A set of exercises on machines for weight loss. Training program for losing weight in the gym for girls. Gym training plans

Svetlana Markova

Beauty - how gem: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


To reduce the percentage of body fat, it is important not only to change your approach to nutrition, but also to choose the right exercises for weight loss in the gym. A carefully thought out program will help you achieve results in a shorter time. The complex should be varied and include exercises on machines and with additional weights. Under such a load, the fat burning process will go faster. How often to visit the gym to lose weight and exercise correctly, you will learn from the tips below.

What are exercises for weight loss

The body perceives certain exercises differently, so training should consist of a set of loads on each muscle group. This strategy helps to work out the whole body as much as possible. Weight loss exercises are a system of physical activity aimed at burning fat and getting a beautiful figure. Conventionally, they have several types:

  1. Aerobic. Characterized by an intense pace and a large number of repetitions. It is important to breathe correctly and deeply here. Exercise saturates tissues with oxygen as much as possible, which helps get rid of extra pounds.
  2. Anaerobic. Additional weight is required to perform this type of exercise. Focused on growth muscle mass and strength, support metabolism. They are effective only when combined with aerobic ones.
  3. Dynamic. Characterized by a fast pace and a large number of movements. This includes gymnastics, dancing, aerobics, and shaping.
  4. Static. They gently involve the heart, do not increase blood pressure and do not put pressure on the joints, therefore they are especially recommended for beginners.
  5. Cardio. This type of exercise helps train the cardiovascular system. This could be running, fast walking, jumping rope, cycling, rollerblading, skiing. Thanks to this load, all muscles are used, many calories are burned, so weight loss is faster, especially if you exclude simple carbohydrates.

Is it possible to lose weight in the gym?

An ideal set of exercises for losing weight in the gym would include one from each group listed above. A woman is recommended to choose aerobic exercise. For men, it is better to focus on anaerobic exercise. Representatives of any gender can lose weight in the gym; you just need to set the goal correctly and choose an individual training program. It is not necessary to exercise every day. The muscles need to be at rest for at least 1-2 days. During this time, you can visit the steam room or massage sessions.

How to lose weight in the gym

Most nutritionists speak negatively about any diets, because they contribute to metabolic disorders and also spoil the condition of the skin, hair and general well-being. It will be more effective to switch to proper nutrition along with visiting the gym. If this topic is new to you, then you will have many questions - how to lose weight in the gym, where to start, what exercises to do, etc. It is important to understand what you will need to do:

  1. Strength exercises. To do this, you can use dumbbells, a regular and incline bench, a vertical block, an abdominal corner, a regular barbell and a curved barbell. Strength exercises also include weight loss exercises in the gym without weights, i.e. with its own weight. For example, lifting the pelvis off the floor while lying down, pull-ups, lunges, push-ups, planks.
  2. Cardio. This load can be done on a treadmill. This is one of the most expensive simulators. Some people prefer to pedal an exercise bike, exercise on a ski slope or with a jump rope.

Gym training plans

The entire weight loss workout in the gym consists of three main stages. Cardio can be done from the very beginning, used as a warm-up, or at the end. Then it will be a hitch, i.e. smooth completion of the session, which is very important for muscle recovery. The main ones will be strength exercises in the gym for weight loss. It is worth dividing them by day of the week and muscle groups, for example, plan a back workout on Monday, a shoulder girdle workout on Wednesday, and a leg workout on Friday. Gym training regimens with this division are very effective.

Weekly gym schedule

You need to visit the gym at least 3-4 times weekly. The rest between workouts is 1-2 days. With less frequent visits, the muscles will return to their pre-training state. This is the principle of supercompensation. Its essence is that the next workout should be during the phase of the most active muscle growth, which occurs 2-3 days after the last session. For this reason, the optimal weekly gym schedule is to visit it on Monday, Wednesday and Friday or Thursday and Saturday.

Workout program for weight loss

For classes, it is important to choose comfortable clothes and shoes. It is better to take sneakers with springy soles and made from natural materials. This will save your back and knees from damage. You will also need sports leggings with a T-shirt. They must allow air to pass through. It is worth getting a lumbar belt and gloves for workout, but this is for more professional activities. The training program for weight loss includes exercises for muscles from each group:

  1. Monday. Perform 4 circles of 10 repetitions on the block for the back, then work on the corner for the press (5 15-20 times), followed by the bench press (4 sets with light weight). Finish everything by running at low speed for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Wednesday. The first will be a standing barbell curl (4 sets of 10 reps), then an isolated exercise with a bent barbell and a Scott bench (4 x 10), followed by a triceps pull-down (also 4 x 10). The training ends with walking on the ski complex for about a quarter of an hour.
  3. Friday. First, you need to perform a squat with a barbell (4 sets of 8-10 repetitions), then do lunges with dumbbells (already 4 of 8), then with them, but this time raising on your toes. You need to finish everything with a jump rope.

