Notes on drawing in the middle group “Beautiful flowers have bloomed!” Tamara Komarova - Visual arts classes in the middle group of kindergarten. Lesson notes Drawing a flower in the middle group

Materials. Colored pencils (colored wax crayons or felt-tip pens), paper 1/2 the size of a landscape sheet (for each child).

Observing birds while walking, looking at illustrations, sculpting birds. Examination of folk toys depicting birds.

Lesson 57. Modeling “We made snowmen”

Program content. Strengthen children's ability to model objects consisting of balls of different sizes. Learn to convey the relative sizes of parts. Develop a sense of form and aesthetic perception. Reinforce learned sculpting techniques.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Consider with your children a tumbler consisting of four balls. Determine the size of the balls. Remember what the children sculpted out of snow during a walk; ask about the shape and size of snow globes, their sequential arrangement. Find out how best to separate a lump of clay (plasticine).

Materials. Clay, modeling board, stack (for each child).

Connections with other activities and activities. Games and fun for a walk. Making snowmen from snow.

Program content. Develop aesthetic perception. Continue to introduce children to Dymkovo toys, teach them to note their characteristic features, and highlight the elements of the pattern: circles, rings, dots, stripes. Strengthen children's understanding of the bright, elegant, festive colors of toys. Reinforce brush painting techniques.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Examine Dymkovo toys with children, evoke a joyful, emotional attitude towards them in the children. Highlight simpler decoration elements that can be reproduced. Invite the children to paint the duck and ducklings with a pattern (in advance, in their free time, paint over the sculpted dried figures with whitewash). During the lesson, encourage children's creative expressions.

Materials. Landscape sheets, gouache paints, brushes, a jar of water, a napkin (for each child).

Connections with other activities and activities. Acquaintance with Dymkovo products and their painting. Modeling toys.

Lesson 59. Application "Cutting and gluing a beautiful flower as a gift to mother and grandmother

Program content. Learn to cut and paste a beautiful flower: cut out parts of the flower (cutting corners by rounding or slanting), and make a beautiful image out of them. Develop a sense of color, aesthetic perception, figurative ideas, imagination. Cultivate attention to family and friends.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Remind the children what beautiful flowers they saw, clarify the parts of the flower (middle, petals, stem), remind them of cutting techniques, call the children to show them to the board. Give the children who can quickly complete the work an additional sheet of paper, inviting them to stick on another beautiful flower (grandmother, nanny in kindergarten, etc.). Encourage the search for a diverse solution.

When looking at the work, rejoice with the children at the overall result. Note the variety of petal shapes and beautiful selection of colors.

Materials. Illustrations depicting beautiful flowers. White paper, a set of colored paper, scissors, glue, glue brush, napkin (for each child).

Connections with other activities and activities. Preparation for the March 8 holiday: learning poems, singing songs, looking at pictures of flowers. Didactic games to consolidate knowledge about shapes and colors.

Lesson 60. Modeling according to plan

Program content. Continue to develop independence, imagination, creativity. Strengthen sculpting techniques and the ability to use materials carefully.


Lesson 61. Drawing “Beautiful flowers have bloomed”

Program content. Teach children to draw beautiful flowers using a variety of shaping movements, working with the whole brush and its end. Develop aesthetic senses (children should carefully select paint colors), a sense of rhythm, and ideas about beauty.

Methodology for conducting the lesson. Show cards with pictures of flowers, pay attention to the fact that the flowers are different: their petals have different shapes and colors. Show and clarify (by asking the children) how different petals can be drawn.

At the end of the lesson, display all the works on the board, selecting well-matched colors. Create a panel to decorate the group for March 8th. Admire the beautiful composition.

Materials. Drawing paper in yellow and greenish tones, 1/2 landscape sheet size, gouache paints of different colors, brushes, a jar of water, a napkin (for each child).

Connections with other activities and activities. Looking at illustrations of beautiful flowers.

Lesson 62. Application “A beautiful bouquet as a gift to all women in kindergarten”


Program content. Cultivate a desire to please others, to create something beautiful for them. Expand children's figurative ideas, develop the ability to create images of the same objects in different, variable ways. Continue to develop team creativity skills. Induce a feeling of joy from the created image.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Ask the children about what holiday will be coming soon, listen to their answers and say: “The Eighth of March is not only a holiday for mothers. It is a holiday for all women. There are many women working in the kindergarten: the manager, teachers, assistant teachers, a doctor, a nurse, cooks and others. Would you like to congratulate them and give them all a big beautiful bouquet?”

