What kind of diesel engine does the UAZ Hunter have? UAZ hunter engine size. Problems and malfunctions typical for UAZ Hunter

Owners domestic SUV forthcoming publication intended. The features of the power units that equip the UAZ Hunter are discussed in detail in the following article. The most common tuning techniques used by enterprising owners to improve their iron horse are also outlined.

What power plants are equipped with the UAZ Hunter. Engine size and other characteristics

Perhaps it’s worth starting with the fact that several engine options are available for the Russian SUV. Gasoline and diesel units differ in their performance characteristics, not least of which are power and fuel consumption.

General description of UAZ engines

It is known that the volume of the power unit affects, first of all, the power of the car. In addition, the size directly depends on it vehicle. It is unwise to equip a large-sized machine with a small-capacity motor, since its output will not be enough to control a large mass. The opposite is also inappropriate - equipping a light car with a high-power engine.

The power units that drive the UAZ Hunter are manufactured by domestic manufacturers: the Ulyanovsk and Zavolzhsky motor plants. In addition, another supplier of engines for the Hunter is Poland, which produces the Andoria model.

The basic power plant for UAZ vehicles is the UMZ 421.10 engine. The distinctive features of this gasoline unit are its 2.9 liter volume, gas exhaust system and carburetor mechanism. Its adaptability to the changeable domestic weather is expressed by the possibility of operation at temperatures from −50 to +50 0 C. Its modification is the motor 4218.10.

The use of an untuned exhaust system in UMP 4218.10 is considered a definite achievement of automotive engineering. This innovation makes it possible to install such an engine even on cars with a carriage body type.

Features of the UAZ Hunter gasoline power unit

The Hunter first rolled off the assembly line in 2003, becoming a worthy replacement UAZ 469. The car is perfectly adapted to engines different types, both petrol and diesel.

ZMZ 409.10, with a capacity of 2.7 liters, is considered the basic unit for the UAZ Hunter. Each of the four cylinders of the engine is equipped with four valves. Fuel injection is carried out by a distributed system. The motor is capable of achieving output equal to the efforts of 128 horses.

To cover 100 km, the power unit requires up to 13 liters of fuel. An attractive option for budget-conscious domestic motorists is the possibility of using inexpensive AI-92 gasoline.

Cast iron cylinder liners are housed in an aluminum block. On its head made of the same lightweight material there are two camshaft, supplemented by hydraulic compensators.

A rather complex timing drive deserves special consideration. The two chains connected via the intermediate shaft are equipped with two corresponding hydraulic tensioners with sprockets. Unfortunately, such a device is not one of the advantages of the engine. Unreliability of parts causes the following unpleasant symptoms:

  • increased noise during operation of the power plant is explained by weak chain tension or failure of the hydraulic tensioner;
  • Frequent malfunction of hydraulic compensators leads to an annoying knocking sound in the valve system.

It should be noted separately increased consumption a fuel engine in urban environments, which the prudent manufacturer chose to keep silent about in the technical specifications. However, experienced drivers call the number up to 20 liters. Therefore, motorists who want to save on fuel equip the UAZ Hunter with a diesel unit.

Diesel for the Hunter

As noted above, the UAZ Hunter can be equipped with any type of engine using different types fuel. The main manufacturer of diesel units for domestic SUVs is the Zavolzhsky Motor Plant.

The basic installation for the Hunter is considered to be ZMZ-51432.10 CRS. Its four cylinders, arranged in one row, correspond to 16 valves. The engine is equipped with two camshafts.

The gas distribution system is represented by a chain drive, supplemented by hydraulic tensioners. The valve mechanism has been improved with special hydraulic compensators.

The cylinder block, made of aluminum, with a head made of the same material, is distinguished by the presence of a turbocharger. Fuel supply is controlled electronic system BOSCH. A maximum pressure of 1450 bar is used for fuel injection. Activates the fuel injection pump, water pump and a generator, a special poly-V belt, the tension of which is controlled by an automatic system.

The Russian UAZ Hunter SUV uses a diesel engine with a displacement of 2235 cm 3, capable of comparable power to 113 horses. Very moderate fuel consumption is attractive. When driving on a mixed-cycle highway, the engine consumes 10.6 liters of fuel.

What is a “rogue” without a diesel engine? Misunderstanding. Crawling through mud or sand, making your way through the forest with a gasoline engine is awkward. The manufacturer has been looking for a worthy UAZ for many years power plant. But everything is somehow awkward. Another thing.