Training program for girls in the gym

When visiting the gym for the first time, most girls don’t know where to start with their workouts. It is important to adhere to two principles. The first is losing weight, the second is working out the relief. The training program for girls in the gym itself is also designed for visiting it 3 times weekly. As for the principles:

  1. To get rid of fat, you need to perform aerobic exercises on weight loss machines, and increase the number of repetitions, not the weight. So the volumes will decrease.
  2. Then you can begin to work out the relief using power loads. To build muscle, perform a small number of repetitions, but with heavy weights. Such training should be started about a month after the predominance of aerobic training.

Gym workouts for beginners

The beginning of any gym workout for beginner girls will be a 15-minute warm-up. Then you can begin to load the working muscles. It all ends with a cool down - cardio for about 30-40 minutes and stretching. The main set of exercises is shown in the table:


Number of approaches

Number of repetitions



Leg extension

Upper block chest row

Standing barbell curl

Reduction of legs

Lower block chest pull

Lying leg curl

Side crunches

Incline Bench Press



One leg squat

Leg raises on the machine

Incline crunches

Bench push-ups

Arm extension on the upper block

Lunges with dumbbells

Sumo squat with dumbbell

Classic push-ups

Seated calf extension

Basic exercises in the gym

Using such exercises in the weight loss room, you can work out all muscle groups. But over time, the body gets used to monotonous loads. For this reason, it is worth changing exercises. This way progress will go faster. Basic gym exercises for girls include:

  • hyperextension for the rectus dorsi muscles (RD);
  • squats with a barbell (PR);
  • lying pelvic lifting (OPT);
  • bench press (Zl);
  • bent over dumbbell row (TgVn);
  • seated dumbbell press (ZgS);
  • deadlift (ST);
  • vertical block thrust (TVBL);
  • raising on toes (PnN);
  • triceps training on a vertical block (TrBl);
  • treadmill (treadmill);
  • Bench leg press (LJP).

Gym workouts for men

Training in the gym for men is more intense. Warm-up recommendations remain the same. The principles of dividing training by days and muscle groups do not change either. Since it is important for men to maintain muscle mass, they should not increase the number of repetitions. This leads to burning and burning of the muscles. To eliminate fat deposits, 8-12 repetitions are enough.

A set of workouts in the gym

The main thing is not to jump into plans for professional athletes right away. There are also simpler methods, using which it is easy not only to lose weight, but also to build muscle. The presented set of workouts in the gym for men helps to get stronger, improve movements and master the technique of basic exercises:


Number of approaches

Number of repetitions


Leg press

Bent-over barbell row

Bench press on a straight bench


Incline board press without weights

Bend forward with the barbell (“Romanian” deadlift)

Hyperextensions without weight

Pull-ups on the bar or gravitron

Seated shoulder press

Press in a hanging position or on a wall bars

Front Squat with 1 Dumbbell

Leg curls in the simulator

Leg extensions in the simulator

Incline Bench Press

Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Vertical chest row

Standing barbell curls

Exercises on machines in the gym

At first, a dumbbell row and several basic exercise machines will be enough for training. This can be a vertical block and a bench with a changing angle. Then gradually master platform leg presses, crossovers, or triceps exercises on the upper blocks and curls on the lower ones. These are the most basic options. There are other great gym exercises for men:

  • traction of the lower block to the belt;
  • reverse arm raises in the simulator or their reduction;
  • T-bar thrust;
  • vertical traction behind the head;
  • pullover in a standing block exercise machine;
  • seated French press;
  • pacing on a hill;
  • Hack squats.
  • Smith machine squats;
  • seated chest press.

What exercise equipment should you use to lose weight?

Each type of exercise machine works specific parts of the body. This allows you to correct the problem area in your opinion. It is important to know which exercise machines to exercise in order to lose weight. You shouldn't use the same ones all the time. There are several types of exercise machines that work one muscle group. In general, they help to train the legs and buttocks, the shoulder girdle, including the arms and pectoral muscles, the back or abs.