On the children's tables there are multi-colored paper circles on which they will draw flowers: each circle is a flower. Remember with the guys how to draw a flower. Invite them to think and decide who wants to draw which flower (children can name the chosen flowers if they wish). List additional flowers that can be drawn. Tell the children that it is better to paint on light circles with dark or bright colors (show), and on bright and dark circles - with light colors. During the drawing process, approach each child, give hints, and help.

The child puts the circle with the painted flower aside to let the paint dry, and if desired, draws another flower on another circle. Depending on skills and abilities, a child can draw 2-4 flowers.

Together with the children, lay out all the finished flowers on a large sheet of paper and admire the resulting bouquet. You can decorate the bouquet in your free time from classes (glue flowers, draw stems and leaves in front of the children). Hang the finished bouquet so that all kindergarten employees can see it. Adults should thank children for their attention and congratulations.

Materials. A large sheet of paper (Whatman paper) of any light color; paper mugs (diameter 6 cm) of different colors, gouache paints 5-6 primary colors and shades (pink, blue), brushes, jars of water, napkins (for each child).

Connections with other activities and activities. Preparing for the holiday, learning poems and songs; viewing paintings, reproductions, postcards depicting flowers.

Option. Decorative applique on a square

Program content. Teach children to make a pattern on a square, rhythmically placing geometric shapes in the corners, in the middle, along the edges. Learn to transform shapes by cutting them (a square into 2 triangles, a rectangle into 2 squares). Reinforce cutting techniques. Foster independence. Stimulate creative solutions.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Examine a square sheet of paper with the children, clarify where its corners, sides, and middle are. Invite the children to tell how they can decorate the square (in the corners, in the middle, on the sides). Ask how to make 2 squares from a rectangle, and 2 triangles from a square (if the children don’t remember, show them).

In conclusion, consider all the works and choose the most beautiful ones.

Materials. White paper measuring 18x18 cm, strips of colored paper, beautifully combined in color, scissors, glue, glue brush, napkin (for each child).

Connections with other activities and activities. Examination of decorative and applied arts, pictures depicting beautiful bouquets.

Lesson 63. Modeling "Bowl"

Program content. Teach children to sculpt using already familiar techniques (rolling out a ball, flattening) and new ones - pressing and pulling the edges, leveling them with your fingers.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Invite children to make a bowl for a toy or real animal. Examine a small (or maybe a toy) bowl with them, highlight the features of its shape (round, with high sides (edges), you can pour water into it, put food in it). Ask the guys if they know how to make such a bowl. Invite one of the children to show at the board and explain new sculpting techniques: roll out the ball, flatten it into a disk, and then press in the middle and use your fingers to pull and trim the edges. Tell the children and show that there are different bowls. Direct children's attention to improving the image (smoothing, aligning edges). If one of the children quickly copes with creating a bowl, you can give additional lumps of clay. Remind children that they can apply a pattern to the edges of the bowl.

Program content:

Strengthen children's ability to depict in drawings the structure of a flower (stem, leaves, petals) using a variety of form-building movements, working with the whole brush and its end. Develop aesthetic senses (children should carefully select paint colors), accuracy, imagination, and creativity. Cultivate love for mother and independence.

Preliminary work:

Looking at illustrations, pictures that depict flowers, compositions with flowers, listening to music, reading poems about mom, about flowers.

Material and equipment:

From the teacher: illustrations showing flowers, watercolor paints, a brush, a jar of water, napkins, a sheet of paper (the size is 2 times larger than for children), an easel, flower arrangements.

In children: watercolor paints, brushes according to the number of children, sheets of paper, napkins, jars of water.

Progress of the lesson.

Children sit in a semicircle near an easel on which there are paintings with flower arrangements.

Teacher - Guys, I want to tell you a riddle.

The snow is melting,

The meadow came to life

The day is coming

When does this happen? (Spring)

Children's answers.

