Course work: Information society: concept and trends. The concept of the information society. main features and development trends The most important features of the information society are


In the discipline "Information Law"

The concept of the information society, its structure, characteristics.

The concept of “information society” appeared in the second half of the 1960s, and the term itself became available to the scientific community in the 1970s. when Japan developed a plan to create an information society.

The information society is understood as a society in which the main condition for the well-being of every person and every state is knowledge obtained through unhindered access to information and the ability to work with it, and the exchange of information itself has no temporal, spatial, or political boundaries.

Human society successively passes through 3 stages: pre-industrial, industrial, post-industrial.

Features of post-industrial society:

1) the primacy of scientific knowledge and information

2) extensive automation and computerization of production

3) minimization of living labor in the process of material production

4) gradual transition from an industrial economy to a service economy

5) the leading role of science and education. Cultures. Medicine, mass distribution of creative and intellectual work

6) the emergence of a classless socio-professional structure

The concept of the information society is precisely a type of theory of post-industrial society.

Features of the information society:

Scientific knowledge and information are at the core

The information sector of the economy is developing

Electronic state concept

Prevails electronic document management

Changes are taking place in the employment system

The Russian Federation has adopted a number of program documents related to the information society. Among the basic documents, the State Program of the Russian Federation “Information Society (2011-2020)” should be highlighted.

Our country also has a Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in the Russian Federation, approved on February 7, 2008

The goal of the development and formation of the information society in the Russian Federation is to improve the quality of life of the population, ensure the competitiveness of Russia, develop the economic, socio-political, cultural and spiritual spheres of society, and improve the public administration system based on information technology.

Main tasks:

Formation of a modern information and telecommunications infrastructure, provision of quality services and ensuring a high level of accessibility for the population

Improving the quality of education, medical care, social protection of the population

Improving the state system Guarantees of constitutional rights of man and citizen in the information environment

Economic development

Increasing the efficiency of state administration and local self-government, interaction between civil society and business

Development of science

Preserving the culture of a multinational people

Countering the use of the potential of information and telecommunication technologies to threaten the population

The development of the information society is based on the principles:

Partnership between government, business and civil society

Freedom and equality to information and knowledge

Support for domestic manufacturers

Promotion of international cooperation

Ensuring national security

The information society appears as an integral concept that covers all aspects of the functioning of the social system.

Structure: individual and community, information relations

Legal problems:

Conceptual development

Person identification

Professional ethics

Admissibility and reliability of information

Development prospects:

1) Introduction into all spheres of life

2) Information is a factor in changing the quality of life

3) Is a product, sold on an equal basis with others

The role of information and law in the information society. Information revolutions.

Information in the history of the development of civilization has always played a decisive role and served as the basis for decision-making at all levels and stages of development of society and the state. In the history of social development, several information revolutions related to dramatic changes in the sphere of production, processing and circulation of information, which led to radical transformations of social relations. As a result of such transformations, society acquired, in a certain sense, a new quality.

First information revolution associated with the invention of writing, which led to a gigantic qualitative and quantitative leap in the information development of society. It became possible to record knowledge on a material medium, thereby alienating it from the manufacturer and passing it on from generation to generation.

Second information revolution(mid-16th century) caused by the invention of printing (first printers Guttenberg and Ivan Fedorov). The possibility of replication and active dissemination of information has emerged, and people's access to sources of knowledge has increased. This revolution radically changed society, created additional features introducing cultural values ​​to large sections of the population at once.

The third information revolution I ( late XIX c.) is due to the invention of electricity, thanks to which the telegraph, telephone, and radio appeared, making it possible to quickly transmit and accumulate information in significant volumes. The consequence of this revolution is an increase in the degree of dissemination of information, an increase in the information “coverage” of the population by broadcasting means. The role of the media has increased as a mechanism for disseminating messages and knowledge over large territories and providing them to citizens living there, and the accessibility of members of society to messages and knowledge has increased. The role of information as a means of influencing the development of society and the state has increased significantly, and the possibility of prompt communication between people has emerged.

