What kind of chair can be placed in the front seat? At what age can you transport a child in the front seat? Child protection in the front seat

My sister's Small child. Sometimes you have to take your baby with you on car trips. There are all sorts of situations, and to eliminate emergency situations, the sister uses a special seat. Until recently there were no problems, but last month she was given a fine due to the fact that child seat was posted on front seat.

Under any circumstances, transporting children in the front seat is dangerous and risky. The best option is to install a child seat on back seat, since the risk of injury and death in the event of an emergency is significantly higher ahead.

At the same time, no prohibitions related to whether a child can be transported in the front seat are established in the 2019 traffic regulations. In simple words, it is allowed to carry a child in front, but subject to certain conditions. These rules contain a special paragraph 22.9, which illustrates in detail the procedure for transporting children in the front seat.

According to this provision, transportation of children of a certain age is allowed only if they are ensured complete safety and the child has reached a certain age.

In other words, it is necessary to take into account the design of the vehicle, as well as provide conditions for transporting a child in the car. The point is that, according to the law, the child must be transported in a suitable child seat or with the use of effective restraints.

The structures must be suitable for the height and weight of the child being transported. When it comes to riding a baby in the front seat, only child restraint seats can be used.

Procedure for transporting a baby if the car is equipped with an airbag

When using a special car seat and if there is an airbag, the child can be transported only after installing a special rear-facing car seat.

This procedure requires special technical regulations. In addition, one should take into account the fact that when deployed, the airbag can do a poor job and harm the passenger.

In section 3.2 of the indicated document there is a paragraph - 3.2.6, which does not prohibit the installation of a child seat in the front seat in the direction of travel, however, this option is permitted only when the car has a sensor that disables the ejection of the airbag in the presence of a seat located in the front seat.

Experts have different opinions on this matter, and some believe that there is no need to disable the system, but this opinion is most likely erroneous, and you should be guided by generally accepted rules.

Which chairs are best to choose for a trip?

We have already figured out the age at which a child can be transported without a seat. Here we are talking about children over 12 years old. Before this age, the child will have to acquire special mount, meeting all points of GOST R 41.44-2005. According to this state standard, designs for children are offered in the following options:

As a result of the description of the structures, which is presented in GOST, specialized companies develop and produce a wide variety of children's fixing structures. In particular, the following models can be mentioned:

  • car seats;
  • frameless seats;
  • adapters (FEST) or boosters.

To summarize, we can say that a child can be transported in the front seat in any of the specified seat options, provided that the baby’s safety is guaranteed. An important point is the correct placement of the structure and its location.

Types of fines

In case of violation of current legislation and non-compliance with general rules, there is a procedure for applying penalties. We are talking about an amount of 3 thousand rubles. The amount of the fee is determined individually, taking into account the situation and situation.

The amount is set taking into account the current circumstances, and if we consider the cost of a regular seat for transporting children, then the fine imposed will be equal to exactly half the cost of such a design.


Transporting children in a car is permitted by traffic regulations, but there are a number of points that must be observed. First of all, we are talking about the age of the child. If he has reached the age of 12, then he can be transported without a special chair; until this moment, special seats and armchairs must be used.

Transporting a child in a car must take into account the rules and regulations of traffic regulations. Sitting in a car, the baby is not able to take care of his own safety, which means this function is transferred to the shoulders of the parents.

In 2017, certain amendments were made to the rules for transporting children in the back or front seat, which should be considered in more detail.

In addition, it is also worth dwelling on general safety issues for young passengers and listing the restrictions that parents may encounter when transporting children.

From the beginning of 2017, new requirements regarding transporting a child in a car will come into force. In paragraph 22.9 of the traffic rules, it is now specifically noted that the transportation of children under seven years of age is carried out using a special restraint device, which must fully correspond to the height and weight of the child’s body.

What are the differences from the 2016 edition and earlier versions? Now it is possible to carry a young passenger under twelve years of age in a car using a restraint device or other structures that would allow him to be fastened through a seat belt.

