that some peoples begin to educate their children already during pregnancy, and some even from conception. Moreover, they have been doing this for one and a half to three thousand years!
Really, the government and academicians of the Russian Academy of Education do not see this glaring lag of our country from competitors who want to seize Russia’s resources?

After all, the country’s backwardness leads to the fact that the backward population cannot develop enormous resources...

2. Why do they everywhere offer the backward and erroneous Doman method, which is based on the child’s stupid memorization of entire pages of text (1950), and the even more backward methods of Montessori, which denied any possibility of teaching children under three years of age?
Why do the directors of children's centers offer the worst methods instead of the best? Are they serving their competitors, using your phenomenal results as bait? The USSR provided more than 30% of all inventions in the world, and now Russia provides less than 1.4%...
Why don't you create your own early development centers to prevent counterfeits? 07/11/2015 23:35:31, Friend and comrade

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Pavel Viktorovich! I read yours →

Pavel Viktorovich!

I read your book "Read Before You Walk". I will refrain from commenting, as I may be accused of rudeness. I have one question: in the book there are a lot of examples of how brilliant children learned to read in infancy, solve algebraic problems at 5 years old, entered college at 12, etc. However, I did not find a single mention of how the lives of these children turned out? Were any of them truly happy? I mean those who studied according to your method, since those historical characters whom you cite as examples are known to have had extremely unsuccessful personal lives.
And another question: why teach a child to type on a typewriter if no one uses them anymore, and everyone has long switched to computers.

Katya Alekseeva 05/31/1999 17:21:44, Katya Alekseeva

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Dear Katya!
I feel you have a lot of urgent questions: Larisa and I’s website was not for nothing called “Seven Flamingos” at first - seven fiery, igniting storks - but for God’s sake, pay close attention to all, without exception, of my recommendations for the book “Read, before walking”, because its full name: “Parents should organize READING for a child every day, in a broad sense, including looking at letters while lying in diapers, or Internet channels, barely waking up on the sofa, every day, EARLIER THAN WALKING, before “as soon as he starts walking, that is, gets on his feet.” This applies, of course, to all ages, and even to me or you personally. This, by the way, is what obsessed intellectuals and businessmen do. In general, this is a universal recommendation, the only one if they told me - freeze and don’t say anything else.
Organize reading, in any form, and without nails, at any age, while the child is with you - and then you will solve a lot of problems, especially if the reading program is planned in advance and thought out, taking into account the happiness you, the parents, wish for your child, teenager and youth.
I tried to use a computer from the age of two, from the age of three my daughter kept a systematic diary on it... But I strongly recommend an electric typewriter - it replaces cubes and allows a child from two years old and even earlier to express his thoughts, look in the Archives: child , reprinting from the Primer “Shura is small” immediately reports: “Larissa is small,” etc. This is up to the age of two years. What's next? For many reasons, which are explained in our classes, the typewriter is the Proton rocket on which the child soars to the heights of intelligence. Despite the presence of a computer, the child will love the typewriter until he is 6 - 7 years old, because: a) it knocks, b) it has letters that leave a mark on the paper c) because the paper with text can be pulled out at any time d) because an incorrectly printed letter can be covered with putty, etc. If you only have a computer with a LCD screen, then all the same, you should have a program that completely simulates the operation. Finally, the machine does not irradiate. Only at first it is better to type in upper case.. The main disadvantage of cubes is the negative effect of systematic destruction - wonderful work, you are forced to destroy a word or sentence made from cubes in front of the child's eyes - you are accustomed to fruitless labor, carrying stones up a mountain... It is not for nothing that I write, that the cubes should become one of the stations on the path to the development of intelligence. Respect the work of a child from childhood - file his works in a binder forever, or even give him a symbolic salary for each line or, later, for a good fairy tale. Your baby is the same author as famous writers and journalists - organize an author's society at home... and other “organizations”.

