Summary of the "fun fair" node. Summary of the integrated lesson “Folk Crafts Fair Russian Fair in kindergarten summary

Integration of educational areas: artistic creativity, communication, cognition, socialization, health, work, physical education.

Equipment: technical means: music center, audio recording of musical accompaniment, children's musical instruments, colorful art books, Russian folk scarves, a basket of apples, ribbons, hairpins, combs.

Preliminary work: a story about the ancient culture of Russia, examination of various antique objects, illustrations, memorization of poems, performance of Russian folk songs, dances, round dances, dramatization of fairy tales.


  • create a festive culture; clarify and activate the vocabulary on the topic “Russian Fair”;
  • develop artistic and aesthetic taste, observation, create a festive mood;
  • cultivate respect for elders and love for the Motherland.

Group:secondary and preparatory.

The bell rings (children come out)

The more we value the past

And we find beauty in the old

At least we belong to something new.

2 child. Russia mother - praise to you

Over the centuries you have seen quite a lot

When could you speak?

You could tell me a lot.

(children come in to the music: some sit on the chairs, some stand at the tables.)

Host: Times are different now,

So are thoughts and deeds.

Russia has gone far

From the country it was.

Our people are smart and strong

Looks far ahead

But anecdotal evidence

All: We must not forget!

(buffoon runs in to the music)

Buffoon: Hello dear guests

Hello guests

You are welcome!

We open the fair, let the fun begin.

Song "Fair"

Host: Here we are at the spring fair!

Buyer: And there are goods at the fair,

Samovars for sale

There are shovels, pitchforks, sleds.

And sweets and bagels.

Buyer: People buy drying

And beautiful toys.

Seller: Here are toys for the soul.

Oh, the nesting dolls are good!

Host: Hey, matryoshka dolls weekend

Look at each other

Bow to our guests

And spin a little!

Dance "Matryoshka".

Seller: Who wants ribbons, hairpins, a comb?

I have a golden cockerel

Miracle bird, sitting on a high spoke,

Guards the borders.

It will help the good, but it can peck the evil ones in the crown.

Buyer: I’m buying a cockerel,

I’m reading you a fable.

(fable “You and I walked”).

1 child: You and I walked

2nd child: Shli

1st child: Found the pie

2nd child: Found

Child 1: I gave it to you

2nd child: Gave it away

1. child: You took him

2nd child: Took it

1st child: Where is the pie?

Child 2: What pie?

(repeated 2 times)

Buffoon: Fair, fair, fire, bright.

Dancing, hot.

Look to the right - shops with goods

If you look to the left, the fun is in vain.

The sun is rising red

Shouldn't we invite guests?

To make it more fun!

(Children of the middle group come in)

1 child: The fair is in full swing,

There is noise and commotion

We see a lot of different products here and there.

Child 2: Your fair is beautiful,

Blue skies, bright boots,

Painted spoons!

Child 3: Eat with a wooden spoon

Just a pleasure.

We praise great-grandfather Semyon

For the invention.

4th child: Painted, light,

There is no more need for it!

With it, the borscht is excellent and the jelly is tastier.

(they give a painted spoon)

Buffoon: And at our fair

There are also musical spoons!

Seller: Musicians, come on over.

Buy tools!

Buy for guests

To make it more fun.

Pipes, crackers, tambourines, rattles

Swoop in, choose, choose - take away.

Child 5: Let's say thank you to the glorious spooners

They give us mood and health.

Playing instruments.

Child 6: (Middle group) Do you have boots?

Seller: Yes, we have boots,

That you can't take your eyes off.

Come, choose, and try it on your feet.

Song "Red Boots". (middle group)

Seller: And my book market is the most popular product.

You take the book into your hands

You recognize everyone in the world.

Buyer: (middle group) We buy a book at the fair, and we all play it together.

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Turnip".

Ved: We see off our guests and treat them.

(they give a basket of apples)

Buffoon: (makes riddles)

1) My tricky riddles

Who can solve it?

That's why dryers and bagels

I promise to give it to you for tea!

2) These shoes were not forgotten,

No matter how long ago they were worn

Children will fit into the ward

They will leave them at the stove - (bast shoes)

3) Grandfather carried water in the morning

Two buckets each time,

Hangs like an arc on your shoulders

Holds buckets - (rocker arms)

4) He is like a round pan

He is cast iron, not neat,

Where is the coal in the stove?

He will cook porridge - (cast iron)

5) Releases hot steam

Ancient teapot – (samovar)

Child: Samovar is the main gift

He is beautiful - painted

Taste fragrant tea

Anyone will not refuse.

Song "Samovar".

6) Worn by women, old ladies,

Small girls wear -

To the corner corner

Folded colorful - (shawl)

Seller: Come, don’t yawn,

And take all the scarves apart.

Girls: (take scarves and speak)

1 girl: I bought a shawl with a border,

Velvety, painted.

For such a shawl, it’s not a pity for gold.

Girl 2: And I have a scarf, all over

Flower head.

Girl 3: And on my handkerchief,

Small flowers.

