Calendar and thematic planning in computer science and information technology. Electronic applications Extracurricular activities for primary school students

"___" ___________2010

Calendar and thematic planning in computer science and ICT

Item: Computer Science and ICT

Class ____10____.

Profile: base

Total hours to study the program 68

3. N. V. Makarova. Program in Informatics and ICT (System Information Concept). Peter 2007

Illustrate educational work using information technology tools.

Create information objects of complex structure, including hypertext documents.

View, create, edit, save records in databases, obtain the necessary information upon request.

Visually represent numerical indicators and the dynamics of their changes using business graphics programs.

Follow safety rules and hygiene recommendations when using ICT tools

.Anduse acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life for

Effective use of educational information resources in educational activities, including self-education.

Orientation in the information space, working with common automated information systems.

Automation of communication activities.

Compliance with ethical and legal standards when working with information.

Effective organization of industrial information space.

Section 1. Information and information processes

Topics 1.1. The role of information in human life.

Concept of information. Data concept. measuring information. Properties of information. The concept of data sampling.

Students should know:

· concept of information;

· difference between information and data;

properties of information;

· concept of data sampling.

Students should be able to:

· give examples from the environment to illustrate the properties of information;

· determine the amount of information in the message;

· illustrate the basic properties of information.

Topics 1.2. Information process.

The concept of information processes. Examples of information processes.

Students should know:

· concept of information process;

· how the information process is perceived and manifested in the human, animal and plant worlds.

Students should be able to:

· give examples of processes and information processes from the environment;

· compare information processes occurring in the human, animal and plant worlds.

Topic 1.3. Object information model

The concept of a model. Presentation to the information system. Processes in the information system. Open information system. Closed information system. Feedback concept. Typical supporting subsystems: technical, informational, mathematical, software, organizational, legal.

Students should know:

· concept of information model;

· difference between a closed information model and an open one;

· purpose of standard models.

Students should be able to:

· formulate a goal when creating a model of any type;

· develop information information of any object;

· present the information model in tabular form.

Topic 1.4 Information object.

Object and its properties. The concept of an information object. Information objects in the surrounding real world. Information objects existing in the computer environment, forms of their representation and possible actions with them using examples.

Students should know:

· concept of information object;

What is the difference between information technology and material technology?

What is the difference between information technology and an information system?

Students should be able to:

· give examples of information objects from the surrounding life;

· give examples of information objects existing in the computer environment.

Students should know:

· types of number systems used in a computer;

· rules for converting numbers used in a computer and vice versa;

· formats for presenting text, graphic, sound and video information on a computer.

Students should be able to:

format text

· change font style;

· format paragraphs;

· technology for working with structural objects of a text document.

Students should be able to:

· change page parameters settings;

· break a text document into pages and sections;

· apply styles to format text;

· arrange headings and subheadings in accordance with the rules;

· create and edit headers and footers;

· Design the page as in a magazine.

Section 3. Information and communication technologies for working in a computer network.

Topic 3.1. Types of computer networks.

The concept of computer networks. Classification of computer networks. Their structure and purpose. Purpose of the server and workstation. The concept of network technology. The concept of information and communication technology.

Students should know:

· purpose and typical composition of computer networks;

· classification of computer networks;

· the concept of network and information and communication technologies and their differences.

Students should be able to:

· talk about the differences between a server and a workstation;

· characterize local, corporate and global networks.

Topic 3.2. Possibilities of the global Internet

Topic 3.7. Information security of network technology.

The concept of information security when working on a computer network. Organizational information security measures. Protect information using antivirus programs. Personal network filters. The concept and purpose of a firewall (firewall). information from Internet resources.

Students should know:

Initially, the book was intended for first-year students of technical faculties, but it turned out that its material was also successfully absorbed by senior high school students.

It is unrealistic to instill the skills necessary for building databases by performing a series of disparate tasks and exercises to create individual Microsoft Access objects, especially within the tight time frame of the educational process. Therefore, we took the path of learning while developing the application. With this approach, the properties of tables, queries, forms, reports and other Microsoft Access objects are revealed in their relationships.

Target audience: for 11th grade

The main goal of studying the course “Drawing on a Computer” at school is to develop thinking, create conditions for students to firmly and consciously master the basics of knowledge and skills about modern means of working with information based on computer graphics.
The course content requires computer equipment.
The work program of the course “Drawing on a Computer” for grade 5 was developed on the basis of N.V. Makarova’s program for grades 5-6.

