When is the 7th lunar day. Seventh lunar day: advice from an astrologer on the day of Careful Handling of the Word. Health on a lunar day

The seventh lunar day is associated with verbal magic. But today it is not sounds, but words that have special power. Everything that will be said today can easily come true and stay with us for a long time. This happens because on this day the exchange of energy with the Cosmos is activated. The universe seems to be getting closer and catching our every word. Therefore, on the 7th lunar day, all oral methods of turning to God are good - prayers, conspiracies, reading sacred texts. Of course, these methods are powerful in themselves and work on any day, but today you will find it much easier to concentrate and you can be absolutely sure that your words will be received.

You should not think that a word has more power the louder it is said. Not at all. You can pray and read conspiracies in a low voice or even in a whisper. Don't worry, you will be heard. The main thing is your inner conviction that everything you ask for will come true. It’s not for nothing that all prayers and conspiracies end with the word “Amen,” which means “so be it.” It seals, as it were, confirms your words addressed to God.

Remember that prayer and conspiracy, like any magical ritual, cannot be started if you have anger, hatred, or strong resentment in your soul. First, calm down, free yourself from these emotions, ask for forgiveness (see 19th lunar day), and then pray for an improvement in your destiny.

Which saints should you pray for so that your financial affairs will go smoothly?

Prayer is a very effective tool; it can really work miracles, turn the impossible into the possible. The history of Christianity shows that different saints help in different life situations. Each saint received from the Lord a certain gift for his work for His glory. Some saints pray for healing from illnesses, others for family well-being or for the granting of certain abilities. An explanation for this can be found in the life of the saint: he either himself suffered a similar illness or sorrow, or others through him received deliverance from this illness. With a request to improve their financial situation, to get rid of lack of money, they turn to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Mother of God (the icons “Life-Giving Spring” and “Joy to All Who Sorrow” with pennies), and if they need good luck in trade and business, then to the Apostle Paul. Buy an icon of one of these saints, place it or hang it in a prominent place at home and pray in front of it.

Prayer is effective only when you focus on it, are not distracted by extraneous things, mentally follow the words you say, and delve deeply into their meaning. If you are in a hurry, distracted, or thinking about something extraneous, your prayer will not be heard. If you read the prayer simply as a text, without putting your soul into it, nothing will work.

There is one more secret. You should pray on all days of verbal magic (4th, 6th, 7th, 12th). After all, it is important to be attuned to God, and such attunement occurs only with regular prayer. A one-time prayer will be heard only if you have perfect concentration or have not desired anything during the week other than what you are praying for.

So, turn to the saint with your request, and then read the prayer. When praying in front of an icon, remember that the icon is not the saint of God himself, but only his image, therefore you need to pray not to the icon, but to the saint who is depicted on it. I will not give the prayers themselves here: there are plenty of them in prayer books and the Internet. In addition, it is not at all necessary to use official prayers. Prayer in your own words, coming from the soul, works no worse, and perhaps even better.

Wealth conspiracies

Conspiracy is one of the most ancient types of magic. Conspiracies were created in ancient times by healers - people who possess Knowledge. In Rus', conspiracies were one of the most common ways to get rid of illnesses and bad luck. Now popular affirmations - short positive phrases - are a modern version of conspiracies. By the way, if you prefer affirmations to conspiracies and prayers, you can take them into service today (see 12th lunar day).

The conspiracy does not tolerate careless handling. The power of a spell is based largely on the combination of words that make it up. The wrong word or neglect of one or another part of the ritual can give a result that is exactly the opposite of what was expected. Therefore, when making a conspiracy, you must strictly adhere to the following rules:

1. While reading the plot, your thoughts should be focused exclusively on your goal, that is, increasing your income.

2. While reading the text of the conspiracy to yourself, mentally imagine everything that is said in the text. Conspiracies are usually written in very vivid, figurative language, reminiscent of the language of Russian fairy tales. It is important to feel the conspiracy and relate it to your goal.

3. Before starting the ritual, you need to read the text of the plot several times. The better you know the text, the easier it will be for you to perform the ritual. But it is not necessary to learn the text by heart, you can read it from a book, this does not affect the result in any way.

4. Try to make your words come from the heart.

Below I present several conspiracies for luring money and protecting against financial failures. Choose any one you like, read it and... get rich! The ritual can be performed on any of the days of verbal magic (preferably the 7th and 12th).

Coin Spell No. 1

Dig a hole under an aspen tree (aspen is associated with abundance because its leaves resemble coins) not far from your house, put a coin there, worth 5 or 50 kopecks and, covering it with earth, say:

God be with you, my soot,

Grow as a sprout, live as a harvest.

No matter how much a mouse can chew you up,

The worm will not exude

So that no one takes my money.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Coin Spell No. 2

There is so much dirt in the swamp, fish in the water,

So much wealth for me.

The month grows and grows, and for me, the servant of God (name),

Give me wealth.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Place the coin in the corner of the room for 7 days and then spend it. The ritual must be performed twice more on the days of verbal magic.

Coin Spell No. 3

Place a coin of 5 kopecks, 50 kopecks or 5 rubles on your palm and say:

I'm going to trade as a merchant,

I’m returning on the sable a fine fellow.

I'm bringing the treasure home.

God grant me so much money

So that there is nowhere to put it.

Carry the coin with you in your wallet, and spend it after a month. The ritual must be performed twice more on the days of verbal magic.

Spell on wheat grains

This ritual requires preliminary preparation. On the new moon, you need to buy a bag of whole wheat cereal (or wheat grains for planting) and a green headscarf (wheat and green color signify abundance). Wheat must definitely be bought, and you cannot buy it from men and you cannot take change.

On the 7th or 12th lunar day, spread a scarf on the table. There should be nothing on the table except a scarf. Draw a circle on the scarf with soap and pour wheat grains into the circle. With the ring finger of your right hand, draw a cross on the wheat and say:

There is one island on the sea, on the ocean.

There is land on that island.

There is the Lord God, the Mother of God and me.

I'll come closer to them

I will bow to them lower.

Mother of God, you lived on earth,

I took the bread into my own hands,

I paid for bread with money,

She carried money in her wallet.

