What antifreeze to fill in Hyundai. We add antifreeze to the Hyundai Solaris: where to fill in and when? Tools and Consumables

Replacing antifreeze with Hyundai Solaris produced not only during the planned Maintenance. It may also be needed when performing any repair, which involves draining the coolant.

Stages of replacing the coolant Hyundai Solaris

When replacing antifreeze on this model, it is necessary to flush the cooling system, since there is no drain plug on the engine block. Without flushing, some of the old fluid will remain in the system, which will degrade the properties of the new coolant.

There are several generations of Solaris, they have no fundamental changes in the cooling system, so the replacement instructions will apply to everyone:

  • Hyundai Solaris 1 (Hyundai Solaris I RBr, Restyling);
  • Hyundai Solaris 2 (Hyundai Solaris II HCr).

The procedure is best done in a garage with a pit so that you can easily get to all places. Without a pit, replacement is also possible, but it will be more difficult to get there.

Installed on Solaris gasoline engines volume of 1.6 and 1.4 liters. The volume of antifreeze poured into them is approximately equal to 5.3 liters. The same motors are used on the Kia Rio, we described there.

Coolant drain

You need to change the coolant on a cold engine, so while it cools down, there is time to remove the protection. You will also need to remove the protective plastic shield on the right side, as it blocks access to the radiator drain plug.

During this time, the car has cooled down, so we proceed to the drain itself:

After completing the drain procedure, do not forget to put everything in its place. Next, we move on to the washing step.

Flushing the cooling system

To wash out the remnants of the old antifreeze from the cooling system, we need distilled water. Which needs to be poured into the radiator, to the top of the neck, as well as in expansion tank between the minimum and maximum levels.

When the water is filled, close the radiator and reservoir caps. Next, we start the engine, wait for it to warm up, as the thermostat opens, you can turn it off. Signs of an open thermostat and that the water has gone through big circle is to turn on the cooling fan.

When warming up, it is necessary to observe the temperature readings so that it does not rise to very high values.

After that, stop the engine and drain the water. Repeat this a few more times until the drained water is clear.

Drain distilled water, like antifreeze, on a cooled motor. Otherwise, you may get burned. And also with a sharp cooling and temperature change, the head of the block can be deformed.

Filling without air pockets

After flushing, approximately 1.5 liters of distilled water remains in the Hyundai Solaris cooling system. Therefore, it is recommended to use not ready-made antifreeze, but a concentrate as a new fluid. It can be diluted with this in mind to withstand the desired freezing temperature.

Flood new antifreeze should be the same as distilled water for rinsing. The radiator is up to the top of the neck, and the expansion tank is up to the upper strip, where the letter F is. After that, we install the covers in their places.

We turn on the ignition and wait until the car engine warms up. You can increase the speed to 3 thousand for a minute, so that the pump quickly disperses the liquid through the system. This will also help air out if there is an airlock in the cooling lines.

After done, turn off the engine and let it cool down a bit. Now you need to carefully open the filler neck and add the required amount of liquid. Since during warming up it was distributed throughout the system and the level should have decreased.

A few days after replacement, it is necessary to check the level of antifreeze and top up if necessary.

Replacement frequency, which antifreeze to fill

According to the manufacturer's regulations, the first replacement for a Hyundai Solaris should be made with a mileage of no more than 200 thousand kilometers. And with small runs, the service life is 10 years. Further replacements depend on the fluid used.

By recommendation automobile concern to fill in the cooling system, you need to use original antifreeze Hyundai Long Life Coolant. It comes as a concentrate that must be diluted with distilled water.

The original liquid exists in several forms, in a gray or silver canister with a green label. It needs to be changed every 2 years. Once it was the only one recommended for replacement. Since then, information has been circulating on the Internet that it is exactly what needs to be used. But at the moment it is not advisable to use it, since it is created on an outdated silicate basis. But just in case, here are the order codes 07100-00200 (2 sheets), 07100-00400 (4 sheets)

Now for replacement, you should choose antifreeze in a green canister with a yellow label, which is designed for 10 years of operation. At the moment it will the best option, as it fully meets modern requirements. Complies with Hyundai/Kia MS 591-08 specification and belongs to lobrid fluids and phosphate carboxylate (P-OAT) class. You can order using these articles 07100-00220 (2 sheets), 07100-00420 (4 sheets).