As you can see, the difference is in two main points:

  1. Firstly, the rules excluded the concept of “other devices”. Experts have conducted comprehensive studies that have proven that various devices (excluding a special chair) coupled with standard straps significantly increase the risk of injury to a child. And, conversely, the use standard belts for many children it is significantly safer due to well-thought-out design features. Thus, a child from seven to twelve years old can be transported in the back seat, either using a seat or using standard car seat belts.
  2. Secondly, the changes also affected the age of children. In 2017, the rules will become less stringent (in relation to the age limit), since, again, various studies have shown that the physiological characteristics of the child must also be taken into account. A nine-year-old passenger can sometimes be mistaken for a 12-year-old teenager, and an 11-year-old teenager often looks 8-9 years old due to his slender build. That is, parents themselves will decide how to transport children over 7 years old, focusing on the “density” of their figure.

How to carry a small child in the back seat in 2016-2017 is more or less clear. How will young car enthusiasts be transported in the front seat of a car in 2017?

The rules remain the same - children under twelve years of age can only be transported next to the driver using a special car seat. That is, the use of standard seat belts in the front seat of a car in relation to a child aged 7 to 12 years is completely excluded.

What is the penalty for violating the rule?

In 2017, traffic rules also imply fines for parents if children are transported in violation of the law.

The amount of the monetary penalty has not changed compared to 2016 and is 3,000 rubles. It is worth saying that a fine is imposed not only for moving a child in a car without a car seat secured in the back or front seat, but also for incorrectly securing it.

Transportation of children over 7 years old, fastened with a standard seat belt, in the back seat is permitted in the 2017 Traffic Regulations.

It is curious, but at first the developers of the law intended to introduce standards for body weight or height, but it is technically impossible to control such characteristics of the child. The inspector won't weigh or measure the kids with a tape measure?

To confirm the age of a small passenger, you need to carry documents in the car - an identity card with a mark about the child or him.

Airbag and children

When placing a restraint system in the front seat, do not forget about such a device as the factory airbag. Many parents are confident that such accessories, coupled with a car seat, will further protect the child from damage in a frontal collision. Are they right? Arguments from experts say the opposite.

In the event of a car accident, the immediate deployment of the safety device is fraught with serious additional injuries to the child seated in the front seat.

The likelihood of an unfavorable outcome increases if a cradle is used to transport the baby, which is placed backwards. This position will only increase the impact if the airbag inflates during an accident.

What can parents do to make it safe for their child to ride in the front seat of a car? Seat manufacturers and safety experts recommend:

  • when transporting a child, it is better to disable the mechanism of this protective device in order to reduce the risk of injury when the pillow deploys;
  • a child seat placed in the front seat must be rolled back so that in the event of a direct collision, the airbag cannot harm the child, and there is additional distance between him and the traumatic surface.

Traffic regulations allow young passengers to be transported in the front seat of a car, but subject to a special restraint device - most often this is a seat. And there are still a large number of arguments against putting children in a seat next to drivers, even if you have a seat.

It is believed that sitting in the front seat is dangerous for an adult, let alone a child. This is why many motorists, despite the permission of the 2017 Traffic Regulations, are in no hurry to transport children, seating them in front. As evidenced by statistics and expert research, such fears are well founded:

After reading such arguments, parents need to think about whether their dear child should be transported in the front seat. In many respects, including technical ones, it is better for a child to sit in the back seat, especially if one of the relatives is there.

