The best cars are 10 years old. The most reliable used cars. Rating and anti-rating. So what to choose

When choosing a new car for yourself, each future car owner studies a lot of information and reviews about all the options that interest him. At the same time, the information comes from both official sources and folk "wisdom" and myths. It is according to this information that a kind of rating of reliable cars is built in a person’s head.

In fact, a person is very social, so the opinion of his friends greatly influences the priorities when choosing the desired car. But it should be borne in mind that most of the "popular" ratings are based on misconceptions that have not been confirmed in practice. Therefore, before the list of the TOP 10 most reliable cars, we will try to reveal the truth to some misconceptions.

Reliability of Japanese-made cars

It is very difficult to argue with this opinion. But it is worth noting that many ratings include cars only from the automaker Toyota and its subsidiary. Lexus. Especially. What is the opinion of the rating agencies of some countries. They do not fall into the leaders of the most reliable cars. Eg, german car ny club ADAC, which published its list of the most reliable cars. Listed the only Japanese-made model (and then, a controversial point about completely Japanese). The rating included a car quite popular in Europe - Nissan Micra.

Reliability of German cars

Also, according to many opinions, German cars are considered the most reliable - like tanks. But this opinion can be considered incorrect, since all German-made models included in the reliability rating are not in top positions. This is a consequence of the method of determining reliability, which consists not only in counting breakdowns during operation, but also in the cost of repairs. It is the repair of German cars that is the main disadvantage in the ranking. The fact is that most reliable cars of German brands belong to the premium segment. The cars of which are equipped with the latest developments and incredibly complex technical solutions. This increases both the service life and comfort, but greatly increases the cost of repair and maintenance.

Also, do not forget about the "frequent" problems of cars with knitted power units. Audi, VolksWagen and BMW sin this, for example, according to statistics, for 27 cars from Audi there is one breakdown associated with the engine.

British made cars

Until recently, it was believed that British brands of cars are not reliable. This was facilitated by the absence of English cars in the lists of reliable cars. But now, these claims sound completely unfounded. Moreover, many cars Jaguar brands And Land Rover began to appear in the "white" lists of rating agencies, and some power units are considered the most reliable.

Unreliability of new cars

Many experienced car owners like to talk about the former “indestructibility” of cars of past years, and modern cars are of very poor quality. This statement was refuted by the TUV agency, which conducted an extensive study and survey among car owners in the European part of the world. It turned out that breakdowns of cars under 5 years old roughly correspond to all years of production, despite the fact that calls to services have decreased by an order of magnitude in recent years.

And now let's move on to the list of the most reliable cars in our opinion, this is not a guarantee of reliability, but the cars on this list definitely deserve their car owner. And they honestly work out their due time.

TOP 10 most reliable cars

10 Toyota Prius

This car was fully developed at the facilities of Toyota Corporation and rightly deserves its place not only in terms of reliability, but also in terms of economy to its owner's wallet. The company's engineers managed to achieve an ideal combination of price and quality from the car, while the car meets all international environmental standards and is very economical in fuel consumption.

The car is known as the most popular car with a hybrid installation. It combines the power of an internal combustion engine and an economical electric motor. All the charm of the machine lies in the modes of operation, it is completely absent idling, and only an electric motor is used in driving through a traffic jam.

9VolksWagen Golf

This is one of the most successful mass produced cars from the famous German brand. It began its existence in 1974, and continues to be popular in all its generations.

The car continues to amaze car owners with its quality build and hardy components. And the power unit deserves the title of "millionaire". By purchasing this car, the car owner, for a long time, forgets about numerous problems and unscheduled visits to service stations.

8 Toyota Corolla

The car produced by the famous Japanese brand feels great in our harsh realities. This car is in high demand in the territories of the former USSR because of its unpretentiousness to roads and fuel.

The machine is equipped with a simple but reliable motor that can withstand numerous loads under extreme conditions. Therefore, it is not in vain that the car takes first place in the number of cars sold among classmates.

7 Honda Civic

Another Japanese contender for the title of the most reliable car. Especially famous for its reliability of electronic components, which rarely fail and serve in the car until the very end. Also, an important point, the car is constantly updated and gets a new stylish design that matches world trends, which is also an advantage over other options.

As for the technical part, the engineers did not disappoint here either. The car is equipped with very reliable spare parts adapted to poor operating conditions. The power units were selected with the condition of maximum reliability, sometimes with little damage in terms of power, but this is not a big loss, given the rather low cost.

6 Toyota RAV4

Another representative of the automotive industry from Japanese company Toyota. Earned its place thanks to a long history on Russian market, and proved in practice its reliability, both in urban conditions and off-road.

As noted by many owners, chassis and in particular the suspension is made to last. The car will not let its owner down in any road conditions and take you to your destination. The engine is installed in the car. It also causes respect, as practice has shown, with proper care, the power unit is able to work for many years without major repairs. What pleases many buyers.

5 Mazda 3

Mazda cars have become almost a legend in the automotive community for their reliability. Mazda 3 is no exception, and actively maintains the title of a quality car. The car pleases not only with a good exterior and interior design, but also with its cost, which seems to be lower than the real cost of such a car.

This machine, is also renowned for the reliability of its electronic components and the endurance of its time-tested engine. which is remarkably adapted to the fuel High Quality sold by us. Therefore, when choosing a car. It is worth paying attention to this model, and even in the used car market, you can find very good options.

4. Mercedes-Benz C-Class

This is a car of a "comfortable" class, which combines the style, reliability and prestige of a German company with a fairly low cost. If you choose a car among Mercedes models, then you should take a closer look at these cars.

A Mercedes car always looks up-to-date, and reliability power units is the envy of many automakers. Even after many years, engines from this brand are able to work like new ones. This right choice for a modern person who is not “in a hurry” in his life, but has already “made it”.

3 Porsche Panamera

This is another bright representative of the quality of German cars, but the cost of the car does not allow the average man in the street to buy it. That does not make it unworthy for this rating. Moreover, the car belongs to the premium class, but with a sporty character. Allowing you to express all your emotions while driving on the road.

Also, do not discount the very quality of the car and the reputation of the famous brand. For whom the quality of their products comes first. Therefore, the car with honor withstands all Russian realities of operation and is able to work for many years.

