Summary of GCD for modeling in the middle group “Spring Branch. Open lesson on sculpting “Flowers for Mom” Note on sculpting a flower in the senior group

Flowers not only look beautiful and have an exquisite aroma. They inspire creativity with their existence. They are depicted in paintings, embroidered and sculpted. Flowers are a great theme for crafts in children's modeling classes. This article will tell you how a child can create a flower from plasticine, dough or clay.

Creativity is an integral part of our life. Some paint voluminous, bright canvases, some knit or crochet, while others come up with beautiful moldings and interior accessories, like a vase with flowers made of cold porcelain. When engaging in a favorite hobby, fantasy and inspired ideas are given vent. Your mood improves. And the wonderful things made with your own hands, will be an excellent and original gift.

Modeling- one of the most famous and accessible types of creativity. You can sculpt from clay, plasticine, culinary mastic, dough or plaster. There are a lot of plastic materials for creating masterpieces. This creative activity has a significant plus - modeling has a great effect on the development of children. Making crafts with your own hands, kids improve fine motor skills, speech, memory and attention. The little ones learn concentration and independence. Children's modeling materials, such as plasticine, dough and clay, are created from safe materials. They have bright colors, plasticity suitable for children's hands, and do not have an unpleasant odor. You can buy them at a specialized arts and crafts store, or you can prepare them yourself at home.

In order to sculpt with your baby, you need to prepare a workplace. Cover the table and the floor around it with paper or oilcloth. Make sure that during the modeling process the furniture does not acquire additional decorative elements in the form of pieces of plasticine or clay.

Kids enjoy imagining their imaginations while sculpting and creating crafts. But sometimes a child may have difficulty creating a whole finished image, and the task of adults is to suggest a topic for crafts to young sculptors. The subject of sculpting can be your favorite cartoon character, a zoo animal, furniture or a pet.

One of the broad topics for sculpting are flowers. They can be made flat or voluminous. Use the first to create a picture or postcard, and put the second in a vase.

Flowers made of plasticine.

Currently, there are about a dozen types of plasticine. There is hard, medium-soft and soft plasticine (plasticine mass for modeling). The latter does not require additional kneading and is suitable for very young children. There are plasticine options with various additives. It can be pearlescent or glow in the dark, and not so long ago plasticine appeared that does not sink in water.

To work you will need:

  • Special board for work;
  • Knife for cutting plasticine;
  • Toothpicks for making holes;
  • Additional materials for decoration (Buttons, pieces of foil or fabric, sparkles. In general, everything that your imagination suggests).

The easiest way to work with this material, which is best suited for getting acquainted with plasticine, is smearing. You just need to give your child a piece of cardboard or any other solid base, if necessary, draw the outlines of the future flower and invite him to color it. Only instead of paints there will be plasticine.

Or you can roll the plasticine into a thin cake. Let the baby use a special rolling pin; even an ordinary glass bottle will do. It is worth discussing in detail with the baby the shape, size and color of the image. Then use a knife to cut out the petals and leaves of the flowers and attach them to the base, having first outlined the outline of the flower on it. If desired, use a toothpick to draw veins on the leaves and core. These methods are good for creating cards or paintings. It’s very easy to take a ready-made one as an example or come up with a flower together with your child.

With older children you can sculpt voluminous flowers. Use auxiliary material such as cocktail straws, toothpicks or matches.

Bouquet of sunflowers.

To create you will need:

  • Board for work (plastic or glass);
  • Plasticine (green, light yellow, red, orange, black, blue);
  • Scissors;
  • Knife for cutting plasticine.

To create these sunflowers you will need to mix several colors of plasticine.

The bouquet of sunflowers is ready


To work you will need:

  • Board for work;
  • Yellow, blue and green plasticine;
  • Knife for cutting.

To create a flower you need:

The cornflower is ready.

Dough flowers.

Play dough is great for activities with little ones. You can buy it or make it from natural ingredients at home with your own hands. In the latter case, even if the baby drags it into his mouth, nothing bad will happen. The ingredients for the test are simple and can be found in every home. All you need is water, salt and flour. You can optionally add dye to the dough or decorate the finished product. It is important to remember that the colors will lighten slightly after heat treatment of the dough. Varnishing or sculpting with a more intensely colored material would be a solution.

Dough rose.