How much antifreeze in the cooling system, volume table

Leaks and problems

Hyundai Solaris has no special problems with the cooling system. Is it a lid filler neck should change periodically. Since sometimes the bypass valve located in it fails. Because of this, increased pressure is created, which sometimes leads to leaks at the joints.

Sometimes users may complain about an increased engine temperature, this is treated, as it turned out, by flushing the radiator externally. Over time, dirt gets into the small cells, which disrupts normal heat transfer. As a rule, this happens already on older cars that have managed to ride in various conditions.


Sooner or later, any operating fluid if it does not flow, it wears out and loses its properties. Even if Hyundai Solaris is not the most modern and powerful engine, but the coolant of 1.4 and 1.6-liter engines also has its own resource. What antifreeze should be poured into Solaris and what kind is poured from the factory and why, let's figure it out right now.

It is this antifreeze that is poured into Solaris of domestic assembly

If you look through the manual, then it will not give a specific answer on the brands of coolant. They write there that volume of the cooling system of both engines 5.3 l, and you need to pour a mixture of concentrated ethylene glycol antifreezes and distilled water in a ratio of one to one.

Nevertheless, on cars of different years of production, and even more so, assembled in Korea and in the Russian Federation, different antifreeze is poured.

Both of these liquids are produced in the Russian Federation, therefore the price for them suits the manufacturer. The original Hyundai fluid is also on sale, but it costs much more.

What antifreeze can not be poured

All modern coolants are divided into several categories according to composition. In short - antifreeze not only does not freeze in the cold, but also has a number of important functions:

  • he lubricates the pump;
  • does not cause engine corrosion;
  • does not boil at temperatures of 130-140 degrees;
  • flushes the cooling system;
  • does not form foam.

The liquid receives these properties thanks to the main component and, of course, additives. So, according to the type of the main component, antifreezes can be:

According to the modern classification (from WAG), the last two categories of antifreezes are divided into five groups - G11, G12, G12 +, G12 ++, G13.

The color of native antifreeze from the factory is green. The same antifreeze in the package recommended by the manufacturer.

Any antifreeze that we meet in the store has a certain color. Its color is not a determining factor, it is just a dye, thanks to which we can distinguish one class of liquid from another.

They are usually red in color, but G12++ grade fluids may be pink or purple in color. In this case, the brand does not really matter.

Is it possible to mix antifreezes from different manufacturers?

It is not recommended to mix non-factory and factory antifreeze!

It is highly undesirable to mix antifreezes of different classes, although there are exceptions. For topping up in small quantities, distilled water is used and only water, if there is not exactly the antifreeze that is poured into the system.

If it is necessary to completely replace the entire antifreeze, you will have to flush the entire system with distilled water. It is worth changing the liquid when it has lost its color.

Video about the operation of Hyundai Solaris on native antifreeze with a mileage of 160,000 km

At the same time, the Gamma power plant on the Hyundai Solaris is no exception. The cooling system must be carefully monitored and properly maintained. Next, we will look at what a simple car enthusiast can do, how to choose antifreeze for Solaris, as well as when to change the coolant, how often to replace it and what to look for.

Read in this article

Hyundai Solaris antifreeze: what you need to know

Let's start with the fact that modern ones are very different from the engines of past generations. On the one hand, the engines themselves have become more forced and loaded, the thermostating temperature has increased, etc. On the other hand, lightweight aluminum alloys are used for the manufacture and began to be used, which have both pluses and minuses compared to cast iron.

Moreover, it is no secret to anyone that today, lightweight aluminum blocks and block heads are considered by many experienced drivers and internal combustion engine repair specialists to be more “capricious” and even disposable. As for the Solaris model, the engine also has an aluminum block with thin-wall dry iron liners. These sleeves are cast into the block during the manufacturing process. Also, the motor on Solaris has a phase change system and many other solutions.

Result - modern engine technological and demanding on the quality of service. Also a motor to get more out of a unit with a small displacement and at the same time to improve fuel efficiency and environmental friendliness of the internal combustion engine. Of course, such a power plant during operation is heated to high temperatures.

Of course, if even a slight overheating occurs, the parts are deformed and the engine can be seriously damaged. This means that against the background of a decrease in strength and an increased tendency of new motors to, it is necessary to pay increased attention to the cooling system.