Of course, the most difficult question is about the happiness of children. I have been consciously struggling with this question since the seventh grade, in my own family, where happiness always coexisted, balanced with unhappiness, like many others in our long-suffering country. This is precisely why the MIR system, including the book “Read before you walk,” includes both entrepreneurship and playing “president”.... In short, in order for the children and you to be happy, I developed the “MIR system” - this technology, parenting technology and practice to make children happy. At the same time, the MIR system represents the contours, the project of the future system of developmental education. And I think this is not my idea - it seems to me that all educators and teachers dreamed of this. B.P. Nikitin and other innovators around the world. At the end of 1996, when B.P. Nikitin invited me, and I showed some videos, talked about the second part of the book, which talks about social adaptation, his daughter told him: “Dad, this is what you dreamed of and said that this has not yet been achieved.”
Talking about the happiness of a child is not easy, but I would like you to first get acquainted with most of the methods I propose, no matter how extravagant they may seem.
Briefly I could say the following:
- a child who is not harmoniously developed will largely depend on the environment, like Mozart.
- a harmoniously, worldly developed child is the architect of his own happiness, at least that’s how the MIR system was designed.
An analysis of biographies suggests that parents must do their best to think and care about the happiness of their children, uniting in every possible way with other parents. But without proper and comprehensive intellectual development, all their efforts may be in vain.
That is, specifically, first of all, we must talk about PEACE, and immediately, and necessarily - about how to arrange the happiness of our children in the future.
It’s not my fault, you yourself asked the question about the happiness of children, and this is very close to sociological issues, to my second profession. I will allow myself to say a little about the parental policy of happiness, on the biggest account... Today, Russian parents are still taking away the future from their children, because they do not fight against loans, that is, we now live at the expense of our children - they have to repay our debts. Where and when did parents allow this? According to my calculations, at the end of this year all the accounts of the “new Russians” abroad will be arrested, and collecting debts from Russia will become a holy cause for the “world community.” True, capital illegally exported and transferred from Russia, according to the UN, and circulating in the banks of NATO countries is about 3,500 billion dollars, that is, they could give us loans for a long time, but greed and taxpayers will not allow it. It will be possible to save our migrated capital only in Russia, having created normal conditions for business and production here - then the path from misfortune for our children to happiness will begin.
More specifically, we, parents, must clearly figure out what laws we need to support or propose so that our children are happy and do not curse us. Today you just need to start collecting and recording, analyzing and summarizing the wishes of parents. There are parents who do this professionally, let them give us their suggestions.
As for “truly happy,” we need to clarify: any drug addict dies of happiness, which, according to doctors, exceeds everything that a person experiences in his entire life.. There is calm burgher happiness, literary, entrepreneurial, etc., as well as family happiness in combination with those listed. If you like, let's start with designing children's happiness? What do you want - and let's start designing, from the cradle. As the ancients said, some kind of system is better than no system at all.
At one time, the USSR systematically, but not intellectually enough, that is, smartly and effectively moved towards happiness for everyone. Yes, in our natural conditions, Russia cannot survive unless there are eight to ten times more specialists with higher education than in the United States - after all, the climate forces us to freeze the huge capital that is in circulation in warm countries. That's why - 06/01/1999 07:16:39, P.V. Tyuleneva

I'm sorry, Maria,
I tried to answer your question to some extent in a letter to Katya Alekseeva - please take a look. I can answer in more detail by uploading some materials from the books to the MIR website in series 4. I think it will be possible to meet with parents who are involved in the elements of the MIR system at the MIR Parenting Club (www.sonnet.ru/~larisa/clubs_org.htm.
All the best, P.V. Tyulenev
01.06.1999 07:25:43