Exercise machines for slimming legs and thighs

To make your leg muscles work, you can use several exercise machines - for abducting or bending your legs, a hack machine, a Smith machine, a power rack. Cardio exercise will also be useful. Exercise machines for losing weight on your legs and thighs, such as an exercise bike, a treadmill or a ski complex, are suitable here. A jump rope is no less effective. The best option for burning fat, especially in each thigh area, is an elliptical trainer that imitates human walking.

If you want to lose weight, build muscle and get in shape at the same time, that is, kill three birds with one stone, go to the “rocking chair”, and don’t listen to those who say that you won’t be able to lose weight there. It turns out that the main thing is to follow a few rules:

  • Monitor your heart rate; the higher its average frequency, the more fat is burned. But avoid shortness of breath.
  • Start training with a warm-up (treadmill, bike, jump rope).
  • Follow a diet. Eat more protein, less fat, reduce your daily food intake by at least 400 kcal.
  • Do exercises regularly, for which you should create your own for weight loss.

Let us make a reservation that all the complexes presented below are not suitable for those who have not previously been involved in sports. To prepare the body for stress, it is better to first devote a month or two to aerobic activities, for example, jogging, swimming, shaping, dancing, and pay attention to the development of muscle flexibility - yoga, Pilates. Then move on to “lifting weights”, just don’t get down to business too eagerly right away. To begin with, do each exercise separately, monitor your well-being; if this is your first time in the gym and you don’t know how to work on the machines correctly, it’s better to ask the instructor, otherwise there will be no effect. Yes, and you can harm yourself. Limit the number of executions and approaches, increase the pace gradually.

Let's start with a complex that is suitable for both, and, however, it cannot be called easy, but the result promises to be impressive. It consists of supersets - two exercises without a break in one approach.

A universal program for losing weight in the gym

First day

  • Hanging leg raises on a bar or incline bench and hyperextension
  • Dumbbell lunges and standing French press

Rest between sets for no more than a minute!

  • Bringing your legs together on the machine and immediately pulling a horizontal block to your belt
  • Seated (standing) dumbbell press and leg press on the machine at an angle
  • Leg raises while sitting on the machine, then overhead pull-downs with a wide grip

Second day

  • Seated bench press from behind the head or chest and row from the upper block (narrow handle) with a parallel grip
  • Lying down - leg curls on the machine and pullover with dumbbells
  • Crunches on an inclined bench or on the floor and deadlifts with weights
  • Raising arms with weights while lying horizontally and leg extensions on the simulator
  • Dumbbell press up lying at an angle and squats with a barbell on the chest or shoulders

We do each exercise from two 15 times and in 3 approaches. Classes twice a week.

Katerina, 23 years old: “I started training a little over two months ago. At first it was difficult and the training took 1.5 hours, all the muscles hurt. Now I’m already doing everything much faster and seeing real results! I lost 5 kg!”

Ivan, 26 years old: “I’ve been working out for 6 weeks now, 2 times a week and 1 aerobic exercise. I lost some fat from my stomach and arms, my muscles became stronger. I'm going to go on a diet."

Complexes of classes for the stronger sex

The following weight loss program in the gym is more suitable for the male population and is designed for a month. Before performing it, you need to select the correct weight of the shells. If you are an inexperienced athlete, you should calmly lift them 10-13 times and do this for the first two weeks. Then increase the weight and halve the number of repetitions. The last week we haven’t changed anything, but we perform each exercise in two approaches. For more advanced players, the quantity is indicated in parentheses.

Day one

  • Bench press (3x8)
  • In a horizontal position, arm raises with weights (3x12)
  • "Butterfly" (2x8)
  • Upper pulley to the chest or behind the head (3x10)
  • Hyperextension (3x15)
  • On the bar, pull-ups behind the head with a wide grip (2x8)
  • Bent-over horizontal row (3x10)

Day two

  • Seated overhead press (3x8)
  • Seated dumbbell curls for biceps (3x10)
  • Shrugs with dumbbells (3x10)
  • Standing raises with weights (3x10)
  • Body raises (3x20)
  • Leg raises (3x20)
  • Dips for triceps (2x10)
  • French bench press (3x12)

Day three

  • Bench leg press on a machine (3x8)
  • Lunges with dumbbells (3x8)
  • Leg curls in the simulator (3x10)
  • Scott curls for biceps (3x12)
  • Hanging leg raises on the bar (3x12)

Vitaly, 27 years old: “I’ve been doing this program for six months. Everything is great, I lost 15 kg. Achieved what I wanted. I will adjust and continue working!”

