The fuel filter of the VAZ 2114 is being changed. How to replace the fuel filter correctly. Evaluation of modern filters for injection systems

On a VAZ 2112, replacing the fuel filter is always a responsible procedure. First of all, this is explained by the fact that the car owner does not know which filter is best to install.
The quick replacement of the fuel filter in the 2112 VAZ is, of course, also due to the quality of today’s gasoline. But still, if the filter is the best, its service life is much longer.

General overview

This filter must be changed on time, because if this is not done, then negative consequences will directly affect the reliability of the entire vehicle. Let’s first find out what the features are and which one is better to choose.
Today there are many varieties fuel filters: for carburetor and injection engines:

  • If the filter is intended for carburetor system, then its location is between the tank and the carburetor itself.
  • Thus, the successful location of this element prevents the carburetor jets from clogging with various debris, which is present in large quantities in modern fuel.

In this case, as on the VAZ 2112, the filter will be located under the car. As for injection systems, which are much more sensitive to contamination, compared to carburetor systems, the filter here needs to be changed more quickly. Note. It is recommended to change this very element every 30 thousand km of the car. But this only applies to those cases when it is used high quality gasoline

. Due to the fact that today you cannot be 100 percent sure of the quality of Russian fuel, the filter must be changed every 20, or even 10 thousand kilometers.
It's no secret that some motorists, mostly newbies, have no idea that this filter needs to be replaced. They continue to drive and with one fuel system protection they reach up to 100 thousand km, or even more.

And in the end, they constantly complain that the car doesn’t work, it’s not the same as before, the VAZ 2112 is not a car, and so on. But it was only necessary to replace the filter when it was necessary and such problems would not have arisen.

  • Here is an incomplete list of problems that arise if the filter is not replaced in a timely manner:
  • a loss ;
  • bad plant, both in winter and in summer; extra load on fuel pump

Knowing how to choose a good filter is like an art. There are many parameters to consider here, but one thing is certain: the quality of the paper is of no small importance.

Note. Experts advise disassembling the old filter, sawing it and examining the contents. This way it will be possible to create the correct idea of ​​what and how is inside.

If you don’t want to disassemble the filter, then you can listen to other motorists who prefer one filter or another. It will be useful to visit various forums where the pros and cons of this or that manufacturer are discussed.

Evaluation of modern filters for injection systems

If earlier, when under the hood domestic cars There were carburetors, there were no such requirements for the fuel filter, but today, with the advent of injectors (see), everything has changed. New system nutrition, which involves injection, is a delicate and fastidious creature.
Give her only the best, and rough gasoline will certainly not make her feel good. And whatever fuel there is, injectors cannot tolerate dirty air, and it must be clean.



  • According to many motorists, the best filters for the VAZ 2112 will be filters from Bosh. Why are they better than the rest?
    According to experts, these filters will perfectly protect the entire fuel system not only from solid or water particles, but also from impurities that live in modern gasoline.

  • In second place are Champion filters. They are produced not only for gasoline versions of cars, but also for diesel ones. An ultra-effective level of filtration of impurities and contaminants, elimination of foreign matter and other advantages distinguish this Belgian filter from the mass of others.

  • The ideal purity of the fuel entering your car's system is guaranteed by Mann filter manufacturers. They reliably protect the injection mechanism of the injector, removing various impurities and contaminants from the fuel. Dust, rust and water will not get past this guard.

  • The filter for which the majority of Russians voted. This is Nipparts, which produces mostly spare parts for Japanese and Korean cars.
    Today, fuel filters from this well-known manufacturer occupy not the last place in the list of the best in Europe.


The information provided above will help you choose a good filter that is reliable and efficient. You no longer have to worry about contamination of your car’s fuel system, although you still need to change this filter after a certain time. Now let's find out how to replace the filter.

detailed instructions


  • So, first of all, you need to de-energize the battery.
  • Then, holding the key fuel filter, unscrew the fitting with another key.

