Driver class according to compulsory insurance. How to calculate the bonus-malus coefficient (kbm) yourself. really useful. Calculation of KBM: we determine the discount on compulsory motor insurance yourself. What is the maximum KBM on compulsory motor insurance?

KBM - “Bonus-Malus” coefficient. This value is used by insurance companies to calculate the insurance premium under the contract.

Due to the presence or absence of accidents, the BSC can be lowered or increased. Let's find out how to calculate the KBM for compulsory motor liability insurance in 2020.


A compulsory motor liability insurance policy is a document under which the insurance company partially compensates for damage to the injured party after an accident for which its client is to blame. The same conditions apply to drivers included in the same insurance policy.

The cost of an MTPL insurance policy depends on the following indicators:

  • driver age;
  • driving experience;
  • accident-free driving indicator, takes into account insurance history (KBM);
  • characteristics of the insured vehicle (KM-engine power factor);
  • region of operation (CT-territorial coefficient);
  • coefficient of gross violations (CN);
  • from the general terms of the contract;
  • the presence or absence of a trailer or restrictions.

Video: How to calculate a discount for accident-free driving of KBM

Table and its correct use

Motorist class KBM Class and insured events that occurred during the validity of the MTPL policy
There were no payments 1 payment 2 3 4 or more
M 2,45 0 M M M M
0 2,3 1
1 1,55 2
2 1,4 3 1
3 1 4 1
4 0,95 5 2 1
5 0,9 6 3 1
6 0,85 7 4 2
7 0,8 8 4 2
8 0,75 9 5 2
9 0,7 10 5 2 1
10 0,65 11 6 3 1
11 0,6 12 6 3 1
12 0,55 13 6 3 1
13 0,5 13 7 3 1
  1. The left column shows the driver's class. For all drivers who enter into an MTPL contract for the first time, the third class is typical, the KBM class will be equal to 1.
  2. Then they determine the number of insurance cases during the validity of previous insurance contracts in which the driver was found guilty. Beginners do not have such cases, so the number “0” is needed.
  3. The column indicating the number of losses is needed to determine the class for the next year. For beginners class 4.
  4. Class four corresponds to a KBM value of 0.95.


Let's look at two examples. In the first, the driver drove for a year without accidents, in the second, the driver had accidents. Let's start with the first example.

Let’s assume that at the time of concluding the insurance contract, the motorist was assigned class 9 KBM. Those. 30% discount on the basic insurance rate. This means that the motorist has already used the services of an insurance company, and every year he received a 5% discount more for accident-free driving.

A year later, the same driver began processing a new insurance contract. There were no accidents. From grade 9 we move down the table column, the insurance agent looks new class. The driver receives class 10, the discount is 35% (value 0.65).

Let's consider another example in which the same driver (class 9) had 3 accidents. From class 9 we move along the table to the right, to the value where 3 payments are indicated. And we get class 1, and the increasing factor is 1.55. This means that the driver will have to pay an increased cost.

To determine your discount yourself:

  • you need to start the calculation from the line that contains the third class;
  • after each accident-free year, you can go down one line;
  • for each year with accidents, you need to go to the line that corresponds to the number of insurance payments;
  • if a motorist has not had insurance for a year, his class is three;
  • if the policy is open (unlimited number of drivers), the coefficient changes only for the car owner.

According to OSAGO maximum discount for accident-free driving is 50%. This corresponds to a value of 0.5 and class 13. The motorist receives the largest possible discount if no insurance payments have been made for 10 years.

Insurance payments are made only when the victim of an accident caused by you applies to the insurance company for payment. If the damage is minor, motorists will deal with it on the spot and the cost of the policy will not increase.

If there is a limit on the number of drivers, the coefficient is determined based on information for each driver:

  • insurance company employees determine the CBM based on the motorist with the worst class;
  • the discount is given to the person, not the vehicle;
  • the coefficient increases only for the driver at fault in the accident.