Target audience: for 5th grade

The course is structured in such a way that it is “never too late” to start working at any stage of its completion.
The specificity of this course lies in the close relationship between the content and teaching aids.
The relevance of this course is obvious for students who have chosen computer science as their activity.
Expanded familiarity with application programs is not carried out at the expense of studying the fundamental concepts of computer science. The content of training does not depend on the type of technology.
The program was developed based on the original program of Zvonkin A.N., Lando S.K.

Target audience: for 6th grade

This work program of the basic course “Informatics” for the 9th grade of the second stage of education of a secondary school is compiled on the basis of the federal component of the state educational standard of the basic level of general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 1897 dated December 17, 2010, an exemplary program (basic) general education in computer science and the author's program in computer science for grades 7-9 L.L. Bosova in accordance with the currently existing basic curriculum of the educational institution. It takes into account the basic ideas and provisions of the federal state educational standards of general education of the second generation, as well as the accumulated experience of teaching computer science at school.

Target audience: for 9th grade

The proposed program is recommended for the implementation of an extended computer science course in grades 5-9; it can be used in the implementation of a basic course and serve as the basis for the implementation of an in-depth computer science course in grades 7-9.
The structure of the content of the general education subject (course) of computer science in primary school can be determined by three enlarged sections:
. introduction to computer science;
. algorithms and beginnings of programming;
. information and communication technologies.

The work program in computer science for grades 1-4 is compiled on the basis of “Development of Innovative educational and methodological complexes (IUMK) for the general education system” by T.A. Rudchenko. "Informatics, 1 - 4". It can be used as a program for an elective computer science course in grades 1-4. This program is designed to study computer science, starting from grades 1-4, 1 hour per week, 34 hours for each grade. To conduct lessons in this program, you must have access to the Internet, because... computer lessons are located on the website of the Unified Collection of Digital Resources

Target audience: for teachers

The work program is designed to study the basic course of computer science and information technology in grades 10-11. Total number of hours: 136 (68 hours in 10th grade, 68 hours in 11th grade). Textbooks for grades 10 and 11, basic level, authored by Semakin I.G. are used as teaching materials. The work program was developed on the basis of the original program of the basic course “Informatics” for high school (grades 10-11) by I.G. Semakin, Henner, E.K., T.Yu. Sheina.

Target audience: for 10th grade

The work program in computer science for the 8th grade course is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education (FSES LLC); requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program (personal, meta-subject, subject); the main approaches to the development and formation of universal learning activities (ULA) for basic general education. It maintains continuity with the federal state educational standard for primary general education; the age and psychological characteristics of schoolchildren studying at the level of basic general education are taken into account, and interdisciplinary connections are taken into account.

Target audience: for 8th grade

The teaching guide for teachers presented to your attention was created on the basis of the author’s teaching experience and the results of a large-scale experiment. It contains several planning options, detailed lesson plans, didactic materials, as well as answers, instructions and solutions to tasks in textbooks and workbooks. The manual also provides a detailed list of competencies that students develop during training that determine their readiness to use ICT tools in information and educational activities.

This collection of computer science programs for grades 5-7 and 7-9 is intended for use in preparing the educational program of an educational institution for the main stage of general education in accordance with the federal state educational standard (FSES). The collection contains all the necessary materials for planning, organizing training in the new information environment of the school and preparing reporting documents that are required in the work of a teacher and methodologist in computer science.

Download and read Computer Science, grades 5-6, grades 7-9, Program for primary school, Bosova L.L., Bosova A.Yu., 2013

Computer Science, 5th grade, Lesson development, Chelbasova L.G., 2005

1. Define “pixel”.
2. Teach how to zoom in and out of a drawing.
3. Learn how to create a drawing from pixels.
1. Development of cognitive interest;
2. Development of attention;
3. Formation of computer literacy and the need to acquire knowledge; educational:
1. Patriotic education;
2. Fostering hard work;
3. Instilling in students the skills of independence in work.

The collection contains two versions of the curriculum in computer science and ICT for basic and advanced levels of studying computer science in grades 8–9 (UMK Bosovoy L.L., Bosovoy A.Yu.). Options for lesson planning for each class are given.
For computer science teachers, methodologists, head teachers.