Note. At this moment, you will need to place some kind of container under the fitting so that the gasoline does not simply spill out onto the ground.

  • The second fitting is subjected to similar dismantling.
  • Now you need to loosen the clamp holding the filter. We use the key for 10.
  • Remove the filter.
  • We install a new one.

Note. When installing a new filter, you need to follow the arrow marked on the housing. This same arrow should be directed in the direction of fuel movement, that is, look at the left side of the VAZ 2112.

After installing a new filter, it is recommended to check the tightness of all connections, doing this manipulation with the engine running.
When installing the filter yourself according to the instructions, it is also recommended to study photo and video materials. The price for such services in services today is very high. For this reason, learning how to carry out this operation yourself will be extremely important.

Fuel, like any other automotive fluid, is subject to contamination. A variety of debris particles get into it during production. In order to avoid undesirable consequences for the car, it is necessary to acquire a fuel filter on time and change it periodically. Replacing the VAZ 2114 fuel filter is a fairly simple and inexpensive procedure.



In order for its replacement on a VAZ 2114 to be successful, you first need to find the filter itself. You need to look for it under the car, it is located immediately behind the fuel tank.

How to choose

No such gas filter has yet been invented in the world that would purify fuel from impurities by 100%. Now there are those that can delay the ingress of dirt by 50% -95%. And they all work on the principle that the larger the dirt particles, the easier it is to retain it. They are also conventionally divided into average and nominal screening fineness. It is better to choose it nominal (fine fuel purification). This is capable of retaining pollution by 95%, and particles from 50 microns or more.

Phased replacement

Preparatory information

Remember that replacement should be carried out outdoors or in a well-ventilated area and away from sources of fire. Main steps: removing the old gas filter and replacing it with a new one. It is necessary to change the gas filter of a gasoline injector every 30 thousand km. If problems arose earlier, then you need to change it immediately or try to restore the old one.

Most often, you still have to replace the filter element before the thirty thousand kilometer mark. One of the most common problems is the car will not start. Repairs must be carried out in a pit.


  • new gas filter;
  • container for draining the remaining fuel, approximately 1 liter;
  • key to 19;
  • rag.

Step-by-step instruction

Video “Replacing the VAZ 2114 fuel filter”

This video shows how to replace the fuel filter on a VAZ 2114 car.

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High-quality gasoline is one of the conditions for a long engine life. Fuel filters guard the steel health, the task of which is not to allow pollution into the precious “fiery heart” of the car that can harm it. Replacing them with a VAZ 2110–2112 is possible without the help of a car service.

Fuel purification in VAZ 2110–2112

Different filters are used in the fuel supply systems of carburetor and injection engines.

Gasoline for a carburetor engine passes through a fine filter installed in front of the fuel pump.

This non-separable disposable unit is assembled in a transparent plastic case, thanks to which the condition of the paper filter element can be assessed visually. The filter is the same as in all carburetor cars. In addition to this, mesh types of cleaning the fuel intake, fuel pump and carburetor are guarding the purity of gasoline.

The filter installed in the power supply system of injection engines is also made of paper. But due to the fact that it works under high pressure, it is assembled in a non-separable metal case.

The fine fuel filter installed in the power supply system of injection engines is also made of paper. But due to the fact that it works under high pressure, it is assembled in a non-separable metal case

In addition to this, the system has a strainer installed in fuel tank along with an electric fuel pump.

The tenth VAZ model was supposed to be a sedan based on Samara, which later became the “ninety-ninth”. In fact, the index 2110 received a second-generation front-wheel drive car - a car without a proper name, which everyone knows as a “ten”.

Oleg Polazhinets

Selecting a fine filter

The abundance of consumables on the market makes it difficult to choose. Surveys show that more than a third of “ten” owners use the BIG brand. The brands SCT, Bosch, Mann and Nevsky have proven themselves well.

“Experts” recommend assessing consumables visually by opening the casing. It is unlikely that such an “examination” makes sense. The differences are not fundamental; they are impossible to see with the naked eye. Universal advice - buy one that you don’t mind spending money on.