Another program for men

Quite complex, but aimed specifically at burning fat.

First day

  • Crunches on a machine or incline bench and hyperextension (4x20)
  • Barbell squats and lat pulldowns (4x15)
  • In a standing or sitting position, bench press from the chest and leg curls in a lying machine (4x20)
  • Push-ups from the bench from behind and stretching with a barbell with a close grip while standing (4x20)

Second day

  • Leg raises and deadlifts with dumbbells (4x20)
  • Lunges with dumbbells and horizontal block rows (4x15)
  • In a standing position, bench press behind the head and leg extension in the simulator (4x20)
  • Wide-grip push-ups from the floor and standing arm curls with a weighted barbell (4x15)

Third day

  • Floor crunches and hyperextension (4x15)
  • In the simulator, leg press and “classic” bench press (4x15)
  • Rows from the upper block with a narrow grip and bends - barbell on the shoulders (4x15)
  • Stepping onto a bench with weights and lying dumbbell flyes (4x15)

A beautiful body, figure, without excess fat deposits on the sides and buttocks, healthy skin, tone - goals that both women and men strive for. For the weaker sex, weight loss training in the gym is more important. A woman gives her appearance places greater emphasis on maintaining physical fitness special attention. A gym training program for weight loss is effective if you approach this task wisely.

Exercises for weight loss in the gym will show results if the training is systematic. Without forgetting to follow a number of rules, monitoring your health, following a diet and refusing bad habits, you will improve your figure and health.

Women's weight loss in the gym

Working out for weight loss in the gym increases the body's caloric expenditure. Whether it's weight lifting, pull-ups, or running on a treadmill, any physical activity will help you lose weight in the gym.

Unlike men, a weight loss program in the gym for girls is not created for muscle growth, but for burning fat in the body, not for weight gain. The stomach and sides will get in shape if the workout for weight loss in the gym is suitable in intensity, but you cannot overdo it with the loads. A typical mistake that beginners make is excessive loads. Increase the duration of your weight loss workout in the gym gradually, without forcing the process, but also without giving in to laziness.

Photo 1. Names of muscles that work when lifting a barbell in a lunge

Strength training in the gym for weight loss requires increased energy consumption, but depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Follow the rules of gradually increasing the intensity of exercise. The purpose of exercise is to fight excess weight, not to exhaust the body. Fat mass is burned, there is a lack of energy resources, which with excessive loads will lead to overexertion and exhaustion. When setting the goal of losing weight, we must not forget about the principles of rationality, moderation and a gradual increase in physical activity.

Photo 2. Proper technique for performing pull-ups on the bar for women

Exercise equipment

Losing weight in the gym for women includes several blocks of exercises on special simulators:

  1. Warm-up includes running on a treadmill, bending, jumping and squats. 15 minutes are allotted for warm-up.
  2. Aerobic (cardio) training promotes intensive burning of fat deposits. Cardio exercises take at least 40 minutes.
  3. Power loads on different groups muscles - 50 minutes.

Photo 3. Before doing exercises in the gym, the body needs stretching

Circuit training for weight loss in the gym will require:

  • treadmill;
  • exercise bike;
  • simulator for raising and spreading the legs at the hips, “Butterfly”;
  • dumbbells;
  • rods or apparatus for T-traction;
  • pull-up bar, wall bars.

Movement speed


fast walking

Improving general health, rehabilitation

Jogging 6 km/h

Increased endurance, weight loss

Jogging 9 km/h

Improving aerobic exercise

Fast run

Increased power in short runs

Running on maximum speed

Maximum speed development

Table for identifying the optimal running speed according to your goals

A training plan in the gym for weight loss is developed taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and the degree of training of the athlete. Excessive loads, instead of benefiting and burning excess fat accumulation, will harm your health.

Photo 4. The “Butterfly” simulator (raising arms to the sides with effort) forms beautiful shoulders

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Sample program for women

When creating an individual workout plan for women at the gym for weight loss, pay attention to the menstrual cycle. Periods of increased physical activity and decline depend on it. 12-14 days after the end of menstruation, an increase in performance is noted and at this time the intensity of training can be increased, and immediately during ovulation and before its end, a light training regime can be prescribed. Effective weight loss workouts in the gym are developed based on periodization with maximum intensity two weeks after menstruation and a gradual decrease over the subsequent period. During ovulation, take a break or reduce exercise to a minimum.