First there was the Polish supercharged diesel Andoria: 2.4 liters, 86 horsepower - remember? Not a bad engine, based on an English one, but expensive. They would buy it if there were spare parts for it. It was replaced in 2005 by our miracle - the diesel ZMZ-514. There are spare parts everywhere, inexpensive generators, starters, clutches, power unit mounts, injectors, and also a well-developed network of stations. Great! But the trouble is, the diesel engine broke down in the hands of the “collective farmers”.

It overheated a little and the head went away. Once a week I didn’t look under the bottom - I said goodbye to the power unit supports, held high revs- broke the belt, bent the valves... God forbid pulling the trailer and loading it more tightly: the diesel engine will crush the liners!

I don’t blame the designers: they solved the task handed down from above to build a diesel engine out of a ZMZ-406 gasoline engine. But it is impossible to do this efficiently. Let's say, to get the same characteristics as a gasoline engine, the crankshaft will have to be loaded one and a half times more. This means that you need to increase the diameter and length of the necks, otherwise the liners will flatten. It would also be nice to increase the radius of the crank, because a diesel engine is a torque engine. But where? The block is already there, the “knee” too. Get ZMZ-514 - a complete compromise.

Such an engine would suit a light car, for example a Niva, but the guys from Togliatti are looking for a pair with pedigree. Therefore, experienced jeepers who own the 514 treat it extremely gently. They even remove the iron roof and seats to make life easier for the Trans-Volga diesel engine.


However, off-road people are not used to moaning and began to look for an alternative to diesel. The Ulyanovsk company Dartech sent messengers to neighboring China, where there is a large enterprise: it ships 500 thousand licensed diesel engines per year to the foreign and domestic markets, including Isuzu.

We ordered a sample - a 92-horsepower supercharged “four” F-Diesel 4JB1T. They disassembled, measured and found it suitable for installation on a UAZ. We adapted all the engine sensors to work with control devices, adjusted the power unit mounts and handed over the drawings to the Chinese to make an adapter plate for our gearbox and clutch.

The diesel passed the tests confidently. They tested both in everyday life and in very harsh conditions - “based on” the popular trophy raids in the Ulyanovsk province, in which you have to drive fast, but up to your ears in mud and with a winch. At the finish line, the time was no worse than that of the combat vehicles.

After Dartech, he launched a small series of UAZs - from the "loaf" to the "Patriot" - with such engines.


I tested the car while driving. The work history of a hard-working diesel engine cannot be hidden. You need to operate the gearbox lever quickly and feel the edge of the thrust at each step. But you get used to it right away. The pace in the city is at a level that is not inferior to passenger cars in the capital of the province. In fifth gear I can move without strain at sixty, and accelerate to one hundred and twenty without squinting. Pulls! The clutch is a little tight, but it works smoothly, you can forget about easing the throttle. Therefore, maneuvering in a parking lot with this diesel engine is as easy as with an automatic transmission.

In the forest distances, the UAZ is like an elk. He breaks through the thicket and rides where it’s scary to tread.

We got into the forest at the beginning of winter and ran into a rut that had not yet frozen. “Turn it down and you don’t even have to gas,” my companion, a company engineer, advised me. It’s scary: if we rush in without accelerating, we’ll get up and drown. Climbing behind a winch cable into a dirty slurry of snow and ice is not a pleasant prospect: your feet are wearing boots with thin soles. There’s nowhere to go - I plunge into the swamp. The heart skips a beat, but quickly goes away. The engine, snoring richly at two thousand, pulls confidently. The wheels break the ice, manage to catch something in the mud, and the car crawls along the ruts as if nothing had happened. The shoes remained clean... This would not have worked with gasoline.


During the year, Dartech produced more than two dozen cars with F-Diesel engines. There were no complaints from the owners. They say that even in Japan, in Hokkaido, such a car is being driven and the owner is quite pleased with himself. The price of a UAZ-Hunter with a Chinese engine is 650 thousand rubles. Expensive? Perhaps. After all, a factory UAZ with a gasoline engine costs only 400 thousand, with a diesel engine - 450 thousand. With a diesel fuel consumption of 8 liters per hundred, the savings on fuel will pay off the overpayment of 250 thousand rubles only after 90 thousand kilometers. But with a gasoline engine you cannot get the off-road qualities that a diesel engine provides.

› A word about diesel.

I suddenly caught myself writing a lot about traveling in a UAZ, about its routine maintenance, and occasionally mentioning some road issues. However, I have never written any general post regarding a certain aspect of owning this UAZ. I decided to catch some inspiration and talk a little about something common to UAZ. Or just general automotive. I'll try, maybe some good will come of it.
So, the topic of today’s multi-letter book is “diesel: terrible fears and terrible pleasures.”