Despite the above-mentioned dangers of transporting a child in front, parents continue to transport their children in this position. They justify their choice with the following arguments:

  1. Lack of consolidated space. On a long trip, adults have to carry so many different items that there is simply not enough luggage capacity in the trunk. Therefore, parents are simply forced to store their belongings in the back seat. The seat can take up a lot of free space, so transporting a child in the front seat is a necessary measure.
  2. There are no relatives in the car who can look after the young passenger. Children in a car are an additional source of irritation (that is, distraction) for a parent. Firstly, a one and a half year old child constantly needs to be given a bottle, wipe his nose, and entertain him when he is naughty. Secondly, carrying a baby in the back seat alone is a little scary, because you never know what can happen.
  3. The child's desire to sit in front. If a one and a half year old baby can sit relatively calmly in the back seat, playing with a doll or listening to music, then older children require their parents to carry them “adult” - in the front seat. New impressions and a feeling of adulthood await them there. Of course, little passengers don’t even think about potential danger such a place. Parents can tell an older child why it is undesirable for children to sit in the front. You still need to negotiate with the baby or distract him in any way possible.

Of course, this is not a complete list of reasons that force you to carry your baby in the front seat. For some, it is more convenient and calmer, while others are simply forced to transport this way due to unforeseen circumstances. If transporting children in front is unavoidable, you can and should create the safest conditions possible.

Is the chair still located in the front seat? This means that you need to carefully read and follow the advice of experienced motorists and experts on safe driving techniques. Their unconditional implementation will allow parents, if not to exclude injuries in an accident, then to significantly protect the baby from possible consequences.

If you follow these rules, you will reduce the threat to the health of a small passenger when transporting him in a car to a minimum. You can carry your baby in both the front and back seats, but the second option is much preferable.

And finally, transporting a child concerns not only the parent and his offspring directly. When getting behind the wheel of a car, a person becomes a participant in the road process, and, therefore, is simply obliged to comply with the traffic rules 2017. A seat or seat belts are an important element of safety, regardless of which seat the child is in.

Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a specialized psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on issues of raising children. I use the experience gained, among other things, in creating articles of a psychological nature. Of course, I in no way claim to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

Transporting a child in the front seat of a car is, in any case, a risky activity, since it is the front passenger seat that is considered most at risk in the event of an accident. Nevertheless, the current 2020 traffic rules do not prohibit transporting children in the front seat of a car, but there are a number of significant nuances with such transportation. Let's look at all the questions about transporting a child in the front seat of a car!

So, the traffic rules have a special clause 22.9, which prescribes the correct transportation of children in front. Let's look at this point in detail:

22.9. Transportation of children is permitted provided that their safety is ensured, taking into account the design features of the vehicle.

Everything here is quite simple - we can transport a child in a car only if we ensure his safety, taking into account the design of our car. This paragraph does not prohibit driving a child in the front seat. Let's go further:

Transportation of children under 12 years of age to Vehicle ah, equipped with seat belts, must be carried out using child restraints appropriate for the weight and height of the child, or other means that allow the child to be fastened using seat belts provided for by the design of the vehicle, and in the front seat passenger car- only using child restraints.

As you can see, children must be carried in the rear seats either using child restraints, which must correspond to the height and weight of the child, or using other means that allow the child to be fastened with a seat belt. But in the front, the so-called other means are no longer suitable - only a child restraint system. Moreover, in any case, all this should ensure the safety of transporting the child, as follows from the first paragraph of clause 22.9.

So, a child under 12 years old can be transported in the front seat car, but only using a child restraint system.

How to transport a child in the front seat with an airbag?

If you are using a car seat and have airbags, it is prohibited to transport a child with the car seat installed rear-facing. This is required Technical regulations "About the safety of wheeled vehicles"(clause 3.2.5 of section 3.2), and the same clause 22.9 of the traffic rules, as you remember, tells us that it must be ensured, and in this case the airbag can do a bad job.

But paragraph 3.2.6 of Section 3.2 of the same regulations does not prohibit transporting a child in the front seat in a rear-facing car seat if the airbag deployment system is equipped with a sensor that allows it to detect a rear-facing car seat and thus disables the airbag deployment.

In the case when a child is traveling in the direction of travel (like an ordinary passenger, but in a car seat), then opinions regarding turning off the airbags vary. Some argue that you should never turn them off, while others explain that the pillow is designed to withstand the impact of an adult. In addition, a child in a car seat usually sits much higher than an adult, and therefore the pillow can cause harm to his legs.