Girl 4: But here is a warm short shawl -

A wonderful gift.

5 girl: Let's dance merrily,

We'll show everyone the scarves at the fair.

Dance with scarves.

Seller: Keep your ears open

They sell ditties here.

Buyer: I praise you very much

I love ditties.

Seller: Bargained, bargained

That's how it's supposed to be with us

So that people can admire us

Let's start dancing.

Dance "Motanya".

Seller: Don’t hesitate to come over,

And here we have seeds,

Red-hot sunflower seeds, red-hot sunflower seeds

Alena's are being distributed!

To everyone, everyone, everyone, we distribute and give change to everyone!

Song "Seeds".

Seller: Who wants pies?

Hot cakes?

Boy: Hot from the heat, a kopeck for a couple!

Write it down, hurry up!

Girl: Don't be afraid, don't overeat!

Boy: Try it - come on! It's a nickel thing!

They were all sitting in the oven.

They looked at you and wanted to put it in your mouth.

Buffoon: And our dear guests with pies,

We'll treat you for free.

(carrying guests around).

Buffoon: We visited a fun fair with you.

Taras - bars - rastabars

All products are sold out!

Presenter: Our holiday has ended

The time has come to say goodbye to you

Only sadness in the heart will be bright

Let us always be proud of the masters

All: Generous and songful Rus'!

1 child: Russia, Russia, what open spaces!

The land on which you have lived since childhood

And the house is hospitable, just like in Russia,

You will never find it anywhere in the world.

Child 2: Tell me where in the world I can be happy,

Where else will I find such lands?

There is no earth dearer or more beautiful in the world.

All: To you, my Motherland, I bow!

Song "Rosinochka - Russia".

Authors: Kodintseva Lyubov Ivanovna, Bakaeva Elena Vasilievna, educators; Maslenkova Natalya Yurievna, music director of MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 1 “Fairy Tale”, Korocha, Belgorod region, Russia.

Summary of educational activities for children of senior preschool age "Fair"

1. Summarize and systematize children’s ideas about folk crafts.
2. Continue to introduce Russian folk customs and traditions.
3. Cultivate interest in folklore.

Equipment: objects of folk arts, folk costumes, electronic presentation, equipment for viewing the presentation.

Preliminary work: preparing a presentation, learning Russian folk proverbs and sayings, learning barkers’ poems, looking at paintings by Russian artists,

Progress of the lesson

Slide 1 (title)
Educator: Together with Tanya and Vanya, we traveled a lot, visited different parts of our country, met masters of folk crafts. Which masters did we visit? (children's answers)
What are they making? (children's answers)
Why did the craftsmen make their products? (children's answers)
That's right, to please your family and earn money.
Where did they sell their goods? (children's answers)
Right! At the fair! People were called to the fair - fair barkers. Look who it is? (draws children's attention to the screen)
Slide 2 (audio)

Please join us here soon! Come, honest people! Let's start having fun! The fair is calling us all! Come, citizens! We will please everyone! Come and ask the price! Buy it! Don't be shy!

Slides 3 and 4 (picture “Svensk Fair”, “Fair”)

Educator: The fair is a big bazaar. Fairs were held several times a year - on major church holidays (Christmas, Maslenitsa, Easter and Trinity). In winter, the fair began as soon as the sleigh track opened. How do you understand this expression? (children's answers)
They traded everything and a lot: if it was flour, then in bags, if it was firewood, then in carts. They traded in shoes, clothing, dishes and household utensils.
Slide 5 (buffoons)

Educator: The fair is always crowded. There are traders, buyers, booth-goers and onlookers here.
How do you figure out who these show-offers are? (children's answers)
Showroom performers are puppet theater artists, buffoons who showed performances at fairs in small tents - booths.
Who are the onlookers? (children's answers)
Onlookers are spectators of fair performances.
People came to the fair not only to sell and buy, but also to have fun.
Then they said about such people: “Look at people and show yourself!”
Slide 6 (sound-physical minute)
We invite the kids to a fun game!
And whoever we don’t accept, we’ll lift by the ears!
The ears will be red, how beautiful!
The Russian folk game “Leshy” is being held
Slide 7 (Parsley)
There wasn’t and isn’t a better doll,

Familiar in all corners of the planet,
One - entertainment,
A lesson to others!
The most fun toy in the world...
Cheerful Russian Petrushka! (a glove puppet, Parsley, appears from behind the screen)
Parsley Here I am! Hello guys! Why are you neighing like foals?
Educator Stop joking around, it's time to invite the public!
Parsley Time to munch on bagels? I am always ready for this!
Educator Shout: “Let’s start the farce!”
Parsley A bully attacks?!!
Educator Don't confuse your words and don't needlessly frighten the audience. They came here to have fun, to visit you! Shout, “We’re going to have a show!”
Parsley A great surprise awaits you; you will see something like you have never seen before!
Educator Parsley, don't fool the guys! Shout: “We have a funny comedy today!”
Parsley Our donkey is throwing dumplings, people run away, or you might get hit too!
Educator Parsley! The guys came to visit you, and you welcome them like that! Bad! Bad!
Parsley Don't be too offended by me! I'm just funny!
Come to the fair! Our product is important, every merchant will praise it.
Come join us here! We take a nickel from the good guys, and give it to the red girls for nothing.
(The teacher quickly puts on the necessary details of Russian folk clothing on the children portraying hawkers. The children go to the improvised shopping arcades)
1 tray (matryoshka dolls covered with a blanket)
Educator: Guys, guess the riddle and you will find out what souvenir tourists visiting our country take with them.
There are girls hiding in this young woman,
Each sister is a smaller dungeon.
Red cheeks, colorful scarves.
Happy people clap their hands... (matryoshka dolls)