This option is very simple, and you can offer it to your baby. To prepare you will need:

  • Work board;
  • Rolling pin;
  • Dough of suitable colors (in this case pink and green);
  • Cutting knife;
  • Cookie cutters. Round and heart-shaped.

The dough rose is ready. All that remains is to dry it in the air or in the oven.

Clay flowers.

Clay is a wonderful material for sculpting. It comes in several types. Natural clay is formed as a result of the destruction of rocks. It comes in white, red, green, blue and even black. And there is a material called polymer clay. It contains so-called plasticizers, which, when exposed to temperatures of 100-130°C, cause the clay to harden. Polymer clay is also called a self-hardening mass (like cold porcelain), which is very often used in making flowers. It can be multi-colored, transparent, with sparkles and even glowing in the dark.

Yellow rose made of polymer clay.

You can take the same tools and equipment as when modeling from plasticine or dough.

  • Board for work;
  • Cutting tools;
  • Rolling pin;
  • Yellow polymer clay.

The master class offered below in step-by-step photos is so simple that no description in words is required. You just need to look at the image carefully. At the same time, it is better to sculpt such a rose for children under the close attention of adults.

There are a huge number of flowers in the world and there is one for every person. Let the kids sculpt with pleasure, depict real flowers and come up with fantasy ones.

Anastasia Egorenkova
Open lesson in the senior group on modeling “Flower in a Pot”

Subject: "Indoor plants"

Class prepared teacher: Egorenkova Anastasia Viktorovna


Learn to sculpt elements flower, model with your fingers, roll out a ball, flatten into a disk, press and flatten, cut in a stack;

Develop thinking, creative imagination, sense of form, fine motor skills, and cultivate aesthetic taste.

Materials and tools. Cardboard, various plasticine colors, stacks, planks for sculpting(per child); demonstration material.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: Guys, today we have something unusual class. Having guessed the riddle, you will find out what we will sculpt.


The air is purified

Create comfort

The windows are turning green

And in winter bloom.

Children: Houseplants

Educator: Guys, why do people need indoor plants?

Children: Because they grow and bloom these plants are indoors.

Educator: Guys, come over to me, stand in a semicircle and look at our room flowers.

Educator: And we have rooming rooms flowers and plants? What kind of room flowers and plants do you know?

Children's answers.

Educator: Guys, who knows how to care for indoor flowers?

Children: they need to be watered, loosened, sprayed, wiped off dust from the leaves, and picked off the leaves.

Educator: Are the indoor ones alive? flowers?

Yes, because they breathe everything authorities: leaves, stems, roots, drink, grow. Therefore for flowers need to be looked after.

Educator: Plants feel kindness and affection. Plants are drawn to a kind person; they are not afraid of him.

Educator: Guys, look how beautiful our violet has bloomed. Popularly called pansies.

Educator: Guys, let’s learn how to sculpt a violet from plasticine.

(Let's take our seats).

Finger gymnastics (about flowers) :

Our gentle flowers(The fingertips of the two palms are connected.)

The petals are blooming. (Smooth opening of fingers.)

The breeze breathes a little,

The petals are swaying. (Swinging with open palms.)

Our scarlet flowers

Petals close. (Smooth connection of fingers.)

Quietly falling asleep

They shake their heads. (Folded palms lean against one ear, head bowed.)

Educator: Guys, there are different violets flowers, white, pink, purple.

Guys, look at flower and say, what parts does it consist of?

Children: middle, petals, stem, leaves.

Educator: Well done, now let's get started sculpting. Here is different plasticine colors, plank and stack. What will we start sculpting ours from? flower?

Children: from the middle.

Educator: Take a piece of yellow plasticine colors, roll it into a ball, flatten it, you get the middle. The middle is ready. What do we do next?

Children: petals.

Educator: First we need to roll the sausage, divide it into five pieces. We roll each piece into a ball. Then we flatten the balls with our fingertips, (5 petals). We attach the resulting petals to the middle and adjust them evenly.

Educator: Guys, can we say that our violet is ready?

Children: No.

Educator: What's missing?

Children: stalk.

Educator: Take green plasticine and divide it into three equal parts.

We twist one piece into a thin sausage - that’s the stem.

How do we apply it to flower? Top down or bottom up?

Children: top down.

Educator: Attach the stem. Let's see if ours has everything flower?

Children: no leaves.

Educator: Take two pieces of green plasticine (which are left, flatten them. And apply them to the stem. Apply veins on the leaves in a stack.