The manual contains methodological recommendations for organizing training on the basis of teaching materials in computer science for grades 5-7 (author L.L. Bosova, publishing house "BINOM. Laboratory of Knowledge"). An approximate curriculum in computer science and ICT for grade 5, one of the planning options with lesson developments, didactic materials, as well as answers, instructions and solutions to all tasks in the textbook and workbook for grade 5 are provided. The book includes several detailed lesson developments, the authors of which are teachers from different regions of Russia. For computer science teachers and methodologists.

Download and read Computer Science and ICT, 5th grade, Lesson developments, Bosova L.L., 2012

The manual contains universal lesson developments for the computer science course for grade 11 (basic level), in addition, it discusses general approaches to teaching at school using different educational and methodological complexes and the introduction of specialized training.

Download and read Computer Science, grade 11, Lesson planning, 136 hours, Polyakov K.Yu., Shestakov A.P., Eremin E.A., 2011

The manual contains universal lesson developments for the computer science course for grade 10 (basic level), in addition, it discusses general approaches to teaching at school using different educational and methodological complexes and the introduction of specialized training.

Download and read Computer Science, grade 10, Lesson planning, 140 hours, Polyakov K.Yu., Shestakov A.P., Eremin E.A., 2010

The manual contains universal lesson developments for the computer science course for grades 10-11 (basic level), in addition, it discusses general approaches to teaching at school using different educational and methodological complexes and the introduction of specialized training. The publication will help the teacher to qualitatively prepare for training sessions: to select theoretical material, as well as material and tasks for practical classes. As verification work, test options are proposed, the main purpose of which is to develop theoretical knowledge and practical computer skills. The manual is autonomous and universal, can be used by teachers working on any computer science textbooks for grades 10-11: S.A. Beshenkova, E.A. Rakitina (M.: Binom. Laboratory of Knowledge); N.D. Ugrinovich (M.: Binom. Laboratory of Knowledge); I.G. Semakina, E.K. Henner (M.: Binom. Laboratory of Knowledge), etc.

Download and read Computer Science, grades 10-11, Lesson plans based on textbooks by Semakina I.G., Ugrinovich N.D., 2009
Showing page 2 of 3

Educational and methodological complex (UMK)
- this is a set of documents and materials that determine the level of provision of the discipline with educational, methodological, reference, bibliographic and other literature, information resources, control and measurement materials and other sources, ensuring the effective work of the teacher in accordance with the requirements of the state educational standard and curriculum.

The minimum list of official documents that every teacher needs to know is:

  • standard;
  • sample programs;
  • Federal list of recommended (approved) textbooks on the subject.

Based on these documents, taking into account the textbooks and logistics available in a particular school, the teacher developswork program Andcalendar and thematic planning on the subject being taught.

  • If the work program developed by the teacher contains small adjustments (up to 10%), then it should be indicated that the teacher works in accordance with approximate program recommended by the ministry.
    If there were more adjustments (up to 20%), then the same is indicated, but the program must be agreed upon with the municipal methodological service.
  • The teacher can also work according to proprietary programs in the subject. This programs for textbook authors certified by the ministry.
    Since these textbooks were examined by the Federal Expert Council, their content corresponds to the educational standard in the subject. It is possible to coordinate programs in the methodological service at the request of the administration of the educational institution, but it is not mandatory.
  • Own author's program For the course taught, the teacher is obliged to submit for examination in the prescribed manner; without this, it cannot be used in an educational institution of general education.

Educational standards

Federal State Educational Standards (FSES)- this is a set of requirements mandatory for the implementation of basic educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary (full) general, primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher vocational education by educational institutions that have state accreditation.

Federal state educational standards provide:

  • unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation;
  • continuity of the main educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general, primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher professional education.

Every standard includes 3 types of requirements:

  1. requirements for the structure of the main educational programs, including requirements for the ratio of parts of the main educational program and their volume, as well as the ratio of the mandatory part of the main educational program and the part formed by participants in the educational process;
  2. requirements for the conditions for the implementation of basic educational programs, including personnel, financial, material, technical and other conditions;
  3. requirements for the results of mastering basic educational programs.

first generation (2004) in computer science and information technology


Federal State Educational Standard second generation (2010)

  • Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education (grades 1 - 4): Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 373 of 10/06/2009
  • Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education (grades 5 - 9): Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 1897 of December 17, 2010
  • Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary General Education (grades 10 - 11): Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 413 of May 17, 2012