The fourth information revolution(mid-20th century) is associated with the invention of computer technology and the emergence personal computer, creation of communication and telecommunications networks. It has become possible to accumulate, store, process and transmit information in electronic form. The efficiency and speed of creating and processing information have increased, almost unlimited amounts of information began to accumulate in computer memory, and the speed of transmitting, searching and receiving information has increased.

Today we are experiencing fifth information revolution, associated with the formation and development of trans-border global information and telecommunication networks, covering all countries and continents, penetrating into every home and simultaneously affecting each individual and huge masses of people. The most striking example of this phenomenon and the result of the fifth revolution is the Internet. The essence of this revolution is the integration in a single information space around the world of software and hardware, communications and telecommunications, information stocks or knowledge stocks as a single information telecommunications infrastructure in which legal and individuals, organs state power and local government. As a result, the speed and volume of processed information is increasing incredibly, new unique opportunities for producing, transmitting and distributing information, searching and receiving information, and new types of traditional activities in these networks appear.

Information today has turned into a powerful, tangible resource that has even greater value than natural financial, labor and other resources. Information has become a commodity that is bought and sold. Information has turned into a weapon, information wars arise and end. The cross-border information network Internet is actively developing and entering our lives.

All this seriously transforms the life of the individual, society, and state. Civilization as a whole and each of us. in particular, we are at the stage of forming a new type of society - the information society. This society is still incomprehensible to many. Social system and law, as one of the main regulators of this system, significantly lag behind the pace of development of the information society, from the incomprehensible speed of the advance of new information technologies and the World Wide Web Internet - (the building material of the information society).

Information society is a society in which the majority of workers are engaged in the production, storage, processing and sale of information, especially its highest form - knowledge.

Compared to industrial society , where everything is aimed at the production and consumption of goods, in the information society intelligence and knowledge are produced and consumed, which leads to an increase in the share of mental labor. A person is required to be creative, and the demand for knowledge is increasing.

The material and technological base of the information society are various kinds of systems based on computer equipment and computer networks, information technology, and telecommunications. Information is easily and quickly distributed according to the requirements of interested people and organizations and is given to them in a form familiar to them. The cost of using information services is low, so they are available to everyone. The computerization process frees people from routine work and allows high level automation of information processing in the industrial and social spheres.

Scientists predict the transformation of the entire world space into a single computerized and information community of people living in electronic homes. Soon every home will be equipped with all kinds of electronic devices and computerized devices. Human activity will be focused primarily on information processing, while material production and energy production will be entrusted to machines.

A number of scientists highlightcharacteristic features of the information society :

- the problem of the information crisis has been solved, i.e. Almost any information is available;

- the primacy of information in comparison with other resources is ensured;

- the information economy becomes the main form of development;

- the basis of society is the automated creation, storage, processing and use of information using the latest information technology and technology;

- information technology is increasingly becoming global in nature, covering all areas of human social activity;

- the information unity of the entire human civilization is being formed;

- With the help of computer science, every person has free access to the information resources of the entire civilization.

The transition to an information society does not promise any changes in social benefits. There will remain a stratification of the population into more affluent and less affluent, who are able to benefit from the fruits of informatization to varying degrees.

The introduction of new information technologies and robotic systems into industrial production is gradually changing the nature of work in industry, sharply reducing the number of people employed in this area, and changing the technology itself and the organization of production.

In addition to the positive aspects,dangers of informatization :

- the increasing influence of the media on society;

- information technology can destroy the privacy of people and organizations;

- there is a problem of selecting high-quality and reliable information.

The closest countries on the path to the information society are countries with a developed information industry, which include the USA, Japan, England, Germany, and other countries. Western Europe. In these countries, one of the areas of government policy for a long time has been the direction related to the financing of the information industry, the development of computer systems and telecommunications.

What four signs of the information society are named by the author?

Read the text and complete tasks 21-24.

The formation of the information society is far from complete, but it seems possible to highlight some of its characteristics.

The sector associated with the production of knowledge, processing and dissemination of information becomes dominant in the economy. As a result, the share of costs for research papers and marketing of new products exceeds the material costs of its release. Thus, in pharmaceutical and computer companies in the USA, the latter decreased to 10-15% of its value (in automotive industry In the USA they are still above 50%, which apparently determines its lag behind the Japanese one).