My first car was a petrol UAZ-Hunter with a ZMZ-409 engine. After it, I bought myself a current UAZ with a ZMZ-514 diesel engine. Before this, I had never owned a diesel engine and was captivated by various horror stories about it. Now I have experienced the joys and sorrows of owning a diesel car. And on at the moment my subjective opinion is this: diesel is cool! Well, to hell with your “lighters”: D
Diesel is not as scary as people who have never owned one say. Let's just say that a diesel engine simply requires more experience on the part of its owner and a little more careful handling. And then he won't cause trouble.
I would like to immediately note that my experience is based on what I own - and I own a UAZ-Hunter car with a ZMZ-514 Euro-2 diesel engine, which has a mechanical injection pump, a turbine and a volume of 2.2 liters. My comparisons are mainly based on my experience with the previous one. gasoline car– UAZ-Hunter with a 2.7-liter ZMZ-409 Euro-0 gasoline engine.

So what I really like about diesel UAZ compared to its gasoline counterpart:
1. Fuel consumption. The trick is not at all to save something somewhere, no. The trick is not some mythical economic feasibility. The trick is simply the expense itself. Let's be honest: gasoline engine the UAZ is gluttonous. I don’t believe in fairy tales about 11 liters of AI-92 in the city. I believe what was in my previous gasoline UAZ, and there were about 12-13 liters of AI-92 on the highway in quiet (!) mode and about 15 liters in the city; if in traffic jams, then up to 17. And this is quite normal for a gasoline car. My current diesel eats 10 liters always and everywhere. On the track. In the city. In traffic jams. At traffic lights. Empty. Laden. 10 liters. Okay, he ate 11 on average during a trip to the Kola Peninsula, where in some places I drove over 100 km/h, while my trunk was loaded to the ceiling, there was a spare tire on the roof, and several hundred kilometers were primers. Gasoline will not allow such consumption in any way, no matter what anyone says: a traffic jam means higher consumption; long work at xx - higher consumption, etc. What gives lower fuel consumption to a diesel engine? Well, firstly, it gives me moral peace of mind - in itself it’s nice when fuel consumption is not particularly affected by any traffic jams. And, secondly, it gives a power reserve. Let's assume that Hunter has two 35 liter tanks, for a total of 70 liters. At diesel consumption 10 liters per hundred we get a power reserve of 700 kilometers. With city gasoline consumption of 15 liters per hundred, we get a range of 460 kilometers, and highway consumption of 13 liters per hundred - 530 kilometers. The difference is not at all in favor of gasoline... ;)
2. Traction at the bottom. In my opinion, everything is clear here. In terms of traction, a diesel engine outperforms a gasoline engine. For example, on New Year We competed in a race in low gear with a gasoline UAZ-Patriot to see who would reach the finish line slower. Hunter won with a very large gap... ;) And it’s nice to climb hills at idle, checking at what speed the engine will pull out in direct gear and at what speed it will ask for a lower gear. Due to this thing, the Hunter also has extremely effective engine braking (I assume that this is due to the cable drive of the gas pedal: I took my foot off the pedal - the fuel supply was suddenly cut off - the car suddenly loses speed; although on gasoline I also had a cable on gas, but there was no such a sharp loss of speed). Once, my friend, who was driving behind me in a Skoda, even swore at me about this, saying, at least touch the brake pedal so that your feet light up, otherwise you’ll release the gas pedal - and I’m having emergency braking because of this :) You can also start in first gear, and then immediately engage second and drive in it without touching the gas at all. It’s also possible in third, but why force the engine)) And at a speed of 50 km/h you can engage fifth gear and continue driving like an automatic transmission.
3. Cat purring. Well, that's purely subjective. A serviceable diesel engine rumbles extremely pleasantly. You can listen endlessly.
4. Inability to overheat the motor. On the previous 409m I suffered from overheating. I'm three - damn it, THREE! - I boiled the engine several times (the overheating lamp came on, the antifreeze did not reach boiling), as a result - a broken gasket and a damaged cylinder head, which was sent for grinding. Overheating was cured only with the second powerful electric fan in front of the radiator, which had two control options: manual from a toggle switch in the cabin and automatic (triggered at 87 degrees, turned off at 82). In a diesel engine, it’s like this: if there is coolant in the system, if it hasn’t leaked anywhere, and if the pump is running, and the radiator is not very clogged, then it is impossible to overheat the diesel engine. Verified. It cools down at idle. The maximum I was able to warm up the 514 to was 83-85 degrees in the heat of +35 in a traffic jam. He refused to warm up any more. In the summer, it independently (the cooling system is fully standard) maintains a temperature of 80 degrees. In winter - 60 without cardboard, 70 with cardboard. This is a big plus even off-road, when the engine is increased load. And again, some off-road ambushes can be accomplished by diesel almost at idle, unlike gasoline. And at idle it cools down, yes.