  • transit insurance;
  • insurance of a vehicle registered in another state.

The table provides the theoretical value of the coefficient. In reality, its value may be higher, since insurers do not always include the KBM in the PCA database, which all insurance companies must rely on.

This is done to get more money. And a motorist who is poorly versed in insurance claims can easily get caught and pay more than required.

The discount is checked quite quickly independently through the RSA database. This is very important because insurance companies sometimes do not enter the ratio into the PCA database in order to obtain a higher profit for the same insurance policy.

The Russian Union of Auto Insurers is a non-profit corporate organization that represents a single all-Russian professional association.

It is based on the principle of compulsory membership of insurers who provide compulsory civil liability insurance for vehicle owners. The status of the association is fixed by law. It includes 71 insurance companies.

You can check the coefficient using the RSA database on the official website:

You will need the following information:

  • date of birth;
  • details of an identity document, or full name and date of birth of a person who is allowed to drive a car;
  • driver's license information.

A check mark confirms consent to the processing of personal data and verification is carried out.

If the final figure coincides with the value you calculated theoretically, that’s how it should be. If, after checking the value in the PCA, an incorrect result is obtained, the KBM should be restored.

The RSA database provides the maximum full information . You can determine where the coefficient value came from and what policy number was used in the calculation.

When concluding an MTPL agreement, the insurance company must use AIS information about previous insurance periods to confirm the validity of the application of the CBM.

Using the database, you can also check the validity of the coefficient used by the company in relation to the driver specified in the policy. The system contains data on drivers from the beginning of 2011.

The class of a motorist in the PCA system can only be changed by representatives of the insurance company. Base employees do not change AIS data. Any adjustments are made by employees of the insurance company.

Since 2014, companies must transfer information about MTPL agreements to the database within 24 hours from the minute the agreement is signed.

First you need to find out when an error was made in calculating the KBM. The coefficient is not indicated in the policy itself, so previous policies should be recalculated.

Don't throw away old insurance policies. They will be needed to recalculate the correct value.

Insurance rates change every year. The price of the insurance policy must be verified every year. If you have been doing this all the time, there is probably an error in the previous policy.

Reasons for the error:

  • the information in the database has not been corrected, there is a record with information on the old policy;
  • employees made an error when entering;
  • if the company went bankrupt or was liquidated, employees might not report information about the PCA system.

You can restore the KBM from the insurance company that made an error in the calculation. If the error is confirmed, changes will be made within a few days.

If the previous insurance company made a mistake, you need to contact them. If it is liquidated, the coefficient cannot be restored, since other insurance companies do not correct the mistakes of their colleagues.

If ordinary employees refuse to admit their mistakes, contact the company's head office, file a complaint, and send it by registered mail or in person. If you submit it in person, request that a note be placed on the copy of the complaint indicating that it has been accepted for consideration.

The document should describe in detail the circumstances confirming the incorrect application of the coefficient. Indicate the employee's name, time, insurance policy number.

You have the right to request a written settlement. You can also mention that you are going to send a complaint against the company to the authorities that monitor financial settlements. If there are no results, contact the Federal Financial Markets Service.

If one of the drivers included in the insurance has changed his driving license, you must immediately notify the insurance company. This applies to changes to any other information in documents.

If for some reason the insurance company does not receive information about an accident, drivers begin to cheat and keep silent about their accidents. When calculating, inaccurate information will immediately be detected in the RSA database.

The insurance company has the right to impose penalties for providing false information. The fine is 1.5 coefficient, the cost of insurance will be increased.

A motorist cannot escape sanctions even when he decides to change insurer.


  • CPR is not used for passenger vehicles;
  • KM is used only for passenger vehicles;
  • KP is not used for cars that were registered in the Russian Federation.

There are also other features. For this reason, it is always faster and easier to use any of the online policy cost calculators on various websites if you do not trust the employees of your insurance company.