  • In terms of normal operation, keeping the cooling system clean and monitoring the coolant level in the system allows you to get good cooling. power plant. In turn, this affects the . The main thing is to choose the right antifreeze in Solaris. Let's figure out which antifreeze is better to fill in the Hyundai Solaris.

So, first of all, it is important to understand what antifreeze is poured into Solaris from the factory. The fact is that in the manual there is no clear description of the brands of coolant. It is only indicated that you need to pour a mixture of concentrated ethylene glycol antifreezes and distilled water (proportions 1: 1).

At the same time, on cars manufactured in different years, as well as depending on the country of assembly of the car, antifreeze is different. So, the Koreans at the factory pour Hyundai Long Life Coolant (specification MS-591-08). As for the Solaris model Russian assembly, CoolStream A-110 is poured into them, as well as Crown LLC A-110.

So, these types of coolants are produced in Russia, the price is more affordable and they fall onto the conveyor. There is also the original Hyundai liquid, but the price will be noticeably higher. In any case, Solaris manufacturers strongly discourage the use of any other types of coolant.

On the one hand, this is correct, but on the other hand, it may seem that the manufacturer is trying to force the pouring of only those liquids that the plant itself has determined. Actually, it is not.

It is quite possible to pick up and actively use other analogues. It is only important not to make a mistake when choosing antifreeze of other brands by type and properties. You also need to take into account a number of nuances, which we will discuss below.

  • First of all, antifreeze should be poured into Solaris and only it. It is forbidden to pour TOSOL! However, this is not all. It should be borne in mind that modern coolants are usually divided into groups. In other words, antifreezes differ in composition and their properties.

Simply put, in addition to heat extraction, the coolant performs a number of additional functions in the system: parts lubrication, corrosion protection, etc. Also, this liquid should not boil and foam, but still retain the declared properties over a certain service life.

So, these properties are determined by the additives in the composition of antifreeze, which are added to basic framework. So, if the base, for example, is sodium phosphate (), there are no corrosion inhibitors in such coolants at all.

In turn, this liquid is not able to protect aluminum from destruction when heated. Of course, the use of such a liquid on a Solaris model will quickly disable the business center, radiator, etc.

  • We go further. Silicate-based antifreezes are an outdated type of coolant. Although they protect against rust well, the compounds also form deposits on the walls of the cooling system, which significantly impairs the heat transfer of the engine. It turns out that such a Hyundai Solaris antifreeze will also not “digest”, the motor will overheat.

As for more modern solutions, this is carboxylate antifreeze, where aluminum and engine alloys protect organic acids from corrosion. Such antifreeze does not form plaque, has an acceptable service life, but it must be changed strictly according to the regulations. The reason is that over time, the anti-corrosion properties of the liquid deteriorate strongly and rapidly.

All antifreezes of the latest generations are divided into 5 main groups:. So, it is forbidden to pour nitrite antifreeze with the TL marking into the Hyundai Solaris. In fact, the harm will be the same as from TOSOL.

What antifreeze to fill in Solaris

Recommended antifreeze for Hyundai Solaris must be at least G12. More precisely, it is optimal to fill in G12, G12 + and G12 ++. By the way, it is also important to consider that green antifreeze is poured at the plant.

So, third-party antifreeze in the store can be of any color, and this does not indicate compliance with a particular class. In other words, green in color can be either G11 or G12 or G12+. It turns out that it is not worth orienting by color. You need to look at the class of the coolant itself.

For example, the recommended G12, G12+ and G12++ are usually red (G12++ can be pink or purple). So, it is quite possible to change the green factory antifreeze to red G12 or G12 +, and it is not particularly important what the antifreeze manufacturer itself will be.

Please note that even the most modern classes of antifreeze need to be changed. In practice, G12 and G12+ compositions are recommended to be completely renewed every 3-4 years of operation or 60-80 thousand km. run. In other words, Solaris antifreeze is not filled for the entire life of the car and also needs to be replaced.

As for the replacement of antifreeze itself, it must be borne in mind that mixing antifreeze different manufacturers strongly not recommended. This means that even when fluids are of the same class and conditionally compatible (for example, G12), .