Replacing fuel filters

Least of problems with replacement with carburetor engine. The fine filter is visible when you lift the hood. It is attached to the hose section with ordinary clamps. The arrow on the body indicates the direction of fuel movement: from the fuel pump to the carburetor.

Carburetor, fuel pump and fuel intake strainers require replacement extremely rarely. The manufacturer recommends cleaning them with a hard brush, rinsing them with gasoline or acetone and blowing them with air.

Location of fuel injection engine filters

A coarse strainer protects the inlet of the electric fuel pump located in the fuel tank. To access it, you need to remove the electric fuel pump through the hatch under the rear seat.

The designers of the VAZ 2110 placed the fine filter at the rear of the car under the tank.

In terms of ease of access - not the best The best decision. To get to the filter you need to drive the car onto an overpass. But do not forget that it works under pressure of several atmospheres. If the housing ruptures, a gasoline spill will cause minimal harm.

Replacement frequency

In practice, motorists usually change filters more often, motivating their actions by the low quality of gasoline at gas stations. They can be understood. Repairing the carburetor or injectors will be more hassle and cost more money than frequent replacement.

As for replacing the electric fuel pump strainer, the list of works includes Maintenance There is no information about this operation. The manufacturer believes that during the estimated service life of the vehicle, replacement of the electric fuel pump and filter will not be necessary.

However, cars usually last longer than the developers intend for them, so sometimes the coarse filter has to be changed due to interruptions in engine operation.

Filter replacement criteria

Signs of clogging:

  • car jerks, which at first only occasionally occur at high speeds, but over time become more frequent and appear at medium speeds;
  • reduced engine power (does not pull);
  • poor acceleration dynamics (stupid);
  • problems with fuel supply when starting the engine; you have to turn the starter for a long time before enough fuel reaches the injectors;
  • poor fuel supply when there is little gasoline in the tank;
  • black smoke from exhaust pipe, since due to supply problems the engine runs on a very lean mixture.

If the above symptoms appear, measure the pressure in the fuel supply system (FSS) with a pressure gauge using the fuel rail fitting. U different motors it is different.

Table: replacement of elements according to pressure criterion

When the problem is in the fuel filters (low pressure), the fine filter should first be replaced. If this does not help, wash or replace the electric fuel pump strainer.

Since the launch of the “ten” into production was constantly postponed due to a banal lack of funds, designers and constructors, willy-nilly, had the opportunity to modify the car and “refresh” it taking into account new trends. Perhaps that is why the VAZ-2110 design project was accepted only the third time. In parallel with the improvements in appearance, the content was also changed. In particular, thanks to the forced pause before the car was put into production, VAZ mastered fuel injection, without which entering foreign markets in the early nineties was simply impossible.

Change or clean

The mesh filter can be cleaned, washed and blown, or replaced with a new one. In the first case, the owner will undoubtedly save a certain amount, but will spend more time.

People rarely look into the gas tank. As a rule, if the electric fuel pump grid is clogged, it is completely clogged. Cleaning is possible, but it does not always completely restore the properties of the filter.

The pressure in the system increases after cleaning, but since it is not always possible to completely clean it, there is a high probability of clogging again, and this happens much faster than the first time.

A new strainer for an electric fuel pump is not so expensive that you would have to do extra work for the sake of dubious savings.

Replacing the fuel filter

The fuel supply systems for engines of cars of the “tenth” family differ from each other. Externally, differences are noticeable in the design of the fuel filter. Motors 2111 and 2112 are equipped with filters in a housing with threaded fittings, while in engines 21114 and 21124 the fuel lines are attached with clips.

Engines 2111 and 2112 are equipped with filters in a housing with threaded fittings, while fuel lines are attached to filters on engines 21114 and 21124 with clips

The modification of the installed filter should be clarified by external inspection before purchasing a new one to replace it.