Share of “know-how” sales, i.e. technical information in the total volume of foreign and domestic trade begins to exceed the share of products of the agricultural, mining and manufacturing sectors of the economy. According to existing estimates, in the United States this “threshold” was exceeded back in the 1980s.

The share of the country's amateur population engaged in the creation, processing and dissemination of information begins to exceed the size of the labor force employed in agriculture and industry. It should be noted here that the service sector is differentiated: some of its workers, even in the most developed countries, are still engaged in fairly heavy physical labor, while most of them are beginning to serve the information sector of the economy.

Information flows receive a new material medium, i.e. global telecommunications network, as well as the Internet.<...>

The phenomenon of “human crisis” is becoming a significant and previously not taken into account factor in social development... A person living in developed countries is exposed to huge flows of information, the possibilities of understanding which are not unlimited. This leads to the fact that some information is not consciously perceived at all, is cut off or absorbed uncritically.<...>

We can talk about the beginning of the process of the emergence of a global information society as a new staged phase of world civilizational development.

N.V. Zagladin


1) The answer indicates the answer to the first question:

We can talk about the beginning of the process of the emergence of a global information society as a new staged phase of world civilizational development.

2) An explanation of the concept is given, for example:

The set of processes leading to the integration of modern humanity, to its embrace of economic, social, cultural, political relationships and relations of interdependence.


Any three manifestations of globalization can be indicated, for example:

Strengthening global economic ties, increasing the role of transnational corporations in the global economy;

Development of international trade, weakening of trade barriers and restrictions;

Development modern means communications, including the Internet;

The severity of global problems - problems generated by the activities of humanity as a whole and requiring the concerted efforts of all countries to be solved.


1) The problem being discussed must be named.

In the information society, a person is exposed to a huge flow of information, which he is not able to comprehend; As a result, a significant part of the information is either cut off or absorbed uncritically.

2) Any two other problems associated with the “human crisis” can be indicated, for example:

Difficulties arise in the process of socialization, including political, and the tendency for people to “escape” from the problems of society intensifies;

The number of accidents and man-made disasters caused by information overload of workers is increasing;

The increasing volume of information creates difficulties for politicians making responsible decisions.


The response must indicate the following:

1) the sector associated with knowledge, production and information processing becomes dominant in the economy;

2) the share of sales of technical information in the total volume of international trade exceeds the share of agriculture and industry;

3) the share of the population engaged in the production and processing of information exceeds the share of the population engaged in industrial and agricultural labor;

4) information receives a new material medium (Internet, global telecommunications).

Detailed solution Paragraph generalization on social studies for 11th grade students, authors Vishnevsky M.I. 2010

1. Define the concepts: geopolitics, national security, global problems, information society, globalization.

Geopolitics is a theory that analyzes the dependence of state policy on geographical factors (climate, natural resources, territory, population, etc.), or the doctrine of the geographical conditionality of political phenomena.

National security is the state of protecting the vital interests of the individual, society and state from internal and external threats.

Global problems are a set of vital important issues planetary nature, the solution of which requires the combined efforts of all states, and their unresolved nature poses a real threat to the future of humanity.

The information society is a society in which information is recognized as the most significant resource, the production and consumption of information is the most important activity, information and telecommunication technologies become basic, and the information environment, along with the social and environmental, is the most important human environment.

Globalization is the process of comprehensive convergence of all countries of the world into a single global system of technological, financial, economic, socio-political and cultural ties based on the latest means of computer science and telecommunications.

2. Reveal the essence of the concepts: national-state interests of the Belarusian state, national economic interests of the Belarusian state, environmental safety, information security, technological structure, anti-globalism.

The national-state interests of the Belarusian state are the officially expressed or perceived needs of the country, aimed at providing favorable conditions for its development.

The national economic interests of the Belarusian state are interests related to sustainable economic development and high competitiveness of the Belarusian economy.