The procedure for using the KBM coefficient table:

  1. We look in the left column of the KBM table for the driver class valid at the beginning of the insurance period. For example, we define it as “3”. This class is assigned to the driver with primary insurance.
  2. Then we indicate the number of insured events that occurred due to the driver’s fault during the term of the contract. In our case, the number of losses is zero, because no insurance situations arose during the specified period.
  3. Next, in the column with the amount of losses, we look for the driver’s class next year. For us it is equal to “4”.
  4. We determine the Kbm indicator for this class from the table - it is 0.95.
  5. Because the driver took out insurance for the first time, he had a KBM equal to 1, and a class of 3.
  6. Driving experience was 1 year without any accidents caused by the driver.
  7. Next year it will increase to 4, and in the table the Kbm indicator will be equal to 0.95.
  8. A whole year of accident-free driving reduces the KBM by 0.05 (i.e. a 5% discount).

Change in the KBM table

Below is a table of changes to the KBM. Do you want to change the KBM for OSAGO in the RSA database? Procedure as

Due to the fact that recently there have been big problems with the purchase of compulsory insurance policies, you can buy compulsory motor liability insurance online.

Before purchasing, we recommend that you calculate the cost of an MTPL policy using a 2020 calculator. Our calculator will not only calculate the price of the policy for you, but will also show you the most advantageous offers from various insurance companies.

An example of calculating the KBM for accident-free driving

With accident-free driving and no insurance payments, the driver’s class increases by one point every year. In this case, the BMF decreases according to the table.

For example, a class 6 policyholder has a coefficient of 0.85. After a year of accident-free driving (only accidents that occurred through his fault are taken into account), he will receive category “7” with a multiplier of 0.80.

An example of calculating KBM in case of accidents

Calculation of the KBM in the presence of accidents is just as easy. If a motorist has four or more traffic accidents in a year, then the class drops to the lowest point “M”. If one to three accidents are initiated, then the KBM table is used to calculate the category.

For example, a class 10 policyholder with a multiplier of 0.65 caused two accidents in one year. As a result, his category dropped by 7 points to “3” with a coefficient of 1.

The class is downgraded only in cases where the driver is at fault in an accident.

How does the KBM affect the amount of contributions?

The Bonus-Malus coefficient can both reduce and increase the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance.

This happens as follows. The basic cost of the contribution is multiplied by the value of the KBM. When the coefficient is greater than zero (categories “M” and 0-2), the price increases. When it is less than zero (categories 4-13), the driver is given a discount. In third class, the base fare does not change.

How to calculate KBM with unlimited insurance

“Bonus-Malus” with open insurance, that is, without restrictions on the number of drivers, is equal to the value of the car owner’s KBM. It changes according to the same rules as for a regular policy, but the discount applies only to a specific car.

Let's say you are the owner Nissan car and issued an open MTPL for him. After a few years you got category 10 and a 35% discount. Despite the fact that people with other classes - smaller or larger - can also drive vehicles, your indicator is used to calculate the cost of contributions. But when buying a second car, for example, Renault, you will have to earn a discount “from scratch,” from third class, regardless of what category the Nissan had.

At the same time, another special multiplier is used for open MTPL. In 2019 it is 1.87. This means that unlimited insurance will be 80% more expensive than regular insurance (not taking into account other factors).

All vehicle owners are well aware that the amount they pay for an MTPL policy directly depends on driving experience and the number of accidents in which the motorist was involved through his own fault (in the case of insurance payment).

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Its task is to encourage motorists who drive without accidents by receiving discounts, and to punish drivers who cause accidents by increasing the price of the insurance policy.

What is it and what is it for?

KBM OSAGO is a coefficient that depends on payments for insurance claims for the previous year. In other words, this is the amount of the discount for driving without accidents.

Important! This coefficient allows you to save money on purchasing a policy.

For one year of driving a car by a driver without accidents, the compulsory motor liability insurance class increases and the coefficient decreases, and, consequently, the cost of insurance decreases. The KBM is individual for each driver and depends on the insurance history.