2. Audi A6

This car of another German manufacturer deserved its second place. Thanks to a long history of existence in numerous generations, and proven to be reliable and unpretentious. This car combines maximum reliability and comfort, and modern design will not leave anyone indifferent. Separately, we can say about the quality of the body, which is practically not subject to corrosion, and serves for many years.

1. Mercedes-Benz S-Class

The leader of today's TOP is the flagship model from the time-tested German brand Mercedes. The year of release of a reliable model can be omitted, the automaker has always invested the maximum of its capabilities in the creation of flagship cars, so they can last more than one decade. So far, on secondary market there are S-Class cars with an excellent body and engine condition that are more than ten years old. That proves the reliability and validity of the high cost. Not to mention the fact that the car itself shows the status of its owner, with its elegantly calm, and at the same time aggressive design, multiplied by advanced automotive technologies.

Every car enthusiast wants not only to be the owner of an "iron horse", but also to have a durable and trouble-free vehicle. Currently, the most reliable cars are produced by various companies from countries such as Germany, Sweden, the USA, Japan and others. It is about these very cars that will be discussed in this article.

How is the degree of reliability determined?

The reliability of a vehicle is understood as the ability to perform its functions, while maintaining the established performance indicators within the conditions of use. This is a complex property consisting of the following criteria:

  • Durability - the vehicle must always be on the move, regardless of mileage and year of manufacture. Shows how long the vehicle can be operated with regular and high-quality maintenance.
  • Reliability is the resistance of parts, assemblies and mechanisms to destructive effects. This takes into account such factors as the constant operation of the vehicle, as well as timely replacement Supplies.
  • Maintainability - the ability to prevent and detect the causes of failures and maintain a healthy state through maintenance and repair. If breakdowns occur, the manufacturer must provide for the possibility of a quick way to eliminate them.
  • Safety - the car is obliged to maintain performance during and after the period of storage and transportation.

The reliability of a car decreases as parts and mechanisms wear out, as the probability of failure of each subsequent node increases. It can be assumed that all new cars can be considered reliable, but over time this criterion decreases. The material presents vehicles that, over time and operation, are able to maintain their previous properties, that is, they have a minimum degree of wear. To determine the highest quality cars, the following criteria are taken into account:

  1. Owner reviews;
  2. Research;
  3. Crash tests;
  4. Tests in difficult conditions.

What are the most reliable car brands in the world?

Before presenting the ranking of the most reliable cars, it is necessary to identify the top car brands, which have high rates of this characteristic. These are car manufacturers from different countries who have been producing vehicles with high levels of maintainability, safety, durability and reliability for many years.

The competition among the leaders of the global automotive industry is colossal, and every year it is more and more difficult to name a real leader in terms of reliability

  1. The first place in the ranking is occupied by the Japanese brand Toyota. This brand produces vehicles with various body types - pickups, crossovers, hatchbacks, sedans and SUVs. Toyota brand cars combine high quality and affordable price. The Japanese really know how to produce high quality parts, so they don't need to buy German and American fixtures.
  2. Second place goes to another Japanese Lexus brand. In most ratings, this brand even occupies a leading position, but in terms of price-quality ratio, they lose somewhat to Toyota. Literally in five years, Lexus cars were able to rise from the bottom and become leaders. This once again proves that the Japanese really know how to make cars.
  3. The third place can rightfully be given to the Japanese brand Honda. For some time this brand was supplanted by the American competitor Ford, but the Japanese do not give up, and today the Honda brand occupies a leading position. It is not possible to overtake Honda of their compatriots, but it is only a matter of time. The Japanese took a course on build quality, and refused to cooperate with suppliers with an unreliable history.
  4. The fourth position in the ranking is occupied by the American concern Ford. The brand has been famous for its cars for more than a dozen years. The recent update of the Focus model had a positive impact on strengthening its position in the ranking.
  5. Dodge is on the fifth position of the rating. Many may argue with the brainchild of the Chrysler group, but thanks to its Charger and Dart models, it is well ahead of the Subaru and Nissan brands.
  6. Sixth place goes to the American brand Chevrolet, owned by the General Motors group. The quality of Chevrolet cars over the past five years is noteworthy. Chevrolet's Cruze and Silverado models received dramatic improvements over the 2000 models.
  7. In seventh place in the ranking is the Japanese brand Nissan, which for a long time lost to such brands as Subaru, Toyota and Honda. Nissan is ahead of Subaru, but Honda and Toyota are not yet able to bypass the brands. The most popular models of this brand in Russia are Teana and Sentra.
  8. The brand is fixed at the eighth position subaru japanese origin. Subaru vehicles are highly durable. At the moment, Subaru cars that were produced more than 10 years ago are used on the roads. It was this factor that influenced the assessment of this brand in a positive direction.
  9. At the ninth position of the ranking is the GMC brand of American origin. Car owners american brand They are praised by General Motors for having inexpensive maintenance compared to competing brands. Most Chevrolet parts fit GMC.
  10. Tenth place is occupied by the Japanese brand Mazda. The concern has long been famous for the durability of its cars. The second advantage of this brand is the cheapness of a used car with a mileage of over 100 thousand km. Universal cars that combine quality, reliability and affordable price.

Class Leaders

Now consider the leaders by models. Let's divide our rating into classes, which will be represented by three best models car.

Passenger cars A and B class

The leaders in this segment are the following brands and models of machines:

  1. Honda Jazz or Fit. In 2007, this model has undergone major changes that directly affect the reliability of the car. In 2013, the third generation Honda Jazz was introduced. family style, spacious salon and ergonomic design are the main trump cards of the car, however, it was recognized as reliable due to its technical indicators.

  2. Chevrolet Aveo is a car of the American concern, the start of production of which falls on 2002. The car went through three generations, which had a positive effect on its safety, comfort and reliability characteristics. This model is based on two gasoline engines, the power of which is 110 and 115 Horse power.

  3. Mazda 2 is a Japanese-made car that has always been famous for the reliability of internal combustion engines. The engine on the Mazda 2 is recognized as reliable even despite its voracity (6.3 liters per 100 km on the highway and 10 liters in the city). problem this car once there was a low adaptability to frost, since already at a temperature of -20 there were problems with starting the engine. Motors of the second and third generation of Mazda 2 are devoid of these shortcomings and are among the most reliable in their category.

Middle class C

In this category, there was an active struggle for a place in the top three, as many brands produce quality cars middle class. After a thorough analysis, the following leaders were identified.