The reason is that each manufacturer uses a unique package of additives that can enter into an undesirable reaction (precipitation, flakes in antifreeze, color changes, coolant properties, etc.). It turns out that in the event of an emergency leak, it is possible to mix antifreezes of the same class as part of topping up, but such a mixture at the end of the trip still needs to be drained as soon as possible.

Also, after mixing or during the replacement of the factory antifreeze with some other, it is recommended to completely flush the cooling system. The fact is that when replacing, it is not possible to completely drain the old antifreeze, the remnants of which are then mixed with fresh liquid.

To prevent this from happening, at a minimum, you need distilled water. In this case, the best option would be to use special flushes for the engine cooling system. Such flushes allow you to clean the channels of the system, as well as remove the remnants of the old fluid.

Summing up

Given the above information, it becomes clear that only the latest generations of antifreezes are suitable for Hyundai Solaris. At the same time, you should not fill in both the cheapest G11 and the expensive G13. It is optimal to opt for G12, G12+ or G12++. The only thing is that it is also desirable to separately take into account the individual features and properties of these liquids in order to choose the most suitable option.

Finally, we note that under the condition correct selection and regular replacement of Hyundai Solaris antifreeze, cooling system this vehicle features high efficiency and stable operation. In turn, this is a reliable protection of the power plant from general or local overheating, which significantly increases the resource of the internal combustion engine.

The issue of choosing antifreeze for Hyundai Crete 1.6 and 2.0 liters is the most relevant, both in summer and in winter. The point is that the coolant winter time is a coolant and the heat in the cabin depends on its quality and quantity, and in summer antifreeze removes heat from the engine, preventing it from overheating.

When it becomes necessary to add antifreeze to the cooling system, and the owner of the car does not know what was filled in, he has doubts - is this coolant suitable for my car? The fact is that it is not recommended to mix coolants from different manufacturers and different colors, since these liquids may differ in composition and when they are mixed, the composition may be violated.

Of course, when it comes to a breakdown and you need to urgently add antifreeze, it is better to add any coolant than to overheat the engine. Of course, after you get to the place of repair, you will have to completely replace all the liquid in the cooling system. But you won't overheat the engine.

So, in order to understand what kind of antifreeze is poured into the Hyundai Creta from the factory, you can contact any dealership and clarify the information of interest. But, unfortunately, dealers are not always willing to provide this information.

The second way to find out what kind of factory antifreeze is filled in the Hyundai Crete is to study the car. We already wrote about this book in one of our articles and even posted a link to download it. Go and look at the site. In the book we find a page with filling volumes and recommended lubricants. There should be the following table:

But, unfortunately, the classification indicates only: “MIX antifreeze with water (ethylene glycol based coolant for aluminum radiators)” . And no explanation. Since, then it is simply not profitable to import antifreeze from abroad to the conveyor. And it turns out that the most the best option it remains only to use some kind of local antifreeze. I dare to assume that Shell antifreeze is poured on the conveyor, since the plant has a supply contract lubricants from the Shell factory in Torzhok.

Most dealers also use Shell antifreeze for maintenance and repair.

If you look into the expansion tank, you can easily figure out the color of Shell's factory antifreeze. It is green as you can see.

If the factory and dealers pour green Shell antifreeze, then this noticeably narrows the search. Thus, we can reduce the search to a single option - SHELL Super Protection antifreeze.

However, everything would be simple, but there is unconfirmed information that Hyundai Long Life Coolant antifreeze is supplied to the assembly lines of Hyundai and KIA. It is the only antifreeze in the world approved by Hyundai Motor Corp. There will be information about it below, so scroll down.

In fact, antifreeze for Hyundai Creta 2.0 and for 1.6 liters is no different. The design of the car uses the same aluminum blocks and aluminum radiators. Therefore, there is no difference in antifreeze. The same antifreeze is poured into both modifications. Namely, a green coolant based on ethylene glycol.

The total volume of the Hyundai Creta 2.0 cooling system is 5.7 liters.

For Hyundai Creta 1.6 liters, exactly the same coolant is used as for the 2.0 engine. For cars with manual transmission, 5.7 liters of antifreeze is poured, and for cars with automatic transmission - 5.5 liters. In any case, 6 liters of coolant will be enough for a full refueling of CO Crete in any modification.

But back to our car. Antifreeze for must be green and based on ethylene glycol.