Environmental safety is a state in which the ecological comfort of life is not violated, the ability to withstand threats to life, the health of all living beings, humans, including their well-being, the right to a safe living environment, sources of life support, and natural resources is realized.

Information security is a state of security of the information environment; information protection is an activity to prevent leakage of protected information, unauthorized and unintentional impacts on protected information, that is, a process aimed at achieving this state.

Technological structure is one of the terms of the theory of scientific and technological progress. It means a set of related industries that have a single technical level and develop synchronously.

Anti-globalism is a social and political movement directed against certain aspects of the process of globalization in its modern form, in particular against the dominance of global transnational corporations and trade and government organizations such as the World Trade Organization (WTO).

3. How is the diversity of the modern world manifested? What is it due to?

More than 6 billion people live on planet Earth, representing three main (equatorial, Mongoloid and Caucasian) and several transitional racial groups, united in more than 1000 ethnic groups speaking different languages, the number of which cannot be accurately counted (from two to three thousand) and which are divided into 23 language families; V modern world there are more than 2,000 independent states that independently pursue domestic and foreign policies and have various forms of government and territorial structure; these states differ in level economic development and people's standard of living. Along with countries that have a highly developed economic structure and provide a high level of income for citizens, there are dozens of states that retain a primitive economic system and low level life; The religious face of the modern world is diverse. The bulk of humanity adheres to one of the world religions: Christianity, Islam, Buddhism. Others profess Hinduism, Judaism, Taoism, Confucianism, and local traditional beliefs. Many hold atheistic beliefs; There is a great diversity of cultures, national and local traditions, lifestyles and styles of behavior. The diversity of the modern world is explained by the difference in natural and climatic conditions that determine the uniqueness of the relationship between a particular society and the natural world; the specifics of the historical path traversed by peoples and states; a variety of external influences; a multitude of natural and random events that are not always amenable to accounting and unambiguous interpretation. Scientists offer different approaches to the typology of the modern world and the identification of similar communities in it. The most common is to distinguish two social types in the modern world: traditional and so-called “Western”.

4. Describe:

a) geopolitical position of the Republic of Belarus;

b) the place and role of the Republic of Belarus in the system of modern international relations;

c) the position of the Republic of Belarus regarding the processes of globalization;

d) the place and role of Belarus in the civilizational process.

a) Belarus is in a very favorable position geographical location: It is located in the center of Europe. Thus, it connects Russia and Europe, and routes to Europe also pass through Belarus. Lack of access to the sea is compensated by customs duties.

b) The Republic of Belarus occupies an important role in the system of modern international relations. It is a member of the UN and on the initiative of the Belarusians, voluntary disarmament of countries from nuclear weapons was carried out. Among the interstate associations to which our country belongs, a significant role belongs to the CIS and the Union of the Republic of Belarus and Russian Federation. Belarus, along with Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, is part of the Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC), formed on December 10, 2000. Great value In the modern world, military-political alliances play a role. In 1949, NATO was created - the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Currently, NATO includes 28 states (as of 2009). The Republic of Belarus interacts with NATO within the framework of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC) and the Partnership for Peace (PfP) program.

c) Globalization has not spared our country. Innovations from developed countries are rapidly penetrating us to this day. Mutual support between countries and mutual assistance ensure long-term partnerships.

d) Belarus occupies one of the main roles in the civilization process. We have our own language, our own territory, legislation - all the signs of civilization. We can consider ourselves a mini-civilization.

5. Name the global problems of our time. Describe their causes, manifestations, consequences, possible solutions.

Types of global problems. The following global problems are usually identified: Problems of relationships between different social communities. These include the problems of disarmament and the prevention of nuclear war, overcoming backwardness, conflicts between developed and developing countries, as well as within countries, not only the poor, but also the richest, where hostility towards immigrants often arises. Problems of relationships between a person and society, culture. These are demographic, cultural, educational, information problems, as well as problems of scientific and technological progress, healthcare, and the prevention of dangerous diseases. The intensification of contacts between people sharply accelerates the spread of very dangerous infectious diseases.