Educator: Guys, look what a wonderful violet we have. Guys, what is it growing in? flower, and all the indoor plants?

Children: V pots.

Educator: Take brown plasticine, twist the ball, make a hole in it with your finger, and stretch out the edges. Inside we put our flower in a pot. Educator: IN pot you can fill up the earth. Take black plasticine, pinch off into small pieces and pour into pot. Flower ready in a pot.

Bottom line classes.

Educator: Well done, guys! You are very good today tried. Guys, did you like your craft?

Children's answers.

Educator: Guys, let's put our works on the stand.


1. Educational: learn to create images of the same objects in different, variable ways, reinforce the rules of working with plasticine: roll out the plasticine, use a stack when decorating the veins of leaves, knead, shape the edges of the petals, giving them a characteristic shape.

2. Developmental: develop skills of collective creativity. Expand children's imaginative ideas.

3. Educational: to cultivate the desire to please others, to create something beautiful for them. Induce a feeling of joy from the created image.

Material for the lesson.

For the teacher: ready-made samples for display.

For children: plasticine of different colors, stacks, oilcloths, wet wipes, yogurt cups.

Preliminary work:

Observing indoor plants in a corner of nature.

Consideration of the album “Flowers of Unprecedented Beauty”.

Reading poems: V. Fedorov “White Rose”, A. Fet “First Lily of the Valley”, I. Bunin “Wild Flowers”.

Conducting GCD on a flower theme.

Progress of the lesson.

Part 1. Organizational.

A surprise moment was receiving an email from Nastenka from the fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower”.

“Hello, children! Nastenka is writing to you from the fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower”. I heard that you have a lot of indoor plants growing in your group. I also want to grow beautiful flowers in my distant kingdom across the ocean. I really like violets, they are so colorful and bloom all year round. Could you give me one violet?”

part 2. Gaming. Word game “Name the flower.”

The teacher shows pictures of indoor plants, and the children name them.

Part 3. Solving a problem situation: how to help Nastenka?

Educator: How can we help Nastenka?

Children's answers.

Educator: I propose to make a violet from multi-colored plasticine for our guest from a fairyland. Now we'll take a little rest.

Part 4 Physical education minute

I ask you to rise - this time.

The head turned - that's two.

Hands up, look forward - that's three.

Let's spread our arms four wide.

Squeeze and unclench your fingers with force – that’s five.

All the guys sit down quietly - that's six!

Part 5Examination of the finished sample. Teacher's explanation.

Educator. WITH Now let's look at the violet that I got. Who can describe a violet: what parts is it made of, how many petals does it have, what shape are the leaves, what color of plasticine should you take for the violet flower itself?

Children's answers.

Educator: In order for the violet to grow in our pot, we need cups

from under yogurt. We will fill it with crumpled paper or newspaper, and cover it with black or brown plasticine on top. (show). And we will have a pot with real soil in which our violet will grow. What do you think needs to be done next?

Children's answers.

Educator: That's right, first you need to sculpt the leaves, and then the flowers.

Call some kids for a show

Part 6 Independent work of children.

Educator: Let's get our fingers ready for work.

Finger gymnastics:

A tall sprout has grown in a pot (The hands are folded like a “bud.”)

On a gentle morning I opened the petals. (The fingers are spread out into different

sides like petals)

To all petals beauty and nutrition (Then the hands turn with brushes

Together they give roots underground. Down.)

In the process of children's activities, the teacher encourages independence, accuracy, and creativity. The teacher provides assistance to those children who find it difficult to work.

Part 7Exhibition of finished works.

After independent work, children examine the finished work.

Educator: What beautiful violets you got. I suggest that they stay in the group for a while, and then we will send them to Nastenka as a gift.

Abstract of the GCD on decorative modeling in the senior group Topic: “Flowers for Ellie”

Prepared by the teacher

senior group

Konatyeva Elena Vitorovna

GCD purpose:

Teach children to make a composition of flowers on a plate.

Program content:

Continue to introduce children to decorative modeling. Learn to create a composition in the center of a plate from a vase and flowers. Continue learning how to sculpt flowers from individual parts. Strengthen the ability to use a stack, improve sculpting techniques: rolling, flattening, rolling out, pressing.

Develop fine motor skills and creativity in composition.

Cultivate accuracy when working with plasticine.

Cause a positive emotional response to the overall result.

Vocabulary work: plasticine soft, pliable, petals, core, multi-colored, composition.

