Who is the owner of the car by vin. AutoInfo: how to find out the owner by car number. Alternative options for finding a vehicle owner

The used car market is constantly expanding. Buying used vehicles is often quite profitable. However, there is a high probability of falling for the tricks of scammers. For recent years the number of transactions involving fraudulent activities has increased significantly. How to protect yourself by making a truly worthwhile purchase?

One of the most reliable methods is considered checking a car by VIN code. For free, without even leaving the apartment, you can find out everything about the past of a particular car.

What does a car check give?VIN

A unique identifier - VIN code, consists of seventeen characters. The alphanumeric sequence provides comprehensive information about the vehicle. What can VIN tell you?

  • Release date
  • Country of origin
  • Technical Parameters,
  • Data about the car manufacturer, as well as the plant that produced the car.
Decoding the wine helps to find out all this..

To avoid buying a car with a “dark” past, you need to do more than just know the production date, as well as the name of the manufacturer. It is important to familiarize yourself in detail with the operating history of your future acquisition. Here to the rescue again car check will comeVIN-code for free, without registration. It will help you find out the following facts:

  • whether the vehicle was stolen, whether it was registered cases of theft,
  • the presence of accidents, their participation, their number, schematic analysis of major damage,
  • number of technical inspections passed,
  • in which country was the car used, was it imported from abroad, are there any problems with customs control,
  • the presence of restrictions, prohibitions, arrests, debts, collateral obligations,
  • number of owners, duration of ownership.
Concluding a purchase and sale agreement without this data is extremely dangerous, and may even lead to problems with the State Traffic Inspectorate.

Free checkVIN- numbers

There are two ways how check car by VIN code: free or for a fee. Accordingly, two types of reports are compiled: basic (free) and detailed.

Various Internet services help check a car by VIN code for free, no SMS, no registration.. The official Internet resource of the traffic police also helps to obtain data.

On the appropriate page you need to enter seventeen characters of the code by starting the search. If for some reason the VIN could not be found, a search is possible using the chassis or body number. Next, the system will generate a free basic report. A universal search algorithm will provide the following data:

The underlying report may contain errors. This is especially true for vehicles manufactured before the 2000s. The errors are insignificant, most often they relate to information about the engine, such as fuel type, power wires. They arise due to the work of the search algorithm, since it is impossible to apply a single scheme to each car.

The general report is only part of a more detailed report that is performed for a fee. It is compiled based on data from registration databases government agencies. In this case, errors are almost completely eliminated. Errors can only occur due to human factors.

Opportunity check the car byVIN-code for free accessible to any user with Internet access. Thus, you can find out the history of any car ever produced in one of the countries of the world.

When purchasing a vehicle, it is quite important to check the car in advance using the traffic police VIN code for free.

This will help check the seller’s information or, on the contrary, refute it, avoiding buying a “bad” car.

Check the car online by VIN number (online):

Enter in the form below VIN number and click - Search.

Car VIN code - where to look for it and what it means

We are talking about the vehicle identification number. This is a unique code that consists of 17 characters - numbers from 0 to 9 and all Latin letters except I, O, Q, since they are similar to the numbers 1 and 0.

The number can be written on permanent parts on:

  • body;
  • chassis;
  • steering wheel or steering column;
  • thermal insulation partition;
  • front of the engine;
  • front door frame - driver's or, less commonly, passenger's;
  • bracket supporting the radiator;
  • visor on the windshield;
  • inner wheel arch on the left side.

It is also indicated in the TV and STS passport.

For reference: The name VIN comes from the English “Vehicle identification number”.

The number is encrypted:

  1. Region, country and manufacturing company are the first 3 characters.
  2. Model – 4-5 characters.
  3. Wheelbase – 6 symbol.
  4. Body type – 7 character.
  5. Engine – 8 character.
  6. Transmission type – 9 digit.
  7. Year of manufacture – 10th digit.
  8. Factory department – ​​11th character.
  9. Serial number – 12-17 characters.

Checking a car by VIN code for free on the traffic police website

This is the simplest, fastest and most reliable method, since the check will be carried out using the traffic police databases.

To carry out the check, you must:

  1. Go to the official website of the traffic police - http://www.gibdd.ru;
  2. Select the section “Services” - “Vehicle check”;
  3. Enter VIN number;
  4. Then you will need to specify the required verification:
    • according to the vehicle registration history;
    • whether the car was involved in an accident: data is given starting from 2015;
    • whether he is wanted;
    • checking for the presence or absence of restrictions.

Under each option on the site there will be a “Request Review” button. When pressed, you will be required to enter a verification code; the result will be displayed on the screen in a few seconds.

