What kind of play should there be in the steering, how to eliminate it. Fault overview: steering play Load affects steering wheel play Loaded

Motorists should carefully monitor the condition of the components and mechanisms of the vehicle they are operating. Negligence towards serviceability vehicle(TS) can lead to very serious damage and emergency situations on the roads. Car malfunctions vary in scale and complexity; if some of them are present, the operation of the vehicle is prohibited.

1 When the operation of the machine is in question - 3 categories of problems

There are various vehicle malfunctions in which it is prohibited to operate the vehicle. In most cases, the car can be used to get to the repair shop, but it is no longer intended for any other movement. According to standards current traffic rules transport may be prohibited from use, even if there are relatively minor problems.

There are several categories of faults for which the vehicle cannot or is not recommended to be used:

  1. Problems with the car in which further operation is strictly prohibited. Such malfunctions include breakdowns in which, even when driving to a car repair shop, the car can pose a serious danger to the driver himself and all other participants traffic. Strongly damaged cars taken away for repairs on a tow truck or tug.
  2. Malfunctions in which the operation of the car is prohibited, except for driving to a repair shop. Such problems with the machine include mechanical faults.
  3. Minor breakdowns in which the vehicle can be used - non-functioning shock absorber, window lifter, etc. In other words, faults that do not have a serious impact on the operation of the vehicle are considered minor. However, even such breakdowns can lead to some difficulties when using the machine and to much more significant malfunctions.

That is why it is necessary to periodically carry out diagnostics to identify malfunctions and respond as quickly as possible to any detected problems in the mechanisms and components of the vehicle. This is the only way you can guarantee long service and reliability of your own car.

2 Malfunctions in which the use of the vehicle is strictly prohibited

Most often, the reason for the inability to safely use the car is problems with the steering and braking system. You cannot use a car with faulty brakes, because such a vehicle poses a serious threat to road safety. The traffic rules indicate that operation of a vehicle is possible only if brake system can ensure that the vehicle remains stationary at full load on the road at an angle of up to 16 degrees. For passenger cars and buses, the inclined stopping angle is 23 degrees, and for trucks - 31.

There are only two malfunctions of the brake system in which further operation of the car is possible:

  1. Reduced pedal free play.
  2. Inoperative brake lamp.

Steering faults are no less common, making it impossible to use the car. The vehicle must not be operated if the steering wheel play exceeds permissible norm. For different cars this norm varies:

  1. For cars – 10.
  2. For buses – 2.
  3. For trucks - 25.

In addition, it is strictly forbidden to use the car if the external lighting devices are malfunctioning. At night and in poor visibility, a car with inoperative headlights cannot move normally and safely on the road; it poses a direct threat to the driver and other motorists. The number of lighting devices must fully correspond to the number provided for by the design.

Operating the car is also impossible in the following conditions:

  1. If the external lighting devices are very dirty.
  2. If the headlights are not adjusted correctly.
  3. If the headlights do not have lenses installed or they do not match the type of lighting fixtures used.
  4. If the rear lights on the car do not work.
  5. If headlights with lights of any color other than white are installed.

The color of external light lights is regulated by GOST. If devices are installed that do not comply with clause 2.5.6 of GOST, then the operation of such a vehicle will be prohibited. But the car without fog lights You can use it without fear of problems with traffic inspectors.

It is also worth mentioning the topic of cars with non-functioning washers and windshield wipers. A car with such defects is allowed to be used, but only in conditions where these problems do not have a negative impact on road safety. During periods when such devices are necessary, for example, during heavy rain or snowfall, the car cannot be used, because the driver simply will not be able to properly monitor and react in a timely manner to the situation on the road.

If a car with non-working windshield wipers is stopped during the rain, the driver may be subject to fines, which will be accompanied by the removal of license plates from the vehicle. However, this is not the worst possible result of operating a vehicle with inoperative cleaners, because such a problem increases the likelihood of an accident. If the vehicle is used with a trailer, it cannot be used if the hitch is not working or is unreliable.