List of organizations publishing textbooks

  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 14, 2009 No. 729"About approval list of organizations publishing textbooks, which are allowed for use in the educational process in educational institutions that have state accreditation and implement educational programs of general education" (Registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on January 15, 2010 No. 15987).
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated January 13, 2011 No. 2"ABOUT making changes to the list of organizations that publish textbooks that are allowed for use in the educational process in educational institutions that have state accreditation and implement educational programs of general education" (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on 02/08/2011 No. 19739).
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated January 16, 2012 No. 16"ABOUT making changes to the list of organizations that publish teaching aids that are allowed for use in the educational process in educational institutions that have state accreditation and implement educational programs of general education" (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on February 17, 2012 No. 23251).
  • Minutes of the meeting of the Scientific and Methodological Council for Textbooks of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. HF-19/08 dated 03/03/2016 (list of organizations publishing textbooks)

The procedure for creating a federal list of textbooks

  • The procedure for developing work programs for academic subjects, making changes and adjusting them is determined local regulatory act of a general education institution.

    Elements of the Work Program structure (is of an approximate advisory nature):

    1. front page;
    2. explanatory note;
    3. requirements for the level of training of students;
    4. calendar and thematic planning;
    5. content of the training course program;
    6. control and measuring materials;
    7. educational and methodological tools for teaching the subject and a list of recommended literature (basic and additional) for teachers and students.

    Regulatory documents:

    Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273-FZ dated December 29, 2012 (as amended on May 1, 2019)

    Computer Science Programs



    Publishing house


    Benenson E.P., Pautova A.G. 2 - 4 grades Sample work program (buy)
    Goryachev A.V., Volkova T.O., Suvorova N.I. 2 - 4 grades LLC "Balass"
    Matveeva N.V., Tsvetkova M. S. 2 - 4 grades 2016 Sample work program (download pdf: website
    Mogilev A.V., Mogileva V.N., Tsvetkova M.S. 3 - 4 grades LLC "BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory" 2016 Sample work program (download pdf: website
    Natelauri N.K. 2 - 4 grades Publishing house "Akademkniga/Textbook" 2013 course program
    (download pdf: website
    Averkin Yu. A., Pavlov D.I. 2 - 4 grades LLC "BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory" 2016 Sample work program (download pdf: website
    Plaksin M.A. etc. 2 - 4 grades LLC "BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory" Sample work program
    (download doc: website
    (download pdf: website
    Rudchenko T.A., Semenov A.L. 1 - 4 grades Collection of programs
    (download pdf: website

    Extracurricular activities for elementary school students

    WORK PROGRAM FOR EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education “I AM LEARNING TO RESEARCH”



    Publishing house


    Bosova L.L., Bosova A.Yu. 5 - 6 grades LLC "BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory" 2016 Sample work program (download pdf: website
    Semenov A.L., Rudchenko T.A. 5 - 6 grades JSC Publishing House Prosveshcheniye
    Bosova L.L., Bosova A.Yu. 7 - 9 grades LLC "BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory" 2016 Sample work program (download pdf: website
    Polyakov K.Yu., Eremin E.A. 7 - 9 grades LLC "BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory" 2016 Sample work program (download pdf: website
    Semakin I.G., Tsvetkova M.S.
    7 - 9 grades LLC "BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory" 2016 Sample work program (download pdf: website


    In accordance with the “Concept of specialized training at the senior level of general education” approved by the Ministry of Education, differentiation of the content of training in senior classes is carried out on the basis of various combinations of courses of three types: basic, advanced, elective. Each of these three types of courses contributes to solving the problems of specialized training. However, it is possible to identify a range of tasks that are priorities for courses of each type.

    Basic general education courses reflect the invariant part of education that is obligatory for all schoolchildren and are aimed at completing the general education training of students.