Preliminary work: reading an excerpt from the fairy tale The Wizard of the Emerald City, looking at illustrations for the fairy tale, supporting modeling diagrams with images of flowers and leaves.

Materials:plate, plasticine on plates, stacks, planks, magnetic board, disk with background music for the practical part.

GCD move.

Guys, look how many guests we have in our group today.

Let's say hello to them.

A minute to enter the day.

I'm very glad to see

Dear friends to all of you!

Come out, stand in a circle (children stand in a circle)

On the left is a friend, and on the right is a friend (the children smile at the neighbor on the right and left).

Touch your friend affectionately (they choose a mate and hold hands)

Spin around with him (spin around)

Touch each other's cheeks (they touch each other's cheeks).

Wink and hug! (hug each other)

Sit on the bench.

Guys, I came to kindergarten today, and there was a letter in our mailbox. Look at the envelope. From whom do you think? (children's assumptions)

Let's open it and find out.

Guys, this is a letter from the Tin Woodman and the Scarecrow, from the fairy tale The Wizard of Oz. Listen to what they wrote.

Hello guys of the Zvezdochka group, your friends, the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman, are writing to you. Today, May 18, is our friend Ellie’s birthday and we would like to give her flowers. But there are none in the Emerald City.

Help us please.

Guys, how can we help the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman? (children's answers). Why can't we send fresh flowers?

That's right, they will wither. I suggest you make flowers from plasticine.

And you will find out how we will sculpt flowers when you go to the tables.


You and I have plates on our tables; on this plate we will make a bouquet of flowers for Ellie.

Let's look at my bouquet. What does it consist of? (from a vase, flowers and leaves).

What parts does a flower consist of? (petals and core).

How many petals are there in each flower? (5)

How many flowers? (3)

What color are they? (yellow, pink, orange)

How can you name flowers of different colors, in one word? (multi-colored)

Where is the vase located on the plate? (center, bottom)

How flowers and leaves are arranged on the plate. (in a vase, in the center of the plate)

Look how I will sculpt a flower.

I roll out a thin, small roller and roll it into a spiral - this will be the core of the flower. Like this. Then I take 5 pieces of pink plasticine and roll them out into balls and flatten them slightly. Like this. These will be the petals of the flower. I attach the petals around the core of the flower. I got a pink flower. This is exactly how I make an orange and yellow flower. All I have to do is make the leaves. I take green plasticine, then roll out a roller between my palms and use a stack to divide it into 8 parts: first I divide the roller in half using a stack, put one piece aside, and divide this one in half again. In the same way, I will divide the set aside piece of plasticine. I will divide each piece received in half. It turned out to be eight pieces. From each piece you need to make a leaf. To do this, I roll out a piece of plasticine between my fingers to form a small roller. I flatten it between my fingers and it turns out to be an oval (oblong) leaf. I use a stack to scratch the veins of the leaf. Like this. After I have made both flowers and leaves, I can make a composition, a bouquet.

Where should I place the bouquet? (in a vase in the center of the plate).

First I arrange the flowers above the vase, and between the flowers and above the flowers I arrange the leaves. This is the bouquet of flowers I got.

Before we get started, we need to prepare our fingers. Repeat after me.

Finger gymnastics “Flowers”

Our delicate flowers open their petals

The breeze breathes slightly, the petals sway.

Our delicate flowers close their petals,

They shake their heads and quietly fall asleep.

Let's remember where you start? (flower)

Where do you start sculpting a flower? (from the core)

How will you sculpt the core? (roll out the roller and twist it into a spiral)

How will you make flower petals? (roll out the ball and flatten it)

How will you make the leaves? (divide the roller into 8 parts, roll out the parts into a small roller and flatten)

When the flowers and leaves are ready, what should you do? (make a bouquet, composition)

What will you put in the bouquet first? (flowers)

Where will you place the leaves? (between the flowers and above the flowers).

Get to work.

Independent activities of children:

Practical work for children. Individual assistance. Calm music sounds. Children make their own flowers and leaves.

At the end of the work, the children place the compositions on the prepared table.

The final part. Reflection:

Look, guys, how beautiful your bouquets turned out, it’s immediately obvious that you tried very hard.

Guys, what was difficult for you to create? What happened immediately and easily? (Ask 2-3 children) Which bouquet did you like best? Why? Let's invite our guests to admire our creativity. We helped the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman, and I think Ellie will really like our bouquets. Well done everyone! Thanks everyone!