  1. Toyota Corolla is a Japanese brand that has been a huge success among buyers for over 40 years. It is worth noting the high rates of corrosion resistance of the car, which is due to zinc spraying, the layer of which is 5-15 microns. Auto has no excess electronics, which undoubtedly allows you to win in terms of reliability. In the case of modern maintenance, cars with a mileage of up to 200,000 km are considered practically new. On average, engines run over 400,000 km.

  2. Toyota Prius- another model of the Japanese concern, which has a breakdown index of 2.34 per 100 cars. It is also worth noting that Toyota Prius occupied a leading position in terms of reliability in all years of its release. The fuel consumption of this car corresponds to the level of diesel engines, and high indicators of durability and maintainability bring the vehicle to an honorable second place.

  3. Mazda 3 is a car produced since the beginning of 2003. The reliability of the unit has been determined over the years, since over the years this model has shown fairly high rates of maintainability and safety. The Mazda 3 sports car, thanks to its dynamics, ease of control and maneuverability, is perfect for driving around the city as well as outside it.

It is worth noting that all the presented models are products of the Japanese automobile industry. It was Japanese cars that conquered the market, and have been in the lead for five years.

Reliability leaders in class D

Class D includes big cars designed for family trips. The length of such cars is from 4.5 to 4.8 meters, and the volume of the trunk is up to 400 liters. The most reliable vehicles in this segment include:

  1. Volkswagen Passat is a car of a German brand that got rid of the status of an unreliable car quite recently and has already earned an honorable first place in its category. In the seventh version of the Passat, most of the shortcomings were eliminated, however, based on previous experience, buyers do not actively prefer this model. In the car, the control unit, the rear caliper mechanism were replaced, and the usual parking brake lever was returned instead of a button.

  2. Toyota Avensis - in the D class, there was also a representative of the Japanese auto industry. Avensis is available in three bodies, but the sedan has gained great popularity. This car is designed to work, which proves their many years of operation. There are practically no drawbacks to this brand of car, with the exception of oil voracity, which models produced before 2005 suffered from. Of course, cases of breakdowns are also found on modern models Avensis, but these breakdowns are minor and have nothing to do with the internal combustion engine.

  3. Honda Accord is another Japanese car that has received the status of the most reliable vehicle in the D class. The car has a sporty aggressive appearance for which it is called the Japanese BMW. However, the Honda Accord deserves positive reviews not because of its beauty, but because of the high reliability factor. In the eighth generation of the Honda Accord, the lack of corrosion instability and the unsatisfactory quality of the paintwork, as was typical of the seventh version, were eliminated.


The following car brands are recognized as reliable crossovers:

  1. Mitsubishi ASX is an urban crossover built on the Outlander platform. In Japan, the first crossover model was released in 2010. The owners of the ASX with the basic configuration of the engine noted the problems with starting the engine: the start occurs from the second or third time. There were also problems with squeezing oil through the dipstick and seals in frosts above -30 degrees. However, these shortcomings were inherent in first-generation cars until 2012 and only for 1.6-liter gasoline units, while restyled models do not have such problems.

  2. Dacia Duster is budget crossover, produced in two variations with front and all-wheel drive systems. It is not only reliable, but also inexpensive and universal car designed for movement both in the city and off-road. Outwardly, it is very difficult to say that this crossover belongs to the category of budget models, however, by visiting the salon, you can see the simplicity of the car.

  3. Opel Mokka is a German crossover that is popular among European youth. The crossover has a recognizable appearance, which is emphasized by large cells of the radiator grille, as well as large headlights. Interior trim materials have a remarkable and expensive look, but in reality they are not. The car is produced in two variations with petrol and diesel engines. Both types of motors show good results durability, reliability, maintainability and safety.


Among SUVs that occupy a leading position in terms of reliability, the top three should be noted.

  1. Toyota Land cruiser 200 - legendary SUV constantly leading in this category. The reliability of the car is due to the frame structure and powerful engines V8 volumes from 4.5 to 5.7 liters. Unlike its younger brother, the Land Cruiser Prado, this model is assembled in Japan and then brought to car dealerships in our country.

  2. The Audi Q7 is an SUV that first rolled off the assembly line in 2006. The body of the SUV is treated with anti-corrosion materials, so it is almost impossible to meet a rotten car. A big drawback that does not affect reliability is the location of the battery in the passenger compartment under the driver's seat. To replace it or charge it, you need to contact a car service.

  3. BMW X5 is a German SUV that was released in 1999. At the heart of the car are such features as build quality, precision electronics, as well as the reliability of materials. This is a comfortable car that will never let you down on the road. Since 1999, the SUV has been constantly upgraded, which allowed the Germans to take a leading position in terms of the main criterion - reliability. The SUV is available with petrol and diesel units.

Business class cars or E-class

There was also a fierce struggle in the business segment, as many models of German, Japanese and American origin claimed the position in the top. The winners were:

  1. Audi A6 is a business class car from Germany, which is available with front and all-wheel drive. A6 body panels are made of aluminum, which allowed the developer to win on the weight of the car. Aluminum was also used to make the suspension and chassis. Despite the use of soft metal in the design, the car has proven its reliability due to high rates of maintainability, reliability and durability.

  2. BMW 5 is another German car that has taken a leading position among business class cars. This is one of the oldest cars in our top. Its first release was in 1972. Cars of the 5 series have now reached the seventh generation and have been recognized as the most reliable in their category due to their high technical performance. The 6th generation BMW 5 Series has been produced since 2009 in 4 body types: sedan, fastback, station wagon and sedan with an extended wheelbase.

  3. Lexus GS is a Japanese car recognized as one of the most reliable among business class cars. However, despite the prestige of the brand, Lexus has not received much popularity. One of the reasons was the small selection of engine types. The third generation Lexus GS was introduced in 2004 in Detroit. Lexus in 2005 faced serious German rivals, but at the same time was able to survive. The car has a presentable appearance, a wide wheelbase, as well as considerable fuel consumption, so a hybrid version is offered for economy lovers.

The most reliable cars of Russian production

What is the most important thing when buying a car for a Russian citizen? Of course, a high price-quality ratio. Nobody wants the purchased car to require constant visits to the car service and at the same time have high cost. To compile the rating, reviews of the owners were collected Russian cars, which made it possible to choose the top three.