A strength training set for weight loss in the gym will not lead to success if it is not combined with cardio exercises and without following the principles of proper nutrition. The combination of all elements of the program will help achieve results.

Photo 5. Ideal breakfast for weight loss: muesli with milk, hard-boiled egg, half an orange, a glass of freshly squeezed juice, coffee without sugar

Considering the features female body, strength training sessions are carried out with lighter weights than for men, but the intensity of the training can be high. It depends on what physical shape the girl is in and how quickly she wants to lose weight in the gym. A typical beginner's mistake is that, wanting to quickly get results, he starts going to the gym every day. This leads to adverse consequences. A rational regimen is three times a week for 1-1.5 hours, although for some women a regimen of 1-2 workouts is suitable. Strength training should be alternated with cardio exercises and once a week you should give yourself two days of rest. When working out in the gym for weight loss, follow proper diet.

Photo 6.Cardio exercises (in the photo - treadmill) for weight loss are also notnecessary, just like power

A sample workout plan in the gym for weight loss includes:

  1. Warm up. Before starting any exercise, prepare your muscular, joint and nervous systems. This allows you to increase the efficiency of loads and prevent injuries. Makes 5-8 minutes.
  2. Twisting - to improve blood circulation and create stress on the abs. During the workout, 5-8 approaches with the maximum possible number of repetitions are recommended.
  3. Squats with a barbell are prescribed to train the legs and gluteal muscles.
  4. The bench press helps develop the triceps, deltoid and pectoral muscles.
  5. Pulling the barbell up to the chin area serves to train the shoulder girdle.
  6. Rope extension - for training the triceps.
  7. Raising the legs while hanging on the horizontal bar is necessary for developing the abs and gluteal muscles.
  8. Lunges with dumbbells.
  9. Pulling dumbbells up to your chest while bending forward.
  10. Squats with dumbbells between your legs - with your legs apart, take a dumbbell in your hands, lower it between your knees and do 10-15 squats.

Photo 7. Exercise using a bench to increase the elasticity of the gluteal muscles

The weight loss complex in the gym is performed in 5-7 approaches. It is not recommended to take long breaks - the interval between trips is 30 seconds.

Aero load on an exercise bike or treadmill - 20-30 minutes at a slow pace with a heart rate no higher than 120 beats/min. Choose the order of exercises yourself, but many doctors and fitness trainers prefer running, since when exercising on a treadmill and exercise bike, all muscle groups work, the heart muscle is trained, the maximum amount of subcutaneous fat is burned, and muscle mass increases, as after strength exercises are not observed.

Photo 8. Bends with dumbbells and using a bench with leg locks

Effective training in the gym for weight loss for women is a task that requires an individual approach. For one woman, one set of exercises will be suitable, but another will not be beneficial or will be excessive. It is important to consult with your personal trainer, who will assess your health and, if necessary, make adjustments to the exercise plan for weight loss in the gym, reduce or increase the load, cancel some exercises and prescribe others, give recommendations on proper nutrition and daily routine.

Photo 9. The trainer tells you how to do the exercise correctly for maximum effect

A girl who wants to lose weight in the gym is recommended to:

  • fractional meals in small portions up to 5 times a day;
  • water - 1.5-2 liters per day;
  • exclude or limit the consumption of fast carbohydrates, flour and fatty foods, sweets;
  • additional consumption of fat-burning products or medications, for example, Turboslim, green coffee, etc.;
  • Don’t skip workouts, but don’t over-exert yourself;
  • In addition to weight loss classes in the gym, include jogging in the morning, swimming in the pool, active games, and visiting the sauna in your training program;
  • give up bad habits - alcohol, tobacco.

One of the main negative consequences of drinking alcohol is dehydration of all body systems. Along with water, very important microelements are also lost - calcium (necessary for bone tissue), magnesium ( important element for work nervous system), potassium (essential for the cardiovascular system). These elements play a significant role in full muscle activity, which is very important in the process of losing weight.

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To lose weight, you need to be able to correctly combine 2 main factors: nutrition and exercise. In this article we will talk specifically about training. We will not just talk about training, but we will look at what should be the right ones.

Working with iron in the gym is the best remedy to lose excess fat deposits. For maximum effect, it is recommended to combine anaerobic training (working with iron) with aerobic training (cardio training). If you don’t skip workouts, you will very soon be able to see visual improvements in your physical appearance.

In fact, you can exercise both in the gym and at home. If there is a desire, then a positive result will be in any case. The main advantage of the gym is a wide selection of training equipment.