The teacher opens the tray

2 tray (products of Khokhloma masters)

But the tsar had such painted dishes!
Yes, everything was beaten!
But ours doesn’t beat, nothing will spill out of it!
The cabbage soup made from it tastes better, and the porridge is better!
Educator: Guys, where are these dishes from? (children's answers)
When the winter is freezing, the winter wind whistles and moans.
That sunny Khokhloma reminds us of summer.
It’s not twilight in the plates, it’s not twilight in the vases and salt shakers
Khokhloma, painted very cleverly, floats through the summer.
Children with a teacher look at Khokhloma products
3 tray (musical instrument covered with a blanket)
Educator: What do you trade?
And you solve the riddles, then you will find out!
You take it in your hands, then stretch it, then squeeze it.
Voiced, elegant, cheerful, three-row.
If it starts playing, just touch it, our Russian... (harmonic)

Oh, it rings, it rings, it makes everyone in the area happy.
But she only needs three strings for music.
Who is this? Guess this is ours... (balalaika)

4 tray (clothes)
Scarves and handkerchiefs for mother and daughter!
Come! Come on! Don't skimp, buy!

5 tray (dishes: spoons, bowl)
Spoons, bowls! Pans, baskets!
Axe, comb! Save a bag of money!
Slide 8(hawkers)
Educator: market sellers were called hawkers, or trade barkers.

Slide 9 (painting “Maslenitsa”)
Educator: the most fun fair was at Maslenitsa. It lasted for a whole I'm eating.
Slide 10 and 11 (pictures “Taking the Snowy Town”, “Maslenitsa. Farewell”) Teacher:

In the old days they said: “Where there are two, there is a market, three there is a bazaar, and where there are seven there is a fair.” This saying, which has come down to us from the depths of history, may even suggest that the word “fair” itself is of Russian origin. But its Germanic roots are obvious - the jahr-markt, the annual market. This is how, from the 10th century, the places of periodic congresses of traders and the import of goods began to be called in Europe. Such “convention places” existed in Germany, Spain, Italy, France, and England. The fairs were interconnected and followed one another - both in time and space. By the 11th-12th centuries they had become not only a place of wholesale trading, but also the main channel of international trade. They retained this role until the end of the 18th century.

Reliable historical evidence of Russian fairs dates back to the 16th century, but most likely. They existed before. Fairs always arose in the most inconvenient places - at the intersection of trade routes. It seems that the merchants need to quickly go about their business, but there is no way to get through - it’s a fair! I had to stop and, what can you do, sell your goods. At first, they hauled unnecessary trash to fairs. Well, for example, why does a peasant need 100 bags of grain when he only eats two or three in a year? Or why does a blacksmith need 500 horseshoes when he doesn’t even have a horse, but only a forge? So the dull rows of the first fairs were filled with junk.

However, carrying around unnecessary junk was not an easy task. For example, dragging five hundred carts of mushrooms from Ryazan to distant Irbit, or dragging five hundred empty carts from distant Irbit back to Ryazan is no joke! Horses were used (they had no idea about the capabilities of trucks in those days). And where there are horses, there are gypsies!

There are still legends about the gypsy horse trade! Tens of thousands of stolen European horses hobbled and roamed along Russian roads (many over seven years old!), and no Interpol could do anything about it. The demand for horses was increasing, since peasants usually came to the fair to buy a horse or drink away the money they had saved for a horse. The gypsies offered the most varied tuning of horses - they repainted saddles, arches, and shafts. Sometimes they inflated the horses with hot smoke, and they hung over the fair, swaying and amusing the people with loud neighs.

According to V.I. Dahl, “a fair is a large trade congress and the delivery of goods at the most urgent time in the year, an annual trade that lasts for weeks.” Of course, they have been known for a long time, only they were called differently - markets, auctions. The German diplomat Sigmund von Herberstein, who was traveling around Russia at the beginning of the 16th century, visited one of these auctions, on the Mologa River, near the town of Kholopiem. Then in his “Notes on Moscow Affairs” he called this trade with his usual word “jahrmarkt” - fair.

In the dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron we read: “Due to historical circumstances, two fairs in Russia took on the largest dimensions - Makaryevskaya, later renamed Nizhny Novgorod, and Irbitskaya. The first of them dates back to the 16th century and, thanks to its fortunate geographical location, soon acquired All-Russian fame and began to generate enormous turnover, especially after it was transferred to Nizhny Novgorod (1817)."