  1. The leading position of reliable Russian cars is occupied by Lada Kalina. The reason for getting the first place is precisely the unique value for money. This is one of the best-selling cars in Russia, which the average resident of the country can afford. The car meets the requirements of reliability - the appropriate suspension for Russian roads, low fuel consumption and high-quality transmission.

  2. Chevrolet Niva- great option for Russian citizens, which combines a high degree of comfort and cross-country ability. The SUV is suitable not only for city roads, but also for off-road trips. The all-wheel drive SUV is equipped with an 80 horsepower engine and a volume of 1.7 liters.

  3. Lada Largus is a station wagon that is no less in demand on the Russian market than the previous two models. Lada has a nice appearance and its interior is suitable for both personal and commercial use. This family car will not fail under any circumstances.

Budget cars with mileage worth up to 500 thousand rubles

Consider the top three among the aftermarket cars that have an affordable price. Such cars will be of interest to many motorists who do not have the opportunity to purchase a car for more than 500 thousand rubles.

  1. For 500 thousand rubles in Russia, you can buy a used Suzuki Grand Vitara, which is a completely reliable and safe car. Of the advantages of the all-wheel drive Suzuki, low consumption, agility on the road and economy can be noted.

  2. Mitsubishi Lancer X is the undisputed leader of the Japanese car industry, a used model of which can be bought for 500 thousand rubles. The car has been discontinued, so there can be no talk of a new car. Mitsubishi has enough advantages to buy not new car domestic production, and used Japanese: comfortable driving, convenience for the driver and passengers, spacious interior, road stability, as well as high ground clearance. If the car is well maintained, then even a used model will serve you for at least 10 years.

  3. Toyota Yaris is another model of Japanese origin that has a high degree of reliability. This small car has such advantages as comfort, maneuverability, as well as the presence of a high degree of sound insulation of the cabin.

New car models up to 750 thousand rubles

  1. The first place in the ranking is occupied by Hyundai Solaris, as it is not only the most reliable, but also the most popular car in Russia. The optimal configuration of the car can be bought for 700 thousand rubles. In addition, Solaris is on sale at a price of 650 thousand rubles, but there will be no air conditioning in the cabin. Otherwise, this is the first car of foreign production, designed for the average citizen of Russia.

  2. The second position in the ranking is occupied by VW Polo, which is assembled in Russia. The suspension and clearance of the car meet all the requirements of Russian roads. Engine sizes are 1.4 and 1.6 liters. The base cost of the car starts from 600 thousand rubles.

  3. An honorable third place goes to another Korean-made model - Kia Rio. Basic equipment with a manual transmission and a 1.4-liter engine will cost 700 thousand rubles. The car is ideal for Russian roads and is famous for its high sound insulation. The dynamics of the car allows you to feel great both in the city and beyond.

The leaders of reliable cars are constantly changing, however, in this material, a rating is compiled based on feedback from car owners and a trend in popularity. Reliability is one of the most important indicators that every buyer seeks to obtain when purchasing any car. Practice shows that in new cars there are more and more flaws. This is due to the fact that manufacturers are pushing the fact that the car should be operated for no more than 5 years, after which it should be sent for recycling.

Every vehicle needs maintenance from time to time. maintenance. This includes the planned replacement of parts and unplanned repair of breakdowns - including those received. At the same time, the resistance to failures of each car is different, which means that certain models can go longer without repair. In addition, reliable cars are generally able to serve the driver for a longer amount of time, as they withstand numerous repairs. The more the car is resistant to breakdowns, the more profitable its operation is. Given that cars are purchased for more than one year, we can talk about hundreds of thousands of rubles. That is why it is important to choose a model that will retain its performance as much as possible after 5-10 years of use.

Thus, the vehicle reliability parameter includes the following qualities:

  • Reliability during operation. From this property of the machine depends on how long it remains operational without needing major repairs.
  • Life time. How long can the car serve the owner. It is considered that the vehicle receives the timely necessary maintenance.
  • Maintainability. The property is responsible for the possibility of repairing the car after the next breakdown - minor or serious.
  • Working capacity. The parameter determines the conformity of the actual period of use of the car specified by the manufacturer.

How is the reliability of a car determined?

Analytical agencies (both independent and representing various brands) rank vehicles on various parameters - reliability is one of them. TOPs created for a particular category of vehicles, their year of production, properties or market make it easier for drivers who choose a car to buy. Thus, the rating of the most reliable cars with mileage from 5 to 10 years includes cars that are best suited for long and profitable operation. They can be repeatedly repaired, which will allow the owner not to think about buying for as long as possible. new car. In addition, as a rule, the most are not so sensitive to low-quality fuel and units - this makes them very economical.

  • The availability of a particular car for purchase in the modern market.
  • Date of manufacture of the car - in this case, those that were released between 2005 and 2010 are taken into account.
  • The number of planned and unplanned breakdowns that the average driver encounters during its operation - this data, as a rule, comes from maintenance services.
  • The testimony of the owners of a particular car, which is needed in order to compile an overall picture of operation.
  • The results obtained from a theoretical comparison of the machine with competitors in terms of reliability and durability.
  • The results of the study in practice - most agencies conduct an independent test drive and inspection to identify the weaknesses of the machines.

The position that a particular car occupies in the reliability rating relative to others depends on a combination of several properties. When comparing, to compile the top, information is used about the reliability of the machine components, on which its operation depends:

  • Chassis. From the reliability of the fuel and brake system, transmission and suspension depends on the service life of the machine. These elements are subjected to serious stress and wear, so they are subject to special requirements. A failure of the undercarriage assembly can indirectly harm all road users. The ability of the car to work with components (including fuel) is also taken into account.
  • Body. For durable, and most importantly - safe operation, the frame of the machine must be durable and resistant to mechanical stress and corrosion. A reliable body is easier to restore. This also applies to all its components, such as glass, plastic inserts and moving parts.
  • Items requiring replacement of consumables. Depending on the reliability and build quality, the units of a particular machine need to be replaced at different intervals. More reliable models are also able to work with poor quality parts.
  • Interior. The durability and stability of the interior coating, functionality and its control system also affects the overall level of reliability. Special requirements are placed on safety devices.

After the results of surveys, comparisons and tests, as well as statistics from car services are collected, the calculation of the results begins. The coefficient calculated during the analysis determines the overall reliability of the machine in operation. The position of the car in the absolute rating among models aged 5 to 10 years depends on it.