Teacher - Today is the first day of spring. There is still snow outside, but the sun is shining warmer and brighter. What holiday do we celebrate in the first month of spring, March?

Teacher - That's right, it's a holiday on March 8th. On this day we congratulate mothers, grandmothers, sisters... What can you give your mother to please her? Listen to the poem before answering.

"Give it to mom"

Like hitting a birdhouse.

Song of a bird's wing

The very first snowdrop

Will stand facing the sun

The petals will ring,

Praising the bounty of the dawn.

Give it to your mom

Don't forget, give it.

Children's answers (you can give flowers)

Teacher - The flowers are very beautiful and delicate. Let us look at them. I invite children to look at illustrations with flowers.

Questions: What flowers are shown here?

What color are the petals?

What color are the leaves and stems?

What shape are the petals? Leaves?

How are the stems positioned relative to the sheet of paper?

Where are the leaves located?

What do flowers have in common?

Teacher - Let's get up now and rest a little.


Chamomile, chamomile, (shaking head)

Fragrant flower.

Yellow center(springs)

white petal

With the cold and the wind (hands up, shake)

The rains have come again

And in the garden, like in summer (bend forward, arms to the sides)

Asters were blooming

We are red carnations, (marching)

Satin petals

Slender legs (hands on waist, place foot on heel)

Green boots

Teacher - Now go to your workplaces.

Teacher - All flowers bloom when there is no snow outside and it’s warm. And now, while there is snow, it’s cold. What should we do?

Children's answers (draw) If they find it difficult, I help.

Teacher - Let's repeat it again: What do flowers have? (stem - long, straight, green), (leaves - green, round, oval, carved), (petals - blue, red, yellow, etc., sharp, oval, round, carved). Where are the leaves located? Flower? How are they located on a piece of paper?

We draw flowers in different ways. Draw the aster with the tip of the brush. Cloves - apply to the brush. We draw chamomile petals in the form of an oval.

I remind you how to hold a brush, how a sheet of paper, stem, leaves, buds should be positioned.

Teacher - Now think about what flowers you will draw for your mothers.

During children’s independent activities, I help, remind, and suggest

As soon as the children have drawn, I create an exhibition of works. I note the features of each of the works.

teacher, - What beautiful flowers you drew. They are all bright and you can immediately see that they were made with love. And your mothers will really like them. This concludes our lesson.

Ekaterina Garapuchik
Summary of an art lesson in the middle group “Beautiful Flowers”

Drawing lesson notes

Subject: « Beautiful flowers»

Program content:

continue learning to draw flowers in different ways: by touching in different directions, drawing round and oval shapes; develop observation skills, ability to perceive the beauty of the surrounding world; cultivate a sense of compassion; create a desire to help game characters; consolidate the ability to draw with the whole pile and the end of the cyst; learn to draw together on one sheet of paper. Identify children's drawing skills and abilities at the end of the school year.

Material: bouquets flowers or illustrations of spring flowers; sheets of round paper with a diameter of 30 cm, light green colors; gouache three or four flowers; brushes No. 1, 2.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: “Spring has come. It became warm, they bloomed flowers. Look at the illustrations, how many flowers bloom in spring - a real blooming garden! What are they all like? beautiful! Which flowers you know? (Daisies, bells, coltsfoot, snowdrops, lilies of the valley, mimosa, lungwort, etc.) What poems about colors you know

Children read poetry.

Here is a buttercup, a yellow buttercup,

He is thin, like a twig,

It looks quite simple.

He hid his head in the grass

His name is guys

Night blindness.

A. Prokofiev

Watching from the groove

Yellow swimsuits.

At their very bottom

A piece of sunshine is burning.

E. Serova


Leaned over the path

In a light cloud of pollen Bells, on legs

Blue bells.

And from all, from all sides

A quiet chime is heard.

S. Kozlov

I want to speak the language flowers

I want to talk

In the simple language of daisies,


Our forest bells.

Do I really want too much?

And tulips,

What blossomed in the distant land,

So that they understand me

All children of the earth.

Do I really want too much?

Star Garden

I dream of spreading

On our planet

To draw him

All the children in the world!

Elegant dresses,

Yellow brooches,

There's not a speck

On beautiful clothes.