    Publishing house


    Bosova L.L., Bosova A.Yu. 10 - 11 grades

    base level

    LLC "BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory" 2016 Sample work program (download pdf: website
    Polyakov K.Yu., Eremin E.A. 10 - 11 grades

    basic and advanced levels

    LLC "BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory" 2016 Sample work program (download pdf: website
    Semakin I.G.
    10 - 11 grades

    base level

    LLC "BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory" 2016 Sample work program (download pdf: website
    Gein A.G., Gein A.A., Yunerman N.A.
    10 - 11 grades

    basic and advanced levels

    JSC Publishing House Prosveshcheniye Work programs
    (download from
    Ed. Makarova N.V.
    10 - 11 grades

    base level

    LLC "BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory" 2016 Sample work program (download pdf: website
    Ugrinovich N.D., Tsvetkova M.S., Khlobystova I.Yu.
    10 - 11 grades

    base level

    LLC "BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory" 2016 Sample work program (download pdf: website
    Kalinin I.A., Samylkina N.N.
    10 - 11 grades

    in-depth level

    LLC "BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory" 2016 Sample work program (download pdf: website
    Semakin I.G.
    10 - 11 grades

    in-depth level

    LLC "BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory" 2016 Sample work program (download pdf: website

    courses are primarily related to satisfying the individual educational interests, needs and inclinations of each student.

      • Elective courses posted on . In this section, community members can publish their own elective courses in computer science.
      • Elective courses in specialized training. Educational field "Informatics". Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. National Personnel Training Foundation - M. Vita Press, 2004. Download (634045 bytes)
      • Semakin I.G., Henner E.K. "Information systems and models" grades 10 - 11 (elective course) BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory Download (168448 bytes)
      • Ugrinovich N.D. "Information Model Research" in High School

    Several options for possible profiles are offered. But these options approximate and are advisory in nature.They should not be perceived as the only ones possible for use in practice. By choosing various combinations of basic and specialized educational subjects and taking into account the study time standards established by the current sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations, each educational institution has the right to formulate its own curriculum. This approach provides an educational institution with ample opportunities to organize one or more profiles, and students with a choice of specialized academic subjects and elective courses, which together will make up their individual educational trajectory.

    The school independently decides on the choice of profile. This may be one or more profiles for the option of interschool profiling, or work on individual curricula within an educational institution or in the network interaction of several institutions.

    Basic level studying the subject “Informatics and ICT” can be implemented when choosing any profile , if necessary.

    Examples of possible hours distribution for teaching the subject “Informatics and ICT” within various profiles.

    For physico-mathematical and information technology profiles the subject “Informatics and ICT” is presented as a specialized general education subject 4 hours per week annually, therefore, is studied at the appropriate (profile) level. The number of hours per subject can be increased up to 2 hours per week annually. It is also possible to expand due to elective courses from 1 to 5 hours per week annually. Such training in computer science and ICT is aimed at developing specialized ICT competencies as the main element of the future professional activity chosen by students.

      • "Artificial intelligence";
      • "Databases";
      • “Serial and parallel algorithms”;
      • “Windows Application Programming”;
      • "Programming in Lisp";
      • “Fundamentals of computer-aided design (Avtocad. “Compass”)”;
      • "Information Protection".
      • "Computer Mathematics";
      • "Theory of Algorithms";
      • “Automated workstation for mathematicians”;
      • “Workshop on OOP”;
      • “Construction of geometric figures on a computer screen”;
      • “Using software to solve problems in physics and mathematics”;
      • “Algebra, analysis and computer technology”;
      • "Probabilistic Modeling";
      • “Website creation technology”;
      • “Methods of mathematical processing of experimental data (development of programs for various fields of scientific research)”;
      • “Fundamentals of computer-aided design (Avtocad, “Compass”)”;
      • “Representation of graphs and study of algorithms for working with them”;
      • “Ensuring information security on a personal computer when working on the network.”
      • "Artificial intelligence";
      • “Computer maintenance”;
      • “Computer networks and telecommunications”;
      • "Logic programming";
      • “Computer failures: diagnosis, prevention, treatment”;
      • "Databases";
      • “Information systems design”;
      • "Network technologies";
      • “Standardization of software and information technologies”;
      • “Development of software for creating test shells. “Basics of developing graphic applications (3D graphics applications based on the Open GL library)”;
      • “Development of interactive models based on the DirectX interface”;
      • “Development of interactive portable applications based on Macromedia Flash”;
      • “Digital Image Processing”;
      • “Packaging/compression algorithms (archivers).”
      • “Logic in computer science”;
      • “Research of information models using object-oriented programming systems”;
      • "Computer Mathematics";
      • "Computer graphics";
      • "Theory of Algorithms";
      • “Game theory and computer games”;
      • “Website creation technology”;
      • “Basics of Web Design”;
      • "Artificial intelligence";
      • “Ensuring information security on a personal computer when working on the network”;
      • “Development of Web applications using scripting languages ​​(DSC, Jscript, PHP. ASP)”;
      • “Development of applications based on client-service databases”;

    IN socio-economic, industrial and technological profiles and “Informatics and ICT” is included in universal education as a basic general education subject, therefore, it is studied at a basic level 1 hour per week annually. Studying a subject can be expanded due to the regional component up to 2 hours per week annually and elective courses from 1 to 4 hours per week annually. Such a study of computer science and ICT, supported by elective courses in specialized subjects based on the use of ICT, will allow students to develop information activity in the use of ICT as an integral part of further education and professional growth.