Please note: When checking the history, only completely matching numbers are taken into account: if the requester makes a mistake in even one digit, the check will show an incorrect result.

Checking VIN on the Autocode website

"Autocode" is an information site created for car owners.

Here you can find information on fines and car towing, check documents, register with the traffic police or a medical examination, write an appeal to some government agencies, and also find out whether there are any restrictions on the car in the form of arrest or use as collateral.

Worth noting: You can find information on the website only for cars registered in Moscow and the Moscow region.

To check one VIN number will not be enough - you will also need to find out the STS number. In this case, the VIN number can be replaced with a state number. On the main page there will be a window for entering numbers. Just enter the information and click “Check”. The information will be displayed on the screen.

Checking the VIN number vehicle should not take much time: just visit one of the above sites and enter the numbers. It is worth remembering that both sites are government-owned, and the verification is carried out using official databases. This makes the information provided completely reliable and accurate.

But verification offers from third-party sites may be a scam - it is better not to try to get information through them.

Watch the video that clearly demonstrates how to check a car by VIN code for free:

VIN number (VIN code) is a 17-digit combination of numbers and letters, which is unique in each individual case. Using it, you can identify the car, its manufacturer, age and owner.

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It's fast and FOR FREE!

The need to verify the car owner using the car’s unique VIN code arises when you need to buy a vehicle (hereinafter referred to as the vehicle).

But in other cases, there is a possibility that the owner’s authenticity will be checked. The identifier code is located in the PTS (some also call this document a registration certificate).

In what cases is it necessary

In some cases, it is not necessary to accurately find out or verify the last name and first name of the owner of the vehicle. Or, for these purposes, you can use other input data, and not just the VIN number of the car.

But there are situations when such checks are simply necessary, and more information is provided if you connect a search by the car’s VIN code.

Basically, this feature of the check concerns cases of using the State Traffic Inspectorate database. This is not the only proven way to effectively check a car - there are other portals. But the traffic police website is the main, direct source of disclosure of information from the database.

On the website page of this service, it is enough to enter the code data to display a full report on the car owner, the presence of fines issued to him, and other information.

Receive necessary information here completely free:

You should check the owner of a vehicle by VIN code in the following cases: Explanations
Before This is usually required for verification - they find out the last and first name of the car owner, compare it with the personal data of the person who acts as the owner in the transaction.
Identification of the vehicle seizure factor If the car is parked, then most likely such storage is paid. The buyer runs the risk of purchasing a car with debts (payment for storage on the site).
Did the car get into
Are there any fines from the traffic police? All fines and other penalties apply exclusively to car owners and not vehicle users.
See how many owners there were per car. The more owners a car has, the more often such equipment will require repairs.
Frequent changes of owners indicate some kind of defect in the equipment itself.
Detection of vehicle encumbrance Encumbrances can be the following factors:

— collateral in a bank;
— co-ownership (several people have ownership rights to the car at the same time);
— rent, sublease;
— donation (the car is included in the deed of gift);
— inheritance (the car is included in the will), etc.

Technical base of the vehicle Comparison provided by the car owner technical information on the car with its valid data.

First, fines are issued by traffic police officers - road police officers or other representatives of the inspectorate who have identified a violation. All penalties and other penalties are imposed by the court in the name of the car owner.

It is he who will be obliged to timely deposit monetary penalties into the account of the state budgetary organization - the State Traffic Inspectorate at the place of residence of the owner of the vehicle.

Using the VIN code, you can first make sure that a person is the owner of the car, and at the same time see what fines there are issued in his name.

What sites are used

Guaranteed receipt of information of reliable content is only possible if you use proven and authoritative services on the Internet.

These include the portals of government agencies, as well as those sites of companies that cooperate with the traffic police - the main holder Unified database data and a source of truthful information.

You can search for a fee or for free. In the first case, this is possible by ordering a full report on the car and its owner.

In the second case, use of government and other platforms where information is provided free of charge:

Website address Peculiarities Report price,
gibdd.ru The main website of the state road service and registration institution is the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate.
Many possibilities for various checks, including the car owner by VIN number.
There are links to other sites (affiliate ones).
— avtokod.mos.ru;
- nomer-org.net/mosgibdd/.
The portals are intended mainly for motorists in the capital of Russia and its region - Moscow and Moscow Region.
Here the number of owners of the car and other parameters are checked.
The service is provided free of charge
autobot.net Intermediary site with access to the traffic police database.
They will provide both a short and full background report.
I-VIN Input options:
— VIN code;
— registration state number of the car.
Based on these data, information also appears on the owner’s last name.
avtocod.ru You can check using the following input data:
— VIN code;
- state vehicle number.
The ability to check by body or chassis numbers is provided exclusively for Japanese foreign cars.
reestr-zalogov.ru Here it is checked only for the presence or absence of collateral encumbrances on movable property (in this case, a car). For free
fssprus.ru Rather, it serves as an additional place where you can check whether the car seller has debts to the state, which were determined by a court decision and transferred to the bailiffs.
vinformer.su Many additional information except the main one.
For example, those new to driving can find out how the VIN number of their car is correctly deciphered.
akham.ru It is proposed to disclose information on machines that have already been checked on this portal (for example). Otherwise, the principles of the verification algorithm are classical.