Now about the controversial issues of owning a diesel UAZ. How I perceive them and what I think about it. In fact, these are the very things that make diesel a little more careful than gasoline.
I think all these things are a matter of habit. They can be scary for the first hundreds of kilometers, but then you get used to them and perceive them as something natural.
1. More expensive maintenance, more frequent replacement oils, etc. They say that the current gasoline engines require replacement motor oil once every 15-20 thousand km. Allegedly technology, nano, modernity and blah blah. Again, I don’t really believe in this due to my conservatism. On a gasoline car, I changed the oil every 10 thousand (10w40). On a diesel engine, I change it every 8 thousand (5w40, because it’s a turbine). Yes, replacement is more frequent and more expensive, but what can you do, a car is generally not as cheap as we would like, and if you want to ensure a long life for this car, then be so kind as to invest a little more into it than the toad requires. Regarding the cost of spare parts, everything is correct; for some unknown reason, the cost of spare parts on the 514 is sometimes comparable to an airplane. Piston - about 5 thousand rubles. (on the 409 you can buy a complete piston for this money); a generator (applies only to Euro-2) before the crisis cost about 15-20; the pump is about a thousand more expensive than the pump on the 409; a timing belt repair kit and valve cover are a thousand more expensive; one and a half - flywheel; for several thousand - the block head. This, of course, is not very pleasing, but on this occasion I can only say one thing - well, it happens :)
2. Warming up the interior in winter. It is believed that in diesel car very cold in the cabin. From the experience of a trip to Tyumen and adventures there for minus thirty, I understood one thing: the main thing is to warm up the engine to at least 50 degrees, ideally to 60. And then you can arrange Tashkent in the cabin, put on swimsuits and arrange the equator. Even the rear passenger gets warm (well, it just stays cold in the trunk). The oven fries so that you can warm up the pizza under a stream of hot air. There is a special button in Hunter’s cabin for this purpose. I just turned on the stove at 50 degrees - the air is warm. I turned on this button - the air is HOT! :)
But, of course, the engine must somehow be warmed up to these 60 degrees. To do this you need to either drive or accelerate. Because - read above! - at idle, the diesel engine cools down: D In this sense, the most modern technology helps a lot - RussianWinterCarton, installed on the face in front of the radiator. As a rule, this is enough. I personally don’t see any point in additionally insulating the hood and engine - such insulation, I think, will be required for more extreme temperatures (-40, for example). But an engine wrapped in a blanket can overheat at -10, even if it’s a diesel engine.
It is worth noting one more point: the diesel engine takes a long time to warm up at idle after starting. I categorically do not accept warming up under load immediately after starting the engine, especially in low temperatures. Therefore, if it’s -30 outside, I do this: I start the car, close the doors... and go home to drink tea or coffee. For the next 20-30 minutes. During this time, the engine will master its 40 degrees, during which the stove begins to blow warm and at which you can safely drive and warm it further.
3. Starting in cold weather. The terrible truth: a serviceable diesel engine with working glow plugs, working injectors and LIQUID diesel fuel starts without any problems, even in bitter frost. Of course, I have never encountered -50 in my life. However, at -25 my diesel engine starts, as they say, with half a turn, like in the summer, but at -35 it started only the second time after the battery had woken up a little and come to its senses. But, in any case, he did it himself without any additional preheaters. I think if you install Webasta, it will be absolutely beautiful (however, with such warm winters as we have in Moscow and the Moscow Region, we don’t even need Webasta).
So if a diesel engine does not start in cold weather, it means that either the diesel fuel is frozen, or there is a problem with the spark plugs or injectors, or the compression in the engine is bad...
4. Diesel fuel quality. Since my car does not have a Common Rail system, there are no pump injectors, and there is only a mechanical injection pump, then, in theory, the quality of the fuel does not affect the fuel equipment that much. Nevertheless, I try to refuel always and everywhere at branded gas stations - Lukoil, Gazpromneft, Trasse (and in Murmansk - StatOil :)). Somehow I don’t really like RosNeft =) Another question is diesel fuel in the off-season (autumn-winter), when it gets colder and summer diesel is splashing on the pumps, and even in winter you can run into summer fuel somewhere. In this case, branded gas stations are not such a panacea (I heated diesel fuel with a gas burner after Lukoil). However, branded ones are again less likely to fill up with summer diesel. The point is not in favor of the diesel engine =) But again, there is no horror in this. Firstly, there is such a thing as anti-gel. Secondly, I personally also have three additional fuel heaters from Nomakon. Thirdly, in winter you can carry a blowtorch or gas burner in your car just in case. But this is for the very, very extreme case.
5. Turbine care. There’s no horror here either - I’m just used to pouring into the engine synthetic oil yes, allow the turbine to “cool down” after running under load before turning off the engine (I let the engine idle for 2-3 minutes before turning it off). If you are too lazy to wait 2-3 minutes, you can set a turbo timer.