Statistics show that during this period of use, vehicles most often encounter problems:

  • Body. Due to the long exposure to weather conditions, dirt and moisture, corrosion appears on the surface of the car and the paintwork comes off. Frame defects appear, which affect the general condition of the machine.
  • Management. Cars of the last decade are equipped with many electronic and mechanical features. The driver often encounters breakdowns, even if the nodes are quite reliable - this is due to their number.
  • Salon. 5-10 years after the purchase of the car, the interior coating begins to deteriorate, including the seats and controls.
  • Electronics. Many , many of which are experimental, also have a large number of problems in sum.

Rating of the ten most reliable used cars

The top of 2019 includes machines that deserve their position in the ranking based on the reliability of the totality of all systems on which operation depends. Choosing among these models, the driver will be able to purchase the most durable and profitable vehicle.

Corolla is the best-selling model in the world, as evidenced by the entry in the Guinness Book of Records. Its demand is the result not so much of affordability as of exceptional reliability and practicality. In the secondary market of Russia, this is the most reliable car.

It is worth paying attention to the tenth generation with a 1.6-liter 124-horsepower power unit. The number of proposals with a 1.4-liter engine is much smaller, and this engine is rather weak for such a car. Mechanical / automatic transmissions are very reliable, but robotic boxes are the weakest point of the model (resource release bearing- about 50 thousand km., the clutch and the selector lever actuator run about the same).

It will be great if the mileage is less than 100 thousand km. - you will not need to seriously invest in the repair of suspension parts for a long time. The quality of anti-corrosion treatment is excellent, if the car has not been in accidents, you will not see rust on the body.

After 100 thousand, increased oil consumption is possible, the pump and oil seals of the timing chain tensioner may begin to flow. A more or less normal car will cost from 400 thousand rubles.

Logan is a frankly budget car. Most people have the opinion that such machines cannot be reliable and have a long resource. As it turns out, this point of view is wrong.

Yes, this is a relatively cheap model that many people can afford even in new condition. But the budget here is associated with frankly poor equipment, while the French sedan itself turned out to be surprisingly practical. That is why we put Renault Logan in second place in our list of the most reliable used cars for Russia.

By the way, Sandero, which appeared in car dealerships in 2010, is the twin brother of Logan in terms of technical component - they have differences in the level of exterior / interior design.

The base engine is a 1.4-liter. Both he and his older 1.6-liter counterpart have a large resource, a more powerful power unit is considered a little more reliable. Of the weak points, we note the pump (the resource is about 50 thousand km.) And the timing belt (60 thousand). The clutch runs longer - up to 100 thousand kilometers. The DP2 automatic transmission did not perform very well, it quickly overheats, especially in active driving mode. There are no complaints about the suspension - it is moderately smooth and quite energy-intensive.

Logan of the first generation in working condition can be bought for 200 thousand rubles, a car 5 years old costs from 330 thousand.

Despite its youth (the car has been produced since 2010), this model has managed to win the favor of the Russian automotive public. Which is not surprising: the Polo in the sedan was developed specifically for Russia, taking into account all the local nuances (salaries that do not reach the European level, poor road conditions and a colder climate). The adapted version managed to take third place in our reliability rating among used cars operated in Russia.

In the secondary market, there are most cars with a 1.6-liter 105-horsepower engine, there are instances with a weaker 85-horsepower engine, but they are not held in high esteem. After the 2015 market, the model is equipped with a new power unit of the same displacement with a capacity of 90/110 horsepower.

Of course, it is impossible to call the Polo a purely German car, but the quality of the galvanization is decent, as evidenced by the 12-year warranty from through corrosion. Many body parts made of high-strength steel (including spars, sills and pillars).

When buying a car, listen carefully to the operation of the engine - if you hear extraneous noise, most likely - this is the result of seizures in the CPG. Repair of such an engine (and it is inevitable) will cost you a pretty penny.

You can buy a "live" copy with relatively good equipment for 400-450 thousand rubles.

Kia Rio/Hyundai Solaris

Both Korean cars are bestsellers, both have a similar appearance because they are designed on the same platform. Moreover, technical filling they are also almost identical. On the domestic market, and Solaris have proven themselves to be practical, not subject to frequent breakdowns sedans. So - a well-deserved fourth place in the top 10 most reliable used cars in Russia. By the way, these models have been the most popular among taxi companies over the past few years, both in both capitals and on the periphery.

We will not talk much about power units. Both motors, a 107-horsepower 1.4-liter and a more common 123-horsepower 1.6-liter. devoid of any obvious disadvantages. There are two transmissions, a mechanical one is considered reliable, but a five-speed automatic transmission has a childhood illness - valve sticking, which leads to increased jerks when switching.

The quality of the paintwork is tolerable, in many other Korean models it is worse than average. But the quality of the metal itself raises questions: in the presence of chips, the occurrence of corrosion centers without operational processing is inevitable. one more weak point cars is a catalyst, when it breaks down, many car owners upgrade the exhaust system so as not to install a new one.

A relatively fresh car with a 1.4-liter engine and mechanics can be bought for 400 thousand rubles, a variant with a more powerful engine will cost 50 thousand more.

Another model popular all over the world has taken root in Russia. "Japanets" closes the top 5 most reliable used cars in Russia.

Most often there are cars equipped with a 1.8-liter engine, and this will not necessarily be a sedan (hatchbacks are not uncommon). A robotic box was installed on five-doors, so such options are not popular. On sedans, there are both mechanics and automatic transmissions - both boxes are reliable and will last a long time with good care.

Although it is believed that the Civic has an "indestructible" engine and a table of the same resource-intensive transmission, age takes its toll. Most often you have to change the ignition coil. However, any damage can be dealt with if non-original spare parts are used. The original ones are too expensive. The paintwork is quite thin, but resists corrosion very well.

Of the minuses, we note the low resource of the front shock absorbers - they have to be changed every 60 thousand km along with thrust bearings. Problem is considered steering rack, however, its repair is not too expensive.

8th generation Civic good condition can be found for 430-450 thousand rubles, a post-styling copy costs from 500 thousand.

Might be a good buy Focus second generation, sold since 2005. Three years later, the model underwent a light restyling that affected the exterior elements. Most of the cars presented in auto catalogs are Russian assembly, but there are also “Germans”, and occasionally “Spaniards”.

