Benefits for young families per year. How to improve living conditions under the program “Affordable housing for young families. Use of government subsidy

After the state housing reform was carried out to improve the quality of housing, young families can receive a targeted payment when purchasing an apartment. This resolution of the Russian Federation sets the task of implementing an entire social assistance project. The action is based on the Housing Act. Each article describes in detail who receives the benefit and in what order.

The project also contains subprograms, namely payments to young mothers. The “young family” program implies assistance from the state to young people. Namely, assistance in purchasing housing and improving living conditions. It provides assistance in paying for housing in the amount of over 30% of its cost. This can be either an apartment or a house.

It operates successfully throughout Russia from 2011 to 2015, and was extended until 2020. Depending on the region, the amount of subsidies is calculated for the successful development of a young society. The plan and goal for 2016 in Russia is to provide assistance to 170,000 families.

Young family affordable housing 2016

Before you start collecting and processing documents for such a program, you need to find out which categories are eligible to receive benefits.

In order to receive financial support, you need to fit into the standard framework:

  • be within the age range (up to 35 years);
  • be a resident and citizen of Russia;
  • not be provided with housing;
  • have the difference to pay the entire amount for the home.

The main event "Providing housing for young families" of the state program "Providing affordable and comfortable housing and utility services to citizens of the Russian Federation" for 2015 - 2020, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2010 No. 1050 (with amendments and additions)

Conditions for participation

  • the age of both spouses in a young family does not exceed 35 years;
  • a young family is on a waiting list for housing;
  • the young family is solvent.

Under the terms of the subprogram, a young family is paid social payment (or hereinafter referred to as subsidy) fixed size. The size of the social payment depends on the number of members of a young family and the cost of 1 square meter of total living space (Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation), approved by the authorized federal authority (Ministry of Construction of Russia), and is 30% for a family without a child, 35% for a family with a child (with children ).

The payment can be directed by a young family to:

Purchasing housing,

For the construction of an individual residential building,

To pay the down payment of a housing loan, mortgage loan, housing loan, to pay the last share contribution of a housing construction cooperative,

To repay the remaining debt on a loan taken out by a young family to purchase a home before December 31, 2010 (no later),

To repay the remaining debt on a loan taken out after June 1, 2016 for the purchase (construction) of housing.

The right to receive payment is certified by a Certificate issued to a young family by the local government body in which the young family is on the waiting list.

Families on the housing list and with sufficient income to purchase housing are eligible to participate in the federal subprogram for providing housing for young families. The procedure for the participation of a young family can be divided into three stages.

Young families can exercise their right to participate in the subprogram once.

Note. 1. The young family does not include the parents of the spouses.

2. The payment is gratuitous, irrevocable, and does not accrue interest. This, in essence, is government assistance to a young family in need of improved living conditions.

3. There are no separate charges for children.

First stage: Recognition of a young family in need of housing, placement in a queue.

Let us immediately note that this information sheet does not provide grounds for recognizing a young family as in need of housing.

Briefly: a family is recognized as needy if each family member has less than 14.5 square meters of total area of ​​the premises in which the young family is registered. If spouses are registered in different residential premises, then the calculation of the area is carried out in aggregate. If, in addition to the residential premises in which the family is registered, members of a young family or other relatives registered together with the young family own other residential premises (or shares of property), the total area of ​​these premises is also taken into account. The area is calculated without taking into account balconies (canopy and other outbuildings for individual private buildings).

To recognize a young family as needing housing, it is necessary to submit the required list of documents to the housing registration and distribution department of the district administration. The list can be obtained on the website in the section “Recognition as needy” - “State support”. The application form is also posted on the website. The application is considered within a month, and the young family is notified of the decision in writing, by simple mail.

Young families on the waiting list for housing skip this stage, but are required to re-register and submit new documents confirming their need.

Second stage. Recognition of a young family having sufficient income and inclusion in the list of participants in the subprogram for the next financial year.

In accordance with the conditions, a young family wishing to take part in the subprogram must have sufficient income or other funds sufficient to pay the estimated cost of housing in excess of the amount of social benefits (confirm solvency).