And finally, about what I don’t like specifically about my diesel engine.
1. Slowness. I don’t know what to call this point more correctly. ZMZ-514 is not the fastest engine for a heavy two-ton vehicle. The turbine saves the day; without the turbine the car wouldn’t move at all. It is important to get used to the peculiarities of driving this car in order to be able to overtake in the oncoming lane without fear, and even simply climb up a very steep hill without losing speed. The turbine reaches close to two thousand revolutions. When overtaking, it is useless to switch to downshift, as they do at gasoline stations, this will not give any effect. In the case of overtaking at 514m, you just need to rev up the engine until the turbine turns on when accelerating, and only then start advancing. At the same time, in winter and icy conditions, it is necessary to apply the load smoothly, not abruptly, otherwise, when the turbine is turned on, the car will receive a good kick in the ass, which can result in a skid. You also need to fly into a steep climb while the turbine whistles, otherwise the car suddenly loses speed and becomes like a loaded KAMAZ that does not go up the hill. It is useless to press the gas pedal sharply and to the floor - fuel system slows down a lot, so the effect of sharply pressing the pedal will be the same as if you pressed the pedal slowly, in accordance with the acceleration obtained :)
2. Limited maximum speed. In general, according to the passport it is stated that the maximum speed of the car is 120 km/h. In principle, I believe in this. I heard some stories about how people drove this diesel engine at 140 km/h. However, I myself have never done such things - by God, people, I sincerely don’t understand how you do it :) In my opinion, the maximum I accelerated my Hunter to was about 117 km/h (according to the navigator; The speed on the speedometer was much higher). I remember that the gasoline Hunter could drive many times faster; I set the maximum speed record on it at 137 km/h. However, to be honest, at speeds above 110 km/h it becomes quite difficult to drive this car. Hunter's handling is poor, and the diesel engine howls hysterically from under the hood. Probably normal speed for diesel Hunter on the highway - about 100 km/h. In principle, this is not bad, but... let's admit that driving at such a speed along, for example, the M-4 Don highway, where in some places the limits reach 130 km/h, can be a little sad: D And it’s also loud... although this is a problem sound insulation of the car, not the diesel engine.
3. Overtaking in the oncoming lane. I talked about them above: ZMZ-514 is a slow engine. It is safe to overtake on it only when oncoming traffic is clear to the horizon.
4. Acceleration when leaving a secondary road. Actually, this can also be attributed to the first point. Before turning on the turbine, the ZMZ-514 is slow and sad. It is unlikely that you will be able to leave the secondary road and accelerate sharply on it. Therefore in case unregulated intersection In heavy traffic, turning left on it can be quite difficult due to the fact that it can’t get any sudden acceleration from a standstill.
5. The legendary unreliability of ZMZ-514. In general, I can’t really say anything about this: the cracked cylinder head was replaced by the previous owner :) So I just drive and believe. My sincere faith drowns out my fear of breakdowns.

(or 469), which lasted on the assembly line for about thirty years. Externally, this model is similar to its predecessor, but it was created on a completely new platform. The use of new components and unexpected technical solutions made it possible to create a dynamic, sustainable, economical and reliable car. At the same time, we managed to preserve the advantages inherent in all Ulyanovsk SUVs: low price with excellent cross-country ability.

Immediately striking are the new, safer and more modern plastic bumpers that crawl onto the wings, and wheels with a diameter of sixteen inches, which complement the decorative fender liners. Sliding windows instead of rotating windows now make life much easier for passengers and the driver. Visibility on the UAZ Hunter Diesel is now slightly better than on the 469 model. The closed, tight door sealing contour makes the car interior less noisy, it prevents the accumulation of moisture and maintains the microclimate in the cabin.