Such Ford Focus quite popular among domestic motorists, many consider this model to be one of the most reliable used cars on the Russian market.

What is gratifying is that you can choose one of five body styles: two varieties of a hatchback (which differ in the number of doors), a sedan, a convertible and a station wagon. The choice of engines is also great, from 1.4-liter to two-liter. The most practical are the 80-horsepower 1.4-liter and 100-horsepower 1.6-liter power units. If properly changed every 80,000 km. timing belt, they will be able to go out about 300 thousand without a major overhaul.

Focus II is the case when there are fewer claims to the automatic box than to the mechanics - the latter, paired with a 1.8-liter engine, may fail due to broken satellites. By the way, both top-end 1.8 / 2.0-liter engines have a chain instead of a timing belt, which should be changed much less frequently (every 25 thousand km.). The quality of the paintwork is not happy, the trunk area, sills, arches and roof are especially susceptible to corrosion.

The cost of a used Focus with a medium power engine starts at 330-350 thousand rubles.

If you're a big fan of large sedans, you'll love the 4th generation Mondeo, which launched in 2007, was modified in 2010, and retired four years later. The version for Europe was assembled in Belgium, and a Russian-assembled car was delivered to domestic showrooms.

Restyling practically did not touch the technical component, except for the appearance of a robotic transmission and EcoBoost motors. But specimens with such a combination are expensive, and they are considered capricious.

Most of the offers are cars with a 2-liter engine and a manual transmission or a 2.3-liter engine and an automatic transmission with a chain instead of a belt.

Both boxes do not have childhood diseases, the clutch resource is about 150 thousand (the release bearing “suffers” first).

IN Russian ranking reliability of used cars in the secondary market, Mondeo is ranked seventh. The weak link of the car is the power steering, as well as tips and steering rods, which serve no more than 70 thousand kilometers on our roads.

Place in our ranking Ford Mondeo with mileage deserved largely due to the attractive cost. An overall sedan in good condition and well equipped can be found for 450 thousand rubles. Cars after restyling, released in 2011-2012, are more expensive, about 600 thousand.

The fifth generation of a business class sedan in our country is in high demand. The XV40 was produced for a short time, during 2006-2011. But even this time was enough to make a restyling of the model in 2009.

Japanese cars, regardless of make and model, are considered to be very durable. Camry XV40 got into the rating of the best used cars in Russia in terms of reliability due to the almost indestructible suspension (only at 120-150 thousand, it may be necessary to repair the replacement of stabilizer struts / bushings) and an equally resource-intensive 167-horsepower 2.4-liter engine, which alone of the first were classified as millionaires (that is, capable of driving 1,000,000 kilometers without a major overhaul). A 277-horsepower 3.5-liter engine is not so reliable, and such a car costs much more.

Both mechanical and automatic transmission considered unproblematic. The timing of the replacement of transmission oil in an automatic transmission is 60 thousand kilometers.

The pump resource is not impressive - it needs to be changed every 80,000-100,000 km., However, in financial terms it is not burdensome. With the same frequency, the tension roller of the drive belt is replaced.

To find a decent copy of this model, most likely, you will have to spend a lot of time at a computer / smartphone, and when such a machine appears, do not hesitate. 650 thousand rubles - good price for such a car.

This crossover is a real bestseller among both new and used cars in this category. The seven-seater version, which appeared in 2008, is especially appreciated. per car, regardless of the presence or absence all-wheel drive, installed 1.6- and 2.0-liter engines, paired with which they worked mechanical box and stepless variator. Although in our country the attitude towards CVTs is negative, in this case the transmission turned out to be quite reliable, especially in conjunction with a more powerful power unit - its average resource is about 200-250 thousand km. If we exclude such a behavior as aggressive driving on rough roads and change the transmission oil, then problems with the variator can be avoided.

Most often, the rear engine mounts fail, due to which the engine warps a little and works under greater load, so their condition must be carefully monitored. You can diagnose the problem by the appearance of jerks when shifting gears and driving at high speeds.

In the reliability rating of used cars in the Russian Federation, Qashqai takes a worthy ninth place. There are no complaints about its motors, the steering rack, hub bearings, rear shock absorbers, stabilizer struts are problematic, but these are problems that are typical for most off-road cars.

Early Qashqai can be purchased for 500 thousand rubles, copies of 2012-2013 cost 800-900 thousand.

Second Generation Sorento was produced in 2009-2014, and was subjected to a planned restyling in 2012. Front wheel drive vehicles equipped with only 2.2-liter diesel engines, front-wheel drive and gasoline 2.4-liter units were installed.

Diesel, despite the smaller displacement, turned out to be more high-torque and at the same time less voracious, but quite expensive to maintain. At all-wheel drive crossovers it is necessary to change the lubricant in the rear differential and transfer case every 60 thousand km. The average service life of shock absorbers is 100 thousand kilometers, they should be replaced together with thrust bearings. Like most crossovers, other suspension elements quickly fail - ball joints, stabilizer bushings, struts, hub bearings.

The manual is traditionally good, the automatic transmission is also capable of moving up to 3,500 thousand. Clutch resource - 100,000 km.

Sorento closes the list of the most reliable used cars in Russia. Its cost in the used car market is from 900 thousand rubles, the post-styling version will cost 300 thousand more.

An article about the 10 most reliable car brands in the world, as well as which car brands are considered the most reliable. At the end of the article - a video about the top 10 most unreliable cars.

The concept of car reliability

Every year, a wide variety of analytical agencies conduct surveys, research, accumulate and process information in order to rank the car market in the relevant categories. This may be the ranking of the most budget cars or the most passable, as well as necessarily the most reliable.

This term - reliability - consists of a combination of various qualities and characteristics of a car:

  1. Operational reliability shows just the period during which the vehicle will not require the slightest repair.
  2. Durability is the ideal operating life with regular and high-quality maintenance.
  3. Ease of repair involves the ability to fully bring the car into working condition through minor or major repairs.
  4. Operability will demonstrate compliance with the actual service life stated in the technical documentation.
Experts' conclusions may surprise consumers - far from always "quality" equals "expensive". Excellent performance can give out models of various manufacturers and any price level.