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To be honest, I am against such violence against a child. Read before walking, write before sitting. A child should develop as he grows up. Yes, everyone says that this learning takes place in the form of play. I can say from personal experience how the director of a private school, that such “advanced kids” are nothing more than the pride of their parents. In the first grade they are the best, in the second also the same, and then a “breakdown” occurs - I already know everything, why teach. Of course you can go on like this ahead of schedule and in the 4th grade, the child will solve physics problems for the 9th grade, but you thought what kind of nervous stress this would be for the child. often invisible to our eyes. I have two children, when my son was born I threw myself into all early development methods, starting with dynamic gymnastics and ending with early reading. The result was that the child was very open and active and had few friends, especially among his peers, he was with them not interesting, in the first grade he was the pride of the school, but when he came home he looked at me with his little eyes and asked: Mom, why should I go there? It took me a lot of effort to interest him in the school curriculum, explaining that textbooks are not everything, for God’s sake read books on topics proposed at school and not only, as a result, he still developed an interest in learning and it didn’t take long for him to reappear.
I raised my daughter “the old fashioned way”; at 5 we learned to read and write letters correctly; she only learned in the first grade like other children, and I saw that she felt much happier than her brother at that age. I’m not saying , that my theory is the only correct one, but most of us were raised “traditionally” and I want to believe that everyone ultimately received the level of education and development that we want for them.
Sincerely. 06/01/1999 18:53:42, Marina

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Something happened to mine [email protected], so I haven’t received any messages from anyone - send them to another address: larisa ...
Dear Marina and Lena!
I answer you and your parents a number of questions about methods and problems.
Of course, all innovative teachers, like Lena Danilova, always proceed from the seemingly obvious: it’s better to be smarter than everyone else, and the boys are not at all as difficult as they sometimes seem. The simplest secret for our mothers: make dad at least sometimes play the role of an “intellectual”, and problems with boys will be easier to overcome. Let dad learn the role of “professor” or “president”, at least, at your request, portray a “reader”... This will be enough to remind the boy: “Come on, let’s be like dad, play - read?” and the like. The imitation of children by their parents, and boys by their fathers, often has a very, very strong influence on the behavior of boys - take this into account, agree with your dad, and try to use it.
I have a very long experience of working with boys, I worked with them simultaneously and in parallel, as it turned out, with Nikitin, since 1958, when he began his “great experiment”. By 1968, the same ones as those of B.P. were obtained. results, only plus music and many times greater indicators in physical training - these were world records... I was unable to transfer my brothers to high school only because of the opposition of my parents - at the capital school I had already almost agreed... For many years I I was practically in the family “for my mother”, from 6 to 8 months a year. In addition, I even supported my dad - from receiving a salary to raising my brothers. I affirm that problems with boys will be resolved if you create an environment according to the MIR system. Yes, it’s easier with girls - but for mothers, it’s even easier to face danger.
Why are my methods exactly like this and in this “configuration”? By the time I first met B.P. Nikitin, the MIR system was already theoretically ready. By that time, I was absolutely not interested in either Doman’s results or all the others: by the beginning of the 80s, I had completely solved the problem of the maximum possible early development.
Of course, you are right that methods such as Zaitsev’s tables are needed. But I consciously tried to move away from special classes with children twenty years ago, because 97% of parents, and I don’t have enough time for this, much less have the desire to do it, like my wife and relatives. The wonderful call by B. Nikitin and yours for the professionalism of parents is wonderful, it is necessary, but what should those who can never follow it do?
But look at what children write and type using the MIR system at one and a half, two years old, etc. Some mothers, using only my first book, taught their children to read by the age of 2.
My eldest daughter did not receive a single “B” throughout school, and my youngest daughter set every conceivable record for early development. At the same time, neither my mother, nor my grandmother, nor even I read a single book to the child; there was not a single manual by Nikitin, Doman or Zaitsev. This is a fundamental question. That is, if parents want to get maximum results with a minimum investment of time and money, then the use of methods will only lead to delays, for which they will have to pay with their own time, the need to spend energy on solving problems that will arise in the future. That’s why I write in books that select methods based on the results. Physical development can be “implemented” in hundreds of ways... Teaching addition - in dozens... Music - too, in many ways. You can put together hundreds of mosaics, come up with hundreds of ABCs... This is done all over the world. Where are the results? When giving lectures, consulting, it makes sense to do this absolutely objectively - and then there are chances that Russia will get out of the disaster if we teach parents and children better than in other countries..
Today, the euphoria of primary mastery of early development methods, created through empirical tests and brilliant guesses, reigns. All this is the level of the 60s - 70s. Of course, all this is useful compared to the antediluvian traditions of traditional education systems. All this could be repeated and reproduced.
But life poses other real challenges: we need harmonious development and optimal methods. I refused thousands of methods and techniques of development and training, because I need to solve the problem of time - “time - the child’s abilities.”
There are methods in the MIR system for adults and teenagers. But if we talk about early development, I have long been no longer interested in the methods that teach how to work with a child - but rather, how to study less, but so that the child himself successfully studies and develops.
I don’t want to discuss any methods, because for now I’m glad that our population is becoming familiar with this topic.
I will only touch on some tiny “mistakes”:
1. Development and training “according to Doman” are almost all complete mistakes, if we talk about early stages and reducing the costs of parents.
2. Second. But what should I do with parents and children who all come to me after using cubes with the question: “The child has stopped reading and adding? What’s the matter?”
Having barely taught a child to read, “bunny-catchers” spread an aversion to reading and writing. Has anyone researched how this affects the future? But to do this, it’s enough to ask many mothers of “Petersburg residents” of past years. I met on purpose, and almost everyone who did not move further from the cubes had problems. Because they turned the greatest invention - writing - into a game. Isn’t this what B.P. Nikitin warned against very long ago? But even there there are the same extremes - again a passion for games rather than business, didactics rather than social adaptation. It is the social adaptation of children, in a broad sense, that should be considered the main problem - learning to read, music, and others turned out to be seeds compared to preparing children for their future life.
Please note - I am not criticizing N. Zaitsev, he does his job perfectly, but the “zaychists” - educators who often “can’t see the forest for the trees.” N. Zaitsev himself never talks about education and development; he is an excellent didactician. After classes, parents need the MIR system, since they are didactics, educators, teachers and citizens at the same time... All this has been worked out and tested in the MIR system for many years.