The rear door is hinged, the side door is installed on the UAZ Hunter Diesel version with an awning. The spare wheel hidden in the case also looks good. For an additional fee, you can install alloy or metallic wheels on your car.

The interior of the UAZ Hunter Diesel has also changed significantly. Now it is not so ascetic, which allows you to comfortably accommodate both passengers and the driver of the car. The front seats have been redesigned. They are upholstered in fabric and are adjustable. But the steering column cannot be adjusted either in height or in tilt.

Rear passengers have now also become more comfortable. Even very tall people have enough legroom. The rear seats are adjustable only by the angle of the backrest. If you need to spend the night in the car, then rear seats can be expanded. You can install a couple more seats in the luggage compartment.

A footrest, despite the rather high seating position, is not provided. The torpedo is made of dark gray plastic. It is not very convenient to read the speedometer, since it is located somewhere under the steering wheel. The center console has gauges for fuel, battery charging, oil pressure and engine temperature. It is also difficult to read information from them, since the instruments are located parallel to the torpedo line.

Buying a Diesel is worth it for those who want to operate this car in harsh winters. The car floors are covered with warm carpet. The stove is turned on using a switch under the console. The temperature is not adjustable, but you can change the blowing force (strong and medium modes). There are air ducts only above and below the windshield.

UAZ Hunter Diesel is equipped with a ZMZ-5143 engine with a volume of 2.2 liters and a power of 98 hp. It can also have a turbo diesel from Poland with 86 hp. and a volume of 2.4 liters.

UAZ Hunter Diesel: owner reviews

Pros: the car is simple and unpretentious to use. Moderate fuel consumption. It has high maneuverability and good load capacity. There is no reaction to the additional weight of passengers or cargo.

Cons: not much high quality assemblies.

Engine UAZ Hunter, which you see in the photo in our article, is installed from the Patriot model. What gasoline, what diesel engines UAZ Hunter's are exactly the same as Patriot's. The 2.7-liter gasoline engine produces 128 hp, the 2.3-liter diesel engine produces a little less, only 114 horses, but the diesel engine’s torque is not comparable. Today we will tell you in detail about the design and characteristics of UAZ Hunter engines.

Gasoline engine UAZ Hunter ZMZ-409, this is a 4-cylinder, 16-valve, in-line, with an integrated microprocessor fuel injection control system. Fuel injection is carried out into the intake pipe. An ignition system with coils that supply current to spark plugs screwed vertically into the center of the combustion chambers. There are even special wells in the cylinder head cover for this purpose. Microprocessor system with electronic unit engine control, automatically controls the ignition timing.

The cylinder block of the UAZ Hanter power unit is cast from aluminum (with cast iron liners), the cylinder head is aluminum, with two camshafts and hydraulic valve compensators. Timing chain drive. At the same time, the chain device of the gas distribution mechanism of the Hunter engine is very complex, since it consists of two chains connected through an intermediate shaft. Plus there are two hydraulic chain tensioners with sprockets. This whole structure is weak point of the entire engine, since insufficient tension and failure of the hydraulic tensioner lead to increased operating noise of the UAZ engine. In addition, hydraulic compensators often fail, which leads to knocking in the valve mechanism.

Engine UAZ Hunter 2.7 petrol (128 hp) characteristics, fuel consumption

  • Working volume – 2693 cm3
  • Number of cylinders – 4
  • Number of valves – 16
  • Cylinder diameter – 95.5 mm
  • Piston stroke – 94 mm
  • Power hp/kW – 128/94.1 at 4600 rpm
  • Torque – 209.7 Nm at 2500 rpm
  • Compression ratio – 9
  • Fuel brand – gasoline AI 92
  • Ecological class – Euro-4
  • Maximum speed – 130 km/h
  • Acceleration to 100 km/h – n/a
  • Fuel consumption in the combined cycle – 13.2 liters

Naturally objective data on fuel consumption petrol Hunter in urban conditions the manufacturer does not name. The reason is clear; rather high fuel consumption can scare off buyers. If you want to save on fuel, then buy a UAZ Hunter with a diesel engine, which we will talk about later.

Diesel UAZ Hunter assembled at the same Zavolzhsky Motor Plant. Inline 4-cylinder, 16-valve power unit with two camshafts. Timing chain drive, with hydraulic tensioners. The valve mechanism has hydraulic compensators. The cylinder block is aluminum, the cylinder head is aluminum, there is a turbocharger. Diesel ZMZ engine-51432.10 CRS with Common Rail fuel supply system has an electronically controlled “BOSCH” fuel supply system with maximum pressure injection 1450 bar. To drive the injection pump (high pressure fuel pump), water pump and generator, a poly V-belt with an automatic tensioning mechanism is used.