3 Mechanical damage in which you can only get to the auto center

In case of mechanical problems with the car, the driver is allowed to independently deliver it to the place of repair or destination, subject to all possible safety measures. Such mechanical damage usually includes significant wear of tire treads and other rubber faults:

  • mechanical damage to tires, in which the cord becomes visible;
  • delamination of the tire carcass;
  • the initial stage of rubber tread peeling.

Drivers are also prohibited from placing tires with different tread patterns on the same axle, or combining winter and summer tires– tires with and without studs. Another reason for the need to quickly deliver the vehicle to the repair site is a faulty engine. The machine cannot be used if the exhaust gases contain too many harmful substances - when this indicator significantly exceeds the permissible limit. You should not drive the car if it makes too much noise when driving.

There are often other problems in which cars can only be used for driving to a car repair shop, namely:

  • problems with the handbrake;
  • lack of seat belts or their inadequate quality;
  • speedometer breakdown (it is advisable to fix the fault at the place where it was detected, if this is impossible, you should immediately go to a repair shop);
  • problems with the sound signal;
  • absence of sign emergency stop or first aid kits (these shortcomings do not directly affect the performance of the car, but by law the car cannot be used without these elements);
  • breakdown of the glass heating mechanism;
  • breakdown of the driver's seat adjustment mechanism.

Problems due to which a car is prohibited from being used can be created by motorists themselves. By law it is prohibited to hang on rear window curtains, if there is no side rear view mirror on at least one side of the car.

If you identify a malfunction, no matter how small it may be, it must be repaired soon eliminate. If you don’t do this, you won’t be able to drive your car safely. Firstly, an emergency situation may arise due to a breakdown on the road. Secondly, the malfunction may be detected by the traffic police, as a result of which penalties will be imposed on you. Thirdly, by delaying repairs, you risk greatly aggravating and complicating existing problems, as a result of which belated repairs will cost much more.

The importance of the steering system of a car is not worth mentioning once again, since it is already clear to everyone that it plays a key role in driving safety. That is why you should not neglect regular inspection and repair of all parts of this system, because frequent use leads to wear and tear of even the most reliable components and assemblies. The most common symptom of a malfunction is the phenomenon of steering wheel play. Any motorist who is more or less literate and knowledgeable about traffic rules should be familiar with this term in order to be able, if desired, to diagnose and fix the problem in a timely manner.

In order to understand how the total play in the steering works, you need to understand a little about the design of the steering system. From a technical point of view, it can be described something like this: in the transmission of steering rods there is a rod that is not fixed tightly, with a gap of 1-2 millimeters. If it were not for this distance, then all the parts involved would wear out much faster, as a result of strong friction. The gap allows you to hold the hook without coming into contact with the walls of the gear teeth - this is where the backlash arises.

From the driver's perspective, play is defined as the free movement of the steering wheel necessary to obtain the response of the element of the system that you control (in our case, the front wheels). Simply put, this is the distance that the steering wheel travels before the car makes a certain maneuver. This phenomenon cannot be called negative, since minimal play is present in the control of any car and increases in proportion to the size of the vehicle.

However, after a long period of operation, the backlash increases to a dangerous level, when the car stops listening and responds late to the driver’s “commands”.

If you do not react in time and do not carry out an inspection, at best you will face expensive repairs, at worst - according to the traffic rules, your car becomes a potential source of danger on the road.

Causes of backlash

You need to look for the cause of the play, of course, in the design of the steering system:

In general, backlash is almost always provoked by some kind of malfunction in the steering-rack-traction-wheel chain. In order to identify the cause, you need to go through each link, carefully check the details and identify where and what was not tightened - since it is precisely this element that is stopping the work of the control. But in order not to confuse the backlash with any other faults, you need to study its practical symptoms.


If chassis The car is becoming less and less sensitive to your influences, which means it’s time to analyze the emerging management problems. The maximum permissible free play of the steering wheel is 30 millimeters, or 10 degrees, according to traffic regulations. Any deviations from the norm are considered malfunctions.

In order to determine whether the backlash fits within this parameter, you need to carry out a small check:

Although in fact it doesn’t matter what exactly helped you diagnose the problem - the 524 play meter, some other model of this device, or simple measuring tools. If the problem is identified, you need to fix it.