A single mother or single father, a family with a child (with children) must confirm solvency in the amount of the difference in the estimated cost of housing and subsidies, i.e. 65% of the estimated cost of housing, a young family without a child - 70% of the cost.

Any of the following can serve as a document confirming solvency for the specified amount:

1) or a copy of an account in any bank opened for a member of a young family;

2) or a certificate (extract or confirmation) issued by any bank about the creditworthiness of a young family;

3) or market assessment of the value of your own residential premises located entirely owned by a young family, produced by an independent appraiser;

4) or a guarantee obligation of an individual, certified by a notary, or a legal entity to provide the required amount when the young family receives a certificate of right to payment;

5) or a copy of the loan agreement for funds and attached to it, or a copy of the receipt for the payment of borrowed funds by a legal entity, or a copy of a bank account for the borrowed amount transferred to a young family by an individual

6) if a young family has State certificates of maternal (family) capital, they are also accepted as confirmation of solvency.

How is the payment calculated?

The formula for calculating the payment includes the concept of the total area of ​​social housing per family, the average market value of 1 sq.m of total housing area in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, approved by the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation.

Total area of ​​social housing per family:

for two people - 42 sq.m;

of three or more people - 18 sq.m. for each family member: for 3 people - 54 sq.m., for 4 - 72 sq.m., for 5 - 90 sq.m.

The average market value of 1 sq.m of total housing area in the Chuvash Republic for the last quarter of 2016 was approved in the amount of 31,034 thousand rubles (the cost of 1 sq.m is approved 2 times a year!).

Based on these data, the estimated cost of housing is determined:

The estimated cost of housing is equal to the product of the total area of ​​a family’s housing and the average market value of 1 sq.m in the Chuvash Republic.

From this product a payment is calculated: 30% to a family without children, 35% to a family with a child (with children).

So, for example, with the cost of 1 sq.m of housing in the amount of 30,303 rubles:

single mom or single dad with a child will receive a payment in the amount of: 42 sq.m * 30,303 rubles * 35% = 445454 rubles;

young family without a child will receive a payment in the amount of:

42 sq.m * 30303 rubles * 30% = 381818 rubles;

young family with two children(4 person family):

4 people * 18 sq.m * 30303 rubles * 35% = 763636 rubles

The calculation was made at the end of 2015, the amount of payment must subsequently be clarified with the department specialists!!

Young families confirm their solvency in 2015 in the amount of:

830 thousand rubles (rounded) for single mom or single dad;

family without a child - 891 thousand rubles, family with 1 child - 1 million 100 thousand rubles; with two children - 1 million 420 thousand rubles, with three - 1 million 778 thousand rubles

(The prices are indicated at the end of 2015, in the future the costs must be clarified with the department specialists!!).

Important note. If a young family can confirm solvency in different ways, then the calculation of the amount of solvency will be made in aggregate. For example: a copy of the market assessment of the value of your own premises for 600 thousand rubles, a copy of a bank account for 300 thousand rubles, a maternal certificate for 400 thousand will give a total of 1 million 300 thousand rubles to confirm solvency.

To be recognized as a participant in the subprogram and having sufficient income, a young family submits the following documents to the housing accounting and distribution department of the district administration (or to the MFC):

1) application in the prescribed form in 2 copies;

2) documents confirming the solvency of the young family;

3) identity documents: passports (pages: identity, registration at place of residence, marital status, children), birth certificates of children, marriage certificate;

4) notification of placement in the queue for residential premises.

5) documents confirming need (if necessary, for families admitted to the queue for housing more than a year ago).

Copies of these documents must be submitted along with the originals to be attached to the application.

The specified documents are also accompanied by two stamped envelopes with a completed return address of the recipient (the address of the place of residence of the young family is indicated).

The application and attached documents are reviewed by the administration within 10 working days, after which the young family is notified of the decision by a simple letter by mail.

Grounds for refusal: the age of the spouses (or one spouse) exceeds 35 years, the right to receive a subsidy under the subprogram has been previously exercised, insufficient solvency, the information provided in the documents does not correspond to reality.