There is, however, an experiment (unfortunately, of an unknown source) indicating that you can leave the airbag on, but in this case the front seat in which the child is sitting must be moved back. Look at the table of experiment results below.

Time since collision Correct - the front seat is moved back Incorrect - front seat too close to cushion
0 ms There was a collision - the car critically reduced speed
35 ms

The pillow has opened and does not reach the child.

The cushion of probability hits the child's face. There is no damage to the skull, no concussion. But there is a risk of a broken nose.

50 ms

The pillow is fully expanded before the child begins to move forward as a result of inertia.

The pillow expanded completely while it was on the child's face, resulting in scratches.

120 ms

The child's pressure on the pillow is maximum.

Result and critically affected body parts.

Is it possible to carry a child in the front seat in a booster seat, FEST or with a pillow?

So, we already know that children in the front seat under 12 years of age must only ride in a child restraint. Now we should find out what a child restraint is. According to GOST R 41.44-2005:

2.1.3 Child restraints can be of two designs:

  • whole(integral class), which includes a set of straps or flexible elements with a buckle, an adjustment device, fastening and, in some cases, an additional seat and/or an impact shield that can be attached using its own integral strap or straps;
  • not whole(non-integral class) comprising a partial restraint which, when used in combination with an adult seat belt around the child's torso or a child restraint, forms a complete child restraint. Partial restraint: A device, such as a booster cushion, which, when used in combination with an adult seat belt around the child's torso or a child restraint, forms a complete child restraint. Booster cushion: A resilient cushion that can be used with any adult seat belt. guide strap: A strap that holds the shoulder strap of an adult seat belt in a position where it can be used for children, and the actual position at which the shoulder strap changes direction can be adjusted by means of a device that can be moved up or down the strap depending on the location of the shoulder and fixed in this position.
The guide strap should not be subjected to significant dynamic load.

The cited paragraphs of GOST list all kinds of child restraint devices, and, as we see, this includes:

  • car seats;
  • so called frameless car seats:
  • Adapters (FEST) And boosters.

So, the child is in the front seat can be carried in a car seat (including frameless), with FEST and in a booster. Again, the main thing is to ensure the safety of the child during transportation.

At what age can you carry a child in the front seat?

No Rules traffic, neither the Technical Regulations nor anything else regulates the age at which a child can be transported in the front seat of a car in a child car seat. There is only a maximum age limit up to which it is mandatory to use a car seat or other device to ensure the safety of a child - 12 years. That is, from the age of 12, a child can be carried in front without any restraints, but simply by fastening a seat belt. At the same time, take into account the height of the child so that the belt does not pass over his neck area.

However, it should be borne in mind that infants are transported in special infant carriers, which are always positioned against the direction of travel (with the child’s back facing forward), and in this case, when transporting a child in the front seat, one should keep in mind the possibility of the same airbag triggering, as mentioned was written above.

In general, often both experts and experienced parents themselves, answering the question of at what age to carry children in front, advise doing this starting from the age of two or three.

What is the fine for incorrectly transporting a child in the front seat?

In any case: whether transporting a child under 12 years of age without a car seat or any other child restraint device, transporting a child in front in a seat that does not correspond to the height and weight of the child, transporting an unbelted child and any other violation of clause 22.9 of the traffic rules will lead to a fine of one and the same size, not a small one, it should be noted.

In our case, the fine for incorrectly transporting children in the front seat for 2020 is 3,000 rubles under Article 12.23, Part 3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:

3. Violation of the requirements for the transportation of children established by the Traffic Rules, entails the imposition of an administrative fine on the driver in the amount of three thousand rubles; on officials- twenty-five thousand rubles; on legal entities- one hundred thousand rubles.

Three thousand rubles is on average half the cost of a good car seat... Just think about it!

Meanwhile, the inspector can check that the car seat matches the child’s height and weight. You should not interfere with him, since this is a direct fulfillment of the duties assigned to him.

How to transport a child in a truck and on a motorcycle?