Without money they won't give you food,

Clothes will not be woven

They will not sell candles in the church.

Give me, Lord,

How many grains are there on this scarf?

So much money in my wallet.

I close my words, I close my business.

Key, lock, tongue.

Then wrap the wheat in a scarf and hide it in a secluded place. After a week, you can pour the wheat into a cereal jar, cook magical porridge from it and eat it. Wash the scarf: if you decide to perform this ritual again, it can be reused. But you have to buy cereal again every time.

Wallet spell

The spell is read on the wallet on each of the days of verbal magic (4th, 6th, 7th and 12th).

Just as there are many stars in the sky, just as there is enough water in the sea, so my wallet needs to have a lot of money and always have enough. Amen.

To make money stick to your hands: a Slavic ritual for wealth
And there are rituals that combine prayer and conspiracy. They have extraordinary power! Here's one of them.

To perform the ceremony you will need:

Icons “Lord Pantocrator”, the Most Holy Theotokos “Joy of All Who Sorrow” (with pennies) or “Life-Giving Spring”, “Guardian Angel”;

Wax church candle in a candlestick;

New green tablecloth made of linen or cotton;

Bowl of water;

Pot (bowl) with honey;

Pot (bowl) with coins (5 coins in denominations of 5 or 50 kopecks);

Your wallet.

1. Cover the table with a green tablecloth and place the icons on it in a semicircle. Place a candle in the center of the table. Place a bowl of water, a bowl of honey and a bowl of coins on the edge of the table. Place your wallet on the near right corner of the table.

2. Stand in front of the icons and say:

Our Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God! Come to me, servant of God (name), to help. Help carry out the ceremony so that the money arrives, sticks to your hands and accumulates in your wallet.

Mother Intercessor Most Holy Theotokos Joy to all who mourn! Come to me, servant of God (name), to help. Help carry out the ceremony so that the money arrives, sticks to your hands and accumulates in your wallet.

Guardian angel! Come to me, servant of God (name), to help. Help carry out the ceremony so that the money arrives, sticks to your hands and accumulates in your wallet.

3. Light a candle.

4. Read the prayers: “Our Father” (1 time), to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of the icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow” or “Life-Giving Spring” (1 time), to the Guardian Angel (1 time).

Prayer "Our Father"

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; Do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos before the icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow”
To my Queen, the Blessed One, the hope of the Mother of God, the friend of the orphans and the strange, the Representative, the grieving, the Joyful, the offended by the patroness! See my misfortune, see my sorrow; Help me, as I am weak; feed me, as I am strange. Weigh my offense, resolve it like a will; for I have no other help but You, no other intercessor, no good comforter, except You, O Mother of God, for you will preserve me and cover me forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of the Life-Giving Spring icon
O Most Holy Virgin, All-Merciful Lady Lady Theotokos, Thy Life-Giving Source, Thou hast given us healing gifts for the health of our souls and bodies and for the salvation of the world; with the same gratitude, we earnestly pray to Thee, the Most Holy Queen, pray to give us Thy Son and our God forgiveness of sins and mercy and consolation to every grieving and embittered soul, and liberation from troubles, sorrows and illnesses. Grant, O Lady, protection to this temple and these people (and observance of this holy monastery), preservation of the city, deliverance and protection of our country from misfortunes, so that we may live a peaceful life here, and in the future we will be honored to see You as our Intercessor, in the glory of the Kingdom of Your Son and our God. To him be glory and power with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel

To the Angel of Christ, my holy guardian and protector of my soul and body, forgive me all who have sinned this day, and deliver me from every wickedness of the enemy who opposes me, so that I may anger my God through any sin; but pray for me, a sinful and unworthy servant, that you may show me worthy of the goodness and mercy of the All-Holy Trinity and the Mother of my Lord Jesus Christ and all the saints. Amen.

5. Lubricate your hands with honey and place them in a bowl of coins. You need all the coins to stick to your hands. Raise your hands over the bowl and read the spell 40 times:

How the honey sticks to my hand,

That's how money sticks

To my wallet.

Like a swarm of bees swarms,

It multiplies from the uterus,

Same in my wallet

Money is multiplying

They go into storage.

Amen to my work.

Amen to my word.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

6. Place your hands in a bowl of water and wash them of coins and honey.

7. Wait until the candle burns out and thank God and the saints to whom you addressed (in your own words).

8. Remove the coins from the bowl and place them around the wallet. They should lie like this for a week, then they can be spent.

9. Place the icons in a prominent place in the room, and place a neatly folded tablecloth next to them.

10. The ritual is carried out every 7th or 12th lunar day.

Symbol of the 7th lunar day - fighting cock

Today, special attention should be paid to words - everything you say on this day will materialize. very favorable for prayer, you can ask for happiness and prosperity for yourself and your loved ones. Do not swear and, especially, do not wish harm on anyone on this day - the consequences will be severe for the one to whom you wished it and for you. In general, it is better to talk less and think more. This day favors active actions. Life energy increases.

The most powerful day of verbal magic. The power of words increases many times over, even ordinary words thrown in vain. The main danger of the day is to say and then regret what you said. Therefore, be careful with what you say, and if you are not sure that your words will bring good, then it is better to remain silent.

The spoken “evil” words have very great power, and they do not begin to work immediately, but after some time. You may even forget that you “wished” it to anyone on this day, and the words will begin to work, worsening not only the life of the person to whom you wished it, but also your own, because we are all connected by the same fate. Any lie told today will be revealed soon.

Don’t make empty promises, don’t wish harm on anyone and don’t start useless chatter, because any word spoken in vain can turn against you. The Pythagoreans took a vow of silence on this day and did not utter a word during the lunar day.

Today it is better to refrain from noisy companies, parties and spend the day alone with yourself, pray, read and sing mantras. You can go on a trip. Even short-term, it will be successful. Just before leaving, wish yourself and your loved ones a happy journey.

At the same time, one-on-one communication will be very pleasant and comfortable. Many people on this day become emotionally receptive and sensitive. Don't avoid emotional contact with others.