A certain merchant Fourier was the first to propose the introduction of trading “rows”, placing traders in a line and separating buyers and sellers.

We have a lot of different products at the fair. Each row has the name of a particular product. Now each of the fair participants will approach the magic chest and take out a task with a stall number and talk about the product. Anyone who knows anything else about this product can add to the answer.

  • counter No. 1 - tools for beads;
  • counter No. 2 - history of beading;
  • counter No. 3 - materials for beads;
  • counter No. 4 - simple chains;
  • counter No. 5 - earrings, rings;
  • counter No. 6 - necklaces;
  • counter No. 7 - bead paintings;
  • counter No. 8 - Easter eggs;
  • counter No. 9 - bracelets and belts;
  • counter No. 10 - flowers and insects; (

Educational activities in the senior group

"Journey to the Craft Fair"

Educator: Melezhik Ya.G

Integration of educational areas:

“Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Artistic creativity”, “Health”.


Form an idea of ​​your country, small homeland and its people; continue to introduce the history and culture of the Russian people.



Arouse interest in activities to familiarize children with the history of the Russian people, their way of life, customs, and hospitality.

Introduce children to some types of crafts.

Summarize the idea of ​​folk crafts.


To develop children's creativity and the desire to imitate folk craftsmen.

Develop general speech skills, monologue speech, improve the grammatical structure of speech, activate children's vocabulary with new words on the topic.


Cultivate interest in Russian folk art.

To foster the development of cohesion, a sense of collectivism, and the ability to empathize.

Equipment: model of a Russian stove, wooden spoons, boxes, paints, brushes, colored stones for decorating boxes, technical means.

Methodological literature:

Program “Our Home Southern Urals”, Malkov V. “Products of Kasli craftsmen”, Shabalina N.M. "Folk art of the Southern Urals."

Preliminary work:

    Conducting educational classes in a mini-museum of local history.

    Examination of illustrations in the albums “Ural Crafts”, “Kasli Casting”, “Magic Malachite”, “Folk Patterns”, Ancient Russian Wood Painting”, “Ural Tales”.

    Learning logorhythmic exercises.

    Working with children in the “My Mood” corner (didactic games on emotions)

    Learning Russian folk round dance with the musical director and teaching Russian dance movements in music classes.

    Reading works of art: P. Bazhov “Malachite Box”, “Mistress of the Copper Mountain”, L.N. Korotovskikh “Ural Crafts”, etc.

GCD move

Vos-l: Guys, today, as always in April, we invite guests to join us.

Any communication, any contact begins with a greeting.

Let's greet each other: (palm to palm, elbow to elbow, knee to knee, turn sideways, thigh to thigh).

Children perform

Vos-l: It turned out to be a lot of fun. Well, now we say hello to everything that surrounds us

Children: Hello, golden sun,

Hello, the sky is blue,

Hello, light breeze,

Hello little flower,

Hello morning, hello afternoon,

We are not too lazy to say hello!

Vos-l: Well, now we must say hello to our guests. You can, of course, just say hello and not even look at anyone. Or you can say hello by portraying the mood on your face. (mask of anger). Guys, show this mood on your faces and say hello in an appropriate voice.

Vos-l: Is this how you greet guests? (No)

Now show the mood of this mask on your faces (mask of surprise) and say hello in an appropriate voice, in surprise.

So can we say hello? (No)

Work is carried out with each mask.

Tell me, how should you greet guests?

Children: With kind, cheerful faces, because we welcome guests. (children say hello)

Vos-l: It worked out well. We welcome guests, guests are welcome. But for some reason one of our guests does not smile. Guys, tell me what feeling is on this guest’s face?

Children: This guest is sad and preoccupied with something.

Vos-l: Dear girl, what bothers you so much?

Housekeeper: I came from the distant past , I am the owner of a small store. We have a fair soon, there are a lot of products, but they are not painted. They need to be painted according to different crafts and prepared for the fair. I would like to ask you for help. Can you help me?

Children: Of course we will help. How will we go this far?

Vos-l: And we have a magic box and there are still our magic balls.

We inflate, tie, show what size we inflated them.

Well, now we crouched down, pushed off and flew. (Children stretch their heads up, stand on their tiptoes).

We are flying over fields and forests.

Housekeeper: We need to descend, we have arrived at the place.

Children lower the balls, squat and rise.

Housekeeper: Let's take a look around where we ended up. Oh, this is a forest of fears. And so that we won’t be scared, we’ll recite a poem.

The woman was sowing peas, jumping, jumping,

The ceiling collapsed - jump-jump.

The woman walked, walked, walked, and found a pie.

She sat down, ate and walked longer.

Housekeeper: And the forest becomes darker and scarier.

    Fears scare us

Making angry faces

Let's stand for a second

We are like them! (anger)

    Show me everything you can do to be scared (frightened)

    As if we would cry and become offended (offended)

    Now we will hold hands and smile cheerfully together (joy).

Vos-l: And so that fears can leave us now, let's scare them.