It's time to say goodbye to our guests and see you again.

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Republic of Crimea

Modeling lesson in the middle group

Theme: “Fairytale flower”

Developed and carried out:

teacher I categories

Berezyuk Irina Vladimirovna

Date: 12/08/16


Theme: “Fairytale flower”

(Applying plasticine)

Integration of educational areas:

    Cognitive development

    Speech development

    Artistic and aesthetic development

    Physical development

Form: direct educational activities.

Form of organization : group.

Target: Strengthen children's knowledge about indoor plants.


Educational. Strengthen the ability to apply plasticine to cardboard in a thin layer.

Add the names of some indoor plants to your active dictionary.

Developmental. Develop fine motor skills, memory, logical thinking, imagination, and speech in children.

Educational. To cultivate the ability to admire flowers, perceive their sophistication, fragility and beauty. Cultivate accuracy when doing work.

Methods and techniques:

    Verbal (conversation on issues)

    Visual (examination of visual material)

    Stimulating (praise)

    Game (didactic game)

    Practical (productive)

Preliminary work:

1. Reading fairy tales: “The Seven-Flower Flower” by V. Kataev, “Thumbelina”, “Petal and Flower” by V. Sukhomlinsky.

2. Didactic games: “Collect a picture”, “What’s missing”, “Which flower is the leaf from?”

3. Conversation “Our green corner.”

4. Logic game “Guess by description.”

5. Didactic game “Find the extra word”

Demonstration material. A painted flower, illustrations for the fairy tale “The Little Flower of Seven Flowers”, “Thumbelina”, pictures of indoor plants (cactus, asparagus, geranium, aloe), a sample of the work “Fairytale Flower”, a Smurf toy.

Handout material. Image of a flower on cardboard (for each child), plasticine, modeling boards. Buttons (various sizes and colors), beads, cereals (buckwheat, rice).

Progress of the lesson

1. Surprise moment.

IN : Guys, we have a guest today, and you’ll find out who when you guess the riddle.

Mystery Mom's daughter was born

From a beautiful flower.

Nice, little one!

The baby was an inch tall.

If you have read the fairy tale,

Do you know what my daughter's name was?

D: Thumbelina

IN: That's right, this is Thumbelina. She loves flowers very much, especially indoor plants, because they make us happy regardless of the time of year. If we removed all the indoor plants in our group now, it would become ugly and uncomfortable. In addition, indoor plants are very useful because they make the air cleaner. And you guys love indoor plants.

D: Yes

Motivational game.

IN: Thumbelina has prepared for you an interesting game “Name the Flower”. Are you ready to play?

D : Yes

The bush has grown lush,

Not superfluous on the window,

The leaves are invisible

And the fruits are forbidden. (Asparagus)

Purify the air

Create comfort

The windows are green,

Bloom all year round. (Geranium)

Green, thorny,

Looks like a hedgehog

And the flowers are satin

White, yellow, red. (Cactus)

Green, prickly,

He is a hundred years old,

As soon as a runny nose takes you by surprise,

Run to him as fast as you can!(Aloe)

Q: Well done, you know flowers well.

3.Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

IN: Guys, Thumbelina came to you for a reason. She really needs your help. The fact is that our guest has girlfriends who dream of a beautiful, fairy-tale flower. I offer to help them and make a very beautiful, fabulous flower. Do you mind?

D: No.

Q: Okay, but first let's rest.

Finger game


Come on, ficus, brag - Claps

What a huge leaf! Spread your fingers

Looks like it's made of leather Rub your palms

Ficus, we will help you: Squeeze and unclench your hands

Every plump leaf of yours Press your palms together

Let's wash it thoroughly. Stroking the brushes (“washing”)

You become greener Claps

As tall as a teacher! Stretch, raise your arms up

Examining a sample (teacher).

Methodology for performing the work.

First, “paint” each petal by applying a thin layer of plasticine. When the flower is painted with colored plasticine, decorate it with multi-colored buttons or beads, cereals (buckwheat, rice) at the request of the children.

4. Reflection.

How beautiful, unusual and all completely different the flowers turned out to be. Guys, do you think Thumbelina’s friends will like these fabulous flowers?

D: Yes.

IN: Thumbelina really liked them too.

Children look at their work and share their impressions.

The teacher puts the work in a box so that Thumbelina can give it to her friends.

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