Korney Chukovsky - Telephone (My phone rang): Verse. Korney Chukovsky - Telephone (My phone rang): Verse Who swallowed a sea urchin in a fairy tale phone

Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky, “grandfather Korney,” as everyone around him called him, was very fond of people, for whom he wrote many wonderful books and poems. And Korney Ivanovich especially loved you guys - his most devoted friends. He was a smart and kind person. Therefore, his fairy tales, poems and songs are also so smart and kind, so cheerful and funny. "Grandfather Chukovsky" not only wrote himself, he collected the best poems of foreign writers and translated them into Russian so that you, too, could laugh and think about them.
When you read, sing and memorize his wonderful tales, when you yourself become Chichi the monkey, then Doctor Aibolit, then the evil and stupid robber Barmaley, playing with each other, you not only laugh, but really think about what you would do you yourself are in the place of these fabulous people and animals. And you begin to judge the greedy crocodile who choked on the “stolen sun”: the greedy one serves you right! - or worry about the good Doctor Aibolit, who finds it so difficult to get to the Limpopo River, where his sick animals are waiting for him ...
And if we do not forget his fairy tales and poems, then we will never forget Korney Ivanovich himself. It happens with every big and a good man: he is never forgotten, because what this person did for people, what he taught them, will forever remain with us, helps us in life.
So today you will hear two "Chukovsky" tales: "Fedorino grief" and "Telephone". Many of you, for sure, know the sad story about the dirty Fyodor and her abandoned farm. And, of course, you have heard the wonderful fairy tale "Telephone", because any kid knows it:
- My phone rang.
- Who's talking?
- Elephant!
Listen to these tales performed by the author - Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.

Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky

Aibolit - Barmaley - Stolen sun - Moidodyr - Fly-Tsokotuha - Confusion - Crooked song - Cockroach - Telephone - Fedorino grief - What did Mura do when she ... - Miracle tree

PHONE My phone rang. - Who's talking? - Elephant. - Where? - From a camel. - What do you need? - Chocolate. - For whom? - For my son. - How much to send? - Yes, five or six pounds that way: He can’t eat more, He’s still small with me!

And then the Crocodile called And asked with tears: - My dear, good, Send me galoshes, And me, and my wife, and Totosha.

Wait, didn't I send you two pairs of Excellent galoshes last week? - Oh, those that you sent Last week, We ate a long time ago And we are waiting, we can't wait, When will you send again To our dinner A dozen New and sweet galoshes!

And then the hares called: - Is it possible to send gloves?

And then the monkeys called: - Send, please, books!

And then the bear called Yes, as he began, as he began to roar.

Wait, bear, don't cry, Explain what you want?

But he only "moo" yes "mu" And why, why I do not understand!

Please hang up the phone!

And then the herons called: - Please send drops:

Today we overate on frogs, And our stomachs ached!

And such rubbish All day long: Tink-dee laziness, Tink-dee laziness, Tink-dee laziness! The seal will call, then the deer.

And recently, two gazelles Called and sang: - Is it Really All Carousels burned down?

Ah, are you wise, gazelles? The carousel did not burn down, And the swing survived! You wouldn't roar, gazelles, And next week You would have galloped up and sat down On a swing-carousel!

But they did not listen to the gazelles And they were still clamoring: - Is it Really All the swings Burned out? What stupid gazelles!

And yesterday in the morning Kangaroo: 1000 Isn't this Moidodyr's apartment? I was angry, but how I would yell: - No! This is a different apartment! - Where is Moidodyr? - I can't tell you... Call 125.

I haven't slept for three nights, I'm tired. I would like to fall asleep, Rest ... But as soon as I lay down Call! - Who's talking? - Rhino. - What? - Trouble! Trouble! Run here quickly! - What's the matter? - Save! - Whom? - Behemoth! Our hippo fell into the swamp ... - Failed into the swamp? - Yes! And neither here nor there! Oh, if you don't come He will drown, drown in the swamp, Behemoth will die, disappear!!!

Okay! I'm running! I'm running! If I can, I will help!

Oh, it's not an easy job to drag a hippopotamus out of the swamp! 1924 Thought armed with rhymes. 2nd ed. Poetic anthology on the history of Russian verse. Compiled by V.E. Kholshevnikov. Leningrad, Leningrad University Press, 1967.


Ran away, the sheet flew away,

And a pillow

Like a frog, Ran away from me.

I'm for a candle, Candle - in the stove! I'm for a book, Ta - to run And skipping Under the bed!

I want to drink tea, I run up to the samovar, But the pot-bellied man ran away from me like from fire.

God, God, what happened? Why, then, did everything spin around, spin around, and rush off like a wheel?

boots, Boots

pies, pies

irons, poker

sash Everything spins, And spins, And rushes somersault.

