What antifreeze in Opel Astra h 1.6. What Antifreeze to Pour into the Opel Astra G. Opel correct coolant replacement

Based on the regulations Maintenance Opel Astra H machines, antifreeze should be replaced if the shade or color of the working fluid changes. At the same time, the frequency of checking the cooling system is once every 15,000 km.

Many car owners go the easy way and change antifreeze every 45,000 km. If we consider the frequency of such work, from the standpoint of the service life, then it is necessary to drain the old and fill in new coolant every two years. This is due to the fact that, at the end of this period, the additives in antifreeze lose their qualities, and the risk of engine overheating increases.

Which antifreeze is better and how much to pour into the Opel Astra N?

The service life and characteristics of the engine depend on the timeliness of replacing antifreeze. Equally important is the correct choice of coolant. In Opel Astra H cars, the use of dark orange or red compounds is allowed, which, with prolonged use, may acquire a yellow tint.

The best option is the use of G12 antifreezes designed for Opel cars. It is forbidden to fill in coolant containing silicate. You can recognize it by its green-blue tint. This is extremely important, because ignoring this requirement can lead to system failure.

Before replacing antifreeze, it is worth deciding on the required volume of coolant - how much to pour. This parameter depends on the engine type. For example, the Z14 XEL and Z14 XEP engines require 5.6 liters of coolant, for the Z16 XEP and Z18 XE - 5.9 liters, for the Z17 DTL and Z17 DTH - 6.8 liters, and for the Z13 DTH - 7.6 l.

Antifreeze for Opel Astra N from General Motors

Replacement process

The reason for replacing antifreeze with an Opel Astra H may be not only mileage or the past 2-year period. It is advisable to do such work after repairing the engine, replacing the cylinder head or cylinder head gasket, installing a new heat exchanger or radiator. You can change the coolant only on a cold engine, a few hours after the trip.

In the process of replacing antifreeze, be careful - working fluid should not get on the timing belts, because it contains glycol. If this happens, the resource of the part is reduced, and the risk of breakage increases during operation.

Drain antifreeze

How to drain antifreeze from Opel Astra H? The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. On an appropriately equipped vehicle, turn off or set the air conditioner to ECO mode.
  2. Remove the cover mounted on the neck of the expansion tank. Be careful, because if the engine is not completely cooled down, there is a risk of burns. For protection, cover the lid with a cloth.
  3. Raise the machine and place it on stands.
  4. Remove the engine crankcase protection.
  5. Substitute, under the main radiator, a prepared container of a suitable volume. It will drain the coolant. To prevent splashing, put a tube on the nozzle, and lower its other end into a container.
  6. Open the cap on the radiator and wait for the antifreeze to drain from the system.
  7. Close the valve and lower the machine.

Pouring new antifreeze

Above is an instruction on how to drain antifreeze. After removing the old fluid in the Opel Astra H cooling system, you can proceed to its filling. To do this, do the following:

  1. Make sure that all tubes of the cooling path are in good condition, as well as that the fasteners are secure. If during the inspection, defective components were identified, replace them and stretch the clamps.
  2. Remove the expansion tank cap and begin slowly filling the system with clean, coolant.
  3. Pour the working compound until its level in the tank is at the level of the lower pipe.
  4. Screw on the cap of the expansion tank.
  5. Start the engine and let it run until you reach operating temperature. Increase the RPM to 2500 rpm to start the cooling fan mounted on the radiator.

Let the engine run for two minutes to ensure that excess air pockets are removed from the cooling system. At the same time, the engine speed of the Opel Astra H should be at the level of 2000-2500 rpm. Excess air will escape through the connection and return pipe of the expansion tank.

After completing the work, inspect the condition of the system elements for the presence of a leak. After that, turn off the engine and wait until it cools down completely. Reinstall the crankcase guard (if installed) and recheck the antifreeze level in the system. If it is below normal, adjust to the required volume. Finally, put on and tighten the tank cap.

If you follow the above algorithm, replacing antifreeze in an Opel Astra H car takes no more than an hour. Remember that filling the coolant, done on time, allows you to extend the life of the engine and avoid many problems during operation. To achieve best results Use only those antifreezes recommended by the manufacturer.

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Late replacement of antifreeze can cause the same harm as poor quality fuel. Antifreeze is engine coolant. A boiling engine in a traffic jam and in the heat - just happens due to the lack of a coolant change. You can easily change the coolant at home, the whole process will take 30 minutes. Many drivers are afraid of a trip to the service, a long wait in line - so the replacement is postponed until the very last moment. This very last moment happens, usually on the roads, at the most inopportune time. How to avoid the development of such situations? Read further in the article.

When should antifreeze be changed?

There is no universal replacement period. There is a standard rule - antifreeze is replaced every 40-50 thousand kilometers. But it is recommended to do it a little earlier.

In addition, the car can be operated in different load modes - therefore, to replace the coolant, it is better to stick to a mileage of 25-30 thousand kilometers. Visually, the need for replacement is visible in the presence of the following indicators:

  • Opel Astra h antifreeze leaves - after a long parking of the car, oil stains appear under the engine;
  • On the left, smudges of brown liquid appear under the front bumper - antifreeze flows Opel Astra H;
  • When opening the tank, the color of the liquid became noticeably more transparent or mushy;
  • A very bad signal if there are oil stains inside the tank. This means that the heat exchanger has leaked inside the car engine. Engine oil mixed with coolant. In this case, immediately take the car to the service for inspection;
  • The volume of Opel Astra H antifreeze is on the initial filling scale;
  • Since the last filling, the mileage has been more than 25 thousand kilometers;
  • The engine temperature is in the red zone - the cooling mode of the engine will jam it. It is urgent to change the coolant.