3. Why should all parents of “bunnies” immediately become familiar with the MIR system? One small but catastrophic example.
What is the reason why I gave up, for example, cubes twenty years ago? I will reveal one of the many “secrets”.
If parents do not want to get a powerful delay soon after the first successes, then the cubes should be removed immediately as soon as the child learns to read. Why? Because otherwise you simply destroy the intellectual basis of the child’s personality, to whom you show with your own hands how you destroy the fruits of his labor: words, sentences, and so on. Judge for yourself: today you are typing your lectures on a computer, and tomorrow some virus destroys them... And so on every day. I am sure that if this story is from 06/05/1999 16:09:07,

I continue to study Tyulenev’s technique.

It sheds light on the mystery of the emergence of the amazing “CHILD’S WORLD” system.

So, I give the floor to Pavel Viktorovich Tyulenev:

“In this story about the method of teaching drawing to my father, V.M. Tyulenev has many interesting details:

Then the family of the artist Tyulenev lived in one room, which also served as a workshop, where there was a smell of paint, and there was an easel by the window - my father was constantly working at home: he painted portraits, and even icons - it was necessary to complete the construction of our house on Onezhskaya Street.

Trouble was brewing.

The younger brothers - about 3-4 years old - were growing up. They were aggressive. The situation was rapidly heating up... The little kibalchis perceived their older brother as a toy and started to fight. It was impossible to stop them...

There were two ways:

Or suppress and break my older brother - me, force me to endure the natural activity of my younger brothers and destroy me, since it was impossible to retire even for schoolwork. But this was impossible - I would simply leave home on my own, run away, become a homeless child - that was my character...

Or find an extraordinary way out of the situation that has created, essentially catastrophic for the family and all children.

And after one, the first unfair punishment - because of the antics of my younger brothers - by my father, my mother found a way out of the critical situation. She had a serious talk with him and basically forced my father to take a few hours a day away from work and teach me how to draw!

After this strict training, a week later I already went to sketches - “to draw nature” for several hours, and everything calmed down...

So, I systematically went to sketches with a sketchbook as a gift, “honed my skills” while the brothers “mutuzed” each other...