Today you can take out your plans written down on the first lunar day and say them out loud - this will help their fulfillment.

Now you already have enough strength and energy for active and independent actions, so you can safely continue what has already been started. Now is the time for your body to “mature,” so today you will feel a sense of self-confidence and self-confidence emerging in you. Take advantage and implement your ideas and plans!

Today you can please yourself new purchase, give yourself a gift, buy something you have long dreamed of - today your purchase will bring you joy, peace of mind and satisfaction.

This is the best time to work with earth and water - if possible, take up pottery - this is very favorable today.

New cases

Favorable for tasks that can be completed on the same day


Not a bad day for a businessman


Money matters are no hassle

Real estate

Minor real estate transactions are possible, but large ones are better to be postponed

Court cases

Only if you tell the truth and don't blame anyone


Favors learning and passing exams


Good day for creativity


A good day to communicate with loved ones and friends


Not favorable for sorting out relationships


Good day for short trips


It's better to postpone


Nice day to relax

Phys. loads

Moderate physical activity won't hurt


The illnesses of this day quickly pass. Surgical operations take place without complications. It is very good to cleanse the body on this day. It is better to postpone tooth extraction to another day. The lungs are vulnerable today, so you should stop smoking and try to breathe fresh air


You can only eat light food, but it’s better to fast – to cleanse the body


Prosperous marriages are concluded on this day


No frills


The child will be a fighter for justice. Will have good health


People born on this day have good health, but can be gossips who use information for their own purposes.

On this day you will have prophetic dreams, especially if you hear or read words in a dream


Haircut can lead to significant deterioration in health


Suitable for caring for indoor plants

More details about the 7th lunar day

7th lunar day passes under the sign of the magic of words.
The power of the word on this day increases many times over, and not only the sacred word - prayer, spell, but also the ordinary one thrown by you in vain.

That is why during this period you should be especially careful about the words you say and under no circumstances send curses to anyone. At this time, curses become especially effective and are sure to come true.

Remember that a word is a vibration that generates a certain form in the invisible world. In other words, every spoken word in the astral and mental worlds becomes absolute reality. It is no coincidence that in all mystical practices such close attention was paid correct use words, in particular, achieving unity of thought, word and action.
Lies and gossip have destructive powers; avoid them if you do not want to become seriously ill or face danger in the future.

On the 7th lunar day, it is advisable to talk less. Say only the necessary and most necessary words, and if possible, remain silent. Element of the day - Air, and there is no need to shake it needlessly. During this period, it is better to refuse to participate in public events and refrain from attending noisy companies and parties. It is better to spend the 7th lunar day communicating with yourself, thinking about your true nature.

This period is favorable for traveling - both short-term and long-term. But only before departure must a good “parting word” be spoken. It is the wish for a happy journey that will be the best talisman.

For poets and writers, the time of creativity is coming. Inspiration will definitely come!

The period of absorption and assimilation of the energy of the Cosmos. Prophecies, transmission of thoughts, work with words, pranayama classes. It is also recommended to work with odors, because only in the upper respiratory tract, as well as in the tops of the lungs, the process of transformation of cosmic energy - prana - occurs.

Has one more symbol - Golden Harp. It was on day 7 that Orpheus made the mountains move with his lyre.
In the Pythagorean tradition, this day was ruled by the god of the Winds, Aeolus. In Indian tradition, this is the wind god Vayu.
Active day.

Air spirits are also associated with this day of the Moon - sylphs, sylphs. This is a day of rampant elements (especially Wind, air elements). A person can unconsciously influence another with a word (the elements of Air in our concept are words that we distribute right and left).

Pythagoras practiced silence on this day. The word on this day has an energetic connotation, so some careless words or evil wishes may unexpectedly come true. “The word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it.”

The word should not get ahead of the thought; before you say any words, you need to carefully consider their meaning and meaning. Each of them has its own code, each has its own basis - no words should be superfluous. Master the Word, conquer the elements, then they will be subject to you.

It is necessary to study and develop so-called living words, i.e. prayers. Previously, sacred texts were taught on this day. You need to learn to speak, but until you know how, keep quiet. This is especially true for people who have strong internal energy. On this day they wish only good things. The technique of working with the word is recommended, because the Magic Rod (the highest symbol of the 7th day) is a symbol of verbal magic, the magic of the Word.

The day of finding grace and love. Reminds me of forgiveness.

The day will be successful for honest and active people. It is important to stay organized and collected, to put your mind in order, for example, through meditation. You can give yourself a nice gift - buy something that you have long dreamed of or wanted to buy. The day is quite successful for new purchases; your purchase will bring you joy, peace of mind and satisfaction.

Health on the 7th lunar day

Today you will succeed in virtually everything. The day can be spent relaxing or doing homework. You can go to the gym and play sports. The body is strong, a person feels confident, so any work is given to him with ease.
Vulnerable organs of the seventh lunar day- throat and chest, so treat them with care special attention. The best preventive measure is to perform various breathing exercises.

Smoking is very dangerous on this day; it can lead to serious chest diseases, even cancer.
Because of this, if possible, abstain from cigarettes or at least reduce their number as much as possible.

Meals on the 7th lunar day

On this lunar day, you need to stop eating poultry (especially chicken) meat, and also eggs and products using them: baked goods, some pasta, soufflé, meringue, marshmallows, etc.

Warming herbal infusions are useful, green tea, warm milk. As on all previous days, it is advisable to avoid alcoholic drinks, since it is now that alcohol poisoning is most likely, its negative impact on the body is maximally manifested.

The rest of the diet can be anything, the main thing is less roughage, more fruits and herbs. Fruits that do not touch the ground are very useful for the body now, mainly fruits - apples, dates, cherries, apricots

Love and relationships on the 7th lunar day.

Communication with others will bring you joy. Today you can feel all the subtleties of human relationships, find a common language with someone you were embarrassed or afraid to approach. The day is good for contacting your superiors. All accumulated issues will be successfully resolved. If you are the boss yourself, then do not forget to praise your employees.

In general, kind words and praise today have great power. People become sensitive and receptive to kind words. But don't try to flatter or deceive. Also avoid conflicts and showdowns, control your negative emotions and do not succumb to provocations.