In order not to stretch this topic into many other (smaller) articles, I propose to immediately analyze several different training schemes, which will differ from each other in level of complexity. Let's look at 6 different programs (3 programs for boys and 3 programs for girls).

The first program will be designed for beginners (those people who came to the hall for the first time). Second program for more experienced (for those who have already been training for some time). And the third program is circuit training (also designed for those people who have some experience in classes).

Another very important point that is worth mentioning is Warm-up!!!

Never forget to warm up, as this is a very important part of any workout. Its purpose is to start blood circulation and warm up the muscles of the body to prepare them for higher loads. Also, warmed muscles work much better. Remember the school set of physical education exercises (warm-up) and do it for 5 – 10 minutes. If you are lazy or don’t remember, then you can just run on a treadmill at a slow pace. Ideally, this is 5 minutes of exercise and 5 minutes of treadmill.

In general, for the warm-up, I hope everyone understood. Now you can proceed directly to a targeted analysis of specific training schemes. Let's start from the very beginning, namely from schemes for beginners (male and female).

Weight loss workouts in the gym for beginners


No. 1. Warm-up – 5 minutes

(emphasis on buttocks) – 4*20


No. 4. Bench press with medium grip - 3*15

No. 5. Vertical pull-down on the chest – 3*15


No. 7. Orbitrek – 10 minutes

  • number of workouts per week – 3 times
  • training duration – 40 minutes + warm-up
  • rest between sets of exercises – 60 seconds
  • since you are a beginner, we will work the whole body in one workout (that is, we do the same thing every workout)
  • It is forbidden to shuffle exercises (do everything in strict order, as written)
  • You need to train not every day, but every other day (Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday)
  • you need to train at the same time


No. 1. Warm-up – 5 minutes


No. 3. Deadlift on straight legs with a barbell - 3*20

No. 4. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar with a wide grip to the chest - 4*15

No. 5. Bench press on a horizontal bench with a wide grip - 4*20

No. 6. Raising legs while hanging on a horizontal bar - 3*maximum

No. 7. Orbitrek – 10 minutes

First few months (while you're new), male and female patterns are almost identical. These schemes have two goals: burning fat and preparing the body for heavy loads. You can train using these schemes for about 2 months. (3 months is possible, but not less than 2 months). After this, your body will get stronger and you can begin more difficult training.

Strength training for weight loss in the gym

A brief overview of the program and the program itself for women:

  • number of workouts per week – 3 times
  • rest between sets of exercises – 60 seconds
  • the whole body is worked out in one workout, but in different patterns
  • It is forbidden to shuffle exercises (do everything in strict order, as written)
  • You need to train not every day, but every other day (Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday)
  • you need to train at the same time
  • these schemes need to be alternated (for example: Monday - scheme 1 / Wednesday - scheme 2 / Friday - scheme 1, etc. ... or like this: Tuesday - scheme 1 / Thursday - scheme 2 / Saturday - scheme 1, etc.)

Scheme No. 1

No. 1. Warm-up – 5 minutes

No. 2. Deadlift on straight legs with a barbell - 4*20

No. 3. Plie squats with a dumbbell – 4*20

No. 4. Lunges with dumbbells – 2*20

No. 5. Bench press with medium grip - 4*15

No. 6. Vertical pull-down on the chest – 4*15

No. 7. Raising legs while hanging on a horizontal bar - 4*maximum

No. 8. Orbitrek – 20 minutes

Scheme No. 2

No. 1. Warm-up – 5 minutes

No. 2. Squats with a barbell on your shoulders (emphasis on buttocks)4*20

No. 3. Leg bending while lying down in a machine - 4*20

No. 4. Taking the leg back in the lower block while standing - 2*25

No. 5. Incline Dumbbell Bench Press (tilt 30 degrees)4*15

No. 6. Bent-over barbell row - 4*15

No. 7. Lying crunches – 4*maximum

No. 8. Orbitrek – 20 minutes

A brief overview of the program and the program itself for men:

  • number of workouts per week – 3 times
  • training duration – 60 minutes + warm-up
  • rest between sets of exercises – 60 seconds
  • the body is divided into three parts, and each part is worked on a separate day, once a week
  • It is forbidden to shuffle exercises (do everything in strict order, as written)
  • You need to train not every day, but every other day (Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday)
  • you need to train at the same time

Monday (or Tuesday):