To work you will need:

  • open-end wrenches 10, 17 and 19 mm,
  • screwdriver,
  • container for gasoline (bucket),
  • overpass, inspection hole or lift.

Replacing the filter for engines 2111 and 2112

  1. Disable battery.
  2. Raise the car with a lift.
  3. Place the bucket. Carefully unscrew the outlet fitting using 19 and 17 mm wrenches. Collect gasoline leaking from the fuel line into a container.
  4. Unscrew the inlet fitting.
  5. Loosen the clamp bolt and remove the filter.
  6. Install a new one, taking into account the position of the arrow on the housing. It indicates the flow of fuel from the gas tank to the injectors.
  7. Tighten the clamp.
  8. Connect the fuel lines to the fittings, tighten the threaded connections. Do not use old seals and washers, install fresh ones from the purchased kit.
  9. Connect the battery. Start the engine. Make sure it is sealed.

Photo gallery: replacing the fuel filter of engines 2111 and 2112

Loosen the clamp and remove the filter Carefully unscrew the outlet fitting using wrenches 19 and 17 Loosen the clamp with a 10mm wrench

It is obvious that the appearance of the latest developments from VW and Audi has significantly influenced the image of the “ten”. Like the Eighty, the VAZ-2110 received a barrel-shaped body with soft lines and smooth transitions from volume to volume. The general “slickness” was also facilitated by glued glass, which appeared on the “ten” for the first time on a production car in the CIS.

Oleg Polazhinets

Replacing the filter for engines 21114 and 21124

Before depressurizing the system, relieve fuel pressure:

  1. De-energize the electric fuel pump in one of the following ways: by disconnecting the power connector from it or by removing the fuse or the fuel pump relay.
  2. Start the engine. Wait until it stalls, having used up the remaining gasoline.
  3. Operate the starter for a few seconds to release the pressure inside the fuel line.
  4. Turn off the ignition. Restore power supply to the electric fuel pump.

To replace:

  1. After disconnecting one or both terminals, disconnect from on-board network battery.
  2. Raise the car with a lift.
  3. Loosen the clamp spring by hand and disconnect the fuel outlet hose.
  4. Disconnect the supply in the same way.
  5. Loosen the clamp. Remove the old one.
  6. Install the new one, orienting the position according to the arrow on the body. Tighten the clamp.
  7. Place the fuel lines onto the fittings and press them against the filter until the latch clicks.
  8. Connect the battery, start the engine. Visually check the tightness of the new fuel line and connections.

Photo gallery: replacing the fine filter for engines 21114 and 21124

Video: replacing the VAZ 2110 fuel filter

Replacing the electric fuel pump strainer

To replace, you need to remove the electric fuel pump:

  1. Remove back seat in the cabin, open the hatch underneath.
  2. Disconnect the electrical wiring connector from the electric fuel pump.
  3. Relieve pressure in the power system as described above.
  4. Disconnect the battery.
  5. Disconnect the fuel line.
  6. Unscrew the nuts and remove the pressure plate.
  7. Remove the electric fuel pump module assembly.
  8. Replace the strainer.
  9. Install the pump, secure it with the retaining ring, and tighten the nuts without any extra effort.
  10. Connect fuel lines and power.
  11. Connect the battery, start the engine, and make sure the power system is functioning normally.

Photo gallery: Replacing the coarse filter

Remove the electric fuel pump module assembly from the tank. Disconnect the fuel lines from the pump Remove the rear seat in the cabin, open the hatch cover under it

Video: replacing the VAZ 2110 strainer

Clean fuel filters extend engine life. They do not require replacement special equipment or special skills. Any owner can provide fuel to a car without dirt and debris.

The fuel filter is used to clean the fuel from impurities and various contaminants that enter the tank when refueling the car. This is a mandatory part on both carburetor and injection VAZ models, so owners of such cars should definitely study their features and replacement methods.

Which fuel filter should I choose?