Unfavorable environmental conditions give rise to new, previously almost unknown diseases and aggravate the course of some previously low-risk diseases. The growing pace of production of new knowledge leads to the rapid “obsolescence” of previously acquired education and the need for constant additional learning and retraining. The availability of unimaginably huge flows of various messages gives rise to the problem of distinguishing between reliable information and outright nonsense, even disinformation. It becomes increasingly difficult for a person to navigate these information flows and select what is really necessary for the task. Moral values ​​and cultural foundations of life are also being shaken. Problems of human interaction with the environment. These include energy, raw materials, food problems, the development of the World Ocean, space, the permafrost zone and, perhaps, the most pressing problem - the environmental one. Environmental problem. In the second half of the 20th century, humanity realized the risk of destruction of civilization due to uncontrolled human impact on the natural environment. The environmental crisis manifests itself in environmental degradation due to the reckless economic activity of people. The consequence of this is a growing threat to human health, environmental pollution with toxic waste from production and human activity.

Global environmental problems arise due to two reasons: 1) natural processes (tsunamis, hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, etc.); 2) anthropogenic impact and irrational environmental management (greenhouse effect, ozone holes, changes in atmospheric composition, etc.).

Currently recorded:

1) Global change climate, including an increase in average atmospheric temperature. This threatens to disrupt the established mechanism of water circulation in the World Ocean and the water cycle in nature. According to some estimates, due to global warming, by 2100 the sea level could rise by 4 meters, and many island countries and most cities such as St. Petersburg, Amsterdam, Shanghai, New Orleans, etc.

2) Changes in the composition of the atmosphere - a drop in the percentage of oxygen and an increase in the proportion of carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and other pollutants. This leads to acid rain, increased acidity of water bodies and soils, and the “greenhouse effect.” The “greenhouse effect” is an increase in temperature in the lower layers of the atmosphere due to emissions of gases that freely transmit solar radiation to the Earth, but make it difficult for thermal radiation to return to the upper layers of the atmosphere. Overheating of the planet leads to floods, droughts, and adverse changes in natural ecosystems.

3) Depletion of the ozone layer, which blocks cosmic radiation dangerous to human health, including ultraviolet radiation. The main reason for the destruction of the ozone layer and the appearance of so-called “ozone holes” is the massive use of ozone-depleting substances in industry and everyday life.

4) Destruction of the planet’s natural resources and pollution of them with substances unusual for nature, as well as exceeding the maximum acceptable standards release of ordinary substances. Unsustainable agricultural activities, in particular the excessive use of mineral fertilizers containing large amounts of acid-forming sulfur and nitrogen oxides, leads to disruption of natural ecosystems, depletion of soil covers, reduction of fresh water reserves, and disruption of the natural landscape. The death of forests as a result of excessive deforestation, as well as due to environmental pollution, contributes to the fact that the atmosphere annually does not receive up to 15 billion tons of oxygen. Intensive deforestation in the Amazon basin, in Indonesia, and in the tropical zone of the Earth threatens to completely deprive the planet of its “green lungs.” Currently, the forests of our planet are disappearing at a rate of 6 million hectares. per year.

Reserves of non-renewable resources such as oil and coal are decreasing. The World Ocean is becoming depleted due to its pollution and inept use of its resources. Currently, from 2 to 4% of the surface of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans are covered with an oil film, which is why their biological productivity has noticeably decreased.

5) Reduction of biological diversity of flora and fauna, i.e. irretrievable death of many species of plants and animals as a result of their excessive extermination and destruction of places natural habitat. Currently, up to 10% of plant species, about 1000 species of large animals and a huge number of small ones are under threat of extinction.

6) Excessive load on some natural-territorial complexes due to overpopulation of the planet, urbanization and uneven use of natural resources.

Of course, the only way to solve environmental problems is for people to understand that everything in nature should be in harmony and nothing else. Stop polluting environment and not treat nature as an inexhaustible resource.