Rating of reliable cars in the world (car brands)

1 Lexus

The Japanese auto industry is always out of time and out of competition. This is a style, level, class and quality that has no equal yet. The experts who participated in the study of operational data noted very worthy electronics responsible for the operation of the engine, transmission and other vehicle systems. A few years earlier, car owners complained about the failure of equipment, especially when enough high mileage. Now, even after 400 thousand kilometers, when driving on a variety of road surfaces and operating in difficult weather conditions, the electronics do not cause the slightest concern.

Absolutely phenomenal results were demonstrated by the chassis of the Lexus and Consumables. Due to the initial resource reserve of 30%, even if the car owner does not take the car for scheduled maintenance in a timely manner, this does not affect the “health” of the vehicle.

2 Mazda

There is nothing surprising in the fact that the next prize-winning place also went to a Japanese car. Mazda's increased level of reliability is due to Skyactiv technology, which equalizes the degree of compression of diesel or gasoline engines. In addition, the brand's cars noted the absence of malfunctions in electronics, the excellent operation of the automatic transmission, which is so common for this brand, and the appearance. Thanks to the build quality and excellent interior trim, the car does not lose its “presentation” for many years. This feature makes Mazda profitable in resale, because even after several years of operation, it looks new.

Especially from the whole family, experts singled out the CX-5 and Mazda 3.


The leading brand in many ratings was awarded an honorary “bronze” here. Analysts have differed opinions on these vehicles: although they can hardly be called the benchmark for reliability in some areas, they all win in terms of the amount of money saved on maintenance compared to other equally popular brands.

Received good marks as automatic boxes, and robotic transmissions. CVTs, found on some models, also do not require regular maintenance, and any problems are fixed with little money.

4 Audi

Surprisingly, the vaunted German quality has not ensured that their car industry has reached the highest levels of the reliability rating for many years now. Audi received this honor for its main advantage - an aluminum body. Lightweight, economical and, thanks to the durable paintwork, very resistant to corrosion. The owners speak positively about the trouble-free, durable gearbox and the absence of problems with electrical equipment.

However, if there is a need for body repair, it will be very expensive for the owner. Since the melting temperature of aluminum is much higher than that of steel, welding work will require special equipment, special skills, which automatically increases the cost of work.

5 Subaru

Grade specifications this car surprised even the experts. The reason for the unexpected rise of the brand is the introduction of new, stronger alloys into the production process, which increase the reliability of engines. And design engineers further reduced the degree of forcing the motors, bringing them to world standards.

Good dynamic parameters are achieved by equipping with a turbocharger, although more recently power was added by increasing the speed and varying the injection.

The Legacy model received the highest rating, but the BR-Z coupe added a fly in the ointment, hitting the anti-rating of unreliable sports cars.

6 Porsche

Slowly but surely, the automaker is climbing higher in the ranks of a reliable brand. This can be explained by the expansion of sales of models with traditional engines, which are installed, for example, in the Cayenne SUV or Panamera hatchback. And here sports options- Cayman and Boxster - cause criticism. Their boxer units proved to be extremely capricious in operation, requiring frequent maintenance. Of course, people who can afford Porsche cars will not skimp on repairs and after-sales service. However, at the moment, the maintainability and durability of these models leaves much to be desired, especially considering their price tag.

7. Honda

The manufacturer finally took the i-VTEC system seriously and brought it to perfection. For many years, car owners have suffered from malfunctions and even failure of the executive hydraulics. At the same time, Japanese engineers decided to abandon the multi-link suspension and functionally improved the chassis, just simplifying it. Specialists especially appreciated this move - they were not afraid to lose technical advantage, the brand has acquired a new dignity and a new rating level.

The cabin of all Honda models boasts excellent finishes and quality materials, even in budget versions. An ideal assembly does not bother the car owner with unnecessary noises and squeaks. All this allows the car to maintain a decent appearance for a long time in order to be resold at a great price.

The best model of the brand in terms of reliability was recognized Honda Civic Si, which became the best sports car with a highly accelerated engine.

8. KIA

The brand has managed to surpass its direct competitor Hyundai several times over, with which it has long competed in prestige and quality. Korean engines have long been marked by very high reliability, bringing them to the level of new generation power units. And thanks to the constant elimination of emerging shortcomings and continuous improvement, they now deserve to stand in line with the most prestigious brands.

The manufacturer also got rid of troubles with electronics, which failed during operation in bad weather conditions and under excessive load. And the silent gearbox has lost unpleasant "failures" when switching gears.

The only drawback at the moment is the chassis of the cars, which still needs to be brought up to European quality.

The Sportage crossover has become a leader within the brand.

9 Nissan

This car has a very good reputation as a reliable workhorse. Excellent anti-corrosion coating, low oil consumption, decent engine and chassis. Problems can start after about 100 thousand kilometers, small, fixable, similar to others automotive brands but with steep prices.

The device of the machine is such that in order to replace, for example, candles, half of the engine has to be disassembled. Or it is impossible to separately change the steering rods exclusively in conjunction with an electric rack, which by itself could last another 200 thousand kilometers.

10. BMW

Apparently, the German automaker decided to make money on spare parts and after-sales service, and not on sales volumes, as the Japanese do. Only this can explain the incredible complexity of the internal structure of the car and at the same time increased “brittleness”.

BMW owners unanimously talk about frequent visits to services, since almost no car malfunction can be done on their own. Any interference with the mechanism can only cause more damage. Seems like the desire to do really nice car led to the fact that the engineers were too smart and unwittingly reduced reliability to a minimum.

If you don’t drive off-road and don’t get into accidents on a BMW, it will pleasantly please you with a magnificent, not gluttonous engine that starts from a half turn in any temperature and functions perfectly under any load. Particularly noted is the suspension, which allows you to feel like on soft waves while driving.

Video about the top 10 most unreliable cars:

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Surveys conducted among Russian car enthusiasts show that only every third of the buyers of used vehicles, when choosing a car, puts its reliability at the forefront. Most people prefer to be guided by desires and feelings: if you want, you buy! Someone proceeds simply from how much finance he has available. Others look at the vehicles of friends and neighbors when buying. And in vain! A reliable used car will save the owner from frequent calls to the service center. And, therefore, the owner will save money, time and nerves.

Autocode will tell you which used car is better to buy, based on the degree of its reliability.

What are the criteria for determining the reliability of a used car?

According to experts, reliable used cars must meet the following requirements:

  • long service life;
  • low failure rate;
  • affordable service (repair or replacement of parts and components should occur as soon as possible and with the least number of problems);
  • good susceptibility to "gray" consumables.