Modification of filters depends on the car engine size. For VAZ 2114 the engine capacity is 1.5 liters. That’s why the fuel filter in it is on hexagonal twists. For VAZ cars with an engine capacity of 1.6 liters, the filter is mounted on plastic rivets and has a spring retainer. Models with this volume are injection, with direct fuel injection.

VAZ 2114 car - comparatively new model, however, her fuel system no different from others. The filter should be replaced once every 10,000 km. At the same time, the VAZ car manufacturer recommends performing this procedure once every 25,000 km. The contamination of the fuel filter depends on the quality of gasoline you use for refueling. The higher octane number in gasoline, the less dirt it contains. Therefore, you should not skimp on quality fuel.

The use of bad gasoline not only contaminates the cleaning devices - poorly purified fuel enters the injector, where deposits form on the fuel injectors. As a result, you will have to go to a service station and have the injector completely cleaned. There are several signs that indicate that it is time to change the fuel filter in a VAZ 2114. These symptoms are also typical for other passenger cars.

So let's get started:

  1. While driving, there may be a significantly increased fuel consumption; this is due to an uneven supply of fuel to the VAZ 2114 injector.
  2. Car operation Idling intermittent, the speed on the tachometer jumps.
  3. Starting the engine is difficult, and it begins to stall.

All these reasons indicate that the fuel filter needs to be replaced.

How to replace the filter?

You can buy a fuel filter for the VAZ 2114 in almost every car store, but you shouldn’t skimp on the quality of the filter. Before purchasing, look very carefully to see if the selected part fits your VAZ model, because they differ not only in threaded connections, but also in their shape and size. If the filter is larger, it will not fit into the retainer, and the direction of the fuel pipes will not match. If it’s less, it will wobble.

You can replace the purchased part at a specialized car service center or do it yourself, which will not be difficult. To make the replacement yourself, in addition to the filter, you need an inspection hole or a hydraulic lift. During the replacement process, you will need a pair of 10 and 12 keys, as well as a Phillips screwdriver. The fuel filter in a VAZ 2114 car is located at the rear of the car in the middle of the fuel tank.

Before starting all work, you need to remove the negative terminal on the battery. Then you need to relieve the pressure in the fuel pipe. There are two options for doing this: you can release the pressure by pressing the nipple in the fuel rail of the injector or by slowly pressing out the lock nut. In both cases there will be a characteristic release of fuel, so do not neglect safety precautions when performing these works.

To further remove the filter, it is best to use the chemical WD-40 because your threaded connections are most likely corroded and hardened. The part must be unscrewed carefully so as not to strip the threads on the connections. After this, you can unscrew the lock and remove it completely. When removing parts, it is recommended to place a container to collect leaking fuel (any bottle will do).

Part installation – what do you need to know?

For cars with an engine capacity of 1.5 liters, the arrow will indicate fuel supply from left to right, for cars with a capacity of 1.6 liters, on the contrary, from right to left. If you change the direction, the car will not work and the fuel pump may burn out.

It is worth noting that it is much easier and more convenient to produce in cars with an injector, because they completely lack threaded connections. When replacing the filter on a VAZ 2114, it is necessary to change the rubber gaskets on the fuel supply pipes. They are supplied with the device. After completing all the procedures, you need to turn the ignition key for a few seconds so that the fuel pump has time to pump the required amount of fuel into the system. Next, look at the threaded connections - there should be no traces of fuel on them.

Today, the fuel equipment of any vehicle cannot operate without a filter due to the risk of serious engine contamination, which can lead to its final breakdown. The functional purpose of the filter element is to protect the fuel system from different types contaminants: foreign impurities, industrial dust, water condensate, fuel resins and clogs in the form of sediment that often accumulate in gas tanks.

Causes of fuel filter contamination

Typically, when gasoline interacts with air or metal through various chemical compounds, an accumulation of dirt and dust is formed. Due to condensation of water, corrosion appears, and when low temperatures accumulated condensate interferes with the operation of the machine - the pipes of the fuel equipment become clogged with frozen water crystals. The accumulation of tar deposits also negatively affects the vehicle's power supply system.