How to remove

In order to adjust the steering, you will need a few simple tools that will allow you to adjust the mounts.

If the K 524 M backlash meter shows an undesirable result, you should try adjusting the reinforcement screws cardan joints. These elements are located on the steering shaft. To do this, we find the hinge adjustment screw and set the acceptable value. Then the check is repeated, and if the free play is still exceeded, then the reason is different.

If the readings on the backlash meter are too high, it is also recommended to adjust the steering rod joints. But this will be more difficult to do, since you will need a lift or a room with an inspection hole. Most likely, you will find that the hinges are “broken,” which means their fastenings need tightening. You can also tighten the tie rods.

Sometimes the condition of the parts leaves no other options but to completely disassemble the steering mechanism and replace worn elements. In this case, it is better to turn to the services of a professional auto repair shop so as not to damage the system due to inexperience.

Appendix to the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and responsibilities officials to ensure road safety.

This List identifies malfunctions of cars, buses, road trains, trailers, motorcycles, mopeds, tractors, and others self-propelled vehicles and the conditions under which their use is prohibited. Methods for checking the given parameters are regulated by GOST R 51709-2001 “Motor vehicles. Safety requirements for technical condition and verification methods."

1. Brake systems

1.1 The standards for braking efficiency of the service brake system do not comply with GOST R 51709-2001.

1.2 The seal of the hydraulic brake drive is broken.

1.3 Violation of the tightness of the pneumatic and pneumohydraulic brake drives causes a drop in air pressure when the engine is not running by 0.05 MPa or more within 15 minutes after they are fully activated. Leakage of compressed air from wheel brake chambers.

1.4 The pressure gauge of the pneumatic or pneumohydraulic brake drives does not work.

1.5 The parking brake system does not ensure a stationary state:

  • vehicles with full load- on a slope up to 16 percent inclusive;
  • passenger cars and buses in running order - on a slope of up to 23 percent inclusive;
  • trucks and road trains in equipped condition - on a slope of up to 31 percent inclusive.

2. Steering

2.1 The total play in the steering exceeds the following values:

2.2 There are movements of parts and assemblies not provided for by the design. Threaded connections are not tightened or secured in the correct manner. The steering column position locking device is inoperative.

2.3 The power steering or steering damper provided by the design is faulty or missing (for motorcycles).

3. External lighting devices

3.1 The number, type, color, location and operating mode of external lighting devices do not meet the requirements of the vehicle design.


On discontinued vehicles, it is permitted to install external lighting devices from vehicles of other makes and models.

3.2 Headlight adjustment does not comply with GOST R 51709-2001.

3.3 External lighting devices and reflectors do not work in the prescribed mode or are dirty.

3.4 Light fixtures do not have lenses or use lenses and lamps that do not match the type of light fixture.

3.5 The installation of flashing beacons, the methods of their fastening and the visibility of the light signal do not meet the established requirements.

3.6 The following are installed on the vehicle:

  • in front - lighting devices with lights of any color other than white, yellow or orange, and retroreflective devices of any color other than white;
  • rear lights reverse and state registration plate lighting with lights of any color other than white, and other lighting devices with lights of any color other than red, yellow or orange, as well as retroreflective devices of any color other than red.
    (clause 3.6 as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 28, 2006 N 109)


The provisions of this paragraph do not apply to state registration, distinctive and identification marks installed on vehicles.
(note introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 28, 2006 N 109)

4. Windshield wipers and washers

4.1 Windshield wipers do not work in the set mode.

4.2 The windshield washers designed for the vehicle do not work.

5. Wheels and tires

5.1 Passenger car tires have a residual tread depth of less than 1.6 mm, truck tires - 1 mm, buses - 2 mm, motorcycles and mopeds - 0.8 mm.


For trailers, standards for the residual height of the tire tread pattern are established, similar to the standards for tires of vehicles - tractors.

5.2 Tires have external damage (punctures, cuts, breaks), exposing the cord, as well as delamination of the carcass, peeling of the tread and sidewall.