So funny

These daisies

They're about to start playing

Like children playing tag.

E. Serova

There is a knock on the window. A butterfly flies in.

Educator: “Look, guys, a butterfly has flown to us. She is so scared and frozen. Dear butterfly, what happened?

Butterfly: I was born and lived in a wonderful magical garden, where the gentle sun always shone, there were a lot of flowers beautiful flowers. But suddenly an evil sorceress flew in, blew an icy wind, and the elegant flowers, all the butterflies scattered around the world, hoping to find again blooming garden. And a gust of wind lifted me high up, then threw me down, and I found myself near your window, looked into it, and it seemed to me that I again found myself in my magical garden. Only flowers there were many more in my magical garden, and they grew in flower beds.

Educator: “Let's help the butterfly! You, too, can be wizards. Don't be upset, butterfly. Now our little wizards will take their magic brushes, and in our flowerbeds magical flowers will bloom».

Demonstration - reminding children of techniques for working with the end of a brush and drawing with the bristles of the brush flat. (Demonstration by teacher or child)

Pause « Flowers»

(Children squat)

1,2,3 – grew flowers! (rise slowly)

We reached for the sun - (stretch on toes)


They felt nice and warm!

The breeze flew by

The stalk was shaking. (tilts to the sides)

Swung to the left

Bent low.

Wind, run away!

You don't break the flowers! (they shake a finger)

Let them bloom, grow,

They bring joy to children. (spread your arms to the sides)

Children draw (you can turn on a quiet melody while drawing).

At the end of the work, the circles are rolled into a cone. Butterfly examines flowers on"flower beds", I am glad that there are so many of them and they are like this beautiful. Children share their impressions. Note successful work done carefully with the end of the brush and the use of the dabbing technique.

Children dance with a butterfly flowers.

Summary of the GCD lesson on drawing in the middle group

Topic" "Flowers for Mom"

Compiled by:

Teacher Reutskaya

Irina Vladimirovna

November 2017

Educational area : Artistic and aesthetic development

Program content: Introduce children to the upcoming holiday. Strengthen children's ability to depict the structure of a flower in a drawing using a variety of form-building movements, working with the whole brush and the tip. Develop the ability to draw flowers independently. Develop aesthetic senses (children should carefully take flowers of paint), accuracy, imagination, creativity. Cultivate love for mom.

Preliminary work: Examination of illustrations and pictures depicting various flowers, compositions with flowers; reading poems about mother, about flowers.

Material and equipment: Illustrations depicting various types of flowers, watercolor paints, a brush, cotton swabs, a jar of water, a sheet of paper, an easel, flower arrangements.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Guys, who knows what holiday is coming (children's answers)

Educator: Soon our mothers will celebrate Mother's Day. Please listen to a poem about mom:

Who came to me this morning? Mommy.

Who said: "It's time to get up"? Mommy.

Who managed to cook the porridge? Mommy.

Should I pour some tea into a bowl? Mommy.

Who braided my hair? Mommy.

Swept the whole house by yourself? Mommy.

Who picked flowers in the garden? Mommy.

Who kissed me? Mommy.

Who as a child loves laughter? Mommy.

Who is the best in the world? Mommy.

(U. Rajab)

Educator: Guys, what can you give your mother? (children's answers)

Educator: Right. You can give your mother flowers. Look what beautiful flowers I have ( show illustrations, flower compositions). What color are the flower petals? What color are the leaves and stems? What shape are the petals? Leaves? How are the stems arranged? Where are the leaves located? (children's answers).

Educator: Guys, let’s draw beautiful flowers for them to please our mothers. But in order to start drawing, we need to stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics.

They planted a grain in the ground, (put a grain in the palm of their hand)

The sun came out in the sky.

Shine, sunshine, shine! (squeeze the hand and unclench it in turn)

Grow, seed, grow! (put your palms together and raise your arms up)

Leaves appear on the stem (join palms, connect fingers one by one with the thumb and simultaneously on both hands)

The flowers bloom on the stem (we squeeze the brushes one by one and unclench them).

Educator: Well done guys! Now let's start drawing. Guys, look carefully at the flowers and tell me where we will start drawing the flower. (children's answers)

Educator: That's right, from the stem and leaves.