Diesel engine UAZ Hunter, With direct injection fuel, turbocharging and charge air cooling complies with the Euro-4 environmental class. This engine It has good torque, which is indispensable for off-road use, plus quite moderate fuel consumption. Below detailed characteristics Hunter diesel engine.

Engine UAZ Hunter 2.3 diesel (114 hp) characteristics, fuel consumption

  • Working volume – 2235 cm3
  • Number of cylinders – 4
  • Number of valves – 16
  • Cylinder diameter – 87 mm
  • Piston stroke – 94 mm
  • Power hp/kW – 113.5/83.5 at 3500 rpm
  • Torque – 270 Nm at 1300-2800 rpm
  • Compression ratio – 19
  • Type timing/timing drive – DOHC/chain
  • Fuel brand – diesel
  • Ecological class – Euro-4
  • Maximum speed – 120 km/h
  • Acceleration to 100 km/h – n/a
  • Fuel consumption in the city – n/a
  • Fuel consumption in the combined cycle – 10.6 liters
  • Fuel consumption on the highway - n/a

U diesel unit Hunter, like its gasoline counterpart, with the same design as Patriot engines, has higher fuel consumption figures, but a lower maximum speed. This can be explained by the design features of the UAZ Hunter itself.

The diesel UAZ Hunter is a solid, practical Russian Gelendevagen with straight shapes. Even gaps, normally closing doors, but the enamel is a little expensive for an SUV, because the UAZ Hunter diesel must make its way through forests and impassable thickets, and metallic paint can quickly get scratched. Yes, this is not for you.

I would like to note that the car’s step is a bit high and the doorway is a little narrow, which may be difficult for some drivers to enter. The seats of the model are very comfortable and the driver, even with large dimensions, will be able to move closer to dashboard and will feel free. It is possible to install an additional row of seats and equip the car with a hinged trunk door, which will make the SUV convenient for family trips.

Having watched the UAZ Hunter diesel video, you can see that in the new model the designers have completely rid this car of: the unsuccessful design of the gearbox and insufficient engine power, and have made it the most convenient and comfortable for passengers, while maintaining male character and penetrating power.

The advantages of the car, according to experts, are:

  • ​Comfortable salon.
  • ​Transmission and new power units.
  • ​Modernized.
  • Load capacity and capacity.

But the main advantage of the UAZ Hunter diesel is that owner reviews note its excellent functionality. It can be used as a car for transporting passengers, as a tug, and for off-road travel. This SUV is simply ideal for Russian roads and is resistant to any weather conditions.

In addition, the advantages of diesel are obvious: on average, savings of 2-3 liters of fuel. The car engine does not react at all to the load and additional passengers. The chances are that it will overheat idling or during a storm there is no off-road. In operation, a modified and tested diesel engine will be much more reliable than a gasoline ZMZ.

The owner writes: The new UAZ Hunter diesel has no equal in its endurance and cross-country ability, especially in the North. The Mitsubishi L-200 and Ford Ranger are not even a match for it - I tested it myself. In the ruts on which the Urals go, the tires of these cars were torn off, but the UAZ takes people out without any problems.

Another advantage of the car is that it easily overcomes obstacles and performs remarkably well in situations in which any other SUV would not cope. High ground clearance, four-wheel drive and a spring suspension with a stabilizer easily drive the car along any road. Thanks to these qualities, the UAZ Hunter diesel is predicted to become very popular in the future.

Sale of UAZ Hunter diesel ZMZ The engine is already running very well today. Many appreciated the rare combination of affordable price, high power and cross-country ability. This model is surprisingly easy to maintain and operate, is fuel efficient, and spare parts are low in cost.

You can quote UAZ Hunter diesel owner reviews: me UAZ Hunter 315195, 128 hp. 2007 The low-end thrust is much higher than that of its carburetor predecessors, it rushes like a tank. The gearbox is Dimos, there is no grinding noise when switching. The gearbox shifts smoothly like in a passenger car, the floor does not heat up, the steering does not hiss or I bought a UAZ Hunter diesel engine ZMZ 5143 in December 2008, mileage 65,000 km, no problems. I'll do it myself. I change the oil (synthetic) and filter. Everything else is fine. Already on my own initiative I replaced the kingpins with bearing ones - beauty. I use it in any conditions, I use it at work. You can cite thousands of reviews from happy owners of this model. But the best thing is to buy a car and enjoy its wonderful driving performance on one's own.