      • “Technologies for processing economic information in the Excel spreadsheet processor”;
      • “Methods and means of computer processing of statistical data”;
      • “Information technologies in business”;
      • “Research of information models using object-oriented programming systems and spreadsheets”;
      • “Fundamentals of algorithmization and programming”;
      • “Tools for developing WEB resources”;
      • “Peripheral devices of computer technology”;
      • “Computer technology and programming”;
      • "Artificial intelligence";
      • “Basics of Netiquette”;
      • “Website creation technology”;
      • "Software development for creating test shells."
      • "Information business";
      • “Communication technologies in commerce”;
      • “Database Design and Environmental Systems”;
      • “Geographic information systems for solving economic problems”;
      • “Information support for marketing”;
      • “Telecommunication systems for organizing everyday business activities (payment systems, teleshopping, delivery services, searching for information about goods and services)”;
      • "Fundamentals of economic forecasting."

    IN industrial and technological profile we can recommend a fairly wide range of elective courses in computer science, deepening the profile subject:

    • “Computer in the national economy”;
    • “Fundamentals of Microelectronics”;
    • "Computer Architecture";
    • “Technical means of computer science”;
    • “Computer maintenance”;
    • "Artificial intelligence";
    • “Production management models”;
    • “Use of information technology in management”;
    • "Fundamentals of Cybernetics";
    • "Engineering Graphics";
    • "Robotics";
    • “Computer modeling: areas and boundaries of application.”
    • “Change management using computer technologies”;
    • “Game theory and computer games”;
    • “Database design and transport systems”;
    • “Learning to design on a computer”;
    • “Website creation technology”;
    • "Computer graphics";
    • “Organization and conduct of video and audio broadcasts using telecommunication networks”;
    • “Ensuring information security on a personal computer when working on the network”;
    • “Ensuring information security on a personal computer when working on the network”;
    • “Tools and fundamentals of architectural modeling 9+”;
    • “Fundamentals of computer-aided design (Avtocad, “Compass”).”

    For physical-chemical, chemical-biological, biological-geographical, agricultural-technological profiles “Informatics and ICT” can be studied through elective courses based on the subject curriculum at a basic level from 1 hour per week annually or at the expense of the regional component up to 2 hours per week annually. In this way, stable ICT is formed - students’ competencies in computer science and ICT in application to specialized knowledge and skills, as the basis of the modern information culture of school graduates.

    • “Computer modeling: areas and boundaries of application”;
    • "Expert systems"; “Information processes in living nature systems”;
    • “Simulation modeling tools”;
    • “Programming in Delphi”;
    • “Methods of mathematical processing of experimental data (development of programs for various fields of scientific research)”;
    • “Modeling in the Visual FoxPro DBMS environment”;
    • “Modeling and system analysis using a computer”;
    • "Information security and information protection."
    • “Measurement of physical quantities and their processing on a computer”;
    • “Physical experiment and computer”;
    • “Physics: observation, computer modeling”;
    • “Models of chemical production management”;
    • “Chemical experiment and computer”;
    • “Organization of collection and analysis of experimental data”;
    • "Information systems".
    • “Managed and self-managed systems”;
    • “Technical means of computer science”;
    • “Preparation for passing the unified state exam in computer science”;
    • “Research of biological models using object-oriented programming systems and spreadsheets”;
    • "Biological processor - on the way to a biocomputer."
    • “Animation as modeling of dynamic systems”;
    • “Modeling of information processes in biological systems”;
    • “Organization and conduct of video and audio broadcasts to telecommunications networks”;
    • “Development of Web applications using scripting languages ​​(DSC, Jscript, PHP. ASP)”;
    • "Biology and cybernetics";
    • “Informatics, biology and the Chinese “Book of Changes””;
    • "Information Protection".
    • “The Game of Life” as a tool for modeling biological processes;
    • “Fundamentals of modeling and interpretation of chemical models”;
    • “Database design in medicine”;
    • “Bionics (information processes in biological systems)”;
    • “Computer modeling of nonequilibrium reactions (Zhabotinsky reaction, etc.)”;
    • "How DNA stores information."
    • “Fundamentals of modeling and interpretation of models”;
    • “Information culture and netiquette”;
    • “Information systems and models”;
    • “Tools for creating Web resources”;
    • “Technical means of computer science”;
    • “Social consequences of informatization”;
    • "Automated Information Systems".