Six months later we moved into three rooms, on the first floor of a newly built and finished house. And I had the opportunity to close myself in a large hall - the living room, and do my homework in a calm atmosphere...

By that time, my drawings at school were already in great demand: no one believed that they were drawn by me, and not by some professional... In the third grade, I was forced to hide the fact that I was good at drawing. There was even a case when the school principal had to intervene to find and take away my drawings from high school students...

After 4-5 years, in the 7th-8th grade, I became interested in drawing in class on the topic “How did you celebrate the day of November 7, 1965?” At this time, our school drawing and drawing teacher, walking around the class, saw with his own eyes how a professional drawing was born. He said loudly that he “can’t teach me anything anymore, but can only ruin me...” He was honest and principled - even in the first lesson he said that if someone draws better than him, he will exempt him from lessons ... Neither I nor anyone else attached any meaning to these words then. But this teacher went to the school director and, on his own initiative, achieved “Tyulenev’s release from drawing and drawing.”

True, together with the director and head teacher, I was asked to make headers for the school wall newspaper once a quarter. After the first screensaver, I handed this matter over to my father: he drew quickly and with pleasure. He didn’t need honey, let him draw something creative :) ... At that time, I remember, I was reading diligently, including... Karl Marx. At that time, Komsomolskaya Pravda published the school essays of this “giant of thought”...

In general, thanks to the fact that out of necessity and at the insistence of my mother, my father passed on his professional drawing skills to me and managed to teach me: “to draw well means to think correctly” - and that’s what he called drawing, according to Repin- I later managed to free myself from 2 more subjects: literature and the Russian language.

It was real happiness, because my mother was treated for long months in the distant Crimea, my father worked continuously, and the whole house: a large household and the education of my brothers - everything lay on me. And then I was already interested in psychology, incidents and problems of ineffective pedagogy, philosophy, science fiction and foreign literature, and so on.

So now, after gaining freedom, it was time to educate myself, and I already guessed in practice, or even knew from my own experience, that no more than 5% of a child’s potential is used.

Thus, when in 1964 Norbert Wiener’s book and other books on cybernetics came out and became known, and they began to talk about it everywhere, I, like no one else, understood the phrase that only five percent of the human brain is used...

I was endlessly surprised that teachers do nothing, do nothing in this regard,and decided that this would be the main thing in my life, although many other tasks were also set...

However, I think that my teachers and the head teacher of school No. 47 in the city of Frunze, when I was released, were also influenced by the words of cyberneticists about the “five percent.” Then everyone hoped for future pedagogical discoveries. Many newspapers and magazines wrote about this.

Therefore, reading books on psychology and philosophy in regional and scientific libraries became a constant activity for me for about fifteen years.

But no matter how much I looked for a reasonable and scientific approach, I never found it. On the contrary, the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, instead of shortening the duration of education, tried to introduce a 12-year curriculum at that time. As B.P. said then Nikitin - “in order to cause stagnation, a demographic crisis and destroy, finish off the country!”

I had to do everything all over again - both pedagogy and psychology - based on science - cybernetics, mathematics, computer science...

(Pavel Viktorovich Tyulenev began to study according to their developments with daughter Olya - my note - O.S.).

Finally, in 1995 - 1996, I published a book, and with difficulty it was placed in the “House of Pedagogical Books”, in the “House of Medical Books” and the Moscow bookstore...

The heads of book departments could not find a suitable section for her, and teachers even objected - in 1997, before my television speech on the topic “Read before walking,” there was not a single “Early Childhood Development” section in Moscow bookstores. or something similar.

My impression of numerous works on psychology and pedagogy was accurately expressed by Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy Vladimir Mikhailovich Zharinov, who came to us at the Center “Promoting the Development and Education of Children” at Tukhachevsky Street, building 32:

Here is his more accurate opinion:

“I suddenly realized that after reading the book “Read before you walk” everything that was written before her on psychology, pedagogy and philosophy - the entire “Lenin Library” must... be rolled under the asphalt! There is so much unnecessary and outdated stuff there. Those books only get in the way, lead astray,... distracting and not yielding results...”