Suddenly from my mother's bedroom, Bow-legged and lame, The washstand runs out And shakes his head:

"Oh you, ugly, oh you, dirty,

Unwashed pig! You're blacker than a chimney sweep

Admire yourself: You have a wax on your neck,

You have a blob under your nose, you have such hands,

That even trousers ran away, Even trousers, even trousers Ran away from you.

Early in the morning at dawn

Mice are washing, And kittens, and ducklings,

And bugs and spiders.

You alone did not wash

And remained dirty, And fled from the dirty

And stockings and boots.

I am the Great Wash Basin, the Famous Moidodyr, the Head of the Wash Basins, and the Commander of the washcloths!

If I stomp my foot, I will call my soldiers, Into this room in a crowd Wash basins will fly in, And howl and howl, And they will pound with their feet, And they will give you a head-washer, Unwashed, Directly into the Moika, Directly into the Moika With your head dipped!

He hit the copper basin And cried out: "Kara-baras!"

And now the brushes, brushes Cracked like rattles, And let's rub me, Sentence:

"My, my chimney sweep Clean, clean, clean, clean! Will be, will be a chimney sweep Clean, clean, clean, clean!"

And then the soap jumped up And clung to the hair, And wriggled and lathered, And bit like a wasp.

And from a mad washcloth I rushed like from a stick, And she followed me, followed me Along Sadovaya, along Haymarket.

I jumped over the fence to the Tauride Garden, And she rushes after me And bites like a she-wolf.

Suddenly meet my good, My beloved Crocodile. He was walking along the alley with Totosha and Kokosha

And the washcloth, like a jackdaw, Like a jackdaw, swallowed.

And then how it roars

On me, how to kick

At me: "Go home,

He says, wash your face,

He says, And not how I will fly,

He says, I'll trample and swallow!

How I started down the street

run, I ran to the washbasin

Soap, soap

Soap, soap Washed endlessly,

Washed off and waxed

And ink From an unwashed face.

And now trousers, trousers So they jumped into my hands.

And behind them is a pie: "Come on, eat me, my friend!"

And behind him and a sandwich: He jumped - and right in his mouth!

So the book returned, The notebook returned, And the grammar began to dance With arithmetic.

Here the Great Wash Basin, the famous Moidodyr, the Chief of the Wash Basins, and the commander of the washcloths, ran up to me, dancing, and, kissing, said:

"Now I love you, Now I praise you! Finally, you, dirty, pleased Moidodyr!"

It is necessary, it is necessary to wash In the mornings and evenings,

And unclean

Chimney sweeps

Shame and disgrace!

Shame and disgrace!

Long live scented soap,

And a pushis towel 1000 toe

And tooth powder

And thick scallop!

Let's wash, splash, Swim, dive, somersault In a tub, in a trough, in a tub, In a river, in a stream, in the ocean,

And in the bath, and in the bath,

Anytime and anywhere

Eternal glory to water! K. Chukovsky. Fairy tales. Moscow: Rosmen, 1996.

FLY-TSOKOTUHA Fly, Fly-Tsokotukha, Gilded belly!

The fly went across the field, the fly found the money.

Fly went to the market and bought a samovar:

"Come, cockroaches, I'll treat you to tea!"

The cockroaches came running, they drank all the glasses,

And insects Three cups each With milk And a pretzel: Today Fly-Tsokotukha Birthday girl!

The famous fairy tale of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky "Telephone". Almost all Soviet children know the first lines of the fairy tale. This is the work that is read to children in the garden, at school and at home. Easy, interesting, funny, kids love it. Learn a passage with your child, this will develop his speech, lexicon, memory. At the bottom of the page there is a huge number of illustrations for the fairy tale.

Fairy tale "Telephone" Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky

My phone rang.
— Who is speaking?
- Elephant.
- Where?
- From a camel.
- What do you need?
— Chocolate.
- For whom?
- For my son.
- How much to send?
- Yes, five pounds that way.
Or six:
He won't eat anymore
He's still small!

And then called
And with tears he asked:
- My dear, good,
Send me galoshes
And me, and my wife, and Totosha.

- Wait, don't you
Last week
I sent two pairs
Excellent galoshes?

- Oh, those that you sent
Last week,
We've already eaten
And we can't wait
When will you send again
For our dinner
a dozen
New and sweet galoshes!

And then the bunnies called:
Can you send gloves?

And then the monkeys called:
- Send me some books, please!

And then the bear called
Yes, as he began, as he began to roar.

- Wait, bear, don't cry,
Explain what you want?

But he is only "moo" yes "moo",
And why, why -
I don't understand!

- Hang up the phone, please!

And then the herons called:
- Please send drops:
We have eaten frogs today,
And our stomachs hurt!
And then the pig called:
- Send me a nightingale.
We are together today
with the nightingale
wonderful song
Let's sing.
- No no! Nightingale
Doesn't sing for pigs!
Call-ka you better crow!

And again the bear:
— Oh, save the walrus!
Yesterday he swallowed sea ​​urchin!