According to traffic regulations, a truck is subject to the same requirements as a passenger car, except that other devices can be used in the front seat, ensuring, of course, the safety of transporting a child.

But regarding motorcycles, the traffic rules in the same paragraph 22.9 clearly regulate the rules of transportation - children under the age of 12 are prohibited from being transported on a motorcycle:

It is prohibited to transport children under 12 years of age on the back seat of a motorcycle.

But the traffic rules are silent about motorcycles with a sidecar. In this case, nothing prohibits transporting the child in one. Again, subject to safe transportation and the presence of a car seat.

Is it possible to transport a child if he is sitting in the arms of an adult (mother, father) or in a sling?

Whether in the front seat or the back seat, it is prohibited to carry a child under 12 years of age in your arms, including in a sling. This is also obvious from the same paragraph 22.9 of the Traffic Rules, which states that the child must be transported using car seats or other devices that ensure the safety of transporting children.

But the biggest danger that adults commit when transporting a child in their arms is to fasten the same seat belt with the child. IN in case of an accident with a head-on collision, the child will not only be pressed against the belt with unknown parts of his body (possibly his neck), but he will also be pressed from behind by an adult, which will have terrible consequences and is unlikely to leave the child a chance of survival.

A sling is far from being a child restraint system and is not a replacement for a car seat, and you cannot transport a child in a sling either.

What groups of car seats are there according to the weight and age of the child?

There are 5 groups of car seats, and all of them exist general rule installations in the car both in the front and rear seats.

The front passenger seat of a car is considered the most dangerous place in the event of an accident. Transporting a child on it is quite risky, but according to current legislation as of 2016, it is not prohibited provided that certain requirements are met. Such transportation must ensure the safety of the child, taking into account the design of the particular vehicle. To do this, parents must weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of installing a child seat in the front seat, as well as take care of the quality of the product and its secure fit.

How can you carry a child in the front seat?

The main law containing requirements for drivers and passengers of vehicles on the road is the traffic rules. The procedure and standards for transporting children in the front seat of a car are prescribed in clause 2.29, namely:

  1. It is allowed to carry a child under 12 years of age in the front passenger seat of a car with special restraints. Thus, the law does not contain the term “chair”, which means that other restraints can be used for restraint.
  2. According to the Rules, such devices are subject to special requirements, among which the main thing is compliance with the child’s weight category.
  3. Passengers over the age of 12 are permitted to use seat belts in the front seat.

Carrying a child in the front seat and airbag

Parents carrying a child in the front seat must be aware of the role of the airbag located in front of him. Many are convinced that it is capable of protecting a small passenger in the event of an accident without the use of additional devices. But in reality, the facts you need to know about the front airbag are:

  1. When airbags fall out during an accident or in a critical situation, they often do not save, but rather harm the child sitting in the front seat.
  2. When installing a child car seat in the front seat, the airbag ejection mechanism is disabled. This is especially true for those who place a cradle for infants in front, which is installed backwards.

Is it possible to put a child seat in the front seat of a car?

It is not prohibited to install a car seat for a child in the front seat, but this should only be done in an emergency or unforeseen situation. The passenger seat is the most dangerous zone in a car during an accident, and whenever possible to place a child in the back, you need to use it. You can minimize the danger of transporting a baby in the front seat by following these recommendations:

  1. If you decide to transport children in the front seat, be as careful, careful and attentive as possible when driving than usual.
  2. Before driving, check that the front airbag is turned off so that emergency she did not harm the child.
  3. Before installing the chair in the front seat, move it as far back as possible.
  4. When moving, never pick up a child in your arms, as this increases the risk of injury, primarily for the child.
  5. Do not use the bassinet of a baby stroller, as it does not have the necessary fastenings and safety belts. If a traffic police officer stops and finds an unsuitable seat with a child in the front seat, he has the right to issue a fine.
  6. Do not exclude the possibility of attempts by traffic police officers to issue a fine for a child seat installed in front, despite its compliance with the rules and necessary standards. Typically, the inspector refers to the “special supporting devices” specified in the traffic regulations, without referring to the chair as such. You need to be prepared for this and print out in advance the decisions of the courts in which such cases were considered.