Work and creativity on the 7th lunar day.

Poets, writers, journalists - today is your day. Everyone who works with the word will find good luck and catch inspiration. The same luck will turn out to be a day for students if they happen to take exams today. The day is also beneficial for scientists and their research. Businesses should proceed with caution. You can solve financial issues, but not very important ones. It is better to postpone all major matters, including real estate transactions.

It is useful to defend your opinion and fight for justice. Communications with officials will be successful. You can try to look for new partners, because today people are more ready than ever for communication and cooperation.

Born on the 7th lunar day

on this day you are endowed with great talents, but they will not reveal themselves on their own. From birth, a child should be surrounded by the attention and care of his parents. Support from relatives will help the child realize his talents. In addition, people born on the seventh lunar day have good health. Depending on his upbringing and the influence of others, he can become a brilliant public figure, a speaker who will be followed by thousands of people. In the worst case, a person will turn out to be just a gossip, a blabbermouth, a superficial and down-to-earth person.

MARRIAGE on the 7th lunar day

The day is good for marriage. Family life the spouses will be full of mutual understanding and warmth, but will turn out to be fragile. Any quarrel can lead to divorce. Therefore, people who are confident in their relationships, or creative, spiritual individuals, get married.

DREAMS on the 7th lunar day

The closest attention should be paid to the words that you hear in dreams - it is in them that the message addressed to you lies. Anyone who can correctly interpret the meaning of words heard in a dream will discover a lot of useful things for themselves, because they reflect the subconscious, which on the seventh lunar day expresses itself in a dream through words. It is advisable to write down words spoken in a dream upon awakening.

I recommend on the 7th lunar day

Don't mince words good wishes to your loved ones and, of course, to yourself. Say only what you would like to see in reality. If you wish someone harm, it will come true, and in the next lunar cycle it will boomerang back on your head. And lies on this day have enormous destructive properties. Do not utter swear words, because these are, in essence, the same evil wishes and curses. It is no coincidence that since ancient times, the sages have taken speech so seriously and advised people to be attentive and careful in choosing words. After all, words are material, each of them is capable of being translated into reality. Just say something in passing and you have already created an energetic niche in which what was said will begin to take shape.

On this day you can communicate with colleagues and friends, but it is better not to take part in mass events, spend the day alone with yourself, think about what is important to you.

The seventh lunar day is suitable for operations and medical intervention. If someone did something unkind to you, stole something from you, then there is a high probability that today you will catch the attacker by the hand or find out exactly who harmed you.

In general, this is a pretty happy day. Its first half is especially favorable. At this time, you have the opportunity to implement the ideas and plans that appeared in the previous day. During these hours, the ability to complete matters, especially those related to partnerships, is great. Partners today trust, there is a chance of finding new clients, assistants or patrons. Friends and relatives will provide support in business.

The second half is more chaotic - you can get confused in the hustle and bustle. However, this will not happen if you have planned your day in advance and follow the plan, correctly distributing responsibilities and time. If you don't do this, then a lot of the effort you put in at the beginning of the day will go down the drain.

Features on the 7th lunar day

The seventh lunar day, according to Tibetan traditions, is considered ideal for performing funeral rites. Many schools of astrology draw attention to the fact that on this day, under no circumstances should destructive actions be allowed: killing insects and pests, digging the earth, cutting down trees, tearing flowers and even paper. This is due to the fact that on such a day powerful energy the force should be directed not at destruction, but at creation, otherwise a negative trace will remain in a person’s energy plan.

It has its own signs. If you dreamed of a rooster today, it warns you of possible failure. And if you break dishes during the day, this is also not a good sign.

You can safely hit the road, regardless of whether you have a long journey or a short trip. But take note: before you set off, be sure to wish good luck. Such words spoken on the 7th lunar day will become the best amulet and security spell.

PRACTICES on the 7th lunar day:
- working with affirmations;
- learn poems and prayers;
- read mantras and prayers;
- work with purity of speech;
- learn tongue twisters;
— any practices for working with the elements.

1) Meditation of the day on the 7th lunar day
Take a position comfortable for meditation. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath and bring your attention to the area between your eyebrows. Hold it there for 10 breaths.
Take a deep breath in and exhale and bring your attention to thumb left leg. Hold it there for 10 inhalations and exhalations.
Take a deep breath in and out again and bring your attention to 10 breaths into the thumb of your right hand.
Then bring your attention to 10 breaths into your left thumb.
Again, take a deep breath and bring your attention to your thumb. right leg for 10 breaths.
And while inhaling and exhaling deeply, we return to the area between the eyebrows for 3 inhalations and exhalations.
And now allow yourself to fall into the starry sky. Imagine and feel how you are soaring in interstellar space. The dark velvet sky and shining stars surround you on all sides. A feeling of lightness and limitlessness.
You can watch the stars come on and go out. How comets flash through the dark velvet of the sky and galaxies swirl in the dance of the worlds.
And among this mysterious night canvas, the invisible figure of a woman begins to appear, playing an amazing melody. This melody intertwines joy and sadness, love and hatred, passion and tenderness. The melody flies invisibly in space and at the same time there is fire and water, sky and earth.
Go to the source of these melodies. Let the great Goddess Saraswati manifest. You can summon her with the mantra "AYM". And the more you pronounce her mantra, the clearer the contours of the Goddess appear from the starry space.
Her body is created from mantras and prayers, from poems and songs. Of everything that has ever been consciously spoken or written down. All wisdom and all knowledge is she. Through it, any sound manifests itself and takes shape.

And you can watch with admiration as her every word turns into a planet, star or galaxy.
She creates worlds with one word spoken out loud.
Become aware with her of how words affect the world. How everything we say changes people and how what people say changes us. Make connections between words and your life.
How do people treat you and how does that affect you and your body?
Remember where you made a promise and didn't keep it? How has this changed your life? Or maybe they made a promise to you and didn’t keep it. How has this affected your experience of life?
And where did we make a promise to ourselves and not keep it? How has this affected our body and soul? What was the consequence of this? What events and experiences?
And in this amazing space next to the goddess, where words have form, where everything we say becomes a material reality, you can say those affirmations that you would like to manifest in your life in material form.