And such rubbish
All day:
Ding-dee laziness
Ding-dee laziness
Ding-dee laziness!
The seal will call, then the deer.

And recently two gazelles
They called and sang:
- Really
All burned out

“Ah, are you wise, gazelles?
The carousels didn't burn down
And the swing survived!
You would, gazelles, not clamor,
And next week
Would jump and sit
On the swings!

But they did not listen to the gazelles
And still roared:
- Really
All swings
Got burned?
What stupid gazelles!
And yesterday morning
- Isn't this Moidodyr's apartment?
I got angry and screamed:
- Not! This is a different apartment!
- And where ?
- I can't tell you...
Call number one hundred twenty-five.
I didn't sleep for three nights
I'm tired.
I would like to sleep
But as soon as I lay down -
— Who is speaking?
- Rhino.
- What?
— Trouble! Trouble!
Run here quickly!
- What's the matter?
— Save!
- Whom?
- Behemoth!

Our hippo fell into the swamp...
Did you fall into the swamp?
And neither here nor there!
Oh if you don't come
He will drown, drown in the swamp,
Dies, disappears

- Okay! I'm running! I'm running!
If I can, I will help!

Ox, this is not an easy job -
Drag a hippopotamus out of the swamp!

Fairy tale "Telephone" Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky wrote in 1926. The story is written in the form of a dialogue. Someone constantly calls the main character and asks for help. And, of course, either Doctor Aibolit, or Chukovsky himself does not refuse anyone, but helps everyone. Almost all requests, except for the last one (saving the hippopotamus), seem ridiculous and ridiculous to an adult. But Chukovsky wrote for children. First of all, according to the author, a fairy tale should be interesting and understandable to children. Events must develop very quickly so that the little reader (or listener) does not get bored in any way.

"I haven't slept for three nights,
I'm tired.
I would like to sleep
But as soon as I lay down -

The telephone is a product of Korney Chukovsky, it has been loved for many years not only by children, but also by adults. It shows the life of a man whose phone does not stop. The narrator is called by an elephant, herons, hares, a crocodile, a bear with various requests and questions. A patient hero helps everyone in word and deed, but what does he get in return? Read along with the children in a fairy tale. She teaches delicate communication, the ability to cope with problems on their own, to come to the rescue in difficulties, to value their own and other people's time.


My phone rang.
— Who is speaking?
- Elephant.

- Where?
- From a camel.
- What do you need?
— Chocolate.
- For whom?
- For my son.
- How much to send?
- Yes, five pounds that way
Or six:
He won't eat anymore
He's still small!


And then called

And with tears he asked:
- My dear, good,
Send me galoshes
And me, and my wife, and Totosha.
- Wait, don't you
Last week
I sent two pairs
Excellent galoshes?

- Oh, those that you sent
Last week,
We have already eaten
And we wait, we can't wait
When will you send again
For our dinner
a dozen
New and sweet galoshes!


And then the bunnies called:
Can you send gloves?

And then the monkeys called:
- Send me some books, please!


And then the bear called
Yes, as he began, as he began to roar.

- Wait, bear, don't cry,
Explain what you want?

But he's only 'moo' yes 'moo',
And why, why -
I don't understand!
- Hang up the phone, please!


And then the herons called:
- Please send drops:
We have eaten frogs today,
And our stomachs hurt!


And then the pig called:
— Could you send a nightingale?
We are together today
with the nightingale
wonderful song
Let's sing.

- No no! Nightingale
Don't sing for pigs!
Call-ka you better crow!


And again the bear:
— Oh, save the walrus!
Yesterday he swallowed a sea urchin!


And such rubbish
All day:
Ding-dee laziness
Ding-dee laziness
Ding-dee laziness!
The seal will call, then the deer.

And recently two gazelles
They called and sang:
- Really
All burned out

“Ah, are you wise, gazelles?
The carousels didn't burn down
And the swing survived!
You would, gazelles, not clamor,
And next week
Would jump and sit
On the swings!

But they did not listen to the gazelles
And still roared:
- Really
All swings
Got burned?

What stupid gazelles!


And yesterday morning
Isn't this an apartment?

I got angry, but how to scream:
- Not! This is a different apartment!
— Where is Moidodyr?
- I can't tell you.
Call the number
One hundred twenty five.


I didn't sleep for three nights
I'm tired.
I would like to sleep
But as soon as I lay down -

— Who is speaking?
- Rhino.
- What?
— Trouble! Trouble!
Run here quickly!
- What's the matter?
— Save!
- Whom?
- Behemoth!
Our hippo fell into the swamp:
Did you fall into the swamp?
- Yes!
And neither here nor there!

Oh if you don't come
He will drown, drown in the swamp,
Dies, disappears

- Okay! I'm running! I'm running!
If I can, I will help!


Oh, it's hard work
Drag a hippopotamus out of the swamp!

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