Requirements for a child car seat

When purchasing a car seat that can be installed on the front seat of a car, you need to make sure that it can be securely fastened in this place and that the product matches the age and weight category of the child. Car seats classified as follows:

  1. The child is less than 1 year old and weighs less than 10 kg. For this age there is a special car seat where the baby is in a horizontal position.
  2. The child is less than 1.5 years old, weighs up to 13 kg. This category corresponds to a cocoon chair, which is attached with its back towards the movement.
  3. Age 9 months-4 years, weight 9-18 kg. This category is suitable for a universal car seat, which is suitable for installation both in the front and rear of the car.
  4. Age 3-7 years, weight 15-25 kg. A car seat designed for forward-facing installation.
  5. Age 6-12 years, weight 22-36 kg. Car seat with the ability to use car seat belts.

Advantages and disadvantages of transporting a child in the front seat

Carrying your baby in a front seat has the following advantages:

  1. The driver controls everything that happens to the child and can influence his behavior.
  2. The baby sees one of the parents next to him and behaves more calmly. For an older child, the ride in front seems more exciting.
  3. A child who does not tolerate the road well is less likely to get sick in the front of the car.
  4. The front seat is the only one that can accommodate a seat that does not have seat belts or anchors compatible with.

Disadvantages of placing a child seat in the front:

  1. The ability of a child to influence the controls of a car, which can provoke an emergency.
  2. The front seat is the most dangerous area in a car in the event of an accident.
  3. A child can block the side view mirror and create an emergency situation.
  4. The child distracts the driver from driving.

Installing a child seat in the front seat

Before installing the seat in the front seat of a car, carefully study the instructions for the product. The machine must be equipped with three-point inertial belts. Two-point ones are not suitable, as in the event of an impact they can aggravate the injury. The front airbag must be turned off; if this option is not provided, it is not worth installing a seat and risking the life of a child. The rules for installing a child seat in the front seat of a car are as follows:

  1. The chair must be firmly fixed: do not ride on the seat or wobble. Before each child is seated, the secure fastening is checked.
  2. For children, the seat is installed with its back to windshield. This avoids injury in cervical spine spine during sudden braking.
  3. Closer to 12 years, when the child grows up, the inner part of the seat along with the securing belts is pulled out, and car seat belts are used to hold it in place.
  4. The upper part of the belt must go over the chest, and the lower part over the hips.
  5. Even when transporting short distances, the child must be restrained.

Fine for transporting children without a seat

Violation of clause 22.9 Traffic rules for drivers, transporting a child under 12 years of age without a car seat or in the front seat in a seat that does not correspond to height or weight, and also transportation is not restrained child and failure to comply with other requirements of this paragraph of the rules is punishable by a fine. So, in 2016, his size for incorrectly transporting a child sitting in the front seat, according to Art. 12.23, part 3 of the Administrative Code, amounts to 3 thousand rubles. The same violation, applied to officials, is punishable by a fine of 25 thousand rubles, and for legal entities - 100 thousand rubles.

Is it possible to install baby car seat in the front seat? Parents often have many misconceptions on this issue. On specialized forums, opinions differ, and discussion participants are divided into two fronts: “for” and “against”. Let's figure out where the truth lies.

The traffic rules do not prohibit transporting a child in the front seat of a car in a car seat. According to traffic rules clause 22.9. dated 06/28/2017 N 761 in the front seat, transportation of children must be carried out using child restraint systems (devices) corresponding to the weight and height of the child. That is, by installing a child restraint in front, you are acting within the rules. However, safety experts do not recommend choosing this place, calling it the most dangerous in the car. But the choice always remains with the parents.

Carrying chair group “0+”(up to 13 kg) can be installed on both the front and rear seats of the car. The main rule is that it should be located against the direction of movement, that is, backwards.