For example :

  • — I know how to handle money. Money comes to me easily and simply. I enjoy the material world. I gladly accept the money. I'm rich. I live and bathe in luxury. I have money for everything I need and even more.
  • - I am loved and love. My beloved treats me with reverence and respect. We are close to each other. We respect and understand each other.
  • — I get joy and pleasure from communicating with people close to me. My family and my family are my support and support in life.
  • — My social fulfillment makes me happy. I enjoy my work. My work is my creativity and my highly paid hobby.
  • - My health is excellent. I look young, and others see it. I am feminine and graceful. My body is slim and toned.
  • - My body, spirit, soul are one.
  • “May everything I do benefit all living beings.”

Thank the Goddess and, taking a deep breath, return to the here and now. To the space where we did meditation.
Feel your hands and feet. Stretch your whole body. Rotate your hands and feet. Move your hips. Roll over onto your stomach and open your eyes.

2) Singing sounds and mantras on the 7th lunar day
Sound exercises should be performed at a moderate rhythm and little by little. Each person can sing as he likes: intermittently or on one note. Everyone finds their own tone and frequency. You should try to sing all the sounds with an emotional upsurge and try to drag them out long enough.
Long and drawn-out singing of the sound “I” stimulates the brain, eyes, and nose. It can be used to treat runny noses, sinusitis and eye inflammation. It stimulates the pituitary gland, thyroid gland and all elements of the skull. When singing the sound “I”, all these organs and the skull vibrate. When a person sings this sound long enough, he begins to feel joyful excitement. This good remedy against bad mood.
When pronouncing “E,” the throat, parathyroid gland, and trachea are stimulated. You should try to sing the sound “E” in higher tones.
The sound “O” is a general harmonizing sound.
The sound "A" stimulates the upper part of the lungs. For all pulmonary diseases it is useful to pronounce it. A long “A” cleanses a person’s aura, relieves emotional stress and gives almost the same result as repentance. You need to pronounce it as if rocking a child.

You can also read or chant mantras:
AUM is the mantra with the help of which the universe was manifested
SHRIM is the mantra of the goddess Sri Lakshmi. Wealth and material prosperity
AIM is the mantra of Goddess Saraswati. Goddesses of learning and the arts
Adya Shakti Matchmaker - the mantra of the primordial Shakti

To harmonize the chakras, chant mantras for the chakras:
1. Muladhara (perineum) - LAM - note “C”
2. Svadhisthana (place of our womb) - VAM - note “D”
3. Manipura (just above the navel) - RAM - note "Mi"
4. Anahata (center of the chest where the heart is) - YAM - note “Fa”
5. Vishuddha (base of throat) - AM - note “Salt”
6. Ajna (center of the forehead where the “third” eye) - AUM - note “A”
7. Sahasrara (top of the head) - OM - note “C”


In relationships, we interact not only at the verbal level, but also at the energetic level. We are influenced by each other's thoughts and feel vibrations all the time. Therefore, it is important to affirm an energy exchange based on love and compassion. The affirmations below will help you with this:
— My husband and I spiritually correspond to each other, more and more every day.
— The Spirit is the source of love for me and my husband.
— The Spirit is the source of abundance for me and my husband.
— The Spirit heals our marriage on all levels.
— The Spirit dissolves everything that is different from love in our marriage.
— Thanks to this marriage, we become closer to the Spirit every day.
— The Spirit blesses me with……..health, harmony and prosperity.
— The Spirit fills me with…..divine love and compassion.
— We are filled with spiritual light and love all the time.
“We leave all the differences between us to the spirit.”
— The Spirit heals all differences between me and my partner.
— I interact with my partner from the level/heart of my higher self stronger and stronger every day.
“I see and focus on our similarities more and more every day.”
— How easy it is to create a marriage made in heaven.
— I believe that my marriage will be saved and protected with loving hands Spirit.
“I love my partner as the Spirit loves me.”
—We can do all things through the Spirit who strengthens us.
— I believe that the voice of the Spirit within me guides me in all my actions and decisions.
“I am the divine presence here and now in this marriage.”
“The Spirit guides me, allowing me to know when to speak and when to stop and listen.” Thanks to the Spirit, I can easily empathize with my partner's position. With the help of the Spirit, I can easily see things from my partner's point of view.
“Our home is filled with the wonderful energy of love.
— Our bedroom is filled with the wonderful energy of love.
— Our bed is charged with the energy of love and romance.
— My aura is in perfect harmony with the aura of my partner and is filled with pure love when we are together.
— My energy is in perfect harmony with the energy of my partner, it is full of pure love when we are together.
“Our chakras are in perfect harmony with the Source, as well as between us.
— Love and peace surround my husband and me all the time.
— We are surrounded by the energy of love and romance when we are together.
“My mind and my partner’s mind function in complete harmony.
— My husband and I, cosmically compatible souls.
“My husband and I act from the heart, out of a sense of compassion and support towards each other. Intuitively, we feel safe, calm and desire to become closer. We emit a peaceful light. We feel each other well. We are energetic and optimistic when we are together.

5.00 out of 5)



Symbol of the day- rod, rooster, wind rose
The 7th lunar day passes under the sign of the magic of words.
The power of the word on this day increases many times over, and not only the sacred word - prayer, spell, but also the ordinary one thrown by you in vain.
That is why during this period you should be especially careful about the words you say and under no circumstances send curses to anyone. At this time, curses become especially effective and are sure to come true.
Remember that a word is a vibration that generates a certain form in the invisible world. In other words, every spoken word in the astral and mental worlds becomes absolute reality. It is no coincidence that in all mystical practices such close attention was paid to the correct use of words, in particular, to achieving the unity of thought, word and action.
Any fleetingly thrown unsuccessful phrase can turn into a series of big troubles for you. Moreover, your word will be returned not on this day, but after some time. You will already forget that on the 7th lunar day you recklessly uttered words that carried a negative charge, and they will suddenly affect your life in the most unpleasant way.