These and other factors render fuel filters inoperative, which requires subsequent replacement. The frequency of these events is due to various reasons related to the choice of fuel type, its quality characteristics, and vehicle mileage. Regular timely replacement filter will contribute to better engine safety.

Fuel filters can be for the carburetor and injector. IN carburetor engine the pump draws fuel under a relatively small vacuum, and in the injection pump it pushes it under serious excess compression, which means that the filter elements function under fundamentally different conditions. The fuel filter (TF) VAZ 2110 injector is more susceptible to contamination, therefore, it requires more frequent replacements.

The duration of use of the filter element depends on such indicators as fuel quality and mileage; the recommended resource is from 15,000 to 20,000 km.

On modern market For automotive products, you can purchase a fuel filter for the “ten” with different connection methods:

  • due to threaded contact;
  • using wire retaining earrings - they are pulled out, which makes it possible to detach the fuel hoses and replace the fuel pump.

Replacing the fuel filter on the "ten"

Replacing the VAZ 2110 fuel filter is usually carried out in an inspection pit or overpass.

The algorithm of actions when replacing a threaded TF includes the following measures:

  1. Disconnecting the negative cable from the battery.
  2. Preliminary reduction of the compression of the power supply system by releasing pressure when using a return piston in the engine compartment.
  3. The TF housing must be held with a 19 key, and with a 17 key you should unscrew the thread of the fitting, gradually draining the fuel into a substitute container.
  4. Unfasten the second fitting and use a 10mm wrench to slightly loosen the connecting clamp.
  5. Remove the fuel pump from the clamp and set it aside, remembering the direction of fuel flow.
  6. Remove the seal rings from the hose nozzles. After inspecting them, rings that have lost their elasticity should be replaced.
  7. Mount a new filter and secure the negative wire of the car battery.
  8. Check the TF connections for sealant. This must be done after the ignition is turned on and the fuel pump is running, but do not start the engine. Care should be taken to ensure that there is no leakage of gasoline at the fuel connection to the pipeline.

To change the VAZ 2110 fuel filter with clamp mounting, you need to perform a number of sequential steps:

  1. Using a screwdriver, pull the clips in the direction of the wire bend to a distance of about 5 mm to the stopper. This will make it possible to remove the pipeline from the filter elements.
  2. Take the 10mm wrench and unscrew the clamp that holds the TF and put it aside. The case may be made of plastic, which will add additional hassle during repairs. It is necessary to carefully monitor the installation process - the clamp must not be overtightened due to possible cracks in the housing.
  3. Having installed the TF taking into account the direction of gasoline flow, you should attach the gas line and tighten the clips, first pressing the bend of the radius to the stopper.
  4. Also, you should not neglect checking the tightness, following the steps in accordance with a similar algorithm when replacing a threaded fuel filter: leakage of gasoline is unacceptable.

So, having replaced the filter and put the entire system back together, drivers change the clamp that fixes the location of the TF. Although, while maintaining all performance qualities, you can leave it and change it only in case of an obvious defect or malfunction. Also, by replacing the TF, you can check the car's oxygen sensor.

Having basic knowledge of how to replace a VAZ 2110 fuel filter, you can begin practical actions, from purchase to direct installation operations.

When purchasing a VAZ 2110 fuel filter, the price is from different manufacturers differs insignificantly. Their price range depends not so much on the quality of the products, but on the brand. The cost from European manufacturers is slightly higher due to delivery costs; domestic products in this category are much cheaper due to the lack of markups.

When replacing the fuel filter, you must take the following basic precautions:

  • do not smoke while repairing the fuel system;
  • have a fire extinguisher available;
  • use safety glasses;
  • the repair site must have sufficient air flow and be well ventilated;
  • If fuel gets on your skin, wash it immediately with soap and water.

Also, you should not allow gasoline to leak onto the ground or into a body of water to avoid a negative impact on nature and living organisms.

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