It's you hanging in the branches (shaking your hands)

Shh-s-s (put finger to lips)

Hey, tailed, cunning (clap your hands and stomp your feet)

Are you rustling in the grass? (clench and unclench your fingers)

Sh-sh-sh (put finger to lips)

Hey, tailed, cunning (stomp and wave your fists)

I'm not afraid of your shu-shu (wagging your finger)

U-ku-shu! (make teeth from brushes, connect and disconnect with fingers)

Housekeeper: Hurray, we got out of the evil forest. You hear the bells ringing, this ringing calls the craftsmen to the fair.

1 Parsley: Make way, honest people.

The fair is coming here

Take a walk a little

2 Parsley: The fair opens

The audience gathers

Please, everyone here, honorable gentlemen.

Housekeeper: Come in, good people, invited guests, sit down, make yourself comfortable,

Smile at each other. The fair is at the gates, but there is a lot to do.

1 Parsley: There's nothing to argue here

Good job, good people

No one will be left behind

Everyone will get something to do.

(children sit down and get to work)

2 Parsley: Everything around comes to life

From the warmth of skillful hands!

The house will be a full cup

If you work with passion!

(the housewife helps the children with their work)

Vos-l: Masha, please tell us what kind of work Tanya and Vitya do.

Masha: Tanya and Vitya work with Ural gems.

Ural - in Bashkir - belt. There is a Bashkir tale about a giant who wore a belt with large, deep pockets filled with riches. And one day he lost his belt. It fell and stretched across the entire earth. This is how the Ural Ridge “Stone Belt” was formed.

The Urals are famous for their natural resources. Therefore, people began to appear who learned to process stones and bleach cast iron objects. Such people were called masters. They were the first to see the beauty of the Urals gems. They were called miners.

Alina: Ural stone cutters made stones speak. Our guys make malachite boxes. Malachite is always green. But its greens are different. From light delicate almost white to thick almost black. Another feature of malachite is the pattern on the stone. Malachite cannot be confused with any other stone. He looks like himself and his color is malachite.

Vos-l: Kostya, please tell me what kind of craft Olya and Kolya do here.

Kostya: Olya and Kolya are masters of Kasli casting. Once upon a time, among the Ural forests there was a small village called Kasli. And now this village has become a big city where Kasli casting masters live. And the casting is called by the name of the city - Kasli. At first, the plant produced only cast iron, and then the craftsmen began to master artistic casting.

Kasli artists master complex metal processing techniques with great skill.

Artem: After the cast iron product is cast and minted, you need to properly paint the item. To obtain a black color, the product is coated with a layer of varnish and then dried at high temperature. Kasli casting is loved not only in the Urals, but throughout the world

Vos-l: We know how not only to work well, but also to relax.

1 and 2 Parsley: Musicians come out

Take out the tools

And play more fun

For the people, for the guests!

Girls’ dance “There was a birch tree in the field” (boys playing on spoons)

Housekeeper: How well the spoon players played. And what beautiful spoons you have.

Lera: Yes, the spoons are painted with Kasli painting. Birch has become the favorite tree of Kasli artists and craftsmen, and it is from it that they create their beautiful products.

Vetch: Kasli spoons are special and similar to Khokhloma. But they have their own face. Leaves and white flowers on a black background.

Housekeeper: Is everything ready here?

Children: Just right. All products are visible.

Parsleys together: Once you're ready, so be it

It's time to open the fair!

The bell is ringing!

Housekeeper: Well, guys, it's time for us to say goodbye. You helped me out. Thank you very much and goodbye. (leaves with Parsley)

Vos-l: Well, with magic words we will return home.

We'll turn around three times

Let's stamp our feet and smile.

Eyes open

The kids are coming back!

Well, here we are at home in our kindergarten.

Farewell to guests.

Linara Vildanova
Lesson summary "Fair"

Lesson notes« Fair» .

Target: developing children's interest in folk arts and crafts;



Expand knowledge about folk crafts;

Introduce to the origins and traditions of the Russian people;

Improve the ability to work in a team;


Enrich words and activate children's speech;

Develop fine motor skills through visual arts;

Develop creative abilities;

Develop auditory perception, attention, memory;

Strengthen the skills of painting a toy figure with patterns based on folk motifs, use different elements of painting.

educational tasks:

Develop communication skills;

To introduce different genres of theater, maintain interest in theatrical performance, encourage the desire for creativity;

Instill love and respect for Russian traditions.

Developing a friendly, responsive, tactful attitude towards adults and peers;

Developing perseverance and the ability to finish a job;

Raising a positive attitude in the child for the upcoming work;

Creating a special creative atmosphere;

Involving parents to actively participate in the event.

Equipment and materials:

Demo material:

Exhibits of folk crafts;

Children in folk costumes;

Photographs and reproductions depicting various fairs;


Bagels, gingerbread;

Wooden nesting dolls;

Doll - glove Parsley;

Dymkovo horses;

Gorodets tablets;

Gzhel dishes;

Items from Khokhloma painting;

Pavlovo Posad shawls;

Cards with elements of painting;

Tape recorder;

Disc with recordings of Russian folk melodies;

Souvenirs, signs;

Play equipment "Merry Carousel".