No. 1. Warm-up – 5 minutes

No. 2. Incline bench press up (tilt 30 degrees)1*20/1*15/5*10

No. 3. Dumbbell flyes lying on a horizontal bench - 5*12

No. 4. Wide grip barbell row to the chin - 1*20/1*15/5*10

No. 5. Dips - 1*20/5*12

No. 6. Orbitrek – 20 minutes

Wednesday (or Thursday):

No. 1. Warm-up – 5 minutes

No. 2. Squats with a barbell on the shoulders - 1*20/1*15/5*12

No. 3. Deadlift on straight legs with a barbell - 1*20/1*15/5*12

No. 4. Lunges with dumbbells – 2*15

No. 5. Raising legs while hanging on a horizontal bar - 4*maximum

No. 6. Lying crunches – 4*maximum

No. 7. Orbitrek – 20 minutes

Friday (or Saturday):

No. 1. Warm-up – 5 minutes

No. 2. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar with a wide grip to the chest - 1*15/1*12/5*8

No. 3. Bent-over barbell row - 5*12

No. 4. Bent-over barbell row for rear delts – 1*20/1*15/5*10

No. 5. Standing biceps curl - 1*15/5*10

No. 6. Orbitrek – 20 minutes

According to these schemes, you need to train for approximately 3 months. You can even 4 – 5 months if there is an effect. Everything seems to be individual here.

Circuit training for weight loss in the gym

A brief overview of the program and the program itself for women:

  • training duration – 70 minutes + warm-up
  • lap duration – 5 minutes
  • per workout you need to perform - from 7 to 10 laps
  • It is forbidden to shuffle exercises (do everything in strict order, as written)
  • You need to train not every day, but every other day (Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday)
  • you need to train at the same time


No. 1. Vertical pull-down on the chest – 15 reps

No. 2. Squats with a barbell on your shoulders (emphasis on buttocks)20 reps

No. 3. Bench press with medium grip - 15 reps

15 reps

20 reps

No. 6. Treadmill - 2 minutes

A brief overview of the program and the program itself for men:

  • number of workouts per week – 3 workouts
  • training duration – 75 minutes (without warm-up)
  • rest between exercises – 0 seconds (no rest)
  • rest between circles – from 2 to 4 minutes
  • lap duration – 6 minutes
  • per workout you need to perform - from 7 to 9 laps
  • The whole body is worked out in one workout, three times a week
  • It is forbidden to shuffle exercises (do everything in strict order, as written)
  • You need to train not every day, but every other day (Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday)
  • you need to train at the same time


No. 1. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar with a wide grip to the chest - 15 reps

No. 2. Squats with a barbell on the shoulders - 20 reps

No. 3. Wide grip bench press – 20 reps

No. 4. Raising legs while hanging on a horizontal bar - 15 reps

No. 5. Deadlift on straight legs with a barbell - 20 reps

No. 6. Dips - 15 reps

No. 7. Wide grip barbell row to the chin - 20 reps

No. 8. Treadmill - 2 minutes

The essence of this scheme is that you must do all 6 - 8 exercises without resting between them. Rest comes only after all exercises. We rested for 2–4 minutes and repeated the circle. And so on for 70 - 75 minutes (in 70 – 75 minutes, as a rule, you can do 7 to 10 laps). Circular data weight loss workouts in the gym designed for 2 months.


Now we will look at the features of training, nutrition and lifestyle during losing weight in the gym . And also the result of such weight loss.

Finally, let's look at the three main goals of gym training and the differences that come with them.

Losing weight in the gym

Losing weight is the most common goal for the female half of those training in the gym, although it is often of interest to the stronger sex. It should be noted that for people with different levels If you are overweight, different weight loss methods are effective. At the same time, training for weight loss is one of the key methods.

Let’s start right away with one simple truth: the fact that we train a specific part of the body will not make you lose weight, and if you don’t start eating in accordance with your goal, you won’t lose anything.

Here questions may arise: “what about abdominal exercises and the promised flat stomach in a month,” “what about a belt from a store on the sofa,” and so on. No, all these “fairytale” methods don’t work, otherwise there would simply be no need for gyms. I’ll say right away - losing weight won’t be easy, this doesn’t happen, but if you’re ready to make the effort, then full speed ahead!


To achieve good result You need to train three or more times a week. For a good figure, we need strength exercises and cardio exercises (treadmill, stepper, elliptical trainer, etc.). Alas, cardio equipment alone is not enough for a good figure. Since even if you have almost no excess weight, but no muscles, you are unlikely to like your body 100%.