On the 7th lunar day, it is advisable to say fewer words altogether. You need to utter only the most necessary words, and if possible, manage in silence. The element of the day is Air, and there is no need to shake it in vain. During this period, it is better to refuse to participate in public events and refrain from attending noisy companies and parties. It is better to spend the 7th lunar day communicating with yourself, thinking about your true nature.

This period is favorable for traveling - both short-term and long-term. But only before departure must a good “parting word” be spoken. It is on the 7th lunar day that wishes for a safe journey will be the best talisman.

For poets and writers, the time of creativity is coming. Inspiration will definitely come!

The period of absorption and assimilation of the energy of the Cosmos. Prophecies, transmission of thoughts, work with words, pranayama classes. It is also recommended to work with odors, because only in the upper respiratory tract, as well as in the tops of the lungs, the process of transformation of cosmic energy - prana - occurs.
The day of finding grace and love. Reminds me of forgiveness.

Destructive actions are dangerous and unacceptable. You cannot do anything that leads to a violation of the integrity of things - break furniture, break dishes, tear books, and so on. Pay special attention to papers, records and printed publications. You can work on archives or start writing a book - all figures of speech today have great luck.

Impact on those born

People born on this day are conductors, transformers of cosmic energy. Often long-lived, preachers.
People born on the seventh lunar day are living, active people. They have excellent mental abilities, good memory, and analytical abilities. They find it easy to learn and are able to quickly absorb and process information. And strong character and will allow them to achieve success in life. They are not afraid of difficulties that arise along the way, because they are able to find a quick and sure way out of any difficult situation.
When raising children, those born on the seventh day of the lunar month are recommended to pay attention to spiritual development and self-improvement, and try to stop the manifestation of laziness. Otherwise, there is a risk that they will grow up to be very superficial people who love to gossip, intrigue, and are incapable of deep understanding and compassion.

Effect on conception

A long life as a dreamer and traveler is guaranteed to those born on this day. He will look for an ideal, love freedom, understand nature. It is good if conception occurs in nature.


Since the seventh lunar day is associated with the magic of words, it is best to devote them to negotiations; if you feel the power of words, it will be easy for you to convince partners and investors; the right words will help establish new personal connections, interviews, propaganda and advertising campaigns, conferences and similar events , where the basis is a capacious, energy-filled and spoken word. Just remember, a squabble during this period will lead to very serious consequences - the severance of business relationships or even darker results.
Expressing fears or doubts out loud is also fraught with troubles on the seventh lunar day. All of them, as a rule, come true. It is better to remain calm, conduct financial affairs with dignity and do not be afraid of anything.
Bosses are now encouraged to express verbal thanks and compliments to their subordinates. This will help establish more friendly relationships in the team, and, consequently, increase productivity.
On the seventh lunar day, subordinates can turn to their superiors with various requests. Only your speech must be well thought out and planned, because you have every chance of both achieving success and failing due to a thoughtless word.
For those involved in the business world, it is now very useful to help, sponsor and support creative people in every possible way - writers, poets, singers and artists. Such acts of patronage will certainly pay for themselves and bring considerable benefits over time.


The seventh lunar day is the ideal time for creative people to get married, in particular, writers, poets, singers, actors, and so on.
A marriage entered into during this period will be different high level mutual understanding between spouses and all family members. The basis of such a union will be full communication. But it should be remembered that for them a quarrel or verbal altercation, supported by strong negative emotions, can end in divorce and a long period of constant mutual resentment.
If creative people create a new family, then the spouses will help each other in creativity, live by common ideals and aspirations, which, naturally, will make the family united and friendly. Creative inspiration in such a union will become a permanent guest.
The seventh lunar day is also suitable for teachers and psychologists to create a family.


Those who get sick recover quickly.
The most vulnerable organs of the seventh lunar day are the throat and chest, so treat them with special attention. The best preventive measure is to perform various breathing exercises.
Smoking is very dangerous on this day; it can lead to serious chest diseases, even cancer.
Because of this, if possible, abstain from cigarettes or at least reduce their number as much as possible.

On the seventh lunar day, all organs associated with breathing are very fragile, even the nostrils can be damaged. For this reason, Indian astrological tradition recommends performing jala neti or other cleansing practices of the nasal cavity, throat and lungs during this period.

It will be very useful to spend a short period of silence, at least half a day. This will give your nervous system a good rest, help restore mental strength and give your vocal cords a long-awaited rest.


On this lunar day, you need to stop eating poultry (especially chicken) meat, and also eggs and products using them: baked goods, some pasta, soufflé, meringue, marshmallows, etc.
Warming herbal infusions, green tea, and warm milk are useful. As on all previous days, it is advisable to avoid alcoholic beverages, since it is now that alcohol poisoning is most likely, its negative impact on the body is most pronounced.
The rest of the diet can be anything, the main thing is less roughage, more fruits and aromatic herbs. Fruits that do not touch the ground are very useful for the body now, mainly fruits - apples, dates, cherries, apricots

Love and relationships.
Communication with others will bring you joy. Today you can feel all the subtleties of human relationships, find a common language with someone you were embarrassed or afraid to approach. The day is good for contacting your superiors. All accumulated issues will be successfully resolved. If you are the boss yourself, then do not forget to praise your employees.
In general, kind words and praise today have great power. People become sensitive and receptive to kind words. But don't try to flatter or deceive. Also avoid conflicts and showdowns, because in a fit of anger it’s so easy to utter terrible words, wish the worst for a person, and then regret it.


The closest attention should be paid to the words that you hear in dreams - it is in them that the message addressed to you lies. Anyone who can correctly interpret the meaning of words heard in a dream will discover a lot of useful things for themselves, because they reflect the subconscious, which on the seventh lunar day expresses itself in a dream through words.
It is advisable to write down the words spoken in a dream upon awakening, and compare them on the next seventh lunar day with what you hear again. An amazing discovery awaits you. If in a dream you see any image that is symbolic for you, that is, personifying the highest authority, the highest wisdom, and so on, then everything that will be said is a direct revelation for you. For example, if during this period a believer sees Jesus Christ, the Mother of God or John the Theologian in a dream, then everything that has been said should be taken into account.
It is very bad to see a fighting rooster in a dream - this is a sign of a quick disaster for a person or his loved ones.