The procedure for obtaining information about the owner of a car by vin number

The paid service Avtocod.ru offers to receive a full report, where information will be disclosed not only on the car owner (several car owners), but also on the equipment itself.

For example, it would be useful to check not only the seller of the car, but also information about whether the car is wanted or under a bank lien.

When using a paid portal, you should be prepared to transfer remuneration for the information provided.

Approximately prices vary between 150 and 450 rubles, depending on what brand of car, what year of manufacture and what type of report you want to receive - full or short.

The finished result is sent to the email address specified by the user when making a payment.

The step-by-step check on a paid site is as follows:

  1. Enter the VIN code combination itself on the main page.

  2. The reports are not fully disclosed. They are presented by information categories that are hidden. They are disclosed after payment for the report is credited to the service account.

  3. But you can see an example of this or that report block.

  4. Then the payment parameters are selected and the payment is made according to the instructions of the service.

    Instructions on how to check the seller, or find the true owner of the car using the VIN code on the portal of the state traffic police service:

    1. On the main page you need to select “Services” from the Menu. Then - “Car check”. If you select “Driver Check”, then it is not suggested to search by VIN code, but by completely different criteria.

    2. After clicking “Driver Verification”, two interactive lines will appear where you are asked to enter the series, number, and date of issue of the vehicle registration certificate.

    3. If you click “Check traffic police fines”, you will need to enter the state registration number (state number) and SRTS number (vehicle registration certificate).

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    4. The required button is “Vehicle check”. This is where you are prompted to enter the VIN code.

    5. After the reports have been generated and provided for study, you will need to first select a category in which information on ownership rights to the car can be disclosed. Typically this is a reporting data block that provides information about car registration. To open the report, click the active “Request Review” link.

    6. The first block is usually information about the car. Therefore, you can skip it. Below you can find a category about car registration.
    7. Today there are several online services for free checking of cars using VIN code or state number. Typically, this service is used by people purchasing used cars. To obtain information you need to know:

      • VIN code or state code number;
      • chassis or body number;
      • have access to the Internet
      Each vehicle has its own unique VIN code. It determines the history of the vehicle, the number of owners, and other important information.
      Most online resources provide reports on cars for a fee, but there are also those that do not require any cash outlay. The most authoritative and error-free resource is the traffic police website. There is a special form where you enter the VIN (or state number), then the verification code, after which the presence of restrictions is checked. If the VIN code is missing or unknown, enter the body or chassis number.
      Once the request is processed, the applicant will receive information about:
      • the car may be wanted;
      • carrying out a case against the car by law enforcement agencies, social protection, customs
      For most motorists, all of the above is enough to decide whether to purchase a vehicle.

      Services for free verification

      You can find out about the restrictions imposed on a car completely free of charge through several online resources. There you can not only check the car for free, but also make sure the seller’s information is accurate. The most reliable and popular of these services is the traffic police website, which operates in all cities and regions of the Russian Federation. The service databases contain information about the following issues:
      • car search;
      • restrictions on its registration
      To search for it on the resource page you need to specify the VIN code of the car. The results of checking any vehicle registered in Russia will appear in 2 minutes.
      The traffic police does not provide information about whether the car is collateral. The website of the Federal Notary Chamber will help you find out about this.
      There are also alternative resources where you can check your car for free, for example, the Autocode website. Through it you can get acquainted with the history of the car in more detail, learning about:
      • traffic accidents;
      • prohibitions related to car registration;
      • all car owners;
      • passed technical inspection
      But this site makes higher demands. There you need to enter not only the VIN, but also the details of the vehicle certificate and register. The Autocode project is under state control.

      Which verification method should I choose?

      The best option for the future owner of the car is to contact the traffic police, preferably in conjunction with the seller, that is, the current owner.
      When choosing other resources, it is better to consider official ones, where data is constantly updated.
      Employees of the Doroga portal still advise, if possible, to use paid reports, which contain more full information, for example, about the presence of a vehicle in the theft database and previous checks.

      Article 7 Federal Law No. 152 “On the Protection of Rights” prohibits anyone from publishing information about the private life of citizens. In accordance with this, it is impossible to simply obtain information about the owner of a car based only on license plate numbers and VIN code. But still, the legislation provides for certain cases when a third party can obtain information about the owner of the vehicle. We will tell you how to do this, where to go or what services to use in this article.