Previously, this coefficient was applied to a specific car, and when the car enthusiast sold it, the discount was lost. In this case, the driver had to “earn” this coefficient again from the very beginning.

Starting in March 2008, the coefficient system was changed, and now the KBM belongs directly to the driver, regardless of what vehicle he drives.

This discount remains the same if the car owner changes insurance company. The only thing that matters is that the break in insurance should be less than a year. However, if the driver gets into an accident due to his own fault, then the cost of the policy for him will increase by 50%.

Important! Sanctions are applied exclusively in cases where the victim applies to the insurance company for payment as a result of an accident.

Sometimes drivers, in case of minor damage, repair the car themselves own funds. In this case, the price of the insurance policy does not increase.

Nowadays it’s quite easy to find out the insurance history of any car owner by checking the KBM through the AIS RSA.

How to find out the coefficient yourself

If the driver wants to find out his own BMI for the next year of insurance, then he needs a table from which he can see everything.

Here you need to know the following. In the first year of insurance, the driver receives class 3. In this case, its coefficient is equal to one and does not have any effect on the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance.

If, for example, due to the fault of this driver, not a single accident occurred during the first year of driving, then your attention should be paid to the highlighted line in the table and to the column with the content “0 insurance payments”, where the number 4 appears.

This means that next year the driver will be assigned class 4 instead of 3rd, and its coefficient will decrease by 5%, i.e. will no longer be equal to one, but 0.95.

Thanks to accident-free driving, the driver receives a 5% discount in case of renewal of the MTPL agreement. If the second year of driving under insurance for the driver is not so successful, and he gets into an accident due to his own fault, then his class is lowered and becomes 2, and the BMR rises to 1.4.

This means that when the OSAGO policy is renewed, its price will increase by 40%. In order to return the driver to class 3, he will need to drive the entire next year without an accident (at least through his fault) and then he will not overpay for the insurance policy.

This table regulates the determination of the coefficient and is the same for all insurance companies.

It was compiled in such a way that you can easily determine from it the coefficient that the driver will receive when insuring for the next year. It is enough to know the class of the motorist and the number of accidents that occurred due to his fault.


How to determine

To determine your KBM you need to do the following:

  • At the start of insurance, the driver is assigned third class (this line is highlighted in the table). We look at the class in the first column;
  • then we determine the insured events that occurred due to the fault of the motorist during the insurance period. Let's say there aren't any. In the first column about zero insurance payments, we look at the driver’s class for the next year (4);
  • Next, we look for the value of the coefficient for class 4 (in the first column). It is equal to 0.95.

With primary insurance, the driver is assigned class 3, while its coefficient is equal to one. Thanks to driving without accidents, next year he will receive class 4 with a coefficient of 0.95. For 12 months of accident-free driving, the motorist receives a 5 percent discount.

Is it possible to calculate it yourself?

To make it more clear, let’s calculate the class and, accordingly, the coefficient. For example, consider the limited and unlimited lists for drivers allowed to drive.

When registering a limited list, the class of the policy is calculated specifically for each driver. At the initial stage of insurance, the motorist has the third class, its coefficient is 1.

Further, for driving without getting into an accident, the driver receives a 5% discount every next 12 months. It follows that accident-free driving for three years gives the driver the opportunity to receive a discount of 15% (BMR = 0.85) by the fourth year (see table).

If this driver, in the fourth year of driving, gets into an accident due to his own fault, then in the fifth year of insurance he will receive only class 4, and not 7, as when driving without accidents.

This can be seen from the table in the column about one insurance payment. With accident-free driving, he could receive class 7 and a 20 percent discount. This can be seen in the table from the column about zero insurance payments on the 6th grade line.

With an unlimited list, the discount is calculated according to the class of car owner in the same way as with a limited list. Its class is linked to passport data and car number. Having 45% discount on specific vehicle, upon purchase new car he doesn't get that 45% discount.