6. Systematize your knowledge about the characteristics of the information society. Fill out the table.

Economic spherePolitical sphereSocial sphereSpiritual realm
Signs of the information societyInformation in its pure form (in itself) is a subject of purchase and sale.1. Interaction of all structures of the state and states among themselves on the basis of ICT. 2. Management of the information society by the state and public organizations.1. Information is a product of the activity of modern man. 2. Equal opportunities in access to information for all segments of the population.1. Society's awareness of the priority of information over other products of human activity. 2. The fundamental basis of all areas of human activity (economic, industrial, political, educational, scientific, creative, cultural, etc.) is information. 3. Security of the information society, information. 4. Protection of intellectual property.

7. Identify positive and negative consequences globalization in different spheres of public life. Fill out the table.

Spheres of public life Consequences of globalization
Consequences of globalization
EconomicGlobalization has caused increased international competition. Competition and market expansion lead to deepening specialization and international division of labor, which, in turn, stimulates production growth not only at the national but also at the global level.Globalization of products, imposition of a single standard of consumption.
Political Bringing states closer together, taking into account each other's interests (globalization warns against extreme actions in politics and economics).The emergence of global problems: confrontation between countries.
Social The emergence of global problems: “poor South” - “rich North”.
SpiritualCulture enrichmentGlobalization in the sphere of culture leads to the spread of mass culture and the weakening of national cultures.

8. Describe the achievements of sovereign Belarus. Name the factors that caused them.

Today in the Republic of Belarus work is underway to develop industry: modernization of traditional industrial sectors, improvement of the fuel and energy complex and the creation of high-tech and knowledge-intensive industries in such areas as radio, micro- and optoelectronics, television equipment, pharmaceutical industry, chemical production, small-scale chemistry, development of space technologies.

The privatization of enterprises and the reform of large property complexes continues. It is planned to develop the institution of public-private partnership in the energy sector, as well as at facilities related to the development of mineral deposits.

Priorities for attracting foreign direct investment in industry are the creation of joint and foreign enterprises, the sale to foreign investors of part of the shares owned by the state, with the exception of strategically significant ones related to the security of the country.

According to the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, in Belarus in 2014, compared to 2013, the production of potash fertilizers (by 1.5 times), which provided the main increase, and cheese (by 26.3%) increased the most. At the same time, tractors were produced (up to 52.1 thousand) and trucks(up to 8 thousand).

Production of potash fertilizers amounted to 6.3 million tons (in terms of 10% potassium oxide), and increased by 49.4% compared to 2013. At the same time, in December last year, the volume of fertilizer production turned out to be higher than in December 2013, by 36%, that is, a decline in production has not yet been observed.

In 2014, cheese production, excluding processed cheeses, increased by 26.3% compared to the year before. In December, the Belarusian industry produced 17.4 thousand tons of cheese, which is 61.2% higher than in December 2013.

At the same time, Belarusian whole milk products produced only 1.9 million tons in 2014, which is 4.5% higher than the results of 2013. In total, in 2014, the volume of industrial production by type of economic activity “Manufacturing industry”, “Mining industry” and “Production and distribution of electricity, gas and water” at current prices amounted to 668.4 trillion. BYR, exceeding the volume of industrial production in 2013 by 1.9%.