Replacement process

The process of changing the coolant in Opel is quite simple. In the Opel Astra J, the replacement of antifreeze is similar to the Opel Astra h, as is the replacement of the Opel Astra G antifreeze. In the listed car models, the principle of operation with the replacement of the refrigerant is the same.

  • We are preparing a container for draining the waste liquid. You can take a simple plastic bottle with a volume of 5 liters. At the top we make a hole in the shape of a rectangle 5 by 3 cm. The waste liquid will merge into this hole;
  • Stop the engine, it is better to drain the antifreeze when the Opel has been standing for 15-20 minutes;
  • We carry out the whole process on a flat platform;
  • Buy new coolant from trusted suppliers. In no case from the hands, where the liquid is on the trays under the direct influence of the sun or temperature conditions.

Drain antifreeze

How to drain antifreeze on Opel Astra J or drain Opel Astra H antifreeze - processes are similar in time and complexity.

  • Under the front bumper, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe left headlight, we are looking for a coolant drain cone. We substitute the container and unscrew;
  • A thin stream of antifreeze will slowly drain. Color - brown or bright pink. Depending on the originally acquired color (indicator - the engine must be cooled with a new liquid);
  • Next - pour distilled water into the tank (attention: not from the tap, but purchased distilled water that does not contain chlorine precipitation);
  • We carry out washing 5-6 times. The color should be pale pink (blue, yellow);
  • Cleaning completed. We drain all the waste liquid into the technical drain (not in domestic conditions - the liquid is poisonous).

Pouring new antifreeze

We select the brand of antifreeze in accordance with the type of engine:

  • Mark 11: not very quality liquid, pour in the most extreme case. Suitable for old models of the Soviet automobile industry or foreign cars;
  • Marking G12 (includes carbo-silicate) - high-quality refrigerant, suitable for engines operating at high speeds;
  • Marking G13 - contain propylene glycol. No different from the previous type, but does not contain poisonous properties.

The color of the antifreeze doesn't matter. Produced respectively in different combinations. From red and pink to blue and yellow.

The best advice for choosing a coolant is Opel's recommendations. We open the Opel instruction manual on the last page - all brands of consumables are listed there in full.

Replacing Opel Astra N antifreeze is important for optimal engine performance. In the Astra N cooling system, only red (dark orange) antifreeze is allowed, which, during prolonged use, may turn yellow. The recommended Opel is 1940650 or 09194431.

Replacement frequency and volume of antifreeze Opel Astra N

Opel Astra N maintenance regulations require checking the level and color of the coolant every 15,000 km. Replacement should be made when the liquid has greatly changed color, level and density have changed. Some drivers prefer not to bother with the question "when to change antifreeze" and replace every 45,000 km. In any case, regardless of mileage, coolant should be changed every 2 years, since after this time the anti-corrosion additives lose their properties.

How much antifreeze to fill

How to change antifreeze Opel Astra N

Replacing Astra N antifreeze may also be needed when repairing an engine, during which the cylinder head or cylinder head gasket, radiator, and heat exchanger were changed. Change coolant only possible with a cold engine at least a few hours after the trip.

How to choose and replace antifreeze Opel Astra

Opel antifreezes Astra models H and J. Rules for replacement, instructions for draining and filling, and helpful tips on the Astra cooling system.

The choice of antifreeze for Opel Astra

When choosing a coolant for your Astra, the ideal product is a genuine GM product. Any other red liquid marked G11 can act as a substitute. It is very important that Opel Astra antifreeze is filled with one kind, for example, you cannot add red to green or G11 to G12.

Opel Astra H antifreeze replacement

According to the rules, the change of antifreeze in Astra is made every 45 thousand km or every 2 years. You don't need special skills or equipment to replace yourself. Any coolant work can be done on a cooled engine. The vehicle must be on a level surface.

  1. First open expansion tank
  2. Then, put a hose on the radiator tube of the drain cock, insert the end into the drain container and turn the cock.
  3. To completely drain the Opel Astra cooling system, you must move the clamp holding the throttle body heating tube and remove the nipple from the intermediate tube socket.
  4. Fill until it evaporates from the remote nozzle. Then install it in place. Then it is necessary that the engine warms up to operating temperature, and check the level in expansion tank. If the level is below the required level, top up.

Opel Astra J Antifreeze replacement

Replacement antifreeze.

Opel proper coolant replacement!!

How did I change

Antifreeze replacement Opel Astra J

Opel Astra J coolant change should also be done every 45,000 km or every 2 years.

During the procedure, the car must be on a flat surface. The process algorithm looks like this:

  1. First of all, open the cap of the expansion tank.
  2. Connect the hose to the drain hole and place the end in a container to drain.
  3. Open the faucet.
  4. Fill with new product until it escapes the throttle, it must be removed beforehand by loosening the clamp.
  5. Check the level with the engine warm, top up if necessary.

Why antifreeze leaving?

Such reasons for Opel Astra enough. Coolant may be leaking from a radiator, pump, or cracked hose. Also, the gateway could be the cause. If the leak is small, then this will help remove special chemical compounds that pour into the Opel Astra expansion tank and plug small holes. But this is a temporary solution.

To avoid air blockages in the system during the filling of funds, it is necessary to periodically heat the radiator pipes.

If a few days after changing the antifreeze, it has changed color, then it is a fake product and should be drained immediately.

If the cooling system Opel Astra heavily soiled or antifreeze has not been replaced for a long time, it is recommended to wash it. There are special chemicals for this.

After draining the coolant, the system is filled with flushing composition and turns on for about 30 minutes at maximum heating. The composition is then drained and the refrigerant is poured out.

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