The opinion of the specialists of this company is most interesting to car owners from Russia for three reasons:

    • The information in the rankings is collected by independent technical experts, so the information obtained in this way is considered the most objective (for example, the British Warranty Direct does this on the basis of reports received from insurance companies, and Consumer Reports from the USA - based on information collected from vehicle owners).
    • Approximately 10 million used cars, aged two to 11, are inspected annually
    • Most brands and models of cars from the TÜV rating are supplied or have previously been supplied to our country, so you can easily buy a used car of the required modification from an ad in a newspaper or on the Internet.

The TÜV rating is based on inspections of 100 used vehicles of each model. The more faults the experts find, the lower the vehicle's position. Which cars are considered the most reliable, according to the TÜV rating, read below.

The most reliable car with mileage 2006-2007 of release

Here, the representative of the German automobile industry, the Porsche 911, is in the lead. Even after ten years of operation, driving such a used car is comfortable and safe (less than 5% of the tested vehicles did not pass the technical inspection, which is an excellent indicator for this age). True, for most Russian car owners, this "iron horse" will remain a dream. To buy a used 2006 Porsche 911, depending on the condition and mileage, you will have to fork out between 1.5 and 3.5 million rubles.

The most reliable cars with mileage 2008-2009 of release

The leader is the same - a beautiful and inaccessible Porsche. In addition to the 911, experts advise paying attention to the Porsche Boxster and Porsche 993.

The most reliable cars with mileage 2010-2011 of release

In this category, manufacturers from Germany lost the palm to engineers from Japan. Experts recognize Toyota Prius and Mazda 2 as the best used cars that you should pay attention to when buying (about 12% of vehicles did not pass inspection).

The most reliable cars with mileage 2012-2013 of release

The best option among vehicles with mileage in this age category is the Toyota Prius (the figure is slightly more than 7% of vehicles that “failed” the technical inspection). Also, when buying, you should pay attention to:

  • Ford Kuga;
  • Porsche Cayenne;
  • Audi A4.

The whole VW family deserves attention: Tiguan, Passat CC and Golf Plus.

The most reliable cars with mileage 2014-2015 of release

  • Audi Q5;
  • Toyota Avensis;
  • BMW Z4;
  • Audi A3;
  • Mazda 3;
  • Mercedes GLK.

And now a small fly in the ointment! German experts are testing used vehicles that "run" on high-quality foreign roads. On Russian off-road The number of used car breakdowns is on the rise. Without imploring the merits of the used cars listed above, let's turn to the opinions of experts from Russia.

Which reliable used cars are best suited for Russian roads

Kira Kaddaha, editor of

“If you want to buy a reliable used car, feel free to give preference to Japanese manufacturers: Toyota, Lexus, Infiniti. These brands are renowned for quality, especially Lexus and Toyota. But keep in mind that they are on the list of the most stolen. Also Japanese stamps are more expensive than Korean ones. Spare parts are 15-20% more expensive than those of the "Koreans". Therefore, the positions of manufacturers such as Hyundai and Kia have strengthened not only in the primary market, but also in the secondary market. In the past few years, the "Koreans" are among the leaders. They are chosen for quality, warranty (Kia has 5 years) and, of course, reliability.”

It should be noted that the opinions of domestic experts diverge from the rating of German specialists. And, most likely, this is due to the fact that not every Russian can afford to buy a 3-5-year-old BMW, Audi, Lexus or Mercedes (not to mention a Porsche). Therefore, the main task for most Russian buyers is a search for an optimal compromise between price and quality (reliability).

For those with a small amount of money the best option will become:

  • Hyundai Solaris (a 3-4-year-old used car can be bought for 420-550 thousand rubles);
  • Ford Focus (the cost of a used car in 2012-2013 is 450-550 thousand rubles);
  • Renault Logan (purchase of a 2013-2014 Logan will cost 370-400 thousand rubles);
  • "Lada Kalina" (the price of the vehicle in 2013 is 250-270 thousand rubles).

And again, nowhere without representatives of the "people's car" from Germany: "Polo", "Passat" and "Golf". Prices for 5-7-year-old vehicles of these models vary from 400 to 600 thousand rubles.

Ilya Ushaev, automobile agency "Forsage":

“Usually a person, when buying a car, looks for it according to the following parameters:

  • price;
  • year of issue;
  • mileage;
  • liquid, so as not to lose in price;
  • “I want it to be like new ...”;
  • better with one owner in TCP;
  • unbeaten and unpainted.

This is how the majority sees the vehicle they want to buy. But once people face reality, things get a lot more complicated.

Up to 150 thousand rubles. it is better to buy a Renault Logan or Hyundai Accent (if in good condition - a win-win option).

Budget up to 300 thousand rubles. - leader of Mitsubishi Lancer 9, Renault Logan, Chevrolet Aveo”, “Hyundai Getz”.

For 450 thousand rubles. it is better to buy Ford Focus 2, Nissan Tiida, Honda Civic and Ford Fiesta (the latter is better for girls).

With a budget of 600-700 thousand rubles. there are a lot of options. For family people, this is the Skoda Octavia 1.8 (automatic box, produced from mid-2012, not to be confused with DSG box, we do not recommend it), Toyota Rav 4, Nissan Tiana (but be careful with the CVT - this thing is very difficult to diagnose, and even after diagnosis it can run 150,000 km). Someone will be satisfied with the "Volvo S40" with mileage (expensive to maintain, like any "European").

For 800,000 rubles. it is better to buy "Hyundai ix35" or " kia sportage", Santa Fe", "Lexus IS250", "Honda CRV". From Europeans, you can buy "Audi A6", "Citroen C6" (restyled) and "BMW X5 (E70)".

In addition, for those who have at their disposal an amount from 800 thousand to 1.2 million rubles, according to experts, it is better to pay attention to the Chevrolet Captiva and Nissan X-Trail 2013-2015 when buying.

Summing up, it remains to be noted that if you want to buy a reliable used car, it is better to choose a vehicle of German or Japanese origin.

When buying a used vehicle, you should remember that, in addition to reliability, the legal cleanliness of the car is also important. You can check the vehicle for the presence of traffic police restrictions, find out whether it is pledged or under arrest by bailiffs, in a few minutes using the all-Russian Internet service "Autocode". Also on our website you can download a book from which you will learn how to profitably and safely buy a used car.

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