Applications from young families to participate in the subprogram are accepted throughout the year, admission ends on May 29 of each year, and resumes after June 1 not for the next year, but for the second subsequent year.

By June 1 of each year, the district administration forms a Consolidated List of young families participating in the main event of the next financial year. The list is being formed based on the time of application on recognition of a young family as a participant in the main event and having sufficient income. First of all, the list includes families who were on the waiting list for housing before March 1, 2005 and families with three or more children.

After approval, the district administration transfers the Consolidated List to the Ministry of Construction, Architecture and Housing and Communal Services of the Chuvash Republic to form a general list for the Republic of Chuvashia. Changes to the list are not allowed.

The list is published on the official website of the district administration; subsequently, the young family can track the dynamics of movement in order of priority on the website. We ask you to pay special attention to those families who do not fulfill the obligation to undergo re-registration. Administration employees are faced with a situation where young families do not submit information to the administration on time (or even for a long time - more than 3 years) about changes in family composition, place of residence, or changes in telephone numbers for communication. In this case, even the fact that a young family is included in the List does not entail a decision to issue a Certificate, since it is not possible to find such a family. Please remember this. List of documents for re-registration:

Third stage. Participation in the program, purchase of housing.

The consolidated list of young families, after approval by the district administration, is sent to the authorized executive body of the subject of the federation (Mingradstroy of the Chechen Republic), from where, together with the consolidated lists of other districts and cities, it is sent to the authorized federal authority to determine the amount of funding at all budget levels.

Social benefits are formed from funds from three budgets: federal, republican, local. The amount of funding is determined based on the limits of all budgets. According to the amount of funding, lists of applicants for participation and a reserve list are formed from the Consolidated Lists of districts and cities. Young families included in the list of applicants will become recipients of social benefits and will receive a certificate of entitlement to receive it from the district administration. Young families included in the reserve list will be able to receive payments only if, for some reason, young families included in the list of applicants refuse to receive the payment.

Important note. Unfortunately, funding is not complete and does not amount to 100% of the number of young families applied for, so the number of young families included in the reserve list is usually larger than the list of applicants. Remember, if your family has not received social benefits this year, you do not need to submit an application for the next year; your family will automatically be included in the next year’s subprogram.

Participation in the subprogram.

Before the opening of the subprogram, young families included in the list of applicants are notified by the district administration by simple mail about their participation.

To obtain a certificate of entitlement to receive social benefits, young families submit to the administration documents confirming solvency and need.

Solvency is determined at the time of issuance of the Certificate, taking into account the increase in the cost of 1 sq.m.

Grounds for refusal to issue a certificate: insufficient solvency of a young family; exclusion from the queue for housing, failure to submit documents on time, a family member reaching 36 years of age.

After receiving the certificate, the young family begins to search for residential premises to purchase. The residential premises must meet the following conditions:

1) the total area of ​​the premises is at least 14.5 sq.m. for each family member per family (excluding balconies): 29 sq.m. for a two-person family, 43 sq.m. for a three-person family, 58 sq.m. for four people families; 72.5 sq.m for five people

2) the residential premises are registered as common shared ownership all members families (spouses, children);

3) the residential premises must be located within the Chuvash Republic.

Issuance of a certificate, payment of the cost of living space

Within 10 days from the date of crediting budget funds allocated by the federal and republican budgets for the implementation of the subprogram to the accounts of the local government body, the district administration, they are issued to young families, included in the list of applicants, certificates of entitlement to receive social benefits.

The amount of social benefits is calculated at the time the certificate is issued.

The certificate indicates the members of the young family, the amount of social benefits, and the validity period of the certificate.

The certificate is valid for 7 months from the date of issue. Within a month, the young family must submit a certificate to an authorized bank to open a blocked account. If the young family does not submit certificates to the bank after two months, the certificate is invalid.

Within 3 days from the date of submission of the certificate, the authorized bank opens a blocked account for the young family and enters into an account servicing agreement with the family.

After this, the young family submits copies of documents in 2 copies to the district administration:

1) certificate of entitlement to social benefits;

2) agreement on servicing a blocked account;

3) certificate of TIN of the spouse (or single parent) for whom the blocked account is opened.