5.3 The fastening bolt (nut) is missing or there are cracks in the disk and wheel rims, there are visible irregularities in the shape and size of the mounting holes.

5.4 The tires are not the correct size or load capacity for the vehicle model.

5.5 Tires are installed on one axle of the vehicle various sizes, designs (radial, diagonal, tube, tubeless), models, with different tread patterns, frost-resistant and non-frost-resistant, new and refurbished, new and with an in-depth tread pattern. The vehicle is equipped with studded and non-studded tires.
(clause 5.5 as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 10, 2010 N 316)

6. Engine

6.1 The content of harmful substances in the exhaust gases and their opacity exceed the values ​​established by GOST R 52033-2003 and GOST R 52160-2003.

6.2 The tightness of the power supply system is broken.

6.3 The exhaust system is faulty.

6.4 The seal of the crankcase ventilation system is broken.

6.5 The permissible level of external noise exceeds the values ​​​​established by GOST R 52231-2004.

7. Other structural elements

7.1 The number, location and class of rear-view mirrors do not comply with GOST R 51709-2001; there is no glass required by the design of the vehicle.

7.2 The sound signal does not work.

7.3 Additional objects have been installed or coatings have been applied that limit visibility from the driver's seat.


Transparent colored films can be attached to the top of the windshield of cars and buses. It is allowed to use tinted glass (except for mirror glass), the light transmission of which complies with GOST 5727-88. It is allowed to use curtains on the windows of tourist buses, as well as blinds and curtains on rear windows passenger cars with external rear-view mirrors on both sides.

7.4 The design locks of the body or cabin doors, the locks of the sides of the loading platform, the locks of tank necks and fuel tank caps, the mechanism for adjusting the position of the driver's seat, the emergency door switch and the signal to stop on the bus, the internal lighting devices of the bus interior, emergency exits and drive devices do not work. they are activated, door control drive, speedometer, tachograph, anti-theft devices, heating and window blowing devices.

7.5 There are no rear protective devices, mudguards or mudguards provided for by the design.

7.6 The towing coupling and support coupling devices of the tractor and trailer link are faulty, and the safety cables (chains) provided for by their design are missing or faulty. There are gaps in the connections between the motorcycle frame and the frame side trailer.

7.7 Missing:

  • on a bus, passenger cars and trucks, wheeled tractors - a first aid kit, a fire extinguisher, a warning triangle in accordance with GOST R 41.27-99;
  • on trucks with a permissible maximum weight over 3.5 tons and buses with a permissible maximum weight over 5 tons - wheel chocks (there must be at least two);
  • on a motorcycle with a side trailer - a first aid kit, an emergency stop sign in accordance with GOST R 41.27-99.
    (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 14, 2005 N 767)

7.8 Illegal equipping of vehicles with an identification sign " federal Service protection of the Russian Federation", flashing beacons and (or) special sound signals or the presence on the external surfaces of vehicles of special color schemes, inscriptions and designations that do not comply with the state standards of the Russian Federation.
(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 16, 2008 N 84)

7.9 There are no seat belts and (or) seat head restraints if their installation is provided for by the design of the vehicle or the Basic Regulations for the admission of vehicles to operation and the responsibilities of officials to ensure road safety.
(clause 7.9 as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 24, 2010 N 87)

7.10 Seat belts are inoperative or have visible tears in the webbing.

7.11 The spare wheel holder, winch and spare wheel lifting/lowering mechanism do not work. The ratcheting device of the winch does not fix the drum with the fastening rope.

7.12 The semi-trailer has no or faulty support device or clamps transport position supports, mechanisms for raising and lowering supports.

7.13 The tightness of the seals and connections of the engine, gearbox, final drives, rear axle, clutch, battery, cooling and air conditioning systems and additional hydraulic devices installed on the vehicle.

7.14 Technical parameters indicated on the outer surface of gas cylinders of cars and buses equipped with gas system nutrition, do not correspond to the data technical passport, there are no dates for the last and planned survey.

7.15 The state registration plate of the vehicle or the method of its installation does not comply with GOST R 50577-93.

7.15.1 There are no identification marks that must be installed in accordance with paragraph 8 of the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation of October 23, 1993 No. 1090 "On the Rules traffic."