Due to the fact that everything spoken out loud at this time acquires great power, all esoteric traditions advise devoting the seventh lunar day to prayer practices, reading sacred texts, pronouncing mantras, chanting dhikr, reciting dharani or performing other spiritual exercises, working with the word.
Mystics often advise spending the seventh lunar day in strict silence. This promotes a deeper knowledge of your true nature. Some esoteric schools offer their adherents to take vows of silence for the entire lunar month, combined with the reading of silent prayers or other religious texts. It is also believed that it contributes to the acquisition of superpowers.
Tibetan astrologers claim that during this period it is good to begin pilgrimages, which, of course, are preceded by the utterance of a sacred word.

The 7th lunar day is very special and magical. On this day, you need to control every word you want to say, otherwise irreversible consequences will occur. If you want to improve your financial condition, then you cannot talk about any poverty on this day. Whatever you voice is what you will receive. The energy of this day is so great that the most ordinary statement has enormous power. A careless word or statement can simply destroy life and destiny. On such a day you cannot wish evil upon people. Everything said will come back like a boomerang in the shortest possible time.

The energy of this day simply provokes people to say nasty things. The amount of gossip increases significantly and can have irreparable consequences. On this day, it is better to take a break from a conversation or argument, rather than continue to sort out the consequences of its influence a few days later. It’s much better to remain silent once again...

The seventh day can be described in two words: The Power of the Word. On this day, the power of prayer, conspiracy or spell increases. Prophecies and curses begin to come true with particular force. This is the day of human creativity, creation and the magical side of the soul. Today the Moon is transforming and illuminating human life.

Characteristic differences of 7 lunar days

On the 7th lunar day it is critically necessary to remain silent as much as possible. In ancient times, knowledgeable people spent it in meditation and prayer, completely excluding worldly conversations. It is important to avoid obscene language, and also try not to listen to very aggressive music. On this day you need to listen to songs about happy love, watch such films and read books. You cannot engage in destructive activities, such as picking flowers, sweeping away cobwebs, or cutting down trees. But sewing up what’s torn or repairing it is exactly what you need on such a day.

The features and properties of the lunar day are also poorly manifested during the festival. On this day, all feelings and emotions are dulled if a person is in a noisy company and drinks alcohol. Astrologers say about the characteristic of this day, which lies in the type of creativity already known to humans, as well as the discovery in oneself of new possibilities and ways to create.

If you try to delve into the description of the lunar day, then a gift may be revealed to him. Intuition and telepathic abilities are enhanced. According to beliefs and legends, if the sky is covered with clouds, this is a bad sign. And if the rays of the sun pass through the clouds, this is a positive sign.

Lunar relationships

This day is created for romantic relationships and marriage. Families created on this day will be full of love and harmony. But you need to be very careful in your words and actions, since such alliances are considered quite fragile. Any conflict or quarrel can lead to separation.

Only a marriage where people are confident in each other can be called ideal and lasting. The more stressful situations a couple has experienced over a long period when they decide to formalize their relationship, the stronger their marriage will be. But you still shouldn’t be completely careless. Words hurt very deeply and are rarely forgotten. And this day is especially susceptible to negativity. We need to take care of each other's soul and mind. Only then will complete harmony be achieved.

Sex on this day is even filled with some mysticism. At the moment of intimacy with your loved one, you can discover subtle facets of the subconscious and even some mental layers of the atmosphere.

Conceiving a child

A child conceived on the 7th lunar day will be distinguished by special health. Such people very often live to old age. Mostly they become creative individuals, philosophers or even discoverers. The only condition for the success of such a person is the impeccable support of his parents and family members. Such children are very dreamy in childhood and it seems that they are constantly “flying” somewhere. They ask a huge number of questions to their parents, are interested in many things and are already early childhood reflect on the topic of “being.”

For conception, the 7th lunar day is very favorable. But parents must be prepared for a special child and understand that they must become his support and support.


The power of words is extremely important and influential, it is worth thinking carefully about your words and phrases before conveying them to your management. If there are problematic aspects and they have long been clearly formulated in the team, then on this day they can be safely reported to the authorities, but in a very correct form. This is the right day and there is a high probability of being heard by your leadership.

For leaders of any rank, do not forget about ordinary human praise. After all, she is so important to her subordinates. They need to understand that they are valued and remembered. But don’t confuse sincere praise and approval with false flattery.

Getting a job in this phase of the Moon can be very favorable. During the interview, your opponents will listen carefully and delve into the information received. You will be able to convey the most positive facts about your career and personal achievements. But we should not forget about the possibility of sudden dismissal due to failure to comply with chain of command and decency in communication. Here the situation is the same as in love relationships. Any swearing can lead to the rupture of any relationship.

This is not the best time to quit your job or change jobs. You may soon regret it. But if the decision has been thought out for a long time and changing the company was only a matter of time, then you can safely move forward and not look back at your past at all.

Found on the 7th lunar day, a new job will bring great success to creative people. They will have even greater potential and talent for developing and honing their skills.

Health on a lunar day

Today my health is in excellent condition. You are full of strength and energy. It seems like you can do absolutely anything. On the seventh lunar day, it is best to do breathing exercises and take care of your lungs. Smokers are at risk. The negative effect of each cigarette increases several times.

Don't forget about psychosomatics. Unexpressed complaints and grievances can increase pain in the throat and bronchi. The entire respiratory system is very vulnerable on this day. The vocal cords also need to be protected; they are at risk. A loud scream can disrupt your voice and at the same moment you can be left without a powerful positive weapon. The best solution I will be silent for as long as possible today. This way you will preserve your health and relationships with people. And your mental state will be filled back with the energy of love and you will not feel exhausted.

Hair cutting

The 7th lunar day is excellent for cutting hair. Hair will grow several times faster and thicker. Today, cutting your hair on a lunar day of such significance will sharpen your intuition. Hair dyeing will achieve the desired result and make your look sexy and feminine.