Wooden spoons;

Dolls - gloves;

Spoons cut out of paper;

Jars of water (according to the number of children,

Gifts for children;

Preliminary work: Preparing costumes for children. Conversation about « Fair» . Examination with children of illustrations about Russian huts, clothing, and life. Examination of photographs and reproductions depicting various fairs, exhibits of folk crafts. Learning poems, ditties, Russian folk songs, learning folk games, elements of Russian dance. Introducing children to the products of folk craftsmen, Russian nesting dolls, Pavlovo Posad shawls. We held conversations and painted products.

Methods and techniques: Practical, visual, verbal, playful.

To achieve the goal, the following methods were used and techniques:

Visual method (children dressed in Russian folk clothes, display of products of folk craftsmen);

Visual and practical method (creative exercises - telling poems, ditties, games);

Verbal method (teacher's stories about folk crafts, conversation with parents about children);

Reception of emotional interest (teacher in Russian folk costume, listening to audio recordings with Russian folk songs);

Gaming technique (children completed all tasks in a playful way);

Progress of the lesson:

Children dressed in Russian folk costumes enter the office and sit in a semicircle on chairs.

1. Introductory part:

Organizational moment:

Teacher: Hello, guys and you are dear guests. I invite you today to take a trip to a magical land called Fair. What is it fair?

Children: The fair is fun, good mood, games.

Teacher: The fair was always looked forward to, it was an important event in people's lives. The best goods were brought there; many useful and beautiful things could be bought there. And also the fair was famous for its fun, good mood and festive atmosphere. On fairs puppet and theater performances were shown, buffoons and life-size puppets performed. It was so interesting fairs.

During the story, the teacher shows the children photographs and reproductions.

2. Main part:

Teacher: Guys, have you been to a real fair? Let's go there now.

To us at hurry up to the fair,

You can't miss it!

Find anything here:

And dishes and toys,

And the scarves are all in flowers!

You will understand a lot of new things

About folk craftsmen!

(A melody sounds « Fair» .)

Children with a teacher go to the counters with goods to the music.

One part of the children becomes "buyers", the other - "sellers". "Sellers" stand at tables on which various folk craft items are laid out. Teacher and "buyers" move from one table to another and look at the goods on offer. The teacher praises the crafts, focusing the children’s attention on the diversity of the material presented and its originality. Released "sellers" gradually join the teacher and "buyers".

Teacher: To us at Hurry up to the fair,

We are very glad to see you,

Don't be shy, come over

All products here are for you!

1st child: And on Fair All our products are top class!

2nd child: We invite you, come and look at the goods.

3rd child: Come, have a look and buy something!

4th child: Folk crafts

Everyone is very noble: Haze, Gzhel and Khokhloma,

All on We have a fair, We invite you to visit us.

Under the river n. m. “THE YOUNG ONE WENT FOR WATER” a girl in a Khokhloma costume comes in with a rocker

Teacher: Behind the icy water

Waterbearer is a young lady,

Like a swan floats

He carries red buckets.

On the yoke, slowly

Look how good she is

This girl is beautiful!

Teacher: Children, what kind of beauty is this?

Children: Khokhloma!

Child: Come on, don’t rush,

Look at this miracle!

Carved spoons and ladles,

Take a look, don't rush.

There is grass and flowers

Unprecedented beauty.

Child: They shine like gold,

As if bathed in sunshine.

All the leaves are like leaves,

Here everyone is golden.

Such beauty people

They call it Khokhloma!

Child: This is Khokhloma, hurry here!

You will buy a painting on the tree for yourself.

Salt shakers and dishes, beautiful ducks.

And even, look, there are little buns.

Teacher: What are these items called? (dishes) What are the dishes made of? (made of wood) What patterns are the dishes decorated with? (curls, leaves, berries). What colors did the artists use? (red, yellow, gold)

Teacher: This word comes from the name of the village, which was called "Khokhloma". Toys were made and sold there. Basically, these were dishes carved from wood. This painting combined black, red and gold colors. That's why she was called golden Khokhloma. These are fiery colors of patterns that are made up of various curls of herbs, flowers and berries.

Teacher: And here's another toy.

An unheard of miracle, an unprecedented marvel!

The girlfriends are different in height, but they look alike.

They all sit next to each other, but there is only one toy!

In the hall under the river. n. m. "LADY" girls come in - nesting dolls.


1 matryoshka: Come, come

Look at the goods.

Brought from far away

We are not calico, not silk

And not rings, and not brooches,

And the funny nesting dolls

2 matryoshka: We are funny nesting dolls,

We have boots on our feet,

In our colorful sundresses,

We look like sisters.

3 matryoshka: We love the nesting dolls very much,

Multi-colored clothes.

We weave and spin ourselves,

We are going to visit you ourselves.

4 matryoshka: We are nesting dolls, we are sisters

We are small fatties.

Let's go dance and sing

You won't be able to keep up with us.