Is it possible to determine the coefficient when registering several drivers on one policy?

When driving a car with several drivers, the highest coefficient is applied. For example, if one driver's discount is 35%, and another's is only 15%, then fares will be calculated at the 15% discount.

The cost is calculated based on a more inexperienced driver. Therefore, it is not profitable for drivers with extensive experience of accident-free driving to enroll drivers with a high coefficient in their insurance.

If one of the drivers is found to be at fault for an accident during the insurance year, then only his coefficient increases. Another driver receives 5% for the next year.

Is it possible to confirm the class of the policy?

When renewing insurance for the next year, the car owner contacts a company employee, who, after checking the car enthusiast’s history in his database, writes down the appropriate class for him.

If the company is replaced, its employees check with the RSA for accident-free driving information. When entering a driver/drivers into the database, the operator checks for accident-free operation and the availability of a discount. However, not all discounts are always available.

Let's consider the reasons that do not allow you to find a discount:

  • The operator made a mistake while filling out driver data ( human factor);
  • the operator did not transfer the insurance policy to its destination on time or lost it, so it was not included in the database;
  • When checking the data, the operator did not take into account the expiration date of the previous insurance policy. For example, if the policy ends on 06/11/2014, then it is checked from 06/12/2014. 4. Imperfection of the base;
  • When applying for an insurance policy, the start date of the driver’s experience is recorded, which the operator must enter when drawing up the previous contract. If there is no exact date (for example, only the year is indicated, but no day and month) and it, the full date, is entered conditionally (day and month), then this driver is not in the database.

If a new contract is drawn up by a driver, for example, with 18 years of experience, who does not have a previous policy, insurance is issued without discounts, despite his extensive driving experience.

Is it possible to return KBM under insurance?

If you have any doubts about the discount that the database issued, then to clarify the circumstances you need to write an application to the head office of the RSA.

If the contract has already been concluded without taking into account the discount, then the application is filled out according to the sample ().

If you are sure that your discount has not been saved in the RSA database, then the application can be filled out according to the sample ().

RSA receives complaints related to issues of unfair application of discounts.

Is it possible to correct it in the AIS RSA database?

Quite often, car enthusiasts are faced with a situation where the RCA database produces a coefficient that does not correspond to reality.

It happens that the policyholder, after many years of accident-free driving, receives a coefficient that is equal to one, or less than what is required for break-even insurance.

Let's look at the reasons that cause errors:

  • in case of replacement driver's license for a new one, the data in the database may not have been corrected, and only a record with the data of the old ID remains. To correct the situation, it is necessary to make a request to the RSA indicating the data of both the old and new identification;
  • an error/typo was made when entering data into the database (wrong letter or number);
  • in case the driver is included as an authorized person to drive in several policies. For example, A.N. Sokolov, having his own car, is allowed to drive the car of his wife with 1 year of driving experience. In the policy of Sokolov A.N. the coefficient is recorded as 0.6, and in the wife’s policy it is 0.95, since her experience is 1 year. Consequently, when transferring data from both policies, KBM Sokolova A.N. equals 0.95. 4.
  • In case of bankruptcy of the insurance company and failure to transfer data to the PCA system.

What to do in this case and how not to lose the accumulated discount

To solve the problem, you need to write a complaint to RSA, where you need to argue that the coefficient value does not correspond to reality.

Attach copies of previous policies to the claim, as well as certificates from the insurance company about accident-free driving.

If it so happens that you made a mistake when calculating the cost of your compulsory motor liability insurance policy (indicating a coefficient higher than it should be), you do not need to throw away the policy that has ceased to be valid. Because it contains the correct coefficient for the previous year.

There is no point in negotiating with the insurance agent to apply the correct ratio, since he works by the book. You shouldn’t call on the phone and prove something, seeking justice, because... it's no use.

In this current situation, immediately contact the main office of the company. Write a complaint by sending it by registered mail, or bring it in person to the company’s office.

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