Young families enter into a purchase and sale agreement for residential premises.

After receiving the purchase and sale agreement and certificates of ownership from the Registration Service, the young family submits these documents to the bank branch where the blocked account is opened.

The bank conducts a legal assessment of the transaction (5 working days), and, if it recognizes it as eligible, sends an application to the district administration for the transfer of budget funds (3 working days). Upon receipt of the Application from the bank, the district administration begins the procedure for crediting budget funds (10 days) to the young family’s bank account. After which the funds from the young family’s account are transferred to the seller of the residential premises.

From this moment on, the young family is considered to have taken part in the program and is excluded from the queue for housing at the district administration.


For those wishing to build an individual residential building.

You need the following documents:

Documents on the right to own (use) a land plot for the construction of a residential building;

Permission from the local government for the construction of a residential building (issued by the local administration at the location of the land plot);

Residential building construction project;

Construction estimate;

Certificates of acceptance and transfer of completed work;

Contracts for the purchase of construction materials.

Inquiries by phone. 23 52 04

" is a federal program designed to help young people, married, with or without children, improve their living conditions.

The purpose of the program is stimulating the birth rate throughout the country, since state aid is valid throughout the Russian Federation.

2015 was planned to be the last year in the government. But later the Government decided to extension of the program until 2020.

The essence of the program is to provide financial assistance to a family (single or with children) to improve their living conditions.

The 2015 changes to the program affected only those participants in the project to help young families purchase housing who joined it last year.

Today subsidies are as follows:

  • a family without children whose budget does not exceed 21,621 rubles per month can count on covering 35% of housing costs, which is about 600 thousand rubles;
  • if the family already has children, then the subsidy increases by another 5%, provided that the income does not exceed 32,510 rubles for three family members and 43,350 rubles for four.

Large families stand apart in the category of persons who can count on subsidies.

In addition to financial assistance, they are provided with additional privileges and payments at the regional level of the country. The decision to assign cash assistance is made by local authorities and serves as a supplement to federal assistance.

Amendments to the program also prohibited participating families from purchasing secondary housing. Now you can only spend money on or.

Who can apply for a subsidy?

The following categories of Russian citizens can participate in the program:

In addition, to become a participant in this program, young the family must have a combined income that allows them to pay the mortgage for the purchase of housing minus the amount of government subsidy.

The specified age limit must be valid at the time of inclusion in the list of program participants, and not on the day the subsidy is allocated.

At least one of the spouses must be a citizen of the Russian Federation. The family must have documents confirming its need for improved living conditions - an act of the commission.

Owned (confirmed) by spouses there should be no other real estate.

Requirements for housing for which a subsidy is allocated

In addition to the applicants themselves for the subsidy, some requirements are also imposed on the purchased housing:

  • the purchased apartment must be between all family members, including children;
  • You can choose real estate geographically only in the region where the subsidy was received;
  • There are also restrictions on the area: in the purchased apartment it must be no less than the established norms per person, which vary depending on the place of residence of the family.

If a family became a participant in the program after January 2011, that is, in the “new version” of the program, then housing on the secondary market is not available to them. Now it is allowed to purchase only new apartments or.

Where to go to participate in the program?

If the family meets all the criteria for participation, then first it is necessary to collect supporting documents indicating that this particular family needs improved living conditions.

To do this, visit Municipal Housing Department with a package of documents:

  • two statements;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • certificates of absence/presence of housing in the property, registration of property rights.

After that in City/town administration employees involved in the program are provided with:

  • two statements;
  • civil passport;
  • decision to recognize a family as needy;
  • certificate of marriage, birth of children, adoption, divorce;
  • certificate 2-NDFD, declaration (for individual entrepreneurs) or other document confirming the amount of income.

After checking the data, the family will be put on the waiting list.

Sometimes certain documents may need to be notarized. And in some regions, other certificates and confirmations may be added to this list.

Procedure for submitting documents and waiting in line for housing

Documents are submitted to the city administration on one's own or with the help of real estate agencies. The latter can do this quickly and without effort on the part of the young family.