Teacher: – Guys, tell me, why do people in our country and abroad love the nesting doll so much?

Children: – This is a toy. If you open it, then inside you will find the same nesting doll, only smaller.

Teacher: - Right (the teacher opens the nesting doll one by one and lets the children look at it).

What material is the nesting doll made from?

Children: – Made of linden and birch.

Teacher: – What outfit do the nesting doll masters wear?

Children: – Sundress, blouse, scarf, apron.

Teacher: - Well then. We have reviewed this product, and now I suggest going through fair and admire the products of other masters. (children with a teacher go to the 3rd counter).

Teacher: What will Gzhel craftsmen tell us about their products?

Child: Look, what a miracle,

How blue and beautiful everything is!

How convenient to use

- And for tea and jam,

For candies and cookies.

You don't pass by

Buy yourself a Gzhel as soon as possible!

(the story is accompanied by a display of Gzhel paintings)

Teacher: Snow-white porcelain teapots, candlesticks, clocks, figurines of people and animals, decorated with blue painting are called "Gzhel" named after the small village of Gzhel near Moscow. There, factories create porcelain items, different in shape and painting. Gzhel is distinguished by its color: blue on white background. The most favorite pattern is a rose. They also decorate porcelain with strange birds and scenes from people’s lives.

Teacher: The blue fairy tale is a feast for the eyes, like drops in the spring,

Affection, care, warmth and patience, Russian ringing Gzhel!

Teacher: And here we have Gorodets masters. Let's listen to what they say about their business.

Child: -If you look at the tablets, you will see miracles.

Gorodets patterns, subtly drawn by hand.

The Gorodets horse is running! The whole earth around is shaking!

The birds are flying brightly and the water lilies are blooming.

(the story is accompanied by a display of Gorodets products)

Teacher: There is an ancient town of Gorodets on the Volga in the Nizhny Novgorod region. In Gorodets they make toys from wood and clay. Clay toys are not painted, but covered with shiny glaze. The most remarkable thing in Gorodets is horse: handsome, proud, with a strong neck and thin springy legs. Gorodets painting is the art of decorating flat surfaces that are not hardened in a kiln. Red, blue, yellow, green and other colors are used in painting, as well as their shades: make up various shades of blue and pink, purple and orange with the addition of white. An important part of painting is the skillful revitalization of the design with patterned decorative nets, curls, and tendrils. (animation).

Teacher: And here are the scarves different:

Both green and red.

With printed flowers,

With fringe and borders!

Teacher: - Guys, do you know where the masters were brought from? fair such beautiful scarves?

Children: – From Pavlov-Posad!

Teacher: - Right. This is a city in the Moscow region, where many years ago local craftswomen began making incredibly beautiful scarves and shawls.

Tell me, what patterns are found on scarves?

Children: – Scarlet roses with buds, bunches of rowan berries, flowers, oriental ornaments.

Teacher: – amazingly beautiful scarves were so popular that there was a dance with scarves in which ladies could demonstrate their beauty, grace, and posture.

Beautiful girls, try on scarves, walk around in a circle, show off in front of us. (The girls walk in a circle, showing off their scarves.)

Teacher: – Well done, girls, you showed us all the colorfulness of Pavlovo Posad shawls!

Child: There is an ancient Russian city

– This is Pavlovsky Posad.

Posad is famous for its scarves

And beautiful scarves.

Whatever the scarf is, it’s a miracle garden,

Everyone will be happy about this.

Child: So that's where my scarf comes from,

Now I will know.

And I can tell everyone about the crafts.

Child: Oh-oh-oh!

There's such a commotion here!

Everyone is running, rushing, jumping,

Here ditties are sung

The legs dance on their own!

Child: Oh yeah Fair! What a miracle

Once you've been there you won't forget!

But on fair with us

And there is fun for you.

Teacher: If you want to have fun,

Join the circle quickly!

Well, who plays for us?

It's never boring!

Game - round dance:

The carousels were barely spinning (we walk slowly in a circle)

And then-then-then (we speed up a little)

Everybody run-run-run (we're still speeding up)

And then-then-then everyone runs, runs, runs

Hush, hush, don't rush (slow down)

Stop the carousel. Stop!

(Repeat in the other direction).

Teacher: They also loved songs, dances,

And fairy tales were born in the village.

The evenings were long

And they sculpted there from clay.

All toys are not simple,

And magically painted

Snow-white like birch trees

Circles, dots, stripes.

A seemingly simple pattern

But I can’t look away.

What toy are you talking about? (about Dymkovskaya)

Teacher: Where were clay toys made? (in the village of Dymkovo)

Why is this village called that? (in winter, when people lit the stoves, smoke enveloped the roofs of houses and almost nothing was visible)

Why did people start making toys from clay? (children played and sold, earned money)

Artyom: Here is a smart turkey,

He's all so good

At the big turkey

All sides are painted

I surprised everyone with my outfit,

He spread his wings importantly.

Diamond: Clay horses are racing

On the stands with all my might,

And you can’t hold on to your tail

If you missed the mane.