7.16 Motorcycles do not have safety arches provided by design.

7.17 On motorcycles and mopeds there are no footrests or cross handles for passengers on the saddle provided by the design.

7.18 Changes have been made to the design of the vehicle without permission from the State Road Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation or other bodies determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The steering angle, according to the Road Traffic Regulations, should not exceed 10 degrees. In fact, even a small amount of play creates a lot of inconvenience for the driver, such as knocking noises when driving on a bad road, or the car yawping along the road.

Sooner or later, a small play will become large and it will become completely impossible to drive, so it is necessary to correct its value as soon as possible.

Free movement does not count. It can be in one or several elements of the steering device. There is a way to determine in which of them there is play: one person should rock the wheel from one side to the other within the limits of the play, and the other should watch the ball ends of the tie rods and the universal joint near the steering rack or worm, if the gear is a worm.

Attention is also drawn to the connection of two rods, which fit tightly into one another. This connection is made to prevent the transfer of force in the longitudinal direction at the time of an accident, when the front part of the car is crushed.

Broken ball joints announce themselves in advance with a characteristic knock. As a rule, this happens before noticeable play appears. Replace and repair them.

How to fix the problem yourself

You can remove the play in the worm by turning the adjusting screw; it is usually made with a hexagon. This manipulation cannot be performed on a completely broken rail. In this case, you will have to change it. With timely elimination of play and normal operation, the steering rack lasts for 14-15 years of vehicle service.

If free play is detected in the cardan, it can only be eliminated by replacement. As a rule, the reason for its wear lies in the lack of lubricant, which is used as grease. The driveshaft rarely wears out; even with poor lubrication, its service life is quite long.

There may also be play in the coupling of two rods. Most often it is caused by wear of the rubber bands. To eliminate such a defect, you can try to grab them by welding, but do not overdo it - I mean just grab them a little.

A spot tack will hold the rods very well during rotation and there will be no backlash, but it is also important that such welding will not withstand the applied force at the time of an accident - the connection will collapse and the force will not be transferred to the steering wheel. This is how the principle of passive safety is implemented in this case.

If you know that there is play in your car, albeit small, eliminate it and driving the car will become noticeably more pleasant and easier.

If, while driving your car, you begin to notice such unpleasant phenomena as knocking, excessive vibration, spontaneous deviation from the trajectory, this may be the cause of play in the steering. According to traffic rules, the total play of a working car should not exceed 10 degrees. But even smaller values ​​create certain inconveniences and discomfort. Even the smallest backlash tends to develop into a big one. Agree, it’s not normal when on an almost flat road you have to constantly turn the steering wheel left and right. With a large backlash, this is already called “catching the road”.

Causes of backlash and detection methods

There are four main reasons for the appearance of play in the steering. They arise as a result of wear and tear of parts during long-term use of the vehicle. For example, over time, gaps form and increase in the steering rod joints of the front wheels. Their presence and size can be determined visually or tactilely by probing with your fingers the parts that are connected by these hinges. In this case, someone must turn the steering wheel sharply, then to the right. Both parts must move synchronously. Alone check by moving steering rod in the longitudinal direction. There is no play if it moves with the bipod. If there is even a small gap, the hinge must be replaced.

The second reason is increased wear or misalignment of the engagement of the roller and the “worm”. When turning the steering wheel sharply, a knock is heard in the steering mechanism. The defect is also detected when shaking the steering gear bipod with your hands. Action: adjust or replace parts.

Knocks and squeaks when turning the wheels, as well as when rocking the pendulum arm up and down, indicate wear on the bushings or the axle of this very pendulum arm. Try the nut on the axle. Worn parts require replacement.

Finally, the fourth reason is that the fastening of the pendulum arm bracket or crankcase has become loose. You just need to tighten the appropriate nuts and bolts.

It remains to add that when correct operation car and care of steering elements: periodic lubrication, timely detection defects and elimination of emerging backlash - all mechanisms will last a long time and will not require unexpected costs for their replacement.

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