If a newborn is transported in a cradle from a stroller (category 0), then the front seat is not available for him, since this restraint device is installed only on the rear row seats due to its design features.

Car seat group “1”(9-18 kg) can also be placed on any passenger seat.
The design of the product allows it to be installed in both directions of travel, but most parents prefer to transport their children facing forward.

Group 2 car seat(15-25 kg) is located exclusively in the direction of travel on any passenger seat. The internal belts of the car seat are replaced by a regular car seat belt, which secures the child.

Good review for a child. Children drive ahead willingly and act up less often, since they have the opportunity to watch the road.

Comfortable interaction. If a parent travels alone with a child, it is easier for him to observe the baby and respond to her requests.

Extra space. If there are 3 small children in a family, one car seat has to be installed in front, since it may simply not fit in the back.

Less motion sickness. If the baby does not tolerate travel well and suffers from motion sickness, he will be more comfortable in front.

1 Disable the front airbag.

This is a mandatory requirement when transporting a child in front. The speed at which the airbag deploys in the event of an accident is 300 km/h. It serves the benefit of an adult, helping to avoid a sharp lunge forward, but, nevertheless, it often leaves bruises on the body. But for a child, a deployed airbag poses a huge danger, even death.

2 Check the visibility in the side mirror.

The car seat must not restrict the driver's view in the side rear view mirror. Some models of child restraints have quite high backrests. Be sure to check this before you go on your trip.

3 Place the front passenger seat in the rearmost position.

This will provide a secure position for the car seat and will also provide visibility in the side mirror.

To find out whether it is possible to disable the airbag in your car, and how to do it correctly, you need to carefully study the instructions. If the manufacturer does not provide the ability to deactivate the airbag, then installing a child restraint system in front is prohibited. And nothing else.

The airbag can be turned off in several ways:

Lock switch. Used in most modern cars(74%). On the passenger side there is a special lock that matches the car key. A special light indicates that the airbag is deactivated.

Manual switch. Found in approximately 12% of cars. You can find it at dashboard(right or left) or in the glove compartment.

Automatic system shutdowns. It is quite rare in certain Mercedes, Mazda, Opel, Smart and Porsche models. When installed, the child car seat uses special sensors to transmit a signal to the car system, which blocks the airbag. At the same time, the system control lamp lights up.

On-board computer. Airbag can be disabled via menu on-board computer. So far, such a system is quite rare and only in new car models.

Shutdown at a car service center. Owners of older car models can resort to this method if other options do not suit them. The main disadvantage is that you can’t activate the airbag yourself. right moment You can not. This means that an adult passenger in the front seat will be at risk.


There is no need to disable the side airbag - it does not threaten the safety of the small passenger, but, on the contrary, provides him with additional protection. The main thing is that the child does not lean against the door or glass. Make sure that the baby always sits correctly in the car seat, in particular, the head should rest only on the headrest of the car seat.

What is the safest place in the car?

There is no consensus on this matter. For a long time, the seat on the left (behind the driver) was the “favorite” among safety experts. This choice is explained by the human instinct of self-preservation: in an emergency situation, the driver unconsciously turns the steering wheel in such a way as to protect himself, which means that the passenger behind also benefits.

However, scientists from the American Research University at Buffalo called the middle seat the safest place in a car. According to researchers who analyzed traffic accident statistics in New York State for 3 years, compared to the front seat, the rear seats are 60-86% safer, while the safety of the middle seat is 25% higher than that of the side seats. rear seats. The researchers explained this by the fact that during a collision it is not subject to compression, which cannot be said about the “sidewalls”.

The foreign publication Pediatrics also conducted its own investigation on this issue. Published results indicate that over 50% of childhood injuries and deaths in road traffic accidents could be avoided if the car seat was installed in the rear seat of the car instead of the front seat.

As you can see, a car seat in the front seat is far from the safest way to transport a child. We objectively talked about all its advantages and disadvantages. The choice is up to the parents!

Caring parents!

Together we make the world safe and comfortable.

Child safety expert

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