Educator: Guys, let's remember how we hold the brush correctly. We hold it between three fingers (thumb, middle and index finger). We do not squeeze the hand too much; it should remain relaxed, but hold the hand confidently. The fingers squeeze the brush just behind the metal tip.

Educator: We take brushes, dip them in water, dip them in paint and start painting.

Educator: What beautiful stems and leaves we get. Now we will draw the petals (flower head).

Choose what color you want to draw the flowers. We put a point with a brush and draw in a circle.

Educator: Well done, what beautiful flowers we turned out to have.

Educator: Guys, let's decorate our bouquets. Place your tassels and choose what color you will decorate your bouquet with. We take cotton swabs, dip them in paint and use a poke to make a dot.

Educator: What a great fellow you are, what beautiful bouquets of flowers you drew. Moms will be happy!

Summing up: Guys, what holiday did you learn about? What gift will you give to mothers? What does our flower consist of? How did you draw it? And how did you decorate it? Did you like your work? Now look what flowers your friends drew?

Summary of a drawing lesson with children of middle preschool age using ICT on the topic: “Spring sunny bouquet”

Gorshenkova Irina Vladimirovna, teacher, GBPOU “1st MOK”, Moscow.
A drawing lesson for children aged 4-5 years is intended for teachers in preschool educational institutions.
Target: develop children's creative imagination.
1. learn to convey the color of a spring bouquet; improve children's drawing skills;
2. develop the ability to independently select and draw flowers; form the composition of the drawing; consolidate knowledge of colors and the ability to carefully use gouache;
3. cultivate a love for fine arts and nature.
Equipment and material: presentation (photos of spring flowers and tulips in a vase); A4 paper, gouache, brushes, a jar of water, a cloth.
Preliminary work: reading and memorizing poems about spring flowers; paper toning.

Progress of the lesson

Spring has come. The sun began to warm up, and the first flowers bloomed in the thawed patches, what guys? (snowdrops) Right! What other spring flowers do you know? (daffodils, daisies, coltsfoot, snowdrops, lilies of the valley, mimosa, lungwort, tulips, etc.) Many flowers grow in spring! Any flower is beautiful and wonderful! Everyone has their own unique smell, but what do you think they have in common? That's right, every flower has a stem, bud, petals and leaves. Let's admire them! (viewing the presentation “Spring Flowers”, children look at the photos and guess the names of spring flowers)

Educator. Do you know poems about flowers?
Children read poetry.
Grows through the snow
Grows through the snow
To the sun's rays, flower,
Small and tender
Little white snowdrop.
(N. Masley)
As soon as the frosts go away,

Mimosas will bloom.
On shaggy chickens
The branches are similar.
(T. Mozhaika)
Lilies of the valley
Like carved peas
On a high leg
Forest lilies of the valley bloom
Right next to the path.
(N. Nekhaeva)
Golden petals
Fragile stem.
Bloomed by the river
Sunny flower.
Just a cloud came
The petals shrank.
On green stems -
Round lumps.
(E. Serova)
Elegant dresses,
Yellow brooches,
There's not a speck
On beautiful clothes.
So funny
These daisies
They're about to start playing
Like children playing tag.
(E. Serova)
The sun just warmed up brightly,
but it's not hot yet.
Multi-colored sundress
Dresses our tulip
(D. Demon)
Educator. Guys, you can put together a beautiful bouquet from tulips and other flowers and put it in a vase (viewing the presentation “Spring Flowers”).

(Children squat)
1, 2, 3 – flowers have grown! (rise slowly)
We reached for the sun - (stretch on toes)
They felt nice and warm!
The breeze flew by
The stalk was shaking. (tilts to the sides)
Swung to the left
Bent low.
Wind, run away!
Don't break the flowers! (they shake a finger)
Let them bloom, grow,
They bring joy to children. (spread your arms to the sides)
Educator. Guys, let's draw tulips in a vase.
First we will draw a vase, and then tulips.
(The teacher shows techniques for drawing a vase and tulips; draws a stem, bud, leaves, selecting the necessary colors). Children draw (while drawing, you can turn on a quiet melody).
At the end of the lesson, the teacher praises all the children and notes successful work. Organizes an exhibition of works.

Presentation on the topic: Spring flowers

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