The workout should take approximately one and a half hours. We start with a five-minute warm-up on any cardio machine to develop the joints and bring the body to the optimal temperature for training, in other words, you need to sweat a little. Next, we devote about an hour to strength training and at the end, for about half an hour, we return to cardio again, but to start burning calories.

Let's sort it out strength exercises . Separately, for those who are sure that they make women become pumped up monsters with arms like an athlete, broad shoulders and everything in the same spirit, I advise you to watch any “fitness bikini” competition. Believe me, all these slender girls in swimsuits squat with a barbell on their shoulders and bench press.

When choosing exercises, we should work out the largest muscle groups, namely the legs, back and chest. It is when such large muscles work that the maximum energy is expended, that is, the most calories are burned. For each exercise you need to do 3-4 sets of 15-20 repetitions. Rest between sets should be no more than a minute to ensure high intensity training. We adhere to this training scheme regardless of the level of physical fitness. Entry level involves light weights rather than short workouts or long intervals between sets.

If you come to the gym for the first time, and you don’t have a more experienced friend to show you the exercises, you should contact a personal trainer. Prestigious fitness clubs usually have such an offer as introductory training sessions, during which they will show you everything, tell you everything, and even draw up a training program. If this is not the case, I advise you to buy several training sessions with a trainer, and clearly indicate to him the task - to prepare you for independent training.

I think it will be useful for you to read reviews about weight loss classes in the gym.

Best option- always work out with a trainer, if, of course, funds allow. Well, as a last resort, if there is no money or desire to seek the help of a specialist, you can watch the exercises on video; now the Internet is full of such resources. For example, you can check out our review of mobile fitness apps and services.


Perhaps at least half of success depends on nutrition. For example, all the calories you burned during a workout can easily be replenished with 100 grams of chocolate. Therefore, if you do not start eating right, your training process will follow the principle of “one step forward, two steps back.”

The main rule is that your body spends a certain amount of calories per day and, depending on how much it receives, the body grows, loses weight or remains unchanged. Of course, some people have hormonal imbalances, but 98% of people who say that this is the only reason they are fat have not tried to eat right and go to the gym. So, towards the “excuse”.

It’s very easy to calculate how many calories you burn per day, ask the Internet about it. Counting calories consumed is a little more difficult, but I still advise you to try - here, again, the Internet can help. If you are too lazy to do this, I will describe the basics:

  • completely remove sweets from your diet
  • We mainly replace traditional side dishes with vegetables
  • replace the frying pan with a double boiler (remove the fried food)
  • in the afternoon we try to eat only protein foods (for example, low-fat cottage cheese and kefir)

Approximate diet for one day:

  • Breakfast – oatmeal with water or milk 0.5%, tea/coffee (without sugar or with substitute)
  • Second breakfast - fruit
  • Lunch - chicken broth, fish (not fried) with broccoli or fresh vegetables
  • Afternoon snack – chicken/turkey/beef (not fried) with vegetables
  • Dinner – low-fat cottage cheese, kefir


It should be recognized that many more people who want to lose weight come to the gym than leave it properly thin. What's the problem? In the training method? In choosing a diet? No, in general everything is fine with this. The problem is usually only with ourselves. And it is that we don't do what we should do .

If everything is usually more or less normal with the frequency and intensity of training, then maintaining a regime outside the training room is much more difficult to cope with. Numerous temptations and life circumstances leave little behind the planned diet.

Probably, attributing everything to weakness would be a simplification of the problem. Although, of course, if we had shown impenetrable stubbornness, an excellent result would have been achieved. However, a fairly objective problem is that it is difficult for us to dramatically change our lifestyle; we are too firmly built into the system of our habits, relationships, and tastes.

Therefore, for an ordinary person, the task of consistently changing their lifestyle is quite realistic, with a methodical abandonment of more and more habits and weaknesses that interfere with weight loss. It’s easier to give up something else pleasant, but harmful, when in return you get an equally pleasant result in the form of lost pounds. By the way, about the lost kilograms:


In a month, with the described training and nutrition system, it takes on average from two to four kilograms your weight. When you reach your ideal, you can slow down, but it is not recommended to completely return to the couch lifestyle with regular sweets - the weight will gradually begin to rise back. However, during this time, most likely you will already make friends in the gym, integrate sports into your life schedule and it will become your new good habit.

Three main goals of working out in the gym

Arriving at the gym, you need to immediately decide on your purpose. Since everything fundamentally depends on this further actions in the hall.

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