  • 5. History of the development of computer technology and information technology: the main generations of computers, their distinctive features.
  • 6. Personalities who influenced the formation and development of computer systems and information technologies.
  • 7. Computer, its main functions and purpose.
  • 8. Algorithm, types of algorithms. Algorithmization of search for legal information.
  • 9. What is the architecture and structure of a computer. Describe the principle of "open architecture".
  • 10. Units of information in computer systems: binary number system, bits and bytes. Methods of presenting information.
  • 11. Functional diagram of a computer. Basic computer devices, their purpose and relationship.
  • 12. Types and purpose of information input and output devices.
  • 13. Types and purpose of peripheral devices of a personal computer.
  • 14. Computer memory - types, types, purpose.
  • 15. External computer memory. Various types of storage media, their characteristics (information capacity, speed, etc.).
  • 16. What is bios and what is its role in the initial boot of the computer? What is the purpose of the controller and adapter.
  • 17. What are device ports. Describe the main types of ports on the rear panel of the system unit.
  • 18. Monitor: typologies and main characteristics of computer displays.
  • 20. Hardware for working in a computer network: basic devices.
  • 21. Describe client-server technology. Give the principles of multi-user work with software.
  • 22. Creation of software for computers.
  • 23. Computer software, its classification and purpose.
  • 24. System software. History of development. Windows family of operating systems.
  • 25. Basic software components of Windows operating systems.
  • 27. The concept of “application program”. The main package of application programs for a personal computer.
  • 28. Text and graphic editors. Varieties, areas of use.
  • 29. Archiving information. Archivers.
  • 30. Topology and types of computer networks. Local and global networks.
  • 31. What is the World Wide Web (www). The concept of hypertext. Internet Documents.
  • 32. Ensuring stable and safe operation using Windows operating systems. User rights (user environment) and computer system administration.
  • 33. Computer viruses - types and types. Methods of spreading viruses. Main types of computer prevention. Basic antivirus software packages. Classification of antivirus programs.
  • 34. Basic patterns of creation and functioning of information processes in the legal field.
  • 36. State policy in the field of informatization.
  • 37. Analyze the concept of legal informatization of Russia
  • 38. Describe the presidential program for legal informatization of state bodies. Authorities
  • 39. System of information legislation
  • 39. System of information legislation.
  • 41. Main ATP in Russia.
  • 43. Methods and means of searching for legal information in ATP "Garant".
  • 44. What is an electronic signature? Its purpose and use.
  • 45. Concept and purposes of information protection.
  • 46. ​​Legal protection of information.
  • 47. Organizational and technical measures to prevent computer crimes.
  • 49. Special methods of protection against computer crimes.
  • 49. Special methods of protection against computer crimes.
  • 50. Legal resources of the Internet. Methods and means of searching for legal information.
  • 4. The concept of the information society. Main features and development trends.

    Information society- this is a stage in the development of modern civilization, characterized by an increasing role of information and knowledge in the life of society, an increasing share of information and communication technologies, information products and services in the gross domestic product, the creation of a global information infrastructure that ensures effective information interaction between people, their access to information and satisfying their social and personal needs for information products and services.

    Distinctive features:

    increasing the role of information, knowledge and information technologies in the life of society;

    an increase in the number of people employed in information technology, communications and the production of information products and services, an increase in their share in the gross domestic product;

    the growing informatization of society using telephony, radio, television, the Internet, as well as traditional and electronic media;

    creation of a global information space that ensures: (a) effective information interaction between people, (b) their access to global information resources and (c) satisfaction of their needs for information products and services;

    development of electronic democracy, information economy, electronic state, electronic government, digital markets, electronic social and economic networks;

    Development trends.

    First trend- this is the formation of a new historical type of civil property - intellectual property, which is at the same time the public property of the entire population of the planet.

    Intellectual property, unlike material objects, by its nature is not alienated either from its creator or from the one who uses it. Consequently, this property is both individual and social, i.e., the common property of citizens.

    Next trend- this is a restructuring of labor motivation (for example, in cyberspace everyone can act simultaneously as a producer of information, a publisher and a distributor).

    Next, it should be noted radical change in social differentiation the information society itself, dividing it not into classes, but into weakly differentiated information communities. And this is primarily due to access to knowledge and diverse information for broad sections of the planet’s population.

    Now knowledge is not the prerogative of the rich, noble, successful. The boundaries between traditional classes are gradually being blurred

    Next trend- this is the broad participation of sections of the population in the processes of preparation, adoption and implementation of management decisions, as well as in monitoring their implementation. For example, this primarily concerns electronic voting in elections to local authorities.

    In general we can conclude, which in their totality and in a generalized form are observed two interrelated trends development of the information society. The first consists of civil socialization economic structures and private property relations, in limiting government power. Socialization does not lead to the destruction of capital, but to a change in its character, giving it certain social and civilized forms. This limits and suppresses his egoistic traits. And this process in one form or another (“cooperative”, “joint-stock”) has taken its proper place in most developed countries. The second trend is individualization economic and social processes, filling them with diverse personal content (people are increasingly staying at home, working from home).

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