Naturally, the original antifreeze is also sold for the Hyundai Creta. You can find it with the following articles:

  • Antifreeze HYUNDAI / KIA green concentrate 4l - 07100-00400.
  • Antifreeze HYUNDAI/KIA green concentrate 2L - 07100-00200.
  • Coolant liquid “Crown LLC A-110”, green 1l R9000-AC001H (for Hyundai).
  • Coolant fluid “Crown LLC A-110”, green 1l R9000-AC001K (for KIA).

The first two antifreezes with part numbers 07100-00400 and 07100-00200 are completely Korean coolants for Hyundai Kreta. Canisters look like this:

Please note that this liquid is a concentrate and must be diluted with distilled water. The dilution proportions must be selected in accordance with the required crystallization and boiling point of the finished liquid.

The next two antifreezes - Crown LLC A-110 - are ready-made green coolants that are just as suitable for topping up and pouring into the Hyundai Creta 1.6 and cooling system.

R9000-AC001H - Designed for Hyundai cars, R9000-AC001K – for KIA vehicles. Although there is no difference in the composition of liquids. You can safely mix them up.

Asking the question “What color is the antifreeze in the Hyundai Crete?”, You can go in two ways - either look under the cap into the expansion tank, or seek help from specialized forums.

In any case, you will find information both there and there that the Hyundai Creta is filled with green antifreeze from the factory. However, if you are purchasing a car not from the salon, then double-check the information. The previous owner could well have replaced the antifreeze with red or pink.

The Hyundai Creta antifreeze level can be controlled using expansion tank car. The coolant level must be checked with the engine cold.

The coolant level must be between the L (Low) and F (Full) marks. These are the maximum and minimum risks. If the antifreeze has fallen below the “Low” mark, then it is necessary to add coolant and find the cause of the leak.

If you poured coolant above the “Full” mark, then the excess antifreeze must be pumped out of the tank. Ideally, the Hyundai Creta antifreeze level should be approximately halfway between the L and F marks.

Antfiris Hyundai Creta video

Antifreeze for Hyundai Solaris

The table shows the type and color of the required antifreeze for filling in Hyundai Solaris,
produced from 2010 to 2014.
Year Engine Type of Colour Lifetime Featured Manufacturers
2010 petrol, diesel G12+ red5 yearsHavoline, AWM, G-Energy, Freecor
2011 petrol, diesel G12+ red5 yearsFrostschutzmittel A, VAG, FEBI, Zerex G
2012 petrol, diesel G12++ red5 to 7 years oldFreecor QR, Freecor DSC, Glysantin G 40, FEBI
2013 petrol, diesel G12++ red5 to 7 years oldFEBI, VAG, Castrol Radicool Si OAT
2014 petrol, diesel G12++ red5 to 7 years oldFrostschutzmittel A, FEBI, VAG

When buying, you need to know the shade - Colour and Type of antifreeze, valid for the year of manufacture of your Solaris. Select the manufacturer of your choice. Do not forget - each type of fluid has its own lifespan.
For example: for Hyundai Solaris (1st generation) 2010, with a gasoline or diesel engine type, suitable - carboxylate antifreeze class, type G12 + with shades of red. The approximate next replacement period of which will be 5 years. If possible, check the selected fluid against the requirements of the vehicle manufacturer's specifications and service intervals. It is important to know Each type of liquid has its own color. There are rare cases when a type is tinted with a different color.
The color of red antifreeze can be from purple to light pink (for green and yellow same principles).
Mix liquid from different manufacturers - can if their types match the blending conditions. G11 can be mixed with G11 analogues G11 must not be mixed with G12 G11 can be mixed with G12+ G11 can be mixed with G12++ G11 can be mixed G13 G12 can be mixed with G12 analogues G12 must not be mixed with G11 G12 can be mixed with G12+ G12 must not be mixed with G12++ G12 must not be mixed with G13 G12+, G12++ and G13 can be mixed together It is not allowed to mix Antifreeze with Antifreeze. No way! Antifreeze and Antifreeze - very different in quality. Antifreeze is the trade name for the traditional type (TL) of an old-style coolant. At the end of the service life - the liquid completely discolors or becomes very dull. Before replacing one type of fluid with another, flush the car radiator with plain water.

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