In a month, the administration will have a decision on placing them on the waiting list.

You can receive a refusal from the commission if the family owns housing, its total area does not meet established standards, and family members (at least one of the spouses) are not citizens of Russia.

If a negative decision was received on one of the specified grounds, You cannot submit documents again, therefore, you should be extremely careful about the list of documents even before submitting them to the city administration.

You can only do it when it’s your turn. This process can drag on for years (usually a year and a half).

Additionally, if the young family is participating in another housing assistance program, she will be denied entry into the queue.

How to use government assistance?

The program has target direction. You cannot receive a subsidy in cash or spend it on other needs.

With the funds allocated as a subsidy within the framework of the “Affordable Housing for Young Families” program, you can:

For example, a family may benefit from having a permanent official source of income.

The family budget (average monthly) must be sufficient to repay the remaining amount of the housing loan.

Every year since the launch of the program, the number of its participants increases exponentially. This leads to increase in the queue and waiting to receive a subsidy. If at first it was possible to get help during the first year of waiting, today it stretches out for 1–2 years or more.

Video: How can a young family buy housing?

The report talks about the current realities of providing housing for young families under the relevant all-Russian program. It explains what conditions both the program participants themselves and the requirements for the housing they choose to purchase must satisfy.

A young family is considered to be:

  • a family with children in which both spouses (in the case of a single-parent family - mother or father) are not older than 35 years (inclusive);
  • a family without children, in which both spouses are not older than 35 years (inclusive) and have been married for at least one year.

In Moscow, you can participate in a program to improve housing conditions if:

  • all family members are Russian citizens;
  • at least one of the spouses has been registered at their place of residence in Moscow for more than 10 years and entered the housing register before March 1, 2005 (that is, registered as those in need of improved housing conditions).

2. What way can a young family count on to improve their living conditions?

Young families under the “Affordable Housing for Young Families” program, like other families who registered for housing before March 1, 2005, can count on - purchasing Moscow-owned housing You can take out a housing loan from any bank that approves a mortgage.

">into a mortgage, but according to The cost of housing is determined in accordance with the calculation methodology approved by the Moscow Government and depends on the location of the house, whether the family has the right to housing benefits and how long it has been on the housing register. Usually it is significantly lower than the market price (about 4 times).">reduced cost.

3. But what is special about social mortgages for young families?

Firstly, participants in the “Affordable Housing for Young Families” program are placed in a separate queue. This significantly reduces the waiting time for improved living conditions.

Secondly, for young families with three or more minor children, the purchase price of housing is calculated minus 30% of its total area. (If there were children before the signing of the purchase and sale agreement, the cost is reduced immediately. If they were born (adopted) after the signing of the agreement, the loan debt is written off in the amount of the cost of 30% of the living space. However, the write-off amount cannot exceed the balance of the unpaid cost of housing).

Thirdly, according to the rules of the program, if a young family has twins, triplets or more children or a disabled child, the balance of the loan debt (provided the young family complies with the payment schedule established by the contract) is written off completely.

4. How is the queue of young families formed?

The priority is formed in accordance with the following priorities:

  • date of housing registration;
  • the number of children in a young family or the presence of a disabled child in a young family;
  • the availability of housing benefits or the possibility of resolving housing issues of citizens living with a young family, removing them from the register of those in need;
  • the number of square meters of occupied total space per person in a young family;
  • type of apartment: communal living, dormitory, hotel type, separate.

Families with twins, triplets, etc., or if there are three or more children in the family, have priority rights.

5. What will happen to those who are on the housing register together with a member of a young family?

It all depends on the size of the living space in which those who are on the housing register together with a member of a young family will live. If each of them, after the evacuation of one of the spouses of a young family, has 18 or more square meters (the norm for the provision of housing), then they will be removed from the housing register. If less, then they will remain registered without losing their place in the queue, but the member of the young family who is with them will be excluded from the registration file.

6. What size apartment can a young family buy?

When determining the size of the apartment provided under the contract, the availability of housing for members of a young family, in respect of which they have an independent right of use, is taken into account. At the same time, one room is allocated for each member of a young family registered as needing improved housing conditions.

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