    IN biological-geographical profile cognitive interests schoolchildren:

    • “Creation and use of databases”;
    • “Programming in the VisualBasic language”;
    • “Tools for processing tabular information”;
    • “Means for processing graphic information”;
    • “Software for computer networks and WEB servers”;
    • “Organization and conduct of video and audio broadcasts using telecommunication networks”;
    • “Development of Web applications using scripting languages ​​(DSC, Jscript, PHP. ASP)”;
    • “Animation as modeling of dynamic systems”;
    • “Computer encyclopedias: creation and use”;
    • “Computer visualization (package “Statistica”).”
    • "Geographic information systems";
    • “Tools for geographic information systems”;
    • “Map Creation Tools”;
    • “Fundamentals of modeling processes in biological and ecological systems”;
    • "Organization of collection and analysis of experimental data."
    • “Tools for modeling biological processes”

    IN social-humanitarian, philological and psychological-pedagogical, artistic and aesthetic profiles individual thematic blocks of the “Informatics and ICT” course can be studied as elective courses from 1 to 4 hours per week through elective courses annually. Such a study of relevant sections of computer science contributes to the formation of applied aspects of students’ information activities in their future profession.

    • "Hypertext technologies";
    • "Logic programming";
    • “Database management systems”;
    • “Fundamentals of object-oriented programming”;
    • "Social consequences of informatization."

    IN social and humanitarian profile we can recommend the following list of elective courses in computer science aimed at satisfying cognitive interests schoolchildren:

    • “Tools and fundamentals of architectural modeling”;
    • “Preparation of images (illustrations) using digital modeling of art materials (tablet, CorelPainter)”;
    • “Digital video editing using AdobePremiere”;
    • “Use of three-dimensional graphics for the preparation of animated films”;
    • “Organization and conduct of video and audio broadcasts using telecommunication networks”;
    • “Ensuring information security on a personal computer when working on the network”;
    • “Personal organizer and collective work”;
    • "Software Development".
    • “Electronic encyclopedias: creation and use”;
    • “Fundamentals of information security”;
    • “Information and legal systems”;
    • “Principles of constructing worldview models”;
    • "Cognitive informatics";
    • “Cognitive psychology and programming”;
    • “Use of computer in psychological testing”;
    • “Modeling in history and interpretation of models”;
    • “Technology for working with library and network resources”;
    • "Information Protection".

    IN philological profile The following elective courses in computer science may be presented, deepening the basic subject:

    • “Information culture and netiquette”;
    • “Corporate automated library and information systems”;
    • "Information retrieval systems";
    • "Information security";
    • “Preparation for passing the unified state exam in computer science.”
    • "Internet search engines."
    • “Programming in the VisualBasic language”;
    • “Tools for processing tabular information”;
    • “Means for processing graphic information”;
    • “Creation and use of databases”;
    • “Website creation technology”;
    • “Ensuring information security on a personal computer when working on the network”;
    • “Personal organizer and collective work”;
    • "Computer encyclopedias: their creation and use."
    • "Hypertext technologies";
    • “Basics of machine translation of foreign language texts”;
    • “Text information processing tools”;
    • "Publishing systems";
    • “Technology for working with library and network resources”;
    • "Techniques and methods of computer layout."
    • “Automation systems for accounting in agriculture”;
    • “Information technologies in animal husbandry” (within the framework of this course it is advisable to introduce students to application software used in animal husbandry: accounting of animals and feed, calculation of feed rations, accounting of technological operations, etc.);
    • “Information technologies in crop production” (when studying this course, schoolchildren get acquainted with the functional content, purpose, features of operation, directions for improving application software used in crop production: design of soil and seed preparation processes, design of individual technological processes for cultivating crops).
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