Teacher: The Dymkovo toy is now sculpted not only in the village of Dymkovo, but also in cities in factories. There are many workshops there.

We approach Filimonovsky products:

Teacher: And here are some more clay crafts!

The fishery is very old.

There are pots, jugs, mugs

And funny toys.

Alena: Oh, what a whistle,

Striped duck!

Unusual, funny

And a little bit pot-bellied!

Wait a minute

Where are you from, duck?

My duck whistles:

I am Filimonovskaya!

Teacher: Guys, why are these toys called Filimonov toys?

Children: because this toy appeared in the village of Filimonovo.

Teacher: Filimonovskaya toy is the oldest folk art craft in Russia. In the Filimonov toy we see symbols of the sun, earth, water, and fertility. The signs of the sun are very diverse and are depicted as circles with rays, there is even an image of the night sun. The sign of water is stripes in the form of triangles. Rain is indicated by broken lines. No wonder the toy is called by its lovers "little rainbow" or "sunny".

In Russian folk art there are no frightening images, no horror, no evil. The source of creativity of folk craftsmen is the love of nature, kindness and generosity of soul.

Teacher: Who is it that we have here? What if there is a terrible Karabas there? Knock-knock-knock, show yourself to us, here Have fun with us at the fair.

I'm just sad today...

Teacher: (addressing the guys): Let's get together let's say: “We will help you, we can cheer you up,

Parsley shows up (in his hands he holds a doll - a glove, Parsley).

Teacher: Let's listen to Parsley, and maybe we can cheer him up.

What, Petrushka, are you sad?

Or is our product not nice?

What's on The fair is wrong?

Maybe he lost a nickel?

Maybe someone offended you?

Or didn’t you see the holiday?

Why are you sad?

You sigh and remain silent.

Parsley: I wanted to surprise you, invite everyone to the performance. But I lost all the dolls, Ah, gone, gone, gone...

Teacher: Lost your dolls? Which ones?

Parsley: Theatrical, not simple.

Teacher: Our guys also know dolls, they often play with them.

Child: And we have dolls - gloves. It’s also convenient to show performances with them. Parsley: No, that's not it! I'm like that myself. What's surprising?

Teacher: Yes, Petrushka, bad luck...

But meeting us is a stroke of luck.

We will help you now.

We can make dolls.

Parsley: Make it, but from what?

Children: We, Parsley, are spooners, How many spoons, look!

Parsley: What good are spoons? I’m not your buffoon!

That's right, stop grieving, we will create a theater of spoons!

Teacher: Well, guys, let's all get to work! We will safely paint the spoons with you.

Brushes, paints and gouache

And, of course, a pencil.

Let's draw characters

And we’ll show them to Petrushka!

Children come to the tables where spoons, jars of water, paints, gouache, and brushes are prepared. Teacher: Who paints toys? (artist) We will be artists too.

Teacher: What spoons do you know? (tea room, dessert room, dining room, etc.)

– What material can spoons be made of?

– Why do people need spoons?

Children: (at home to eat, in the music room - we use it as musical instruments).

Acquaintance with a new type of tetra - the theater of spoons.

– What are spoons used for in a theater studio? (spoons are theatrical dolls).

Dear guests, whoever wants to join us,

Create your image on wooden spoons

For the theater of spoons - The more characters, the more fun it will be.

Before we begin our work, let's remember what elements the artists used to paint the toys.

A poster with elements of painting hangs on a magnetic board.

Teacher: What are these elements called?

All elements of the painting were painted not only with a brush, but also with a poke. For which elements is it needed? (for points) Masters first draw larger elements, and then smaller ones. Wavy lines are drawn with the end of the brush.

Sedge - performed by lightly moving the tip of the brush from top to bottom;

Curl - performed with light pressure in the middle of the element;

For currants we use a seal - a cotton swab.

(We start drawing currants from a blade of grass).

A blade of grass is a thin, smoothly bending stem, from which curved stems with sedges and curls extend in all directions. Performed with strokes with a slight smooth thickening.

After the red paint has dried, we “revitalize” the berries with yellow color).

Teacher: If you use the tools correctly, they will help you draw beautiful, vibrant drawings. Music will also be your assistant. Masters always accompanied their work with music.

Having finished drawing, children show their work and name the character and the fairy tale from which this character is from.

Children sit on benches and give spoons to parsley.

3. Surprise moment:

Parsley: Oh, thank you, friends, I see that I was sad in vain.

Parsley distributes gifts to children.

4. Summing up:

Teacher: Guys, did you like our holiday? What do you remember most?

Children's answers.

The children, together with the teacher, go to their counters and stand in a semicircle.

Child: Printed gingerbread

Very fragrant.

Adding honey to the dough

The baker bakes gingerbread.

Come, don’t yawn, buy yourself some gingerbread!

The child treats all the guests to gingerbread.


Now the moment of farewell has come,

My speech will be short

I tell everyone: “Goodbye!

See you happy, new meetings!”

Be cheerful, healthy,

Give good light to everyone,

Come visit again...

And live to be a hundred years old!

Thank you for your attention!

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