In ancient times, women did everything according to lunar calendar, starting with caring for your own body, ending with planting various vegetables and fruits. Various face masks will have a very beneficial effect on the body. Today, cutting your hair is not equated with something special, let's go and get a haircut. But this is not correct. Each lunar day has its own meaning and influence on a person. One day, after cutting, the hair will grow just minute by minute, and on another, the hair may stop growing for half a year. The master who does hair on a lunar day is also very important. It is necessary to select a person close to you in spirit and energy. You should not cut the hair of a person who is unpleasant to you, this can affect you and the person you are cutting negatively.

Characteristics of people born on the 7th lunar day

People born on the seventh lunar day are very special. They are creative, active, enthusiastic and dreamy. You can see them since childhood; they are completely different from their peers. But it cannot be said that it will be very easy for them in childhood. If they do not see proper support from their parents, then their potential will either disappear or not be revealed at all. Another option for the development of events of this kind is that such a person will simply become a gossip and idle talker.

Those born on the 7th lunar day have a mystical connection with the cosmos and often become prophets and clairvoyants. Such people live special and unusual lives. The characteristics of the people of this day and its detailed study show that such people often become excellent speakers and lead crowds of people. Social activities suit them well and they enjoy them. So, some can remain in place without developing or moving forward in life, while other people realize their plans in life.

Dreams on the 7th lunar day

Dreams on the 7th lunar day are prophetic. It is very important to remember phrases or numbers. This could be a message from above for you. If someone tells you something in a dream, be sure to try to remember it. This could be a warning, especially if it is said by some saint or your deceased relative.

When you conducted a monologue in a dream, you should think about your behavior in real life. This may be a hint that you don't hear anyone but yourself. Or, on the contrary, you didn’t even say a word during the entire dream; this may indicate your indecision. In any case, you need to interpret dreams on the 7th lunar day, what they mean and what conclusions to draw from this.

When you are trying to interpret your dream, you can use a dream book. But don't rely on it too much. Still, more standard dreams are deciphered there, rather even stereotyped ones. But this is not entirely correct. A dream is a product of the subconscious, and it, in turn, is extremely individual. And you need to understand your dream deeply. Prophetic dreams are those where you clearly remember your emotions, the dream itself can be colorful and you seem to be playing a role in a film or looking at yourself from the outside. From such dreams you wake up either excited or completely broken and confused. You need to listen to your body and mind in such a situation.

Ritual of the 7th lunar day

Magic rituals on this day are effective, since it is tied to the power of words. Any word spoken on this day already influences your life in one way or another. And if this is also a magical poem, combined with an invincible belief in its power, then there should definitely be a result.

The lunar day ritual is carried out to attract wealth, rid a child of stuttering, attract a betrothed and much more. The moon is at an active stage of growth, verbal conspiracies are very effective. Also at this time you can carry out active magical work. To carry out rituals, you can take herbs and plant collections.

Symbols of the day: compass rose, rooster

Stones of the day: sapphire, heliotrope, coral

Description of the day

The seventh lunar day gives a person active energy and vitality. The power that rages within us must be used for peaceful purposes, for the benefit of ourselves and others.

Direct your activity towards realizing your plans and implementing your plans.

But be careful. Please note that words today acquire magical powers. The sacred words of prayer are especially powerful. The ordinary words we say to each other are also endowed with unprecedented power. Not a single word spoken today will be wasted. Everything is realized either directly or in some other form, but when this happens, you will definitely remember what you yourself “scribbled.”

Haircut on this day

Today, a haircut will enhance your intuition, which will help you achieve your goals. Dyeing this color will add to your attractiveness, which will boost your self-confidence. To gain energy, you need to do a light curly hairstyle today. Emotions today are stable. New ideas are being implemented successfully today. You will be able to successfully defend your ideas and ideas

Gardening on this day

An excellent day to work in your garden, as the plants continue to be saturated with beneficial minerals and moisture, strengthening their upper parts and saturating them with vital energy.

Do not spare words for good wishes to your loved ones and, of course, to yourself. Say only what you would like to see in reality. If you wish someone harm, it will come true, and in the next lunar cycle it will boomerang back on your head. And lies on this day have enormous destructive properties. Do not utter swear words, because these are, in essence, the same evil wishes and curses. It is no coincidence that since ancient times, the sages have taken speech so seriously and advised people to be attentive and careful in choosing words. After all, words are material, each of them is capable of being translated into reality. Just say something in passing and you have already created an energetic niche in which what was said will begin to take shape.

On this day you can communicate with colleagues and friends, but it is better not to take part in mass events, spend the day alone with yourself, think about what is important to you.

The seventh lunar day is suitable for operations and medical intervention. If someone did something unkind to you, stole something from you, then there is a high probability that today you will catch the attacker by the hand or find out exactly who harmed you.

In general, this is a pretty happy day. Its first half is especially favorable. At this time, you have the opportunity to implement the ideas and plans that appeared in the previous day. During these hours, the ability to complete matters, especially those related to partnerships, is great. Partners today trust, there is a chance of finding new clients, assistants or patrons. Friends and relatives will provide support in business.

The second half is more chaotic - you can get confused in the hustle and bustle. However, this will not happen if you have planned your day in advance and follow the plan, correctly distributing responsibilities and time. If you don't do this, then a lot of the effort you put in at the beginning of the day will go down the drain.

Features of the day

The seventh lunar day, according to Tibetan traditions, is considered ideal for performing funeral rites. Many schools of astrology draw attention to the fact that on this day, under no circumstances should destructive actions be allowed: killing insects and pests, digging the earth, cutting down trees, tearing flowers and even paper. This is due to the fact that on a day of such powerful energy, the force should be directed not at destruction, but at creation, otherwise a negative trace will remain in a person’s energy plan.

The 7th lunar day has its own signs. If you dreamed of a rooster today, it warns you of possible failure. And if you break dishes during the day, this is also not a good sign.

On the 7th lunar day, you can safely hit the road, regardless of whether you have a long journey or a short trip ahead of you. But take note: before you set off, be sure to wish good luck. Such words spoken on the 7th lunar day will become the best amulet and security spell.

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