      How to find out the name of the owner of a vehicle?

      A vehicle is always registered to only one individual or legal entity, regardless of how many actual co-owners the car has. At the MREO of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, the vehicle owner is issued state registration plates, and information about the registration of the vehicle is entered into the database. Thus, there is always fresh and relevant information about all vehicle owners in the regularly updated traffic police database. But citizens without compelling reasons cannot obtain information through this database. Article 7 of Federal Law No. 152 prohibits persons with access to personal information of citizens from disclosing and publishing it. At the same time, there are 2 alternative ways How to find out the owner of a vehicle: purchase a disk with a traffic police database or use an online service for checking license plates.

      Obtaining information through the traffic police

      Traffic police officers do not have the right to provide information about vehicle registration to third parties. At the same time, Articles 25.1 and 25.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation determined that in the event of an accident, both the guilty party and the victim have the right to familiarize themselves with all the materials of the case regarding administrative proceedings. This means that, at the request of a participant in an accident, traffic police officers are obliged to provide him with information about all other persons involved in the same accident. You can also count on receiving information about the owner of the vehicle in the following cases:

      • When the owner of the car has left his vehicle on the roadway (parking lot) and it blocks the exit of other participants traffic;
      • When the driver caused a traffic accident, but he himself fled the scene of the accident.

      Traffic police officers can help find the owner of a car even if the citizen only partially remembers its license plate number. But to do this, you will need to provide as much information as possible about the car itself: its make, model, body color. To obtain the necessary information, you should contact the traffic police with an application drawn up in free form and containing a list of reasons according to which the citizen applies to receive information.

      Access to the database without contacting the traffic police

      You can’t just download the traffic police database, but there are cases of selling disks with such information. The sale of these discs is illegal because it contradicts the provisions of Federal Law No. 152. This means that the traffic police database can only be purchased on the “black market”. But in this case, the buyer is at great risk. Firstly, instead of a real database, they may sell him a disk with other, unnecessary information. Secondly, the database on electronic media is not updated, while in Russia thousands of new vehicles are registered every week.

      Even the most recent database may soon lose its relevance. Moreover, Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 1001 of November 24, 2008 “On the procedure for registering vehicles” determined that old registration plates remain with the car when it is sold. This means that instead of real information about the owner of the vehicle, a citizen can receive information about previous owner auto.

      Internet service for obtaining data

      There are several services on the network, such as “Avtonomer”, which allow citizens to obtain information about vehicle owners by entering only the registration plate number. But this service is not connected to the traffic police database. Data on vehicle license plates and owners is collected by enthusiasts, which means that the service does not display information about the majority of vehicles registered in the Russian Federation. In addition, as is the case with the non-updated database of this traffic police, the information on the service quickly becomes outdated.

      How to find out the car owner by VIN code?

      A VIN code is a unique combination of characters that is assigned to each vehicle by the manufacturer. It is stamped on the body and/or frame of the car. With its help you can find out in which country and in which factory the vehicle was produced. The VIN code is indicated in the vehicle passport and in the registration certificate. Therefore, you can obtain information about the owner of the car by VIN code through the same traffic police database. In addition, on the official website of the traffic police, you can check a vehicle by VIN code, without indicating the owner’s full name. To carry out the check you must:

      • Go to the official website of the traffic police.
      • Select the “Services” tab, and in the drop-down menu “Vehicle check”.
      • Enter the VIN code in the provided field and request verification.

      Based on the results of the check, the website will display the registration history of the vehicle without indicating specific information about the owner (only this individual or legal entity will be indicated); history of the car’s involvement in an accident, if any; information about whether the car is wanted; information about the presence of restrictions imposed on the vehicle. There are also several third-party services on the network that check cars by VIN code:

      • Website of the Federal Notary Chamber - checks the car for use as collateral;
      • Website of the Federal Customs Service - checks whether the car has actually passed the customs clearance procedure at the border.

      On both the first and second sites, it makes sense to check the car when purchasing it. This way, the buyer will protect himself from purchasing a vehicle that is pledged, and from purchasing construction kits and cuts that are transported into Russia under the guise of spare parts and are not properly cleared at customs. But the received data will not contain information about the owner of the vehicle.


      Current legislation prohibits the posting of data relating to the personal lives of citizens in the public domain. Therefore, it is possible to obtain up-to-date information about the owner of the vehicle (his name, address) by license plate number or VIN code only through the traffic police, with good reason. But at the same time, there are enough services on the network that help check the “cleanliness” of a vehicle using the VIN code.

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