It’s not my fault - it was he who came and said so... Other scientists and teachers came from different parts of the country...”

Happiness to you and your home!

Founder: Pavel Tyulenev - teacher, sociologist, academician of the Russian Academy of Education.

Pavel Tyulenev began his experiments on early teaching of children to read at the dawn of the 80s. After thirty years of research, he showed the world children who could type on a typewriter in one or two years. This was the first method created in the Soviet Union that allowed a child to master reading skills by the age of 1-2 years. True, I haven’t seen these children, so I can’t vouch for the results. The motto of the method is: “Read before you walk.” And the method is called “PEACE”. This abbreviation means “Methodology of Intellectual Development”. Tyulenev claims that a child is able to form syllables and words from letters at the same time when he begins to form a pyramid, namely, at 1 year.

Training stages:

Learning letters.

Right from birth, Tyulenev advises using a special alphabet called “URAMIR” and the “Powerful Intelligence for Children” program. The author promises that according to his method, children will master the primary school course at 3 years old. The letter learning stage is very important here. And, if it is missed, you need to pay even more attention to the stage of mastering syllables. It also begins before 1 year, and preferably at 8 months.

Study of syllables.

Syllables are studied first of all using cards, then using a typewriter or computer in the form of tables and, only lastly, using cubes. These cubes can be shown to children up to a year old, although they are intended more for children 2-3 years old. In most cases, the author of the technique recommends skipping the stage of using the cubes and moving straight to mastering a typewriter.

To master syllables, the author offers a whole system of games called game activities. In this series there are “syllable-looker”, “syllable-toucher”, “syllable-indicator”, “syllable-maker”, “syllable-bearer” or “syllable-bearer”, “syllable-singer” and others. In addition, the author especially draws attention to the game activity of “syllable typist”. It is also recommended to teach your child to type and print syllables using a computer and printer. Here, two role-playing game activities stand out: “syllable typer” - meaning “typing on a computer”, and “syllable printer” - printing out syllables on a printer.

At first, the baby only looks at the syllables, because he cannot touch or carry them yet. This level of training is called "looker". The level of development of the child corresponds to the class, or, more precisely, the “world class” of early development, which are introduced in accordance with the theory of leading activity.

A child who begins to sit moves to the “seat” class, and the baby who begins to walk is transferred to the “walker” level with all the ensuing consequences and new opportunities. There is, for example, even a play activity called “syllable baking,” when mother and child bake syllables made from dough while cooking. One of the suggested options: you can bake the syllables in the form of cookies. Of course, the “syllable baker” child gets the opportunity to taste the baked syllables.

The parents of the child begin singing syllables when the child is 2-4 months old, with “developmental lullabies.” And the baby joins them in the play activity “syllabic singer” after he turns 1 year old. You can sing syllables not only from cubes and tables, but also from syllable cards, the so-called “mirslogs”.

By 1990, the author of the technique came to the conclusion that it is possible to limit oneself to only the most common syllables, which reduces the number of syllables that need to be memorized. According to the teacher, the number of most common syllables for different children ranges from 30 to 50. He believes that, having mastered them, the child begins to identify new ones independently.

Tyulenev considers his system extremely simple, so he promises to teach a child to read before he can walk.

The use of syllable tables is highly, highly recommended in the methodology.

Pavel Tyulenev openly criticizes the methods of Nikolai Zaitsev and Glen Doman - precisely because he recommends starting learning with letters in the first months of life. Sometimes there is a feeling that he contradicts the whole world, and declares that everything can and should be different. So, if you want to teach your child to read before walking, then you need to study according to Tyulenev’s method. Put the cups aside and buy a computer.

Advantages of Pavel Tyulenev’s method:

  • does not contain special classes, exercises, tests; the child develops himself by playing with specially selected toys and materials;
  • classes do not require much time; ideally, the parent only creates a developmental environment and leaves the child, and the baby plays and at the same time gains useful knowledge and skills.
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