Considering the reviews of the owners of this SUV published about the UAZ Hunter diesel, it can be noted that most people this model considers it a fairly dynamic car with excellent cross-country ability and intended for daily intensive use off asphalt.

In addition, the car has an economical powerful engine, acceptable interior comfort, spacious trunk and affordable cost. Also, many owner reviews of the UAZ Hunter Diesel note the SUV’s energy-intensive suspension, its high ground clearance, ease of operation and extremely good technical characteristics for an off-road model.

In particular, car enthusiasts note the presence in the car of an insulated floor, decent ergonomics, a high driving position and excellent visibility. Of course, all of the above are only general statements, so let’s turn to the real opinions of car enthusiasts about this model.

The exterior of the UAZ Hunter is strict and laconic, without any frills. Rear view mirrors provide good review rear hemisphere. Fog lights built into the front bumper. The headlights are equipped with a hydraulic light corrector that regulates the direction of the light flux depending on the vehicle load. The bumpers are decorated with plastic overlays, which additionally protect the paintwork.

The luggage compartment of the UAZ Hunter is equipped with a hinged door with a windshield wiper. The side doors have extensions with sliding glass, which provides better ventilation of the interior.

As an additional option, installation of a plastic container for a spare wheel is offered.

Overall length UAZ Hunter 4100 mm, and with a spare wheel 4170 mm. Width with mirrors 2010 mm, height - 2025 mm, height ground clearance 210 mm.


The UAZ Hunter has five seats in the cabin, but the body design allows the installation of two additional seats in the rear. The interior is upholstered in carpet, and the seats are made of soft fabric that is not afraid of wet cleaning. The front seats have lumbar support, wide range longitudinal adjustment, the ability to change the angle of the backrest. Passenger seats convert into berths, and the rear bench can be fully or partially folded to accommodate large cargo.

Steering wheel has a soft rim made of polyurethane foam. And a wide pad in its middle part will protect the driver in the event of an accident.

(or 469), which lasted on the assembly line for about thirty years. Externally, this model is similar to its predecessor, but it was created on a completely new platform. The use of new components and unexpected technical solutions made it possible to create a dynamic, stable, economical and reliable car. At the same time, we managed to preserve the advantages inherent in all Ulyanovsk SUVs: low price with excellent cross-country ability.

Immediately striking are the new, safer and more modern plastic bumpers that crawl onto the wings, and wheels with a diameter of sixteen inches, which complement the decorative fender liners. Sliding windows instead of rotating windows now make life much easier for passengers and the driver. Visibility on the UAZ Hunter Diesel is now slightly better than on the 469 model. The closed, tight door sealing contour makes the car interior less noisy, it prevents the accumulation of moisture and maintains the microclimate in the cabin.

The rear door is hinged, the side door is installed on the UAZ Hunter Diesel version with an awning. The spare wheel hidden in the case also looks good. For an additional fee, you can install alloy or metallic wheels on your car.

The interior of the UAZ Hunter Diesel has also changed significantly. Now it is not so ascetic, which allows you to comfortably accommodate both passengers and the driver of the car. The front seats have been redesigned. They are upholstered in fabric and are adjustable. But the steering column cannot be adjusted either in height or in tilt.

Rear passengers have now also become more comfortable. Even very tall people have enough legroom. The rear seats are adjustable only by the angle of the backrest. If you need to spend the night in the car, the rear seats can be folded down. You can install a couple more seats in the luggage compartment.

A footrest, despite the rather high seating position, is not provided. The torpedo is made of dark gray plastic. It is not very convenient to read the speedometer, since it is located somewhere under the steering wheel. The center console has gauges for fuel, battery charging, oil pressure and engine temperature. It is also difficult to read information from them, since the instruments are located parallel to the torpedo line.

Buying a Diesel is worth it for those who want to operate this car in harsh winters. The car floors are covered with warm carpet. The stove is turned on using a switch under the console. The temperature is not adjustable, but you can change the blowing force (strong and medium modes). There are air ducts only above and below the windshield.

UAZ Hunter Diesel is equipped with a ZMZ-5143 engine with a volume of 2.2 liters and a power of 98 hp. It can also have a turbo diesel from Poland with 86 hp. and a volume of 2.4 liters.

UAZ Hunter Diesel: owner reviews

Pros: the car is simple and unpretentious to use. Moderate fuel consumption. It has high maneuverability and good load capacity. There is no reaction to the additional weight of passengers or cargo.

Cons: Not very high build quality.

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